By Sally Fallon Morell
Weston A. Price Foundation
July 18, 2020 Anno Domini
Is coronavirus contagious? This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. The premise that coronavirus is highly contagious and can cause disease has provided the justification for putting entire nations on lockdown, destroying the global economy and throwing hundreds of thousands out of work. From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person. But is coronavirus contagious? Does it even cause disease?
As early as 1799, researchers puzzled over the cause of influenza, which appeared suddenly—often in diverse places at the same time—and could not be explained by any theory of contagion. In 1836, Heinrich Schweich, author of a book on influenza, noted that all physiological processes produce electricity and offered the theory that an electrical disturbance of the atmosphere may prevent the body from discharging it. He repeated the then-common belief that the accumulation of electricity in the body causes the symptoms of influenza and that outbreaks were due to atmospheric “influences”—hence the name influenza.
Since we know about the electrical nature of the sun, we can make some interesting observations. The years 1645-1715 were a period that astronomers call the Maunder minimum, when the sun was very quiet. Astronomers observed no sunspots during that time span, and the northern lights were nonexistent; then, in 1715, sunspots reappeared, as did the northern lights. Sunspot activity increased, reaching a high in 1727, and in 1728, influenza appeared in waves on every continent. Sunspot activities became more violent until they peaked in 1738, when physicians reported flu in both man and animals, including dogs, horses and birds, especially sparrows. By some estimates, two million people perished during the ten-year pandemic.
These and other facts about the relationship of influenza to disturbances in electricity come from a remarkable book, The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg.1 Firstenberg chronicles the history of electricity in the U.S. and throughout the world, along with the outbreaks of illness that accompanied each step toward greater electrification. The first stage involved the installation of telegraph lines. By 1875, these formed a spider web over the whole earth totaling seven hundred thousand miles, with enough copper wire to encircle the globe almost thirty times. With it came a new disease called neurasthenia.
Outside the U.S., scientists recognized electricity as one of neurasthenia’s causes. Like those suffering today from “chronic fatigue,” patients felt weak, exhausted and unable to concentrate. They had headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters in the eyes, a racing pulse, pains in the heart region and palpitations; they were depressed and had anxiety attacks. Dr. George Miller Beard noted that the disease spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines. It often resembled the common cold or influenza and usually seized people in the prime of life.
The year 1889 marked the beginning of the modern electrical era and also of a deadly flu pandemic, which followed the advent of electricity throughout the globe. Says Firstenberg, “Influenza struck explosively and unpredictably, over and over in waves until early 1894. It was as if something fundamental had changed in the atmosphere.” Physicians puzzled over influenza’s capricious spread. For example, William Beveridge, author of a 1975 textbook on influenza, noted: “The English warship Arachne was cruising off the coast of Cuba without any contact with land. No less than 114 men out of a crew of 149 fell ill with influenza and only later was it learnt that there had been outbreaks in Cuba at the same time.”1
During the First World War, governments on both sides of the conflict installed antennas that eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals. In 1918, disaster struck. The Spanish flu sickened an estimated five hundred million people—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed as many as fifty million people, more than the Black Death of the fourteenth century. Those living on military bases, where the antennas were routinely installed, were the most vulnerable. A common symptom was bleeding—from the nostrils, the gums, ears, skin, stomach, intestines, uterus, kidneys and brain. Many died of hemorrhage in the lungs, the victims literally drowning in their own blood. Tests revealed a decreased ability for the blood to coagulate, possibly the result of flu patients receiving large doses of aspirin.
The year 1957 marked the installation of radar worldwide. The “Asian” influenza pandemic began in February 1957 and lasted for a year. A decade later, the U.S. launched twenty-eight satellites into the Van Allen belts as part of the Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program (IDCSP), ushering in the “Hong Kong” flu pandemic, which began in July 1968. As Firstenberg observes, “In each case—in 1889, 1918, 1957 and 1968—the electrical envelope of the earth. . . was suddenly and profoundly disturbed,” and along with it, the electrical circuits in the human body.
