Charles Giuliani: nihilist saboteur of the truth movement? Part 2

“For seventy years, from the Bolshevik Revolution to the closing years of the Gorbachev regime, militant atheism was the official religion, one might say, of the Soviet Union, and the Communist Party was, in effect, the established church. It was an avowed task of the Soviet state, led by the Communist Party, to root out from the minds and hearts of the Soviet state, all belief systems other than Marxism-Leninism.”

J. D. Van der Vyver, John Witte – Religious human rights in global perspective: legal perspectives

Soviet atheist magazine, The Godless, depicts Jesus Christ and the Russian Orthodox Church as scams to trap people. (Click image to enhance)

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 26, 2012 Anno Domini
Part I | Part II

If Christianity were the crypto-Jewish plot Charles Giuliani and his ilk claim it is, why then didn’t the Jewish Bolshevists use it instead of atheism-nihilism (materialism and naturalism) to topple the Tsar and enslave the Russian people? Why did the Jewish-Masonic revolutionaries bring down the Christian aristocracy in once-Catholic France in order to realize the bloody success of the French Revolution?

Giuliani claims Christianity and religion in general are tools for oppression and control yet we find Illuminati regimes past and present using anything and everything diametrically opposed to Christianity to enslave the masses. Godlessness, in fact, was successful in absolutely oppressing and enslaving the Russian and French masses, not Christianity. But with the revolutionaries’ cries of the Jewish-Masonic slogan of “liberty, equality, and fraternity,” constantly echoing in the streets and the labour halls, the takeover had on a mask of liberation and democracy[1] that fooled most.

Now some may argue that the Jewish religion suffered persecution in the Soviet Union, and thus Soviet state atheism could not have been part of the Jewish takeover but, instead, legitimate opposition to it. But this argument holds absolutely no water considering the fact that 90 per cent of Bolshevist officials were Jewish, not to mention leaders Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx (Moses Mordechai Levi Marx), and Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) were all Jewish. Even Stalin, who was married to a Jewess, founded the Union of Militant Atheists as a means to further eradicate Christianity from Russian culture. (The amount of information surrounding the Jewish engineering of the Russian Revolution is voluminous.)

In a shocking revelation, The Jewish Chronicle Supplement actually admitted on page three of its Feb. 26, 1937 edition that the pockets of Jewish persecution in the Soviet Union were the work of the hands of the Jews themselves and provided a means to an end for the greater Jewish-Bolshevist goals.

“It is a known fact in Russia, in so far as there was persecution of the Jewish religion, it never came from the higher staff authorities but from the Jewish Communists, who were, in most cases, sons of strictly religious fathers….”

Furthermore, we read in an article published in the January 1934 edition of American Jewish Journal:

“There is no doubt that the old, traditional Jewish synagogue is rapidly dying out in Russia. It is not dying because of Communist persecution, as many would like to believe, or any other outside influence, but simply because of a natural law of life. The youth has deserted it. Go over to the Jewish Communist Club on Tverskaya Street and you will find plenty of them.”

Jewish-mandated state atheism was so widespread and untouchable in the Soviet Union that it even regularly got away with defaming Jesus and the much-cherished Russian Orthodox Church. Under the murderous reign of Lenin and Stalin, Christian churches were burned, orthodox priests were tortured and crucified, and average Christians were murdered or rounded up to work as slaves in the Gulags. “Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism,” Lenin once said. Famous Russian playwright Mikhail Bulgakov accused a Soviet atheist magazine, Bezbozhnik (the godless), of being run by Jews in his 1925 diary. (The magazine was shut down in 1941 when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union.)

“Today I went specially to the editorial office of Bezbozhnik. It is located in Kozmodemyanovsky Lane, not far from the Mossovet building. I was with MS and he charmed me from the outset…..In the evening when I leafed through the issues of Bezbozhnik I was shaken. Not by the blasphemy, of course it knows no limits, but it is only an external feature. The heart of the matter lies in the idea, which can be proved with reference to actual documents: Jesus Christ is depicted as a swindler and a scoundrel: the attack is directed at him. It is not hard to see whose work this is. This is a crime like no other.”

