“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”—Isaac Wise
- Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked: the Secret Power Behind Communism (Ebook—George F. Dillon)
- Freemasonry unmasked by traditional Catholic (Documentary—Michael Voris)
- Freemasonry and Judaism: The Secret Powers Behind Revolution (Ebook—Vicomte Leon de Poncins)
- Freemasonry and the Vatican (Ebook—Vicomte Leon de Poncins)
- ‘Grand Lodge of Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.’ —Manual of Freemasonry, Richard Carlile
- Masonic sights from Israel (Fitzpatrick Informer)
- Masonic fingerprints on George Floyd psyop (Fitzpatrick Informer)
- The masonic role in the Covid-19 conspiracy (Fitzpatrick Informer)
- Putin a Rothschild-controlled Chabad Jewish Grand master put in power to usher in anti-Christ: Russian analyst (Fitzpatrick Informer)
- Right-wing Catholic media—gatekeepers for masonic anti-Catholic hate industry (Jude Duffy)
- Masonic Jews plot to control world (Texe Marrs)
- 666 – The Masonic Square and Compass/Hexagram (Dr. O.J. Graham)
- Alta Vendita: the Masonic Blueprint for Subversion of the Catholic Church (John Vennari)
- Codex Magica (Texe Marrs)
- Ancient Aliens endorses freemasonry (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- The Judaeo-Masonic Roots of Ulster British Loyalism (Jude Duffy)
- Why is Alex Jones telling us about his ‘deep masonic roots’? (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Why the U.S. Constitution is completely bankrupt (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Freemason Converts to Catholicism and Exposes the Diabolic Cult of Freemasonry (John Salza)
- Jewish Masonic Lodge Awards Billy Graham (The Billy Graham Deception)
- The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the masons (Ebook—Fritz Springmeier)
- Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem (Documentary—Texe Marrs)
- Police and Freemasonry: The Irrefutable Connection
- Decorated undercover police officer accuses Freemasons of blocking his career (London Telegraph)
- Be Wise as Serpents (E-book—Fritz Springmeier)
- Masonic Musicology 666 (Robin Loxley)
- Freemasons: THEIR GOD IS THE DEVIL (Vimeo)
- Are the Knights of Malta Members of Freemasonry? (Tradition in Action)
- Is freemasonry the very Synagogye of Satan? (Texe Marrs)
- Freemasonry and Judaism worship the same Egyptian gods (Texe Marrs)
- A dead man rules the souls of freemasonry (Texe Marrs)
- The Kabbalah: Ultiamte secret of freemasonry (Texe Marrs)
- Rabbi Bar Yochai: father of freemasonry, hater of Christians, and chief pedophile of Judaism (Texe Marrs)
- Russian Oleg Platanov 1997: ‘Lodges are growing like mushrooms’
- Famous Freemasons (St. John’s Lodge No. 11 F.A.A.M.)
- Russian Oleg Platanov published a book 1995, that lists Mikhail Gorbachev (pg 181) & Boris Yeltsin (pg 182) as masons
- Russia’s Communist Party of Social Justice run by Kremlin-backed master freemason (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Masonic symbols of St. Petersburg, Russia
- Alex Jones, freemasonry, and the cult of Constitution (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Vatican Official is Chaplain of 3 Masonic Lodges, publishes Book on reconciling Catholicism & Freemasonry (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Secret 1918 Vatican Archive Document Reveals Freemasonic Plot to Destroy Throne and Altar (One Peter Five)
- Freemason heads one of Moscow’s most important state election commissions (Compromat.group)
- And you thought it was just a funny handshake? Linking arms while singing Auld Lang Syne was a parting ritual of the Freemasons, expert reveals (DailyMail)
- Masons in Law Enforcement (Usavsus)
- Freemasonry: its origin, spread, history, and activities (Southern Cross)
- Freemason police officer sacked after exposing fellow freemason who had reported their own family for holding party during lockdown (DailyMail)
- “Edward Lord has been vocal on Twitter about allowing trans women to use female-only spaces, yet attracted claims of hypocrisy when it emerged the activist was a Freemason, a men-only organisation” (DailyMail)
- Freemason judge who touts trans rights to hear case involving Christian dissident (DailyMail)
- The ‘black only’ Masonic Lodge where Martin Luther King once played pool (DailyMail)
- Freemasonry is Kabbalah repackaged (Mystery Babylon Exposed)
- Macron pays homage to Soviet-affiliated Grand Orient Lodge of France on its 250th anniversary (Getty Images)
- France’s traitor Emmanuel Macron denounces anti-Semitism before the masonic Grand Orient Lodge (Youtube—Le Figaro)
- Former Venezuelan President Antonio Guzmán “tried to replace Catholicism with Freemasonry and Protestantism”, said Venezuelan sociologist González (Dailymail)
- Russian-Jewish Kabbalist rabbi Michael Laitman instructs Russian Freemasons in Kabbalah (video) (Михайло Притула—Youtube)
- Judge denies he was asked to advise Letby hospital because he is a Freemason (DailyMail)
- Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews (Tradition In Action)
- “I am a Freemason”, admits Ghana’s socialist NDC National Youth Organiser George Opare Addo (Youtube—GhanaWeb TV)
- Lara Trump chides husband Eric as he makes unusual kabbalist/masonic hand gesture at inauguration (DailyMail)