Exposing Russian president Vladimir Putin and his crypto-Soviet state for the Judeo-masonic, Chabad mafiya collaborators that they are.
Check regularly for updates.
Putin is a Jew—documents from the president’s biography confirm rumours
Sexual blackmail?
Murdered spy claimed Putin was caught on film having sex with boys
Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn: The Key to Understanding Today’s World Situation
Israeli PM Netanyahu and Russian President Putin at Jewish Museum in Moscow
Why Israel allows Russia to ‘protect’ Assad
The Secret Behind Putin’s Love For Chabad
Russia controls Reddit’s political and conspiracy narratives on Trump and Clinton
The Soviet ‘Trust’ Model for Infiltration and Manipulation
We will soon achieve COMMUNISM! – Putin
Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin
The Perestroika Deception according to Christopher Story: Russia is false opposition to the NWO
Communism Alive and Menacing, KGB Defector Claims
Russia prevents Iran from setting up base in Syria, Israel welcomes the move
Infowars’ Alex Jones stole over 1,000 articles from Kremlin-backed Russia Today
Jewish-Russian oligarch and GOP donor Len Blavatnik is a Chabadnik
GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from Jewish oligarch linked to Russia
Judeo-Islamic alliance: Putin says Moscow’s new mosque is the largest in Europe
Russia’s Jewish mafiya Chabad Lubavitch – Part I
Russia’s Jewish mafiya Chabad Lubavitch – Part II
Russia’s Jewish mafiya Chabad Lubavitch – Part III

Putin’s Jewish embrace: Is it love or politics?
Technocracy: Run by Israel, Russia, China (Operation TALPIOT)
Bilderberg 2018 in Italy—more Russian connections than Trump
Putin Grants Netanyahu Schindler’s Letter During Meeting in Moscow
Holocaust Deniers in Russia Now Face Five Years in Prison
Putin’s initiative: Russia outlaws distorted, anti-Semitic interpretation of the Bible
Netanyahu to fly to Moscow on Monday for snap meeting with Putin
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill Praises Dead Communist, Atheist Dictator
Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks
The Chaos Computer Club’s Past Links to the KGB and Present Links to WikiLeaks, Assange, and Snowden
Putin Welcomes Kissinger: ‘Old Friends’ to Talk Shop
Russia Hires Goldman Sachs as Corporate Broker to Boost Image
The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin
At Putin’s side, an army of Jewish billionaires
Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country
Israel and Russia are NOT on the verge of war. They are allies!
How Putin’s Man Made His Way to the Top of European Jewry

Russia to invest billions of dollars in Saudi Arabia’s future megacity
Russia, Iraq: Rosneft Pays Kurdistan $1.3 Billion Advance
Rosneft Expands in Middle East With Libya and Iraq Oil Deals
Russia and IMF agree on new economic plan (like Lenin’s NEP!)
Russia: Ukraine should seek bailout loan from IMF
The IMF Bows to Putin in Ukraine
As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed
9/11 conspiracy complicity:
Putin: ‘I support the struggle of Israel’
Russian Missile Sale to Iran Involves Unseen Deals With Israel
Putin’s Double Game in Syria: Russian-Israeli Cooperation
Why Russia should take over Israel’s defense from America
Putin gives Jewish War book to Netanyahu as a present
Senior Russian Rabbi Says Putin’s Ouster Would Endanger Jews
The American Jews Who Are Proud to Be Pro-Putin
Technocracy/Smart Grid/Operation TALPIOT:
Operation Talpiot – Key to Understanding Israeli Power
Russian spy claims he was poisoned just like Sergei Skripal as Vladimir Putin wants him dead
Photographic Proof the USSR Still Exists
Russia’s Pre-World War III Propaganda: Not for the Fainthearted
Jerome Corsi and the Alt Right’s Russian hackers
Putin: Just another Jewish oligarch
Putin, Oligarchy and Alt-Media Delusion
Putin: I’ve always liked communist and socialist ideals
Russia, China, India Call for NEW WORLD ORDER!
The Unsolved Mystery Behind the Act of Terror That Brought Putin to Power
Chechen Terrorism: Made in Moscow
Boston Bombing: Latest Globalist Pretext for U.S.-Russia Convergence
Brendon O’Connell – Syria, Russia & Iran are Not the “Good Guys”
The nine Russian words that explain Kremlingate
Putin not remotely anti-Semitic, says Russia’s chief rabbi
Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country
How Russia’s rich elite spend their billions in London
Russian-Chinese Military Blackmail: Accept Communism or Face World War III
Israel dumping the U.S. for Russia (did it ever really break up with Russia in the first place?)

