By Michael Collins Piper
The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within
American Free Press (2006)
Excerpt: pages 159-171
The contents of much of this chapter will come as a shock to modern-day American anti-communists (and particularly those who were active in supporting Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, the famed communist hunter) but certain facts must be made a part of recorded history if we are to have a faithful profile of The Enemy Within.
But first, the story of a controversial figure who played a secret (and actually quite bizarre) role in helping John F. Kennedy win the presidency in 1960—one of the legendary, behind-the-scenes figures in the American nationalist movement—DeWest Hooker, who died at age 81 in Washington, D.C. on September 22, 1999.
Hooker—“West” to his friends—is now a part of history (hidden history) and his remarkable story is worth telling for the record, particularly since Hooker’s own experiences help us document the work of America’s Zionist Judas Goats.
About Hooker himself: A fascinating and memorable man who well deserves this brief tribute. Born to wealth and privilege, and later married into an immensely wealthy family, Hooker was a graduate of Cornell and a veteran of World War II—a war that he believed then and until his dying day was a war that need not and should not have been fought. Hooker devoted much of his personal fortune to fighting for the nationalist cause, a cause that he never abandoned.
In his early years, the floridly handsome Hooker was not only a Broadway actor but also an advertising model appearing in advertisements for Chesterfield cigarettes and wearing an eye patch in the famous Hathaway shirt advertisements.
However, Hooker gave up a promising career on the stage, after having been offered Henry Fonda’s lead role in the road tour of the Broadway hit, Command Decision, preferring to work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry.
Hooker ultimately went to work as a talent agent for the Music Corporation of America (MCA) and in the early 1950’s was one of the highest-paid talent agents in America. His focus was on the burgeoning arena of television production.

Hooker was particularly proud of his efforts to promote “black entertainment” for “black audiences,” encouraging the artistic endeavors of black singers and actors. At the same time, however, Hooker thoroughly rejected the concept that black music and black culture should be promoted to white audiences, a guiding principle of the “multi-cultural” music and motion pictures promoters of today.
(Hooker was particularly enthusiastic about the increasing prominence in the mid-1980s of Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, and this author first met Minister Farrakhan while accompanying Hooker to a by-invitation-only rally of the Nation of Islam in Washington, D.C. in 1985.)
For a period, one of the MCA contracts under Hooker’s domain was that of a former “B” movie actor-turned-television star, Ronald Reagan— although that detail is left out of Reagan’s official biographies in light of Hooker’s future “infamy” and reputation as an “anti-Semite.”
However, a “secret” description of Hooker’s relationship with Reagan’s rise to prominence appears in a little-known book entitled The King Maker, published in 1972—eight years before Reagan reached the presidency. Written by Henry Denker, a well-known New York writer, producer and director with wide “inside” knowledge of the show busi- ness industry, The King Maker was a roman a clef (that is, a “fictional” novel based on real-life characters and events, thinly disguised). Everyone knew it was about the behind-the-scenes story of Ronald Reagan’s political and financial dealings with the MCA agency and how those dealings helped bring Reagan to the governorship of California.
The book is not easy to find in the libraries or even in second hand bookstores.That may well be precisely because of the fact that—if you read between the lines (or not even necessarily between the lines)— you’ll discover some unpleasant things about Reagan and the people who made him into the American political powerhouse of the last quarter of the 20th century.
Hooker was the real-life model for one of the characters in the book, “Carl Brewster,” a frankly anti-Jewish television industry executive and let it be said, frankly, that West Hooker himself was very anti-Jewish and made no effort to hide it.
In The King Maker, Reagan is “Jeff Jefferson,” a has-been former movie actor who is catapulted into the California governorship through his association with Dr. Irwin Cone, the founder of a mob-connected booking agency, the Talent Corporation of America (TCA), which emerges a political force in its own right. Denker’s “Dr. Cone” is the real-life Dr. Jules Stein, and TCA is really—you guessed it—the Music Corporation of America, better known as the media giant MCA (now a subsidiary of the ever-growing Bronfman empire). Evidently the book was too much on the mark, so much so that Dr. Stein’s real life partner, Lew Wasserman, described the novel as “a piece of garbage” even though Wasserman isn’t even characterized in the novel at all.
