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'The KGB building in Moscow is the true homeland of the Palestinian people', claims retired British Army Colonel

Exposing lies about "Israeli apartheid"

The movement of Palestinian Arabs created by Moscow ... became "a unique movement for political self-determination in the whole world and in world history, the only meaning of existence of which was an attempt to eliminate a sovereign state and genocide of its people."

09.02.2022 Opinion Richard Kemp Geathstone Institute


It won't be possible to expel


The KGB building in Moscow is the true "Homeland" of the "Palestinian people." (Photo: "Nautilus")



The Soviet Union has consistently developed a policy of undermining Israel. Its main goal was to use the Jewish state as a weapon in the fight against the United States and the West during the Cold War.

To achieve this goal, the Soviets had to create a "Palestinian national identity", which until that time simply did not exist, and the narrative that Jews have no rights to their land and are undisguised aggressors.

According to General Ion Pacepa, former deputy head of foreign intelligence of Romania, the KGB established the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1960s.


In the contextThe lie of "apartheid" and Amnesty InternationalIsrael is constantly fighting in different arenas, the largest of which is the struggle for the truth. The accusations against him are changing, transforming, transforming, but their goal is the same: to question the legitimacy of the Jewish state.

Last month, the UN General Assembly once again reaffirmed its frank and hostile bias against the Jewish state. By an overwhelming majority of 125 to 8, with 34 abstentions, she voted to fund the unprecedented permanent commission of the Human Rights Council (UNHRC), established to investigate Israel's allegations of alleged war crimes and human rights violations.

In the first year alone, from UN funds, that is, in fact, at the expense of American taxpayers, this commission will be allocated a stunning budget of $5.5 million - twice as much as, say, another UNHRC commission investigating not alleged crimes committed during the Syrian civil war.


Since its establishment in 2006, the Council has established 32 investigations, nine of which - one third - have been entirely focused on Israel. The current commission, however, was the first of its kind. This investigation will have no time and volume restrictions.

The U.S. voted against this step, noting that it "perpetuates the practice of unfair prejudice against Israel at the UN."

Among the abstentions was Australia, whose representative explained with characteristic frankness: "We are against anti-Israeli bias."

The United States, Australia and other countries rightly fear that Israel will inevitably become a victim of false accusations of "systematic discrimination and repression on the basis of national, ethnic, racial or religious affiliation" that this commission intends to "investigate".


As I understand it, the goal of the commission is to loudly and officially brand Israel as an "apartheid state". This lie will then be spread around the world, inciting anti-Semitic hatred of Jews everywhere. This will contribute to what Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid recently called an inevitable debate, "arong the statement of "Israel is an apartheid state" - unprecedented in its hostility and toxicity".

The lie about "Israeli apartheid" was conceived in Moscow during the Cold War and was promoted by bloodthirsty Soviet propaganda until it was seized by the UN, firmly established in both the Middle East and the West.

Among other things, this campaign included numerous hypocritical comparisons of Israel with South Africa in the Soviet media and in books published in the USSR with eloquent titles, such as the notorious "Zionism - Genocide in Action", published in the 80s of the last century by the official state publishing house of Ukraine, which was then part of the Soviet Union.


Also on the topic"Vesti"Israel is accused of apartheid against Palestinians"Details"Lying, biased and anti-Semitic"Continent USA"The U.S. called the anti-Semitic report absurd

Partly naive and partly mean students will once again spend their false "Israeli apartheid week" at universities around the world this year, repeating the same Soviet propaganda as their predecessors for decades.

They, like many other Israeli haters, use accusations of apartheid despite the fact that in reality Israel cannot be considered an apartheid state under any rational consideration. They do this because the meaning of the term "apartheid" is easy to understand, it disgusts people and unites them in anti-Israeli unity.

Actually, that's why Moscow launched it at one time.


Slanderous accusations of apartheid are only part of the truly epic, perhaps the largest in history of the campaign of lies and harassment, which for many years was carried out against Israel by the Kremlin with the help of the KGB, using the limitless resources of this Soviet intelligence service.

Perhaps it was the most successful of the great many disinformation campaigns launched by the Soviet propaganda apparatus.

