By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 21, 2023 Anno Domini
Christ mythicists like Joseph Atwill, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, and Adam Green (none of whom are historians or religious scholars) don’t like to be accused of parallelomania in there agenda to discredit Jesus Christ, so let’s have a little fun and draw our own parallels between the suspicious agenda of these spurious characters and Soviet-era anti-religious propaganda.
Perhaps the reader will come to the same conclusion that I have, that these characters, specifically Green and Bjerknes, are using anti-Zionism as a cover for an anti-Christ agenda—that they are not equally opposed to Abrahamic religions as they claim. Surely, if they were, they would devote as much time to ridiculing and mocking Mohammad and the Jewish god Hashem/Ein Soph/Jews collectively as they do Jesus Christ (using almost entirely Jewish sources, I might add). But they don’t, especially not Adam Green. Why is that?
It’s true that the Soviets were not the first to advance the idea that religion, especially of Jesus Christ, were fraudulent mechanisms for control. It seems the gnostic/Masonic Enlightenment era brought out the very first Christ mythicist parallelomaniacs. The Soviets, being rooted in the Kabbalah, were merely carrying out the same agenda birthed during the Enlightenment—fostered by Judeo-Masonic forces in academia, the media, and in the intelligence apparatuses.
The Soviet propaganda meme above depicts religious leaders and pagans (even a tree) dancing in a ring while Jesus Christ is singled with what appears to be a devil in tow. This is not by chance. Christ seems to be singled out more than any other religious leader/symbol. Much of Soviet propaganda fixates on Christ and the church (specifically the Orthodox in Russia). Adam Green, Bjerknes, and others do the very same thing, in the Soviet/gnostic/masonic tradition. Their covert target rests squarely on our Lord Jesus Christ, because it is against Him, alone, that they conspire. The little that is said about Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., is merely collateral damage. As you will see, even the Soviets were occasionally allowed to throw their own leaders, the Jews, under the bus, so long as Christianity was discredited in the process. They are allowed to superficially criticize Jews (anti-Zionism), just as long as they don’t drag any real issues into the propaganda.
This all raises the question. Is the international Communist conspiracy directing the Christ mythicist movement today?
In this piece, we see the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam depicted as mechanisms for control, the exact thing Christ mythicists claim.
The piece on the left shows what appears to be a Chassidic Jew using Christianity as bait. Green and Bjerknes claim that Christianity is a Jewish invention used to control the masses.
The Abrahamic religions portrayed as a three-headed beast.
Here, the creepy man’s shadow becomes a cross with ‘religion’ written across it. In his pocket is a Bible. The caption reads: ‘Step across the ominous shadow and join the crowd in the joyful bustle of the day!’
In this mockery of Palm Sunday, Christ is depicted riding into America with Jews in line behind him. Green and Bjerknes rest their entire case on Christianity being a Jewish conspiracy to enslave mankind. Bjerknes, by the way, claims to be anti-Communist.
This appears to show the devil appearing as Christ through the fog of drunkeness. Again, parallels with Green and Bjerknes saying that Jesus or God is Satan.
Here we see the (Jewish) Soviets depicting a Chasidic Jew (their own real world controllers) with some kind of capitalist fat cat in his lap and the Ten commandments above. The idea here, it seems, is to denigrate God’s laws. Notice that the Chabadnik is portrayed as having one (all-seeing) eye, perhaps as some kind of revelation of the method antic.
These anti-Christs never stray from their hatred of Christ for very long. Christ is depicted as trying to hock his wares.
The Abrahamic religions narrative again. The Soviet worker they have boiling the clerics looks like a devil himself.
The Pope is central in this propaganda piece (with a reverse swastika). The Abrahamic religions are portrayed as worshipping money (a capitalist fat cat).
The Commie fist is depicted smashing a capitalist fat cat while the Pope looks on in horror.
The Pope is depicted as a harbinger of death while his lackey Nazi henchmen burn books. The Soviets and Jewry have advanced for decades the idea that the Catholic Church and the Nazis were secretly allied.
Christ, America, and capitalism are portrayed as the cause of oppression of blacks (Black Lives Matter is a Kremlin invention and goes way back. See ‘I trained in Moscow for Black Revolution’—Leonard Patterson (Video).
