Hitler & the Kabbalistic, Talmudic creation of WW2.
Quote from joshf731 on November 15, 2022, 17:39Quote from joshf731 on November 4, 2022, 20:58The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 1
Anti-Comintern short for 'Agreement against the Communist International' was supposedly an anti-communist pact between Nazi Germany and Japan that had the purpose of combating Communist International (Comintern).
https://files.catbox.moe/6defcc.pngHowever the question is, how come we've never heard of any blow against Communist International as a result of this pact? An example we can point to where the Communist International met any resistance from this pact? How many even know that this pact even existed?
The short conclusion was that this pact was never meant to have any effect against Comintern as neither Germany nor Japan took this pact any seriously and did anything with it together as allies against the Soviet Union.
The first interesting thing to point out was that this pact was signed between the Japanese ambassador to Germany, Kintomo Mushanokoji, and the German ambassador, Joachim Von Ribbentrop. Ribbentrop was also the one who signed the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which pretty much made the 'Anti-Comintern' pact ineffective and even more useless, as the supposed fight against Comintern was now replaced by an alliance between Germany and the Soviet Union, the same country Germany was supposed to fight against.
https://files.catbox.moe/gaa1il.pngRibbentrop arranged the signing of the Germany-Soviet Pact and admitted that;
"To seek a settlement with Russia was my very own idea which I urged Hitler because I sought to create a counterweight to the West and because I wanted to ensure Russian neutrality in the event of a German-Polish conflict."
https://files.catbox.moe/r8h2wa.pngRibbentrop also contributed to the switch of the narrative from being anti-Communist to being anti-West within the Anti-Comintern. Instead of focusing his attacks on the Soviet Union, it was instead directed against England and France, both countries that Germany would be at war against during WW2.
According to German historian Wolfgang Michalka, the Anti-Comintern pact was only "anti-communist" in appearance but anti-British in actuality, he claims that people even jokingly said that "Someday Stalin may join the Anti-Comintern Pact". Does this not smell like your typical Communist-controlled opposition group?
https://files.catbox.moe/rqsyza.pngThis type of propaganda was typical Communist propaganda to stir up revolutions in the West which had still yet not been completely engulfed in Communism as was seen in Eastern Europe.
According to Lenin, the major task confronting the revolutionaries of Russia was "preventing the West European counter-revolutionary states from crushing us".
https://files.catbox.moe/sog6zi.pngSo it only makes sense for the propaganda of the Comintern would have an anti-Western theme, but the question is why would Anti-Comintern repeat that same propaganda?
A very revealing Soviet memorandum dating back to July 27, 1939, which was less than a month before the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, reveals the desire of the Soviet Union of establishing a friendly relationship with Germany and Italy and says the one common ideology shared by Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union was their opposition to capitalist democracies I.E the West. Molotov admits that the Anti-Comintern Pact was a camouflage for an alliance aimed against the Western democracies and stated that "Our relationship to Japan was that of a well-founded friendship, which was not, however, aimed against Russia. German policy was aimed against England".
https://files.catbox.moe/aj5c3x.pngThe Soviet Union knew already that the Anti-Comintern pact was a scam and that's why despite the pact's existence could still see itself allying with Germany. You have to think that the emergence of rising anti-Western propaganda, especially against England, was being pumped out by both Communists and by Germany very shortly before the start of WW2 and Germany's eventual war against 'Western democracies' such as England and France is very suspect. This propaganda helped put Germany in a position that could never threaten the existence of the Soviet Union during the war. If Germany, which was at war with England and France, were to attack the Soviet Union, it would put itself in a two-front war, a war they would lose[see]. The Soviet Union could also, if they wanted, use this opportunity to strike Germany, forcing Germany to fight a two-front war.
We can see how this propaganda which was shared by both Communists and the Anti-Comintern was beneficial to the Soviet Union and not so much to Germany.
The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 2
Why was the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union so important for the Soviet Union?
Khrushchev admits that the pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was PROFITABLE for the Soviet Union, one of the reasons was the war could have started earlier against them, much to their disadvantage because the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war.
https://files.catbox.moe/zf9254.pngMany are unaware that in 1939 the Soviet Union was still in military conflict against Japan and that one of Stalin's nightmares was having to fight a two-front war against both Germany and Japan and he wanted to avoid this at all costs.
Remember that at this time when Japan was in military conflict against the Soviet Union, the Anti-Comintern pact was supposedly still alive and well, and here was Japan, Germany's ally, attacking the Soviet Union, a correct move, but instead of aiding Japan by using this opportunity to attack the Soviet Union, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union which allowed Stalin not having to fear a two-front war anymore AND it gave him the freedom to deal with an isolated Japan, leading to Japan's defeat in this conflict.
We know that the Soviet Union knew fighting a two-front war would lead to their demise. If we put this into perspective when we consider that Stalin had received multiple warnings of an impending German attack on the Soviet Union ...but entirely ignored them*. Could it be because he welcomed this attack as it would put Germany into a two-front war with Stalin knowing that the Soviet Union would still have the advantage over Germany?
* Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953), edited by Barnes, F. R. Sanborn wrote the following:
In mid-January, 1941, another and more fateful thread was woven into the pattern. The American State Department, at Mr. Roosevelt's specific instruction, warned (138) the Russian ambassador, Mr. Constantine Oumansky, (139) of the contemplated German attack, and these warnings were later repeated. (140) By early February, 1941, the eastern movement of the German troops was well known. (141) Everything pointed toward an extension of the war by a German attack on Russia, but Anglo-American power politics succeeded in delaying it for five weeks. (142) The great cost of the sacrifice, made in order to obtain this small delay for Soviet Russia's benefit, was the loss of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete, the crippling of the British Mediterranean Fleet,(143) and the British defeat in Libya.(144) In the diplomatic intrigues in Greece and in Yugoslavia Americans (145) played a substantial and quite successful part in opposing Germany. Later, as the time approached for the commencement of the attack on Russia, Mr. Churchill meditated upon what his policy should be and concluded that he should "give all encouragement and any help we can spare." He cabled this to Mr. Roosevelt,(146) who replied in the sense of carte blanche-he would publicly endorse "any announcement that the Prime Minister might make welcoming Russia as an ally."
According to historian Arsen Martirosyan, Moscow knew of the German invasion as far back as 1935.
On November 7th, 1938, in the special edition of the Soviet propaganda organ Pravda, marking the 21st anniversary of the Bolshevik October revolution, Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov (who led the Communist International from 1935 to 1943) predicted the Germans would attack the Soviet Union "in the autumn of 1941".
Knowing that the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war at all costs, and having the knowledge that a German attack was incoming. Would you believe me if I told you that Japan aided the Soviet Union in giving them that desire?
Around two months before Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union signed a Neutrality Pact with Japan, which ended the hostilities between the two countries. This means that by the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union didn't have to fear fighting a two-front war with Japan now out of the picture. All seems to be playing into the hands of the Soviet Union it seems, coincidentally...
This neutrality pact was heavily beneficial to the Soviet Union. For example, the German attack on Moscow was halted with the help of forces that were previously stationed in the Soviet Far East. They were sent to stop the German attack when the Soviet Union learned that Japan would not attack the Soviet Far East..
In the book ''Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 by Alvin D. Coox, he states:
''There is little doubt that if the Soviet Union had to fight on two land fronts simultaneously, The Germans would have won the war on the Eastern Front.''
Maj. Gen. A.K Kazakovtsev, the operation chief of the Far Eastern Front said to Grigorenko in 1941: ''If the Japanese enter the war on Hitler's side..our cause is hopeless''...
Just as Germany didn't aid Japan when they were at war against the Soviet Union, Japan did the same when it was Germany's turn to be at war against the Soviet Union. Even though a military alliance and collaboration against the Soviet Union would have eventually led to the demise of the Soviet Union. The question is how TRULY opposed were Germany and Japan to the Soviet Union when they continuously played into their hands?
Hitler playing both sides and was willing to collaborate with his supposed 'enemies' the communists. We saw the same with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
"This incident distracted Hitler from a campaign that was showing signs of deteriorating, and two days later he was presented with another embarrassing problem. On his own, Goebbels joined the Reds in a wildcat strike of Berlin transport workers asking for a pfennig or so an hour increase in pay. It was not the first time that the two parties, with many goals in common, had fought together; and for the next few wet, raw days the Communists and the National Socialists ate communally on the picket line. Side by side they pelted rocks at strikebreakers, tore up streetcar tracks, and built barricades."
"Why then did the Nazis join the Reds in the recent transportation strike? “If I had tried to restrain my people,” explained Hitler frankly, “the strike would have taken place nonetheless, but I would have lost my following among the workers; this would not have been in Germany’s interest.”
p. 336 & 339
“The size of the Communist presence in the SA, SS, NSBO, and other Nazi organizations has, for obvious reasons, been difficult to quantify. As far as the SA is concerned, a significant portion of new recruits is known to have previously belonged to the KPD. Rudolf Diels, the first head of the Gestapo, estimated that in Berlin, 70 percent of new SA recruits after 30 January were former Communists.
In some cases, wrote Diels, entire units of the RFB went over to the SA en masse.706 Peter Longerich has questioned Diels’s frequently cited 70 percent figure as exaggerated, and although he must certainly be right that the figure is too high, he appears himself to have erred in the other direction.707 According to Diels’s subordinate Gisevius, at least a third of the post-1933 SA was made up of former Communists for ''whom “the popular phrase … was ‘Beefsteak Nazis’—Brown on the outside, red inside. A leading functionary in the KPD’s Red Sport organization gave a figure of 20 percent. The SA itself gave a figure of 55 percent. Internal SA memoranda, the surviving files of the Gestapo, and reports from the KPD’s own intelligence apparatus all contain evidence of a significant Communist presence in the SA.”
“Reports from individual SA units in the spring and summer of 1933 even listed the names of individual Communists.712 One activist retained membership in the KPD while serving as an agent in the SA intelligence service. In a number of cases Communists occupied mid-level leadership positions in the SA and SS. In an SS intelligence platoon in the Altona district of Hamburg, thirty to thirty-five out of fifty members were former Communists, including the unit commander’s right-hand man. A Communist functionary in contact with members of the unit noted: “The comrades report unanimously that the tone of the SS men is ‘rosy,’ and each one assumes the other is a ‘Beefsteak’ (brown on the outside, red on the inside).” The presence of former Communists in the SA was sufficiently taken for granted that Rudolf Hess could write to Ernst Röhm in September looking for stormtroopers willing to testify against their former comrades in the Reichstag fire trial.”
pages 136-139
With this background in mind, it makes more sense now why something like the Molotov-Ribbentrop could come about, despite Hitler being ''against communism'', supposedly…
“In 1919 Joseph became acquainted with literature of the Left, the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which so deeply impressed him that he became a socialist. [...] Goebbels’ respect for the Soviet Union was at odds with that of Hitler. Goebbels even idealized Nikolai Lenin, one of the founders of Russian communism.”
''Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.'' Joseph Goebbels As quoted in The New York Times, “Hitlerite Riot in Berlin: Beer Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler to Lenin,” November 28, 1925 (Goebbels' speech Nov. 27, 1925)
Biographer Ian Kershaw on Hitler & his communist connections:
Video: So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919
“Hitler was elected into the SOVIET Soldiers Council and became the deputy battalion representative. He was elected by his fellow soldiers who also overwhelmingly voted for the social democrats in January 1919, MEANING THAT THEY THOUGHT THAT HITLER BEST REPRESENTED THEIR SOCIALIST VIEWS.”
2m 8s - 2m 32s https://youtu.be/UpuGRO72GbA
Nazi communists, including Goebbels:
2m 16s - end of video https://youtu.be/P3uFUxMwA1w
Interesting communist propaganda against Hitler.
Excerpts from a speech Goebbels made in 1928
"Fascism and Bolshevism were built by great speakers, by masters of the spoken word! There is no difference between the politician and the speaker. History proves that great politicians were always great speakers: Napoleon, Caesar, Alexander, Mussolini, Lenin, name whomever you want. They were all great speakers and great organizers. If a person combines rhetorical talent, organizational ability, and philosophical ability, if he has the ability to transmit knowledge and to gather people under his banner, then he is a brilliant statesman."
Here we can see Goebbels referring to Lenin as a 'great politician' and a 'brilliant statesman'. The same Lenin who ushered in terror on the Russians as soon as he came to power where millions perished for resisting him and his communist regime. Lenin caused shortages for all necessities of life, who caused a civil war that would last years, and caused famines that made millions of people starve to death because of his warring communism policy. How can someone with a track record like this be called a great statesman? Well to Goebbels, he was because of his ability to fool people with words.
He continues:
"If someone tells me today: “You are a demagogue,” I answer him in this way: “Demagogy in the good sense is simply the ability to get the masses to understand what I want them to understand.” Of course, I can adjust to the feelings of the broad masses, which is demagogy in the bad sense. Then I change not only the form of what I want to say, but also the content."
Get the masses to understand what I want them to understand. Not about getting the masses to understand and see the truth..oh no... but what he saying here instead is that he wants to manipulate the masses into buying into the nonsense he wanted to sell to the masses.
And also, it seems like Goebbels is a fan of Marxist propaganda tactics and wants them to be emulated by the 'volkish'
"Of course the press is important. But if you examine well-written editorials, they turn out to be speeches in disguise. The Marxists did not win through their editorials, but rather because each Marxist editorial was a little propaganda speech. They were written by agitators. They sat in their offices or in smoke-filled bars, writing not elegant, intellectual, and polished essays, but rather brutal, direct words that the average man understood. That is why the masses devoured the Red press. We must learn from their example. Marxism did not win because it had great prophets — they had none. Marxism won because its nonsense was promoted by agitators of the ability of August Bebel and Lenin. They led Marxism to victory. If the völkisch movement had had such agitators at its disposal, its stronger intellectual foundations would surely have led it to victory."
Quote from joshf731 on November 4, 2022, 20:58The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 1
Anti-Comintern short for 'Agreement against the Communist International' was supposedly an anti-communist pact between Nazi Germany and Japan that had the purpose of combating Communist International (Comintern).
https://files.catbox.moe/6defcc.pngHowever the question is, how come we've never heard of any blow against Communist International as a result of this pact? An example we can point to where the Communist International met any resistance from this pact? How many even know that this pact even existed?
The short conclusion was that this pact was never meant to have any effect against Comintern as neither Germany nor Japan took this pact any seriously and did anything with it together as allies against the Soviet Union.
The first interesting thing to point out was that this pact was signed between the Japanese ambassador to Germany, Kintomo Mushanokoji, and the German ambassador, Joachim Von Ribbentrop. Ribbentrop was also the one who signed the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which pretty much made the 'Anti-Comintern' pact ineffective and even more useless, as the supposed fight against Comintern was now replaced by an alliance between Germany and the Soviet Union, the same country Germany was supposed to fight against.
https://files.catbox.moe/gaa1il.pngRibbentrop arranged the signing of the Germany-Soviet Pact and admitted that;
"To seek a settlement with Russia was my very own idea which I urged Hitler because I sought to create a counterweight to the West and because I wanted to ensure Russian neutrality in the event of a German-Polish conflict."
https://files.catbox.moe/r8h2wa.pngRibbentrop also contributed to the switch of the narrative from being anti-Communist to being anti-West within the Anti-Comintern. Instead of focusing his attacks on the Soviet Union, it was instead directed against England and France, both countries that Germany would be at war against during WW2.
According to German historian Wolfgang Michalka, the Anti-Comintern pact was only "anti-communist" in appearance but anti-British in actuality, he claims that people even jokingly said that "Someday Stalin may join the Anti-Comintern Pact". Does this not smell like your typical Communist-controlled opposition group?
https://files.catbox.moe/rqsyza.pngThis type of propaganda was typical Communist propaganda to stir up revolutions in the West which had still yet not been completely engulfed in Communism as was seen in Eastern Europe.
According to Lenin, the major task confronting the revolutionaries of Russia was "preventing the West European counter-revolutionary states from crushing us".
https://files.catbox.moe/sog6zi.pngSo it only makes sense for the propaganda of the Comintern would have an anti-Western theme, but the question is why would Anti-Comintern repeat that same propaganda?
A very revealing Soviet memorandum dating back to July 27, 1939, which was less than a month before the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, reveals the desire of the Soviet Union of establishing a friendly relationship with Germany and Italy and says the one common ideology shared by Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union was their opposition to capitalist democracies I.E the West. Molotov admits that the Anti-Comintern Pact was a camouflage for an alliance aimed against the Western democracies and stated that "Our relationship to Japan was that of a well-founded friendship, which was not, however, aimed against Russia. German policy was aimed against England".
https://files.catbox.moe/aj5c3x.pngThe Soviet Union knew already that the Anti-Comintern pact was a scam and that's why despite the pact's existence could still see itself allying with Germany. You have to think that the emergence of rising anti-Western propaganda, especially against England, was being pumped out by both Communists and by Germany very shortly before the start of WW2 and Germany's eventual war against 'Western democracies' such as England and France is very suspect. This propaganda helped put Germany in a position that could never threaten the existence of the Soviet Union during the war. If Germany, which was at war with England and France, were to attack the Soviet Union, it would put itself in a two-front war, a war they would lose[see]. The Soviet Union could also, if they wanted, use this opportunity to strike Germany, forcing Germany to fight a two-front war.
We can see how this propaganda which was shared by both Communists and the Anti-Comintern was beneficial to the Soviet Union and not so much to Germany.
The scam that was the 'Anti-Comintern' pact between Germany and Japan PART 2
Why was the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union so important for the Soviet Union?
Khrushchev admits that the pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was PROFITABLE for the Soviet Union, one of the reasons was the war could have started earlier against them, much to their disadvantage because the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war.
https://files.catbox.moe/zf9254.pngMany are unaware that in 1939 the Soviet Union was still in military conflict against Japan and that one of Stalin's nightmares was having to fight a two-front war against both Germany and Japan and he wanted to avoid this at all costs.
Remember that at this time when Japan was in military conflict against the Soviet Union, the Anti-Comintern pact was supposedly still alive and well, and here was Japan, Germany's ally, attacking the Soviet Union, a correct move, but instead of aiding Japan by using this opportunity to attack the Soviet Union, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union which allowed Stalin not having to fear a two-front war anymore AND it gave him the freedom to deal with an isolated Japan, leading to Japan's defeat in this conflict.
