- America Under Siege: Soviet Islam
- Russian foreign minister Lavrov’s greetings to the fifth Russian-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group
- Jews abandon ‘Islamophobia’, embrace Islam as proxy against Christ, again
- The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Israel
- Soviet defector Ion Pacepa: ‘The Soviets direct all friendly Muslim states intelligence services’
- ‘Under hidden Russian guidance, Muslims of the Soviet Union, will ally with Muslims in Iran & Arab states’—Golitysn
- Dugin: ‘A continental Russian-Islamic alliance lies at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy’
- ‘Merkel spoke about a “multipolar world”’: regarding G20
- ‘Russian Orthodox’ KGB patriarch Kirill says Muslims worship same god as Christians
- Global terrorism run by Soviet Communists (1982)
- Islam and Orthodox Christianity Have the Same Values, Putin Says (Moscow Times)
- Petr Cibulka: “Russia and the Islamic World have the same enemy – Western civilization” (Petr Cibulka)
- Putin and ISIS have ‘common goals and in general resemble one another’ (Euromaidan Press)
- Chechnya’s first president Dzhokhar Dudayev was Soviet Jew (Live Journal)
- Soviet documents ‘show Abbas was KGB agent’ (Times of Israel)
- Islamic Lives Matter – Let Rahami’s Ten Mommies Make Commie Jihadis (Renegade Tribune)
- Russia Spies Aided Taliban Attacks, U.S. Intel Says (Moscow Times)
- Iran’s New Terror Network in Latin America (Gatestone Institute)
- Officer of 19th MRB of the Russian Armed Forces beat up his subordinates for opening fire on the guards of Bashar al-Assad in Syria (Inform Napalm)
- Putin Declares Russia an ‘Ally’ to Islamic World (Newsweek)
- Chechen government in exile warns G20 leaders of possible Russian-jihadist collaboration (Euromaidan Press)
- Russia and Islamic Terror: The View from Inside (La Russophobe)
- Kremlin’s Hand Suspected in Brussels Attacks as Moscow Has Old Links With Islamist Groups (IN)
- President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, a Sunni Muslim, said he wants a Jewish center built in the Kazan Kremlin (COL Live)
- Paris terror attack suspect identified as Russian Chechen teen (DW)
- Soviet-satellite Albania becomes first Muslim country to adopt anti-Semitism definition (Times of Israel)
- Russian Woman Sentenced for Criticizing Muslims Who Celebrate New Year’s (Moscow Times)
- Palestine negotiating possible production of Russian Sputnik V vaccine – newspaper (TASS)
- Palestine funding Marxist universities in the United States (Israel National News)
- Muslims quote Scripture to encourage ‘Doormat Christianity,’ submission to Islam (Life Site News)
- Chechnya president Ramzan Kadyrov: ‘As long as Putin backs me up, I can do everything, Allahu Akbar!’ (Killing For the Kremlin)
- Emotional Reunion in Abu Dhabi: Survivors from Yemen Thank Chief Rabbi of Russia (COL Live)
- China says U.N. & Arab League needs Strengthened Cooperation to Promote Peace (Belt and Road News)
- Taliban visit Moscow, voice hope US will honor peace deal (DailyMail)
- FSB Director Admits Russians Fighting for ISIS (New American)
- Chechen Terrorism: Made in Moscow (New American)
- Iraq’s Sadr and communist sickle join forces for election (Arab News)
- 7500 Mosques Have Been Erected In Russia Since Putin Became President (The Interpreter)
- Syria’s war: A showroom for Russian arms sales (Al Jazeera)
- Putin notes Muslim organizations’ active role in Russian life (Interfax Religion)
- Islam Spreading Not Only among Ethnic Russians but Also among Russia’s Non-Russians (Window on Eurasia)
- Kremlin Commits to Russia-Wide Celebration of 1,100th Anniversary of Adoption of Islam There (Window on Eurasia)
