“And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” —Jeremiah 11:9, Holy Bible
- The Jewish Question in Europe: The Causes, The Effects, The Remedies (La Civilta Catolica)
- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (circa 1897)
- Dirty Secrets of the Jewish Kabbalah (Documentary)
- The Holocaust dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order (E-book)
- The World Conquerors (1958) by Louis Marschalko (E-book)
- The Hidden Tyranny (Harold Rosenthal)
- Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited (Documentary)
- 9/11 Missing Links (Documentary)
- Mossad’s manipulation of the world (Victor Ostrovsky)
- Kabbalah the perpetuated evil (Documentary)
- 200 Years Together: A history of the Russians and the Jews (E-book—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)
- Masonic Jews plot to control the world (Texe Marrs)
- Jewish sleeper law remains dormant in Canadian House of Commons (Canadian Parliament)
- Reisman omits Jewish role in porn industry and pedophilia movement (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- African-American apologizes for misattributed perceptions of white racism against blacks perpetrated by Jews (We though they were white)
- The Jewish command to deceive Christians about Bible prophecy (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Holy Serpent of the Jews (Texe Marrs)
- We shall be our own messiah (Texe Marrs)
- Refuting the Jewish fables that sustain Israel’s war against God and man (Texe Marrs)
- Masonic lodge over Jerusalem (Documentary)
- Jewish killers massacre 66 million in Soviet GULAG (Texe Marrs)
- Masonic Jews plot to kill followers of Jesus in new holocaust (Texe Marrs)
- The Jewish religion and its influence today (Come and Here)
- Carnal Israel as the Whore of Babylon (Ecclesia.org)
- Talmudic biological class warfare against all nations (Louis Marschalko)
- 1,001 quotes by and about Jews (Willie Martin)
- The Kosher Nostra Scam’ on the American Consumer(Ernesto Cienfuegos)
- Jewish influence in pro sports (Jew Watch)
- Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies (Jew Watch)
- Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations (Jew Watch)
- The Ultimate World Order; as pictured in the Jewish Utopia(E-book—Robert H. Williams)
- Jewish terrorists (Jew Watch)
- Heresies of Kabbalah (Thunder Ministries)
- Bolshevik Revolution a Petri Dish of Jewish Attitudes, Behavior (Max Hadden)
- St. Louis residents call to change name of town due to antisemitic history (Jerusalem Post)
- Cauldron of Abaddon (Documentary)
- Jewish Occult Murders (Matt Hale)
- ‘As a Jew,’ Minneapolis mayor supports reparations for African-Americans (Times of Israel)
- Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations (UPI)
- Khazar theory a scapegoat for Jews (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- A far-right German activist will go to jail for insulting a Jewish leader (Israel National News)
- Jews abandon ‘Islamophobia’, embrace Islam as proxy against Christ, again (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- ‘Rebbe’s Riders’ – A Hasidic Motorcycle Gang (Yeshiva World)
- The Mossad explodes with growth while IDF shrinks – report (Jerusalem Post)
- Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year (Jerusalem Post)
- Rabbis agree with Jesus: their “god” is Satan, the holy serpent (Texe Marrs)
- “We shall be our own messiah” (Texe Marrs)
- Are Jews the master race? (Texe Marrs)
- The most colossal devil religion ever (Texe Marrs)
- The Golem is at hand (Texe Marrs)
- Rise and fall of the synagogue of Satan (Texe Marrs)
- New age movement is Jewish (Texe Marrs)
- Babylon 21: Rise of the global Jewish empire (Texe Marrs)
- Mystery Babylon is doomed (Texe Marrs)
- Jewish fifth column in India (E-book—Itsvan Bakony)
- Facebook, Instagram to ban conspiracy theories on Jews ‘controlling the world’ (Times of Israel)
- “We curse Christianity three times every day.” —Soviet Jew Yeshayahu Leibowitz (Haaretz)
- Why the Jewish rabbis love the Mormon church (Texe Marrs)
- Banner on Los Angeles freeway overpass accuses Jews of pushing ‘race war’ (Israel National News)
- 600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter (JNS)
- Tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel every year (Jerusalem Post)
- The Crucial Meetings That Established Chabad in the USA (COL Live)
- ‘Machiavellian’ German refugee Kissinger shaped US policy with Jewish philosophy (Times of Israel)
- Bronfman heiress jailed for bankrolling sex slave cult leader (Times of Israel)
- Chabad Berlin Opens Germany’s First Open-Air Shul (COL Live)
- Marxist “Genius” Einstein Called for World Government (Real History Chan)
- U.K. Universities must adopt internationally recognised definition of anti-Semitism by Christmas or face funding cuts, warns Education Secretary Gavin Williamson (Daily Mail)
- Greek newspaper likens Pfizer’s Jewish CEO to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele (Times of Israel)
- Israel seals vaccine deal with Pfizer, amid signs pandemic spreading again (Times of Israel)
- Jews, Incest and Hysteria, by Hervé Ryssen (Video documentary)
- Israeli Press Explains Why There Are So Many ‘Jews Behind The Coronavirus Vaccine’ (E.U. Times)
- Israel invents Franken-milk, presumably for goyim-only consumption (Times of Israel)
- Netanyahu phones U.S. traitor Pollard: ‘When are we going to see you here? We’re waiting’ (Times of Israel)