Of course, the Jews’ most revered religious text, the Babylonian Talmud, calls Jesus Christ many horrible things, not the least of which is a “bastard” and the “son of a whore.” It’s hardly a stretch to say that Bezbozhnik was regurgitating aspects of the Jewish Talmud.

Soviet nihilist/atheist magazine “The Godless” depicts Soviet labourers dumping Jesus Christ out of a wheelbarrow.

Now, Giuliani can downplay my accusations and simply claim not to be an atheist but, instead, some kind of agnostic thinker. He makes a point of not saying exactly to what belief he subscribes. Regardless, his anti-religious rhetoric sprinkled with cheap critiques of International Jewry (“Elite Jew Pigs! Elite Jew Pigs!”) reveals that he is a dedicated nihilist walking in the tradition of Jewish Bolshevism, what is today called cultural Marxism. He attempts to cloud his audience’s perception of this by raising random shades of morality. On a recent Truth Hertz show, he criticized the television show Two and a Half Men for promoting “filth.”

Nihilism is fundamentally utilitarian and agnostic. For Giuliani to deny that, as a nihilist he has much in common with socialist and radical leftist Jews, is deceptive or self-deceptive. And this applies to all agnostic types in the movement who erroneously believe they serve as a bastion of pure anti-Judaism. For them to criticize Christianity as being a Jewish subversive organization is highly inappropriate and hypocritical.

Giuliani continually talks out both sides of his mouth. He calls the Bible evil while denying the validity of Christianity or religion at all. Meanwhile, Christianity is arguably the foremost religion to define evil and establish a standard by which to measure it. So, Giuliani rejects the Bible but accepts the Christian concept of evil. And he, nor his followers, see the contradiction in this?

Could Giuliani’s utter contempt for the Bible and his obsession with the idea of an unjust God springing from it possibly reveal his inner turmoil? The following assertion by the late Father Seraphim Rose seems to sum up well Giuliani’s struggle.

“Atheism, true ‘existential’ atheism burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God, is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God.… Nietzsche, in calling himself Antichrist, proved thereby his intense hunger for Christ.” —Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age

Giuliani as a psychoanalyst in the tradition of Freud
In part 1 of this series, I claimed that Giuliani bordered on psychoanalyzing Christians and religious persons. But upon further reflection and after listening to more of his shows and reading his “books” (they are really nothing more than pamphlets for sale), I would go so far as to say that he indeed does exhibit the behaviour of a typical psychoanalyst.

“Folks, it’s schizophrenia; it really is,” he says of Christianity in one of his many and incessant pathologizations of Christianity and Western Culture.[2] This is just as Jewish psychoanalytic father Sigmund Freud proposed, that Christianity was nothing more than a mental illness, a neurosis that must be wiped out in order to free humanity. Christian self-denial and the suppression of sex, they say, result in evil and anti-Semitism via projection.

“Jews suffer to a lesser extent than gentiles from the erosion of cultural supports for high-investment parenting,” writes Professor Kevin MacDonald, one of the foremost critics of Freud today, “and Jews benefit by the decline in religious beliefs among gentiles. As Podhoretz (1995, 30) notes, it is in fact the case that Jewish intellectuals, Jewish organizations like the American Jewish Congress, and Jewish-dominated organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union have ridiculed Christian religious beliefs, attempted to undermine the public strength of Christianity, and have led the fight for unrestricted pornography. The evidence of this chapter indicates that psychoanalysis as a Jewish-dominated intellectual movement is a central component of this war on gentile cultural supports for high-investment parenting.”[3]

So where does the American Jewish Congress end and Charles Giuliani begin? The above statement by MacDonald is all the more interesting considering MacDonald himself is an atheist. He does not see Christianity as furthering Jewish evolutionary strategies but, instead, acting as a hindrance toward them.