We know that the Soviet Union knew fighting a two-front war would lead to their demise. If we put this into perspective when we consider that Stalin had received multiple warnings of an impending German attack on the Soviet Union ...but entirely ignored them*. Could it be because he welcomed this attack as it would put Germany into a two-front war with Stalin knowing that the Soviet Union would still have the advantage over Germany?
* Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (1953), edited by Barnes, F. R. Sanborn wrote the following:
In mid-January, 1941, another and more fateful thread was woven into the pattern. The American State Department, at Mr. Roosevelt's specific instruction, warned (138) the Russian ambassador, Mr. Constantine Oumansky, (139) of the contemplated German attack, and these warnings were later repeated. (140) By early February, 1941, the eastern movement of the German troops was well known. (141) Everything pointed toward an extension of the war by a German attack on Russia, but Anglo-American power politics succeeded in delaying it for five weeks. (142) The great cost of the sacrifice, made in order to obtain this small delay for Soviet Russia's benefit, was the loss of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Crete, the crippling of the British Mediterranean Fleet,(143) and the British defeat in Libya.(144) In the diplomatic intrigues in Greece and in Yugoslavia Americans (145) played a substantial and quite successful part in opposing Germany. Later, as the time approached for the commencement of the attack on Russia, Mr. Churchill meditated upon what his policy should be and concluded that he should "give all encouragement and any help we can spare." He cabled this to Mr. Roosevelt,(146) who replied in the sense of carte blanche-he would publicly endorse "any announcement that the Prime Minister might make welcoming Russia as an ally."
According to historian Arsen Martirosyan, Moscow knew of the German invasion as far back as 1935.
On November 7th, 1938, in the special edition of the Soviet propaganda organ Pravda, marking the 21st anniversary of the Bolshevik October revolution, Bulgarian communist Georgi Dimitrov (who led the Communist International from 1935 to 1943) predicted the Germans would attack the Soviet Union "in the autumn of 1941".
https://fitzinfo.net/forum/topic/hitler-the-kabbalistic-talmudic-creation-of-ww2/?part=11#postid-420Knowing that the Soviet Union wanted to avoid a two-front war at all costs, and having the knowledge that a German attack was incoming. Would you believe me if I told you that Japan aided the Soviet Union in giving them that desire?
Around two months before Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union signed a Neutrality Pact with Japan, which ended the hostilities between the two countries. This means that by the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union didn't have to fear fighting a two-front war with Japan now out of the picture. All seems to be playing into the hands of the Soviet Union it seems, coincidentally...
This neutrality pact was heavily beneficial to the Soviet Union. For example, the German attack on Moscow was halted with the help of forces that were previously stationed in the Soviet Far East. They were sent to stop the German attack when the Soviet Union learned that Japan would not attack the Soviet Far East..
In the book ''Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 by Alvin D. Coox, he states:
''There is little doubt that if the Soviet Union had to fight on two land fronts simultaneously, The Germans would have won the war on the Eastern Front.''
Maj. Gen. A.K Kazakovtsev, the operation chief of the Far Eastern Front said to Grigorenko in 1941: ''If the Japanese enter the war on Hitler's side..our cause is hopeless''...
Just as Germany didn't aid Japan when they were at war against the Soviet Union, Japan did the same when it was Germany's turn to be at war against the Soviet Union. Even though a military alliance and collaboration against the Soviet Union would have eventually led to the demise of the Soviet Union. The question is how TRULY opposed were Germany and Japan to the Soviet Union when they continuously played into their hands?
Hitler playing both sides and was willing to collaborate with his supposed 'enemies' the communists. We saw the same with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
"This incident distracted Hitler from a campaign that was showing signs of deteriorating, and two days later he was presented with another embarrassing problem. On his own, Goebbels joined the Reds in a wildcat strike of Berlin transport workers asking for a pfennig or so an hour increase in pay. It was not the first time that the two parties, with many goals in common, had fought together; and for the next few wet, raw days the Communists and the National Socialists ate communally on the picket line. Side by side they pelted rocks at strikebreakers, tore up streetcar tracks, and built barricades."
"Why then did the Nazis join the Reds in the recent transportation strike? “If I had tried to restrain my people,” explained Hitler frankly, “the strike would have taken place nonetheless, but I would have lost my following among the workers; this would not have been in Germany’s interest.”
p. 336 & 339
“The size of the Communist presence in the SA, SS, NSBO, and other Nazi organizations has, for obvious reasons, been difficult to quantify. As far as the SA is concerned, a significant portion of new recruits is known to have previously belonged to the KPD. Rudolf Diels, the first head of the Gestapo, estimated that in Berlin, 70 percent of new SA recruits after 30 January were former Communists.
In some cases, wrote Diels, entire units of the RFB went over to the SA en masse.706 Peter Longerich has questioned Diels’s frequently cited 70 percent figure as exaggerated, and although he must certainly be right that the figure is too high, he appears himself to have erred in the other direction.707 According to Diels’s subordinate Gisevius, at least a third of the post-1933 SA was made up of former Communists for ''whom “the popular phrase … was ‘Beefsteak Nazis’—Brown on the outside, red inside. A leading functionary in the KPD’s Red Sport organization gave a figure of 20 percent. The SA itself gave a figure of 55 percent. Internal SA memoranda, the surviving files of the Gestapo, and reports from the KPD’s own intelligence apparatus all contain evidence of a significant Communist presence in the SA.”
“Reports from individual SA units in the spring and summer of 1933 even listed the names of individual Communists.712 One activist retained membership in the KPD while serving as an agent in the SA intelligence service. In a number of cases Communists occupied mid-level leadership positions in the SA and SS. In an SS intelligence platoon in the Altona district of Hamburg, thirty to thirty-five out of fifty members were former Communists, including the unit commander’s right-hand man. A Communist functionary in contact with members of the unit noted: “The comrades report unanimously that the tone of the SS men is ‘rosy,’ and each one assumes the other is a ‘Beefsteak’ (brown on the outside, red on the inside).” The presence of former Communists in the SA was sufficiently taken for granted that Rudolf Hess could write to Ernst Röhm in September looking for stormtroopers willing to testify against their former comrades in the Reichstag fire trial.”
pages 136-139
With this background in mind, it makes more sense now why something like the Molotov-Ribbentrop could come about, despite Hitler being ''against communism'', supposedly…
“In 1919 Joseph became acquainted with literature of the Left, the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which so deeply impressed him that he became a socialist. [...] Goebbels’ respect for the Soviet Union was at odds with that of Hitler. Goebbels even idealized Nikolai Lenin, one of the founders of Russian communism.”
''Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.'' Joseph Goebbels As quoted in The New York Times, “Hitlerite Riot in Berlin: Beer Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler to Lenin,” November 28, 1925 (Goebbels' speech Nov. 27, 1925)
Biographer Ian Kershaw on Hitler & his communist connections:
Video: So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919
“Hitler was elected into the SOVIET Soldiers Council and became the deputy battalion representative. He was elected by his fellow soldiers who also overwhelmingly voted for the social democrats in January 1919, MEANING THAT THEY THOUGHT THAT HITLER BEST REPRESENTED THEIR SOCIALIST VIEWS.”
2m 8s - 2m 32s https://youtu.be/UpuGRO72GbA
Nazi communists, including Goebbels:
2m 16s - end of video https://youtu.be/P3uFUxMwA1w
Interesting communist propaganda against Hitler.
Excerpts from a speech Goebbels made in 1928
"Fascism and Bolshevism were built by great speakers, by masters of the spoken word! There is no difference between the politician and the speaker. History proves that great politicians were always great speakers: Napoleon, Caesar, Alexander, Mussolini, Lenin, name whomever you want. They were all great speakers and great organizers. If a person combines rhetorical talent, organizational ability, and philosophical ability, if he has the ability to transmit knowledge and to gather people under his banner, then he is a brilliant statesman."
Here we can see Goebbels referring to Lenin as a 'great politician' and a 'brilliant statesman'. The same Lenin who ushered in terror on the Russians as soon as he came to power where millions perished for resisting him and his communist regime. Lenin caused shortages for all necessities of life, who caused a civil war that would last years, and caused famines that made millions of people starve to death because of his warring communism policy. How can someone with a track record like this be called a great statesman? Well to Goebbels, he was because of his ability to fool people with words.
He continues:
"If someone tells me today: “You are a demagogue,” I answer him in this way: “Demagogy in the good sense is simply the ability to get the masses to understand what I want them to understand.” Of course, I can adjust to the feelings of the broad masses, which is demagogy in the bad sense. Then I change not only the form of what I want to say, but also the content."
Get the masses to understand what I want them to understand. Not about getting the masses to understand and see the truth..oh no... but what he saying here instead is that he wants to manipulate the masses into buying into the nonsense he wanted to sell to the masses.
And also, it seems like Goebbels is a fan of Marxist propaganda tactics and wants them to be emulated by the 'volkish'
"Of course the press is important. But if you examine well-written editorials, they turn out to be speeches in disguise. The Marxists did not win through their editorials, but rather because each Marxist editorial was a little propaganda speech. They were written by agitators. They sat in their offices or in smoke-filled bars, writing not elegant, intellectual, and polished essays, but rather brutal, direct words that the average man understood. That is why the masses devoured the Red press. We must learn from their example. Marxism did not win because it had great prophets — they had none. Marxism won because its nonsense was promoted by agitators of the ability of August Bebel and Lenin. They led Marxism to victory. If the völkisch movement had had such agitators at its disposal, its stronger intellectual foundations would surely have led it to victory."
Quote from joshf731 on November 17, 2022, 06:26Quote from joshf731 on August 28, 2022, 17:50International finance and International armament links to Hitler's Germany
"The real control behind high politics has no responsibility to the electorate."
Bank of England/B.I.S and the Nazis:
“The documents reveal a shocking story: just six months before Britain went to war with Nazi Germany, the Bank of England willingly handed over £5.6 million worth of gold to Hitler – and it belonged to another country.”
Interesting article in the Ottawa Citizen on January 5, 1939. Reporting on the governor of the Bank of England governor Montagu Norman's trip to German to discuss loans to the Nazis.
“Germany is reported to be in need of more financial credit abroad. On previous occasions, loans have been arranged in London to assist the Nazi administration. Immediately after one such loan, British armament firms advertised in German newspapers offering to build tanks, bombers, and other machinery of death for German use. There is the closest co-opertation between international finance and international armament enterprises.”
Henry Ford -
“In an interview with a New York Times reporter on Christmas, 1921, Ford gave some further insight into his education in the ways of the world while he was on the Peace Ship. "It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relationship between the international Jew and war. In fact, they went out of their way to convince me. On the peace ship were two very prominent Jews. We had not been at sea 200 miles before they began telling me of the power of the Jewish race, of how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could end the war. I was reluctant to believe it but they went into detail to convince me of the means by which the Jews controlled the war, how they had the money, HOW THEY HAD CORNERED ALL THE BASIC MATERIALS NEEDED TO FIGHT THE WAR and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews started the war, that they would continue it as long as they wished, and that until the Jew stopped the war it could not be stopped. I was so disgusted I would have liked to turn the ship back.”
The first article goes on to read:
“In fact the BIS was so entwined with the Nazi economy that it helped keep the Third Reich in business. It carried out foreign exchange deals for the Reichsbank; it accepted looted Nazi gold; it recognised the puppet regimes installed in occupied countries, which, together with the Third Reich, soon controlled the majority of the bank’s shares.
Declassified documents in the American intelligence archives reveal an even more disturbing story. Under an intelligence operation known as the “Harvard Plan”, McKittrick was in contact with Nazi industrialists, working towards what the US documents, dated February 1945, describe as a “close cooperation between the Allied and German business world”. Thus while Allied soldiers were fighting through Europe, McKittrick was cutting deals to keep the German economy strong. This was happening with what the US documents describe as “the full assistance” of the State Department.”
The Sydney Morning Herald:
"The BIS was founded in 1930, in effect by Montagu Norman and his close friend Hjalmar Schacht, the former president of the Reichsbank, known as the father of the Nazi economic miracle. Schacht even referred to the BIS as ‘‘my’’ bank."
The World Conquerors (1958):
“In a series of confidential confessions, Rakovszky also states in the records that the great financial crash on Wall Street in 1929 was the work of a mysterious group consisting of a few persons directed by a higher power. This same world power put to work Roosevelt's famous New Deal, but on the other hand, it also supported Hitler's movement in its initial financial difficulties through the help of Schacht, who was a Freemason.
According not only to Rakovszky but to other reliable German sources, this same world power gives still larger sums to Hitler and National Socialism, in order to help Hitler and his movement over initial difficulties.”
Pages 273, 274
Poland's Princess Catherine Radziwill (1858 - 1941) said, “Rothschild interests advanced money to back the Hitler cause at one time.” Immediately after, Jews such as Joseph Brainin (Executive vice president of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science) lied about what she said, putting words in her mouth attempting to discredit her.
NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Princess Catherine Radzwill, in Hitler's Coming Doom, in February 9 Liberty, made a definite statement that a Baron von Rothschild loaned huge sums of money to Hitler on the condition that General von Scheleicher must be removed entierely from German politics and "that the Jews must not be persecuted or in any way discriminated against."
To the best of my knowledge, there is no German Baron Rothschild connected with the Thyssen interests. Does Princess Radziwill by any chance imply that the French branch of the Rothschild family supported Hitler?—Joseph Braimin, Editor, Seven Arts.
SUTTON BAY, ONT.—Princess Radziwill certainly should explain how come she describes Hitler taking money from the German banker Baron F. Rothschild, who, it is certain, never existed.—C.S.
(Princess Radziwill answers! "I did not say that 'a Baron Rothschild' loaned huge sums of money to Hitler, and I have not written anything of the kind, but just stated that the Rothschild interests advanced money to back the Hitler cause at one time, which is a very different thing. The Rothschild interests comprise all the magnates of the Ruhr, the Deutsche and Disconto Bank, Thyssen, the Stinnes interests, and so forth, and these were all concerned in keeping order in Germany, where the Red elements were getting very powerful."—Vox for Editor.)
More on the financing of Nazis:
1923: Top Nazi admits they're funded by Americans
Adolf Hitler speaking with Christian Weber, 1929
Louis Thomas McFadden (1876-1936) was a Republican member of the US House of Representatives. He was an enemy of the Federal Reserve Bank & was outspoken about the Jewish domination in Weimar Germany. He accused international bankers of financing Bolshevism & Nazism.
Source: Boston Daily Globe - December 20, 1931 - Read full article [here]
More on Jewish bankers and the Nazis:
Hitler's Jewish banker.
The July 3, 1939 issue of TIME Magazine reported that Hitler chose a German Jewish banker named Otto Jeidels as Germany's representative in negotiations with the British and Americans over unpaid debts.
1938: Jewish bankers negotiating with the Nazis
More on the financing of Nazis:
In February 1933 Wilhelm Frick, member of the NSDAP and German Minister of the Interior, was interviewed by Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre van Paassen, who put it to Frick:
"Moreover, anyone who care to investigate Jewish life but superficially soon discovers that instead of an indissoluble international solidarity as you claim, the same lines that divide society in classes operate in Jewish life. The best proof probably is that several Jewish bankers are backing Herr Hitler financially and that a Jewish bank is backing Prince Starhenberg in Austria. Since you say you are going to act strongly against the Jews, these Jewish banks are indirectly your aids. How can you speak of Jewish solidarity under the circumstance?"
Van Paassen clearly couldn't have got a proper answer from Frick:
More from van Paassen:
Another article from 1933 by Van Paassen in which he repeats and expands on the Jewish bankers who were financing Hitler and the NSDAP:
"I do not blame those Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch by financing the Nazi Organization. It was in their interest to do so. Class interest far outweighs racial or religious associations. These men simply were consistent capitalists. They looked after and saved the interests of big business and finance in a critical hour.
There is nothing to be gained in denouncing these men as traitors to the Jewish people. They never had anything in common with the Jewish masses except that they have always tried "as great Jewish Leaders" in Germany to exert their influence on the Jewish masses in one issue or another. Herr Oscar Wassermann is loyal to his class in society. Inflexibly loyal. Nothing in the world is capable of coming between him and that loyalty."
Fascinating extract from Churchill's War Volume One.
David Irving discovered a 1948 letter from former German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning revealing Jewish Zionists financed the NSDAPIrving pointed out that Bruning tried to suppress the letter he sent to Churchill afterward. He did not want that secret getting out to the public because he didn’t want to embarrass the Jews.
Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter.
One of the biggest - if not the biggest - industrialists of the early 20s in Germany was Hugo Stinnes, who massively profited out of WW1 and became one of the most powerful individuals in Germany in the 20s.
He had a massive amount of political power.
He looked Jewish, had Jewish business partners, and was helped to become as rich as he was through the Mendelssohn banking firm. He was also accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy against Russia.
He was friends with the Jew Walther Rathenau, who played a prominent role in draining the German wealth because of the Versailles Treaty. Rathenau also claimed that Stinnes was not an anti-semite and had personal relationships with a number of Jews.
This is backed up by this:
“Stinnes' connection with Ludendorff led to his becoming an influence behind the scenes in German politics. A prominent capitalist and conservative, in 1918 he became a founding member of the Deutsche Volkspartei (German People's Party or DVP), the new electioneering name of the former National Liberal Party.”
From 1920 until his death Stresemann was a Reichstag deputy and chairman of the German People’s Party - He had a Jewish wife.
The American Jewish World 1924 gives us an insight that much daily press was reporting that Hugo Stinnes was of Jewish heritage during this time.
From the same article:
“A German editor, who was in more or less constant touch with the ironmaster for the past twelve years, claims not only that Stinnes was by no means an anti-Semite, but that the greatest admiration he ever cherished for any man was for the Jew, Albert Ballin, the late Director-General of the Hamburg-American Line. This editor happened to be with Stinnes when the news of Ballin's suicide was reported by wire. Stinnes broke down, and with tears in his eyes, declared that he had lost his best friend and that the only friend left him was Felix Deutsch (another Jew). It is a fact that Stinnes used to frequent the house of Deutsch. Of a very retiring nature, taciturn, Stinnes shunned all social functions and seldom visited anyone. In the Deutsch home, however, in a small and intimate circle of friends, he used to speak quite easily and frankly. This same gentleman also told me that Stinnes and Rathenau had become reconciled.”