Russia’s kosher kingpin launches halal meat empire
Remnant ROCOR: Russia did not abandon communism
Communist Paper Questions Putin’s Orthodoxy
Mossad Infiltration of the Soviet KGB
A Zionist Spy for Soviet Intelligence
The Kremlin turns priests into obedient “comrades”
Russia is arming the Taliban in Afghanistan, US General says
Syria is a Communist/Soviet satellite
Facebook gave data about 57 billion friendships to Russian-Jewish academic
The Oliver North of RussiaGate
Confirmed: Russian Patriarch Worked with KGB
The KGB “Fake News” Narrative & Hypocrisy of the Alt-Right & Libertarian Media
Reditt: A deep dive into content posted by 944 accounts run out of Russia’s IRA
Julian Assange Confirmed as Kremlin Stooge
Martinez & Bjerknes Unmask the Putin Cult
O’Connell: Russian Church Leader Is A Common Thief, Charlatan, KGB Agent
The Propaganda Tools Used by Russians to Influence the 2016 Election
Putin’s initiative: Russia outlaws distorted, anti-Semitic interpretation of the Bible
Russia Today distributed worldwide through Israeli company
Rothschild bucking trend, contemplates new hires in Russia
Hysteria over Jade Helm conspiracy theories was fueled by Russians, former CIA director says
The diagram connecting Putin, Rothschild, and Rockefeller
Bibi & Putin Attend Parade “Over Nazi Victory” & Red Army Memorial
RT WW2 Propaganda – “Soviets Were The Good Guys”
Soviet Coup Attempt Was A Fake
President Putin on Israel: quotes from the Kremlin website
In Syria, Putin and Netanyahu Were on the Same Side All Along
Chronicle of a murder bid foretold: exiled KGB chief fights for life in London hospital
Former Mossad agent, Juval Aviv, says the Mossad is an old Russian intelligence school
Five myths: Russia’s false ISIS narrative in Syria
Stalin & Secret Diaries: “Soviet Involvement in the Creation of the State of Israel”
Putin’s graveyard: the men and women Vladimir Putin has had assassinated
Israeli support for anti-Ukrainian separatists of “Novorussia”
Vladimir Putin inherits apartment in downtown Tel Aviv, Israel
Abramovich is latest Russian oligarch to move to Israel
US Treasury’s ‘Putin list’ features Jewish billionaires
After East Germany Fell, I Considered Escaping to Israel’
Top Israeli officials were part of KGB spy ring — report
Know Your Oligarch: A Guide to the Jewish Billionaires in the Trump-Russia Probe
O’Connell Commentary: Top Israeli officials were part of KGB spy ring
‘Putin Loves Israel, loves Bi Bi,’ Trump admits on Fox News
Putin’s crypto-Soviet Russian Federation oppresses authentic nationalism
Political Islam, Migrant Crime, Terror Cells Challenge Putin Claims of ‘Great White Hope’
Bronfman and the Mafia Sell Out the United States to Russia
NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg And His Top-Secret KGB Past
FSB Director Admits Russians Fighting for ISIS
Red Cocaine: The role of communist nations in the rise of drug use in western countries (PDF)
Roswell UFO crash ‘was Soviet plot to create US panic’ (and UFO paranoia, no doubt)
Putin’s Stasi ID card found in Dresden archive
Russia Insider is a Kremlin honeypot
Putin’s Relative Elected as Head of Anti-Corruption Party
Turns out Putin’s man in Ukraine co-owns country’s most popular TV channel
Putin’s victory parade & Crimea land grab are a throwback to Stalinist times: Vitaly Portnikov
Putin created unit that blew up apartment blocks in 1999 a year ahead of time, Kruglov says
Portnikov: Putin’s coalition now rules Ukraine
Putin’s Number One man in Ukraine sues media to hide Soviet past
Putin restores the GULAG by legalizing slave labor of convicts
Putin and Trump aren’t conservatives: they’re reactionaries, Golts says
Putin’s relative elected leader of Russian political party
Putin repeating Stalin’s genocide with ‘new hybrid deportation of Crimean Tatars’
Putin says communism is like Christianity and Lenin’s body a saint’s relic
Putin says Russia ‘ruled by God’ and presents Russians as victims of Holocaust
Senate panel finds Russia interfered in the 2016 US election to help Trump
Russian-Jewish oligarchs circumvent U.S. sanctions by laundering millions through art
Why Putin loves America’s Greens
‘Putin’s brain’ Aleksandr Dugin calls for the end to white civilisation
Putin to open official party branch in Israel, Kadima to open Israel branch in Moscow
Soviets created child-sex-trafficking rings in the West for blackmail: scholar
Putin visited Israel in 1967 at age 14
‘Putin’s Rabbi’ visited Trump Tower in 2016
Live: From Russia: Putin’s Rabbi
Chief Rabbis Praise Putin’s Help

Russian President Putin Pardons drug trafficker Naama Issachar
President Putin: I Support Israel
Russian President Vladimir Putin Meets with World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab
Putin signs bill granting former Russian presidents lifetime immunity for any crimes committed
Defrocked priest says “gay lobby” at heart of Russian Orthodox Church
