The Sogaz medical center in St. Petersburg, associated with the eldest daughter of Vladimir Putin, Maria Vorontsova, not only treated mercenaries from PMC Wagner for free, as Reuters reported back in 2020. The clinic on Malaya Konyushennaya Street, as Radio Svoboda found out, at the same time served the closest friends of the Russian President himself, the heads of the Federal Security Service, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and other representatives of the Russian ruling elite—including people who were considered the nominal owners of “Putin’s palace.” And in the clinic, they did tests for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis for the mysterious “sportswomen” who, according to the source of Radio Liberty who worked in the clinic, are elite escort girls.
Based on the incomplete lists of VIP clients of the Sogaz clinic received from the source, a week ago Radio Liberty was able to find out using publicly available data that Natalya , the eldest daughter of Vladimir Putin’s close friend Gennady Timchenko, had married a former hierodeacon of the St. Petersburg courtyard of the Valaam Monastery Gavriil Frolov , who then became the owner of a 90% stake in the largest Russian engineering and construction company Gorka. Radio Liberty was able to confirm the identity of the source and the fact of his work in the clinic, in addition, the screenshots provided to the editorial office confirm that this is precisely the Sogaz clinic.
The source, whose name we cannot name for reasons of his safety, confirmed to Radio Liberty information to Reuters about the treatment at the Wagner’s clinic. The man also said that a large group of mercenaries was admitted for treatment in February 2018 – this coincides in time with the defeat of PMC Wagner in the area of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor by American troops and units of the Syrian opposition. In that three-hour battle, according to various estimates, up to several hundred “Wagnerians” were killed. According to a Radio Liberty source, the treatment of the surviving mercenaries was highly classified.

Fighters of the “Syrian Democratic Forces”, a Kurdish-Syrian formation that accepted the attack of the pro-Assad forces and “PMC Wagner” on the evening of February 7, 2018, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates

The interlocutor of Radio Liberty said that all the “Wagnerites” were “attached” in the clinic directly to its director Vladislav Baranov . It is through Baranov that the Sogaz clinic is connected with the daughter of Vladimir Putin, Maria Vorontsova : as the BBC wrote in 2019, Baranov is a co-owner of the NOMECO company, which is behind the construction of the Sogaz multifunctional medical complex in the Leningrad Region. According to official documents, Nomeko’s shareholder is also Maria Vladimirovna Vorontsova. Vladimir Putin’s nephew Mikhail Shelomov is also associated with Sogaz.

According to a Radio Liberty source, one of the BVV patients was a PMC Wagner fighter named Matrosov – “probably a commander, or a particularly distinguished one.” Sailors, who was wounded in the leg, allegedly had an affair with one of the nurses on the VIP floor, and in 2019 they had a child.
Radio Liberty found on the site “Peacemaker” only one person with that last name and “PMC Wagner” in his service record – it says that he was a scout, an assistant to a grenade launcher in the 1st squad of the 1st reconnaissance and assault platoon. The only photograph of Matrosov was a photo from his profile in Odnoklassniki – a source from Radio Liberty confirmed that he had seen this particular person in the clinic.