In 1986, another writer, Dan Moldea, known for his expertise in the history of organized crime, wrote his own book that was no roman a clef, but was, in fact, a controversial non-fiction work that told the same story told in Denker’s The King Maker. However, Moldea’s book was more explosively—and perhaps more accurately—titled Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob.

In any case, Hooker’s anti-Semitism did not go over well with his bosses, Lew Wasserman and Jules Stein, and ultimately Hooker had a parting of the ways with MCA (only to have his MCA years memorialized in Denker’s book). However, Hooker, through his own ingenuity, managed to walk away from MCA a very rich man and actually was able to outwit Wasserman of MCA to the point that Hooker was later described in print by show business columnist Walter Winchell as the only one of MCA’s employees who ever outfoxed Wasserman.
In personal conversations Winchell was known to say, more candidly, that Hooker was the “only goy” (i.e. non-Jew) to have accomplished that feat, although Winchell’s additional language was far more gutteral in describing what Hooker had done to his former employer.
Hooker later moved toward setting up a “fourth” television network in the mid-1950’s, much to the distress of the media elite. Hooker candidly admitted that his project was designed to be the first “non- Jewish-controlled” television network.
Although he actively solicited the financial backing of Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy (father of then-Senator John F. Kennedy) for the project, the founder of the Kennedy dynasty refused to participate (although he wholeheartedly supported the concept). Kennedy said that his participation would enrage the Jewish community and would endanger his son’s chances of winning the presidency. Hooker’s first-hand reminiscences of his then-secret meeting with Kennedy were told in detail for the first time in this author’s work, Final Judgment.
In any case, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith learned of Hooker’s effort to organize a “fourth” network and in 1954 the ADL devoted a two-page spread in its bulletin to “exposing” Hooker under the title “The Case of the Charming Bigot.” The title itself was quite revealing about Hooker’s dynamism: Even the ADL, so disposed to smearing people and casting aspersions on their character, was forced to acknowledge that Hooker was possessed of an engaging personality that just wouldn’t quit.

Ultimately, New York State Attorney General (and later U.S. Senator) Jacob Javits, a corrupt and vicious Jewish ally of the ADL, issued an injunction preventing Hooker from raising funds for the network,thereby killing the project on behalf of the other Zionist-run networks.
Although Hooker then left the United States and went into self-imposed exile in Italy where he made a fortune in the soda bottling business, he returned to this country in the mid-1980s to resume his political endeavors.
For many years, Hooker was working quietly behind the scenes in an energetic effort to set in place an international petroleum distribution network—in concert with sympathetic interests in the Arab world— that would provide funding for the American nationalist movement. Unfortunately, however, Hooker’s efforts were frustrated by figures in a certain Arab regime that had been co-opted by Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad. In fact, one of Hooker’s working partners in the project was murdered.
Hooker himself had the benefit of living on the proceeds of a trust fund provided to him by his mother and had no desire whatsoever to reap any profit for himself from the oil venture which, if successfully launched, would have, by his estimate, provided a minimum of $10,000,000 per year for the nationalist cause.
Sadly, although Hooker was quite physically fit, almost until his death, Hooker’s sharp mind fell victim to the onset of age and his memory began to fail.This was a great tragedy for it prevented him from ever putting down the complete record of his remarkable career in writing or on video, although, fortunately, some of his writings have survived.
Amazingly, although he suffered for five years from the prostate cancer which had spread throughout his body and which ultimately killed him, Hooker was quite active and just several months before his death appeared at a public meeting in Arlington, Virginia (where this author, Michael Collins Piper, spoke) earning Hooker a final attack upon him by his enemies in a published report about the meeting by the Southern Poverty Law Center of Morris Dees. Hooker, frankly, was delighted to know that his endeavors were still being recorded by his sworn enemies. “Jesus was no sissy,” Hooker would often say. “He marched right in and threw the money changers out of the temple.”
In any case, Hooker was a remarkable man indeed.And what he discovered during the 1950s about the Zionist effort to control the “anti-communist” movement—information we are now about to detail—will be an amazing and eye-opening and very much sobering revelation for modern-day Americans who have never known the real story.
What follows is the text (slightly annotated for purposes of clarity) of a sworn statement that Hooker executed on September 30, 1954 outlining his findings about the role of the self-styled “American Jewish League Against Communism” and how it was manipulating then Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy’s efforts to investigate communism in high places in the American system.The affidavit reads:
I had an astounding interview for two hours some time ago with Norman L. Marks of the American Jewish League Against Communism, Inc.