It still lives and thrives, continuing to grow stronger and gain strength even today, more than half a century after its birth and 30 years after the collapse of the USSR.


It is worth understanding how this sinister and malicious project originated and developed. Not only to help confront the ongoing political war against Israel and the Jews, but also as an example of ongoing disinformation campaigns promoted against the West by authoritarian states such as Russia, China or Iran.

And in order to get at least the most superficial idea of this carefully thought-out evil intent, it is necessary to return to the past.



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In the contextGood peopleWhen the world began to forget about Arafat and his organization of the PLO, which withered somewhere in Tunisia, caring Jewish leaders found them, brought them to Israel, allocated them land, provided them with money and armed them. They began to blow us up in response.

At first, Israel, revived in 1948, adhered to a non-alignment policy. At the same time, the young state, surrounded by enemies, was in dire need of economic and military support either from the United States and its allies, or by the USSR and its satellites.

Given the enormous influence that the socialists had in young Israel, the Soviet leadership believed that this country would inevitably turn to the path of communism and become a vassal of the USSR. Thus strengthening the Soviet position in the Middle East and the confrontation with the West in general.

In fact, one of the main reasons that prompted Stalin to quickly and willingly recognize Israel in 1948 was his intention to use the Jewish state to undermine British domination in the Middle East.

Most likely, despite numerous secret and obvious Soviet efforts to lure Israel into its camp, these attempts were in vain from the very beginning. The origin of the Cold War in the 1950s, as well as domestic political considerations and fears about anti-Semitism within the Soviet Union, would in any case prompt Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to orient his country to the West.

To begin with, Israel supported the U.S.-led UN intervention in Korea, which opposes the Soviet conquest.


Israel's participation, together with Great Britain and France, in the Suez Campaign of 1956 further alienated Israel from the USSR. The Soviet government even sent a note to Jerusalem (as well as to Paris and London) with threats of missile strikes and a promise of direct military support for the Egyptian army.

The rupture of Israeli-Soviet relations deepened even more due to Israel's victories in the defensive wars against the Arab intervention in 1967 and 1973.

During this period, the Kremlin's hopes that Israel would become a vassal of the Soviet Union were finally dissipated. The Arab armies, paid, trained and equipped by the Soviet Union, were humiliated, and with them Moscow was disgraced. Thus, a policy aimed at destroying Israel has gradually developed in the Soviet Union.

Its main goal was to try to use anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel as a tool in the Cold War against the United States and the West.



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In the contextNot Switzerland...Hamas, unlike Fatah, Arafat, and now Abu Mazen, does not hide its intentions to anyone and for this reason is gaining increasing popularity among Palestinians. And that's why Abu Mazen also found a reason to cancel the elections in the autonomy. He has no chance to defeat the Islamists.

By this time, the Kremlin has well learned that conventional attacks on Israel will not bring success. Therefore, Moscow decided to focus on the Arabs, using them as terrorists.

By growing, training, financing and arming groups such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and, of course, Fatah, Moscow prepared them for terrorist attacks on Israeli and generally Jewish targets, including the hijacking of civilian aircraft.

Actually, the Kremlin used this terrorist practice everywhere, including in Europe, using terrorist groups like "Baader-Meinhof" or "Red Army Faction".

Details of Moscow-sponsored terrorist operations in the Middle East and elsewhere are set out on 25,000 pages of KGB documents, which were copied and then exported from Russia in the early 1990s by Vasily Mitrokhin, an employee of the archival department of the First Main Directorate of the KGB. Today they are in the UK, in Cambridge, at Churchill College.


General Ion Pacepa, Deputy Head of Foreign Intelligence of Romania, Securitate, played a significant role in the operations of the Soviet bloc against Israel and the United States. In 1978, he became the highest-ranking intelligence officer ever deserted from the Soviet camp. Among the many secret revelations, he also told the details of KGB operations against Israel.

According to Pachepa, KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov somehow trusted him:

"We need to ignite Nazi hatred of Jews throughout the Islamic world, then with the help of these emotional weapons we will arrange a bloodbath for Israel and its main defender - the United States."