The page of Sergei Matrosov on the VKontakte social network, indicated on the “Peacemaker”, was closed, including for sending private messages. The only way to contact him was to send a virtual “gift” in the form of a picture with a small attached message, which we did. After that, Matrosov replied to the Svoboda correspondent and, in subsequent correspondence, confirmed that he had married a nurse from the Sogaz clinic, but stated that he “did not receive treatment there”.
As a source in the clinic told Radio Liberty, in 2020, after articles in the press about the treatment of the “Wagnerites”, access to the contents of electronic medical records of the “special contingent” was closed for everyone except the doctors who directly treated them.
In the Sogaz clinic on Malaya Konyushennaya, not only Russian mercenaries from the Wagner PMC were treated – representatives of the very top of the Russian ruling elite visited the adjacent floors at the same time.
The source transmitted to Radio Liberty only three screenshots from the clinic’s administrative system, two of them – a list of VIP clients with names starting from “B” to “Z”, the third – apparently, a complete list of “supervips”. The latter, according to the source, was dealt with by a special department in the clinic, they were served only by the best doctors, for their sake, the records of other patients were canceled at any time.
“Abbreviations in the list are initials. For example, KYV -” Kovalchuk Yuri Valentinovich “, FSA -” Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich “and so on. These are basically the founders [of the clinic]. Where there are abbreviations, they especially wanted to classify them. Their cards were closed the moment I went there. Their card numbers indicate that they were among the first clients of the clinic. I photographed this list because it was the “red” level of the tops. We had colour identification : red is the highest level of VIPs, then there was pink, blue, and so on,” says a source to Radio Liberty.
By the dates of birth, we easily determined who the rest of the “tops” in the list are. In fact, the Sogaz clinic can be called “the clinic of the Ozero cooperative,” a famous dacha cooperative on the shore of Lake Komsomolskoye in the Leningrad Region, created in 1996 by Vladimir Putin and his then and future close friends.
The “red” list of VIP clients of the Sogaz clinic, in addition to Yuri Kovalchuk and Sergei Fursenko, includes the wife of Yuri Kovalchuk Tatyana (KTA), President of the National Media Group Kirill Kovalchuk (KKM), son of Yuri Kovalchuk’s brother Mikhail … The list also includes “KI” – Ilya Iosifovich Klebanov , the former plenipotentiary of Putin in the North-West Federal District, and “MVI” – Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko.

Another “political” representative of the list of “supervips” is Lyubov Sovershaeva , who is called the “gray cardinal” of St. Petersburg or “St. Now Sovershaeva holds – once again – the post of Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District. For many years she worked in various capacities in the structures of Yuri Kovalchuk .
Two people on the same list represent the “power block”. Firstly, this is Pavel Alekseevich Volgin , head of the Federal Security Service for the Northwestern Federal District. According to the Scanner Project, Volgin owns real estate in the so-called “corporate village of Kovalchukov” near the Igora resort in the Leningrad region. “Secondly, the mysterious Leonid Georgievich Stepanov . In open sources, Radio Liberty was able to find only one mention of a person with that name and date of birth – on the website of the sports club “Otdushina” … “Otduchina” was created in 1959 by order of the chairman of the KGB as “a section for physical education and sports for the top leadership of the State Security Committee.” In approximately the same capacity, judging by the official site, “Otduchina” exists now.
Some people on the list of Sogaz clients have previously appeared in anti-corruption investigations, but as “face values”. New evidence suggests this may be an understatement of their role in those around Putin and his friends.
In the spring of this year, the “Interlocutor” edition released the continuation of a series of investigations about “Putin’s palace” in Gelendzhik. In particular, the journalists came to the conclusion that the palace “belongs more to Kovalchuk than to Rotenberg (who announcedthat he owns the object. – RS) , and more to Putin than to Kovalchuk.” The investigationmentions two firms: Revival of Naval Traditions and Development of Traditions of Russian Aviation. The first of them, among other things, belongs to the Shelest yacht, which often approaches the palace in Praskoveevka. The CEO of both companies is a small-publicized Denis Andreevich Razgulyaev Born in 1981, and he is being treated at the SOGAZ clinic according to the “red list” – as well as the co-founder of the “Revival of Marine Traditions”, the manager of the structures of the bank “Russia” and Yuri Kovalchuk’s close associate Dmitry Mansurov . The “interlocutor” also drew attention to Denis Razgulyaev’s connectionwith “Putin’s wallet” Sergei Roldugin.

Irina Veselova , opposite whose name in the table there is a postscript “VIP !!!!”, was also repeatedly mentioned in the investigative materials. She is a member of the above-mentioned “Revival of Marine Traditions” partnership, in addition, she heads LLC “Standard”. This company owns the domain used by Binom JSC. The latter formally belongs to the “Putin’s palace” in Praskoveevka. According to “Interlocutor”, in fact, both “Standard” and “Revival of naval traditions” and “Development of Russian aviation traditions” are included in the “Binom” group, which is actually controlled by Yuri Kovalchuk , Gennady Timchenko, Mikhail Shelomov and other close associates of the Russian president – including Svetlana Krivonogikh , the alleged mother of the illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Putin, Louise Rozova.
There are many noteworthy persons in the list of “ordinary” VIPs. There are also people there who are directly or indirectly associated with the Ozero cooperative – for example, the former head of the directorate of Russian Railways railway stations Vitaly Votolevsky , who in 2019 was appointed director of the cooperative. In 2005, as “Novaya Gazeta” -SPb wrote, Votolevsky actively contributed to the execution of documents for the construction of houses in the “Lake” – despite the protests of local residents. “The seizure of land plots, falsification of documents, beatings, threats, exhausting litigation – such is the life of this once-reserved corner today,” wrote “Novaya” then (now the publication has been removed from the newspaper’s website).
There is also Teymuraz Bolloev on the list , in the past – a brewer, and now – the general director of the construction company “Olympstroy”. Bolloev met Vladimir Putin back in 1991 and shared at least one hobby with him – judo.

