Boris Johnson dossier

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL—Mayor of London, Boris Johnson (C) and Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch (R) visit the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, on November 11, 2015 in Jerusalem’s Old City, Israel. (Photo by Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images)

Compiled by Andy Sloan

Johnson is a crypto-Jew, working to the Jewish neo-Soviet Eurasian plan. Presently, he is advancing the displacement of the ethnic UK population with foreigners, in process to eventual absorption of the UK, into an Israel/Moscow controlled multicultural Eurasian NWO, as well as managing the COVID conspiracy, in primary aim to create a global tech control system for goyim (non-Jews.)


Boris Johnson – “Yes, I have Jews in my family from Moscow, some of them rabbis. That’s on my mother’s side.”

Boris Johnson’s late mother Charlotte Johnson was the granddaughter of Elias Avery Lowe – a Lithuanian Jew. She was divorced from Boris’ father Stanley in 1979 and married a Jew, Nicholas Wahl.

His father re-married Jennifer Kidd – the stepdaughter of Edward Sieff. The Sieff’s are a major Anglo-Jewish/Zionist family.

In this video, a Jew says to Boris Johnson ‘Have a Nice Passover.’

2:15 m

In the below tweet, referring to Johnson, Rabbi Schapiro says the Jewish community needs to elect someone that wants to work ‘with us’.

The ‘with us’ in inverted commas, implies that Johnson is one of them

“A Finchley RABBI has welcomed (safety) changes to Henlys Corner, during a visit from Boris Johnson. Following the opening, Mayor Johnson visited Kinloss Synagogue FOR FRIDAY EVENING PRAYERS.”

“His first stop was the CHABAD Shop, where CHABAD’s Rabbi Sufrin presented him with a pack of Shmurah matzah (special Jewish passover bread).”

“A CHABAD custom is to present FELLOW JEWS with Shmurah matzah.”

On another occasion, Johnson receives matzos for Jewish passover.

Enjoys eating Cholent in meeting with Jews. Cholent is a stew eaten by Jews on Shabbat afternoons

“A journey on his battle bus brought Mr Johnson to the Kwick Fit Gym, which is frequented by Orthodox Jews. ‘This is the kosher gym?’ he said to one of his team, “Fantastic.”

“(Jewish scribe) Mr Benarroch proudly showed him his Torah Scrolls at the back of his Golders Green road shop. As a special gift, Mr Benarroch gave him a handwritten copy of the Ten Commandments, with a personalized message that read, “G-d Bless Boris” and he was genuinely thrilled with my gift!”

Boris Johnson co-chairs a discussion on gender equality in the economy with

Lynn de Rothschild:

Russian ‘Moshiach’ site

“Israel’s supporter Boris Johnson won the election on Dec 12, 2019 – (CHABAD) Rebbe Schneerson’s wedding day.”

Links between Johnson & Russia.

More connections between Boris Johnson and Russian Influencers Emerge:

Boris Johnson flew to Italy without his security detail and met an ex-kGB agent, 2 days after NATO summit to discuss Russia sanctions:

“Boris Johnson was photographed with a suspected Russian spy who called him a ‘good friend’. Johnson has previously been pictured meeting with figures with suspected links to the Russian security services.”

“Boris Johnson is suspected of blocking publication of an inquiry into Russian interference in UK elections, because of the ‘embarrassing’ links it reveals between the Russian secret service and donors to the Conservative party.”

“For almost a decade, Alexander Temerko, who forged a career at the top of the Russian arms industry and had connections at the highest levels of the Kremlin, has been an influential figure in British politics. He’s one of the Conservative Party’s major donors. He counts Boris Johnson, the frontrunner to be Britain’s next PM, among his friends.”

Boris Johnson gives son of a KGB agent a seat in the House of Lords:

14 ministers in Boris Johnson’s Government received funding linked to Russia:

Boris Johnson is replacing the ethnic, white UK population, according to the Kalergi/(Jew) Dugin’s Eurasian plan.

Dugin: “The West is geographic Satan, geographic Antichrist. The West should pay for everything. It would be best to settle it with Chinese, Tatars, Muslims, all this Eurasian nomadism.”

Boris Johnson offers “3 million Hong Kong residents to settle in the UK.”

Johnson: 30,000 Afghan refugees to be re-settled in the UK

Johnson: “Covid is a catalyst for social & economic change. We’re building a new Jerusalem.”

8th & 18th paras

The UK is controlled by CHABAD/Jews.

Deputy-Prime Minister (ex-foreign secretary) Dominic Raab.

“Raab is the son of a Jewish refugee. In 1998, Mr Raab spent time at Birzeit University in Israel, working for one of the principal Palestinian negotiators of the Oslo Peace Accords.”

Raab with CHABAD Rabbi Shmuley:

“My dear friend and former student president at Oxford, the excellent (Ambassador of Israel to the United States 2013-2021) Ron Dermer, sent me this photo (image 1) of all of us having a pint with Dominic Raab, who in July became British Foreign Secretary. I wish him every success and G-d’s blessings.”

Boris Johnson’s Chief of Staff Dan Rosenfeld, is an Ashkenazi Jew

Admiral Barry Domvile (d. 1971 RIP) “I had a strong suspicion there was some mysterious power at work behind the scenes controlling the actions of the figures visibly taking part in the Govt. I discovered later its source is the Judeo-Masonic combination.”

Leo Maxse,1919

“Whoever is in power in Downing Street whether Conservatives, Radicals, Coalitionists or pseudo-bolsheviks, the International Jew rules the roost.”

‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ by Maj., Gen., Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926;

pg 42:




    6 july the zjog zionide j. occupied govt. of the UK published a report : the fully vaccinated account for 9 in every 10 covid deaths over the past 12 months / 90% of the deaths among the vaccinated were at least thrice jabbed

    The resignation of Boris J. as PM the day after overshadowed the report The j.’ s behind the vaccination

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