An important element of Moscow's anti-Israeli and anti-American campaign in the Middle East was the propaganda war. Pachepa cites the following consideration expressed by Andropov:

"Islam is obsessed with regaining the lands captured by the infidels, so it is extremely receptive to our definition of the U.S. Congress as a predatory Zionist organization seeking to turn the world into a Jewish fiefdom."

In short, Andropov cynically calculated that the Arabs would become a useful tool in the anti-Israeli propaganda war and perfectly perform their bloody role.

Their destructive energy remained only to focus, activate and finance.



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In the contextTasted from fruitsThe denial of the obvious existence of the Jewish people is nothing more than a clumsy reaction to quite natural claims that the concept of "Palestinian people" was invented to legitimize Yasser Arafat and his militants brought to Ramallah from Tunisia.

To achieve its goals, the Kremlin has developed the so-called Operation SIG (abbreviation of the phrase "Zionist states") - a disinformation campaign aimed at "to set fire to the entire Islamic world against Israel and the United States".

Pachepa reports that by 1978, as part of Operation SIG to advance the goal, the KGB had sent about 4,000 "agents of influence" from the Soviet bloc to Islamic countries.

The Soviet Union also printed and prepared for distribution a huge amount of anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish propaganda literature translated into Arabic.

This set includes, among other things, the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a fake anti-Semitic pamphlet outlining the alleged secret plans of Jews to seize control of the world through economic manipulation, control over the media and incitement to religious conflicts.

At one time it was written by agents of the Russian tsarist secret police, and later used by the Nazis in their anti-Semitic propaganda.


Andropov and his colleagues from the KGB needed not only to mobilize Arabs to serve the Soviet Union, but also to drop the seeds of their lies in a democratic world. To do this, the Kremlin decided to present the conflict aimed at destroying Israel as a struggle for human rights and national liberation from the illegal imperialist occupiers sponsored by the United States.

It was then that the transformation of the narrative about the conflict began in the USSR.

Thus, the jihadist doctrine, which requires that any land ever under Muslim control, be returned to Islam, was turned by Kremlin magicians into a struggle for secular nationalism and political self-determination.

It was much clearer and much better perceived by the people of democratic countries. This perception of a brutal terrorist war to destroy Israel not only provided it with cover, but also allowed it to gain broad support in the West.



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In the contextDispel fears and mythsArafat agreed to this shameful treaty with the Zionists and false recognition of Israel precisely because he found himself in a hopeless situation. He sat without money and patrons in Tunisia after the Arabs themselves did not forgive him for supporting the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

It was then that the national identity of the "Palestinian Arabs" was created to promote the task in the USSR, which did not exist before.

At the same time, a narrative was created, according to which Jews do not have rights to the land of ancient Judea and are brazen aggressors.

According to Pachepa, the KGB created the "Palestine Liberation Organization" in the early 1960s according to the same patterns that other so-called national liberation armies in different parts of the world were then organized.

At the same time, Pacepa recalls, the well-known "Palestinian National Charter" of 1964 was invented in Moscow. This document was fundamental to the invention and creation of artificial demands of the notorious Palestinian statehood.


By the way, the original charter did not claim Judea and Samaria (called the "West Bank" there) or the Gaza Strip as "Palestine". In fact, it clearly renounced any rights to these lands, recognizing them as sovereign territories of Jordan and Egypt (which was a lie because these lands were seized and occupied by Jordan and Egypt during the war with Israel in 1948).

No, the PLO made claims exclusively on the territory of Israel within the borders of 1949.

Only after Israel expelled the illegal Jordanian and Egyptian occupiers from Judea, Samaria and Gaza during the Six-Day War of 1967, these areas were immediately renamed "Palestinian Arab land" and included in the demands.

The first mention of "Palestinians" as Palestinian Arabs also appeared in the Charter of 1964. Previously, especially during the League of Nations mandate for Palestine in 1919-1948, the term "Palestinians" was usually used to refer to Jews living in this territory.


