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Are Dugin and Viganó using the same Leviathan narrative in Satanic dialectic against the West?

Globalists and Russia - two faces of Satan?

"Polish Freemasonry 2023. The last stage" - a new book by Stanisław Krajski , p. 30 3

So, there is no doubt about it, Leviathan and Behemoth, according to both Satanic and Judaic traditions, are two demons from Satan's entourage who fight each other for Power

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó, summarizing the characteristics and assessment of Western globalism in his message, writes: "This Leviathan must be named and fought through the joint action of all free nations." Why Leviathan? Maybe it's a coincidence? Maybe it's just a biblical association of the Archbishop, because, for example, in "Psalms" Leviathan appears as a sea monster, and the globalists (USA) are "over the sea"?

In Dugin's texts, the name Leviathan appears often, usually in the vicinity of the name Behemoth.

And so, for example, in his text entitled In the Face of War, which calls the US "Sea" and Russia "Land", we read:

"After 1991, the Sea effectively displaces the Land, Leviathan pushes Behemoth to the defensive" (M. Dugin, Manifesto of the Great Awakening and Wartime Writings, p. 86).

Already from the Polish-language Wikipedia, we learn that: "According to the creator of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey, Leviathan symbolizes the element of water (connected with Life and creation) and the western direction. In the Satanic Bible, he is mentioned as one of the Four Crown Princes of Hell (inspired by the contents of the 15th century Book of Sacred Magic by Abramelin the Magician).

The Church of Satan also uses the pentagram of Baphomet, with Hebrew letters on the corners. Starting with the lowest one and going counter-clockwise (Hebrew is spelled backwards), the letters form the word (LVIThN), which is Leviathan.

Are Baphomet and Behemoth the same? From the Satanic List of Demons we learn that “Baphomet was the demon most often worshiped by Satanists. He was an anti-Christian deity, first worshiped by the Templars. He was depicted as a huge goat with horns, with female breasts, with crossed hooves.

- From this list we also learn that "Behemoth, an elephant with bear feet, sits in Hell as cupbearer and looks after gluttony. In the Hebrew religion identified with Satan.

Drawing of Behemoth , Leviathan and Ziz


By the way, this list states that: “Leviathan was a sea monster and an evil dragon. It is the equivalent of Behemoth - a land demon. Created on the fifth day of creation. In Kabbalah, he is identified with Samael, the king of hell, and associated with Satan. In the occult, Leviathan encourages infidelity."

In the Polish-language Wikipedia, we read under the entry "Behemoth: "He was identified by Augustine of Hippo with the devil (On the State of God, XI, 15)". By the way, Behemoth's name is in Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" by one of the members of Satan's retinue, appearing in the form of a cat that can turn into a human.

And another interesting piece of information from the "Bestary Wiki" (a list of demons and other beasts): "According to the midrash (rabbinical commentary - SK) it is impossible to defeat him (Behemoth - SK) by anyone except its creator - in this case Yahweh.

A later Jewish tradition states that "it will be put to the people at the End of the World and eaten, along with Leviathan and Ziz. It also describes the fight between Behemoth and Leviathan, but in the end both will be defeated by the sword by their creator."

So, there is no doubt about it, Leviathan and Behemoth, according to both Satanic and Judaic traditions, are two demons from Satan's retinue that fight each other for Power.

So what does Dugin say? In fact, he says it almost directly: both the USA and Russia are ruled by demons and the fight between them is not a fight between good and evil, but a fight between two forms of evil. It is also worth adding: two factions of freemasonry are fighting each other for power over the world, and each of them has a demon behind it. And of course, in the end both factions of Freemasonry and both demons will lose.

Jesus Christ and those who will be with Him will win.
