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Kremlin fails in coverup that most popular boys name in Moscow region is 'Mohammed'

November 23, 2023

There is a scandal in the Russian Federation: the most popular name for boys was found out in the Moscow region.

The media note that in the Moscow region, the influx of Muslim migrants from Central Asia has led to the appearance of names among children: Muhammad and Fatima.

The invasion of migrants continues in Russia, the number of which is growing due to relocation and an increase in the birth rate. The day before, a scandal broke out in the Russian Federation due to the fact that Muhammad became the most popular name for boys in Lyubertsy (Moscow region) in 2023. For girls, Fatima is among the leaders.

The publication of information inconvenient for the Russian authorities caused a scandal on social networks, after which the note was promptly deleted from the Lyubertsy administration website, but the message was preserved in  the web archive (люберцы.рф/news/samoe-populyarnoe-imya-dlya-malchikov-v-lyubercah-moskovskoy-oblasti-v-2023-godu-muhammad).

Russian journalists note that in the Moscow region, the influx of Muslim migrants from Central Asia and the low birth rate among indigenous residents have led to the appearance of the names Muhammad, Amriddin, Fatima and Bibisoro in the leaders of the ranking of newborn Russians. Russian media reported this with reference to reports from the Lyubertsy Civil Registry Office.

It is noted on the Internet that the flow of migrants from Central Asia is the main component of the increase in the number of the Moscow region. Russian officials themselves admit this, as reported on the website of the Lyubertsy administration. Moreover, the number of Russians in the region is falling, since the indigenous population rarely has more than one child. The Moscow region is also among the leaders in Russia in terms of abortion rates. In Muslim families the situation is the opposite: each family has an average of 2.6 children. More than half of labor migrants in the Moscow region have already been able to obtain Russian citizenship upon the birth of their children in Russia.

The Russian authorities admit that labor resources within Russia are experiencing a serious shortage: without migrants, economic growth in the Russian Federation is simply impossible. However, the growing number of migrants significantly complicates the social situation. Migrants may face difficulties in integration due to differences in language and culture. This can lead to the formation of isolated communities, which in turn can cause misunderstandings and tension. Russia has a predominantly Christian tradition, while many migrants from Central Asia are Muslim. This may cause sociocultural differences, including in the areas of education, customs and religious practice.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), Kirill Gundyaev, said that because of migrants, Russians are “losing their country.”



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