- Since 1991, Islam has Returned to Russian Cities as a Powerful Russian-Speaking Faith, Bustanov Says (Window on Eurasia)
- ‘The Chief Distinction of Traditional Islam is Loyalty to the Russian State,’ Suleymanov Says (Window on Eurasia)
- Academic Study of Islam ‘Much Better Developed’ in Russia than is Study of Orthodoxy, Mitrokhin Says (Window on Eurasia)
- More Ethnic Russians are Converting to Islam and a Few are Becoming Terrorists (Window on Eurasia)
- How Russia wooed a key IRGC commander in Syria (The National)
- Moscow slams US sanctions against Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as illegitimate (TASS)
- Coincidence or Copy?: Similarities Between Russian and Iranian News (Fpri.org)
- Moscow Patriarchate Said Opening the Way for Kadyrov to Succeed Putin and Islam to Dominate Russia
- For Putin Regime, A Traditional Muslim is a Soviet Muslim (Window on Eurasia)
- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas praises China’s Belt and Road Initiative (Belt and Road News)
- Gaza Strip also wants to join Russian Federation (Islam.ru)
- How the Soviet Union Transformed Terrorism (The Atlantic)
- China Foreign Minister Wang Yi hosts Taliban, calls them ‘pivotal force’ (The Hindu)
- Is Russia paying the Taliban bounties to kill U.S. troops? (Washington Times)
- The KGB Man Who Joined The Taliban (Radio Free Europe—Youtube)
- Saudis Sign Military Cooperation Agreement With Russia (RFERL)
- The Taliban are using Russia to negotiate with Ahmad Massoud (BulgarianMilitary.com)
- Chinese Professor Wang Yiwei: The Taliban Are The ‘Liberation Army’ Of Afghanistan; They Are Demonized By The U.S., But Are China’s ‘Good Brothers’ (MEMRI)
- Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov spoke about the respect of the former Afghan Mujahideen for Soviet soldiers (RIA)
- Asian migrants spill the beans. Russia told them to go to Europe
- Putin’s secret weapon in Syria: Sunni-Muslim Chechen forces (Middle East Monitor)
- Putin’s Islamic Mercenaries (American Conservative)
- Putin’s poodle Kadyrov described the actions of the Chechen security forces in Ukraine with the phrase “we have jihad”
- Apparent pro-Kremlin Chechen Muslim plants Russian flag in soil, fires gun, and yells “Allah akbar!” (Video—GoyimTJungleEaglesNest)
- Muslim Chechen Commander Awarded ‘Hero of Russia’ for Mariupol Siege (Moscow Times)
- Muslim Kazakhstan adds grave of Chabad Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson to heritage list (JNS)
- Noahidist claims that Muhammad taught his followers the Noahide Laws: Book Review, The Rainbow Covenant (Stop Noahide Law)
- Moscow’s Muslims Mark Eid al-Fitr (Moscow Times)
- Kremlin Using Special but Potentially Dangerous Ideological Messages to Get Muslims to Fight for Russian World, Sidorov Says (Window on Eurasia)
- Kadyrov Calls for Russian ‘Jihad’ Across All of Ukraine (Moscow Times)
- Putin: “Islam is our partner in new world order” (Israel365News)
- The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the International Association of Islamic Business signed a Cooperation Agreement (Eurasia Assembly)
- The Soviet-Jihad Connection: Interview with Pavel Stroilov (Clarion Project)
- Putin’s Chechen Jihadist Kadyrov calls for ‘deNazifying’ Poland after finishing with Ukraine (Lenta.ru)
- Putin’s Muslim gremlin Kadyrov: ‘the fight against Satanism must continue throughout Europe, and above all in Poland’ (Fronda.pl)
- Chechen leader declares Russian invasion of Ukraine a Jihad (Islamic holy war) (Lenta.ru)
- Palestinians in Lebanon being paid by Russia to fight in Ukraine (Israel365News)
- Kadyrov’s Jihad against white Ukrainians continues: Kadyrov puts bounty on Ukrainian soldier who burned Koran (RIA)
- Russian Chabad admits Soviets invented the ‘Palestinian people’ (Moshiach.ru)