Where Putin’s media-wielding men in Ukraine get their money
Gay in Putin’s Moscow: why the city is pinker than you think
Putin’s rabbi Berel Lazar said in 1993, Russia ready to meet the Moshiach
Russian Orthodox Patriarch resides in $295 million ‘dacha’ next to Putin palace, oligarchs
Putin grew up with Chabadnik neighbours, says Putin’s Rabbi Berel Lazar
Israel’s Soviet Red Army ‘Victory Monument’
Kremlin downplays Israeli President’s words about Jewish grandmother in Putin’s house
Putin, Netanyahu Tour Memorial
Putin’s surprising Jewish connections
Putin wants the whole of Eretz Yisrael
Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew
Putin thanks rabbis for Jews’ fight against ‘attempts to revive’ Nazism
Putin Enacts Fines for Sharing Unlabeled ‘Foreign Agent’ Media Reports
‘Reb Putin:’ That Time Russia’s President Offered the Kremlin’s Take on Hanukkah
Putin celebrated Victory Day with Netanyahu and Vucic
Future of Genetically Modified Babies May Lie in Putin’s Hands
Russian children sing of their readiness to die if called upon by Putin

On Rosh Hashanah, Putin lauds Jewish groups for ‘patriotic, charitable projects’
Putin told me all his decisions are made in Stalin’s cabinet: former Georgian president
Does the KGB have pederasty kompromat on their own boss Putin?
“Vladimir Putin is a pedophile.” —Former KGB general Oleg Kalugin
Jewish grandmother who took care of Putin admitted by Israeli diplomat
Son of Russian-Jewish oligarch ‘Putin’s chef’ becomes founder of company tied to scandalous dacha
Moscow Yeshiva students gather for unity Sabbath, organised by Putin’s Rabbi Berel Lazar
“Putin consults Rabbi Lazar on many issues & he gives advice in the form of parables”
New investigation. Putin’s real past (documentary)
Kluaus Schwab Openly Admits Tony Blair, A. Merkel, & Putin Were All Young Global Leaders
The Hidden Author of Putinism: Jewish Chechen Vladislav Surkov
Ignoring the richest of Russia’s rich: Biden’s sanctions exclude Putin’s oligarchs
Putin Scrubbed From World Economic Forum Members List
Putin quotes Talmud in reference to Russia’s territory
Putin Praises Multiculturalism and Vilifies ‘Nazis’
Putin quotes Jesus to justify invasion of Ukraine
10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative
Russian TV host, a daughter of Putin’s mentor, said to get Israeli citizenship
When Putin used chemical weapons in England
Conservatives shouldn’t be fooled by Vladimir Putin, he isn’t fighting globalism
Gay Jewish mafia gained more power in Kremlin under Putin, claims former GRU major
Vladimir Putin loves Judaism and Jews: Chabad
Putin Wants to Restore Hero Mother Order, a Device Stalin Introduced to Cope with War Losses
Putin Unleashes Anti-White Marxoid Rant About “Racist Neo-Colonialism”
Putin’s Secret Neo-Nazi Armies
Jewish leader thanks Putin for fighting anti-Semitism
Putin and Netanyahu lay flowers at tomb of Soviet soldier
Netanyahu’s Likud party put up a poster with Putin, Trump, Bibi in Tel Aviv
Putin appoints new judge in Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Region
Putin says Judaism one of the foundations of Russia
Putin answered question with Jewish joke
Putin speaks Yiddish to state media TASS
Putin speaks Hebrew in Russian-occupied Crimea
Putin is ‘weaponising’ migrants to ‘overwhelm Europe’, warns NATO chief
Russia Bans Image ‘Hinting’ That Putin Is Gay
‘Giving up territories is a sin’: Putin refers to Torah when asked about values
Putin ratified the agreement on payments to Israeli pensioners
Putin met with the head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder
Putin to attend Holocaust memorial at Auschwitz
Italian TV Star Has Gay Crush On Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin Asperger’s Rumor: Official Alleges Putin Is ‘Secretly Gay,’ Too
Putin is a pedophile and psychopath killer
Putin called Stalin ‘daddy’ at World Economic Forum subsidiary
‘This crime had accomplices’: Full text of Putin’s World Holocaust Forum speech
A coven of witches in the name of Putin
Putin: Seforim to Jewish Museum
Putin Joins Holocaust Memorial
Russian President Praises Chabad
Trump: “Putin is a Fan of Bibi”
Putin fires top official who described Chabad as a supremacist cult
Putin Blasts ‘Neo-Nazis’ in Ukraine on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Putin donated first million to massive Moscow Jewish museum
Putin prayed for Moshiach (Putin Prays At Western Wall For Moshiach)
Vertical lie: Putin replicates fakes about his pectoral cross (expert opinion)
A nationalist streak runs through Putin’s love for Jews and Israel
Putin: ‘A dumb man who can’t do anything would blame the Jews for everything’
How Russian oligarch Usmanov crawled on all fours in Putin’s waiting room
Oligarch Abramovich paid for Tel Aviv apartment that Putin gave his old teacher
Putin is a pedophile—here is what the KGB wrote
Vladimir Putin and Orthodoxy: A True Believer or Deceptive Opportunist?
Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communism
Putin hints that Russia to be centre of world order
Putin Propaganda Works Because It Plays to National Bolshevism of Today’s Russians, Pastukhov Says
Putin awards chief military rabbi of Russia
Gay Russians claim bare-chested Putin as one of their own
Putin is a pederast, a degenerate, and a pedophile…and everyone should know about it
Putin’s childhood neighbour read Talmud to him?
Putin calls Zelensky a disgrace to the Jewish people
Putin defends LGBT rights and complains how homosexuals are persecuted in the USA
Vladimir Putin’s apartment in Tel Aviv
Putin: “Western curators put Jew in charge to hide Ukraine’s Nazism”
Putin calls former Polish ambassador a ‘bastard’ and ‘anti-Semitic pig’
In one of his first acts as president, Putin lights Jewish Menorah
Third executive at Russian oil giant that criticised Putin’s invasion of Ukraine dies suddenly
Putin, Islam & Russian Multiculturalism | Martinez Politix Investigates
I wouldn’t rule out that Putin is gay, says former Putin crony Pugachev
Putin grants citizenship to Canadian Jewish hockey player
Vladimir Putin Does Not Represent the anti-Davos Party
Putin sponsors “Sabbath of Kabbalah” event in Russia
Putin claims Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and Russophobia are preventing a multi-polar world order
Putin ally Igor Sechin was supported by a participant in the prosecutor’s gay porn
Putin is gay and interested in ‘young musicians’, claims ex-deputy of Russian State Duma
Putin kisses Islamic koran in Chechnya
For rent: A Tel Aviv apartment owned by Putin
Putin: USSR saved the Jews of Eastern Poland in 1939
Putin’s Order to Promote Patriotism Repeats Stalin’s ‘Almost Word for Word,’ Kerzhentsev Says
Putin’s Rabbi Berel Lazar Visits Russian Speaking Community in Bergen Beach, New York
Putin’s Jewish boyhood crony Rotenberg to build hotels in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea region
Putin appoints another Jewish governor of Russia region, this time Khinstein in Kursk
Sanhedrin Asks Putin and Trump to Build Third Temple in Jerusalem
Hezbollah Paper Says Putin is Jewish
Russian Orthodox Church portraying Putin as a saint
Putin’s personal assistant and alleged gay lover found dead in Switzerland
Reblogged this on B'Man's Revolt and commented:
The Alt-Right’s hero… The Communist’s BoogeyMan.
Which is the truth?
Its all Kabuki.
When the masses are starving to death and find only Kosher food handed to them,what you expect them to do.
Today ,we are living in an era where the distortion of truth and facts are becoming ”Real News”,because they are endorsed and backed by the MSM (mainstream media). At the same time,authorities and social media networks leadership are considering the alternative and independent media are behind the ”Fake News”,so they need legislation and censorship.
Are we living in upside down era with reversal roles. All we need is a chain of facts and events to connect the dots and to debunk what’s puzzling us.
To be honest I’m tired of the Zionist Bull Shit (ZBS).
This war is between God , Mary and lucifer and daily it is getting worse millions of sins are going to heaven to irritate Our Lord Marys triumph is approaching daily millions will die by the hour will you be one of them those who are relaxed in there sins few will be saved few care
Lord Mary?
In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Go figure!
Putin – 2018
‘A rejection of anti-Semitism and all forms of xenophobia and international enmity is what brings Russia and Israel together.’
Front-page headline in the main party newspaper Pravda 1918:
‘To be against the Jews is to be for the Tsar!’
‘In much of the existing literature on the Russian Revolution, antisemitism is understood as a form of ‘counterrevolution’ as the preserve of the anti-Bolshevik right.’
‘In 1931, Stalin said in a reply to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ‘Anti-Semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.’ The official stance of the Soviet government in 1934 was to oppose antisemitism ‘anywhere in the world’ and claimed to express ‘fraternal feelings to the Jewish people’ praising the Jewish contributions towards international socialism.’
I probably sent you this info before but these few links sum it up well.
Putin is a Jew…the kicking out was fake..
This is unrelated and new information to me after 15 years of finding out the truth as compared to the construct we have lived in for 200 years.
