By Ipatiev K.F. (Retired GRU major)
April 10, 2020 Anno Domini
Today, many people understand the controllability of the ongoing process of the coronavirus epidemic, when direct instructions from an unknown source diverge to heads of state, central banks, governors of regions, large cities and primates of all Abrahamic religions to continue and strengthen the quarantine regime (self-isolation). Actually, there is no epidemic itself, which can be learned from the response of the Rospotrebnadzor department for the Krasnodar Territory dated April 7, which says:
Currently, the situation with the global spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 continues. The initial data for calculating epidemic thresholds are statistical data on the total incidence of influenza and SARS in terms of per 10 thousand population for calendar weeks of each year for 5-10 years. Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is new, with a spread period of about 3 months, and therefore, to date, there are not enough initial data to determine the epidemic threshold.
So, if it is impossible to determine the epidemic threshold, not wanting to compare influenza, pneumonia, SARS with coronavirus data, all over the world, as if on command, 98% of all countries went into quarantine as direct instructions were distributed. In fact, there is no coronavirus epidemic, which follows from the response of the Rospotrebnadzor of the Krasnodar Territory, where officials have long learned to refuse any request or appeal, thereby now getting into a mess and giving out absolutely secret information to journalists who immediately took advantage of the opportunity. We can make a simple conclusion that under the guise of COVID-19, the health care system of each country hides the seasonal exacerbation of SARS, influenza and pneumonia, receiving instructions from WHO, where there are no and never were practicing doctors, but only public health officials are gathered or, in the Russian interpretation – Rospotrebnadzor. Consequently, the public health systems of the whole world follow the instructions of the WHO, but who forces the governments and presidents of all countries of the world, with rare exceptions, to carry out self-isolation (quarantine) measures for citizens, with the destruction of their own economy and the entire global system of financiers?
It became obvious, after the publication in all countries of the world of the decisions of the masters (grand masters) of the national Grand Lodges to cancel the meetings in the lodges in connection with the pandemic, that the Masons are not at the helm of the current global quarantine. The Windsors do not rule the world, as the United Lodge of England has itself gone into quarantine. You can, of course, send orders online using ciphers, but this is not accepted in the secret environment of Masons, because a leak can occur at any time, therefore, only direct contacts. Representatives of TNCs in the world global financial system, who have the opportunity to directly influence government leaders and presidents, as well as national financial circles and central banks, in the current situation lose more than others, since all ties are broken, capital flow is stopped, the demand for money has fallen to the very low values, the volume of trading on the stock exchange is minimal for the entire time of their conduct, and the $2.3 trillion of the Fed is not able to repay even part of the costs. The agreement on oil within the framework of OPEC implies a reduction in the volume of oil produced to the level of almost twenty years ago, which clearly indicates a powerful slowdown in the global economy. Consequently, financial globalism, having cleaned the feathers of new money, should have reset offshore havens, as happened in Cyprus in 2013, and then start a new rise in new conditions, but this is not happening – the global Deep State system is collapsing before our eyes. The Club of Rome and the Bilderberg Club, which are subordinate to the European and American aristocracy, as well as to many financiers, manufacturers with the participation of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, cannot cover the whole world, due to the narrowness of their own discussion platform. The G5 and G20 are also not a supranational body for the whole world.
It can be assumed, as some experts and political scientists do, that the world is ruled by Jewish financiers and families with centuries of collecting money and power, but the quarantine left all Jewish communities at home, closing synagogues even on Passover, which caused the wrath of the Orthodox and Hasidic communities. The influence of diasporas in national administrations did not help, quarantine for everyone! For many years and decades, for the first time Jews have become like everyone else, having lost their own exclusivity of the chosen people, even the coming liberation at the hand of Moshiach is forgotten – this centuries-old topic is of little interest to anyone! One could attribute everything to the treachery of the leading financial families that created Israel and the global capital movement system itself, but today they are losing too much to continue the quarantine that kills capitalism and all its foundations at a time when a new model for the existence of the world capitalism is not visible. communities. Governments and presidents at this universal moment of quarantine, having transferred all responsibility during the pandemic to local administrations, withdrew from the regulation of the economy and politics in the country, rapidly losing not only power, but also money, when even the export of tens of tons of gold to England cannot compensate for all losses. Who forced financiers, governments, manufacturers, oligarchs and politicians to support and enforce quarantine, sawing the branch on which they all sit? Who is this powerful force that instilled unprecedented, animal fear in everyone? There can be only one answer – the world Sanhedrin, which unites people of an idea, not capital, begins a new era with the destruction of the entire previous model of the existence of mankind, and this Sanhedrin has nothing to do with Zionism or with the idea of liberation by Moshiach. Here everything is wiser and simpler.
