Putin wears Kabbalah red thread talisman at Eurasian summit (video)
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Putin’s red string is visible in the above video from the 2:13 – 2:56 minute mark, taken from video broadcast at the opening of the Eurasianist ASEAN summit in Sochi, Russia in May 18, 2016.
UnknownVladimir Putin, Russia’s president, left, shakes hands with Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Greece’s president, at the presidential palace in Athens, Greece, May 27, 2016. The Russian president is visiting Athens at a time when Greece is turning a page, economic recovery is in prospect, Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, said in comments at start of meeting. Photographer: Alkis Konstantinidis/Pool via BloombergATHENS, GREECE—Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos (R) meet in Athens, Greece on May 27, 2016. (Photo by Pool/Alkis Konstantinidis/Anadolu Agency/Getty Image)
Very interesting. Tucker Carlson wears one too. I’m sure you’ve covered the Murdoch/FOX (F=6 O=6 X=6 in Pythagorean numerology) connection before. The Simpsons was chock full of references, including the town’s radio station being called KBBL. Media people you’d expect (obviously Hollywood) but seeing heads of state with it is truly bizarre and ominous. Why do you think it’s so present at such high levels? What is the explanation of the power it has over such a prominent group of people, including supposed gentiles?
Jews started WW2 and won WW2. The NSDAP understood the Jewish Business model (use interest to control the financial system in order to control the countries). That is why the Germans did the following:
* Banned Interest Loans * Banned the fractional reserve banking system (cannot lend money you don’t have and make it out of thin air) * Created their own currency backed by German Labour WITHOUT any debt * Created true property ownership (no taxes on land or cars) * Government Leadership were banned from owning stock in companies
These financial policies are incompatible with the jewish business model. And so, the Germans eventually banned the Judaism ONLY AFTER the jews declared war on Germany.
Also, the NSDAP banned sex workers, pornography, and sex trafficing. These are also incompatible with jews.
The next thing that needs to be discussed is this universal brotherhood of man as presented by the NDEer. He says he sees that all humans are one, etc. Do you understand the extreme danger of such thinking?
Now what he says might be true, but on planet earth it is not true. Earth is tooth and claw and survival of the fittest. Competition rules, all political systems which try to get around natural law fail. If you try to be a nice guy on earth, well buster, you will finish last. The lion does not ask the lamb to be his brother. Well in the west, the lambs (Christians) are letting in hoardes of lions, jackals, raging apes and other simians and the result is catastrophic.
Thus on earth, if you flood your nation with violent 3rd worlders, who are aggressive and love murder and rape, you will not experience the universal brotherhood of man, you will experience lots of rape, murder and chaos, until it gets so bad normal loving people are forced to fight back in brutally harsh ways – like what the national socialists did – who rounded up the non Germans and removed them to stop the damage of their presence. You can not live in peace with Jews, they will always destroy the host.
So if you want and if you are a damn fool you can tout new age and christian nonsense about loving your brother. What do sensible people do to keep their neighbors up? The kept out the blacks. What happens when even one black family moves in? Property prices fall. What did Jews do to screw white man, they made laws prohibiting you from discriminating against blacks moving in.
But in Israel they sure as hell don’t have those laws, in Israel they have the most discriminating laws against blacks, Arabs, Muslims.
And you should read Mark Glenn at Ugly Truth who wrote the most excellent article that can segway in to this Jewish problem: http://theuglytruth.xyz/meet-the-jews-defending-drag-story-hour-against-far-right-protesters/
“The customs and behaviors of the Jews are base, abominable and rooted in the innate depravity of the people themselves… As a race, they are prone to lust and amongst them, nothing is unlawful or immoral. They regard as profane all that we hold sacred, while on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor…”
Now, just for the record, this wasn’t Adolf Hitler, former Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kanye West or Mel Gibson…
It was written 2000 years ago by–of all persons–a pagan, none other than the famed Roman historian Tacitus.
————– https://brutalproof.net/
Its probably all theathre like all space lying gowerment programs!! They all lie planet we live in like moon landings and mars stuff!!
Sensing a change in my views about the war in the Ukraine being one more globalist pretext to usher in their NWO government, Voltman the other day asked me the following question on this site in the TTS article entitled “The Plan to Carve up Russia”.