Western medicine pays scant attention to the electrical nature of living things—plants, animals and humans—but mountains of evidence indicate that faint currents govern everything that happens in the body to keep us alive and healthy. From the coagulation of the blood, to energy production in the mitochondria, even to small amounts of copper in the bones, which create currents for the maintenance of bone structure—all can be influenced by the presence of electricity in the atmosphere, and especially “dirty” electricity, which is characterized by many overlapping frequencies and jagged changes in frequency and voltage.
Chinese medicine has long recognized the electrical nature of the human body and has developed a system to defuse the “accumulation of electricity” that leads to disease. It’s called acupuncture. Many things that we do instinctively also help release any unhealthy buildup of current—the mother who strokes her infant’s head or who scratches her children’s backs to help them get to sleep, the caresses of lovers, barefoot walks, massages and even handshakes and hugs—all now sternly discouraged by health authorities2 as we face the specter of police bursting in at night to make sure that Dad is sleeping on the couch.
Am I making this up? The Washington Post recently published an article in which a mother was explaining to her teenage son why she couldn’t hug him during quarantine; and a World Health Organization (WHO) official suggests that public health officials should enter people’s homes and “in a dignified way” remove those who test positive to prevent infecting the rest of the family.3
Fast forward to the Internet and cell phone era. According to Firstenberg, the onset of cell phone service in 1996 resulted in greater levels of mortality in major cities like Los Angeles, New York, San Diego and Boston. Over the years, wireless signals at multiple frequencies have filled the atmosphere to a greater and greater extent, along with mysterious outbreaks like SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).
On September 26, 2019, Wuhan, China turned on fifth generation (5G) wireless and officially launched 5G on November 1, with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole U.S.—all concentrated in one city. Soon we began hearing about a strange new illness coming from this highly industrialized location. A spike in cases also occurred on February thirteenth, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic.
Illness has followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America, starting with New York in the fall of 2019—in uptown, midtown and downtown Manhattan, along with parts of Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens—all of which became subsequent coronavirus hot spots. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Cleveland and Atlanta soon followed, with some five thousand towns and cities now covered.
Europeans have also seen a strong correlation with 5G rollout. Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, a Spanish epidemiologist, has charted the rollout of 5G in European cities and countries with cases per thousand people. His analysis demonstrates “a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.”4 For example, the city of Milan and other areas in the northern part of the country have the densest 5G coverage, not Rome. Even though the major airport in Italy is in Rome, northern Italy has twenty-two times the number of coronavirus cases. In Switzerland, telecommunications companies have built out more than two thousand antennas, but the Swiss have halted at least some of the 5G rollout due to health concerns. Per capita, Switzerland has had far fewer coronavirus cases than the nearby countries of France, Spain and Germany, where 5G is going full steam ahead. Of particular note is the small country of San Marino, the first country in the world to install 5G (in September 2018). Its citizens have had the longest exposure to 5G and the highest coronavirus infection rate—four times higher than Italy (which deployed 5G in June 2019), and twenty-seven times higher than Croatia, which has not deployed 5G. In rural areas, the illness blamed on coronavirus is slight to non-existent.
Iran announced in February 2020 that it “had carried out all preparations needed for launching the 5G network” and had completed its expansion of related 4G-LTE infrastructure “to almost all cities, towns and villages across the country.”5 The first Covid-19 cases there correlate with this announcement.6 Korea has installed over seventy thousand 5G bases and, by mid-March, had reported over eight thousand cases of illness. Japan began testing 5G in tunnels in Hokkaido in early February 2020, and this city now has the most cases of coronavirus in Japan—even more than Tokyo.
In South America, the 5G rollout has occurred in Brazil, Chile and Ecuador, and in Mexico, all of which have many coronavirus cases. Countries without 5G (such as Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Paraguay) have not reported any cases, even though sanitation in these countries is likely more primitive. Paraguay is doing what all countries should do—building a national fiber optics network without resorting to 5G.
The 5G system has also been installed on modern cruise ships and in many health care facilities. In addition, health care facilities bristle with electronic equipment, some of it located right by the heads of very sick patients. People who suffer from electrical sensitivity cannot go near many hospitals and nursing homes.
