Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad – Part VII

Donald Trump and KGB operative Robert Maxwell aboard Maxwell’s yacht in 1989. Also aboard were Ghilsaine Maxwell and, likely, Jeffrey Epstein.

Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 16, 2025 Anno Domini

Hopefully by now, one can see that Trump is a sexually compromised pervert controlled by a joint KGB-Mossad compromise (kompromat) operation to direct the U.S. presidency towards world Communist aims, which is less overt than control through the Democrat side of things, since Trump poses as a conservative and, laughably, a Christian. It’s been nearly five years since this author wrote the last piece in this series and a lot has happened, but nothing that wasn’t difficult to predict. Only the level of depravity and treason is shocking. This and the following installment will provide more evidence of Trump’s treason and perhaps tie up any loose ends in this traitorous affair.

Star witness Giuffre seems to confirm Farmer’s claim of Trump’s sexual abuse of teens

The star witness in the whole Epstein affair arguably is Virginia Giuffre (formerly Roberts). Although she has denied personally seeing Trump abuse underaged girls, she admitted that he knew about the abuse at the hands of Epstein and Maxwell but did nothing. Interestingly, she seems to support the testimony of Maria Farmer, a lesser known Epstein witness, about whom this author wrote in Part VI, where Trump and his then wife Ivana were facilitating and participating in the child sex abuse. On January 14, 2021, this author tagged Giuffre with a specific quote from Farmer and a link to Part VI of this series.[1] She liked the Tweet. This author made a screen recording of it to prove the like, in case someone suspected photoshopping of the screen capture.[2] Farmer’s testimony seems very credible. There doesn’t seem to be a financial motive to name Trump, which wasn’t part of her general claim against Epstein. Furthermore, naming someone as high profile as the U.S. President could possibly get one killed, and Farmer likely knew this but did so anyway. Credit to her bravery. With Ghislaine Maxwell now in jail (currently she is seeking a presidential pardon from her old friend Donald Trump)[3]., Epstein dead, and Ivana also dead, we may never know the truth about Ivana’s involvement, but we see the patterns, which I think is enough.

Ivana’s Polish-Bronfman connection to Epstein

This author wrote about Ivana, Trump’s KGB-tied Soviet ex wife, in parts I, IV, and especially in VI, before she died in 2022 (under mysterious circumstances, in this author’s opinion)[4]. It’s no surprise that Jeffrey Epstein had 14 phone numbers to the Trumps in his contact book, some of which included numbers to Ivana and even to Trump’s current wife Melania, whom Epstein claims was introduced to Trump by him.[5] From Ivana’s Palm Beach home, where she allegedly went down the street to help Ghislaine Maxwell recruit high school girls for Epstein’s revolving-door teenage harem, she employed the wife and daughter of Epstein’s Polish national butler Janusz Banasiak.[6] The butler previously worked for a Manhattan family and ran a conference centre for the Bronfman family’s Seagrams distilleries. The Russian-Jewish Bronfman family are considered the Rothschilds of North America and became rich bootlegging during prohibition. However, the Bronfman’s power was not enough to keep American heiress and daughter of Edgar Bronfman Sr. Claire Web Bronfman from prison time for her involvement in the NXIVM sex cult, which carried out sex trafficking. Readers of this series will remember that Trump is connected to the Bronfman’s through the gay, Jewish, mobbed up lawyer Roy Cohn and Russian-Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky and his organized crime syndicate. So important was Cohn to Trump that he regularly called Cohn over a dozen times a day. Epstein, who himself was born through two sets of Russian—Jewish grandparents, is also tied to the Bronfmans through financier Les Wexner (also Trump connected), who helped Charles Bronfman set up the Study Group, also known as the Mega Group, the same year as the fake collapse of Communism in 1991.[7] Interestingly, Epstein’s little black book had not only contacts for Ivana but also for one Edgar Bronfman.

Soviet-connected gay Jewish attorney for Donald Trump Roy Cohn sits with his unusual collection of frogs and toads while holding a photograph of himself with Trump..

Frog as a homosexual symbol, kek gay grifters

Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness in the ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony of Hermopolis. Sounds very Duginist, no?