And check out this quote from the same article:
“One of them, a German businessman, told me: It is true that Stinnes was an anti-Semite, or, rather, the recognized protector of German anti-Semitism. But he saw in Jew-baiting only an efficient means for diverting the anger of the suffering masses that he exploited so ruthlessly. This is why he freely gave his support and encouragement to the Ludendorff and Hitler groups.”
And this is not the first time Hugo Stinnes supported 'anti-semites'.
“According to Stadtler's memoirs published in 1935, German entrepreneurs organized and paid for the military operations of the Freikorps against the Berlin Spartacist Uprising and the contract killings of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht on January 15, 1919, from a fund connected to the organization
Through the mediation of Helfferich, Stadtler received 5,000 marks in cash personally on November 28, 1918, as a ‘gift’ from the Deutsche Bank from its director Paul Mankiewitz. (Mankiewitz was Jewish)."
"On January 10, 1919, around 50 top representatives of German industry, commerce and banking met and set up an anti-Bolshevik fund for German entrepreneurs. Paul Mankiewitz from Deutsche Bank organized the meeting in the rooms of the Flugverbandshaus in Berlin. Among the invited participants, who were expressly intended to appear in person, were the head of the industrial association, Hugo Stinnes, Albert Vögler, Carl Friedrich von Siemens, Otto Henrich (Siemens-Schuckert-Werke), Ernst von Borsig, Felix Deutsch from AEG, Arthur Salomonsohn from Disconto-Gesellschaft.”
Side note: Speaking of the Deutsche Bank, here is a top Hungarian Jew close to the bank.
“Though it was the anarchists, Spartacists, and People's commissars who dominated the image of the Jew in politics, the less spectacular acts of those who fought in the civilian militias against the far Left in order to defend the recent democratic gains were probably closest to the epicentre of Jewish opinion.”
More financing 'anti-semites':
The Australian Jewish Chronicle, Thu 23 Aug 1923, Page 5:
"The Socialist Deputy Danneberg, speaking in the Austrian Chamber, declared that he had information proving that the financier, Mr. Castiglioni, the baptized son of a Rabbi, had combined with (Jew) Mr. Hugo Stinnes, and together with him was financing the “Swastika” movement in Germany and Austria. It was from this combination, he said, that the anti-Jewish and anti-Democratic movement was deriving its huge financial resources."
The Australian Jewish Chronicle 27 Jul 1922, Page 8:
“Stinnes The Instigator.
Correspondence has been published in Germany which shows conclusively that Herr Hugo Stinnes, the well known financier, is financing, at least to a large extent, the Anti-Semitic agitation in the worst class of German papers.”
Stines-Mendelssohn conspiracy note
Hugo Stannis was also a supporter of an organization that was run by Jews, pushing Jewish interests:
Hugo Herman Stinnes was his son.
“Stinnes took part in the secret meeting of February 20, 1933, at which the industry decided on an election fund of 3 million Reichsmarks for the NSDAP”
“The secret meeting of February 20, 1933 was a post- seizure meeting of Adolf Hitler with 27 industrialists at Hermann Goering's official residence in the Reichstag President's Palace to finance the Nazi Party 's campaign in the Reichstag elections of March 5, 1933.”
“The ancestors are always among them. Especially when your name is Stinnes. At the beginning of the 20th century, Stinnes stood for the largest economic empire in Germany - with almost 600,000 employees. On Monday, members of this dynasty, whose company headquarters were once in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, met on the traditional Hamburg ship "Rickmer Rickmers". The occasion was the presentation of a new book about the checkered history of the entrepreneurial family, which is also traditionally associated with the Hanseatic city.
In the publication "Die Stinnes. vom Rhein in die Welt" (Signum Verlag Wien), the two North German journalists Bernhard-Michael Domberg and Klaus Rathje refer to a historical fact that has so far been little researched: the son of the company patriarch Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924 ), Hugo Stinnes junior (1897-1984), helped numerous Jews to flee to America during the Nazi era. From 1939 to 1942, they were able to flee from Nazi terror with forged papers, alone, in pairs or in whole families. At great personal risk, he enabled them to use the Stinnes Line's cargo or passenger ships from Hamburg and Emden.”
Paragraphs 1-2
“Upon the death in 1924 of the founder, Hugo Stinnes, Vögler became manager. In 1918, with Gustav Stresemann, he was involved in the founding of the German People's Party (DVP) in the Weimar Republic. He criticised the policies of Joseph Wirth who signed agreements with France in accordance with Germany's submission to the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. In 1924 he left the DVP.
As a business man, Vögler feared the rise of communism in Germany. Records of donations from Vögler to the Nazi Party from as early as 1931 exist. Vögler met Adolf Hitler on 11 September 1931. From 1932 Vögler openly funded the Nazi party. He was a member of the Freundeskreis Himmler.[3] Hitler became German Chancellor on 30 January 1933. He held a meeting with Hermann Göring, and German industrialists on 20 February 1933. Vögler was present at this meeting. Hitler presented the Nazi Party's political plans, and received a total of three million marks in donations.[1] During the latter part of the 1930s, Vögler was described by Jewish businessman Max von der Porten as one of the industrialists who focused primarily on business and hardly speaks of politics and do not want to know anything about it.[4]”
He was very close to Stinnes, & he was a student of his:
“A student of Hugo Stinnes, Vögler was a self-made man who had carved out an unprecedented career which had begun at Dortmunder Union.”
So for those saying that Hitler didn't receive Jewish aid, how will they spin this exactly?
More interesting info:
“Louis Hagen, German industrial and financial leader, of Jewish origin”
“Mr. Hagen, who was born in the Jewish Faith adopted the Catholic religion, associated himself with the Centre party and was regarded as its wealthiest member.”
"For most of the Weimar Republic, the Centre Party was the third-largest party in the Reichstag and a bulwark of the Republic, participating in all governments until 1932. Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in early 1933, the Centre Party was among the parties who voted for the Enabling Act, which granted legislative powers to Hitler's government."
He was "member of the board of the Reichsbank"
Masonic and possibly Jew connections to the NSDAP:
“On January 5, 1837, the entrepreneur, who was soon able to trade with the title of court coppersmith, became a member of the Johannis Masonic Lodge in the Orient of Hanover. Less than two decades later, his son Julius Louis Paulmann was admitted to the lodge on April 1, 1856.
The food chemist Wilhelm Paulmann was his grandson.”
Check his prominent nose.
His grandson:
“Wilhelm Paulmann studied at the University of Marburg, where he received his doctorate in 1894 with his dissertation Contributions to the knowledge of sarcosine. From 1910 until his retirement in 1931 he worked as a food chemist in Kassel. Paulmann was a Freemason [3] and a member of the Society for Natural History in Cassel. [4]
A core group of the NSDAP was formed in Kassel between October and December 1923. This included, among others, Wilhelm Paulmann, Karl Schaumlöffel , Max Köhler, Fritz Lengemann , Rudolf Likus , Heinrich Messerschmidt and Heinrich Moog, the later Gauleiter Walter Schultz and Karl Weinrich as well as the later President of the People's Court Roland Freisler . [5] In 1924 he was on a list of the Völkisch-Social Bloc as a city councilor in Kassel and served as an honorary city councilor until 1933.
The lawyer and later SS judge Karl Werner Paulmann was his younger son.”
“Alfred Roth (born 27 April 1879 in Stuttgart – died 9 October 1948 in Hamburg) was a German politician and writer noted for his anti-Semitism.
He met Georg Ritter von Schönerer in 1904 and became an enthusiastic supporter of his pan-German ideas and was an unsuccessful parliamentary candidate for the German Social Party in 1907.[2]”
Von Schönerer was a crypto-Jew
Continuing with the Wiki article:
“He also became a member of the German National People's Party (DNVP), briefly sitting in the Reichstag for them in 1924”
The DNVP was mainly funded by the 'anti-Semitic' funding Jew Hugo Stinnes.
“After the death of Karl August Hellwig in 1914 he became leader of this group and he used this body to build up the strongly anti-Semitic Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund, which he formed in 1919 by fusing the League with other groups.”
Alfred Roth is a very Jewish-sounding name.
“The Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund (English: German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation[1]) was the largest, and most active anti-semitic federation in Germany after the First World War,[2] and an organization forming a significant part of the völkisch movement during the Weimar Republic (1918–1933), whose democratic-parliamentary system it unilaterally rejected. Its publishing arm issued books that greatly influenced the opinions of Nazi Party leaders such as Heinrich Himmler,[3] and after the Bund folded (c. 1924) many of its members eventually joined the Nazis.[4]
The director of Deutscher Schutz- und Trutzbund was Alfred Roth”
The first leader of the SA - SALOMON.
He changed his name to Franz von Pfeffer because he thought his original name sounded too Jewish…Hmmm.
His cousin had a Jewish lover
His brother - a communist.
“Bruno von Salomon ( February 7, 1900 in Stettin – June 8, 1952 in Hamburg ) was a German journalist, political activist ( KPD ), Spain fighter and member of the French Resistance . The older brother of the writer Ernst von Salomon was considered, along with Claus Heim , to be the spiritual leader of the bombers in the rural people's movement in Schleswig-Holstein”
In all, it makes no sense for Hitler to be able to rise to power in the Weimar Republic without the acceptance of the Jewish elite there. After WW1, Germany was in the hands of the Jews entirely, they had many opportunities from the very start to get rid of him or to ensure that he would not receive the popularity that they did. They had the tools to do it but they didn't. In fact, everything points to them wanting the National Socialists in power.
Quote from joshf731 on August 28, 2022, 17:50International finance and International armament links to Hitler's Germany
"The real control behind high politics has no responsibility to the electorate."
Bank of England/B.I.S and the Nazis:
“The documents reveal a shocking story: just six months before Britain went to war with Nazi Germany, the Bank of England willingly handed over £5.6 million worth of gold to Hitler – and it belonged to another country.”
Interesting article in the Ottawa Citizen on January 5, 1939. Reporting on the governor of the Bank of England governor Montagu Norman's trip to German to discuss loans to the Nazis.
“Germany is reported to be in need of more financial credit abroad. On previous occasions, loans have been arranged in London to assist the Nazi administration. Immediately after one such loan, British armament firms advertised in German newspapers offering to build tanks, bombers, and other machinery of death for German use. There is the closest co-opertation between international finance and international armament enterprises.”
Henry Ford -
“In an interview with a New York Times reporter on Christmas, 1921, Ford gave some further insight into his education in the ways of the world while he was on the Peace Ship. "It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relationship between the international Jew and war. In fact, they went out of their way to convince me. On the peace ship were two very prominent Jews. We had not been at sea 200 miles before they began telling me of the power of the Jewish race, of how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could end the war. I was reluctant to believe it but they went into detail to convince me of the means by which the Jews controlled the war, how they had the money, HOW THEY HAD CORNERED ALL THE BASIC MATERIALS NEEDED TO FIGHT THE WAR and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews started the war, that they would continue it as long as they wished, and that until the Jew stopped the war it could not be stopped. I was so disgusted I would have liked to turn the ship back.”
The first article goes on to read:
“In fact the BIS was so entwined with the Nazi economy that it helped keep the Third Reich in business. It carried out foreign exchange deals for the Reichsbank; it accepted looted Nazi gold; it recognised the puppet regimes installed in occupied countries, which, together with the Third Reich, soon controlled the majority of the bank’s shares.
Declassified documents in the American intelligence archives reveal an even more disturbing story. Under an intelligence operation known as the “Harvard Plan”, McKittrick was in contact with Nazi industrialists, working towards what the US documents, dated February 1945, describe as a “close cooperation between the Allied and German business world”. Thus while Allied soldiers were fighting through Europe, McKittrick was cutting deals to keep the German economy strong. This was happening with what the US documents describe as “the full assistance” of the State Department.”
The Sydney Morning Herald:
"The BIS was founded in 1930, in effect by Montagu Norman and his close friend Hjalmar Schacht, the former president of the Reichsbank, known as the father of the Nazi economic miracle. Schacht even referred to the BIS as ‘‘my’’ bank."
The World Conquerors (1958):
“In a series of confidential confessions, Rakovszky also states in the records that the great financial crash on Wall Street in 1929 was the work of a mysterious group consisting of a few persons directed by a higher power. This same world power put to work Roosevelt's famous New Deal, but on the other hand, it also supported Hitler's movement in its initial financial difficulties through the help of Schacht, who was a Freemason.
According not only to Rakovszky but to other reliable German sources, this same world power gives still larger sums to Hitler and National Socialism, in order to help Hitler and his movement over initial difficulties.”
Pages 273, 274
Poland's Princess Catherine Radziwill (1858 - 1941) said, “Rothschild interests advanced money to back the Hitler cause at one time.” Immediately after, Jews such as Joseph Brainin (Executive vice president of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science) lied about what she said, putting words in her mouth attempting to discredit her.
NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—Princess Catherine Radzwill, in Hitler's Coming Doom, in February 9 Liberty, made a definite statement that a Baron von Rothschild loaned huge sums of money to Hitler on the condition that General von Scheleicher must be removed entierely from German politics and "that the Jews must not be persecuted or in any way discriminated against."
To the best of my knowledge, there is no German Baron Rothschild connected with the Thyssen interests. Does Princess Radziwill by any chance imply that the French branch of the Rothschild family supported Hitler?—Joseph Braimin, Editor, Seven Arts.
SUTTON BAY, ONT.—Princess Radziwill certainly should explain how come she describes Hitler taking money from the German banker Baron F. Rothschild, who, it is certain, never existed.—C.S.
(Princess Radziwill answers! "I did not say that 'a Baron Rothschild' loaned huge sums of money to Hitler, and I have not written anything of the kind, but just stated that the Rothschild interests advanced money to back the Hitler cause at one time, which is a very different thing. The Rothschild interests comprise all the magnates of the Ruhr, the Deutsche and Disconto Bank, Thyssen, the Stinnes interests, and so forth, and these were all concerned in keeping order in Germany, where the Red elements were getting very powerful."—Vox for Editor.)
More on the financing of Nazis:
1923: Top Nazi admits they're funded by Americans
Adolf Hitler speaking with Christian Weber, 1929
Louis Thomas McFadden (1876-1936) was a Republican member of the US House of Representatives. He was an enemy of the Federal Reserve Bank & was outspoken about the Jewish domination in Weimar Germany. He accused international bankers of financing Bolshevism & Nazism.
Source: Boston Daily Globe - December 20, 1931 - Read full article [here]
More on Jewish bankers and the Nazis:
Hitler's Jewish banker.
The July 3, 1939 issue of TIME Magazine reported that Hitler chose a German Jewish banker named Otto Jeidels as Germany's representative in negotiations with the British and Americans over unpaid debts.
1938: Jewish bankers negotiating with the Nazis
More on the financing of Nazis:
In February 1933 Wilhelm Frick, member of the NSDAP and German Minister of the Interior, was interviewed by Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre van Paassen, who put it to Frick:
"Moreover, anyone who care to investigate Jewish life but superficially soon discovers that instead of an indissoluble international solidarity as you claim, the same lines that divide society in classes operate in Jewish life. The best proof probably is that several Jewish bankers are backing Herr Hitler financially and that a Jewish bank is backing Prince Starhenberg in Austria. Since you say you are going to act strongly against the Jews, these Jewish banks are indirectly your aids. How can you speak of Jewish solidarity under the circumstance?"
Van Paassen clearly couldn't have got a proper answer from Frick:
More from van Paassen:
Another article from 1933 by Van Paassen in which he repeats and expands on the Jewish bankers who were financing Hitler and the NSDAP:
"I do not blame those Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch by financing the Nazi Organization. It was in their interest to do so. Class interest far outweighs racial or religious associations. These men simply were consistent capitalists. They looked after and saved the interests of big business and finance in a critical hour.
There is nothing to be gained in denouncing these men as traitors to the Jewish people. They never had anything in common with the Jewish masses except that they have always tried "as great Jewish Leaders" in Germany to exert their influence on the Jewish masses in one issue or another. Herr Oscar Wassermann is loyal to his class in society. Inflexibly loyal. Nothing in the world is capable of coming between him and that loyalty."
Fascinating extract from Churchill's War Volume One.
David Irving discovered a 1948 letter from former German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning revealing Jewish Zionists financed the NSDAPIrving pointed out that Bruning tried to suppress the letter he sent to Churchill afterward. He did not want that secret getting out to the public because he didn’t want to embarrass the Jews.
Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter.
One of the biggest - if not the biggest - industrialists of the early 20s in Germany was Hugo Stinnes, who massively profited out of WW1 and became one of the most powerful individuals in Germany in the 20s.
He had a massive amount of political power.
He looked Jewish, had Jewish business partners, and was helped to become as rich as he was through the Mendelssohn banking firm. He was also accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy against Russia.
He was friends with the Jew Walther Rathenau, who played a prominent role in draining the German wealth because of the Versailles Treaty. Rathenau also claimed that Stinnes was not an anti-semite and had personal relationships with a number of Jews.
This is backed up by this:
“Stinnes' connection with Ludendorff led to his becoming an influence behind the scenes in German politics. A prominent capitalist and conservative, in 1918 he became a founding member of the Deutsche Volkspartei (German People's Party or DVP), the new electioneering name of the former National Liberal Party.”
From 1920 until his death Stresemann was a Reichstag deputy and chairman of the German People’s Party - He had a Jewish wife.
The American Jewish World 1924 gives us an insight that much daily press was reporting that Hugo Stinnes was of Jewish heritage during this time.
From the same article:
“A German editor, who was in more or less constant touch with the ironmaster for the past twelve years, claims not only that Stinnes was by no means an anti-Semite, but that the greatest admiration he ever cherished for any man was for the Jew, Albert Ballin, the late Director-General of the Hamburg-American Line. This editor happened to be with Stinnes when the news of Ballin's suicide was reported by wire. Stinnes broke down, and with tears in his eyes, declared that he had lost his best friend and that the only friend left him was Felix Deutsch (another Jew). It is a fact that Stinnes used to frequent the house of Deutsch. Of a very retiring nature, taciturn, Stinnes shunned all social functions and seldom visited anyone. In the Deutsch home, however, in a small and intimate circle of friends, he used to speak quite easily and frankly. This same gentleman also told me that Stinnes and Rathenau had become reconciled.”