5G broadcasts in a range of microwave frequencies (24-72 GHz). Frequencies in this range (below the frequency of light) are called non-ionizing, in contrast to ionizing radiation, which has a higher frequency than visible light (see Figure 1). Ionizing radiation, such as x-rays, causes electrons to split off atoms (obviously something to which one should limit one’s exposure). Instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation changes the rotational, vibrational or electronic valence configurations of molecules and atoms. This produces thermal effects—think microwave ovens—but also well-documented non-thermal effects.7
While the telecommunications industry flatly denies any non-thermal effects on living tissue, a large body of research suggests considerable harm to the delicate electromagnetic systems in the human body from constant exposure to non-ionizing frequencies—headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, rashes and even cancer. In particular, high-frequency electromagnetic fields like 5G affect cell membrane permeability—not a good thing when the architecture of a healthy cell ensures that it is not permeable except in controlled situations.8

The fact that some 5G transmitters broadcast at 60 GHz is of particular concern. According to telecommunications industry literature, this frequency is highly absorbed by oxygen,9 causing the O2 molecule to split apart and making it useless for respiration. Think about the implications of oxygen that doesn’t work to support life! Also of interest is the U.S. military’s possession of crowd control devices that operate in the ranges of 6-100 GHz. The military’s 95 GHz Active Denial System can penetrate the skin and produce intolerable heating sensations, causing people to move away from the beam.
The technological changes converging to build out 5G networks include a massive “densification” of 4G networks as well as expansion into the millimeter wave frequency bands, particularly (in the case of the latter) in urban areas.10 M illimeter w aves g o o nly a short distance and cannot penetrate buildings. In response, a few tech startups are working to get the 5G signal into the areas where we work, play and sleep. For example, Pivotal Commware is testing an “Echo 5G In-Building Penetration Device.”11 Pivotal’s offices are about one mile from the Life Care nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, where the illness first appeared in the U.S., and where twenty-five residents died. Was the Life Care center a de facto testing ground for Pivotal’s new device?
Let’s consider some of the symptoms reported in connection with Covid-19. Guidelines published in 2016 by EUROPAEM EMF, a nonprofit watchdog organization, state that “there is strong evidence that long-term exposure to certain EMFs is a risk factor for diseases such as certain cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, and male infertility.” Describing common symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (also called microwave illness), the authors cite “headaches, concentration difficulties, sleep problems, depression, lack of energy, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms [emphasis added].”12
A study published in Oncology Journal describes lung injury from radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses shorter waves at close range for a shorter period of time. It stands to reason that 5G millimeter waves—with 4G transmitters nearby pulsing massive amounts of frequency day and night—could also cause lung injury. According to the study’s authors, “Depending on the dose and volume of lung irradiated, acute radiation pneumonitis may develop, characterized by dry cough and dyspnea (shortness of breath).”13
Another coronavirus symptom: fizzing. According to the New York Post, many Covid-19 patients report strange buzzing sensations throughout their body, “an electric feeling on the skin” or skin that feels like it is burning.14 Those who are electrically sensitive report similar sensations when they get near a cell phone or use GPS-guided cruise control in their cars. Other reported coronavirus symptoms include a loss of smell and taste,15 fever, aches, breathlessness, fatigue, a dry cough,16 diarrhea,17 strokes and seizures18—all symptoms documented by those who are electrically sensitive.
The correlation of the 5G rollout and Covid-19 cases—and the similarity of symptoms—should give us pause. Shouldn’t we be looking more closely before we institute mandatory vaccination and electronic ID chipping? Shouldn’t we test to see whether a contagious virus is even involved before we order social distancing and prescribe face masks?
With the invention of the microscope in 1670 and the discovery of bacteria, doctors found a convenient explanation for disease: tiny one-celled organisms that humans can presumably pass from one to another through contact and exhalation. This theory took hold thanks to celebrity scientist Louis Pasteur.
It was Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” soon became and still serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries, he stated unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (and he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). In fact, the only way he could transfer disease was to either insert the whole infected tissues into another animal—he would sometimes inject ground-up brains of an animal into the brain of another animal to “prove” contagion—or resort to adding poisons to his culture, which he knew would cause symptoms in the recipients.
Eventually, Pasteur admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous deathbed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”19 In other words, microbes may be associated with diseases but they do not cause them; the cause is always something that has upset the natural order of nature, such as nutrient deficiencies, toxins, bad air, filthy water, electromagnetic radiation or even the emotions of fear and despair.
