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Converted Atheist Gives Six Proofs That God Exists!


As an atheist, Marilyn Adamson could not question the constant prayers and testimony of her close friend's life. Trying to challenge her beliefs, Marilyn was surprised by the wealth of objective facts supporting the existence of God. After about a year of relentless searching, she responded to God's offer by inviting Him into her life. Since then, he has been constantly convinced that faith in God has a strong foundation and gives a lot of satisfaction.

1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a conscious Designer who not only created our universe, but also sustains it now.

There are countless examples of God's design -- here are just a few:

Earth... Its size is appropriate for development. The size of the Earth and the corresponding gravitational force ensure that a thin layer of gaseous gas - composed mainly of oxygen and nitrogen - with a thickness of no more than 100 km is maintained around the planet. If the Earth were much smaller, the existence of an atmosphere would be impossible, as is the case with Mercury.

The Earth is at the right distance from the Sun (it varies by a few percent during the year). Let's pay attention to the occurring temperature fluctuations, approximately in the range from -30 to +50 degrees Celsius. If our planet were a little farther from the sun, we would all freeze. If the Earth were closer to the Sun, we would be in danger of burning up. Even a slight deviation from the Earth's current position relative to the Sun would make life on our planet impossible. The Earth maintains this perfect distance from the Sun, orbiting it at nearly 110,000 km/h. kilometers per hour. The earth also rotates on its axis, which allows it to heat and cool most of the planet's surface daily.

The influence of the moon causes the formation of ocean tides and the movement of huge masses of water, thanks to which it is mixed and - except in cases of tsunami - does not flood the surface of the continents4.

Water... Colourless, odorless and tasteless, yet no living creature could do without it. Plants, animals and humans are mostly water (water makes up about two-thirds of our body weight). The properties of water turn out to be in perfect harmony with the needs of various forms of life on Earth.

Water has a high boiling point and a low freezing point. It allows us to function in an environment with significant temperature fluctuations, ensuring a constant body temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius.

Water is the universal solvent. This property makes water an excellent means of intra-body transport, thanks to which thousands of chemical compounds, minerals and nutrients get to the smallest blood vessels and cells of our body5.

Water is chemically neutral. It does not affect the composition of the substances it carries, therefore nutrients, medicinal agents and mineral compounds can be easily absorbed and used by our body.

Thanks to the process of simple diffusion, water reaches the higher parts of the plants against the force of gravity, delivering life-giving juices and nutrients to the tops of even the tallest trees.

Water usually freezes in the upper parts of water bodies, and a layer of ice floats on the water, thanks to which the fish are able to survive the winter.

Ninety-seven percent of the water on Earth is in the oceans. It is salt water, but there is a system for its purification and distribution, which ensures the conditions for life on our planet. Ocean water rises in the process of evaporation and, separated from salt, accumulates in the form of clouds. These are easily displaced by the wind and allow water to be distributed over land to meet the needs of plants, animals and humans. The described treatment and distribution system enables the reuse of water and ensures the conditions for life on our planet6.

2. Does God exist? The complexity of the human brain points to a higher intelligence behind it.

The human brain... Millions of simultaneous processes and an astonishing amount of information. Our brain registers all the colors and shapes we see, the temperature of the environment, the pressure of our feet on the ground, the sounds we hear, the dryness of our mouths, and even the texture of touched objects, such as keyboards. The brain stores and processes all emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time, it constantly monitors the current processes and functions of the body, such as the rhythm of breathing, eye movements, hunger or the work of hand muscles.

The human brain processes over a million messages per second7. It evaluates the importance of all this data, filtering out less relevant information. Thanks to this, we can focus and function effectively in our world. A brain that processes more than a million pieces of information per second, assessing their importance and allowing us to act on the most relevant data... Could it have just been created by chance? Are there only impersonal biological factors behind its creation, which by chance led to the formation of ideal tissue, blood vessels, nerve cells and structure? The brain works differently than other organs. We see in it intelligence, the ability to reason, generate feelings, make dreams and plans, take action and interact with other people. How can the origin of the human brain be explained?