Zuheir Mohsen, one of the leaders of the PLO, confessed in 1977:

"The Palestinian people do not exist. The establishment of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the State of Israel for our Arab unity. Only for political and tactical reasons, today we are talking about the existence of the Palestinian people, since Arab national interests require that in order to oppose Zionism we postulate the existence of a separate "Palestinian people". Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons.

This reality has been repeatedly confirmed publicly, sometimes unintentionally, in statements by other Palestinian Arab leaders. The PLO leader Yasser Arafat himself, quoted by Alan Hart in his book Arafat: A Political Biography (1984), said: "The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, the chosen one of fate, will give him this identity through the conflict with Israel.



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In the contextWhy are there still no two states in Palestine?62% of residents of the Autonomy support terror as a means of achieving political goals. And their goal is actually one... The goal is still the same as that was proclaimed by Arafat when the PLO was created: the complete destruction of Israel.

For the first time, Moscow launched a campaign branding Israeli Jews as oppressors of the "Palestinian people" invented by the Kremlin, through the UN back in 1965.

At first, Soviet attempts to qualify Zionism as racism failed. However, then, almost ten years later, they ended in success, which was enshrined in the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379.

Then, with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, this resolution, claiming that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination," was repealed under pressure from the United States. However, by that time it had already spread widely and taken root, gaining huge popularity among uncombranded anti-Semites and is now regularly quoted by various participants in anti-Israeli campaigns.


Mitrokhin's documents show that both Yasser Arafat and his successor as head of the PLO Mahmoud Abbas, now chairman of the Palestinian Authority, were banal KGB agents.

Both played an important role in the KGB's disinformation operations and in the terrorist campaigns carried out by this Soviet intelligence service.

Moscow, through Egypt, appointed Arafat leader of the PLO in 1969. It was Moscow's support that allowed Arafat to maintain his position against the background of internal disagreements that broke out in the PLO after the expulsion of this terrorist group from Jordan in 1970. Here's what Pachepa said:

"In 1969, the KGB demanded that Arafat declare war on American "imperialist Zionism." He liked this idea so much that later he even began to claim that he himself had invented all this imperialist-Zionist battle cry. In fact, the term "imperialist Zionism" was a purely Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the "Protocols of the Zion Sages", and for a long time remained a favorite tool of Soviet intelligence to incite ethnic hatred. In the KGB, anti-Semitism, coupled with anti-imperialism, has always been considered an effective fuel for fuelling anti-American sentiments.



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In the contextIn vain attempts to resuscitate the deceasedThe media notes, meanwhile, that the Israeli government is extremely disinterested in the collapse of the Abu Mazen regime. And this is the reason for Israel's readiness to go almost to the "forcible financial feeding" of autonomy.

Moscow instructed the PLO to supervise its Romanian vassals. So Pachepa became the curator of Arafat, remaining him throughout his career.

Throughout the 1970s, Pachepa gave Arafat $200,000 in cash every month. He also brought Arafat together with Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu, a cunning politician tasked with teaching Arafat how to deceive the West.

Explaining how to build relations with Washington, Ceausescu told Arafat in 1978:

"You just need to constantly pretend that you are ready to break with terrorism and recognize Israel - and repeat it again, and again, and again."

The Ceausescu Council was reinforced by speeches by North Vietnamese-Communist General Vo Nguyen Ziap, whom Arafat met several times.

"Stop talking about the destruction of Israel. Instead, imagine your terrorist war as a fight for human rights. Then you will make the American people eat from your hands" (David Meir-Levy, "History Upside down: the roots of Palestinian fascism and the myth of Israeli aggression").


An internal KGB document from Mitrokhin's archives reports that the Mole (a conspiratorial nickname of Mahmoud Abbas) is a KGB agent. The definition of an agent in the KGB was given to those who "consecently, systematically and secretly perform intelligence tasks, while maintaining secret contact with the curator in the agency."

Among other things, the KGB used Abbas to spread propaganda that accused "Western imperialism and Zionism" of collaborating with the Nazis. In the early 80s, Abbas studied at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, supervised by the KGB. There, under the guidance of his professor E. Primakov, who later headed the KGB's foreign intelligence department and then the relevant Russian services, Abbas wrote a doctoral thesis denying the Holocaust of European Jewry and accusing the Zionists of aiding Hitler.