Recognition of nutritional deficiencies as a cause of diseases like scurvy, pellagra and beriberi took decades because the germ theory became the explanation for everything that ails the human being. As Robert R. Williams, one of the discoverers of thiamine (vitamin B1), lamented, “all young physicians were so imbued with the idea of infection as the cause of disease that it presently came to be accepted as almost axiomatic that disease could have no other cause [than microbes]. The pre-occupation of physicians with infection as a cause of disease was doubtless responsible for many digressions from attention to food as the causal factor of beriberi.”20
During the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918—the deadliest example of a global contagion in history—doctors struggled to explain the worldwide reach of the illness. It seemed to appear spontaneously in different parts of the world, striking the young and healthy, including (as previously mentioned) many American servicemen. Some communities shut down schools, businesses and theaters; people were ordered to wear masks and refrain from kissing their babies to stop the contagion.
But was it contagious? At the time, health officials believed that a microorganism called Pfeiffer’s bacillus caused the Spanish flu, and they were very interested in understanding how the organism could spread so quickly—and so randomly. To answer that question, doctors from the U.S. Public Health Service tried to infect one hundred healthy volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five by collecting mucous secretions from the noses, throats and upper respiratory tracts of those who were sick. The doctors then transferred these secretions to the noses, mouths and lungs of the volunteers, but not one of them succumbed. Even when blood from sick donors was injected into the blood of the volunteers, they remained stubbornly healthy.
Finally, the doctors instructed those afflicted with the flu to breathe and cough over the healthy volunteers, but none became sick. Researchers even tried to infect healthy horses with the mucous secretions of horses with the flu—yes, many animals became ill during the pandemic—but the results were the same. The Spanish flu was not contagious,21,22 and physicians could attach no blame to the accused bacterium nor provide an explanation for its global reach.
In recent years, we have witnessed a complete reversal of the reigning medical paradigm, which claims that bacteria attack and sicken us. Indeed, researchers have become increasingly frustrated in their attempts to prove that bacteria make us sick, except as co-actors in extremely unnatural conditions. We have learned that the digestive tract contains up to six pounds of bacteria, which play many beneficial roles—they protect us against toxins, support the immune system, help digest our food, create vitamins and even produce feel-good chemicals. Bacteria that coat the skin and line the vaginal tract play equally protective roles. Bacteria permeate the soil to make plant growth possible. These discoveries call into question many current medical practices, from antibiotics to herbicides to hand sanitizing.
When Louis Pasteur was unable to find a bacterium that could cause rabies, he speculated about a pathogen too small for detection by microscopes. These tiny particles—about one-hundredth the size of a cell—became visible with the invention of the electron microscope in 1931. Scientists assumed that they were bad for us—“dangerous infectious agents”—and named them viruses, the Latin word for “toxins.”
Because viruses are always seen in and around living cells, researchers surmised that viruses replicate only inside the living cells of an organism—they do not divide like cells do. Scientists today operate on the assumption that these ubiquitous viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria. Difficult to separate and purify, viruses have become a convenient scapegoat for diseases that don’t fit the bacterial model. Colds, flu and pneumonia—once considered exclusively bacterial diseases—are now frequently blamed on a virus.
Is it possible that scientists will one day discover that these particles, like the once-maligned bacteria, play a beneficial role? Indeed, scientists have already done just that. However, old ideas—and especially the “one bug, one drug” mentality that promises profits from drugs and vaccines—die hard.
Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1843-1910) is considered one of the founders of modern bacteriology, having created and improved laboratory technologies for isolating bacteria. His research led to the formulation of what are called Koch’s postulates, a series of four principles linking specific microorganisms to specific diseases.
The postulates are as follows:
- The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.
- The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in a pure culture.
- The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
- The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated (now diseased) experimental host and identified as identical to the original specific causative agent.
If all four conditions are met, one has proven the infectious cause for a specific set of symptoms. Significantly, however, even Koch could not find proof of contagion using his own postulates! In fact, he had to abandon the requirement of the first postulate when he discovered carriers of cholera and typhoid fever who did not get sick. Although he claimed to have proven that a bacterium causes tuberculosis (TB), a careful reading of his work (very difficult to obtain in English) shows that he did not satisfy even one of his four postulates for TB.
