The KGB’s use for controlled ‘anti-Semitism’

kgb-controlled-anti-semBy Timothy Fitzpatrick
January 4, 2025 Anno Domini

While anti-Zionism provides a beneficial use for Jewry and their Communist empire, so too does so called anti-Semitism.

It seems that the Elders of Zion (Chabad Lubavitch) and their ever advancing international Communist intelligence network have used anti-Zionism (Soviet Operation SIG) to control the Left and “anti-Semitism” to control not only the Right but their “lesser brethren” Jews as well.

In this article, we shall explore the following key aspects for the seemingly paradoxical use of a controlled anti-Semitism in the establishment of a Jewish Soviet world superstate. (If you are new to this theory, please start by reading The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Jewry and get yourself acquainted with the Operation SIG index.)

*Herein, when I say “genuine anti-Semitism”, I mean anti-Judaism, for lack of a better term. When I refer to Communism, Soviet, or Jewry, I regard them as more or less the same thing, since Communism is a distinctly Jewish idea.

A carefully managed anti-Semitism helps to:

  1. Create greater cohesion within and loyalty from the international Jewish community.
  2. Create alibis for crypto-Jewish and pro-Jewish gentile agents of influence.
  3. Draw out and, thereby, neutralize genuine “anti-Semites”.
  4. Manage genuine anti-Semitic groups in directions favourable to the managers.
  5. Coverup the most damning elements of the Jewish world conspiracy.

Jewish cohesion

In The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism, authors A.K. Chesterton and Joseph Leftwichh posit the question, “would I be wrong if I were to suggest that a measure of anti-Semitism, where there is the assurance that it will be properly controlled, does help to promote Jewish solidarity and, therefore, constitutes a strong counter to Jewish indifference and schism?” They conclude, “while non-Jews have nothing to gain from anti-Semitism, it is just possible that the Jews themselves have much to gain from it.” Astonishingly, the authors go on to conclude that rather than anti-Semitism being the greatest threat to the existence of Jewry, a lack of it is the real threat. These are plausible arguments. The Jewish and, especially, the overwhelmingly Jewish-controlled mainstream press of the world’s media seek out and over publicize any and every instance of so called anti-Semitism they can, no matter how small. And on those seemingly rare occasions where anti-Semitism is not taking place, the Jewish community invents one, as evidenced in the multiple anti-Semitic hate crime hoaxes, where many Jews have been caught staging so called attacks on themselves and other Jews (see the Hate Crime Hoaxes index). Those wayward Jews indifferent to the international Jewish cause can suddenly identify with an idea when they are presented with anti-Semitism as being a personal danger and their “brothers” being persecuted. This can provide them with more meaning in life, which is a very powerful thing. Authentic or not, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion admitted to a controlled anti-Semitism all the way back in the late 19th century. The “wisemen” revealed that “their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren” (Protocol 9:2).

The alibi

A controlled anti-Semitism can provide a necessary cover to crypto-Jewish and pro-Jewish gentile agents facing suspicion, like in the case of late Russian-Jewish oligarch Vladimir Zhirinovsky. After all, who would suspect a “dirty anti-Semite” of being Jewish or aiding the Jewish cause? It seems that the KGB gives a certain degree of flexibility to the depth that these fake anti-Semites can go in facilitating the illusion that they are genuine anti-Semites. Russian President Vladimir Putin can create an alibi merely by saying, in an off-hand remark, that many of the Bolsheviks were Jewish, while other kosher anti-Semites, like E. Michael Jones and David Duke take it much further. David Duke, one of the most publicized so called called anti-Semites in recent history, may not be Jewish, but he serves the Jewish cause through portraying Russia and the Eastern Bloc as being based and anti-Jewish, when the opposite is true. A Jones and Duke associate named Aleksandr Dugin (an admitted kabbalist) was part of the controlled anti-Semitic group Pamyat. High ranking Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn revealed that Pamyat and its associates were KGB creations. “It also explains the emergence of groups of Russian nationalists, inheritors of the Slavophile tradition, Stalinists, and even anti-Semites represented by Pamyat (memory): all are controlled by the Party and are being used in the interests of the strategy to play on Western hopes and fears.” (page 101, The Perestroika Deception). There are many controlled “anti-Semites”, too many to list here, but they are almost exclusively present on the Right.

With the KGB and the Sanhedrin pursuing the same goal using anti-Semitism, where does one end and the other begin?

The Trust

Humans have a tendency to associate with those who are most like them, especially when it comes to ideology. The Soviet strategists were intuitive enough to realize that they could surface and eliminate authentic anti-Semites and anti-Communists (more or less the same thing) if they could somehow get them to associate with their fake, controlled anti-Semites. The strategy is especially challenging when the targets are already marginalized and reluctant to share views prohibited by law (thought crime—anti-Semitism was a crime in the USSR and authentic anti-Semitism is more or less outlawed in most countries today in one form or another). In Chekisty: a History of the KGB, author John J. Dziak referring to the Soviet Trust deception writes, “where no internal opposition organization exists, a security service might invent one—both to infiltrate the more dangerous organizations abroad in order to blunt or channel their actions and to surface real or potential internal dissidents. If an internal opposition already exists, it will be infiltrated in an attempt to control it, to provoke opponents into exposing themselves, and to cause the movement to serve state interests.”