And check out this quote from the same article:
“One of them, a German businessman, told me: It is true that Stinnes was an anti-Semite, or, rather, the recognized protector of German anti-Semitism. But he saw in Jew-baiting only an efficient means for diverting the anger of the suffering masses that he exploited so ruthlessly. This is why he freely gave his support and encouragement to the Ludendorff and Hitler groups.”
And this is not the first time Hugo Stinnes supported 'anti-semites'.
“According to Stadtler's memoirs published in 1935, German entrepreneurs organized and paid for the military operations of the Freikorps against the Berlin Spartacist Uprising and the contract killings of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht on January 15, 1919, from a fund connected to the organization
Through the mediation of Helfferich, Stadtler received 5,000 marks in cash personally on November 28, 1918, as a ‘gift’ from the Deutsche Bank from its director Paul Mankiewitz. (Mankiewitz was Jewish)."
"On January 10, 1919, around 50 top representatives of German industry, commerce and banking met and set up an anti-Bolshevik fund for German entrepreneurs. Paul Mankiewitz from Deutsche Bank organized the meeting in the rooms of the Flugverbandshaus in Berlin. Among the invited participants, who were expressly intended to appear in person, were the head of the industrial association, Hugo Stinnes, Albert Vögler, Carl Friedrich von Siemens, Otto Henrich (Siemens-Schuckert-Werke), Ernst von Borsig, Felix Deutsch from AEG, Arthur Salomonsohn from Disconto-Gesellschaft.”
Side note: Speaking of the Deutsche Bank, here is a top Hungarian Jew close to the bank.
“Though it was the anarchists, Spartacists, and People's commissars who dominated the image of the Jew in politics, the less spectacular acts of those who fought in the civilian militias against the far Left in order to defend the recent democratic gains were probably closest to the epicentre of Jewish opinion.”
More financing 'anti-semites':
The Australian Jewish Chronicle, Thu 23 Aug 1923, Page 5:
"The Socialist Deputy Danneberg, speaking in the Austrian Chamber, declared that he had information proving that the financier, Mr. Castiglioni, the baptized son of a Rabbi, had combined with (Jew) Mr. Hugo Stinnes, and together with him was financing the “Swastika” movement in Germany and Austria. It was from this combination, he said, that the anti-Jewish and anti-Democratic movement was deriving its huge financial resources."
The Australian Jewish Chronicle 27 Jul 1922, Page 8:
“Stinnes The Instigator.
Correspondence has been published in Germany which shows conclusively that Herr Hugo Stinnes, the well known financier, is financing, at least to a large extent, the Anti-Semitic agitation in the worst class of German papers.”
Stines-Mendelssohn conspiracy note
Hugo Stannis was also a supporter of an organization that was run by Jews, pushing Jewish interests:
Hugo Herman Stinnes was his son.
“Stinnes took part in the secret meeting of February 20, 1933, at which the industry decided on an election fund of 3 million Reichsmarks for the NSDAP”
“The secret meeting of February 20, 1933 was a post- seizure meeting of Adolf Hitler with 27 industrialists at Hermann Goering's official residence in the Reichstag President's Palace to finance the Nazi Party 's campaign in the Reichstag elections of March 5, 1933.”
“The ancestors are always among them. Especially when your name is Stinnes. At the beginning of the 20th century, Stinnes stood for the largest economic empire in Germany - with almost 600,000 employees. On Monday, members of this dynasty, whose company headquarters were once in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, met on the traditional Hamburg ship "Rickmer Rickmers". The occasion was the presentation of a new book about the checkered history of the entrepreneurial family, which is also traditionally associated with the Hanseatic city.
In the publication "Die Stinnes. vom Rhein in die Welt" (Signum Verlag Wien), the two North German journalists Bernhard-Michael Domberg and Klaus Rathje refer to a historical fact that has so far been little researched: the son of the company patriarch Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924 ), Hugo Stinnes junior (1897-1984), helped numerous Jews to flee to America during the Nazi era. From 1939 to 1942, they were able to flee from Nazi terror with forged papers, alone, in pairs or in whole families. At great personal risk, he enabled them to use the Stinnes Line's cargo or passenger ships from Hamburg and Emden.”
Paragraphs 1-2
“Upon the death in 1924 of the founder, Hugo Stinnes, Vögler became manager. In 1918, with Gustav Stresemann, he was involved in the founding of the German People's Party (DVP) in the Weimar Republic. He criticised the policies of Joseph Wirth who signed agreements with France in accordance with Germany's submission to the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. In 1924 he left the DVP.
As a business man, Vögler feared the rise of communism in Germany. Records of donations from Vögler to the Nazi Party from as early as 1931 exist. Vögler met Adolf Hitler on 11 September 1931. From 1932 Vögler openly funded the Nazi party. He was a member of the Freundeskreis Himmler.[3] Hitler became German Chancellor on 30 January 1933. He held a meeting with Hermann Göring, and German industrialists on 20 February 1933. Vögler was present at this meeting. Hitler presented the Nazi Party's political plans, and received a total of three million marks in donations.[1] During the latter part of the 1930s, Vögler was described by Jewish businessman Max von der Porten as one of the industrialists who focused primarily on business and hardly speaks of politics and do not want to know anything about it.[4]”
He was very close to Stinnes, & he was a student of his:
“A student of Hugo Stinnes, Vögler was a self-made man who had carved out an unprecedented career which had begun at Dortmunder Union.”
So for those saying that Hitler didn't receive Jewish aid, how will they spin this exactly?
More interesting info:
“Louis Hagen, German industrial and financial leader, of Jewish origin”
“Mr. Hagen, who was born in the Jewish Faith adopted the Catholic religion, associated himself with the Centre party and was regarded as its wealthiest member.”
"For most of the Weimar Republic, the Centre Party was the third-largest party in the Reichstag and a bulwark of the Republic, participating in all governments until 1932. Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power in early 1933, the Centre Party was among the parties who voted for the Enabling Act, which granted legislative powers to Hitler's government."
He was "member of the board of the Reichsbank"
Masonic and possibly Jew connections to the NSDAP:
“On January 5, 1837, the entrepreneur, who was soon able to trade with the title of court coppersmith, became a member of the Johannis Masonic Lodge in the Orient of Hanover. Less than two decades later, his son Julius Louis Paulmann was admitted to the lodge on April 1, 1856.
The food chemist Wilhelm Paulmann was his grandson.”
Check his prominent nose.
His grandson:
“Wilhelm Paulmann studied at the University of Marburg, where he received his doctorate in 1894 with his dissertation Contributions to the knowledge of sarcosine. From 1910 until his retirement in 1931 he worked as a food chemist in Kassel. Paulmann was a Freemason [3] and a member of the Society for Natural History in Cassel. [4]
A core group of the NSDAP was formed in Kassel between October and December 1923. This included, among others, Wilhelm Paulmann, Karl Schaumlöffel , Max Köhler, Fritz Lengemann , Rudolf Likus , Heinrich Messerschmidt and Heinrich Moog, the later Gauleiter Walter Schultz and Karl Weinrich as well as the later President of the People's Court Roland Freisler . [5] In 1924 he was on a list of the Völkisch-Social Bloc as a city councilor in Kassel and served as an honorary city councilor until 1933.
The lawyer and later SS judge Karl Werner Paulmann was his younger son.”
“Alfred Roth (born 27 April 1879 in Stuttgart – died 9 October 1948 in Hamburg) was a German politician and writer noted for his anti-Semitism.
He met Georg Ritter von Schönerer in 1904 and became an enthusiastic supporter of his pan-German ideas and was an unsuccessful parliamentary candidate for the German Social Party in 1907.[2]”
Von Schönerer was a crypto-Jew
Continuing with the Wiki article:
“He also became a member of the German National People's Party (DNVP), briefly sitting in the Reichstag for them in 1924”
The DNVP was mainly funded by the 'anti-Semitic' funding Jew Hugo Stinnes.
“After the death of Karl August Hellwig in 1914 he became leader of this group and he used this body to build up the strongly anti-Semitic Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund, which he formed in 1919 by fusing the League with other groups.”
Alfred Roth is a very Jewish-sounding name.
“The Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund (English: German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation[1]) was the largest, and most active anti-semitic federation in Germany after the First World War,[2] and an organization forming a significant part of the völkisch movement during the Weimar Republic (1918–1933), whose democratic-parliamentary system it unilaterally rejected. Its publishing arm issued books that greatly influenced the opinions of Nazi Party leaders such as Heinrich Himmler,[3] and after the Bund folded (c. 1924) many of its members eventually joined the Nazis.[4]
The director of Deutscher Schutz- und Trutzbund was Alfred Roth”
The first leader of the SA - SALOMON.
He changed his name to Franz von Pfeffer because he thought his original name sounded too Jewish…Hmmm.
His cousin had a Jewish lover
His brother - a communist.
“Bruno von Salomon ( February 7, 1900 in Stettin – June 8, 1952 in Hamburg ) was a German journalist, political activist ( KPD ), Spain fighter and member of the French Resistance . The older brother of the writer Ernst von Salomon was considered, along with Claus Heim , to be the spiritual leader of the bombers in the rural people's movement in Schleswig-Holstein”
In all, it makes no sense for Hitler to be able to rise to power in the Weimar Republic without the acceptance of the Jewish elite there. After WW1, Germany was in the hands of the Jews entirely, they had many opportunities from the very start to get rid of him or to ensure that he would not receive the popularity that they did. They had the tools to do it but they didn't. In fact, everything points to them wanting the National Socialists in power.
Quote from joshf731 on November 18, 2022, 13:15“The rise of Hitler to power in Germany, with its ruthless forms of anti-Semitism, has driven home the Zionism of Herzl and given a tremendous impetus to Jewish national feeling all over the world.”
"The Jewish Zionists could never have taken over the control of the land of Israel without the help and support of the majority of the world Jews"
pp. 29-37
“Although World War II devastated the Jewish population in the aftermath of German genocide, it can be observed that Zionists used every tactical advantage in its passing to help motivate the survivors to help create a new Jewish homeland. The state of Zion was in fact achieved from the horrendous fallout of World War II, and the insights to its formation are complicated and still quite controversial.”
last para https://postwar.warandsociety.vt.domains/holo-homelands/zion-at-what-cost/
Stephen B. L. Penrose, President, American University of Beirut, Lebanon - The Palestine Problem Retrospect And Prospect (December 1951):
“The dreadful Nazi oppression of the Jews in Europe evoked deep sympathy for the Jews among the Western Powers and established in their minds, and notably in the minds of the American people, a feeling of obligation to provide recompense for the horrors which the Jewish people of Europe had undergone. The Zionist Organization was not unwilling to capitalize on this feeling and made numerous efforts to advance the cause of Jewish nationalism through proposals for the establishment of a Jewish army with its own Hag and presumed national status. In the U. S. Congress, this proposition was headed off on security grounds by the direct intervention of General Marshall. Oddly enough, it was at this time that the theory of a Jewish race, more or less formally enunciated in its origin by Hitler and Rosenberg, was seized upon by the Zionist organization as a valid political theory upon which to raise the structure of the new Zionist State. It is ironic in the extreme that the argument used by the Nazis for Jewish oppression should be utilized by the Zionists themselves for their own promotional purposes.
With the close of the Second World War, vigorous attempts were made to secure international recognition for the Zionist State, now no longer a vague concept of a national home, but that of a definite political entity, the establishment of which was considered to be a right arising out of Jewish suffering in Europe.”
Pages 8-9
“The rise of Hitler to power in Germany, with its ruthless forms of anti-Semitism, has driven home the Zionism of Herzl and given a tremendous impetus to Jewish national feeling all over the world.”
"The Jewish Zionists could never have taken over the control of the land of Israel without the help and support of the majority of the world Jews"
pp. 29-37
“Although World War II devastated the Jewish population in the aftermath of German genocide, it can be observed that Zionists used every tactical advantage in its passing to help motivate the survivors to help create a new Jewish homeland. The state of Zion was in fact achieved from the horrendous fallout of World War II, and the insights to its formation are complicated and still quite controversial.”
last para https://postwar.warandsociety.vt.domains/holo-homelands/zion-at-what-cost/
Stephen B. L. Penrose, President, American University of Beirut, Lebanon - The Palestine Problem Retrospect And Prospect (December 1951):
“The dreadful Nazi oppression of the Jews in Europe evoked deep sympathy for the Jews among the Western Powers and established in their minds, and notably in the minds of the American people, a feeling of obligation to provide recompense for the horrors which the Jewish people of Europe had undergone. The Zionist Organization was not unwilling to capitalize on this feeling and made numerous efforts to advance the cause of Jewish nationalism through proposals for the establishment of a Jewish army with its own Hag and presumed national status. In the U. S. Congress, this proposition was headed off on security grounds by the direct intervention of General Marshall. Oddly enough, it was at this time that the theory of a Jewish race, more or less formally enunciated in its origin by Hitler and Rosenberg, was seized upon by the Zionist organization as a valid political theory upon which to raise the structure of the new Zionist State. It is ironic in the extreme that the argument used by the Nazis for Jewish oppression should be utilized by the Zionists themselves for their own promotional purposes.
With the close of the Second World War, vigorous attempts were made to secure international recognition for the Zionist State, now no longer a vague concept of a national home, but that of a definite political entity, the establishment of which was considered to be a right arising out of Jewish suffering in Europe.”
Pages 8-9
Quote from joshf731 on November 18, 2022, 14:07Quote from joshf731 on August 29, 2022, 09:59Quote from joshf731 on August 22, 2022, 14:52More on Jewish Hitler supporters.
Literary Digest, December 19, 1936, p. 26:
“To answer his own question, the young Michigan-born Jew traveled to Europe, saw Hitler-swayed Jews march from meetings shouting “Down with us! Down with us!”
“There he found American rich-poor contrasts repeated. He met the German Jews who had fled for safety from their native land. One, wealthy cotton manufacturer, told Gessner he had been quite fortunate in leaving Germany. Through the kindness of some Nazi officials, he had been able to transport his cotton mills to England. Now he sold cloth regularly to the Nazis. The young American was shocked. “You support Hitler?” “Oh that's business” answered the manufacturer.”
Hitler’s Rise Was Predicted By His Very Own Jewish Psychic
“Erik Jan Hanussen met with Hitler dozens of times. Hanussen taught the Führer many of his crowd control techniques and gesticulations, some of which would became infamous in the coming years.”
Lunatic clandestine Jew Adolf Hitler Speech Addresses Crowd 1933 [Colorized]
La Voix Juive, 11 May 1933, p. 2:
“Erik Jan Hanussen was firmly attached to the old customs of Israel [...] he amassed riches. [...] As early as 1930, our clairvoyant declared himself to be a supporter of the “great national movement” unleashed by Hitler. [...] Moreover, the support he offered to the Nazis was not limited to the propaganda made by his newspaper: he spent enormous sums for the maintenance of the assault troops and frequently put his luxurious car at the disposal of the Nazi leaders. He particularly maintained close relations with the commander of the Berlin assault troops, Count Helldorf, this adventurer who led the pogrom on the Kurfurstendam in 1932.
Count Helldorf, to whom the spiritualist had lent large sums of money [...] carried out a rigorous search in the sumptuous apartment of the clairvoyant, and removed the documents as well as the receipts signed by Helldorf.”
Gippsland Times,18 Sep 1939, Page 2:
"The host was Hitler's magician, Erik Jan Hanussen, the most famous clairvoyant in Germany. He had forecast with amazing accuracy the rise of the Hitler regime. Hanussen was a useful ally for Adolf. I am told that he was paid tremendous sums in "hush money" because of his extreme utility during the early stages of the Nazi Party."
The Jewish News of Northern California, 22 March 1996:
"Every New Year’s Eve from 1928 through 1933, Adolf Hitler had his horoscope read by the renowned clairvoyant Erik Jan Hanussen. Adored throughout Europe by thousands of disciples, Hanussen was an idol and a mentor of sorts to the fuhrer-in-training.
But Hanussen’s reasons for befriending Hitler are more mysterious. “A surprising number of industrialist Jews supported the Nazis in the ’20s,” says Gordon.
[My note: As seen on page 14 of this forum, we can see plainly that regarding the German industrialists, just how much of Germany (((they))) ran and how many of them were Jewish, especially during the 20s, during the time that Hitler started to rise to popularity.]
Among those early [Jewish] supporters of Nazism was Hanussen, who like other Jews succumbed to assimilation and political short-sightedness."
"Hanussen had played a very important role in the Nazi Party's development. He had been poor a few years previously. But by performances in variety theatres all over Central Europe he had made a fortune. He lived in a luxury flat in Berlin's Mayfair and everybody who was anybody consulted him: businessmen, millionaires, aristocrats —and they had to pay heavily.
While assessing the wealth of his consultants he predicted the future in an almost trance-like state of mind. He foresaw the Nazi danger long before it actually came. And he tried to remain in constant touch with more or less important party members in order to become a “Schutzjude” (Jew protected by the Nazis).
Rudolf Hess came for advice to Hanussen."
Quote from joshf731 on August 29, 2022, 09:59Quote from joshf731 on August 22, 2022, 14:52
More on Jewish Hitler supporters.
Literary Digest, December 19, 1936, p. 26:
“To answer his own question, the young Michigan-born Jew traveled to Europe, saw Hitler-swayed Jews march from meetings shouting “Down with us! Down with us!”
“There he found American rich-poor contrasts repeated. He met the German Jews who had fled for safety from their native land. One, wealthy cotton manufacturer, told Gessner he had been quite fortunate in leaving Germany. Through the kindness of some Nazi officials, he had been able to transport his cotton mills to England. Now he sold cloth regularly to the Nazis. The young American was shocked. “You support Hitler?” “Oh that's business” answered the manufacturer.”
Hitler’s Rise Was Predicted By His Very Own Jewish Psychic
“Erik Jan Hanussen met with Hitler dozens of times. Hanussen taught the Führer many of his crowd control techniques and gesticulations, some of which would became infamous in the coming years.”