It is a great question which he asked: ” So Fred B, do you still believe Putin, the Russian Army and the majority of Russian people, are all being manipulated by the “Eastern branch of Rockefeller/Rothschild Khazarian mafia into contemplating the devastation of the Western branch of the Rockefeller/Rothschild Khazarian mafia?…Just to have the world begging the controllers for a One World “Government”…?!
He seems to think or is asking if the war is real and not just one more stunt of the Western cabal and corporatocracy to establish a globalist NWO government above all others and that the Covid fraud which Russian, China, and the rest of Asia participated in for NWO globalist ends is unrelated to the much bigger and real conflict between the superpowers.
This is the way I just answered him:
“The problem after Covid, if it is really over, is that there are simply no longer any institutional authorities you can trust, which makes any actual truth seeker without some sacred cow, as an outsider trying to figure out what is really going on. That we are ruled mainly by stealth, deception and our dependency on the scraps from the establishment table in the form of selected information and their fiat credit, I take as a premise in trying to discern the truth. Hence any “news” coming down from on high, or from any source virtue signalling with a national flag behind them, such as with Alex Jones, I have to listen to with a good measure of skepticism wondering if the views expressed are colored by his loyalties to his nation or clan.
Quite frankly, I have limited information for my views regarding the issue of whether or not we are being gaslighted again with the war in the Ukraine. What we have is the US deep state which runs NATO provoking Russia to invade the Ukraine, and that same deep state has done everything in its power to ensure that the NWO globalist agenda was kept on track by ensuring the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Swiss-bankster-UN-WEF-Davos Vatican-backed NWO agenda is carried out ON SCHEDULE and that the globalist Biden administration was in control of the levers of power. That becomes another premise one cannot ignore in searching for the truth.
If Putin, who is a WEF prodigy, and he and the Russian Duma are not playing a part with globalist US-led NATO forces in what seems as a very staged war, to manufacture one more peril (the mother of all perils of a WWIII) in order to usher in the entire very boldly-announced UN-WEF-NWO agenda, with a centralized world government, then why does Putin and his government not make it absolutely clear to the world by saying that the entire NWO venture is one more power-grabbing scam engineered by the massive frauds and pretexts of the evil, lying Western establishment – including reference to the fake and manufactured perils of global warming, overpopulation. massive “migrations” of displaced people, the debt bomb, the Covid plandemic, and all of the humanitarian-carrot “sustainability” and “equality” pretexts they (with the endorsement of every Russian government since Agenda 21 in 1992, mind you) have used as their basis for the alleged “necessity” of a NWO centralized globalist government?
The published globalist plans call for the the centralized and totalitarian control of all currencies, finances, trade, resources, production, consumption, human reproduction, education, and what they call “health” (meaning “death”), and much much more.
Seems to me that the real peril, the mother of all perils, threatening humanity is not any of the manufactured ones, but the peril of the scepter of this very centralized and very totalitarian control over us, by the most evil people “nature has every suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth”. Is Putin one of them? I have not seen the evidence to say otherwise.
If the war in the Ukraine is NOT a NWO scripted one for a planned NWO globalist peace conference with events likely scheduled to appear to be getting really hot, then the Russian occupancy of eastern Ukraine, deliberately provoked by both the globalist US deep state and the predicted Russian reaction, then one would think that the 2030 UN-WEF-NWO “schedule” would be smashed to smithereens with such bold assertion of national and sovereignty rights in its face by both the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Biden-US-deep-state, globalist backed Ukrainian Zelensky administration, and by the equally oxymoronic Russian government which has backed all of the same UN-WEF-NWO globalist agendas.
Not to say that any powerful group of people are bound by logic, principles or consistency to carry out any of their plans, but the fact about the dissolution of the USSR in December 1991, tells us that it did not have anything very much to do with an economic failure of communism in the USSR. The fact is that the USSR was no longer useful to the plans of the ruling cabal. ‘Russia was to be a signatory as were the newly alleged “freed” nations of the eastern-block nations, all to sign freely the scheduled 1992 UN Agenda 21 in Rio – the announced plans and pretexts of the most powerful and evil people on the planet for the 21st century. This was after more than 10 years of Western open trade with communist China, another prodigy nation of the Rothschild/Rockefeller bemouth. Communism could no longer be held out as the boogey man to the people of the West and the pretext of the Iron Curtain had to be brought down. It was then that the interlude began in 1992 with all the chosen, shill government representatives “freely” endorsing the great 1992 UN Agenda.