Entering the 18th year of his four-year term, to which he was elected, Abbas, like his predecessor Arafat, has consistently refused any offer of peace with Israel.

At the same time, invariably repeating empty mantras about peace and at the same time supporting terror, Abbas demonstrates the skills acquired from his former Soviet masters.



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In the context"Tanatos" of the Western worldIn its short history, Israel has severely injured itself from time to time by concluding the "Oslovo" treaty with Arafat or creating Hamas in Gaza. It is hoped that the left-right government of Lapid-Bennett will disinterate before it has too much damage to its country's national interests.

The KGB's disinformation campaign has succeeded in blackening the image of Israel. From a regional outsider surrounded by powerful enemies, he was turned into a hateful colonizer, persecutor and occupier of the oppressed Palestinian people. Alas, this false narrative still enjoys wide support today.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Arab movement created by Moscow, according to American historian David Meir-Levy, has become

"a movement for political self-determination, unique throughout the world and in world history, the only meaning of whose existence was the attempt to eliminate a sovereign state and genocide of its people."

This remains the open goal recorded in Hamas' charter. This is what regularly slips in the statements of representatives of the Palestinian administration of Abbas raised by Moscow, albeit in a slightly more veiled form (especially if they are addressed to the West).


Hatred of Israel, once sown by Soviet propagandists, dealt a serious blow to the process of Israel's rapprochement with a number of Arab states that began in 2020.

It was an important lesson showing that American political will can suppress the rudiments of authoritarian propaganda and achieve reforms like the Abraham Agreements, which radically change the entire Middle East scenario.

If this project continued to be actively implemented after the first brilliant success, it would certainly lead to the collapse of the "Palestinian project" initiated by the Soviet Union.

Moreover, perhaps it would even become an instrument of the emergence of real peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.


In the contextThere's nothing to be afraid of Abu Mazen - he's bluffingIf anyone won the peace treaty with Jordan, it's Jordan itself. As in the case of the Palestinians, in everything related to security problems, no one other than Israel helps in various ways to survive this fragile monarchy.

This can still be achieved if the U.S. is once again determined to get the job done. In the meantime, the December vote in the UN General Assembly and the determination of the Human Rights Council to stigmatize Israel as a racist apartheid state prove that the Soviet Cold War narrative is still alive and well. Paradoxically, most Western countries continue to slavishly follow the Soviet program.

Great Britain, for example, already united at one time with the Arab states against Israel because of oil and widespread anti-Semitism among its influential politicians and officials, was more than ready from the very beginning to swallow "to the very top" the heinous Soviet lies about the notorious struggle between the nationalism of Palestinian Arabs and Jewish oppression.

Alas, today you will not hear a single statement from British government officials or ministers about Israel that does not repeat the KGB line.

Meanwhile, the growing erosion of public support for Israel in the United States, inflated by the media, and the related disagreements are evidence of the success of the Soviet ghosts and against their main goal - America.


However, the main victims were the Palestinian Arabs themselves, whose lives have seriously deteriorated because of all this. Jews in the diaspora who were victims of harassment and blatant anti-Semitism, which is based on propaganda initiated by the Soviet Union, were also affected. Note that the first was probably not planned, but Moscow was not particularly concerned. The second was an integral part of the plan.

The Israelis, of course, also paid dearly for terror and anti-Semitic propaganda initiated and paid for by the KGB, but managed to survive and, despite monstrous pressure, created a prosperous country.

North Vietnamese General Ziap, who once consulted Arafat, had a cynical but clear explanation for this phenomenon. According to Dr. Eran Lerman, former Deputy National Security Advisor of Israel, Zyap once remarked:

"Time after time, the Palestinians come and tell me: "You drove the French and the Americans. Explain how we can drive out the Jews." I answer them that the French have returned to France and the Americans have returned to America. The Jews have nowhere to go. That's why you won't be able to expel them."


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Richard Kemp

- Retired British Army Colonel, former head of the group on combating international terrorism in the British Cabinet