For an over-the-top womanizer and alleged rapist, Trump strangely surrounds himself with a lot of prominent homosexuals—going back to the late B’nai Brither Roy Cohn and trysexuals like the Murray Chotiner-groomed Roger Stone. When Trump won his first presidency, he came out to We Are the Champions, by late homosexual Freddy Mercury and his band Queen. Incidentally, the ancient Egyptian-based “kek” meme that Trump’s MAGA and Qanon movements popularized has connections to the homosexual underworld.[8] As it happens, the gay Cohn had an unusual fixation with frogs. Could the various frog memes surrounding Trump’s presidency be tied to, in some way, to the frog as a gay symbol? To go a bit further, could Trump’s excessive womanizing personality be somewhat of a cover for something even more perverse than heterosexual rape?

“Trump would go from ‘room to room’ where there were ‘guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top shelf liquor’ but no smoking, which the businessman didn’t approve of, the photographer told the Daily Beast.

Trump was in and out. He’d wander off with a couple girls. I saw him. He was getting laid like crazy,’…‘A lot of girls, 14, look 24,’ he said. ‘That’s as juicy as I can get. I never asked how old they were; I just partook.’…

‘It’s based on power and dominating girls who can’t push back and can be discarded.’”[9]

Sex based on power is said to be at the heart of various sexual perversions, including homosexuality. Love is completely absent from it. Trump’s niece Mary Trump revealed in her 2020 memoir Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, that Donald was abused by his father growing up.[10] There is a connection between both physical and sexual abuse of children and latent homosexuality manifesting in adult life. Mary, who is a psychologist, describes Donald Trump as a narcissist and sociopath and says “the only time Donald went to church is when the cameras were there. Itʼs mind boggling. He has no principles. None!”

“And in another chapter, Mary claims her uncle ogled her when she was 29 years old and in a swimsuit at Mar-a-Lago, with Donald allegedly saying: ‘Holy s**t, Mary, you’re stacked!”

Perhaps the Donald is a little like the criminal buddy of his he helped get pardoned from prison Roger Stone—a trysexual, with girls, boys, men, women, etc? Stone, alleged to have been involved in Republican boy-buggering rings, may well have been buggered by Cohn himself, Cohn associates, or other pederasts in Washington. That would certainly begin to explain why Stone seems so deranged and perverted. Another apparent gay grifter in Trump’s sphere and one with whom Trump once dined at Mar-a-Lago is Nicholas Fuentes, a Kremlin asset credited with creating the “groyper” controlled-opposition stable. This author has compiled an extensive dossier on Fuentes showing his strong Soviet leanings and apparent latent homosexuality. It doesn’t help Trumps heterosexual case when he fondles and kisses the fake boobs of a Rudy Giuliani in drag. Giuliani has his own ties to the Soviets.

Donald Trump with sexual predator Vincent McMahon, disgraced former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Trump, Linda, and Vince McMahon’s World Pederast Federation

Disgraced former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Vince McMahon is another example of what child sex abuse can lead to (former wrestlers Scott Hall and Kevin Nash claimed in a shoot interview that McMahon was sexually abused by men as a child and had other gay experiences[11]). McMahon is a friend of Donald Trump and has even put Trump in the ring as a kayfabed wrestling actor, which is more appropriate for Trump than him being president of the United States. Trump recently appointed McMahon’s wife Linda to secretary of education, which is about as plausible as Sesame Street’s Ernie becoming U.S. attorney general. For decades, McMahon and his company have been dogged by sexual abuse lawsuits and accusations. From rape to a casting couch-styled career ladder, to buggery and a pederast ring called the “Cream Team” (ring boys from the towns where WWF/WWE matches were held would stay around the arena to help put up and take down the rings and were then sexually abused by various staff, allegedly led by Pat Patterson, with McMahon’s knowledge)[12], [13]McMahon’s company would make the Marquis de Sade and Aleister Crowley proud. Former WWF world champion Ultimate Warrior (Jim Helwig) claimed in a shoot interview he did of himself that McMahon’s strategy “back then was to make sure the personal lives of [the] talent were in constant chaos” in order for him to maintain control over them.[14] Helwig’s admission was referring to Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea) as well, who happens to be a Trump supporter. It seems that McMahon, like Trump, is a power-hungry and perverted sociopath, so the pairing of the two is natural.