Koch developed his postulates for bacteria, not for viruses. In 1937, Thomas M. Rivers modified Koch’s postulates in order to determine the infectious nature of viruses.23 Rivers’ postulates stated:
- The virus could be isolated from diseased hosts.
- The virus could be cultivated in host cells.
- The virus could be filtered from a medium that also contained bacteria (proof of filterability).
- The filtered virus would produce a comparable disease when the cultivated virus was used to infect experimental animals.
- The virus could be re-isolated from the infected experimental animal.
- A specific immune response to the virus could be detected.
Note that Rivers dropped Koch’s first postulate—that’s because many people suffering from “viral” illness do not harbor the offending microorganism. Even with Koch’s first postulate missing, however, researchers have never been able to prove that a specific virus causes a specific disease using Rivers’ postulates.
Sometime in late 2019, authorities in China noticed that a group of people were getting sick in a new way. Because the symptoms of the sick people resembled those of pneumonia, some of the original ill patients were given antibiotics. When the patients didn’t improve with antibiotic therapy, doctors concluded that this new type of pneumonia must be caused by a new type of virus.
As soon as the Chinese medical authorities suspected an outbreak of a new and dangerous viral disease, they should have taken steps to satisfy the Rivers’ postulates. The first step would have entailed collecting some five hundred people from Wuhan with the identical (or at least nearly identical) symptoms and finding five hundred symptom-free matched controls (people of similar age, lifestyle, disease profile and so forth), also from Wuhan. Given the possible slow development of this illness, it would also have been prudent to follow the five hundred controls for a few months to make sure that none developed the new symptoms.
The next step would have been to do a thorough microbiological examination of a variety of fluids taken from the one thousand subjects. At a minimum, this should have included blood, sputum, urine and nasal swabs. The study should have used both conventional light microscopy (to look for bacteria) and electron microscopy (to look for viruses). If the investigators went on to find a novel bacterium or virus in all of the sick people and in none of the well people, they then should have meticulously isolated, purified and cultured the bacterium or virus in a neutral medium. After accomplishing this purification step, the purified microbe should have been introduced into test animals, using the normal route by which the microbe could spread (and not, for example, injecting it directly into the brain of the animal, as was done to “prove” the contagious etiology of polio). Finally, such studies would of course require a control group of test animals; in other words, if researchers are going to spray purified virus into animals’ nostrils to see if they get sick, they also need to spray pure saline into the nostrils of a control group of animals to make sure the animals are not getting sick just because stuff is being sprayed up their noses.
Any sane person would agree that such research ought to have been a requirement before taking draconian worldwide measures to “stop the spread” or “flatten the curve.” And, if medical authorities in China were unable to carry out this type of investigation, they should have enlisted the help of the CDC in the U.S. and the equivalent organizations in Europe and Russia, or the WHO, to make sure the investigations were done carefully, properly and thoroughly. Isn’t this what science is supposed to be all about?
What the public doesn’t realize is that for Covid-19—and also for the last dozen or so “viral” epidemics we have faced, including AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, bird flu, hepatitis C and others—scientists have not attempted to demonstrate even a single part of Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates.
Actually, for Covid-19, the Chinese did try. They took some respiratory secretions from some sick people; that is, they took sputum from people with a cough. They then centrifuged the sputum to separate out the liquid part from the cellular part, which presumably contained the virus. Next, they took this centrifuged, unpurified sediment from sick people and inoculated that into lung cancer cells. Then they centrifuged this mess again, not even attempting to purify any virus from the mixture. Finally, they took this witch’s brew of snot sediment, lung cancer cells and who-knows-what-else and injected that into two unfortunate monkeys. They didn’t do a control group, such as injecting saline, or injecting lung cancer cells, or even injecting the liquid supernatant from the centrifuged material into a control group of monkeys. Instead, the two experimental monkeys just got the unpurified, cellular-debris-laden goop. One of the monkeys got pneumonia, and the other got a rash.24 In a related study, the Chinese scientists took unpurified, lung-cancer-grown, centrifuged snot and squirted it down the throats and into the lungs of a group of hamsters. Some (but not all) of the hamsters got pneumonia, and some even died. We have no idea what would have happened if they had squirted plain lung cancer cells into the lungs of these hamsters; probably not anything good. Most perplexing is the fact that some of the hamsters didn’t get sick—which doesn’t square with the “deadly contagious virus” theory at all.25
In short, none of the studies carried out to date has provided any semblance of proof that we are dealing with a deadly viral disease. The fact that illness appears in clusters may seem to call for “contagion” as an explanation, but an equally appropriate explanation is not the germ but the terrain. Which environmental factors are affecting many people in the same place at the same time? One obvious candidate is electromagnetic pollution.