If the Italians had known this would they have been so welcoming to massive influx from North Africa.They have been trained as has the rest of Europe to carry unwarranted guilt , believing lies as truth ,that is the Crux of the matter every time and gets innocent people killed every time.
Why don’t you look into the billion dollar theft and giant Magnitsky hoax perpetrated by the criminal Bill Browder?
Every story referenced above has been written by either a Western media publication, or a US sponsored propaganda outlet from Russia.
Who do you really work for?
How about you? Ignoring Putin’s antisemitic remarks, his support of communism even now and the Democratic party. Who do you really work for?!
Another thing: Russia Today isn’t Western, so right there your idiotic assertion is refuted!
Billion dollar Putin’s palace: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/20/europe/putin-palace-navalny-russia-intl/index.html
Bloody good work Fitz.
I am grossed out by anti-Putin articles.
I am not defending Putin but I am not denying anything. And about the conflict in Ukraine, do you want to know the situation in Ukraine? Well the answer is simple, it was a conflict started by Zionist Jews from the EU and America.
Take note that a Ukrainian posted this. At least Russia is not provoking white conflicts. The Jews invaded and struck in 2014 in Ukraine and now they are playing “pit the Slavs against each other, the Ukrainians are fodder for the Jews, let them starve to death”
It is a Jewish war. American and European Jews despise Putin. Which means that he is doing something right. Regardless of how many non-Russian, Asian and Caucasian Muslims of color or Jews are in parliament.
Ideally, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine should be united and be together forever. For the preservation of the Russian Slavic Orthodox culture and a countermeasure to Jewish globalism. It won’t happen anytime soon.
Hold on there Eastern Europe, Russia will save you soon.
” At least Russia is not provoking white conflicts.”
Putin is replacing whites & weaponizing migrants to destabilize Europe…
Replacement of slavs; The Kremlin plans to attract up to 10 million Russian-speaking migrants in the next six years to reverse the country’s population decline [https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/03/14/kremlin-seeks-russian-speaking-migrants-to-offset-population-decline-a64806]
“U.S. Gen. Philip Breedlove said that Russia and Syria were deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures.” pg 13 [https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Russia_Refugee_05-28-18.pdf]
“American and European Jews despise Putin.”
Putin’s Rabbi: “Putin loves Israel” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7hout-coSA&t=1556s]
Jewish Billionaire Lev Leviev: “It was clear that this man had a very high opinion of Israel. I want to say that there is a great friend of Israel in the Kremlin, and this friend is President Putin.” [https://lechaim.ru/ARHIV/106/fede.htm]
“His (Putin) respect for Judaism, especially in its most pristine form is well known. He’s an admirer of CHABAD…” [http://www.beismoshiach.org/_pdf/779.pdf]
“Ideally, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine should be united and be together forever”
All Jewish controlled countries
“For the preservation of the Russian Slavic Orthodox culture and a countermeasure to Jewish globalism.”
7500 mosques built in Russia during Putin’s presidency [https://en.irna.ir/news/81872869/7500-mosques-built-in-Russia-during-Putin-s-presidency]
Putin: “Russia has always been famous, proud of such a CULTURAL DIVERSITY, and this has ALWAYS been its STRENGTH”
Putin said that the slogans “Russia – for the Russians” are put forward either by “idiots or provocateurs.”
Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe
Russia Will Be One-Third Muslim in 15 Years, Chief Mufti Predicts
“Hold on there Eastern Europe, Russia will save you soon.”
Sounds bang on the duginist eurasianist script. Do you follow Aleksander Dugin?
Alexander Litvenenko was confirmed to be working for MI5 under contract to peddle disinformation. Not only this, he left Russia with and was employed by Boris Berezovsky and Alexander Goldfarb. He had the DEFECT from the FSB because of Berezovsky’s defection, meaning he was a PAID ASSET of the JEWISH MAFIA working withing the Russia state. He was always working under and with Berezovsky. Any information he gives out are useless. You are all here to expose the Jew right, well, how does quoting Litvenenko even work? The guy defected to the UK when his Jew boss got called up the carpet for embezzling state funds and continued to work for him, and British intelligence in what his wife and father admit was a disinfo operation.
You Putin shills are getting desperate.
Not sure you saw this interview of Garry Kasparov on 25 February. He seems totally red pilled about the Putin regime.
Jacob Schiff proposed that the First World War be the war to end all wars, which became an international mantra after the war. The absolute end of all war heralded the Jewish Messianic Era in which the Jews would be “restored” to Palestine, where they would rule the world from Jerusalem. Jewish bankers deliberately created the First World War in order to artificially fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecy by staging the “Battle of Armageddon”, by creating a World government run by Jews known as “The League of Nations”, by “restoring” the Jews to Palestine, by destroying the Empires and Monarchies, by enslaving the Gentiles with Bolshevism, by placing the wealth of the World in Jewish hands, etc. etc. etc.