Lunatic clandestine Jew Adolf Hitler Speech Addresses Crowd 1933 [Colorized]
La Voix Juive, 11 May 1933, p. 2:
“Erik Jan Hanussen was firmly attached to the old customs of Israel [...] he amassed riches. [...] As early as 1930, our clairvoyant declared himself to be a supporter of the “great national movement” unleashed by Hitler. [...] Moreover, the support he offered to the Nazis was not limited to the propaganda made by his newspaper: he spent enormous sums for the maintenance of the assault troops and frequently put his luxurious car at the disposal of the Nazi leaders. He particularly maintained close relations with the commander of the Berlin assault troops, Count Helldorf, this adventurer who led the pogrom on the Kurfurstendam in 1932.
Count Helldorf, to whom the spiritualist had lent large sums of money [...] carried out a rigorous search in the sumptuous apartment of the clairvoyant, and removed the documents as well as the receipts signed by Helldorf.”
Gippsland Times,18 Sep 1939, Page 2:
"The host was Hitler's magician, Erik Jan Hanussen, the most famous clairvoyant in Germany. He had forecast with amazing accuracy the rise of the Hitler regime. Hanussen was a useful ally for Adolf. I am told that he was paid tremendous sums in "hush money" because of his extreme utility during the early stages of the Nazi Party."
The Jewish News of Northern California, 22 March 1996:
"Every New Year’s Eve from 1928 through 1933, Adolf Hitler had his horoscope read by the renowned clairvoyant Erik Jan Hanussen. Adored throughout Europe by thousands of disciples, Hanussen was an idol and a mentor of sorts to the fuhrer-in-training.
But Hanussen’s reasons for befriending Hitler are more mysterious. “A surprising number of industrialist Jews supported the Nazis in the ’20s,” says Gordon.
[My note: As seen on page 14 of this forum, we can see plainly that regarding the German industrialists, just how much of Germany (((they))) ran and how many of them were Jewish, especially during the 20s, during the time that Hitler started to rise to popularity.]
Among those early [Jewish] supporters of Nazism was Hanussen, who like other Jews succumbed to assimilation and political short-sightedness."
"Hanussen had played a very important role in the Nazi Party's development. He had been poor a few years previously. But by performances in variety theatres all over Central Europe he had made a fortune. He lived in a luxury flat in Berlin's Mayfair and everybody who was anybody consulted him: businessmen, millionaires, aristocrats —and they had to pay heavily.
While assessing the wealth of his consultants he predicted the future in an almost trance-like state of mind. He foresaw the Nazi danger long before it actually came. And he tried to remain in constant touch with more or less important party members in order to become a “Schutzjude” (Jew protected by the Nazis).
Rudolf Hess came for advice to Hanussen."
Quote from joshf731 on November 18, 2022, 14:56Quote from joshf731 on August 28, 2022, 17:501923: Top Nazi admits they're funded by Americans
Adolf Hitler speaking with Christian Weber, 1929
In February 1933 Wilhelm Frick, member of the NSDAP and German Minister of the Interior, was interviewed by Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre van Paassen, who put it to Frick:
"Moreover, anyone who care to investigate Jewish life but superficially soon discovers that instead of an indissoluble international solidarity as you claim, the same lines that divide society in classes operate in Jewish life. The best proof probably is that several Jewish bankers are backing Herr Hitler financially and that a Jewish bank is backing Prince Starhenberg in Austria. Since you say you are going to act strongly against the Jews, these Jewish banks are indirectly your aids. How can you speak of Jewish solidarity under the circumstance?"
Van Paassen clearly couldn't have got a proper answer from Frick:
More from van Paassen:
Another article from 1933 by Van Paassen in which he repeats and expands on the Jewish bankers who were financing Hitler and the NSDAP:
"I do not blame those Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch by financing the Nazi Organization. It was in their interest to do so. Class interest far outweighs racial or religious associations. These men simply were consistent capitalists. They looked after and saved the interests of big business and finance in a critical hour.
There is nothing to be gained in denouncing these men as traitors to the Jewish people. They never had anything in common with the Jewish masses except that they have always tried "as great Jewish Leaders" in Germany to exert their influence on the Jewish masses in one issue or another. Herr Oscar Wassermann is loyal to his class in society. Inflexibly loyal. Nothing in the world is capable of coming between him and that loyalty."
Fascinating extract from Churchill's War Volume One.
David Irving discovered a 1948 letter from former German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning revealing Jewish Zionists financed the NSDAPIrving pointed out that Bruning tried to suppress the letter he sent to Churchill afterward. He did not want that secret getting out to the public because he didn’t want to embarrass the Jews.
Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter.
Another source concerning Weber.
Other than the fact that Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter, we also find his claim that Jewish bankers were financing Prince Starhenberg in Austria also to be true.
1930: Jewish bankers financing Austrian antisemitic government
JTA - July 30, 1930.
“That the Jewish bankers and big industrialists in Austria seem to prefer the protection of their class rather than their race, for they do not hesitate to give their financial support to the obviously anti-Semitic Austrian-Fascist organization, “Heimwehr,” was the statement made by Dr. Robert Danneberg, president of the Viennese Landtag, to a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, after his arrival in this country.
The 200,000 Jews living in Vienna consist mostly of office employees and small tradesmen, he said. They are largely followers of the Social-Democrat party, but only the few great Jewish industrialists and bankers, who are members of the Industrial Association, are supporting the Fascist anti-Semitic “Heimwehr” organization”
Paragraphs 1 & 6
From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of Austrian Anti-semitism - By Bruce F. Pauley · 1992
“The Heimwehr has often been described as “fascist,” because of its advocacy of the “leadership principle”; its open admiration for its financial patron, Benito Mussolini; and anti-Semitism.
Complicating the issue of anti-Semitism still further was the much-needed financial support of some Jewish bankers such as Rudolf Sieghart, Jewish industrialists like Fritz Mandl, and the predominantly Jewish Phonix Insurance Company, which sympathized with the Heimwehr’s staunch anti-Marxism.
If the attitude toward Jews was somewhat ambiguous, the attitude of at least the more politically conservative toward the Heimwehr was also equivocal. Die Wahreit, the mouthpiece for upper-middle-class assimilated Jews, wrote in October 1929 that “Austrian Jews” approved of the Heimwehr’s opposition to the high taxes imposed by Vienna’s Socialist government. Jews also favoured the Heimwehr’s demand for strict proportional representation in Parliament, according to the paper. It is also true that some Jewish businessmen gave in to Heimwehr's demands to dismiss their Social Democratic employees, thus doubtless increasing anti-Semitism in the working class.
In the ideological middle of the Austrian Heimwehr was its leader for most of the period between 1930 and 1936, Prince Ernst Rudiger Starhemberg. Like the organization as a whole, he was caught between the need to appease the Heimwehr’s Jewish financiers and his desire to maintain and attract the support of anti-Semites. He was also indebted to the House of Rothschild for helping him out of some personal financial difficulties.
Consequently, Starhemberg could be either moderate or radical on the Jewish question, depending on the audience and the situation.”
Pages 175, 176, 177
Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39 · Volume 2 (1993):
“In the spectrum between the demagogic, but usually nonracial, antisemitism of the Social Democrats and Christian Socials, on the one hand, and the racial and sometimes violent antisemitism of the Nazis on the other, the Austrian Heimwehr (HW) or Home Guard stood squarely in the middle with one foot in both camps.
Complicating the issue of antisemitism still further was the much-needed financial support of Jewish bankers.
George von Schönerer [was] the first great antisemitic leader of prewar Austria. Schönerer’s career was cut short in 1887 when it was discovered that he was married to a woman with a Jewish ancestor. By that time he had already established a tradition within Pan-Germanism of an Anschluss with Germany, and racial antisemitism."
Pages 821, 822, 823
Quote from joshf731 on August 28, 2022, 17:501923: Top Nazi admits they're funded by Americans
Adolf Hitler speaking with Christian Weber, 1929
In February 1933 Wilhelm Frick, member of the NSDAP and German Minister of the Interior, was interviewed by Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre van Paassen, who put it to Frick:
"Moreover, anyone who care to investigate Jewish life but superficially soon discovers that instead of an indissoluble international solidarity as you claim, the same lines that divide society in classes operate in Jewish life. The best proof probably is that several Jewish bankers are backing Herr Hitler financially and that a Jewish bank is backing Prince Starhenberg in Austria. Since you say you are going to act strongly against the Jews, these Jewish banks are indirectly your aids. How can you speak of Jewish solidarity under the circumstance?"
Van Paassen clearly couldn't have got a proper answer from Frick:
More from van Paassen:
Another article from 1933 by Van Paassen in which he repeats and expands on the Jewish bankers who were financing Hitler and the NSDAP:
"I do not blame those Jewish financiers who pulled Hitler out of the ditch by financing the Nazi Organization. It was in their interest to do so. Class interest far outweighs racial or religious associations. These men simply were consistent capitalists. They looked after and saved the interests of big business and finance in a critical hour.
There is nothing to be gained in denouncing these men as traitors to the Jewish people. They never had anything in common with the Jewish masses except that they have always tried "as great Jewish Leaders" in Germany to exert their influence on the Jewish masses in one issue or another. Herr Oscar Wassermann is loyal to his class in society. Inflexibly loyal. Nothing in the world is capable of coming between him and that loyalty."
Fascinating extract from Churchill's War Volume One.
David Irving discovered a 1948 letter from former German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning revealing Jewish Zionists financed the NSDAPIrving pointed out that Bruning tried to suppress the letter he sent to Churchill afterward. He did not want that secret getting out to the public because he didn’t want to embarrass the Jews.
Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter.
Another source concerning Weber.
Other than the fact that Van Paassen's allegation that Oscar Wassermann, the effective CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was providing funds for the NSDAP is corroborated by Bruening's letter, we also find his claim that Jewish bankers were financing Prince Starhenberg in Austria also to be true.
1930: Jewish bankers financing Austrian antisemitic government
JTA - July 30, 1930.
“That the Jewish bankers and big industrialists in Austria seem to prefer the protection of their class rather than their race, for they do not hesitate to give their financial support to the obviously anti-Semitic Austrian-Fascist organization, “Heimwehr,” was the statement made by Dr. Robert Danneberg, president of the Viennese Landtag, to a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, after his arrival in this country.
The 200,000 Jews living in Vienna consist mostly of office employees and small tradesmen, he said. They are largely followers of the Social-Democrat party, but only the few great Jewish industrialists and bankers, who are members of the Industrial Association, are supporting the Fascist anti-Semitic “Heimwehr” organization”
Paragraphs 1 & 6
From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of Austrian Anti-semitism - By Bruce F. Pauley · 1992
“The Heimwehr has often been described as “fascist,” because of its advocacy of the “leadership principle”; its open admiration for its financial patron, Benito Mussolini; and anti-Semitism.
Complicating the issue of anti-Semitism still further was the much-needed financial support of some Jewish bankers such as Rudolf Sieghart, Jewish industrialists like Fritz Mandl, and the predominantly Jewish Phonix Insurance Company, which sympathized with the Heimwehr’s staunch anti-Marxism.
If the attitude toward Jews was somewhat ambiguous, the attitude of at least the more politically conservative toward the Heimwehr was also equivocal. Die Wahreit, the mouthpiece for upper-middle-class assimilated Jews, wrote in October 1929 that “Austrian Jews” approved of the Heimwehr’s opposition to the high taxes imposed by Vienna’s Socialist government. Jews also favoured the Heimwehr’s demand for strict proportional representation in Parliament, according to the paper. It is also true that some Jewish businessmen gave in to Heimwehr's demands to dismiss their Social Democratic employees, thus doubtless increasing anti-Semitism in the working class.
In the ideological middle of the Austrian Heimwehr was its leader for most of the period between 1930 and 1936, Prince Ernst Rudiger Starhemberg. Like the organization as a whole, he was caught between the need to appease the Heimwehr’s Jewish financiers and his desire to maintain and attract the support of anti-Semites. He was also indebted to the House of Rothschild for helping him out of some personal financial difficulties.
Consequently, Starhemberg could be either moderate or radical on the Jewish question, depending on the audience and the situation.”
Pages 175, 176, 177
Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39 · Volume 2 (1993):
“In the spectrum between the demagogic, but usually nonracial, antisemitism of the Social Democrats and Christian Socials, on the one hand, and the racial and sometimes violent antisemitism of the Nazis on the other, the Austrian Heimwehr (HW) or Home Guard stood squarely in the middle with one foot in both camps.
Complicating the issue of antisemitism still further was the much-needed financial support of Jewish bankers.
George von Schönerer [was] the first great antisemitic leader of prewar Austria. Schönerer’s career was cut short in 1887 when it was discovered that he was married to a woman with a Jewish ancestor. By that time he had already established a tradition within Pan-Germanism of an Anschluss with Germany, and racial antisemitism."
Pages 821, 822, 823
Quote from joshf731 on November 22, 2022, 08:59Quote from joshf731 on May 10, 2022, 10:58The Haavara agreement was a Nazi-Zionist pact designed to transfer as many of Germany’s Jews as possible down to Palestine which was instrumental in the process of building up the future Zionist state, above and beyond British actions in this regard.
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle - Aug 9, 1935:
“In this latest effort the Nazi regime reaches strange paradoxes. Probably the most extraordinary of all is the fact that the Government actually PROMOTES, ENCOURAGES, AND ADVANCES the Zionist movement in Germany. The Zionist Organizaition is the ONLY political party other than the Nazi which is permitted. Zionist newspapers are not only not suppressed, but are flourishing, while non-Zionist publications are languishing. Zionist meetings are encouraged while meetings of non-Zionist Jews, even of the Jewish ex-soldiers, are suppressed. Zionist training centers which prepare Jewish youths for work in Palestine are permitted to go on with their work, while similar Jewish schools which train pupils for work in Germany are prohibited. The Government even relinquishes its ironical law against permitting currency to leave Germany, and has entered into a special transfer agreement with the Zionists enabling Jews emigrating to Palestine to take out some cash from Germany. It is a matter of common knowledge, indeed, that ZIONISM IS IN A PECULIAR PRIVILEGED POSITION in Germany now. The Nazi Government does not at all hide the fact it looks up to the Zionist movement as the CHIEF AGENCY through which it hopes to execute its plans of a great exodus of the Jews from Germany. In a series of articles on the “Liquidation of the Jewish Problem,” the official Volkische Beobuchter recently reached the conclusion that Zionism was the chief aid in such a liquidation.”
Hitler's support for the creation of the State of Israel:
It should be noted: It is not only me who views the Transfer Agreement as a bad thing - But several German officials did as well who called for it to end:
Hitler’s State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of the Interior Wilhelm Stuckart decried the results of the Haavara policy as detrimental to German interests in the region and told Hitler not to support the formation of a Jewish state. Hitler still decided that the Haavara procedure should be continued. Hitler thus remained the guarantor of the Haavara transfers which were only halted at the outbreak of the Second World War.
Read from the last paragraph of page 66 to the end
More: Hitler's Zionism at a cost to German interests
The Office for Foreign Trade at the Auslandsorganisation of the Nazi party (the party office in charge of foreign affairs) stated in all frankness:
“Politically, it [the Haavara transfer] means giving valuable support to the establishment of a Jewish national home with the help of German capital.”
Page 16 https://www.jstor.org/stable/2536016?seq=1
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that HITLER with UNAMBIGUOUS DETERMINATION, ORDERED the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
text page 69
"Hitler personally reviewed the policy in July and September 1937, and again in January 1938, and each time decided to maintain the Haavara arrangement."
Other important points
Ben-Gurion's memoranda: Outlines of Zionist Policy, March 7, 1941:
“Immigration into Palestine presupposes NEW colonisation work. In Palestine we have to build up a new industry, a new agriculture; establish new villages and new towns; in short, create economically, so to say, the country we are going to settle. Without NEW COLONISATION [i.e., Transfer Agreement] there can be NO IMMIGRATION into Palestine. Large-scale immigration REQUIRES LARGE-SCALE COLONISATION.”
This is precisely what the Transfer Agreement provided.
“The main value of the Transfer Agreement was $1.9 BILLION equivalent to today’s money. Fundamentally, it provided infrastructure. Had the Transfer Agreement never occurred in the 1930s, there would not have been the infrastructure to rapidly absorb all these Jews. If the State of Israel had not been aided by this agreement, it would have been difficult to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews.”
15m 25s - 17m 20s https://youtu.be/VBLiohokieI
State Secretary Stuckart of the Reich Ministry of the Interior:
“There is no doubt that the Haavara procedure has made the greatest contribution to the tremendously rapid building of Palestine [i.e the Zionist colonies K.P.], The procedure did not only come up with the largest sums of money from (German!): it also provided the most intelligent men amongst the immigrants and finally, provided the necessary machines and industrial equipment — also from Germany.”
Page 68 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2307/2536016
Ernst Zundel, Another Voice of Freedom, Episode 455: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 1 (of 12):
“The Jews wanted to have a State in Israel, and Israel could only be created, if many of the intelligent and better quality Jews were to be forced out of Europe (and anywhere in the world) to settle in Israel. The Zionists then made a pact with the Germans (The Transfer Agreement)”
11m 21s - 12m 17s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-455-602c10b06737d5da91e0fed3
Ernst Zundel, Another Voice of Freedom, Episode 457: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 3 (of 12):
“German Jews made the creation of the State of Israel possible. They gave it order, they created order out of disorder and anarchy. Adolf Hitler built the foundations of the Jewish state. Why HIDE it from history?"
18m 2s - 20m 6s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-457-603e2e2c964c779408cdd0c5
“[Because of the Transfer Agreement] the infrastructure of Jewish Palestine was built up. Pipes, steel, homes, cars, busses, all these things German made.”
8m 32s - 8m 50s https://youtu.be/zE_daetNn8s
The Southern Jewish weekly. [volume] (Jacksonville, Fla.), 01 Oct. 1943:
“Palestine had been experiencing something of a BOOM up to then. Large numbers of refugees were coming in from Germany. Hitler had at the time only “invaded” the Jews of Germany.”
The Waterbury Democrat, April 02, 1935, Page 3:
"The persecution of the race in Germany was having the effect of driving into Palestine a class of Jewish emigrants who would successfully mold the future of the country. Hitlerism has been a godsend to Palestine."