“There is no God!” The Soviet astronaut above the symbols of the Abrahamic religions seems to suggest that there is no god, there is only science (materialism).
Christian is portrayed as a scoundrel in contrast to a glowing depiction of Soviet science.

The three Abrahamic religions are depicted in opposition to the Soviet superman. Of course, Christianity is prominent among the three.
What is Green’s game?
Do you think it is to switch blame away from Jews onto Christians and people who worship Christ?
Another thing I noticed is people take politicians words about their religion. Most people were baptized something and it is good pr to claim to be religious.
Biden is not a Catholic and most politicians who claim to be Christians are Atheists. Also, Protestants make these bizarre connections. I am sure there are Protestants who think Biden takes Direct orders from Bergogkiet, Bergoglio from Satan and that the Vatican is anti Jewish and runs everything.
This may seem to be getting off topic but fhe way most American Protdtsants act makes it easier for Green to cast his spell and that could be why the Jews installed Luther in the first place.
Yes, I believe Green’s character is a bait and switch. Bait them in with some decent talking points. But once his audience was established, he switched to anti-Christianity, his real agenda.
Protestants don’t realize that they damage themselves by maligning the Catholic Church.
This website is a God given source of information. I have read 95% of the people that you named, Green and Bjerknes included.
I was not aware of those antiChrist posters from Bolshevik Soviets.
Being anti Abrahamic Religion is a sign of intelligence, especially if (like me) the person in question actually gave enough of a crap to care about “meaning of life” type questions to study traditions and philosophies such as Advaita… OUTSIDE the western jew mind. And ponder these things. And even more especially if they read the entire bible (on their own time) with an open mind and considered the psychotic violent actions of the dualistic violent “jealous god” ..hmmm … of the jews.
I got news for y’all – “god” is not concerned with actions, nor is he concerned with anything materialistic or even your illusory life. He washed his hands of such stupidity, which is the main reason this world is a hell- run by jews… he aint helping because he aint concerned.
The Jewish takeover would not have been possible without Protestantism and if the Protestant leaves and gets involved in the atheist movement, he jumps from one goy pen to another.
There is no need to concluded that Christianity or any of the other Abrahamic religions are somehow inherantly conspiritoral. As a religious skeptic I conclude that Christianity and all other religions are the natural byproduct of human error and that the Jesus of Nazaeth as mentioned in the gospels is in fact a fictional character and most of Christianity is a creation of the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul of Tarsus. I do agree that Adam Green is a shill because Adam Green loves to associate with controlled oppositionist Alex Jones.
Whether or not someone is controlled opposition can be figured out by who they associate with more than what they say. Anyone and I mean anyone who talks about politics on television is controlled opposition and Jews do not have friendly discussions with their opponents. They generally would tell a critic of Jewry that that they do not debate antisemites. If you ever see a Jew debate or engage in discussions with a critic of Jews, it either staged or on occasion perhaps the Jew agreed to the discussion/debate to make his opponent look stupid but I do not think the latter is very common because Jewish arguments are easy to counter. That is why Jews almost invariably immediately resort to personal attacks against their critics and do not address the claims made by their critics.
FYI, criticism doesn’t make one opposed to the one whom they criticize. What’s really the only thing Green has said about Jones? Oh, that he’s a Zionist. Big deal. Even Mark Dice said the same, only to later return to the Infowars fold.
You are a patient man. I think anyone who defends Green or this HandsomeTruth character is a Jew or an idiot. Let me suppose I give someone a break for not figuring it out right away, fine, if they look into and still think otherwise based on the reasons you have told them and what I have said I do not think they can be reasoned with and if they are a Jew, well.
Green and HT have a lot of other Jews running cover for them. Virtually everyone on bitchute who claims to be a white nationalist is either a Jew or an idiot.
“criticism doesn’t make one opposed to the one whom they criticize”
In this case, it does, since Green’s criticism is an opposing one. Green is against zionism. If in the future he changes opinion is speculation and not a valid argument.
And I’m not defending Green at all, I don’t trust him or anyone else, I just asked to be factual.
Being against Zionism is extremely common and a mainly Left-wing cause. One can still be pro-Jewish but anti-Zionist, which it is starting to seem is the case for Green, and others (E. Michael Jones).
