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Chabad praises AI for its potential use in medicine

Artificial intelligence changes the face of medicine

A new artificial intelligence tool managed to solve a complex medical mystery in just 48 hours - a scientific achievement on which scientists have been working for more than ten years.

Translation: ORA KHAILOVSKAYA 04.03.2025 
In the Age of Liberation, all the sick will be healed, there will be no more blind, deaf, disabled, as it is said in the book of the prophet Yeshaiau (35:5-6): "Then the eyes of the blind will open and the ears of the deaf will open. Then he will jump like a deer, lame, and the tongue of the mute will sing...". The sages specify that first the Almighty will heal the blind, and then all the other sick.

The latest achievements of medicine are bringing us closer to this bright future by leaps and bounds. For example, Professor Jose Pandos and his assistants from Imperial College London have been trying to understand how antibiotic-resistant bacteria multiply for more than a decade, and Co-Scientist - Google's artificial intelligence - confirmed the scientists' hypothesis in just 48 hours and proposed four more... Problems that have been fought over for years, today are solved in the blink of an eye.

This achievement testifies to the medical revolution taking place in our era: what used to require many years of research is now becoming a thing of the past thanks to advanced tools. Co-Scientist not only confirmed the researchers' hypotheses, but also proposed four more, one of which did not even occur to them and is now being studied in the laboratory.

All because we are on the threshold of true and complete Liberation, when medicine will reach perfection and everyone will become healthy, as it happened when the Torah was given.