Nazi-Zionist collaboration hidden:
Voice of Freedom, Episode 456: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 2 (of 12):
Jews in Germany & outside of Germany had access to high-ranking Nazi officials. Nazi officials promoted Zionism & even kept in contact with Jews to update them
4m 44s - 10m 23s
Much of the Nazi-Zionist collaboration has been deliberately hidden from public view
6m 18s - 6m 28s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-456-6034f732a699d8b78000f975
Edwin Black confirms at 28m 19s that Historians chose not to touch the cooperation between the two & files on the topic were deliberately misplaced
In my own research, I found a section of documents regarding what top Zionist Jews were saying about Nazi Germany - They are blocked from public view
There was an extremely negative reaction at the 19th Zionist Congress in Lucerne, Switzerland, when a "Heil, Hitler" shout was made after the Congress voted that they would not even allow any discussion of the 1933 pact that had been signed by the Zionists and Nazis known as the Haavara (Transfer) agreement.
Rochester Journal (NY) - Aug 27, 1935, p.12
Zionists still do not like talking about their collaboration with the Nazis to this today
The Secret Roads (1956) Jon & David Kimche:
“Hitler himself stepped in and ordered in precise terms the encouragement of Jewish mass immigration to Palestine.” (p. 28)
“...the Fuehrer had decided again that Jewish emigration from Germany shall continue to be promoted by all available means. Any question which might have existed up to now as to whether in the Fuehrer's opinion such emigration is to be directed primarily to Palestine has thereby been answered in the affirmative.” (p. 30)
My First Eighty Years (1939), Bernard Horwich:
“The Hitler regime caused thousands of German Jews to look to Palestine as their only refuge.” (p. 330)
The realities of American-Palestine relations (1949) by Frank E. Manuel.
“The rise of Hitler is the sharp turning point in the history of modern Zionism.” (p. 303)
“Dr. Naumann’s association of German Jewish nationalists was banned while the Zionist agencies in Germany were not only permitted to continue operating but enjoyed close relations with the new (Nazi) regime.
That German Jewry ended up choosing Zionism rests squarely on the shoulders of the National Socialist regime.
The choice of Germany’s Jews between German nationalism and Zionism was decided by the regime for the Jews, in favor of Zionism."
paras 15, 45 & 50
See part II for the high levels of (non-Jewish) support for Zionism in the West in light of the Holocaust/Hitler
Because of the Haavara Agreement, the number of Jewish migrants from 1932 to 1933 increased to over 200%
From the same source above:
“Neither of these claims is substantiated. Samuel Katz, a Zionist journalist, says that Great Britain, fearing a loss of influence in Palestine, caused by the increased Jewish immigration from Hitler's Germany, instigated the “Arab Revolt” of 1936 and controlled its direction so as not to endanger the perpetuation of British rule.”
“The World Union of General Zionists and the State Party accused the Zionist Organization of co-operating with Germany and breaking the anti-Nazi boycott by allowing German goods into the country.” Source: (A short history of Zionism (1947), by Shoshanna Harris Sankowsky, p. 155)
“The Haavara Agreement was not unanimously approved by German officials either. In fact, it not only meant a considerable burden for the German foreign exchange budget, but also brought us political disadvantages. In a study dated March 22, 1937, the German Consul General in Jerusalem, Hans Döhle, emphasized that the German government, through the Haavara Agreement, "put aside all the aspects that are decisive in other countries for safeguarding German interests", behind the "promotion of Jewish emigration from Germany and the settlement of the emigrated Jews in Palestine". The strengthening of the Jewish economy, which we "only made possible by facilitating the possibility of transplanting German-Jewish industrial companies to Palestine", must work against us on the world market.
Despite all these misgivings, Adolf Hitler repeatedly decided that the emigration of the Jews should be encouraged by all means and that a repeal of the Haavara Agreement was out of the question.
Paradoxically, it was the SS and its institutions, in addition to the Reich Ministry of Economics that supported and encouraged Jewish emigration.
From the beginning, the SS tried to influence German Jewish policy. She recommended encouraging mass Jewish emigration, but warned against putting pressure on those Jews who saw themselves as German first and Jewish second. First of all, a Jewish awareness and a Jewish self-understanding (through anti-Semitism?) must be awakened in them. This should be done by promoting Jewish cultural institutions. Only a Jew who has become aware of his identity would be willing to leave Germany and emigrate to a future Jewish homeland.
The SS and Gestapo participated in the establishment and financing of retraining camps , which the Zionist organization had meanwhile established throughout Germany. Young Jews in particular were to learn agricultural and manual trades here and be prepared for the completely different life in Palestine. In some cases, the SS even made land available for the construction of such camps. Nicosia brings in his book "Third Reich" a map from August 1936, on which 40 such institutions are listed, which extend across the entire Reich, from the extreme north (Flensburg or Gut Lobitten, Krs. Königsberg/Ostpr. ) to the south, near the Swiss border (Gut Winkelhof).
Also in Austria, the former Ostmark, such retraining camps were set up after the state union. Adolf Eichmann, head of Vienna's "Main Office for Jewish Emigration", personally campaigned for this. He also later actively promoted illegal emigration together with the Mossad (see below). Occasionally, SS units escorted groups of Jewish emigrants across the border and made sure that they could pass unhindered. Hannah Arendt felt that his statement before the Jerusalem tribunal in 1960 that he had saved hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives was entirely true, albeit met with derision in the courtroom.”
Part 7 - Resistance against the Haavara: on the German side & Part 8 - Emigration and the SS
In the fall of 1933 in Nuremberg on Reichsparteitag, Frank stated that the goal of the Nazi government was to secure a "Jewish State"
"Despite our will to deal with the Jews, the security and the life of the Jews in Germany is not endangered by the State, the Reichsamt and also the legal system. [...] The Jewish question is to be legally solved by undertaking the establishment of a Jewish State."
Source: Reich Justice Commissioner Dr. Frank in Nuremberg in 1933 of the legal weekly, issue 38/39
Alternatively, H. Frank quoted in H. Kardel, Adolf Hitler, Begründer Israels, Verlag Marva, Genf, (1974) (Adolf Hitler, Founder of Israel, Verlag Marva, Geneva, (1974)) (Documentation found by jewishracism.blogspot.com)
>Dr. Heinrich Brüning - Chancellor of Germany 1930-1932 revealed that Hans Frank's father was a "leading member of the Jewish community in Munich".
Quote from joshf731 on May 10, 2022, 10:58The Haavara agreement was a Nazi-Zionist pact designed to transfer as many of Germany’s Jews as possible down to Palestine which was instrumental in the process of building up the future Zionist state, above and beyond British actions in this regard.
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle - Aug 9, 1935:
“In this latest effort the Nazi regime reaches strange paradoxes. Probably the most extraordinary of all is the fact that the Government actually PROMOTES, ENCOURAGES, AND ADVANCES the Zionist movement in Germany. The Zionist Organizaition is the ONLY political party other than the Nazi which is permitted. Zionist newspapers are not only not suppressed, but are flourishing, while non-Zionist publications are languishing. Zionist meetings are encouraged while meetings of non-Zionist Jews, even of the Jewish ex-soldiers, are suppressed. Zionist training centers which prepare Jewish youths for work in Palestine are permitted to go on with their work, while similar Jewish schools which train pupils for work in Germany are prohibited. The Government even relinquishes its ironical law against permitting currency to leave Germany, and has entered into a special transfer agreement with the Zionists enabling Jews emigrating to Palestine to take out some cash from Germany. It is a matter of common knowledge, indeed, that ZIONISM IS IN A PECULIAR PRIVILEGED POSITION in Germany now. The Nazi Government does not at all hide the fact it looks up to the Zionist movement as the CHIEF AGENCY through which it hopes to execute its plans of a great exodus of the Jews from Germany. In a series of articles on the “Liquidation of the Jewish Problem,” the official Volkische Beobuchter recently reached the conclusion that Zionism was the chief aid in such a liquidation.”
Hitler's support for the creation of the State of Israel:
It should be noted: It is not only me who views the Transfer Agreement as a bad thing - But several German officials did as well who called for it to end:
Hitler’s State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of the Interior Wilhelm Stuckart decried the results of the Haavara policy as detrimental to German interests in the region and told Hitler not to support the formation of a Jewish state. Hitler still decided that the Haavara procedure should be continued. Hitler thus remained the guarantor of the Haavara transfers which were only halted at the outbreak of the Second World War.
Read from the last paragraph of page 66 to the end
More: Hitler's Zionism at a cost to German interests
The Office for Foreign Trade at the Auslandsorganisation of the Nazi party (the party office in charge of foreign affairs) stated in all frankness:
“Politically, it [the Haavara transfer] means giving valuable support to the establishment of a Jewish national home with the help of German capital.”
Page 16 https://www.jstor.org/stable/2536016?seq=1
"Jon & David Kimche confirm the fact that HITLER with UNAMBIGUOUS DETERMINATION, ORDERED the promotion of mass immigration to Palestine."
text page 69
"Hitler personally reviewed the policy in July and September 1937, and again in January 1938, and each time decided to maintain the Haavara arrangement."
Other important points
Ben-Gurion's memoranda: Outlines of Zionist Policy, March 7, 1941:
“Immigration into Palestine presupposes NEW colonisation work. In Palestine we have to build up a new industry, a new agriculture; establish new villages and new towns; in short, create economically, so to say, the country we are going to settle. Without NEW COLONISATION [i.e., Transfer Agreement] there can be NO IMMIGRATION into Palestine. Large-scale immigration REQUIRES LARGE-SCALE COLONISATION.”
This is precisely what the Transfer Agreement provided.
“The main value of the Transfer Agreement was $1.9 BILLION equivalent to today’s money. Fundamentally, it provided infrastructure. Had the Transfer Agreement never occurred in the 1930s, there would not have been the infrastructure to rapidly absorb all these Jews. If the State of Israel had not been aided by this agreement, it would have been difficult to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews.”
15m 25s - 17m 20s https://youtu.be/VBLiohokieI
State Secretary Stuckart of the Reich Ministry of the Interior:
“There is no doubt that the Haavara procedure has made the greatest contribution to the tremendously rapid building of Palestine [i.e the Zionist colonies K.P.], The procedure did not only come up with the largest sums of money from (German!): it also provided the most intelligent men amongst the immigrants and finally, provided the necessary machines and industrial equipment — also from Germany.”
Page 68 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2307/2536016
Ernst Zundel, Another Voice of Freedom, Episode 455: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 1 (of 12):
“The Jews wanted to have a State in Israel, and Israel could only be created, if many of the intelligent and better quality Jews were to be forced out of Europe (and anywhere in the world) to settle in Israel. The Zionists then made a pact with the Germans (The Transfer Agreement)”
11m 21s - 12m 17s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-455-602c10b06737d5da91e0fed3
Ernst Zundel, Another Voice of Freedom, Episode 457: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 3 (of 12):
“German Jews made the creation of the State of Israel possible. They gave it order, they created order out of disorder and anarchy. Adolf Hitler built the foundations of the Jewish state. Why HIDE it from history?"
18m 2s - 20m 6s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-457-603e2e2c964c779408cdd0c5
“[Because of the Transfer Agreement] the infrastructure of Jewish Palestine was built up. Pipes, steel, homes, cars, busses, all these things German made.”
8m 32s - 8m 50s https://youtu.be/zE_daetNn8s
The Southern Jewish weekly. [volume] (Jacksonville, Fla.), 01 Oct. 1943:
“Palestine had been experiencing something of a BOOM up to then. Large numbers of refugees were coming in from Germany. Hitler had at the time only “invaded” the Jews of Germany.”
The Waterbury Democrat, April 02, 1935, Page 3:
"The persecution of the race in Germany was having the effect of driving into Palestine a class of Jewish emigrants who would successfully mold the future of the country. Hitlerism has been a godsend to Palestine."
Nazi-Zionist collaboration hidden:
Voice of Freedom, Episode 456: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations, Part 2 (of 12):
Jews in Germany & outside of Germany had access to high-ranking Nazi officials. Nazi officials promoted Zionism & even kept in contact with Jews to update them
4m 44s - 10m 23s
Much of the Nazi-Zionist collaboration has been deliberately hidden from public view
6m 18s - 6m 28s https://tv.gab.com/channel/onebasedbrother/view/another-voice-of-freedom-episode-456-6034f732a699d8b78000f975
Edwin Black confirms at 28m 19s that Historians chose not to touch the cooperation between the two & files on the topic were deliberately misplaced
In my own research, I found a section of documents regarding what top Zionist Jews were saying about Nazi Germany - They are blocked from public view
There was an extremely negative reaction at the 19th Zionist Congress in Lucerne, Switzerland, when a "Heil, Hitler" shout was made after the Congress voted that they would not even allow any discussion of the 1933 pact that had been signed by the Zionists and Nazis known as the Haavara (Transfer) agreement.
Rochester Journal (NY) - Aug 27, 1935, p.12
Zionists still do not like talking about their collaboration with the Nazis to this today
The Secret Roads (1956) Jon & David Kimche:
“Hitler himself stepped in and ordered in precise terms the encouragement of Jewish mass immigration to Palestine.” (p. 28)
“...the Fuehrer had decided again that Jewish emigration from Germany shall continue to be promoted by all available means. Any question which might have existed up to now as to whether in the Fuehrer's opinion such emigration is to be directed primarily to Palestine has thereby been answered in the affirmative.” (p. 30)
My First Eighty Years (1939), Bernard Horwich:
“The Hitler regime caused thousands of German Jews to look to Palestine as their only refuge.” (p. 330)
The realities of American-Palestine relations (1949) by Frank E. Manuel.
“The rise of Hitler is the sharp turning point in the history of modern Zionism.” (p. 303)
“Dr. Naumann’s association of German Jewish nationalists was banned while the Zionist agencies in Germany were not only permitted to continue operating but enjoyed close relations with the new (Nazi) regime.
That German Jewry ended up choosing Zionism rests squarely on the shoulders of the National Socialist regime.
The choice of Germany’s Jews between German nationalism and Zionism was decided by the regime for the Jews, in favor of Zionism."
paras 15, 45 & 50
See part II for the high levels of (non-Jewish) support for Zionism in the West in light of the Holocaust/Hitler
Because of the Haavara Agreement, the number of Jewish migrants from 1932 to 1933 increased to over 200%
From the same source above:
“Neither of these claims is substantiated. Samuel Katz, a Zionist journalist, says that Great Britain, fearing a loss of influence in Palestine, caused by the increased Jewish immigration from Hitler's Germany, instigated the “Arab Revolt” of 1936 and controlled its direction so as not to endanger the perpetuation of British rule.”
“The World Union of General Zionists and the State Party accused the Zionist Organization of co-operating with Germany and breaking the anti-Nazi boycott by allowing German goods into the country.” Source: (A short history of Zionism (1947), by Shoshanna Harris Sankowsky, p. 155)
“The Haavara Agreement was not unanimously approved by German officials either. In fact, it not only meant a considerable burden for the German foreign exchange budget, but also brought us political disadvantages. In a study dated March 22, 1937, the German Consul General in Jerusalem, Hans Döhle, emphasized that the German government, through the Haavara Agreement, "put aside all the aspects that are decisive in other countries for safeguarding German interests", behind the "promotion of Jewish emigration from Germany and the settlement of the emigrated Jews in Palestine". The strengthening of the Jewish economy, which we "only made possible by facilitating the possibility of transplanting German-Jewish industrial companies to Palestine", must work against us on the world market.
Despite all these misgivings, Adolf Hitler repeatedly decided that the emigration of the Jews should be encouraged by all means and that a repeal of the Haavara Agreement was out of the question.
Paradoxically, it was the SS and its institutions, in addition to the Reich Ministry of Economics that supported and encouraged Jewish emigration.
From the beginning, the SS tried to influence German Jewish policy. She recommended encouraging mass Jewish emigration, but warned against putting pressure on those Jews who saw themselves as German first and Jewish second. First of all, a Jewish awareness and a Jewish self-understanding (through anti-Semitism?) must be awakened in them. This should be done by promoting Jewish cultural institutions. Only a Jew who has become aware of his identity would be willing to leave Germany and emigrate to a future Jewish homeland.
The SS and Gestapo participated in the establishment and financing of retraining camps , which the Zionist organization had meanwhile established throughout Germany. Young Jews in particular were to learn agricultural and manual trades here and be prepared for the completely different life in Palestine. In some cases, the SS even made land available for the construction of such camps. Nicosia brings in his book "Third Reich" a map from August 1936, on which 40 such institutions are listed, which extend across the entire Reich, from the extreme north (Flensburg or Gut Lobitten, Krs. Königsberg/Ostpr. ) to the south, near the Swiss border (Gut Winkelhof).
Also in Austria, the former Ostmark, such retraining camps were set up after the state union. Adolf Eichmann, head of Vienna's "Main Office for Jewish Emigration", personally campaigned for this. He also later actively promoted illegal emigration together with the Mossad (see below). Occasionally, SS units escorted groups of Jewish emigrants across the border and made sure that they could pass unhindered. Hannah Arendt felt that his statement before the Jerusalem tribunal in 1960 that he had saved hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives was entirely true, albeit met with derision in the courtroom.”
Part 7 - Resistance against the Haavara: on the German side & Part 8 - Emigration and the SS
In the fall of 1933 in Nuremberg on Reichsparteitag, Frank stated that the goal of the Nazi government was to secure a "Jewish State"
"Despite our will to deal with the Jews, the security and the life of the Jews in Germany is not endangered by the State, the Reichsamt and also the legal system. [...] The Jewish question is to be legally solved by undertaking the establishment of a Jewish State."
Source: Reich Justice Commissioner Dr. Frank in Nuremberg in 1933 of the legal weekly, issue 38/39
Alternatively, H. Frank quoted in H. Kardel, Adolf Hitler, Begründer Israels, Verlag Marva, Genf, (1974) (Adolf Hitler, Founder of Israel, Verlag Marva, Geneva, (1974)) (Documentation found by jewishracism.blogspot.com)
>Dr. Heinrich Brüning - Chancellor of Germany 1930-1932 revealed that Hans Frank's father was a "leading member of the Jewish community in Munich".