You are going into semantics here. What is “pro jew and anti zio”? There are many definitions of both, and it’s not the point of the discussion. The point is that Green does not associate with Jones. In the past he even insulted him as a double faced traitor. Period.
If you perceive this as semantics, then you don’t understand the complexity of the operations going on around you.
For example: The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Israel
Adam Green visited Israel with a guy named Morpheous, I think. Neither one was molested by the authorities.
Perhaps the whole Christ thing was a Jewish trap from the beginning, I do not know but Martin Luther was financed and manipulated by Jews.
You are right about Adam Green though.
My evidence for Adam Green is more about who his associates are than the views he expreses. The Alex Jones connection etc. and the trip to Israel is suspect. How would hr get all those Jews and high profile people on his show after being labelled an anti smite by the ADL. I will give you one example, Richard Carrier, Carrier is a well known biblical scholar, why would he go on Asan’s show. Why would any public figure be seen talking to him after the ADL caking him an antisemite. Carrier could be criticized for associating with Green and does not get much benefit from being seen talking to Green. If I was a public figure I would not be seen talking to anyone who was labeled an antisemitr by the ADL. It is not worth the bullshit, but that aside, Carrrier is so well known and wealthy there is no reason for him to deal with Green. The event was staged by the handlers of Green and Adam.
Such blatant falsity re. Adam Green
Green does not “associate” with AJ. Green is highly critical of AJ.
“Green and Bjerknes claim that Christianity is a Jewish invention used to control the masses.”
Whatever, but they do present YouTube rabbi clips of rabbis themselves making such claims.
Good on Adam & co with such insights into the self-incriminating, talmudic/kabbalistic, psycho-pathological Antichrist filth they[rabbis] effusively ooze of.
As far as I’m concerned Green, in his own way, has contributed a valuable service, just as I regard your works also Mr. Fitzpatrick.
All Green is doing is stealing people’s work and regurgitating and doomscrolling his audience and then feeding them absolutely nothing as a solution. This is classic placating at the grassroots level circa the protocols.
It’s interesting that Green and Bjerkness don’t deny the sacking of Jerusalem (and the whole of Israel) but they spin the idea that the Jews created Christianity as a deception to ensnare Roman pagan Europeans. Their fanboys then claim Christ didnt exist or he was Satan, (depending on the flavour of the day). That sacking is directly tied into the prophesies of Christ, including the release of Barabbus. To suggest that the Jews would have brought this on themselves as some kind of long range strategy is comical. Then they also systematically omit the Jewish struggle during 4th century until the Protestant Masonic (Jewish) revolution, a millennia of suffering due to their supersessionist status. Green and Bjerkness are classic spin doctors with absolutely no positive, uplifting answer to the problem except Odin pag(ay)an revivalism and Jewish awestruck observational malaise. The people who post under your Twitter feed Tim, are the equivalent of skeptical-nihilists with keyboard jockey, couch potato racial helplessness. If there is one thing that Brendon O’Connell is correct about, it’s that sitting in your moms basement with your Namaste poster watching Alex Jones and Adam Green is not going to “have the globalists running” or bring back the wickerman. We are in this position because they weekend the Church in the first place.
Hi,I’m a protestant pentecostal that also has read bjerknes and watched Adam can he be wrong if they quote rabbis saying this themselves?or quote jewish works?
this has made me doubt my faith.
Also,How is protestantism created by the jews?
Hello, Johan. Why do you doubt, friend?
Because these two use sources in the rabbinical and kabbalist literature aswell as old gnostic gospels to prove their points.
Adam Green corroborates this with actual clips of rabbis saying stuff that supports this view .
Jews do believe in Jesus as messiah ben joseph,and also they believe Satan is Jehovah’s dark side and that Jesus is Satan.
Kabbalists say to subvert people with syncreticism and the seraphis myth and new testament potrayal of christ are similar.
Eusebius said the contents of the gospels were already with the theraputae,the alexandrian jews that the mythicists say created christianity.
Dionysus was even called Yeshu’a by semitic pagans.
Dionysus,osirus etc are of course Satan.