As a matter of fact, I was brought along by another party, and Mr. Marks did not know anything about me (hence he really opened up because the person who took me was “trusted” by him).
The AJLAC has offices at 220 West 42nd Street, New York City. Its national chairman is Alfred Kohlberg. Its executive director is Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, and its treasurer is Harry Pasternak. Listed on its national board are the following: Bern Dibner, Lawrence Fertig,Theodore Fine, Benjamin Gitlow, Hon. Walter R. Hart, Herman Kashins, Eugene Lyons, Norman L. Marks, Morris Ryskind, Rabbi David S. Savitz, Nathan D. Shapiro, George E. Sokolsky, Maurice Tishman, Rabbi Ascher M.Yager.
I swear under oath to you that the following is as accurate as it is possible to put down from memory an hour or so later. Also, the information can be verified by the other unnamed party.
Mr. Marks, listed above and on the letterhead of the AJLAC as a member of the national board, said: “Far and away the principal financial contributor to the AJLAC is Mr. Bernard Baruch. ”When questioned on this point as to what percentage he would say Mr. Baruch contributed, he answered:“About 85% or 90% of the funds.”
I said that I had thought Mr. Kohlberg was the main contributor to the AJLAC and Mr. Marks answered: “Well, he contributes some but nothing like what Baruch contributes.” I asked Mr. Marks why Baruch’s name did not appear on the letterhead. He stated that Baruch was very emphatic about NOT having his name appear on the letter- head, and that it was to be unknown that he contributed funds to it.
Mr. Marks said that the organization was entirely Jewish but that a funny thing was that many of the founders of its seemed to have “Christian” wives. He said that they used to meet every Thursday at the Ambassador Hotel for lunch and talk about the world situation. Marks said that the organization would not accept either a“Christian in it”or a“Christian dime of support” and that no Christian money had ever been accepted in the past—that it was completely a Jewish organization and financed by them.
He said there were only two purposes for its founding: That the Number One purpose was to take the heat off the Jewishness of Communism, and a secondary aim was to get the Jews out of Communism and to support Zionism. He said that: “for a while there, almost all the spies of the Communists that were turned up were Jews and that they had become concerned, and thought that something should be done to take the sting off the Jews.They wanted to show the Christian world that ALL Jews were not Communists.”
When asked just how they went about this whole project, Mr. Marks said: “It’s impossible for a Christian to get away with criticizing the Jews. Only a Jew can do that.”
He went on: “And so we got together a strong group of Jews that “were known to be anti-Communists” and started our campaign of pressure from our point of view.”
[According to Hooker’s original affidavit, Marks’ reference to those who were said to be “anti-Communists” actually meant that the Jewish leaders in question were, as Hooker put it, “meaning anti-Stalinist.”—Ed.]
Marks stated: “We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy back in West Virginia that started his build- up into the famous anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by the investigations through his sub-committee.”
Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that “he is the best friend the Jews ever had.”
[Hooker noted of McCarthy that “Eventually they destroyed him anyway when he started calling up Jewish Communists later on.”—Ed.]
Marks went on to say that “other investigations might have turned up Jews and McCarthy had been given credit for them, but that if we traced the record back, we would find that McCarthy actually did not call up a single Jew in that period when the heat was on the Jews.” He later qualified these remarks by saying that“while McCarthy was operating as a temporary subcommittee under the Truman administation, he did not call up any Jews; that when he once got himself elected as the chairman of the permanent investigating committee, in the new administration, he then began to call witnesses “as they came.”
[That is, whether the witnesses were “Jewish or not,” according to Hooker—Ed.]
Mr, Marks continued: “But that doesn’t make much difference now because he accepted our own men to work right with him. For example, he accepted as his top man next to him our man Roy Cohn, which was arranged through another of our men, George Sokolsky.”
If memory serves me correctly, Marks stated that Julius Kahn was also their man on the McCarthy committee, but who was now on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He definitely stated that David Schine was NOT with the AJLAC but that he was put there by “another group which I don’t know about.”
Mr. Marks went on to say that “not only is McCarthy under our control but so are Jenner and Velde, who also took our men to work right with them. Benny Mandel and Robert Morris represent us on the Jenner Committee.” He mentioned Robert Kunzig as “their man” for Velde.
