- E. Michael Jones is a KGB asset and guilty of immeasurable treason against the USA/West (Andy Sloan)
- E. Michael Jones, Dugin, and the Perestroika deception (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Does E Michael Jones exalt the sun or the Son? (Alternative Irish Media)
- Father Nicholas Gruner claimed E. Michael Jones was a crypto Jew (First Things)
- Jones uses Opus Dei priest Jeffrey Langan to suggest Russia is consecrated, West is evil (Culture Wars)
- Jones claims Russia converted (42:45 and 59:00), says Bp. Richard Williamson hass same view (Restoring the Faith—Youtube)
- Suspected KGB asset E. Michael Jones couldn’t help but praise dictator Vladimir Putin with Soviet-Islamist host Kevin Barrett; later rants against race realism in typical commie fashion [around 34-minute mark] (Culture Wars)
- E. Michael Jones with Dugin and “rabbi” Dovid Weiss, son of Soviet Polish-Hungarian parents (6th Intl. New Horizon Conference)
- The Logos of E. Michael Jones (Occidental Observer)
- E. Michael Jones assumes Leftist/Marxist position on race: “Black & white empty category, has no meaning or content.” 50:10 (Kirk Meighoo—Youtube)
- Iran-Russia-China Joint Naval Drills Act as ‘Deterrent’ to US: Jones (Tasnim News Agency)
- All the men behind Opus Dei (Randy Engel)
- Opus Judei (E-book detailing the Judeo-Masonic origins of Opus Dei) (By Alfonso Carlos de Borbón)
- E Michael Jones – LIES and pushing more Russian Propaganda saying Covid is U.S. biological weapon (Video)
- E. Michael Jones finally addresses suspicions that he is KGB asset (Video)
- Jones and Rabbi Laitman—Bnei Baruch – Universalist kabbalah association founded by Soviet-born Laitman (Culture Wars)
- E. Michael Jones partner-in-asset Israel Shamir wrote for socialist magazine
- There is no such thing as white people, claims E. Michael Jones in Marxist fashion (Video)
- E. Michael Jones endorses Kremlin/Duginist script of Eurasianist multiculturalism, where race is just a social construct (Renegade Tribune)
- Jones: ‘Freemasonry is an obsolete revolutionary movement.’ (5 m 09 s – 5 m 25 s) (BitChute)
- “…communism was never a threat, in general.” —Jones
- E. Michael Jones a Kremlin tool, wittingly or unwittingly (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- E. Michael Jones with KGB General Leonid Reshetnikov’s asset Hamed Ghashgavi (PowerofReason—Twitter)
- COVID-19 a U.S. biological weapon targeting China and Iran, says E. Michael Jones (Sentinela 1143—Youtube)
- “The biggest problem in Poland is Russophobia.” —E. Michael Jones (Szarpanki z Życiem II—Youtube)
- Content of KGB asset E. Michael Jones’ interview (as above) to a Polish audience, specifically marked as Eurasian propaganda by Warsaw Institute (Warsaw Institute)
- Culture Wars reader sees communist narratives, warns Michael Jones ‘trying to fool you’ (Tradition in Action)
- Putin’s prophet Aleksandr Dugin and E. Michael Jones listed side by side on 2021 Decameron Film Festival, along with gatekeeper David Cole. Russian shills Ryan Dawson and Jay Dyer also listed (Guide to Kulchur)
- Author describes E. Michael Jones as a prideful “malignant narcissist” who made himself a martyr for fame (The American Proposition)
- Marxist Israel Shamir refers to E. Michael Jones as a “colleague” (Ruskline.ru)
- Haaretz calls Duginist New Horizons conference which E. Michael Jones regularly attends, “where Russian Spies, Code Pink, David Duke and the Nation of Islam Make Friends and Influence People” (Haaretz)
- New Horizons attendee Mateusz Piskorski was charged with spying for both Russia and Red China (EuroMaidanPress)
- New Horizons conference a front for Moscow-sponsored Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IFMAT)
- Russia and Iran Sign an Intelligence Pact (BESA)
- Jones pressed about Vatican II treachery, downplays it ( Vendée Radio—Youtube)
- Eugene Michael Jones claims Putin overthrew Jewish power in Russia without a shred of proof (Deicidal—Youtube)
- Gab promotes E. Michael Jones (Gab mailer)
- Jones writes book in Persian stating he is not against Jews, only Zionism (IBNA)
- Jones 2000: “(The US needs) as Rabbi Dresner’s words ‘a new coalition, A UNION OF JEWS & GENTILES” (Culture Wars)
- Russian state media Sputnik interviews E. Michael Jones, who blames West for Covid, exonerates China (Bitchute)
- “China is a not a threat to the West.” —Jones, 34:31 minute mark
- “I never had that identification with America. I always felt that my gaze was to the East.” —E. Michael Jones (54:07 mark-Guillermo Vásquez Interviews E. Michael Jones: What Is Identity?)