It’s interesting to note that over the decades, each wave of influenza has had its own constellation of symptoms. During the Spanish flu epidemic, the main problem was bleeding—the inability of the blood to coagulate—and the main victims were healthy people in the prime of life (between the ages of twenty-five and forty). Today’s victims are older, usually with pre-existing conditions, and the main symptoms seem to be hypoxia, akin to high-altitude sickness
Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, working on the front lines in a New York City hospital, made a video explaining what he has observed.26 Says Kyle-Sidell, “We’ve never seen anything like it!” The afflicted are literally gasping for air. In fact, the ventilators that the hospitals have scrambled to obtain do more harm than good and may be accounting for the high mortality rate. These patients don’t need help breathing—they need more oxygen when they take a breath. What Kyle-Sidell describes is not the sign of a contagious disease but of a disruption of our mechanisms for producing energy and getting oxygen to the red blood cells.

We are indebted to Dr. Andrew Kaufman, who has posted a number of interesting videos online in which he explains that viruses are actually exosomes,27-30 a conclusion shared by a number of other virologists. Viruses and exosomes are the same size, the same shape, both carry RNA and both attach to the same receptors. These tiny particles do not attack our cells; quite the contrary, exosomes are particles that are released from the cell (see Figure 2). In addition to carrying RNA, exosomes encapsulate toxins and cellular debris in response to various insults—toxins, stress (including fear), cancer, ionizing radiation, infection, injury, many diseases, immune response and asthma. In short, these exosomes/viruses are the result and not the cause of illness, and they play primary roles in coagulation, intercellular signaling and excretion of waste materials.
So, is a nasty little creature called coronavirus infecting us and making us sick? Remember that researchers could not show that the dreadful Spanish flu was contagious. The fact that viruses are actually helpful exosomes, and that many individuals who test positive for coronavirus are symptom-free, makes their role as a perpetrator highly unlikely. To settle this question once and for all, we need to do the same contagion studies that proved non-contagion in 1918.
If you do a bit of surfing on the Internet, you will find that exosomes are the latest thing for diagnosis and therapy, with many medical uses—from cancer treatment, to wound healing, to hair restoration! If 5G, by overloading the body’s electrical circuitry and hijacking oxygen, causes injury to the lung cells, then an increased production of exosomes (wrongly called viruses) is sure to be the result—and thank goodness! It is no wonder that the antiviral medications given in the early days of the pandemic—but now largely abandoned—caused such terrible side effects, including allergic reactions, fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, diabetic lactic acidosis, damage to the kidneys, liver and pancreas. . . and breathing problems. These drugs were suppressing the body’s efforts to protect itself against the poisonous effects of 5G and other toxins.
It’s clear that we are making the same mistake with viruses that we have made with cholesterol and saturated fat—blaming a substance that is essential to life for causing disease. Just twenty years ago, the medical profession “knew” that bacteria were killers—now we recognize that bacteria are essential to health. How long will it take us to learn that so-called viruses are our friends?
Humankind has lived for thousands of years with our brains tuned to the Schumann resonances of the earth, our bodies and indeed all life—bathed in a static electric field of one hundred thirty volts per meter. The electric symphony that gives us life is soft and delicate. Minute electrical currents that course through leaf veins or through the glial cells in our nervous system guide the growth and metabolism of all life forms. Our cells communicate in whispers in the radiofrequency range. Today, this quiet hum of life-giving current is deafened by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone—and now the final assault, 5G.