The previous quote by John J. Dziak leads us into another use for controlled anti-Semism, and that is to control and direct anti-Semitic groups that can’t be eliminated immediately. Jewish-Soviet power seeks to eliminate or infiltrate all genuine anti-Semitic groups and keep its own fake ones in play to misdirect all future lone genuine anti-Semites looking for a group with which to associate. It’s an ongoing, long-range operation. This strategy is most effective when a genuine anti-Semitic group operates under the belief that is not being externally controlled. Though said group may not wittingly be advancing the Jewish cause, they end up doing so. This can create confusion to the outside observer when trying to decipher genuine from controlled groups. Caution must be taken in these situations.

A Limited Hangout

If we apply the Limited Hangout concept to Soviet-Jewish strategy of controlled anti-Semitism, we can see how beneficial it can be to the Sanhedrin. A Limited Hangout is a counter-intelligence strategy of using a deliberately leaked piece of information to divert the target’s attention away from the potential discovery of a much more dangerous piece of information. Operation SIG is perfect for this. Anti-Zionism itself is a limited hangout in that it distracts from the nuts and bolts of the authentic Jewish question that has spanned centuries. Another example of a Soviet-Jewish limited hangout might be the deliberately laid out breadcrumbs linking Israeli intelligence (Mossad) to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It wasn’t very obvious at first because it seemed that the research organically led to Mossad, but in hindsight, an honest observer must admit that those elements of the public not satisfied with either the official or inside-job theories, were led to believe Mossad was behind it. While Mossad likely played a role, along with elements of the U.S. establishment, the evidence suggests that Moscow was the guiding hand behind this conspiracy. Someone may object and say, “hey, Tim, how can that be when Mossad is Jewish and Russia is not?” Jewish power is centred in the Soviet system, not in Israel; therefore, Israel can be  used (is “indispensable”, as the Elders of Zion word it) to conceal the Soviet hidden hand without posing a significant threat to Jewish power. Zionism, an idea, is on the hook for anything Israel does, not Jewry itself. In contrast with genuine anti-Semitism, which is typically believed by those on the Right, anti-Zionism typically is adopted by Leftists, though that has changed in the last couple of decades as more and more form the Right, bewildered, have adopted anti-Zionism thinking it is a valid form of genuine anti-Semitism.

Why the Soviet-Jewish regime puts such a massive amount of energy, resources, and capital into controlling anti-Semitism proves that genuine anti-Semitism is a huge threat to their power and their plans for a world Communist system. This explains why genuine anti-Semitism is outlawed in Soviet countries and why controlled anti-Semitism was honed in Soviet countries.They must maintain control of it at any cost, even sometimes to themselves.


  1. Makes sense to me. Hard to tell who the real anti-semites are these days. (Not Greenspam lol)

  2. This explains why genuine anti-Semitism is outlawed in Soviet countries

    Ok, but what about David Irving, Ursula Haverbeck, Siegfried Castan and AlertaJudiada arrested, killed and persecuted by western z.o.g?

  3. Candor Intelligence always talks about British Empire’s legacy continues through controlling the Jewish world yada-yada-yada…. His theory is quite interesting but I feel that we have neglected the most important empire that its legacy still continues through Jews, Russia, communism: Turkic-Mongol Empires. I believe that no one has ever discussed how deeply they integrated to our current world.

    I think real Jews almost died out a long time ago. You can only find them in Ethiopia and other pocket communities in Middle East. Currently, we have Turkic Khazars, other Turks, and Mongol tribes pretending to be Jews. They’re fake Jews, of course. Khazars and Huns in Eastern Europe chose to convert into Judaism to deter Christendom and Unmah. Meanwhile, the Mongols later destroyed most of Unmah in Middle East and absorbed the Turkic tribes (included Khazars). Mongols were exceptionally smart as they adopted all types of religion into a singular entity. It is arguable that One World Religion was probably inspired from the Mongols. Without a doubt, Mongols have conquered Russia-Ukraine and raped beautiful women there to bear Asiatic children. Each Khan or prince of Mongols had hundred of children which continued to multiply into millions across many nations ranged from Korea to UK. Nobody has ever discussed the possibility on the fact that Mongol descendants along with their Turkic brethens (many of them pretend to be Jews) are secretly ruling the world through communism. Khazar Turks are Jews, Central Asian Turks (a collection of them) are MidEast Jews, Shiites who largely live in Iran, Hunnic people possibly station in Southeast Europe and Italy to probably join Catholics and Orthodox overtime, Xiongnu (ancestors of Turks and Mongols) was responsible for the creation of modern China after Han dynasty’s collapse, Mongols basically have their bloodline everywhere.

    This is a theory that could greatly explain why Judaism has become militant out of sudden since its biblical roots weren’t so militant and conquering. These nomadic people took over religions, beliefs, ideologies as guises to continue their world domination. That’s why Lenin and Marx were so nomadic in their remark of brutally conquering the world. Both them have Khazar roots within the Turk-Mongol bloodlines.

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