Russia was supposedly liberated for capitalism, some 10 years after totalitarian communist China was flourishing with the guise of “state capitalism” using its cheap labour, our capital, our technology, to milk our markets and weaken Western economies for the globalist plans for totalitarian controls over currencies, finances, trade, etc.
People will say, this was all accidental, that none of it was planned or orchestrated. Things just happen like evolution. Yet, they forget the fact that the leading power moguls of the world plan things 50 to 100 years in advance. All you have to do is to determine their interests and their announced plans as in the 1970’s and 1980’s and you can understand that what is happening today is most likely largely scripted, just like the lock-step Covid plandemic, and that the war in the Ukraine is most likely just one more manufactured and planned pretext of the same cabal of people totally addicted to the most addictive thing in the world, which is power.”
Biggest mass murders on the planet the good old usa still murdering today millions of iraqis, afghans you name them the usa has killed them japanese too don’t forget the a bomb hopefully most people will do the research and find out we fought the wrong enemy in ww1 ww2 and every other war
You destroyed Germany and Japan for and on behalf of your jewish masters, now it looks like they are turning on you. Enjoy
can see there being a chance of national socialism and the idea of racial purity being reborn in europe especially ukraine when putin the jew wants another holodomor like they did in the 1920’s and ive seen lots of white nationalist movements over there, however i dont see much hope in the us and china, a large amount of american whites are mongrels with middle east, latin and possibly even jewish blood, pure aryans of european and only european descent like kyle, stefan and sinead are quite rare. the last chance for hitler’s reborn was rockwell and thats that.
you look at the movement today, what do you see? shills that make us look like lunatics such as “alt right” which promotes communism, homosexuality and miscegenation, gypsy crusader who is a turk mongrel pretending to be white, martinez the sephardic jew and cat boy the pedophile homosexual, and the dumbed down whites that are drinking the msm koolaid, calling themselves “nazis” and saying “gassed the jew” when there wasnt a single jew being “gassed”, the real national socialists back in the day were very serious and honorable people, not the clowns we have today.
as for the orient, our blood is relatively pure compared to america but i dont see much hope over there either considering the jews turned us into a compliant slave race with no will to fight, and most of my people are buying into the jewish multicultural racial equality and miscegenation nonsense, as well as being brainwashed into thinking that the ccp are our only saviors when theyre NOT, and you have to understand we dont have the information we could access like we do in the west, internet in china is a jwo prison guarded by a firewall, therefore people over there can only see what the jews wants them to see. and those in korea and japan are drinking the globalist koolaid as well with no will to fight, theyre too busy with their anime hentai.
that concludes, if we were to depend on masculine men to actually start something, its you europeans or americans of pure european descent, as i said my race is basically mentally castrated and the mongrel whites arent smart enough to do anything productive, our movement does not look great at the moment.
You’re gonna sit there and call America the biggest mass murders on the planet when over 60 million in Russia alone were murdered. And let’s not forget about the millions more under Pol Pot and Mao.
I see where you’re coming from. But I think you are falling into the trap they want you to fall into, the deflection to America being the bad guy, not them. Always in the background pulling the strings, rarely taking credit openly. The control over every institution, media, agency, church and branch of gov’t has made “America” simply a tool they use for evil, like a bandit uses a gun to rob/kill. Aware Americans who fight back get nowhere because the system WANTS your participation in it and attempting to reform and change it using the rules in place, to identify and neutralize you. Clapper bragged about how the CIA plants stuff on people’s computers. They don’t even need Epstein anymore for blackmail. I think the very people who saw what was happening and tried to stop it were quickly killed, like Patton, Forrester, JFK wanting to end the Fed, how many others we’ll never know about. The dumbing down began in the early 20th century and went into overdrive in the ’70’s, after the great engineered social upheavals of the ’60’s. “America” is a conquered, occupied, deracinated, decivilized, unhealthy country, overthrown without a shot, a century ago…where a large percentage actually think they are free, because slavery is freedom when you deny the One, True God.