- Putin opens Europe’s biggest Mosque in 2015 (OC Register)
- Islamic group urges forest fire jihad (The Age)
- Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas During China-Arab Summit: We Support Beijing’s One-China Policy, Demand Apology And Reparations From The U.S., Britain, And Israel (Memri)
- ‘Senior al-Qaida detainee claimed to have developed a plan to start midsummer forest fires in the U.S’ (WorldNetDaily)
- Pro-ISIS Media Center Urges Muslim In The West To Set Forests, Factories, Agricultural Fields, And Buildings On Fire (Memri)
- Al-Qaida planned U.S. forest fires (World Net Daily)
- Russia and Islam are not Separate: Why Russia backs Al-Qaeda (Konstantin Preobrazhensky)
- Kadyrov announces successes of Islamic fighters in Ukraine (Compromat.group)
- Kremlin: Palestinian president expresses support for Putin in phone call (Jerusalem Post)
- Putin’s rabbi condemns burning of Koran; ‘we stand in full solidarity with the Muslim community’ (MJCC)
- Putin smiles as socialist African leader Afwerki laments ‘collapse’ of USSR (TASS)
- Macierewicz on Russia’s role in attacks on Israel: wants to reduce US aid to Ukraine [Video] (Fronda)
- Now There are Eight in the CIS – Russia, Belarus and Six Muslim Republics (Window on Eurasia)
- Putin, Islam & Russian Multiculturalism (Martinez Politix)
- The Sinicization of Islam in Hong Kong (RFA)
- As Putin Islamifies Russia, he warns his citizens against xenophobia’ and says diversity is the ‘true wealth of Russia’ (RIA)
- North Korean Leader Orders Agencies to Find Ways to Support Palestine in Israel-Hamas War (KBS World)
- Putin supports building mosque in Soviet-themed Patriot Park in Moscow oblast (Compromat.group)
- The Leninist Revolutionary Manifesto of Sayyid Qutb (Takfiris)
- Communists behind ‘free Palestine’ movement (Trevor Loudon)
- Soviet Hamas to release more Russians after Putin’s intervention (Jewish.ru)
- Kremlin fails in coverup that most popular boys name in Moscow region is “Mohammed” (Dialog)
- Russian mufti awards Patriarch Kirill with highest Muslim award for ‘strengthening of interreligious relations of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Islamic world’ (Muslim.ru)
- China seeks a more ‘inclusive’ Taliban (RFA)
- Putin uses fake airline to smuggle Islamic migrants into Western nations (Bild)
- Muslim Community in Lithuania has Grown from 3,000 a Few Years Ago to More than 15,000 Now (Window on Eurasia)
- The Kremlin Roots of ISIS (LiveJournal)
- How Putin is Using ISIS to Help Iran (Cliff Kincaid)
- Inside Britain’s first Communist Kebab shop where dishes are named after Lenin and Marx – but just down the road a patriotic chippie is slammed for having ‘inappropriate’ British flag (DailyMail)
- Turkey’s ‘Communist mayor’ embarks on conquest of Istanbul district (DailyMail)
- Do traces of KGB, FSB and GRU lead to Islamic State? (Eastern Europe Studies Centre)
- Niger Cozies Up to Russia and Walks Away From the West (Jamestown Foundation)
- Russia welcomes Taliban to international trade fair ‘Kazan Halalal Market’ (Kompromat1)
- How the UAE became an investment centre for Hezbollah, drug traffickers, the Palestinian Fatah movement, and Putin’s friends (Kompromat1)
- Putin: The Taliban are Russia’s allies in the fight against terrorism (Svoboda)
- Kremlin Mobilizes Muslim Hierarchies to Support War Effort (Jamestown)
- Russian Muslim Council decides Muslim men allowed to have up to four wives at the same time (Kompromat1)
- Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas to celebrate Soviet-themed Victory Day in Moscow this year (STMEGI)
- Chechens Living in Georgia Fearful Greater Russian Role There Turning to More Radical Versions of Islam (Window on Eurasia)