Trump accompanied by Chassidic Jews (mystical Judaism, born in the Soviet Union) before a portrait of the late “rebbe” Mendel Menachem Schneerson, who Jews believe will come back from the dead and liberate the world.

Vagina-hands Trump hails Chabad false messiah – is he Jewish?

Recently, Donald Trump declared Chabad Lubavitch’s false messiah “rebbe” Menachem Mendel Schneerson the messiah by calling him “king”, which many observers mistakenly believed was a reference to Trump himself. Chabad Russia cleared up the confusion and shows that it was a reference to Schneerson, likely left deliberately vague by Trump.[15] Chabadniks refer to rebbe Schneerson as King Moshiach (king messiah). Naturally, this in addition to his decades of loyalty to the world Jewish lobby, raise the question of whether Trump’s loyalty to Jewry is rooted in his possible Jewish ethnicity or if it’s merely calculated opportunism. Donald’s brother Freddy Jr. joined a Jewish fraternity while attending an Episcopalian boys’ preparatory school on Long Island. Freddy also claimed that his father Fred Sr. was Jewish.[16] The New York Times denies that the Trumps are Jewish, but this author discovered a mezuzah (Jewish phylactery) on the doorpost of the Queens home where Donald Trump and his siblings grew up. Sure, the mezuzah could’ve been added later, after the family left it (it was recently auctioned off), but perhaps it wasn’t. Perhaps it was passed on to other Jews, which isn’t uncommon in Jewish real estate transactions. Incidentally, the long suspected crypto-Jew Vladimir Putin installed a mezuzah on the Moscow Marina Roscha synagogue, a ceremony that is exclusive to Jews.

A Jewish mezuzah can be seen on the doorpost of Trump’s childhood home in New York.

“Putin, once a KGB agent in the last years of communism, hammered-in the mezuzah on the shul’s front door”.[17]

If Freddy Jr. was telling the truth, then his father’s financial support of Chabad Lubavitch in New York makes a lot more sense. Brighton Beach, also known as Little Odessa, is not only a Chabad hotspot once visited by “king” Schneerson[18] but was also the landing spot of Soviet Jewish emigres, many of whom were informants for the KGB. Author Craig Unger, who is no anti-Semite by any stretch of the imagination, wrote in his book House of Trump, House of Putin about the Brighton Beach Bolsheviks,

“According to Oleg Kalugin, the former head of counterintelligence for the KGB, at least two hundred Jews from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) alone went to the U.S., and many of them promised to report back to the KGB once they were settled.”[19]

Incidentally, Kalugin has also claimed that Vladimir Putin is a pedophile—corroborating Soviet defector Alexander Litvinenko’s claim shortly before he died. Litvinenko caught news footage of Putin kissing the stomach of a strange five-year-old boy in the town square and pointed out that the KGB has tapes of Putin buggering young boys as a form of kompromat blackmail. So Trump is by no means the only one. In fact, Senator John Tower, who was photographed on the same yacht with Trump and KGB operative Robert Maxwell (see lead photo from part V), who is believed to be the ring leader of Epstein’s kompromat operation, was sexually compromised by the Soviets himself, perhaps via Maxwell and/or Epstein, too.

Trump co-conspirator Felix Sater, son of Russian-Jewish mob boss Mikhail Sater (Sheferovsky) and a mobster himself, grew up near Brighton Beach and once worked for Epstein’s former employer Bear Stearns. Chabad’s “man of the year”, Sater was one of many Brighton Beach Bolsheviks to utilize Trump-owned real estate. Another Russia-Jewish mobster, David Bogatin, used money defrauded from the U.S. government to purchase luxury condos in Trump Tower in 1984.[20] The Bogatin family are members of Crown Heights Chabad Lubavitch.[21]

A view of the ‘Trump Village’ in the Brooklyn borough of Brighton Beach,New York, USA, 16 January 2016. The residential complex was originally built by real estate investor Fred Trump, father of republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. (Photo by Christina Horsten/picture alliance via Getty Images)

This author spoke about Fred Trump in part IV and how he rose to prominence in Brooklyn with the help of powerful Jews and died at a Jewish medical centre, but what this author didn’t know then was just how prominent Trump was in Brighton Beach. Fred built a Trump Village apartment complex in Brighton Beach that, no doubt, housed many of the Brighton Beach Bolsheviks fresh off the boat from the Soviet Union. The co-operative complex still stands today. Jeffrey Epstein’s grandparents came to New York when they left the Soviet Union. There is a high probability that they first settled in Brighton Beach.