Fortunately, cells under assault produce the toxin-gobbling messengers called exosomes that help us adjust to environmental threats, including electrosmog. These tiny messengers provide real-time and rapid genetic adaptation to environmental changes. After all, most people have adjusted to worldwide radio waves, electricity in our homes and ubiquitous Wi-Fi. . . and there were thirty-five sailors on the battleship Arachne who did not get sick! Even the sparrow population rebounded after the flu of 1738. It is exosomes that allowed these adjustments to happen. Whether these exosomes can help us adapt to the extreme disruption of 5G remains to be seen.
While your best protection against EMFs is to reduce exposure, especially to 5G emitters, the Wise Traditions diet can go a long way toward protecting you against the cacophony of EMF frequencies that surround us.
SATURATED ANIMAL FATS. Electromagnetic frequencies, especially those for 5G, increase the permeability of the cell membrane, which can then lead to all sorts of unfortunate consequences—from fatigue to cancer. The first and foremost requirement for cell membranes that are impervious and secure is saturated fat. At least 50 percent of the fat molecules in the cell membrane should be saturated, and the fats in our lung surfactants should be 100 percent saturated for the lungs to work properly. Saturated animal fats also supply cholesterol, needed in the cell membranes to ensure that the cells are waterproof (and thus have a different electric potential on the inside and outside of the cell). Another important compound we get from animal fats is arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid required for tight cell-to-cell junctures. So, eat the fat on your meat, cook in lard or bacon fat and use plenty of butter!
THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS. The trio of vitamins A, D and K2 work together to protect us against toxins and enhance the immune system. Best sources are cod liver oil, egg yolks from pastured hens, butter from grass-fed cows, fish eggs, lard from pigs raised outdoors, poultry fat and poultry liver.
GELATIN-RICH BONE BROTH. The glycine in bone broth helps maintain structured water both inside and outside the cell; helps create strong cartilage in the lung surfactants and throughout the body; and supports the body’s detoxification mechanisms. Be sure to make broth with organic or grass-fed bones, free of glyphosate (the main ingredient in the herbicide Roundup).
VITAMIN C. Successful treatments for the current type of respiratory illness include vitamin C. Your best food source is fermented vegetables like sauerkraut—there is ten times more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage!
IRON, ZINC AND SULFUR. Iron is an element that is vulnerable to electromagnetism. Vitamin A helps ensure that iron goes into the red blood cells where it is needed. Both zinc and sulfur supplementation seem to help Covid-19 patients. The best sources are animal foods like red meat, liver, oysters and egg yolks.
RAW MILK. One effect of 5G seems to be the stimulation of calcium channels in the cell membrane. This drives calcium into the cell, essentially poisoning the cell, while lowering the ionized calcium in the blood used in the coagulation pathways to help clotting and prevent uncontrolled bleeding. If the ionized calcium in the blood drops too low, people hemorrhage and die. During the 1918 pandemic, many doctors noted that their patients died from hemorrhage, not from pneumonia as one would expect. Some doctors reported that the use of intravenous calcium lactate kept people from dying. Soon after, Royal Lee from Standard Process formulated a flu product called Congaplex, which contained calcium lactate—the same form of readily available calcium as in raw milk. In addition, raw whole milk from pastured cows contains many compounds that strengthen our ability to deal with toxins.
- Firstenberg A. The Invisible Rainbow. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green, 2017.
- Perper R. Fauci says people should “just forget about shaking hands” even after the coronavirus threat is over. Business Insider, April 8, 2020.
- WHO official: It’s time to remove people from their homes & COVID Task Force admits inflated numbers. April 11, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ5Xo3NAUE0.
- Payeras I Cifre B. Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks. March-April 2020. https://www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Study-of-correlation-coronavirus-5G-Bartomeu-Payeras-i-Cifre.pdf.
- Iran finishes preparations to launch 5G internet: Minister. MSN, February 13, 2020. https://www.msn.com/en-xl/middleeast/top-stories/iran-finishes-preparations-to-launch-5g-internet-minister/ar-BBZYXjB.
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BASED and redpilled. There’s a theory going around that COVID 19 is actually a contagious toxin….is it true or not Fitz? Cuz Andrew Holness (PM of my country), locked down the nation hard when it came. If it’s actually a contagious toxin a lot of things make sense.