Don’t worry about atomic and thermonuclear bombs, they’re a Jewish hoax. I challenge anyone who thinks they exist to provide even one piece of actual evidence that they were ever developed, tested or deployed. By all means resort to ad hominem, reductio ad ridiculum, reductio ad absurdum, strawman, argument from incredulity, courtier’s reply, bandwagon argument, causal fallacy, proof by assertion, reification, appeal to wealth. Let it rip with substandard cgi JooTube videos and regale us with tales of suitcase nukes, mini nukes, micro nukes, nano nukes, quanta nukes at 9/11, Lebanon, Iraq. Don’t hold back, those claims get better with the telling.
You can also tell us about your cousin’s dentist’s uncle’s grandfather’s friend’s mother who worked on the Manhattan Project and THAT makes you an expert! So what are all those rows upon rows of centrifuge tubes for? Tell us in your own words. If you know what you are talking about that should be easy. Don’t hold back, you can even puke up another CIA psyop and accuse me of being a ‘flat earther’. Let it rip.
You would think that eighty years of this Jewish fear porn would tire out the old whores and they would come up with yet another money laundering scheme and let it drop. But it’s a device for extracting trillions of dollars from taxpayers and it allowed them to write national security laws giving them immunity from prosecution. They can buy any politician or business or country and murder anyone who gets in their way. It dwarfs the Holocau$t scam and NASA’s fake moon landing and the ridiculous claims of landing rovers on Mars. Driving around on the moon and playing golf on the lunar surface? If you believe that men went to the moon, drove around in a stripped down 1948 Willies Jeep and played golf please tell us why you believe it.
Once again, a word to the wise. Before listening to someone’s claim take a long cold look at his face because just about anything you need to know about someone is right there. We have been conditioned and sedated by cultural marxist education, television, newspapers, the music industry and Jewish controlled institutions to reject judgment based upon appearance. Were told Africans, Indians, Asians, Muslims and especially Jews are victims of white racism. We are the victim of them, not the other way around. Gaze upon the visage of the following and ask yourself if you trust someone with a face like this: Scott Ritter Edward Teller Robert Oppenheimer
Father of the atomic bomb, father of the hydrogen bomb. Get out of here with that BS.
Interesting article about Maui Fires being a CGI hoax, and the Dresden firebombing also a hoax to enable the theft of priceless artwork. http://mileswmathis.com/maui.pdf
I always wonder past 14 years of waking up jewish problem!! All the gowerments lie about space exploration!!
The next thing that needs to be discussed is this universal brotherhood of man as presented by the NDEer. He says he sees that all humans are one, etc. Do you understand the extreme danger of such thinking?
Now what he says might be true, but on planet earth it is not true. Earth is tooth and claw and survival of the fittest. Competition rules, all political systems which try to get around natural law fail. If you try to be a nice guy on earth, well buster, you will finish last. The lion does not ask the lamb to be his brother. Well in the west, the lambs (Christians) are letting in hoardes of lions, jackals, raging apes and other simians and the result is catastrophic.
Thus on earth, if you flood your nation with violent 3rd worlders, who are aggressive and love murder and rape, you will not experience the universal brotherhood of man, you will experience lots of rape, murder and chaos, until it gets so bad normal loving people are forced to fight back in brutally harsh ways – like what the national socialists did – who rounded up the non Germans and removed them to stop the damage of their presence. You can not live in peace with Jews, they will always destroy the host.
So if you want and if you are a damn fool you can tout new age and christian nonsense about loving your brother. What do sensible people do to keep their neighbors up? The kept out the blacks. What happens when even one black family moves in? Property prices fall. What did Jews do to screw white man, they made laws prohibiting you from discriminating against blacks moving in.
But in Israel they sure as hell don’t have those laws, in Israel they have the most discriminating laws against blacks, Arabs, Muslims.