3. Does God exist? "Chance" or "natural causes" are not sufficient explanations.

An alternative to the existence of God is the view that everything we see around us arose as a result of a combination of natural factors and chance. When someone rolls a dice, there is a certain probability that a pair of sixes will come up. However, the odds of spawning on a clean dice are something completely different. Modern science confirms what Pasteur tried to show long ago -- life cannot arise from inanimate matter. So where do people, animals and plants come from?

Natural causes are also not an adequate explanation for the amount of precise information contained in human DNA. Those who do not consider God are left with the conclusion that all this arose without a cause, without a plan, only as a result of a happy coincidence. However, referring to a happy coincidence at the basis of the extremely complex structures and phenomena that we observe in the universe is an attitude that intellectually leaves much to be desired.

4. Does God exist? A person who firmly asserts that there is no God must ignore the deepest feelings of countless people who are convinced that there is a God.

That's not to say that if enough people believe something, it's automatically true. Scientists discover new truths about the universe that challenge or negate previous conclusions. However, scientific progress has not yet led to a discovery that would undermine the numerical probability that there is an intelligent mind behind it all. In fact, subsequent scientific discoveries about man and the universe show even more clearly how complex phenomena we are dealing with and how much intricate design is evident in them. The evidence does not disprove God at all, but it argues for an intelligent source of life in the universe. However, objective reasons are not everything.

We need to look more broadly at this issue. Since the dawn of time, billions of people around the world have come across the belief that God exists -- people come to this conclusion based on personal, subjective contact with God. Millions of people living today can also submit detailed accounts of their experiences with God. These people cite answered prayers and the specific, often surprising, ways in which God meets their needs and guides them when making important decisions in their personal lives. The people in question are not merely describing this or that belief or doctrine, but are giving detailed accounts of God's work in their lives. Many of them express confidence that there is a good, loving God who has shown them His care and faithfulness. If you're a skeptic,

5. Does God exist? We know that God exists because He seeks contact with us. He takes various actions and encourages us to turn to Him.

I used to be an atheist, and like most atheists, I often wondered why people even believe in God. Interesting that atheists spend so much time, attention and energy trying to disprove something they believe doesn't even exist! What causes them? When I was an atheist, I explained my intentions with concern for poor people who feed on delusions ... I wanted to help them realize that their hope is groundless. To be honest, I was driven by a different kind of motivation as well. Challenging the beliefs of people who believe in God, I was curious if they would be able to convince me of their arguments. I wanted to free myself from the question of God. If I could conclusively prove to believers that they are wrong, the problem would be solved and I could go about my other business undisturbed.

I didn't know that the subject of God weighed heavily on my mind because He Himself was putting pressure on me. I have learned that God wants to be known. He created us precisely to know Him. He has surrounded us with a whole lot of facts and consistently confronts us with the question of whether He exists. I felt like I couldn't escape the thought that His existence was possible -- the day I decided to acknowledge that God exists, I began my prayer by saying, "Okay, you won...". Perhaps the main reason why atheists care so much about people who believe in God is that God is trying to find a way into their hearts in this way.

I'm not the only person who has experienced something similar. Malcolm Muggeridge, a socialist and philosophical writer, described his life before knowing God this way: "I had the feeling that not only was I searching, but someone was searching for me." CS Lewis recalled: “Imagine me sitting in my room at Magdalen and feeling every night that whenever I turn away from my work for even a second, I invariably encounter His ever-expanding, yet so unwanted, presence. What I had been so afraid of had finally happened to me. In the spring of 1929, I gave up and decided that God is God. I knelt down and prayed that night like the greatest and most slack sinner in all England."

Lewis later wrote a book called Surprised by the Joy of His Personal Encounter with God. I, too, had no expectations when I simply admitted truthfully that God exists. And yet, over the next few months, His love for me completely amazed me.