The usual, that is, not a “super VIP” list, includes the head of Gazpromneft, Alexander Dyukov, and the governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko .
Some of the names on the list look mysterious – for example, Dmitry Isaakovich Geiler . His e-card number is 199, that is, Geiler registered at the clinic earlier than the absolute majority of other VIPs, opposite his surname in the database there is a note “super VIP”. At the same time, Geiler’s full namesake with the same date of birth in 2017 was looking for a job as a personal driver with a salary of 40 thousand rubles. In one of the photos on the Internet, he is standing next to a Chevrolet Aveo.
The Arashukovs’ family was also treated at SOGAZ. Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov was deprived of immunity on January 30, 2019 and was detained right in the building of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on suspicion of embezzlement, the creation of an organized criminal group and the organization of contract killings. On the same day , his father, Raul Arashukov , was detained in one of Gazprom’s offices in St. Petersburg . According to information transmitted by Radio Liberty by a source, both detained Arashukovs were registered at the Sogaz clinic for an appointment with a VIP therapist on February 2, 2019.

Finally, another secret category of patients at the Sogaz clinic on Malaya Konyushennaya was young girls, who were first labeled “Code 1” and then “women’s sports”.
The admission rules, in contrast to the “Wagnerians”, were different here: the clinic staff had to take the girl’s passport, copy the page with the photo, enter the surname, name and patronymic, date of birth in the medical card, and also put a note – “women’s sports”.
“On the copy of the passport, you had to write the date, time of appeal, your last name and signature. About an hour later, you had to check the test results and enter them, putting down the time, in this copy and in the tablet in the Excel. About the arrival and receipt of the analysis result of such patients it is necessary was always to immediately inform the senior administrator, who, in turn, immediately had to report via SMS directly to [the general director] Baranov: “Such and such name, the result is negative,” – says our interlocutor. – They came constantly, but especially often towards the end of the week, on Fridays, and also at night in the emergency department. Baranov had to be informed every time, even at night. And he always answered: “Ok.” There is no doubt that it was Baranov, since we sometimes called him on this number for questions related to them.”
Like our source, we can only assume that the “athletes” were in fact elite escort girls. This is indirectly evidenced by a chance observation made by an interlocutor of Radio Liberty – the veracity of other words of which is partially confirmed by the story of Sergei Matrosov, a “Wagnerian”:
“They could take the test only in order to check their readiness for work. Some passed gynecological tests, and some confirmed their virginity. Sometimes they were accompanied by some people who made sure that the test was taken by the girl who needed it. so that there was no forgery. They did not look like sportswomen, among them there were very different – tall, short, thick, thin. Mostly young, under 20 years old, sometimes even minors. There were a couple of cases when quite old women came using this code We were surprised, almost all of them were from the regions.
Some had gynecological tests, and some confirmed virginity.One night, three came to my shift – two girls and a guy. The girls were tested and they left. A couple of days later, on the day shift, I went out to dinner at Eurasia on the Griboyedov channel and saw a strange company there. It was the same guy with an older woman who looked good and businesslike, and some kind of girl. They ordered her food, paid for her, and left. On questions to the management about what kind of girls they were, they answered us vaguely: what are they really athletes. We put copies of passports in a separate folder, once a month they were collected by an employee of the financial department. All these patients were then renamed, and their real names were corrected in the database to the word “Spitsbergen”.
Radio Liberty sent questions to the Sogaz clinic – is it true that PMC Wagner fighters were being treated there; whether Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, Sergey Alexandrovich Fursenko and other people mentioned in this article are VIP clients of the clinic; is the information about the group of patients of the clinic, who are being examined according to the code list “women’s sports”, true? We received no answers to these questions.
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