And you should read Mark Glenn at Ugly Truth who wrote the most excellent article that can segway in to this Jewish problem: http://theuglytruth.xyz/meet-the-jews-defending-drag-story-hour-against-far-right-protesters/
“The customs and behaviors of the Jews are base, abominable and rooted in the innate depravity of the people themselves… As a race, they are prone to lust and amongst them, nothing is unlawful or immoral. They regard as profane all that we hold sacred, while on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor…”
Now, just for the record, this wasn’t Adolf Hitler, former Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kanye West or Mel Gibson…
It was written 2000 years ago by–of all persons–a pagan, none other than the famed Roman historian Tacitus.
————– https://brutalproof.net/
Very interesting. Tucker Carlson wears one too. I’m sure you’ve covered the Murdoch/FOX (F=6 O=6 X=6 in Pythagorean numerology) connection before. The Simpsons was chock full of references, including the town’s radio station being called KBBL. Media people you’d expect (obviously Hollywood) but seeing heads of state with it is truly bizarre and ominous. Why do you think it’s so present at such high levels? What is the explanation of the power it has over such a prominent group of people, including supposed gentiles?
Jews started WW2 and won WW2. The NSDAP understood the Jewish Business model (use interest to control the financial system in order to control the countries). That is why the Germans did the following:
* Banned Interest Loans * Banned the fractional reserve banking system (cannot lend money you don’t have and make it out of thin air) * Created their own currency backed by German Labour WITHOUT any debt * Created true property ownership (no taxes on land or cars) * Government Leadership were banned from owning stock in companies
These financial policies are incompatible with the jewish business model. And so, the Germans eventually banned the Judaism ONLY AFTER the jews declared war on Germany.
Also, the NSDAP banned sex workers, pornography, and sex trafficing. These are also incompatible with jews.
The next thing that needs to be discussed is this universal brotherhood of man as presented by the NDEer. He says he sees that all humans are one, etc. Do you understand the extreme danger of such thinking?
Now what he says might be true, but on planet earth it is not true. Earth is tooth and claw and survival of the fittest. Competition rules, all political systems which try to get around natural law fail. If you try to be a nice guy on earth, well buster, you will finish last. The lion does not ask the lamb to be his brother. Well in the west, the lambs (Christians) are letting in hoardes of lions, jackals, raging apes and other simians and the result is catastrophic.
Thus on earth, if you flood your nation with violent 3rd worlders, who are aggressive and love murder and rape, you will not experience the universal brotherhood of man, you will experience lots of rape, murder and chaos, until it gets so bad normal loving people are forced to fight back in brutally harsh ways – like what the national socialists did – who rounded up the non Germans and removed them to stop the damage of their presence. You can not live in peace with Jews, they will always destroy the host.
So if you want and if you are a damn fool you can tout new age and christian nonsense about loving your brother. What do sensible people do to keep their neighbors up? The kept out the blacks. What happens when even one black family moves in? Property prices fall. What did Jews do to screw white man, they made laws prohibiting you from discriminating against blacks moving in.
But in Israel they sure as hell don’t have those laws, in Israel they have the most discriminating laws against blacks, Arabs, Muslims.
And you should read Mark Glenn at Ugly Truth who wrote the most excellent article that can segway in to this Jewish problem:
“The customs and behaviors of the Jews are base, abominable and rooted in the innate depravity of the people themselves… As a race, they are prone to lust and amongst them, nothing is unlawful or immoral. They regard as profane all that we hold sacred, while on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor…”
Now, just for the record, this wasn’t Adolf Hitler, former Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kanye West or Mel Gibson…
It was written 2000 years ago by–of all persons–a pagan, none other than the famed Roman historian Tacitus.
Its probably all theathre like all space lying gowerment programs!! They all lie planet we live in like moon landings and mars stuff!!
Sensing a change in my views about the war in the Ukraine being one more globalist pretext to usher in their NWO government, Voltman the other day asked me the following question on this site in the TTS article entitled “The Plan to Carve up Russia”.
It is a great question which he asked: ” So Fred B, do you still believe Putin, the Russian Army and the majority of Russian people, are all being manipulated by the “Eastern branch of Rockefeller/Rothschild Khazarian mafia into contemplating the devastation of the Western branch of the Rockefeller/Rothschild Khazarian mafia?…Just to have the world begging the controllers for a One World “Government”…?!