Christianity easily the dominant force in the struggle against Jewish power
Whether it’s the Spanish Inquisition, the writings of the Church Fathers over 2,000 years, or the various Christian-initiated European pogroms, there is simply no question that Christianity has led the charge against Jewish power throughout the ages. Even the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, where the sacred Jewish Temple of Solomon was destroyed and one million Jews killed, is considered to be the work of God through the Roman Empire, foretold in Christ’s Olivet discourse.

“And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to [him] for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” —Matthew 24:1-2

“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.” —Luke 21:20

From Protestant reformer Martin Luther (The Jews and their Lies, 1543) to Christian Sergius Nilus (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1895) spreading the truth globally about the international Jewish conspiracy, Christians have led the charge into modern times. I doubt very much that the nihilist anti-Judaic could come up with a résumé that would even come close to matching that of Christianity.

Take a look at just some of the prominent names of those brave Christians who have fought the good fight on behalf of Christ and His Kingdom over the last 2,000 years. The following list is by no means comprehensive or in any particular order.

Sergius Nilus: The man who brought the world the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Sergius Nilus
Vicomte Léon de Poncins
Maurice Pinay
John the Baptist
Isaiah the Prophet
Jeremiah the Prophet
The 12 apostles of Christ
Benjamin Freedman
Texe Marrs
Mark Glenn (Charles Giuliani had the audacity to call Glenn a “Zionist” on his show with Revolt of the Plebs last week)
Jesus Christ
Doug Christie
Fritz Springmeier
Rev. I. B. Pranaitis
Arnold Leese
St. Augustine
St. John Chrysostom
Mel Gibson
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Lady Queenborough Edith Star Miller
James Keegstra
Michael Hoffman II
Flavius Josephus
Ted Pike
Ernst Zundel
Rev. Denis Fahey
H. A. Gwynne
Joseph M. Canfield
Carol Valentine
Elizabeth Dilling
Bobby Fisher
Bishop Richard Williamson
Brother Nathanael Kapner
Mordechai Vanunu
David Duke
James Shaw
Johann Andreas Eisenmenger
Stephen the Martyr
The Russian Tsar
A True Ott

If it weren’t for brave men and women like these, it is doubtful as to whether the anti-Jewish movement would exist today to the degree it does. If it weren’t for men like the above-mentioned, many would still be drinking the Holocaust Kool Aid today, among other flavours. Areligious people, not by any stretch of the imagination, can be credited for the depth of knowledge of world Jewry we have today. Professor Kevin MacDonald would be one exception, off the top of my head; I am sure there are others, but not many. The areligious opportunists like Giuliani know this fact, but they don’t care; they have hijacked this historically Christian movement for their own personal gain—with the only real beneficiaries being the Jews in this case.

Christians aim to help a person eliminate sin from their life—sin, which is at the root of the Jewish problem. Meanwhile, anti-Judaic atheist types attempt to eliminate the Jew only. Do you think sin will disappear with the Jew once he is finally dead and gone? No other group of people will rise up in the Jews’ place? This is as naive thinking as Giuliani levels against Christians. Do you think that no other group of people, other than the Jews, have oppressed humans.

If sin were a tree, Judaism would be its branches. And while anti-Judaic atheists spend all of their time shearing the branches, the Christian is down on the ground with an axe.

Christianity’s diametric opposition to Judaism
Judaism today remains a racist, exclusively tribalistic religion based on superstition, sorcery, witchcraft, subversion, dishonesty, carnality, and whose adherents are obsessed with law. In contrast, Christianity is universal in its outreach and based on love, justice, altruism, spirituality and repentance; although, its adherents don’t always live up to these. We are all human after all. It is true that Christianity came via the Hebrews, but it is not of the Hebrews. It is of God alone. No man may boast, and God is no respecter of men. And because greater Christianity absolutely rejects a Zionist interpretation of scripture, it is not a Zionist religion by any means, despite a small minority of “evangelicals” in the United States of America claiming different. (See John Hagee, Jack Van Impe et al.)