Thank you, you’re a blessing.
I am not exactly sure. There could be a number of things causing the “covid-19” symptoms. The anti-bodies are fairly general.
Makes sense man. Good work. By the way did you remember the time when the UK was busted arming Putin?
No. Have a link for that?
I rather think most of this communist god-state coup is really just reclassifying every death or many deaths as covid, maybe a mild new flu virus strain is out there but that’s always the case with viruses. This is just a media-government jew “event” just like blm marxist “events”. I’m not denying that there are electronic toxins and harassment and 5G, along with the other tech they have, will certainly effect people regardless of what the demon shells say. They were using passivity inducing EM tech in Iraq in 2005 with portable router like devices planted by grunt infantry who were clueless as to what they were doing, (as always with hired help in various uniforms). “Pacifying rays pose new hazards in iraq” William Thomas jan 25 2005. I have no doubt this was tested and used on western countries before that and is only getting worse.
Anyways another book that goes through in detail the mind control language of judaeo-masonic-communism but focuses on communism and the Church is Rev Arriaga’s “New Montinian Church” about the 39th Eucharistic Conference in Colombia in the late 60’s. Excellent analysis by the Jesuit Mexican priest focusing on the language programming that bolshevism uses. Shockingly we hear Bergoglio and other vatican 2 church leaders using this language. Arriaga is a sedevacantist if I remember right, I do not believe in sedevacantism, all indications are that the vatican II popes are duly elected, it’s just that the Church is going through a major decline and self demolition by infiltrator cryptos and others with the help of their counterparts on the outside in many places. Arriaga seems ignorant of the crypto beast but does mention jewry and masonry at times. Sedevacantism just seems like piling more hatred, vitriol and schism on top of it all. I do support sspx and fssp though but these are just spreading and celebrating the Church Pre-Vatican II. Another book that exposes REAL talmudist thinking and mindset is Psychopolitics or Brainwashed into slavery by Goff, it’s on par with The Protocols, you get the real satanism and evil of these putrid demon shells written in a direct way.
Of course , NOT to mention the obvious solution to the 5G danger and thwarting (their) surveillance/control state.
Literally stands out like the proverbial Dog’s …..!
BTW a great article…Thanks.
Whats it all about?
Kissinger & Gates: We need a new world order and Mass Vaccination.
Check Out: https://www.rfglobalnet.com/doc/fixed-wireless-communications-at-60ghz-unique-0001
5 G is rolled out at 60 ghz, exactly the bandwith of which “the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen”. Breathtaking indeed. The article is wriiten in April, 2001 btw.
Phenomenal work. Not convinced yet but its hard to dispute.
It parallels my theory on cancer, electrically based. In short, inside every cell in our body is the mitochondria, the diesel engine making our energy ATP. Making ATP involves a 4 step process inside the Electron Transport Chain. If anything goes wrong in that process it makes an electrically messed up molecule called a “free radical.” This electrically unstable molecule goes out n steals electrons from other healthy molecules making more free radicals n so on n so on. I believe this is inflammation n cancer metasticizing.
Naturally over millions of years our bodies have created a system to counter these free radicals, we either make or consume antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals. An antioxidant has the ability to give up electrons with ease and remain stable. When an antioxidant meets a free radical, the antioxidant says “dude, chill, u need electrons?, here, take as many as u want, i got plenty” n the free radical becomes electrically neutral n stabilizes. This fight goes on daily inside of us.
The problem is there are soo many toxins, poisons, pesticides, gmos, emfs, and radiation that the poisons win every day.
Greatfully they’ve come up with the ORAC scale. Scientists are studying every food n plant to measure its antioxidant capabilities. A new #1 was just found, Dragons Blood, the sap from a South American tree.
My theory is to include a detox program into your life to remove as many toxins n poisons as possible, and to consume as much antioxidants from the top 10 on the ORAC scale to help your body fight the daily fight.
Back to viruses, knowing radiation creates free radicals n cancers, its not hard to dot the lines from 5G to inflammation, pneumonia and cancers.
Without proving Koch’s or River’s postulates, covid is obviously just another (((rich mans))) con. Covid is just their yellow brick road to their castle.