He seems to think or is asking if the war is real and not just one more stunt of the Western cabal and corporatocracy to establish a globalist NWO government above all others and that the Covid fraud which Russian, China, and the rest of Asia participated in for NWO globalist ends is unrelated to the much bigger and real conflict between the superpowers.
This is the way I just answered him:
“The problem after Covid, if it is really over, is that there are simply no longer any institutional authorities you can trust, which makes any actual truth seeker without some sacred cow, as an outsider trying to figure out what is really going on. That we are ruled mainly by stealth, deception and our dependency on the scraps from the establishment table in the form of selected information and their fiat credit, I take as a premise in trying to discern the truth. Hence any “news” coming down from on high, or from any source virtue signalling with a national flag behind them, such as with Alex Jones, I have to listen to with a good measure of skepticism wondering if the views expressed are colored by his loyalties to his nation or clan.
Quite frankly, I have limited information for my views regarding the issue of whether or not we are being gaslighted again with the war in the Ukraine. What we have is the US deep state which runs NATO provoking Russia to invade the Ukraine, and that same deep state has done everything in its power to ensure that the NWO globalist agenda was kept on track by ensuring the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Swiss-bankster-UN-WEF-Davos Vatican-backed NWO agenda is carried out ON SCHEDULE and that the globalist Biden administration was in control of the levers of power. That becomes another premise one cannot ignore in searching for the truth.
If Putin, who is a WEF prodigy, and he and the Russian Duma are not playing a part with globalist US-led NATO forces in what seems as a very staged war, to manufacture one more peril (the mother of all perils of a WWIII) in order to usher in the entire very boldly-announced UN-WEF-NWO agenda, with a centralized world government, then why does Putin and his government not make it absolutely clear to the world by saying that the entire NWO venture is one more power-grabbing scam engineered by the massive frauds and pretexts of the evil, lying Western establishment – including reference to the fake and manufactured perils of global warming, overpopulation. massive “migrations” of displaced people, the debt bomb, the Covid plandemic, and all of the humanitarian-carrot “sustainability” and “equality” pretexts they (with the endorsement of every Russian government since Agenda 21 in 1992, mind you) have used as their basis for the alleged “necessity” of a NWO centralized globalist government?
The published globalist plans call for the the centralized and totalitarian control of all currencies, finances, trade, resources, production, consumption, human reproduction, education, and what they call “health” (meaning “death”), and much much more.
Seems to me that the real peril, the mother of all perils, threatening humanity is not any of the manufactured ones, but the peril of the scepter of this very centralized and very totalitarian control over us, by the most evil people “nature has every suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth”. Is Putin one of them? I have not seen the evidence to say otherwise.
If the war in the Ukraine is NOT a NWO scripted one for a planned NWO globalist peace conference with events likely scheduled to appear to be getting really hot, then the Russian occupancy of eastern Ukraine, deliberately provoked by both the globalist US deep state and the predicted Russian reaction, then one would think that the 2030 UN-WEF-NWO “schedule” would be smashed to smithereens with such bold assertion of national and sovereignty rights in its face by both the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Biden-US-deep-state, globalist backed Ukrainian Zelensky administration, and by the equally oxymoronic Russian government which has backed all of the same UN-WEF-NWO globalist agendas.
Not to say that any powerful group of people are bound by logic, principles or consistency to carry out any of their plans, but the fact about the dissolution of the USSR in December 1991, tells us that it did not have anything very much to do with an economic failure of communism in the USSR. The fact is that the USSR was no longer useful to the plans of the ruling cabal. ‘Russia was to be a signatory as were the newly alleged “freed” nations of the eastern-block nations, all to sign freely the scheduled 1992 UN Agenda 21 in Rio – the announced plans and pretexts of the most powerful and evil people on the planet for the 21st century. This was after more than 10 years of Western open trade with communist China, another prodigy nation of the Rothschild/Rockefeller bemouth. Communism could no longer be held out as the boogey man to the people of the West and the pretext of the Iron Curtain had to be brought down. It was then that the interlude began in 1992 with all the chosen, shill government representatives “freely” endorsing the great 1992 UN Agenda.
Russia was supposedly liberated for capitalism, some 10 years after totalitarian communist China was flourishing with the guise of “state capitalism” using its cheap labour, our capital, our technology, to milk our markets and weaken Western economies for the globalist plans for totalitarian controls over currencies, finances, trade, etc.
