- An epiphany on Adam Greenspam, CJB, and the rest of the Christ Mythicists (Ryan)
- Green claims he became anti-Christian recently, after “researching”, but these two videos suggest he was anti-Christian at least six years ago: Green expresses doubt that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, “they say…” (or born at all?) | At about the 15:00 mark, Green decisively bolts when Bible reading offered to him
- Adam Green exposed, subversive shill
- Christopher Bollyn gatekeeping 9/11 truth on behalf of Moscow? (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Debunking Adam Green’s lie that Christianity is 99 percent Zionist (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Adam Green cohort Jake Morphonions on Russian Television REN
- GDL: Adam Green Hasbara Bot Livestream
- Adam “Flaky” Green Invited Onto Infowars! | What Questions To Ask…
- When Adam Green shilled for Alex Jones and Trump
- Mythicist Adam Green’s anti-Zionism is Marxist derived (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Talpiot plant Greenspan with a “Palestinian” tour guide that created a tracking app for the Peres Center For Peace and Innovation which is funded by the Wexner Foundation (Twitter—@LastAntiMason)
- Adam ‘Gatekeeper’ Green
- Infowars continued publishing Adam Green’s content until at least November 2019 (Screenshot taken from Infowars website 2019-11-17) Wayback machine archive shows this same Adam Green doc. on Infowars until May 2021.
- “Adam Green” a common Jewish name: Adam Green (musician) | Adam Green (filmmaker) | Adam Green (journalist) | Adam Green (Gay and Jewish)
- Adam Green and High Impact Flix e-begging yet again. Multi channel network shills
- Adam’s ‘backdoor hookup’ in Israel
- Adam Green flip flopping, Mannings, Patrick Little, RTR
- Adam Green endorses Kabbalah (Cub_Bearson—Twitter)
- Adam Green, the Flip, the Flop, the Deceiving I Cant Stop. P. Little, Mannings, RTR (Youtube—Know More News EXPOSED)
- KnowMoreNews Adam Green and Alex Jones from Infowars EXPOSED! By Wardo Rantz
- Michael Collins Piper says Christopher Bollyn an intelligence operative
- Adam Green of Know More News/Infowars, Creator of the GDL
- Adam Green Berg of Know More News/Infowars
- Adam Green’s theology
- Adam’s Green’s (and CJB’s) Theology Part 2
- The lies of Christopher Jon Bjerknes and protege Adam Green
- Adam Green Busted Yet Again (GoyimTV)
- Writer links Adam Green of KnowMoreNews to U.S. defense contractor McDonnell Douglas (Dave From Queens)
- Adam Green censors comment exposing Christopher Jon Bjerknes as being Jewish (@Grolongo88)
- Adam Green refuses to debate Christians (@ReadHenryFord)
- Know More News dad was in a Eurasian Multi national automation parts company DENSO (Political Clips—Youtube)
- Adam Green cohort Jake Morphonios a contributor at pro-Kremlin Iranian site (The Iranian)
- Green promoting synagogue “Jesus never existed’ narrative (CamelotDaily)
- Adam Green cohort Angelo Gage has a Soviet Press TV message for us. Let the Soviets takeover Iraq. Yankee go home.
- Why Viasat will not stop airing propagandist Russian channels (Delfi)
- Agitation by Adam Green’s GDL Leads to Florida “Anti-Semitism” Bill in Florida (Renegade Tribune)
- Parallels between Christ mythicism and Soviet propaganda (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Adam Green the Talpiot plant
- Adam “money fraud” Green
- Kremlin asset Jake Morphonios and Adam Green look quite comfortable while in Israel (Bitchute—IconoclastRadio)
- ADL gives big push to Adam Green, Michael Jones, TruNews, and Nathanael Kapner (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- If Adam Green is data mining for the ‘gogue… (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Adam Green fails to sufficiently explain why he was allowed into Israel (Youtube—The Enigma Report)
- Masonic hand gestures (Odysee—TurtleDoves)
- Marxist Green signs anti-racist A letter Against Apartheid (Against Apartheid)
- It is alleged that Adam Green’s KGB asset friend Jake Morphonios narrated this masonic recruitment video; although, I can’t say for sure it’s him
- Adam Green cohort Jake Morphonios just happened to get the ear of the KGB’s PLO-installed mayor of Ramallah Mousa Hadid while the two shills were in Israel (Twitter—Fitzinfo)
- Jake Morphonios & Adam Green Discuss Palestine Trip (Youtube Archive—Know More News)
- Yet another Adam Green associate, Lucas Gage, promoted on Kremlin-state Media Russia Today (RT)
- Lucas Gage makes masonic gesture during interview with New Ager David Icke (Twitter—@AngloEnigm17422)
- Youtube recommends Adam Green
- Lucas Gage hypocritically condems the American system from which he draws an income (Twitter—@Martinezpol3)
- Adam Green responds with more lies
- Adam Green Kabbalah Shill (Youtube—Anti-Soviet KGB)
- Israeli press gave voice to KGB asset Christopher Bollyn to blame West for sinking of ferry Estonia (IsraLand)
- Kabbalist Hamsa on Greenstein (Bitchute—MustB)
- Adam Green Of Know More News Exposed and Debunked (Protruth Antimedia Archive—Youtube)
- Adam Green hosts convicted sex offender Ethan Ralph three times in the last month (X—@Cub_Bearson)