The participation of the Vatican and its cardinals in this process is obvious, since a billion parishioners around the world, as well as many secret connections, allow the Holy See, relying on the gold of the Third Reich, attracting such Catholic orders as the Maltese, the Jesuits and Opus Dei, as well as other secret consistory, to create the theory of uniting all at the hand of the King of Jerusalem. The world Sanhedrin must necessarily include Muslims and Jews, the best representatives of many peoples who are ready to formulate and implement the humanistic ideas of a universal home. Let us note that since 2018, China has occupied a very important position in this world Sanhedrin with its “One Belt, One Road” theory, as well as with a social rating under the control of artificial intelligence and with broad self-discipline of the entire Chinese society. Due to the contraction of the world economy and the destruction of the old world orders, China today occupies a leading position in the financial implementation of the coming world transformation. The members of the world Sanhedrin, which seizes power from the old world with its Masons, secret clubs of the aristocracy and financiers, who used the wars to buy up numerous assets on the cheap, can be the most unexpected people, but today’s events can be used to judge the magnitude of the power of the world Sanhedrin and his ability to organize global events and revolutions.
In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the sacred essence of this Sanhedrin, since the basis of its influence lies in people’s fear of losing health and in fear of death, which exceeds the fear of losing money and property. Mankind has created an era of comfortable consumption, accustoming the whole world to seek comfort for over 30 years and hiding information about ongoing epidemics, with the exception of those that were the image of the current COVID-19 in the 21st century, which has the nature of all previous epidemics. Mankind now lives in fear of war and epidemics, therefore, after the epidemic there will definitely be a war, since the world Sanhedrin needs to divide all of humanity in order to fulfill its plans, so that after the end of unthinkable fears and suffering, the whole world would want the silence of ordinary life, without fear and pain. The one who brings peace to the world and deliverance from war will become its main leader, whose instructions will be immediately executed by a self-disciplined civil society, deprived of its own national state and all other signs of national culture, including religion. Why is today the main blow dealt to Christianity, why is Easter canceled everywhere – the Holy Resurrection of Christ? Because Christ – the Savior of the world is the antithesis of the coming leader of the whole world, because those who worship Jesus Christ will not worship the Antichrist, who closes Christian churches and persecutes Christians all over the world. Even a small community of Christians is a terrible threat to the world Sanhedrin, since, according to Newton’s third law, action is equal to reaction, therefore, the pressure of the entire force of the global institutions of the Sanhedrin on the Christian Church causes a response of equal force. One thing was not taken into account by the idealists of the Sanhedrin – as soon as one of the forces exceeds the other, even for a short time, the entire world system will immediately go out of balance. The term for getting out of balance is already known from Holy Scripture – 1260 days.
So, the world Sanhedrin of idealists is approaching the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies about the beginning of the reign of the King of Jerusalem—the ruler of the universe, destroying the old world and creating a new world on its ruins, where the function of money and state formations will disappear. Surprisingly, Russian utopians: Leninists – Trotskyists created the image of the world that is now being built by world revolutionaries—the world Sanhedrin. This new and last revolution will sweep like a coronavirus all over the Earth and all societies will be subordinated to it, as all the ruling elites have a way out of the economic depression ahead, which should not be crowned with stabilization, but will certainly lead to the Third World War. Russia, no matter how the ruling elite would like it, this process will affect very strongly, because the revival of Autocracy – the antipode of the world Sanhedrin – is at stake.
Are Easter and Passover the same day?
Once you answer that single question the whole charade will unravel.
The Anti Christ is more than you think it is.
It has controlled opposition on all sides.
You may already serve it and not realize it.
God told us he would blind the eyes of AT LEAST 90% of the world.
Isaiah chapter 6 is so often ignored.
Jesus spoke in riddles for a reason.
Here is the video which Twitter does not allow :
This Ipatiev guy writes some pretty interesting articles… With regards the previous article about the gay mafia in the Kremlin, I’m surprised that he hasn’t (?) been picked up yet by the police on some trumped up charges or suffered some unfortunate “fall” from his apartment…
Has he offered any thoughts about the so called “special military operation” (telegram, etc)? It’d be interesting to hear his take on the gang surrounding the (homo-erotic dancer turned “president”) Zelensky regime…
Hard to say. He does seem like a Third Romist, so maybe they allow him to live for that reason.