Marks also stated definitely that Professor Louis Budenz was under “their control” and one of “their men,” and that he was working to take the “heat” off the Jews.
[Budenz was a well-known “ex-communist” who became a leading figure in the so-called anti-communist movement, key elements of which had come under the control of the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. Hooker’s revelations explain why—Ed.]
He stated that [Alfred] Kohlberg, their national chairman, was the one who “found” Budenz when he was testifying in Washington and Kohlberg “picked him up and practically supported him for a while in order to get him started and built up to the man he is today in the anti-Communist movement.”
Marks also stated that they got “their man Robert Morris”elected recently as a judge in NewYork City,and that Victor Lasky was another one of their men who did a lot of “press work” for them, and “made speeches favoring their people, for example, Robert Morris.” He said, “All these people agreed to take the ‘heat’ off the Jews.”
I recall now another statement by Mr. Marks that “there is a vast pooling of information in the New York City area and throughout the country which is connected with our organization.”
I asked if J. B. Matthews and his files were in on “the deal” and he said: “Yes, we have access to all of his files.”
[J. B. Matthews was a prominent “anti-communist crusader” in the period, but, clearly, under the control of the Zionist-Trotskyites.—Ed.]
He said that they have at least “thirty Communists on our payroll who report information to us,” and that “we know everything that goes on in this field.”
Mr, Marks told all the above information as if there was nothing “wrong” with what he was saying. He even invited me and this other unnamed fellow to go to a meeting the following Tuesday night at the University Club, sponsored by Norman Lombard.
When they finally found out who I was, however, I was told by Norman Lombard and Norman Marks not to come to the meeting. I sure hope that the true patriotic American nationalists will be able to straighten out a few of these “pseudo-patriots” who are trying to lead the so-called “anti- communist” movement.
Don’t misunderstand me: I’m just as anti-Communist as any of you, but I don’t want our country to be led head-long into traps which enable these pseudo-patriots to “use” the fine instincts of the American people and the anti- Communist movement for their own diabolical ends.
In other words, some of these pseudo-patriots are “anti-Communist,” meaning “anti-Stalin communism,” but are pro- as hell another form of Communism (American brand) leading to dictatorship by them in our own country and the rest of the world under Bernard Baruch and the crowd he represents.
[The “American brand” of communism to which Hooker referred, although he didn’t say it directly, was precisely the Trotskyite brand, then in its evolution, that has come today to be known as “neo-conservatism.”—Ed.]
So we have DeWest Hooker to thank for having spotted, early on, that there was much more to the rise of “anti-communism” in America, at least in the form approved by the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. It is vital that Hooker’s revelations be fully understood today. What adds amazing further credibility to Hooker’s shocking revelations about the manipulation of Sen. McCarthy is the point made by famed organized crime writer Hank Messick in his book, John Edgar Hoover, a less than flattering portrait of the longtime FBI director which delved into Hoover’s ties to the organized crime syndicate. Messick wrote about the founding of the aforementioned American Jewish League Against Communism:
Varied were the motives of the League’s founding, but one of them was self-protection. . . . Many of the intellectuals in America were Jewish. During the New Deal some had achieved high position. Moreover, Karl Marx himself was the son of a Jew who later became a Christian.To adopt the sane position, to resist unfair smears and the attempts of bigots to portray the Jew as pro-red, might only make people mad. Better to go on the offensive against the Communist menace itself. Such was the attitude of some Jews—or at least the excuse they offered their friends—as national hysteria built up in 1948.
The possibility of the anti-Communism attack turning into a persecution of the Jews was very much on the minds of the government officials charged with prosecuting the alleged atom bomb spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. For that reason a Jewish judge was chosen, and the prosecuting staff selected to try the case was composed of Jews. One of their members was Roy Cohn.
More than concern for the Jews was involved in the formation of the League, however. Anti-Communism offered both political and business opportunities.
The League was formed at the home of Eugene Lyons, a right-wing author of note.Taking part in the first meeting were other right-wingers, including Louis Waldman, Lawrence Fertiz, Isaac Don Levine, and George Sokolsky.The prime mover was Alfred Kohlberg who, along with Lewis Rosenstiel, supplied most of the funds.
According to Messick, Kohlberg had long had business interests in China and now, as leader of what came to be known, in part, as “The China Lobby,” hoped to stoke up a war against China—in the name of “fighting communism”—in order to win back his lost source of lucre.

