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Aids: the trial run for COVID



After doing a little bit of research I have come to the conclusion that the HIV/AIDS so called pandemic of which started in the mid 80’s and continues onto today was a trail run for the corona virus pandemic of 2019.

The evidence for AIDS being a scam which I have found from Dr. Peter Duesberg is well laid out and really requires very little commentary from me and so I have linked it here:$bnAIDSQuiz.pdf

To make the connection between AIDS and CovID I will simply explore the similarities:

Both AIDS and COVID rely on the establishment of a single virus which cause a pleathora of symptoms that are known to be caused by other well-established pathogens.

Both have never met Koch’s postulate

Both are only dangerous to small specific groups eg: Homosexuals and drug users, elderly with pulmonary issues.

Both relied on a heavy campaign of disinfo in order to frighten the public eg: AIDS will spread out of control to Heterosexuals, hundreds of millions will die of COVID

Both tout retrovirals as treatments. Retrovirals, are a class of antiviral drug which work by stopping DNA, RNA or protein synthesis. Therefore all antiviral drugs are inherently toxic.

Both viruses have never been photographed from an infected host. All photographic evidence is computer generated or comes from lab cell cultures.

Both have infection and mortality rates in 3rd world countries, especially Africa, which are far lower than in western first world countries

Both are allegedly new viruses whose genesis can be traced to exotic places from people eating exotic animals.

Both have turned into boondoggles

Both of these campaigns were (in part) coordinated by Anthony FAUCI, even feature PCR tests

In the early stages of the COVID some in the alt-right I believe were even saying it was a lab virus created by Bill Gates in North Carolina which spiced AIDS genes into a coronavirus (I wish I could remember who was saying it)

Although AIDS has never had a vaccine developed and COVID has about a million both strategies are equally effective at preventing the disease. (lol)

Both AIDS and COVID treatments make you more sick and more susceptible to being positive for the disease

Both diseases use being “positive” in a test as the equivocation of being sick.


A last thought: If one of the Covid tests is an antibody test and if the antibodies protect you by fighting the virus, then what is the point of the test?

Interview with Dr. Dunesberg

10 Scientific Reasons Why HIV Cannot Cause Aids – The AIDS Hoax


Interesting. Did you ever read Thomas Cowan's The Contagion Myth?

Ryan Augustine has reacted to this post.
Ryan Augustine

I’ve never heard of the book until now.
Is it the Terrain vs germ theory debate?
I believe in both, but lean more towards terrain.

Quote from ryan on November 20, 2022, 21:13

I’ve never heard of the book until now.
Is it the Terrain vs germ theory debate?
I believe in both, but lean more towards terrain.

Yes, it seems so. Or something very similar to that debate.