On another topic the book The Polish Jew by Baskerville around 1906 has this little tidbit in the conclusion at the back of the book pages 334-335, ((my ebook copy off internet archive had 335 to the end of the book pages missing btw. I had to get a different version(brewster kahle IA owner is a jew so there you go)))
“There is little doubt that, once their civil disabilities are
removed, they come to the front in every walk of life ;
for even whilst hampered by disabilities they have a
power no other race in the world possesses, a power the
Jewish banker exercises on behalf of his poorest brother,
a power nobody can overcome, for it is the power of gold.
Count Witte is reported to have told a Jewish
deputation that whereas Germany is in the hands of the
Jews, and the English monarchy supported by Jewish
gold, the same thing would not happen in Russia, because
the Tsar was determined to be the ruler of his own
Empire. It does not matter whether the story is true….”
Overall an excellent book by an author who is at times too sympathetic to her subject. Mentions things like the ceremonial hair shaving of jewish brides and their wigs(drag queens/hidden trans like joan rivers, streisand etc etc), the ritual bath mykvah which we seen in movies/TV/videogames stills(bloodbath?) etc, the overall very grasping nature of these people is well illustrated and the laziness/love of convenience of the native Poles in allowing jews to pretty much run commerce, mail/communications, black market and etc which greatly aided their own slavery to the jews and a lot more good info. Since this is a worldwide problem now there is really only complete disaster and disorder left, they know this and plan to use it in their fake apocalypse so the savior, their prepared antichrist figurehead, can come in and be god approved in the eyes of the ignorant majority, devilish for sure. I have the conception that antichrist will be probably open or hidden transgender(baphomet/kabbalistic androgyne), multi-ethnic, british accent, fluent in all major languages, jewish open or crypto, etc
Is this all theatre and i dont believe nukes even exists! Timothy are you sure that jees have total control of putin?
Politician, Alexie Zhuravlev, was joined on a talk show by fellow Member of Parliament Yevgeny Popov, the host of a popular Rossiya 1 TV channel show, and made clear Russia can “wipe out” the US with just four (4) of their new, nuclear, missiles.
The lawmaker claimed that two of Russia’s Sarmat ‘Satan 2’ missiles would destroy the entirety of America’s east coast – before adding it would take just “two missiles for the west coast” as well.
“Four missiles and there’ll be nothing left.
The discussion centered on U.S. interference in the Russia-Ukraine special military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine, and what Russia may have to do to stop that interference.
The U.S. has interfered severely by supplying money and weapons to Ukraine, even though the U.S. has no national interest in that country whatsoever.
The US weapons are enabling the KILLING of Russian soldiers, and the Russian government is getting more and more aggravated by the interference from the U.S. and its NATO vasal state partners
Politician, Alexie Zhuravlev, was joined on a talk show by fellow Member of Parliament Yevgeny Popov, the host of a popular Rossiya 1 TV channel show, and made clear Russia can “wipe out” the US with just four (4) of their new, nuclear, missiles.
The lawmaker claimed that two of Russia’s Sarmat ‘Satan 2’ missiles would destroy the entirety of America’s east coast – before adding it would take just “two missiles for the west coast” as well.
“Four missiles and there’ll be nothing left.
The discussion centered on U.S. interference in the Russia-Ukraine special military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine, and what Russia may have to do to stop that interference.
The U.S. has interfered severely by supplying money and weapons to Ukraine, even though the U.S. has no national interest in that country whatsoever.
The US weapons are enabling the KILLING of Russian soldiers, and the Russian government is getting more and more aggravated by the interference from the U.S. and its NATO vasal state partners
The Jewish connection to the COVID vaccines.
PROF. DOLORES CAHILL: “Everyone Who Has Had An mRNA Injection Will Die Within 3 -5 Years”
great zelenko link Dave -thx re: Cahill https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jqSRmn4eRaNZ7WCSMhz-1Xcf3odMDNUYzaBhzN5OTxo/edit
Fitzpatrick, about the article from jrnyquist.blog ‘red dawn is not a movie anymore’ on your twitter account: he is a piece of s*t. When someone asked what’s the role of Israel in the potential coming wars, he replied something like: “oh no, no antisemitism on my watch”. And he blocked a reaction of me because there was a reference to Jewish power.
Jerome, I and another person confronted Nyquist about this. He shrunk and hid. I only provide links to his content as an FYI.
Meanwhile in China.Reason for Scamdemic now showing its true colours aside from Genocide. CBDC Crypto Crap Slavery beckons…for the Goyim.. The run on banks is apparently a reaction to the story we covered last week where over 1 million residents in China’s Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. As protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up “red,” forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests.
Just look at (((who))) benefits the most from the scamdemic and you’ll find your (((answer)))…