Rosenstiel, a liquor baron with long-standing ties to the organized crime syndicate of Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky, had his own interests in mind. Rosenstiel had procured big supplies of liquor prior to World War II and then profited immensely (when, during the war, government- imposed limits on the production of liquor, effectively gave him a quite profitable monopoly on liquor supplies). So, with the possibility of a new war against China (or even Russia or both), Rosenstiel evidently dreamed of repeating his previous success.
As such, Rosenstiel and Kohlberg and their Zionist allies initially lined up behind 1948 Republican presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey (who had long been quietly allied with the Lansky Crime Syndicate, Dewey’s reputation as a “gang-buster” notwithstanding). Although, of course, President Harry Truman is largely remembered as the American president who recognized Israel upon its founding in 1948, the truth is that there were many “insiders” in the Truman administration, including Truman himself, who were not quite so enthusiastic about giving the nod to Israel, recognizing—quite presciently—the dangers of setting up a Zionist state on land stolen from the native Christian and Muslim Palestinian people. As a result of this, the Zionist movement was less than enthusiastic about Truman and was quietly working on behalf of Thomas E. Dewey.
However, to the surprise of virtually everyone—with the possible exception of Truman himself—Dewey did not defeat Truman. And this set the stage for the virtual “creation” of no less than Senator Joseph R. McCarthy as the unwitting voice for the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. Messick fills in the details:
The unexpected defeat of Dewey in 1948 upset a good many people, and made it necessary for the American Jewish League Against Communism to revise its program. It needed a new political figure behind whom it could rally. Coincidentally, the league had come into possession of a one-hundred page FBI report on Communist influence on government. The report was originally leaked to an intelligence officer in the Pentagon with instructions to pass it on to leaders of the league . . . We have the word of none other than Roy Cohn that the secret FBI document was read, and conferences held, in New York and Washington. As Cohn put it, “a small group” took “upon itself the responsibility of getting the story across to America.”
The League decided it should approach a senator rather than a representative. At a meeting in Washington in November 1949, a special committee of the league “sifted carefully through the roster of United States senators for one who might successfully undertake the task of educating his fellow Americans. ”They narrowed the list down to four possibilities, all Republicans. In turn, each senator was given a look at the FBI report. Each was urged to go on the warpath. Each was promised financial support. The first three men on the list refused.The fourth took the document home and read it carefully. Next morning he called a member of the League and told him he was “buying the package.” That fourth senator was Joseph McCarthy.
Not long afterword, on February 9, 1950 McCarthy spoke before the Ohio County Women’s Republican Club in Wheeling, West Virginia and announced that there were 205 “security risks” in the State Department. And so it was that the “McCarthy Era”—which the Zionists today so hypocritically denounce—was launched. In fact, as we have seen, the McCarthy period was hardly more than the effective work of The Enemy Within.
And although McCarthy was very much correct, it seems, in pointing out that there were indeed “communists in the government,” it is probably safe to say that the war that was being fought out on Capitol Hill during the McCarthy hearings and in the media was actually hardly more than an overflow, into the United States, of the long-standing war between the surviving Russian Nationalist Communist elements in the Soviet Union (formerly led by Josef Stalin) and their bitter enemies in the Jewish-Zionist-Trotskyite movement which was now ensconced on American soil.
All of this, of course, is not to say that McCarthy was not sincere in his motives, but he was very clearly being manipulated by forces that were far beyond his comprehension.

And the fact that his chief “advisor” was the ubiquitous Roy Cohn, who continued to play a major role as a Zionist “fixer” (at the same time doubling as an organized crime lawyer) points precisely toward those forces that were guiding McCarthy toward ultimate destruction.
We also learn more from Jewish writer Stuart Svonkin’s book Jews Against Prejudice: American Jews and the Fight for Civil Liberties which demonstrates that—despite what the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee would like to us to believe today— the truth is that both organizations were very much involved in the very type of “McCarthyism” that they today decry. Svonkin noted:
As committed Cold War liberals, staff members of the ADL and AJC cooperated with the FBI, HUAC [the House Un-American Activities Committee], and other agents of the federal loyalty and security program during the late 1940s and 1950s, sharing their files on politically suspect organizations inside and outside the Jewish community.