Schiff believed that the First World War fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 2:1-4, which states,
“1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”
“The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)…The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come…In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9).”
— From “Mashiach: The Messiah”, Judaism 101 —–
“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the “children of Israel” will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
–Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928
Jacob Schiff washed up upon America’s shores in 1865, shortly after the Civil War. During the 1700’s, his Schiff ancestors had actually shared a home with the legendary Rothschilds, in Frankfurt’s Jewish quarter.
Schiff went on to head the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. From his base in New York, he was the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what is now referred to by Jewish-American historians as “The Schiff Era”. He served as the Director of many important corporations, including the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad. Schiff, who made his fortune from interest bearing loans, was the main player behind the ‘Hebrew Free Loan Society’ in 1892; an organization which issued interest-free loans only to Jews (and is still in operation!)
Schiff’s descendants exercised some power and influence in their own right, though nothing like the Patriarch did. Schiff’s granddaughter, Dorothy Schiff, was the owner and Publisher of the New York Post for over 40 years. She once claimed to have “had a relationship” with Franklin D Roosevelt.
Karenna Gore-Schiff, the daughter of former Senator, almost US President, and Global Warming con man Al Gore, is married to Andrew Schiff, the great great grandson of Jacob.
1- The Rothschild-Schiff home (shared ownership, 1700’s) in Frankfurt Germany. 2- Dorothy Schiff – New York Press Queen 3- Kareena Gore marries into Zionist royalty as proud papa Al cashes-in on the Global Warming scam
It’s not merely that Schiff wielded enormous power, but rather the fact that his actions, more so than anyone else’s, fundamentally altered the course of American history. Schiff was really the first true Jewish Mega-Mogul of the whole United States (Judah Benjamin had previously run the confederacy). As the first, Schiff, more than anyone who followed him, was able to leverage his power into eternity. That is why the MVZ award must go to him.
Let us review Jacob Schiff’s impressive scorecard of destruction.
Schiff’s most history-altering accomplishment would have to be the role of ‘Trojan Horse’ which he played in the late 1890’s. At a time when Jewish influence in America was relatively minor, and Jewish numbers were yet very small, it was Schiff’s cajoling of the outgoing U.S. President, and former New York Governor, Grover Cleveland (D) that prevented the massive wave of Jewish immigration to America from being shut down.
The Immigration Bill of 1897 would have required immigrants to pass a literacy test; something that Russian Jews would not have been able to do. After passing both Houses of Congress, Cleveland’s veto, induced by Schiff, saved the day for the incoming Communist and Zionist Jews of Russia.
Jewish historian Lawrence J Epstein writes:
“It is staggering to consider the alternative course American Jewish history would have taken had this measure passed.”
To which, your intrepid historian-author would like to respond, “and it is equally staggering to consider the alternative course AMERICAN history would have taken had the measure passed.”
Schiff’s role as Trojan Horse, above all other deeds, would be enough, in and of itself, to qualify him for the MVZ Award. But there’s more — a lot more!
1- Grover Cleveland’s parting gift to Schiff kept the floodgates of Jewish immigration wide open for 20 more years.
2- New Year’s card depicts wealthy American Jews beckoning European Jews to come on over.
Schiff hated Christian Russia with a passion. He worked ceaselessly to overthrow the Romanov Dynasty and replace it with Jewish Reds / Communists. Toward that end, he personally financed, and sold bonds on behalf of, about 50% of the entire Japanese war effort during the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, the war ended with a Japanese victory. Russia’s loss was also facilitated by Schiff’s boy, President (and also a former New York Governor) Teddy Roosevelt, whose negotiating intervention clearly favored Japan over Russia.
* The left-wing Roosevelt became President after the conservative William McKinley was conveniently assassinated by a Red
For his role in securing victory for Japan, Schiff was personally awarded a medal, the Order of the Rising Sun, by the foolish Japanese Emperor. We say “foolish” because Schiff’s gang and their Roosevelt henchmen were, at the time, already plotting Japan’s ultimate demise; a process which started with Teddy’s escalating naval moves in the Pacific (Philippines, Midway, Guam, Pearl Harbor), and culminated with Franklin’s war and murderous Atomic bombs of 1945 (actually dropped under Truman 4 months after FDR’s death).
Schiff’s Jewish agents in Russia skillfully used the humiliating loss of the Russo-Japanese war as an occasion to launch a Communist revolution. The bloody Revolution of 1905 ultimately failed, but the Tsar’s regime was left considerably weakened. Many of the returning Russian POW’s came home brainwashed after Schiff had arranged for Communist propaganda to be given to them while in Japanese captivity. The final Bolshevik overthrow of Russia in 1917 will owe its success, in large part, to the damage done to Russia by the team of Jacob Schiff & Ted the Red Roosevelt on 1905.