Quote from joshf731 on November 22, 2022, 12:44Quote from joshf731 on August 24, 2022, 20:47Ex-CHABAD Ed Hodos was told that after WW2, NAZI Martin Bormann, was taken to New York by CHABAD & the stolen Nazi gold, became the guarantee of their financial power:
A Jew laundering Nazi Germany money to the Bahamas with the assistance of the ex-King of Great Britain?
Australian Jewish Herald Thursday 19 September 1940:
World's News Saturday 12 October 1940:
Tribune Tuesday 4 September 1945:
Quote from joshf731 on August 24, 2022, 20:47Ex-CHABAD Ed Hodos was told that after WW2, NAZI Martin Bormann, was taken to New York by CHABAD & the stolen Nazi gold, became the guarantee of their financial power:
A Jew laundering Nazi Germany money to the Bahamas with the assistance of the ex-King of Great Britain?
Australian Jewish Herald Thursday 19 September 1940:
World's News Saturday 12 October 1940:
Tribune Tuesday 4 September 1945:
Quote from joshf731 on December 6, 2022, 08:55Quote from joshf731 on October 5, 2022, 12:38Quote from joshf731 on September 3, 2022, 11:04Quote from joshf731 on August 24, 2022, 20:47British author Charles Wighton wrote in his 1962 book Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman, a biography of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, the "architect of the Final Solution":
"There can be little doubt that Martin Bormann held secret evidence that the maternal grandmother of Reinhard Heydrich was either Jewish or had at least Jewish blood"
Source: Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman (1962) pp. 24-26
Heydrich: “The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement with Jewry itself, the so-called Zionism”
Spartacus Educational - Reinhard Heydrich entry:
“Reinhard Heydrich, the second of three children, was born in Halle, Germany, on 7th March, 1904. His father, Bruno Richard Heydrich, was a musician, opera singer and composer.
Bruno's father was a carpenter but had died in 1916. His mother married a mechanic named Gustav Süss. Although he was not a Jew, Süss was a common German-Jewish name at the time. "The clear implication is that Heydrich senior was Jewish, and throughout his life Reinhard Heydrich sought to suppress details of his Jewish ancestry. From his mother's gravestone he is said to have erased the suggestive forename Sarah. (1)
His mother, Sarah Elisabeth Krantz, a Roman Catholic, was the daughter of his father's teacher, who was the director of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Dresden. According to André Brissaud, the author of the Nazi Secret Service (1972), Reinhard Heydrich's grandmother was Jewish. (2)
Shlomo Aronson, the author of Reinhard Heydrich (1971) claims that when at school the other children taunted him about being Jewish. (4) Peter Padfield suggests that "Bruno was in appearance and manner just what many of the good citizens of Halle took to be Jewish." He goes on to argue: "Reinhard, an introspective lad who was at a vulnerable age at the time, was particularly disturbed and despite his father's denials wondered if this dark, rather comical, pushing figure did perhaps have Jewish origins, and become confused and resentful." (5)
Maurice Pinay: The Plot Against The Church (1962): "It is conceivable that countless secret Jews belonged to the Nazi government as Aryans." (p. 491)
More on crypto-Jew Reinhard Heydrich.
Chapter 3, which contains the following quote, is based largely on the discussions the author had with the most prominent survivors of the Nazi period.
“Surviving SS leaders pointed to one report that Heydrich was really a half-Jew.”
The Jewish historian plays it off as a clever way by the 'anti-Semitic' Nazis to give rise to the idea that Jews had been exterminated by one of their own. Obviously, this is to be rejected & he provided no refutation of the report.
More proof Reinhard Heydrich was Jewish.
"He was shy, insecure, and was frequently bullied for his high-pitched voice and rumoured Jewish ancestry.[16] These rumours increased after his maternal uncle Hans Krantz married a Hungarian Jew named Iza Jarmy.[17] The family maintained cordial relations with the Jewish community; many Jewish students attended the Halle Conservatory[^], and its cellar was rented out to a Jewish salesman. Heydrich was friends with Abraham Lichtenstein, son of the cantor[*]."
Gerwarth, Robert (2011). Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11575-8.
[*] Chabad.org - The Cantor: Chazan (Hazzan):
"The cantor, or chazan (hazzan) in Hebrew, leads the prayers in synagogue."
[^] "Heydrich's family held social standing and substantial financial means. Music was a part of Heydrich's everyday life; his father founded the Halle Conservatory of Music, Theatre, and Teaching and his mother taught piano there."
“In January 1944, the personnel department of the Wehrmacht prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jewish women." All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. To this list, one can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals.
Rigg single-handedly documented 1,200 examples of mischlinge service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with the closest Jewish ancestors
One of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, fought rumors of Jewish origin all his (fortunately short) life. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), the son of a conservatory director. Family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future chief of the RSHA.
As a child, older boys often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (by the way, Eichmann was also teased at school as a "little Jew"), as a 16-year-old boy, he joins the Freikorps chauvinist organization to dispel rumors about a Jewish grandfather. In the mid-1920s, Heydrich served as a cadet on the Berlin training ship, where the future Admiral Canaris was the captain.
Heydrich ascends the Nazi ladder. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (a rank equal to an army general) is intriguing against his former benefactor Canaris, trying to subdue the Abwehr. Canaris's answer is simple: at the end of 1941, the admiral hides photocopies of documents about Heydrich's Jewish origin in his safe.”
"In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed Erhard Milch to lead the creation of his air force, the Luftwaffe. Along with General Helmut Wilberg, they played a senior role in the machine for the mass extermination of the Jews, even though both were Jews, at least half.
The story does not end here: according to quite a few estimates, Clara herself was Jewish, so that in fact Hitler and Göring's esteemed general was, perhaps, fully Jewish.
At the same time, another Jew advanced through the ranks: Milch's good friend, General Helmut Wilberg, whose mother was Jewish, who also became a key figure in the establishment of the German Air Force. Like his friend, he also received an Ari certificate from Hitler himself."
B.M. Rigg states quite unambiguously: “Every complete Jew (Volljude) who served in the Third Reich in the Wehrmacht or the SS did so with forged documents. His commanders considered him an "Aryan." (B.M.Rigg, S. 114)
General Erich von Manstein - real surname was 'von Lewinski' (One of the absolute top military leaders of the German army)
“Werner Goldberg, a blond-haired, blue-eyed half-Jew once held up by the Nazis as "the ideal German soldier," had told him about Stahlberg, who'd served as adjutant to Field Marshal Erich von Manstein. Some suspected Manstein was a Mischling himself”
Alexander Stahlberg, a former German soldier who served as adjutant to Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, concealed his Jewish roots.
“Ernst Abraham Albrecht von Manstein (19 May 1869 – 17 January 1944) was a German army officer, teacher and notable convert to Judaism. A member of the aristocratic von Manstein family, he was related to the Second World War-era field marshal Erich von Manstein. He served briefly in the Imperial German Army, during which time he was posted to Würzburg. Whilst there he became involved in the Jewish community and met his Jewish-born wife. He converted to Judaism in 1892 and was disowned by his family.
Ernst Albrecht von Manstein was born on 19 May 1869 at Domersleben, near Magdeburg in the Province of Saxony.[1][2] The von Manstein family was of Freiherr (baronial) rank and had provided both Prussia and Russia with senior military officers and generals.[2] Erich von Manstein, one of Hitler's most senior generals and later field marshal, was the adopted son of Ernst's brother”
Manstein or more accurately, Lewinski, opposed the expulsion of Jews from the German Army, I think, for pretty obvious reasons.
Manstein played an important role in getting the division of the German army at Stalingrad to be encircled which led to the death of untold German soldiers and turned the tide in favor of the Soviet Union.
Both Manstein and Hitler didn't want the Sixth Army to break out, a command that only favored the Soviet Army as they could keep strengthening their encirclement, making it almost impossible for the Sixth Army to break out - and thus ensure their annihilation.
He advised Paulus to hold out at Stalingrad and did not order them to break out in time, thus getting Paulus' army encircled and then mass murdered by the Soviets. General Paulus himself is a very questionable character, and the decision to make him lead a battle that was very important to the Germans is also very questionable. Before Stalingrad, he had never led a division bigger than a battalion (up to 1,000 soldiers), but he still was made the commander of the Sixth Army (200k+ soldiers)????
Paulus was likely a Soviet agent, and that he was placed as a commander for the Sixth Army during one of the most important battles on the Eastern Front even though he didn't have the experience or the qualities to pull off such an operation, was not coincidental.
He didn't pull out as he should have, despite the officers there telling him to. It seems his mission was to ensure that as many German soldiers would perish as possible, once most of them were dead, that's when he was supposed to surrender and then be taken as a ''prisoner'' (Probably Soviet propaganda to hide the fact that he was working for them from the start or at least recruited by them later) while the Soviet could handle the rest of the remaining German soldiers who survived.
“Senior officers under Paulus argued that they doubted if the scale of the airlift required could be achieved during a Russian winter. All of the corps commanders argued for a breakout before the Red Army were able to consolidate its positions. General Hans Hube told Paulus: "A breakout is our only chance." Paulus responded by saying that he had to obey Hitler's orders.
In Stalingrad, over 28,000 German soldiers had died in just over a month. With little food left Paulus gave the order that the 12,000 wounded men could no longer be fed. Only those who could fight would be given their rations. Erich von Manstein now gave the order for Paulus to make a mass breakout. Paulus rejected the order arguing that his men were too weak to make such a move.”
Paragraphs 16 & 19 https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
Notice, how Manstein gives the order for Paulus for a mass breakout very, very late!
“The battle for Stalingrad was over. Over 91,000 men were captured and a further 150,000 had died during the siege. The German prisoners were forced marched to Siberia. About 45,000 died during the march to the prisoner of war camps and only about 7,000 survived the war.
Paulus was taken into custody and at first refused to cooperate with the Soviets. However, after he discovered that his friends, Erich Hoepner and Erwin von Witzleben, had been executed after the July Plot, he agreed to make anti-Nazi broadcasts. This included calls for German officers to desert or to disobey Hitler's orders.”
Paragraphs 21-22 https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
The question here is, why didn't the Soviets execute Paulus when he refused to collaborate with them? Or why didn't they execute him after the war was over?
“Paulus remained in a Soviet Union prison until being released in 1953. He settled in Dresden, East Germany, where he worked as an inspector of the People's Police.”
Last paragraph https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
So the General of the Sixth Army was 'captured' and kept alive and used as a mouthpiece of Soviet wartime propaganda, then he was released into Dresden and allowed to live comfortably there under communist rule, while the men he commanded were rotting in the Gulags.
“Hitler, aware that if Stalingrad were lost it would likely never be retaken, appointed Manstein as commander of the newly created Army Group Don (Heeresgruppe Don), tasked with mounting a relief operation named Unternehmen Wintergewitter (Operation Winter Storm), to reinforce the German hold on the city. Manstein's initial assessment on 24 November was that the 6th Army, given adequate air support, would be able to hold on.
Launched on 12 December, Winter Storm achieved some initial success. Manstein's three Panzer divisions (comprising the 23rd, 6th, and 17th Panzer Divisions) and supporting units of the LVII Panzer Corps advanced to within 48 km (30 mi) of Stalingrad by 20 December at the Myshkova River, where they came under assault by Soviet tanks in blizzard conditions. Manstein made a request to Hitler on 18 December that 6th Army should attempt to break out.[89] Hitler was against it, and both Manstein and Paulus were reluctant to openly disobey his orders.[90] Conditions deteriorated inside the city; the men suffered from lice, the cold weather, and inadequate supplies of food and ammunition. Reichsminister of Aviation Hermann Göring had assured Hitler that the trapped 6th Army could be adequately supplied by air, but due to poor weather, a lack of aircraft, and mechanical difficulties, this turned out not to be the case.[91] On 24 January, Manstein urged Hitler to allow Paulus to surrender, but he refused.[92] In spite of Hitler's wishes, Paulus surrendered with his remaining 91,000 soldiers on 31 January 1943. Some 200,000 German and Romanian soldiers died; of those who surrendered, only 6,000 survivors returned to Germany after the end of the war.[93] Manstein believed he had done his best for the 6th Army. The encircled men saw it differently:
His weakness was that he didn't take a stronger stance against Hitler. One can resign. Or accept the death sentence. If you are totally convinced, and he was, that it was wrong to keep the army in Stalingrad. - Winrich Behr
American historians Williamson Murray and Allan Millett wrote that Manstein's message to Hitler on 24 November advising him that the 6th Army should not break out, along with Göring's statements that the Luftwaffe could supply Stalingrad, “...sealed the fate of Sixth Army”
Paragraphs 2-4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_von_Manstein
Looks quite obvious to me that Lewinski, Hitler, and Paulus, ALL Jewish agents, made sure that the destruction of the entire 6th Army would occur. I would like to repeat that Stalingrad was pretty much for the end of the German war effort on the Eastern Front and we know what the result of that was.
Manstein was convicted at the Nuremberg Trials, got his sentence reduced from 18 years to just 4 years, and then was released... So this top general got away with execution and having to endure his full sentence?
Another very Jewish looking General
“Weichs was implicated in war crimes committed in the Balkans and was scheduled to take part in the US Army's Hostages Trial. He was removed from the proceeding for "medical reasons" without having been judged or sentenced.”
How not so surprising with a face like that.
Here he is next to (Jew) Erhard Milch (far left & far right)
High-ranking SS commander of Nazi Germany - looks very Jewish.
“A source of considerable embarrassment for him was the fact that all three of his sisters had married Jewish men”
Not only did all three of his sisters marry Jews, he didn't have to provide documents of his background
“Ion Antonescu was a Romanian military officer and marshal who presided over two successive wartime dictatorships as Prime Minister and Conducător during most of World War II. [...] After entering Romania into an alliance with Nazi Germany and ensuring Adolf Hitler's confidence, he eliminated the Guard during the Legionary Rebellion of 1941. In addition to being Prime Minister, he served as his own Foreign Minister and Defense Minister. Soon after Romania joined the Axis in Operation Barbarossa, recovering Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Antonescu also became Marshal of Romania.
During his childhood, his (crypto-Jewish?) father divorced his (crypto-Jewish?) mother to marry a woman who was a Jewish convert to Orthodoxy [...] According to one account, Ion Antonescu was briefly a classmate of Wilhelm Filderman, the future Romanian Jewish community activist”
Russian Jews who became Wehrmacht generals
Karl Wolff - German SS functionary who served as Chief of Personal Staff Reichsführer-SS (Heinrich Himmler) and an SS liaison to Adolf Hitler during World War II.
“He started a two-year apprenticeship at the Bethmann Bank in Frankfurt and married Frieda von Römheld in 1923.[4] The couple moved to Munich, where Wolff worked for Deutsche Bank”
This is the same Bethmann family that was not only Jewish but was also instrumental in financing the Bolshevik Revolution. Deutsche bank around this time had a Jewish director.
“After an apprenticeship at the Gustav Hanau banking house in Mülheim, Mankiewitz joined Deutsche Bank's head office in Berlin in 1879. In 1891, he became a deputy member of the board and joined the Society of Friends. In 1898, Mankiewitz moved up to the management board of Deutsche Bank and, together with Oscar Wassermann, headed its stock exchange business in 1912. From 1919 to 1923, he was chairman ('Sprecher') of the bank's board.”
This is the same Jew that also financed the 'Anti-Bolshevik League'. Rather interesting how the web is further connecting back to each other.
Wolff (a very common Jewish surname) also conveniently escaped the Nuremberg Trials, but was later imprisoned for 15 years for the deportation of Italian Jews but released 8 years earlier. He probably was taken well care of during his time in 'prison'.
“ROSENHEIM, West Germany -- Karl Wolff, a former SS general credited with establishing secret links with the United States that helped bring an early end to the war in Italy, has died, his son said Monday. Wolff was 84.
In 1943, he was sent to Italy as SS and police chief and in 1945, realizing the war was lost, made contact with U.S. intelligence to help negotiate an early end to the fighting there.”
paras 1 & 5
Wolff was one of the phony witnesses of the prosecutors (many of whom were Jewish) in the Nuremberg Trials. This ties in with setting up the Holohoax lie as we saw with Eichmann, for example.
Here he is doing the masonic hidden hand sign
Despite being a top SS officer, he was allowed to remain wealthy
“From 1949, he was the general agent for the advertising section of the German magazine “Revue” in Cologne. Still wealthy, he settled with his family in Starnberg near Munich, where he had built his villa on the shores of Lake Starnberg. In 1973, Wolff was seen as a contemporary witness in the British television series "The World at War". In the late 1970s Wolff also became involved with Stern journalist Gerd Heidemann. Together with Heidemann, he travelled through South America, where he helped to locate, among others, Klaus Barbie and Walter Rauff, with whom Heidemann conducted interviews for a series of articles.”
“In the 1970s, Heidemann bought the yacht Carin II, which had belonged to Hermann Göring, met his daughter Edda Göring and had an affair with her which lasted for five years. They entertained on the yacht and their guests included two Second World War generals, Karl Wolff and Wilhelm Mohnke.
Heidemann came forward with his story of lost diaries written by Adolf Hitler in 1983. He sold the rights to the West German magazine Stern for DM 10,000,000 (then approximately US$6 million), along with his tale about how they had been hidden in a barn in East Germany for many years. Several experts, including the British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, came forward to pronounce the diaries to be authentic. The "diaries" were exposed as fabrications and Heidemann was arrested, tried and sentenced in 1985 to four and a half years in prison for fraud”
In 2002 he was accused of being a spy for the Stasi.
“In 2002, it was alleged that Heidemann had worked as a double-agent for the Stasi, and that the publication of the Hitler diaries had been part of a Soviet and East German plan to embarrass and discredit the Capitalist West.”
One of the top officials for the Stasi was a Jew who went by the name of Marcus Wolf
Here is another very prominent Nazi who was descended from a family of Jewish bankers.
Kurt Freiherr von Schröder (24 November 1889 in Hamburg, Germany – 4 November 1966) was a German nobleman, financier and SS-Brigadeführer. He is most famous for hosting the negotiations between members of Paul von Hindenburg's camarilla, Franz von Papen and Adolf Hitler in order to form a government after the German federal election of November 1932, which earned him the moniker "midwife of Nazism".
He was descended from Johann Heinrich Schröder.
