Illuminati Agents – Series V

Erasmus Darwin, the true originator of the theory of evolution, and his grandson Charles, who demonstrates a Masonic body gesture with the pointer finger over the mouth. Erasmus (1731-1802 Anno Domini), depicted here making what appears to be a Kabbalistic body gesture with his arms crossed, was, along with Darwin, a member of the masonic British Royal Society, which was instrumental in the development of masonic-Enlightenment thought. His theory of evolution was the result of the spread of Kabbalistic occult science in Europe following the Reformation and through the masonic Alta Vendita, a conspiracy to subvert the Christian faith and replace it with the anti-Christ Kabbalistic world order. Darwinism and its occult science set the foundation for technocracy, or, the scientific dictatorship currently enveloping the world.

Chieff rabbi of pre-state Palestine, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, stated in the Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2007 that evolution,

…more so than all other philosophical theories, conforms to the kabbalistic secrets of the world….

The CIA’s Mk-ultra program was a continuation of Nazi occult science, which is based in the Jewish Kabbalah, the precursor of Newtonian physics. Depicted above are Richard Helms, the openly Zionist spymaster of MKUltra, which is now officially defunct but unofficially still active, along with Jewish scientist Sidney Gottlieb, who was appropriately called “Black Sorcerer” as a hint to the occult origins of his demented “science.” The CIA uses Kabbalistic occult science and Illuminism to establish control over its subjects and maintain secrecy throughout its network.

A friend of mine recently reminded me of the above passage from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which eloquently spells out the Illuminati’s network of controlled opposition provocateurs, no better exemplified than by Alex Jones.

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