“Even though Brighton Beach was Fred Trump’s territory, Donald began developing his own contacts among the new Russian emigres, including a man named Semyon Kislin. When it came to equipping his new renovated Grand Hyatt Hotel, née the Commodore, with TV sets in the late seventies, Trump reached out to Kislin to buy a few hundred on credit. ‘I gave him [Trump] 30 days, and in exactly 30 days he paid me back,’ said Kislin.”[22]

The FBI lists Kislin as a “member or associate” of the ruthless Soviet organized crime boss Vyacheslav Ivankov (now dead).

Midway through his first presidency, it was rumoured that President Trump converted to Judaism, much like his daughter Ivanka did and who visits the grave of Schneerson (Trump has also paid homage at Schneerson’s grave and even declared it an official heritage site); although, if Trump is ethnically Jewish, then it’s not really a conversion. In 2007, a leading Israeli newspaper declared Trump a “Jewish billionaire”. Other Israeli press have also teased that Trump is Jewish.[23] [24] While Chabadnik Ivanka likes to wear her Kabbalah red string on her wrist, Trump does not appear to do the same; although, he does have a Kabbalist tree of life award prominently displayed in his Manhattan office. Trump also displays a peculiar habit during photo ops of unnaturally holding his hands in an inverted triangle formation, sometimes for long periods of time. This author recently watched his press conference with Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House where Trump held his triangle hands for nearly the entire press conference. It is believed to be a form of symbolism derived from the Kabbalah (Zohar) and its sister cult Hinduism. Late occult researcher Texe Marrs explains,

“…Mystery Religions greatly honoured this emblem as their tantric (sexual) female Triangle of Life. It was known as the Kali Yantra, a sign of the female vulva. In Egypt, the triangle was a hieroglyphics sign for ‘woman’. In ancient Greece, the sexual intent is clear in that the triangle represented the Holy Door, genitalia of the All-Mother Demeter, known as ‘Mother Delta’…. To occultists, the triangle pointing upward represents fire and that pointing downward water. To combine, balance, and unite the two brings dualism, or equilibrium, which is a goal of Freemasonry and a cardinal tenet of all Illuminist religious systems.”[25]

U.S. President Krasnov displaying his vagina hands with Soviet Jew Benjamin Netanyahu at the WhiteHouse during a press conference.

Clearly, a man like Trump who is known to “grab them by the pussy” would have no problem making himself into a pussy, firstly to honour his kabbalistic gods but also to signal to other elitists that, “hey, it may look like I am going against you guys, but I’m really not, so just go along with my populist act”. Trump has many Freemasonic associations and may be one himself. Freemasonry is an outgrowth of the Kabbalah.

“On 18 August 2016 five statues of then presidential nominee Donald Trump, commissioned by the activist collective Indecline, were placed in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle. The nude figure is wearing a masonic square and compasses emblem ring, although Las Vegas-based sculptor, Ginger (Joshua Monroe), has stated in an interview with Greg Stewart that he knew Trump was not a Freemason but used the ring to symbolize his secret dealings. While claiming to respect Freemasons and their good work, the use of this iconic symbol further mythologizes and marginalizes the organization that it is known to represent.”[26]

Masonic or not, there is little doubt that Trump is a Kabbalah practitioner, like Ivanka, his ex wife Marla Maples, Tucker Carlson, and Vladimir Putin.[27]

American businessman Donald Trump in his office in Trump Tower, Fifth Avenue, New York, 1999. This time, President Krasnov was making the upright pyramid hand gesture. (Photo by Michael Brennan/Getty Images)
U.S. President Krasnov proudly displays his Kabbalah Tree of Life award in his Manhattan office.