“Undoubted pain at surrendering complete control of Britain's largest independent merchant bank after almost two centuries will undoubtedly have been mitigated by the substantial financial gains for the Schroder family.
The family, including descendants of the Hamburg Jew, Johann Heinrich Schroder, who founded the bank in 1818, own some 48% of the group.”
"Schröder, great-grandson of the entrepreneur Johann Heinrich Schröder"
Quote from joshf731 on October 5, 2022, 12:38Quote from joshf731 on September 3, 2022, 11:04Quote from joshf731 on August 24, 2022, 20:47British author Charles Wighton wrote in his 1962 book Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman, a biography of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, the "architect of the Final Solution":
"There can be little doubt that Martin Bormann held secret evidence that the maternal grandmother of Reinhard Heydrich was either Jewish or had at least Jewish blood"
Source: Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman (1962) pp. 24-26
Heydrich: “The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement with Jewry itself, the so-called Zionism”
Spartacus Educational - Reinhard Heydrich entry:
“Reinhard Heydrich, the second of three children, was born in Halle, Germany, on 7th March, 1904. His father, Bruno Richard Heydrich, was a musician, opera singer and composer.
Bruno's father was a carpenter but had died in 1916. His mother married a mechanic named Gustav Süss. Although he was not a Jew, Süss was a common German-Jewish name at the time. "The clear implication is that Heydrich senior was Jewish, and throughout his life Reinhard Heydrich sought to suppress details of his Jewish ancestry. From his mother's gravestone he is said to have erased the suggestive forename Sarah. (1)
His mother, Sarah Elisabeth Krantz, a Roman Catholic, was the daughter of his father's teacher, who was the director of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Dresden. According to André Brissaud, the author of the Nazi Secret Service (1972), Reinhard Heydrich's grandmother was Jewish. (2)
Shlomo Aronson, the author of Reinhard Heydrich (1971) claims that when at school the other children taunted him about being Jewish. (4) Peter Padfield suggests that "Bruno was in appearance and manner just what many of the good citizens of Halle took to be Jewish." He goes on to argue: "Reinhard, an introspective lad who was at a vulnerable age at the time, was particularly disturbed and despite his father's denials wondered if this dark, rather comical, pushing figure did perhaps have Jewish origins, and become confused and resentful." (5)
Maurice Pinay: The Plot Against The Church (1962): "It is conceivable that countless secret Jews belonged to the Nazi government as Aryans." (p. 491)
More on crypto-Jew Reinhard Heydrich.
Chapter 3, which contains the following quote, is based largely on the discussions the author had with the most prominent survivors of the Nazi period.
“Surviving SS leaders pointed to one report that Heydrich was really a half-Jew.”
The Jewish historian plays it off as a clever way by the 'anti-Semitic' Nazis to give rise to the idea that Jews had been exterminated by one of their own. Obviously, this is to be rejected & he provided no refutation of the report.
More proof Reinhard Heydrich was Jewish.
"He was shy, insecure, and was frequently bullied for his high-pitched voice and rumoured Jewish ancestry.[16] These rumours increased after his maternal uncle Hans Krantz married a Hungarian Jew named Iza Jarmy.[17] The family maintained cordial relations with the Jewish community; many Jewish students attended the Halle Conservatory[^], and its cellar was rented out to a Jewish salesman. Heydrich was friends with Abraham Lichtenstein, son of the cantor[*]."
Gerwarth, Robert (2011). Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11575-8.
[*] Chabad.org - The Cantor: Chazan (Hazzan):
"The cantor, or chazan (hazzan) in Hebrew, leads the prayers in synagogue."
[^] "Heydrich's family held social standing and substantial financial means. Music was a part of Heydrich's everyday life; his father founded the Halle Conservatory of Music, Theatre, and Teaching and his mother taught piano there."
“In January 1944, the personnel department of the Wehrmacht prepared a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals "mixed with the Jewish race or married to Jewish women." All 77 had Hitler's personal certificates of "German blood". Among those listed are 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two full army generals. To this list, one can add another 60 names of senior officers and generals of the Wehrmacht, aviation and navy, including two field marshals.
Rigg single-handedly documented 1,200 examples of mischlinge service in the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with the closest Jewish ancestors
One of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's favorite and head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, fought rumors of Jewish origin all his (fortunately short) life. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), the son of a conservatory director. Family history says that his grandmother married a Jew shortly after the birth of the father of the future chief of the RSHA.
As a child, older boys often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (by the way, Eichmann was also teased at school as a "little Jew"), as a 16-year-old boy, he joins the Freikorps chauvinist organization to dispel rumors about a Jewish grandfather. In the mid-1920s, Heydrich served as a cadet on the Berlin training ship, where the future Admiral Canaris was the captain.
Heydrich ascends the Nazi ladder. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (a rank equal to an army general) is intriguing against his former benefactor Canaris, trying to subdue the Abwehr. Canaris's answer is simple: at the end of 1941, the admiral hides photocopies of documents about Heydrich's Jewish origin in his safe.”
"In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed Erhard Milch to lead the creation of his air force, the Luftwaffe. Along with General Helmut Wilberg, they played a senior role in the machine for the mass extermination of the Jews, even though both were Jews, at least half.
The story does not end here: according to quite a few estimates, Clara herself was Jewish, so that in fact Hitler and Göring's esteemed general was, perhaps, fully Jewish.
At the same time, another Jew advanced through the ranks: Milch's good friend, General Helmut Wilberg, whose mother was Jewish, who also became a key figure in the establishment of the German Air Force. Like his friend, he also received an Ari certificate from Hitler himself."
B.M. Rigg states quite unambiguously: “Every complete Jew (Volljude) who served in the Third Reich in the Wehrmacht or the SS did so with forged documents. His commanders considered him an "Aryan." (B.M.Rigg, S. 114)
General Erich von Manstein - real surname was 'von Lewinski' (One of the absolute top military leaders of the German army)
“Werner Goldberg, a blond-haired, blue-eyed half-Jew once held up by the Nazis as "the ideal German soldier," had told him about Stahlberg, who'd served as adjutant to Field Marshal Erich von Manstein. Some suspected Manstein was a Mischling himself”
Alexander Stahlberg, a former German soldier who served as adjutant to Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, concealed his Jewish roots.
“Ernst Abraham Albrecht von Manstein (19 May 1869 – 17 January 1944) was a German army officer, teacher and notable convert to Judaism. A member of the aristocratic von Manstein family, he was related to the Second World War-era field marshal Erich von Manstein. He served briefly in the Imperial German Army, during which time he was posted to Würzburg. Whilst there he became involved in the Jewish community and met his Jewish-born wife. He converted to Judaism in 1892 and was disowned by his family.
Ernst Albrecht von Manstein was born on 19 May 1869 at Domersleben, near Magdeburg in the Province of Saxony.[1][2] The von Manstein family was of Freiherr (baronial) rank and had provided both Prussia and Russia with senior military officers and generals.[2] Erich von Manstein, one of Hitler's most senior generals and later field marshal, was the adopted son of Ernst's brother”
Manstein or more accurately, Lewinski, opposed the expulsion of Jews from the German Army, I think, for pretty obvious reasons.
Manstein played an important role in getting the division of the German army at Stalingrad to be encircled which led to the death of untold German soldiers and turned the tide in favor of the Soviet Union.
Both Manstein and Hitler didn't want the Sixth Army to break out, a command that only favored the Soviet Army as they could keep strengthening their encirclement, making it almost impossible for the Sixth Army to break out - and thus ensure their annihilation.
He advised Paulus to hold out at Stalingrad and did not order them to break out in time, thus getting Paulus' army encircled and then mass murdered by the Soviets. General Paulus himself is a very questionable character, and the decision to make him lead a battle that was very important to the Germans is also very questionable. Before Stalingrad, he had never led a division bigger than a battalion (up to 1,000 soldiers), but he still was made the commander of the Sixth Army (200k+ soldiers)????
Paulus was likely a Soviet agent, and that he was placed as a commander for the Sixth Army during one of the most important battles on the Eastern Front even though he didn't have the experience or the qualities to pull off such an operation, was not coincidental.
He didn't pull out as he should have, despite the officers there telling him to. It seems his mission was to ensure that as many German soldiers would perish as possible, once most of them were dead, that's when he was supposed to surrender and then be taken as a ''prisoner'' (Probably Soviet propaganda to hide the fact that he was working for them from the start or at least recruited by them later) while the Soviet could handle the rest of the remaining German soldiers who survived.
“Senior officers under Paulus argued that they doubted if the scale of the airlift required could be achieved during a Russian winter. All of the corps commanders argued for a breakout before the Red Army were able to consolidate its positions. General Hans Hube told Paulus: "A breakout is our only chance." Paulus responded by saying that he had to obey Hitler's orders.
In Stalingrad, over 28,000 German soldiers had died in just over a month. With little food left Paulus gave the order that the 12,000 wounded men could no longer be fed. Only those who could fight would be given their rations. Erich von Manstein now gave the order for Paulus to make a mass breakout. Paulus rejected the order arguing that his men were too weak to make such a move.”
Paragraphs 16 & 19 https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
Notice, how Manstein gives the order for Paulus for a mass breakout very, very late!
“The battle for Stalingrad was over. Over 91,000 men were captured and a further 150,000 had died during the siege. The German prisoners were forced marched to Siberia. About 45,000 died during the march to the prisoner of war camps and only about 7,000 survived the war.
Paulus was taken into custody and at first refused to cooperate with the Soviets. However, after he discovered that his friends, Erich Hoepner and Erwin von Witzleben, had been executed after the July Plot, he agreed to make anti-Nazi broadcasts. This included calls for German officers to desert or to disobey Hitler's orders.”
Paragraphs 21-22 https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
The question here is, why didn't the Soviets execute Paulus when he refused to collaborate with them? Or why didn't they execute him after the war was over?
“Paulus remained in a Soviet Union prison until being released in 1953. He settled in Dresden, East Germany, where he worked as an inspector of the People's Police.”
Last paragraph https://spartacus-educational.com/GERpaulus.htm
So the General of the Sixth Army was 'captured' and kept alive and used as a mouthpiece of Soviet wartime propaganda, then he was released into Dresden and allowed to live comfortably there under communist rule, while the men he commanded were rotting in the Gulags.
“Hitler, aware that if Stalingrad were lost it would likely never be retaken, appointed Manstein as commander of the newly created Army Group Don (Heeresgruppe Don), tasked with mounting a relief operation named Unternehmen Wintergewitter (Operation Winter Storm), to reinforce the German hold on the city. Manstein's initial assessment on 24 November was that the 6th Army, given adequate air support, would be able to hold on.
Launched on 12 December, Winter Storm achieved some initial success. Manstein's three Panzer divisions (comprising the 23rd, 6th, and 17th Panzer Divisions) and supporting units of the LVII Panzer Corps advanced to within 48 km (30 mi) of Stalingrad by 20 December at the Myshkova River, where they came under assault by Soviet tanks in blizzard conditions. Manstein made a request to Hitler on 18 December that 6th Army should attempt to break out.[89] Hitler was against it, and both Manstein and Paulus were reluctant to openly disobey his orders.[90] Conditions deteriorated inside the city; the men suffered from lice, the cold weather, and inadequate supplies of food and ammunition. Reichsminister of Aviation Hermann Göring had assured Hitler that the trapped 6th Army could be adequately supplied by air, but due to poor weather, a lack of aircraft, and mechanical difficulties, this turned out not to be the case.[91] On 24 January, Manstein urged Hitler to allow Paulus to surrender, but he refused.[92] In spite of Hitler's wishes, Paulus surrendered with his remaining 91,000 soldiers on 31 January 1943. Some 200,000 German and Romanian soldiers died; of those who surrendered, only 6,000 survivors returned to Germany after the end of the war.[93] Manstein believed he had done his best for the 6th Army. The encircled men saw it differently:
His weakness was that he didn't take a stronger stance against Hitler. One can resign. Or accept the death sentence. If you are totally convinced, and he was, that it was wrong to keep the army in Stalingrad. - Winrich Behr
American historians Williamson Murray and Allan Millett wrote that Manstein's message to Hitler on 24 November advising him that the 6th Army should not break out, along with Göring's statements that the Luftwaffe could supply Stalingrad, “...sealed the fate of Sixth Army”
Paragraphs 2-4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_von_Manstein
Looks quite obvious to me that Lewinski, Hitler, and Paulus, ALL Jewish agents, made sure that the destruction of the entire 6th Army would occur. I would like to repeat that Stalingrad was pretty much for the end of the German war effort on the Eastern Front and we know what the result of that was.
Manstein was convicted at the Nuremberg Trials, got his sentence reduced from 18 years to just 4 years, and then was released... So this top general got away with execution and having to endure his full sentence?
Another very Jewish looking General
“Weichs was implicated in war crimes committed in the Balkans and was scheduled to take part in the US Army's Hostages Trial. He was removed from the proceeding for "medical reasons" without having been judged or sentenced.”
How not so surprising with a face like that.
Here he is next to (Jew) Erhard Milch (far left & far right)
High-ranking SS commander of Nazi Germany - looks very Jewish.
“A source of considerable embarrassment for him was the fact that all three of his sisters had married Jewish men”
Not only did all three of his sisters marry Jews, he didn't have to provide documents of his background
“Ion Antonescu was a Romanian military officer and marshal who presided over two successive wartime dictatorships as Prime Minister and Conducător during most of World War II. [...] After entering Romania into an alliance with Nazi Germany and ensuring Adolf Hitler's confidence, he eliminated the Guard during the Legionary Rebellion of 1941. In addition to being Prime Minister, he served as his own Foreign Minister and Defense Minister. Soon after Romania joined the Axis in Operation Barbarossa, recovering Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Antonescu also became Marshal of Romania.
During his childhood, his (crypto-Jewish?) father divorced his (crypto-Jewish?) mother to marry a woman who was a Jewish convert to Orthodoxy [...] According to one account, Ion Antonescu was briefly a classmate of Wilhelm Filderman, the future Romanian Jewish community activist”
Russian Jews who became Wehrmacht generals
Karl Wolff - German SS functionary who served as Chief of Personal Staff Reichsführer-SS (Heinrich Himmler) and an SS liaison to Adolf Hitler during World War II.
“He started a two-year apprenticeship at the Bethmann Bank in Frankfurt and married Frieda von Römheld in 1923.[4] The couple moved to Munich, where Wolff worked for Deutsche Bank”
This is the same Bethmann family that was not only Jewish but was also instrumental in financing the Bolshevik Revolution. Deutsche bank around this time had a Jewish director.
“After an apprenticeship at the Gustav Hanau banking house in Mülheim, Mankiewitz joined Deutsche Bank's head office in Berlin in 1879. In 1891, he became a deputy member of the board and joined the Society of Friends. In 1898, Mankiewitz moved up to the management board of Deutsche Bank and, together with Oscar Wassermann, headed its stock exchange business in 1912. From 1919 to 1923, he was chairman ('Sprecher') of the bank's board.”
This is the same Jew that also financed the 'Anti-Bolshevik League'. Rather interesting how the web is further connecting back to each other.
Wolff (a very common Jewish surname) also conveniently escaped the Nuremberg Trials, but was later imprisoned for 15 years for the deportation of Italian Jews but released 8 years earlier. He probably was taken well care of during his time in 'prison'.
“ROSENHEIM, West Germany -- Karl Wolff, a former SS general credited with establishing secret links with the United States that helped bring an early end to the war in Italy, has died, his son said Monday. Wolff was 84.
In 1943, he was sent to Italy as SS and police chief and in 1945, realizing the war was lost, made contact with U.S. intelligence to help negotiate an early end to the fighting there.”
paras 1 & 5
Wolff was one of the phony witnesses of the prosecutors (many of whom were Jewish) in the Nuremberg Trials. This ties in with setting up the Holohoax lie as we saw with Eichmann, for example.
Here he is doing the masonic hidden hand sign
Despite being a top SS officer, he was allowed to remain wealthy
“From 1949, he was the general agent for the advertising section of the German magazine “Revue” in Cologne. Still wealthy, he settled with his family in Starnberg near Munich, where he had built his villa on the shores of Lake Starnberg. In 1973, Wolff was seen as a contemporary witness in the British television series "The World at War". In the late 1970s Wolff also became involved with Stern journalist Gerd Heidemann. Together with Heidemann, he travelled through South America, where he helped to locate, among others, Klaus Barbie and Walter Rauff, with whom Heidemann conducted interviews for a series of articles.”
“In the 1970s, Heidemann bought the yacht Carin II, which had belonged to Hermann Göring, met his daughter Edda Göring and had an affair with her which lasted for five years. They entertained on the yacht and their guests included two Second World War generals, Karl Wolff and Wilhelm Mohnke.
Heidemann came forward with his story of lost diaries written by Adolf Hitler in 1983. He sold the rights to the West German magazine Stern for DM 10,000,000 (then approximately US$6 million), along with his tale about how they had been hidden in a barn in East Germany for many years. Several experts, including the British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper, came forward to pronounce the diaries to be authentic. The "diaries" were exposed as fabrications and Heidemann was arrested, tried and sentenced in 1985 to four and a half years in prison for fraud”
In 2002 he was accused of being a spy for the Stasi.
“In 2002, it was alleged that Heidemann had worked as a double-agent for the Stasi, and that the publication of the Hitler diaries had been part of a Soviet and East German plan to embarrass and discredit the Capitalist West.”
One of the top officials for the Stasi was a Jew who went by the name of Marcus Wolf
Here is another very prominent Nazi who was descended from a family of Jewish bankers.
Kurt Freiherr von Schröder (24 November 1889 in Hamburg, Germany – 4 November 1966) was a German nobleman, financier and SS-Brigadeführer. He is most famous for hosting the negotiations between members of Paul von Hindenburg's camarilla, Franz von Papen and Adolf Hitler in order to form a government after the German federal election of November 1932, which earned him the moniker "midwife of Nazism".
He was descended from Johann Heinrich Schröder.
“Undoubted pain at surrendering complete control of Britain's largest independent merchant bank after almost two centuries will undoubtedly have been mitigated by the substantial financial gains for the Schroder family.
The family, including descendants of the Hamburg Jew, Johann Heinrich Schroder, who founded the bank in 1818, own some 48% of the group.”
"Schröder, great-grandson of the entrepreneur Johann Heinrich Schröder"