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Putin: 'Jewish organizations make a great contribution to strengthening interethnic and interreligious dialogue in our country'


Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Jews on the occasion of the upcoming New Year. In the telegram, the text of which was published on the Kremlin's website, the head of state noted that the holiday of the New Year's arrival according to the Jewish calendar is one of the most significant dates for Jews around the world and gives the joy of being introduced to the centuries-old historical, cultural heritage of ancestors, their original traditions and customs passed down from generation to generation. "It symbolizes spiritual purification, moral and religious improvement. These days, people are summing up the results of the past year, making plans for the future," the president wrote.

Vladimir Putin also wished Russian Jews health, prosperity and success. "Today, the life of the Jewish community of Russia is filled with good deeds and undertakings. Jewish organizations make a great contribution to strengthening interethnic and interreligious dialogue in our country, strengthening trust and mutual understanding between people, preserving civil peace and harmony in society. And of course, they sincerely care about the preservation of family values, the education of young people, actively participate in works of mercy and charity," Putin emphasized.