Teddy Roosevelt’s anti-Russian ‘diplomacy’ and Jacob Schiff’s money almost turned Russia into a Communist state in 1905.
Not content with flooding the Northeast with future Communists, Progressives, and Zionists from Russia, Jacob Schiff founded and financed the ‘Galveston Movement’ – an effort to settle Russian-Jewish immigrants in the south and west of the United States. Schiff himself described the effort in an article he wrote in 1914. Schiff wrote:
“The committee placed itself promptly after its organization into communication with the Jewish Territorial Organization, of which Israel Zangwill is the head, and an arrangement was entered into between that organization and the Galveston Committee, under which the former undertook to make propaganda in Russia and Romania for acquainting intending emigrants with the advantages of going into the United States through Galveston (Texas), rather than to and through the overcrowded and congested North Atlantic ports.”
Instead of confining the arrival of Jews to just the New York, New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey areas, Schiff’s clever scheme would facilitate the spread of the liberal/progressive plague to even the most conservative parts of the country. He knew exactly what he was doing!
Playwright and Jewish immigration enthusiast Israel Zangwill (on TIME cover) coined the phrase “Melting Pot’ to describe America. His Broadway play of that same name was attended and praised by Teddy Roosevelt. Zangwill worked on the Galveston Project with Schiff.
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the most well-known Black American organization. What is not widely known is that its founders were ALL Zionist Marxists! Early Jewish co-founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Emil Hirsch. A black Communist named W.E. Dubois was cleverly put up as the NAACP’s front man.
In 1914, Jacob Schiff became a Board member of the NAACP. With a giant like Schiff on board, the organization was now ready for the big time. Zionist money and influence has long dominated this “civil rights” organization, which did not elect a non-Jewish President until 1975!
By design, Schiff’s Jewish-controlled NAACP drew Blacks away from the positive influence of the Black-American conservative patriot Booker T. Washington, a dominant Black political leader who believed in America’s founding principles and sought to build bridges between Whites and Blacks.
The liberal Democrat NAACP represents the opposite of what the Republican Booker T stood for, which was self-reliance. NAACP is an anti- White Globalist Marxist tool that serves to divide Americans while herding radicalized Black voters (who they do not care about!) into the Leftist political camp. As a result, even today, 90-95% of Blacks blindly vote for Democrat candidates.
Without Schiff & friends, there would be no Barack Obama
The openly Communist Black frontman delivered the Black masses to his Jewish master.
The New York bankers had artificially inflated the stock market with easy loans. When lending was then tightened, the bubble burst. Stocks crashed 50% and bank runs followed. The Zionist NY Times and the Wall Street bankers used the Panic of 1907 to make a case for establishing a European style Central Bank (as Karl Marx envisioned).
Several years later, Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma will accuse the Banksters of conspiracy: “The Panic was brought about by a deliberate conspiracy for the enrichment of those who engineered it.” JP Morgan, John D Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, and Paul Warburg all declare that the lesson of The Panic is that the US needs a Central Bank.
Nine months before the planned crisis, Jacob Schiff warned in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce that “unless we have a central bank with control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history”.
The following year, Schiff’s boy, Teddy Roosevelt appointed a “bipartisan” National Monetary Commission to study the causes of the Panic and make suggestions. The Chairman of the Commission was Senator Nelson Aldrich (whose daughter will one day be the mother of the 5 Rockefeller sons, David, John III, Nelson, Winthrop, & Lawrence)
Senator Owen was right. The Panic of 1907, so ‘prophetically’ predicted by Schiff just months earlier, was caused by the same gang that later proposed the privately owned Federal Reserve (Central Bank) as a solution.
President William H. Taft proved to be a Constitutional Conservative, and not a big government “progressive” like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt. But what really angered Jacob Schiff most of all was Taft’s refusal, told to Schiff in person, to dampen trade relations with Tsarist Russia. According to Henry Ford’s sources, Schiff and his entourage left the White House saying. “This means war.”
In order to oust the popular Republican Taft in 1912, Schiff and company recruited Teddy Roosevelt to run for President again, as a third party challenger. This maneuver split the Republican vote in two, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to steal the Presidency. Wilson’s Jewish owned presidency would turn out to be disastrous for America, and the world (The Fed, World War I, Russian Revolution, Jewish foothold in Palestine, Depression of 1919-1920)
Wilson – Roosevelt -Taft
Jacob Schiff was the chief engineer behind the three ring circus of 1912; a trick which ushered in the Wilson disaster.
“Jacob Schiff then came back to New York, (He was at that time head of The American Jewish Committee), and in my father’s home, in the presence of many prominent men, they decided to get rid of President Taft. They also made plans to get rid of the Republican Party and put in their own party and their own President.