This policy of cooperation, which built upon the partnership established during the antifascist campaign of the 1930s and early 1940s, was designed to minimize the association of Jews with communism, to protect liberals from persecution, and to ensure that the federal government remained attentive to the activities of right-wing extremists.
While the AJC and ADL hoped to moderate HUAC’s methods, these attempts to reform the anticommunist crusade from within reflected a basic acquiescence to the assumptions and strategies of the domestic cold war and inevitably contributed to the infringement of civil libertarian principles.
In addition, it’s probably worth noting what the well-known “conservative” critic of McCarthyism—Peter Viereck—pointed out in 1954 in regard to McCarthy. His words are rather interesting, when recalled in the modern-day context of how McCarthy and “McCarthyism” are best remembered.Viereck said:
McCarthy basically is not the fascist type but the type of the left-wing anarchist agitator, by an infallible instinct and not “by accident” subverting precisely those institutions that are the most conservative and organic, everything venerable and patrician, from the Constitution, and precisely the most decorated or paternal generals (Marshall, Eisenhower, Taylor, Zwicker), to the leaders of our most deeply established religion and precisely the most ancient of our universities . . . He satisfies the resentments of his followers, because his sincerest hatred is always against the oldest, most rooted, and most deeply educated patrician families—the Cabot Lodges, Achesons, Conants, Adlai Stevenson.
Rather than targeting the big American Zionist families (such as the Rothschild-allied Schiffs, for example) who were known to have financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, McCarthy was targeting some of America’s old-line families and their associates in the foreign policy establishment.

And it is probably no coincidence that one of McCarthy’s most prominent targets—former Gen. George C. Marshall—was actually one of the most outspoken American critics (during the Truman administration) of the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel.
What is particularly interesting is that Ann Coulter—one of the current “neo-conservatives” whose ideological sponsors and patrons are modern-day standard bearers of the old-line Trotskyite banner (now posing as “neo-conservatism”)—basically concurs with Viereck’s assessment, saying in her recent book, Treason:
McCarthy’s real “victims” were not sympathetic wit- nesses, frivolous Hollywood screenwriters, or irrelevant blow-hard college professors. They were elite WASP establishment policy-makers . . . They were well-born and looked good in dinner jackets . . . .
In other words, although Viereck was a McCarthy critic and Coulter one of McCarthy’s defenders, both assert (quite correctly) that—contrary to the popular image of McCarthy being a “vicious anti-Semitic hatemonger who was harassing innocent Jewish Hollywood screenwriters”—McCarthy was instead—in the broader sense—effectively taking aim in another direction altogether, thereby muddying the picture of the real sources of subversion in America.
These revelations regarding the McCarthy era are not intended to suggest that there were no disloyal communist traitors within the American system. In truth, in many respects, the late Senator McCarthy did indeed correctly target a large number of communists within the government, the media, and academia. But there was clearly much more to the story of McCarthy than we had ever known before.
Taken together, we see full well that the “Cold War”—as it is generally remembered—was not quite what we generally recall today.The Cold War was the reflection of long-festering behind-the-scenes conflict between Zionist elements in Russia and their Stalinist opponents, a war that ultimately transferred, in many respects, over onto American soil.
The Zionists and the Trotskyites had effectively merged, having found common cause, and began their drive to take over and manipulate—as an Enemy Within—the genuine “anti-communist” movement in America, acting as Judas Goats, leading real patriots to destruction.
Louis Marshalko – ‘The World (Jewish) Conquerors’, 1958
“But the Jews have shown they will be faithful to a country only as long as the interests of that country are identical with their own. Jewry’s interests lie in Jewish world government on the concepts of Einstein, and the totalitarian Jewish State.
Now, the hidden hand, acting quietly behind the scenes, is taking steps to force America on her knees by augmenting as much as possible the strength of the Soviet Union. America is to be undermined by Communist conspiracy and corrupt practices.
The policy now is so to debilitate America that she will have no strength left to defend herself in the end. With the world Press in its hands, it works with the sole aim of making America weak and isolated, of leaving her without allies on the day when the clock strikes and she has to face a showdown with the Soviet.”
Excellent comment. In the end, USA is first going to be extremely weakened and lessened through weather and “natural” disaster manipulation technology, then probably the UN and former colonial powers will come to intervene: France to take Louisiana, Spain to take Hawaii and other possessions, UK will take the former 13 colonies, Russia will take back Alaska, Mexico will take back Texas and California, indians and minorities will probably form their own puppet states, with UN, reformed NATO, neo-Warsaw Pact, etc, taking the rest for America 2050 plan Megacities with FEMA camps for reactionary goyims. Civil war and calamities will be regular and new small USA will be filled with uproar, until it is completely annihilated by the Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption (probably VEI 8).