6. Does God Exist? Unlike all other revelations, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most concrete image of God seeking contact with us.

Why Jesus? If we look at the world's major religions, we find that Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, and Moses referred to themselves as teachers or prophets. None of them ever claimed to be equal to God, but unlike them, Jesus made such a declaration. He was telling his listeners that God existed and that they were looking at Him. While he preached about his Father in heaven, he did not speak from a position of separation from Him, but from a position of oneness with the Father -- a oneness inaccessible to any other man. Jesus said that whoever saw Him saw the Father, and whoever believed in Him believed in the Father.

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." He claimed attributes that belonged only to God -- he claimed that he could forgive people's sins, free them from sinful habits, give them a sense of meaning and fulfillment, and offer them eternal life in heaven. Unlike other teachers who paid attention to their words, Jesus pointed people to himself. He did not say, "Listen to my words and you will find the truth." Rather, he said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Did Jesus provide any evidence to support his claimed divinity? Yes -- he did things other people couldn't do. He performed miracles. He healed people -- the blind, the crippled, the deaf -- and raised a few people from the dead. He had power over things -- he multiplied bread and fish, feeding crowds of several thousand. He was in control of the forces of nature - he walked on the lake and calmed the storm to protect his friends from the elements. The crowds followed Jesus as he constantly met their needs and performed miracles. He himself said that if anyone does not want to believe what he says, he should at least believe in him because of the miracles he sees.

Jesus Christ showed us a God who is gentle and loving, who is aware of our selfishness and imperfections, but who nevertheless ardently desires a close relationship with us. Jesus taught that although we are sinners deserving of punishment in God's eyes, His love for us prevailed and God had a different plan. He took the form of a man and took the punishment for our sins. Does that sound ridiculous? Perhaps, but many loving fathers would gladly switch places with their children in the oncology ward if possible. The Bible says we love God because He first loved us.

Jesus traded places with us and died for us so that we could be forgiven. Against the background of all other religions known to mankind, only in Jesus do we see God who meets man and offers us the opportunity to establish a relationship with Him. Jesus shows us God's heart filled with love, meets our needs and brings us closer to Himself. Through his death and resurrection, we can receive new life today. We can experience forgiveness, acceptance, and true love from God. He himself says to us: "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I have kept kindness to you."11 This is God in action.

Does God exist? If you want to know, learn more about Jesus Christ. It was about him that it was said: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

God does not force us to believe in Him, although He could. Instead, He gave us access to many facts for His existence so that we could voluntarily respond to Him. In this article, we mentioned the perfect distance of the Earth from the Sun, the unique chemical properties of water, the human brain, DNA, countless people expressing their faith in God, the question that bothers our hearts and minds whether God exists, and finally, God's willingness to come out to us opposite and manifestation by Jesus Christ. If you want to know more about Jesus and the reasons to believe in Him, see Faith Is Not Blind.

If you want to connect with God, you can do it now.

It's your decision, no one can make you do it. However, if you want God's forgiveness and friendship with Him, you can do so right now by asking Him to forgive you and come into your life. Jesus says: Behold, I stand at the door [of the heart] and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him. If you want to do this, but do not know how to express your desire in words, you can use the following prayer: “Jesus, thank you that you died for my sins. You know my life and you know I need forgiveness. I am asking you to forgive me now and come into my life. He really wants to meet you. Come into my life now. Thank you for wanting to be friends with me. Amen".

Your friendship is inviolable to God. Speaking of all who will believe in Him, Jesus says, “I know them. They follow Me and I give them eternal life. They will not perish forever, and no one will snatch them from my hand."

So -- does God exist? After examining the facts presented here, you can come to the conclusion that God exists and that you can know Him by having a close, personal relationship with Him. If you need more information about the divinity of Jesus or the existence of God, or if you have other important questions, please write to us.