They set up the National Democratic Headquarters at 200 Fifth Avenue and Henry Morgenthau Sr. was made chairman of the Finance Committee. I was made his assistant. I saw everything that went on because I handled all the books. Jacob Schiff and the Jews started looking around for a man to put up as President. They got Woodrow Wilson, a rascal who wasn’t worth the powder to blow him to hell!” – Benjamin Freedman
Paul Warburg is widely considered to be the “Father of the Fed”. As its first New York City Branch Chairman, it was Warburg who ran the new counterfeiting, loan-sharking and market rigging operation, while an Anglo Saxon named Charles Hamlin provided the protective “Christian” cover as its nominal Chairman.
But in the grand power scheme of things, as powerful as Paul Warburg was, and came to be, Schiff still outranked him, at least in America. Schiff had already been well-established in New York for 37 years before Warburg had even arrived from Germany. Warburg settled in New York in 1902 as a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., where he was junior to Schiff. Schiff was actually the Brother-in-Law to Warburg’s wife, Nina Loeb.
Recall that it was Schiff who called the Crash of 1907 in advance, as well as providing an idea for “solution” to such problems in the future. So if Paul Warburg is the “Father of the Fed”, then old Jake is the Grandfather.
Whereas in Schiff and Warburg’s day it was hidden, the Jewish control of the Fed is now out in the open / Chairman Greenspan / Bernanke / Yellen
As was the case during the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the chaos of World War I enabled the Communists (Bolsheviks) to stage another uprising in 1917. Leading the diabolical efforts was Jacob Schiff’s loyal agent, Leon Trotsky, freshly reestablished in Russia after having hidden in Brooklyn for the past decade. The Tsar had been forced to abdicate earlier that same year. The provisional government would then be overthrown by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks.
The following year, Schiff’s agents murdered the Tsar and his entire family. The reign of terror that the Soviets then ushered in would plague humanity for decades to come. Scores of millions would be murdered! And it could never have happened without the tireless leadership of Rothschild, Schiff and their Junior partners.
Soon after the Revolution, Schiff removed Russia (now the Soviet Union) from his “do-not-lend list.
The Bolshevik hit-men of the Rothschild-Schiff crime gang could never have done something so drastic as slaughtering the entire Royal Romanov family unless the New York-London Jewish ‘higher ups’ had given the approval.
— David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of the Jewish State of Israel.
“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid Galilee of its Arab population.”
— David Ben-Gurion (Founding Father of the State of Israel and First Israeli Prime Minister), from Ben-Gurion, a Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar (May 1948)
“The Bible is our Mandate”, David Ben Gurion (Atheist)
This interesting essay documents Putin’s use of terrorism to consolidate his power. (nb: before 9/11).
Christ-all-clear essay …
9 March 2022
( btw GJ = jr )
You finally show your cards…. / Putin a puppit of the destroyers of this world / a hero of yours ?
Crypto j. Vlad P. posing as a Russian Orthodox Christian handed a prestigious prize in 2020 to Alexander Gintsburg, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology / soviet j. inventor of the Sputnik V jab / concluZion nothing but empty words in Valdai 2021 out of the mouth of this 20+ years Kremlin resident…
“vaccinated” being tracked in real time 24/7 vid of a Russian hacker who found all data of Sputnik V “vaxxed” friends on the darknet….( and yes / when u don’t toe their line / not only your digital bank account will be stopped )
Anyway/ Karma is already taking care of your terminally ill P. / reaping what he – really ! – sowed
It was OK till now & do this background d.d. via Fitz.info Putin Dossier 1 July 20221 https://iaindavis.com/putins-false-flag/ could cure your Putinitis, Horse….( this anti Vlad P. does not get posted / it shows how deep even relatively good alt. media writers can get lost in the rabbi’s hole / this guy supposedly from California really apparently is a putin adorer)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HecDF9p8crQ ‘Putin is very ill’: Sick Putin employing body doubles to make public appearances
btw my take on Ukrain Zelensky & king of the j.’ s Vlad P. : https://northerntruthseekersblog.wordpress.com/2022/08/11/updates-on-ukrainian-war-situation-psychotic-criminal-zelenskyy-regime-is-indeed-committing-suicide-by-continuing-attacks-against-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-power-plant/#comments
Apparently Zelensky has announced he will go nuclear / today Friday 19 August 2022 / we”ll see
( a side thought / maybe better in Ukrain / there the bombs are flying around your ears and you’ll be dead in a sec / elsewhere the selfspreading “vaccines” do their slow job / even if you don’t take the j. jabs https://rense.com/general96/self-spreading-vaccines.php )
9 August 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6RKwLBS918 John Sweeney author of ”Killer in the Kremlin” calls Putin “a fragile monster” at CNN