Peace be with you.
To add something which was missed in previous comment: Destruction of USA can be further aided by the demolition of nuclear power plants, which are all build in seismically active areas, so a earthquake making machine can easily cause catastrophic earthquakes to make Chernobyl and higher level nculear catastophies all over USA, furthermore part of the arsenal of the USA can also be used in detonation of its cities to prevent documents from leaking (also stated in Protocols to happen with all capitals of the world) and to cause further mayhem. Gold will probably be transferred to the Elders to build the Third Temple, which is glorified in Revelation as Revelation, Old Testament and even Gospels are ultra-zionist (Yeshuwa says in John salvation comes from the Jews, it is Israel-centered to the extreme), and then the protestants will say: “see, paul is the anti-semite, so he must score”, yeah right, a member of Herodian royal family (jewish-edomite-nephilim roots), pharisee, talmudist, freemason and roman citizen is the “alternative”, especially with protestant paul-thumping wolves kenneth copeland, dean odle, steven anderson (at least he says something, but then nullifies it with pauline teachings), John Hague etc etc, and of course here comes martin luther, a black magicana taught by kabbalists how to bewitch people and to ordered german nobility and of course high clergy to mercilessly massacre the german peasants-reactionary goyims, who rose against interest-extorters and exploaters, who often sexually extorted their wives as nobility.
Peace be with you.
Mate, if you think peddling this anti-Christian garbage is going to sway strong minds, you’re mistaken! You have not the slightest idea of what Talmudism is if you call St. Paul such! All I see here is the revival of Christian heresies in new form!
I said it earlier: apostates makes the most virulent anti-Christians and anti-St. Paul people, to boot!
I don’t need to see very biased sources, which ignore all histories, traditions, etc. to give their half-baked ideas on St. Paul, Christianity, etc. Unlike you, I am a fully-devoted Catholic Christian!
Orwell: No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.
By Mike King
Political puppets like Winston Churchill generally have a personal buffer between themselves and the really big masters of the New World Order.
Lindemann believed that a small circle of elites should run the world, resulting in a stable society, “led by supermen and served by helots.”
Lindemann concludes that science could yield a race of humans blessed with “the mental makeup of the worker bee.”
‘Do you know,’ he asked, ‘what the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?’
‘Well, what is it?’
‘It will not be Hitler and the Second World War; it will not be the release of nuclear energy; it will not be the menace of Communism.’
These negatives seemed very comprehensive. He put on an expression of extreme severity and turned down the corners of his lips:
‘It will be the abdication of the White man.’ Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition.”
* The Prof’ — R.F Harrod, McMillan, 1959. Page 261/2. A Personal Memoir Lord Cherwell
The Great Depression Was Deliberately Created
Perloff concurred, writing, “The Federal Reserve prompted the speculation by expanding the money supply a whopping sixty-two percent between 1923 and 1929. When the central bank became law in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh had warned: ‘From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.’ Like two con men working a mark, the Fed made credit easy while Establishment newspapers hyped what riches could be made in the stock market.” “Curtis Dall,” he continued, “himself a syndicate manager for Lehman Brothers was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on the day of the Crash.” Perloff quotes Dall as declaring, “Actually, it was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York money market.”
The “shearing,” wrote Allen, caused a “despair [which] produced a willingness to accept a major expansion of government controls over the economy. … In 1929, America was a long way from total government.” He advised, “The next depression will be used as the excuse for complete socialist-fascist controls at home and the creation of a World Superstate internationally.”
Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, declared of the Depression, “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence.” He warned, “The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.” The Great Depression is another example of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula.
“Plummeting stock prices ruined small investors, but not the top “insiders” on Wall Street,” wrote Perloff. “Paul Warburg had issued a tip in March of 1929 that the crash was coming. Before it did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other money barons got out of the market. … Early withdrawal from the market not only preserved the fortunes of these men,” said Perloff, “it also enabled them to return later and buy up whole companies for a song.”
The Great Red Dragon
Printed 1935
Pastor Eli James – The Nameless War – Audiobook
Printed 1952