- Jewish Harvard professor indicted for allegedly making false statements about secret work in Covid hotspot Wuhan (CNBC)
- Canadian Court Forbids Dissident Arthur Topham From Uttering The Word ‘Jew’ For The Next 3 Years (Christians For Truth)
- Facebook to change hate speech policy to better protect Jews, other minorities (Times of Israel)
- Global Financial Leaders Celebrate Chanukah in DC (COL Live)
- Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar attends his first Jewish Seder (The JC)
- The Prime Minister of Italy and Chief Rabbi of Russia Unite Against Anti-Semitism (FJC)
- German Police Appoints a Rabbi (allegedly To Face Extremist Officers) (COL Live)
- Jewish feminist Beate Sirota Gordon changed women’s rights in Japan forever (Times of Israel)
- Biden to pick Orthodox Jewish woman for White House cybersecurity post — report (Times of Israel)
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Exchange With a Chabad Rabbi (COL Live)
- Supreme Court rules against exposing Israel’s role in Bosnian genocide (Azvsas)
- Israel Rabbi: America collapsing, Israel must step up as new world superpower (Israel 365 News)
- Jewish Redemption Through Sin and Evil (Riksavisen)
- Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition (Haaretz)
- Paris becomes first capital outside Israel to adopt IHRA anti-Semitism definition (Times of Israel)
- The Walmart Jews (Forward)
- Whistleblower Rabbi Claims ‘Child-Rape Assembly Line’ Exists Among Orthodox Jews (Christians For Truth)
- EWTN Hosts “Anti-Semitism” Czar To Push Israel, Jewish Domination Agenda (MHFM)
- New DNA tech traces origins of Yiddish to… Turkey (Times of Israel)
- Modern Judaism is a pagan religion
- Judaism not monotheistic (Elizabeth Dilling)
- Ex-Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky…’Label Them’ (Jeff Rense)
- Jewish Harvard Professor writes about Jesus being Married and all Gospels Being ‘Fake’ (E.U. Times)
- Rabbi Emanuel Reichhorn’s Protocols (BibleBelievers.org)
- Jerusalem: Rabbi Calls On 70 Nations To Organize, Establish Half-shekel As World Reserve Currency (Israel365News)
- “Become other than White”: Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism (Judaism.is)
- Abortion is a Jewish value and should be safeguarded – National Council of Jewish Women (Jerusalem Post)
- Texas Jewish death row inmate granted new trial due to judge’s antisemitism (Times of Israel)
- How some `Jewitches´ embrace both Judaism and witchcraft (DailyMail)
- Ukraine’s jewish PM Passes Law Against Anti-Semitism as Russian Invasion Commences (Renegade Tribune)
- High-Ranking Ukrainian Colonel General Accused Jews Of ‘Fomenting Bloodshed’ in Ukraine (Christians For Truth)
- Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine (Times of Israel)
- Jews and Tattoos: A New York Story (TabletMag)
- Media Tout Study About “Jewish” Girls Beating Christian Girls Academically (New American)
- How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Invent a Rabbinical Court? (The Librarians)
- Jewish World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Harari is a Marxist who believes there is no truth, only power (LifeSiteNews)
- How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking From “Look” Magazine, Volume 30 No. 2 by Joseph Roddy January 25, 1966 (Medium—Mad Baron)
- The Russian Jew who founded the CBS television company (Jewish.ru)
- Franz Kafka Repulsed Witnessing Drunk Rabbis Sucking Blood Off Baby’s Penis During Circumcision (Christians For Truth)
- Chabad at the U.N.’s Moshiach wall (COL Live)
- ‘A Jew should try to be rich’, Chabad tells Jewry (Moshiach.ru)
- Jewish Pediatrician Says Black Death Was Caused by Jews Poisoning Wells (Renegade Tribune)
- King Henry VIII consulted Italian rabbi Yaakov Rafael (MJCC.ru)
- Meet The Army Of Jews Defending Drag Queen Story Hour Against ‘White Supremacists’ (CFT)
- Kosher nostra: New memoir details a New York Jewish family’s crime ties (Times of Israel)
- Seventh Canadian province adopts IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (Jewish.ru)
- Mexico City’s Jewish mayor resigns to enter 2024 presidential race (Times of Israel)
- First ever Jewish Advisory Council established in New York under Mayor Adams (Moshiach.ru)
- Rambam suggests Jews are god (Moshiach.ru)
- False messiah Schneerson on using the media: ‘…news about U.S. President Eisenhower or Secretary of State Dulles – even when you write news about these topics, you should think about how to write it in a way that strengthens Judaism’ (Moshiach.ru)
- Jewish rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a stray dog it feared was the reincarnation of a lawyer who insulted its judges (BBC)
- Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA monitor was Lithuanian Jewish spy Reuben Efron (Times of Israel)
- Prominent Israeli Settler Activist Says Spitting on Christians ‘Ancient Jewish Custom’ (Haaretz)
- ‘The real power over the peoples of the world is exercised by the Jews and depends only on the behavior of the Jewish people,’ claimed Chabad false messiah Schneerson (Moshaich.ru)
- ‘We must refuse to obey g-d’s decree of exile!’, Chabad Russia boasts (Moshiach.ru)
- Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You Are Controlled by the Jews (Tradition In Action)
- Jews and Muslims use ‘ketman’, a strategy of concealment to infiltrate religions and culture
- Fact of Tyrannical Conspiracy of Jews Codified by Church (TCW Blog)