Jewish ritual murder revisited

By Honest Media Today (2005)
Here is an excellently documented presentation on Jewish ritual murder throughout history. The documentary starts off with three minutes of textual information but then begins with the presentation at the 3:14 mark.
Click here to watch Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult


  1. Some 50-minute video is asking too much of Joe Blow. Perhaps it could be a good idea to abbreviate some modern texts on the subject — such as those of Toaff, Dahl — down to no more than one page. However, it had better be a literary masterpiece, appropriately illustrated — given the credibility problem.
    *You’ve been heard saying that Hitler was your truest follower since he threw out the money-changers! *
    *[image: טעקע:Himmler Hitler.jpg] — Heinrich, what is it that I hear, the Jews are shouting from the rooftops that they are the only democracy in the Middle East?… — Mine Führer, the Jews in Palestine are running the most murderous apartheid on earth, and their Gaza concentration camp is the biggest that ever existed, and the poor old American taxpayers are being robbed blind and killed in the Jews’ wars to keep the illegal Jew apartheid in business. *
    On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 9:31 AM Fitzpatrick Informer wrote:
    > Timothy Fitzpatrick posted: ” By Honest Media Today (2005) Here is an > excellently documented presentation on Jewish ritual murder throughout > history. The documentary starts off with three minutes of textual > information but then begins with the presentation at the 3:14 mark. ” >

  2. Aaron Kosminski (Jack The Ripper)
    Here is a case of a Jew specifically choosing ethnic European Christian woman on Christian religious dates for the sole purpose of Jewish Ritual Murder (AZL Cut)sexual violation, mutilation and murder. It is difficult to dismiss the charge of ritual murder particularly when related to the current climate, the amount of missing and or defiled children and the Jewish nature of the Paedophile scandal links are undeniable.

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