People will say, this was all accidental, that none of it was planned or orchestrated. Things just happen like evolution. Yet, they forget the fact that the leading power moguls of the world plan things 50 to 100 years in advance. All you have to do is to determine their interests and their announced plans as in the 1970’s and 1980’s and you can understand that what is happening today is most likely largely scripted, just like the lock-step Covid plandemic, and that the war in the Ukraine is most likely just one more manufactured and planned pretext of the same cabal of people totally addicted to the most addictive thing in the world, which is power.”
Biggest mass murders on the planet the good old usa still murdering today millions of iraqis, afghans you name them the usa has killed them japanese too don’t forget the a bomb hopefully most people will do the research and find out we fought the wrong enemy in ww1 ww2 and every other war
You destroyed Germany and Japan for and on behalf of your jewish masters, now it looks like they are turning on you. Enjoy
can see there being a chance of national socialism and the idea of racial purity being reborn in europe especially ukraine when putin the jew wants another holodomor like they did in the 1920’s and ive seen lots of white nationalist movements over there, however i dont see much hope in the us and china, a large amount of american whites are mongrels with middle east, latin and possibly even jewish blood, pure aryans of european and only european descent like kyle, stefan and sinead are quite rare. the last chance for hitler’s reborn was rockwell and thats that.
you look at the movement today, what do you see? shills that make us look like lunatics such as “alt right” which promotes communism, homosexuality and miscegenation, gypsy crusader who is a turk mongrel pretending to be white, martinez the sephardic jew and cat boy the pedophile homosexual, and the dumbed down whites that are drinking the msm koolaid, calling themselves “nazis” and saying “gassed the jew” when there wasnt a single jew being “gassed”, the real national socialists back in the day were very serious and honorable people, not the clowns we have today.
as for the orient, our blood is relatively pure compared to america but i dont see much hope over there either considering the jews turned us into a compliant slave race with no will to fight, and most of my people are buying into the jewish multicultural racial equality and miscegenation nonsense, as well as being brainwashed into thinking that the ccp are our only saviors when theyre NOT, and you have to understand we dont have the information we could access like we do in the west, internet in china is a jwo prison guarded by a firewall, therefore people over there can only see what the jews wants them to see. and those in korea and japan are drinking the globalist koolaid as well with no will to fight, theyre too busy with their anime hentai.
that concludes, if we were to depend on masculine men to actually start something, its you europeans or americans of pure european descent, as i said my race is basically mentally castrated and the mongrel whites arent smart enough to do anything productive, our movement does not look great at the moment.
You’re gonna sit there and call America the biggest mass murders on the planet when over 60 million in Russia alone were murdered. And let’s not forget about the millions more under Pol Pot and Mao.
Jewish-controlled America created communist Russia and China.
I see where you’re coming from. But I think you are falling into the trap they want you to fall into, the deflection to America being the bad guy, not them. Always in the background pulling the strings, rarely taking credit openly. The control over every institution, media, agency, church and branch of gov’t has made “America” simply a tool they use for evil, like a bandit uses a gun to rob/kill. Aware Americans who fight back get nowhere because the system WANTS your participation in it and attempting to reform and change it using the rules in place, to identify and neutralize you. Clapper bragged about how the CIA plants stuff on people’s computers. They don’t even need Epstein anymore for blackmail. I think the very people who saw what was happening and tried to stop it were quickly killed, like Patton, Forrester, JFK wanting to end the Fed, how many others we’ll never know about. The dumbing down began in the early 20th century and went into overdrive in the ’70’s, after the great engineered social upheavals of the ’60’s. “America” is a conquered, occupied, deracinated, decivilized, unhealthy country, overthrown without a shot, a century ago…where a large percentage actually think they are free, because slavery is freedom when you deny the One, True God.
Whats your opinnion about this???