  1. @Fitzinfo, Twitter, January 14, 2021 –
  2. @Fitzinfo, Twitter, January 10, 2024 –
  3. McGuigan, Shannon, Ghislaine Maxwell ‘is considering seeking presidential pardon from her old friend Donald Trump’ as she rots in jail for 20 years for trafficking underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein, The Daily Mail, March 1, 2025 –
  4. Times of Israel, Ivana Trump died of accidental ‘blunt impact’ to torso, official says, 16 July 2022 –
  5. Einbinder, Nicole, Jeffrey Epstein had 14 phone numbers connected to Trump in his contacts, Business Insider, July 10, 2019 –
  6. Briquelet, Kate, The Family That Worked for Jeffrey Epstein—and a Trump, The Daily Beast, October 14, 2019 –
  7. Sherman, Gabriel, The Mogul and the Monster: Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s Decades-Long Relationship With His Biggest Client, Vanity Fair, June 8, 2021 –
  8. Stokes, Colin, “Frog and Toad”: An Amphibious Celebration of Same-Sex Love, The New Yorker, May 31, 2016 –
  9. Rahman, Khaleda, Donald Trump ‘hosted wild parties with sex, cocaine and underage models’ when he owned the Plaza Hotel, 25 October 2016 – The Daily Mail –
  10. The Daily Mail, Donald Trump suffered ‘child abuse’ at the hands of his father, his niece claims in book, 2020 –
  11. Kliq THIS, Kevin Nash on Vince McMahon’s first gay experience, YouTube –
  12. Ring of Vice segment from 1990s Geraldo Rivera television show ––Craig-Rivera—Exposing-The-WWF_480p:5
  13. Donahue Show, 1992, WWF Drug and Sex Scandal –
  14. OFF DA REC, The Ultimate Warrior Shoots on Hulk Hogan (FULL Version), YouTube –
  15. Lugov, Sholem, Trump: “Long live the king!”, February 20, 2025 –
  16. Horowitz, Jason, For Donald Trump, Lessons From a Brother’s Suffering, Jan. 2, 2016, New York Times –
  17. Mark, Jonathan, Overthrowing The Czar Was Great For The Jews, Until It Wasn’t, December 12, 2017, Jewish Telegraphic Agency –
  18. Lugov, Sholem, Chabad’s false messiahs congregated at Brighton Beach synagogue in 1992, at height of Soviet mafia penetration of America, March 24, 2014, –
  19. Unger, Craig, House of Trump House of Putin – The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, 2018, Dutton, pg. 42
  20. Zabrisky, Zarina, Taj Mahal Stars, Jan. 12, 2018, Medium –
  21. Zaklikowski, David, Noach Vogatin, 94, OBM, April 4, 2013, Crown Heights Info –
  22. Unger, Craig, House of Trump House of Putin – The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, 2018, Dutton, pgs. 30-31.
  23. Peyman, David, Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president, Nov. 6, 2016, Times of Israel –
  24. Berler, Ron, Trump Converts!, March 13, 2025, Times of Israel –
  25. Marrs, Texe, Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, 2005, RiverCrest Publishing, pgs. 327-328
  26. Donald Trump Nude Ring, Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon –
  27. Fitzpatrick, Timothy, The presidential Kabbalah cult unmasked, Aug. 6, 2020, Fitzpatrick Informer –



  1. Great Article Tim!

    “Frog as a homosexual symbol, kek gay grifters” – is it any surprise that kek the frog the Nicky Fuentes groyper mascot?

    the sesame street quip cracked me up. lets not forget McMahon made the totally blasphemous Austin 3:16 a thing.

    And Trump’s first pardon (first term) was to a chabadnik who ran a disgusting slaughterhouse.

    1. Thanks.

      Indeed. Quite the reversal of reality, instead of John 3:16 honouring Christ, Austin 3:16 honours man. Wrestling fans would even show up to the arenas with signs that said “Stone Cold is God”. I mean, these are wrestling fans, but still.

    2. Revelation 16:13 And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. [14] For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.

      -This verse has stuck with me ever since Kek appeared on the scene

      We should keep an eye out for an anthropomorphized snake too. Kek is the male chaos, Kauket (the snake) is the Female Chaos IIRC.
      In egyptian lore Kek means “bringer of light”
      Kauket is the “bringer of darkness.”

      1. Light and darkness have a day/night cosmological significance in the myth. But still there’s enough there to give me the chills.

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