Revolt of the Plebs blogger Keith Johnson, another nihilist type in the truth movement, admits that the Jews had to insert footnotes into the Bible in order to Judaize the Church. But if Christianity is fundamentally Zionist, as Giuliani claims, the Jews should not have needed to create the Scofield Reference Bible in the first place.
Furthermore, if the Old Testament is such a Zionist influence, why then did the Pharisees see the need to create the Talmud and the Kabballah? Shouldn’t have the Old Testament sufficed? Following the Torah, the latter parts (majority of the Old Testament) are full of anti-Judaism, mainly in the writings of the prophets[4], whom the Jews murdered as a result. But Giuliani only ever focuses on the Mosaic books. The rest of the Old Testament doesn’t corroborate his bias interpretation of the Torah. And any Biblical scholar knows that true interpretation is based on other scripture—“Let scripture interpret scripture”, not on man’s thinking. A true rendering of the Torah cannot be obtained without first comparing it with the rest of scripture. Where inconsistencies are found, other places in the Bible clarify them.

While there is a form of nationalism in the Old Testament, what one could misconstrue as Zionism, it was merely a temporal condition and not the original or ultimate purpose of God. National Israel was a foreshadowing of a global people for God. (Foreshadowing is used in many places throughout the Bible, specifically when dealing with prophecy.) And that is where the New Testament comes into play, with its universalistic approach to God’s dealings with His creation.

“Modern orthodoxy is not the religion of the Bible and of the Prophets. It is a post-Biblical or Talmud religion built up by the Pharisees and doctors of the Law between the second and fifth centuries after Jesus Christ, to preserve the small minority of Jews who had not followed Christ, and to consummate the definite break from triumphant Christianity.

“The universalist, messianic, finalist Judaism of the Prophets ended with Jesus, and conquered the world in Christian form.

“Legal national Judaism kept its God exclusively in the community of its choice, which it has striven to protect from the dangers that constantly threaten it. It is based on an interpretation of Biblical texts by oral, not revealed, traditions called Mischna, Gemara, Halaka, and Hagada. This collection, known as the Talmud, was first conceived of in Jerusalem towards the end of the second century and completed in Babylon in the fifth century. The two Talmuds consist of eleven volumes in octavo and are twenty times the size of the Bible.”

(Dr. A. Roudinesco: Le Malheur d’Israel, pp. 114-115)

Renowned researcher Michael Hoffman, who strongly opposes the idea of a “Judeo-Christian” tradition, elaborates:

“There is no fundamental opposition between spirit and matter in Judaism. When Jesus declared in John chapter 6 that ‘the flesh profiteth nothing,’ he was violating the oral tradition of the Pharisees: ‘Rabbinic anthropology differs in this respect from…Christian-anthropology…there is not a fundamental metaphysical opposition between (body and soul)…’ Judaism celebrates the body to such a sordid extent that it even has a defecation prayer which every Talmudic male is commanded to recite every time he relieves himself: ‘Blessed art thou O Lord…who has made the human in its orifices and holes.’ Everything about Orthodox Judaism is either a distortion or falsification of the Old Testament, because it is based on anthropomorphic traditions that void the Old Testament by means of a series of dispensations and loopholes. These begin with the Mishnah, which represents the commitment to writing of the occult legends and lore of those Israelites who had preserved ‘secret knowledge’ which had arisen with the worship of the golden calf, of Molech and similar abominations. With the rejection of their Messiah and the commitment of the formerly oral traditions to writing, these Israelites completely abandoned themselves to a perversion which had once been only a persistent underground stream polluting Israel, but after Christ’s crucifixion, emerged as the main ideology of those who refused to accept Jesus as their savior.

(Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, pp. 145)

[1] Rev. Denis Fahey – Note on Democracy, The Rulers of Russia pages 99-100 – Third Edition, Revised, and Enlarged (1986)
[2] Charles Giuliani Truth Hertz, March 20, 2012
[3] Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique (1998) pages 147-148
[4]  Mark Glenn, The Ugly Truth – Portions of the Book of Jeremiah


  1. Very well done, Fitz! E. Michael Jones’ The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is a must read and clearly documents the fact that Jews used protestant movements and that protestant movements inevitably Judaized society and “Christianity”. A tremendous book.

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