- “NATO is Obsolete; Germany Needs Russia”: E. Michael Jones (bammbamm12—Youtube)
- Jones trashes the Latin Mass movement, saying it was created to avoid confronting the Jews & is a ‘dope’ hideout. With his usual high demonic deceit, he subtly infers the movement is ‘not Catholic’ (Peter Helland—Youtube)
- EMJ suggests the Latin Mass is schismatic (Peter Helland—Youtube)
- Shilling for Trump: E. Michael Jones claims the main purpose for COVID was to prevent Trump from winning second term: 54:40 mark (E. Michael Jones—Bitchute)
- ‘EMJ had lunch with a Polish legislator in Krakow during the book tour for Libido Dominandi. When EMJ criticized Poland’s Russophobia, he got up and walked out leaving his unfinished meal on the table’ (Culture Wars Twitter account) | Backup
- ‘The Constructing a MULTIPOLAR World Conference hosted delegates including ISRAEL SHAMIR, a leading anti-Zionist writer from Israel‘ (KeyWiki)
- Jones crony and Soviet asset Israel Shamir celebrates terrorist Taliban (Kevin Barrett)
- Caught red handed: E. Michael Jones misquotes SSPX Bishop Fellay (Rad Trad Thomist)
- E. Michael Jones shills for the Perestroika Deception lie of the collapse of communism, furthers anti-NATO narrative, and accepts Putin narrative that Russia is de-Nazifying Ukraine (E_Michael_Jones—Goyim TV)
- Problems with Eugene Michael Jones’ ‘Logos’ (Catholic Critique)
- Jones-endorsed Neturei Karta has member arrested for Jenin visit to Palestinian Islamic Jihad members (Jerusalem Post)
- E. Michael Jones supporting Communism, Kissinger, and Dugin (Iranian TV)
- Most powerful Jewish organization in world Chabad completely absent from E. Michael Jones’ writings (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- ‘Jones is complicit in the mortal sin of breaking the confessional seal’ (Church Militant)
- E. Michael Jones: “I Don’t Believe in White People, There’s No Such Thing as White People” (Renegade Tribune)
- E. Michael Jones Claims Africa Never Developed As A Civilization Because It Isn’t Catholic (Christians For Truth)
- E. Michael Jones ‘Logos And Africa’ (Part 2) (Christians For Truth)
- E. Michael Jones ‘Logos And Africa’ (Part 3) (Christians For Truth)
- E. Michael Jones’ “America is the Great Satan” epithet comes from Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Wikipedia)
- Roosh Valizadeh credits E. MIchael Jones for his eventual conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy (Rooshv)
- “Yes, Muslims who deny the divinity of Christ worship the same God because all montheists by definition worship the same God”, says Jones (Bitchute—EMichaelJones screenshot)
- KGB asset E. Michael Jones’ obsession with Soviet satellite Iran, Duginist anti-Westernism continues (Culture Wars)
- Eugene Jones, Opus Dei, and the Vladivostok Mission (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- “Russia is not a problem in the world now; the United States is the main problem in the world….” —E. Michael Jones (Youtube—Caramasão)
- “Hitler was the preferred candidate of the English oligarchy….” E. Michael Jones finds yet another way to advance the Eurasianist agenda by demonizing Anglos. (1:07:07 mark) (Bitchute—E Michael Jones)
- Inspiration for Michael Jones leaving the Leftist hippy movement was a perennialist and ecumenist monk named Thomas Merton Article 1 | Article 2
- While the Irish are being raped and murdered by Muslim hordes, Jones uses anti-white Jew Ignatiev to argue that the Irish are not white
- A week after kicking the Irish while down, Eurasianist Islamophile shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ after Islamic Centre of Irving champions him | Twitter backup of video clip
- E. Michael Jones honours death of pro-Kremlin Islamist (Jewish mother) & leader of New Horizon Nader Talebzadeh, whose film “Messiah” portrays Jesus as prophet, not as Son of God, and claims someone else crucified in his place
- New Horizon conference that E. Michael Jones and Dugin attended was mostly an anti-white and America-hating festival full of Communists and Islamists (Racism.org)
- Irreverent E. Michael Jones allegedly wears sandals to mass (@fossil-bit8439)
- In another manifestation of EMJ’s anti-Westernism, he attacks the right to bear arms (Twitter—@EMichaelJones1)
- EMJ’s Molotov cocktail of Islamic magi and Soviet indifferentism (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- On the First Anniversary of the Voris/Jones Affair (Randy Engel)
- Postscripts to the Jones/Voris Affair (Randy Engel)
- America-hating Communist E. Michael Jones: “The Iron Curtain was a political category of the mind” (Culture Wars)
- Is Being White UnCatholic? Refuting E. Michael Jones (RE-UPLOADED) (Bitchute—Australian Christian Fascists)
- Eugene Jones, a so called historian, claims Putin overthrew the Jews (Odysee—LouisMarschalko)
- Culture Wars employee and alt right fixer Dave Reilly attended parody wedding of Duginist Brittany Pettibone (X—@Fitzinfo)
- Perennialism considered spiritual cousin of Freemasonry (California Freemason)
- Eugene demonizes the free market, erroneously likens it to libertarianism (X—@EMichaelJones1)
- EMJ hijacks Holocaust revisionism, absurdly claims Holocaust narrative invented to cover up U.S. war crimes (X—@JuanGutiCA714)