Don’t worry about atomic and thermonuclear bombs, they’re a Jewish hoax. I challenge anyone who thinks they exist to provide even one piece of actual evidence that they were ever developed, tested or deployed. By all means resort to ad hominem, reductio ad ridiculum, reductio ad absurdum, strawman, argument from incredulity, courtier’s reply, bandwagon argument, causal fallacy, proof by assertion, reification, appeal to wealth. Let it rip with substandard cgi JooTube videos and regale us with tales of suitcase nukes, mini nukes, micro nukes, nano nukes, quanta nukes at 9/11, Lebanon, Iraq. Don’t hold back, those claims get better with the telling.
You can also tell us about your cousin’s dentist’s uncle’s grandfather’s friend’s mother who worked on the Manhattan Project and THAT makes you an expert! So what are all those rows upon rows of centrifuge tubes for? Tell us in your own words. If you know what you are talking about that should be easy. Don’t hold back, you can even puke up another CIA psyop and accuse me of being a ‘flat earther’. Let it rip.
You would think that eighty years of this Jewish fear porn would tire out the old whores and they would come up with yet another money laundering scheme and let it drop. But it’s a device for extracting trillions of dollars from taxpayers and it allowed them to write national security laws giving them immunity from prosecution. They can buy any politician or business or country and murder anyone who gets in their way. It dwarfs the Holocau$t scam and NASA’s fake moon landing and the ridiculous claims of landing rovers on Mars. Driving around on the moon and playing golf on the lunar surface? If you believe that men went to the moon, drove around in a stripped down 1948 Willies Jeep and played golf please tell us why you believe it.
Once again, a word to the wise. Before listening to someone’s claim take a long cold look at his face because just about anything you need to know about someone is right there. We have been conditioned and sedated by cultural marxist education, television, newspapers, the music industry and Jewish controlled institutions to reject judgment based upon appearance. Were told Africans, Indians, Asians, Muslims and especially Jews are victims of white racism. We are the victim of them, not the other way around. Gaze upon the visage of the following and ask yourself if you trust someone with a face like this: Scott Ritter Edward Teller Robert Oppenheimer
Father of the atomic bomb, father of the hydrogen bomb. Get out of here with that BS.
Interesting article about Maui Fires being a CGI hoax, and the Dresden firebombing also a hoax to enable the theft of priceless artwork.
I always wonder past 14 years of waking up jewish problem!! All the gowerments lie about space exploration!!
The next thing that needs to be discussed is this universal brotherhood of man as presented by the NDEer. He says he sees that all humans are one, etc. Do you understand the extreme danger of such thinking?
Now what he says might be true, but on planet earth it is not true. Earth is tooth and claw and survival of the fittest. Competition rules, all political systems which try to get around natural law fail. If you try to be a nice guy on earth, well buster, you will finish last. The lion does not ask the lamb to be his brother. Well in the west, the lambs (Christians) are letting in hoardes of lions, jackals, raging apes and other simians and the result is catastrophic.
Thus on earth, if you flood your nation with violent 3rd worlders, who are aggressive and love murder and rape, you will not experience the universal brotherhood of man, you will experience lots of rape, murder and chaos, until it gets so bad normal loving people are forced to fight back in brutally harsh ways – like what the national socialists did – who rounded up the non Germans and removed them to stop the damage of their presence. You can not live in peace with Jews, they will always destroy the host.
So if you want and if you are a damn fool you can tout new age and christian nonsense about loving your brother. What do sensible people do to keep their neighbors up? The kept out the blacks. What happens when even one black family moves in? Property prices fall. What did Jews do to screw white man, they made laws prohibiting you from discriminating against blacks moving in.
But in Israel they sure as hell don’t have those laws, in Israel they have the most discriminating laws against blacks, Arabs, Muslims.
And you should read Mark Glenn at Ugly Truth who wrote the most excellent article that can segway in to this Jewish problem:
“The customs and behaviors of the Jews are base, abominable and rooted in the innate depravity of the people themselves… As a race, they are prone to lust and amongst them, nothing is unlawful or immoral. They regard as profane all that we hold sacred, while on the other hand, they permit all that we abhor…”
Now, just for the record, this wasn’t Adolf Hitler, former Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kanye West or Mel Gibson…
It was written 2000 years ago by–of all persons–a pagan, none other than the famed Roman historian Tacitus.
Yes, I remember seeing this. I think it’s actually in the Kabbalah that the “chosen” Jews are aliens and superior to humans as a result.