The jewish grimoires,say Jehovah is Satan,and the 72 demons are just identcal inversions of the 72 angels that the jews believe make up the Jehovah Ha Tov aspect,all names found in the tanakh.
then the hebrew etymology of Jehovah is also problematic to seems to mean god of iniquity or perversion,wether it’s Yahovah or yahavah.
You have let Green’s disinformation operation get to you. It shouldn’t matter what Jews say or believe. They are liars. If Green is so smart, why is he a deist? His followers are insane: one believes in sun worship, while others worship pagan gods, yet they have the audacity to accuse Christianity of being pagan. “Yeshua” has never been proven to be the Hebrew for Jesus. It’s made up, just like Yahweh (Jehovah). The most reliable Old Testament text we have, the Greek Septuagint, has no Jehovah/Yahweh/Yeshua, etc. It’s made up from their Kabbalah nonsense, which Green has more less endorsed.
The best disinformation is that which contains elements of truth.
What about the masada torah texts?I heard they’re more reliable than the septuagint.
Bjerknes also uses gnostic and pre-christian gospel works like the testament of abraham to make his claim.
Acharya S uses hieroglyphs in her books to make her mythicist claims.
Her books have abundant source material.
that you can see for yourself with your own eyes,not relying on freemasonic agents in archeology.
What about the Masada texts in particular?
Most of these mythicists use reductionist arguments, and Dorothy Murdoch (Acharya) was one of them. Have you searched for debunking material on these authors? There is a lot of debunking stuff on Acharya S. Much the same for others, like Carrier, et al.
As I have stated many times I do have some sympathies for Christians but did you ever think it was all bullshit?
If one is a Christian he or she thinks that God is a Jew and he or she has to think that there were a lot of wonder Jews back in Biblical days, “God’s chosen people” but they turned bad. Look at these so called Christian Zionists, the most useful obvious useful idiots for Jews ever, though I do not think “Christian Zionism” has as much power as many perceive it to. Jews have many methods to control people. I was or am at the point where I would be willing to believe bullshit if it made me feel better but I can’t worship a Jew who sends people to hell for eternity for not believing in him or committing one sin without repenting.
On a somewhat related side note, you do realize that the Whore of Babylon was always interpreted as Jersusalem and the New Jerusalem the Catholic Church but Protestants believe the Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon and the new Israel is the modern state of Israel.
If Christianity was not originally set up as a controlled opposition movement by Judaism Protestantism certainly was and Protestantism was built on hatred and obvious historical lies about Catholicism. These Protestants, especially the American type will believe anything the Jews tell them about the Catholic Church, even if they are “anti Zionist” Protestants. Either way Protestants are extreme useful idiots for Jews and there is no way Protestant ministers actually believe the bullshit they tell their congregations. I do not mean theological bullshit but historical bullshit.
Sorry, some of this was way off topic. As far as Green goes, his actions say he works for Jews and I would be shocked if he is not Jewish. I think his followers are mostly Americans and what can you expect from people who worship their country, think the government is their friend, etc. The average “patriotic” American is the laughing stick of the world.
No, I don’t ever think that. If I were to think that, I can’t imagine a more viable alternative.
Christian Zionists are minority in Christendom. They in no way represent Christianity.
You give too much credit to Jews. According to your logic, they have God-like abilities. Man is not that smart, Jews especially. Their IQ is greatly exaggerated. The issue behind your rejection of Christ for sending people to hell is a lack of appreciation for justice in the world. Instead, it seems you prefer some kind of universalist principle.
Yes, I do realize that. Inversion of reality with Protestants.
Of course Protestantism was controlled opposition. There is no doubt about it. Plenty of evidence to support this thesis.
I was not able to reply to your last comment here, there was no way to click reply, technical error?
I do like your take on Christianity. I was raised a Catholic, but stopped believing at a very young age and after I figured out the Jews I figured Christianity was Jew bullshit but let us not get into all that.
I will mention make two main points about Christianity.
I think you have to do some kind of mental gymnastics to justify hell. One has to believe the Jesus story and repent for all his sins before he dies to be saved. This means I could torture, rape, kill and eat some Hindu children and if I sincerely repented I could go to heaven and they would go to hell. It also means that if I was a devout Christian my whole life and stole a chocolate or wanted to fuck my neighbour’s wife, even with no intention of doing so then I got hit by a car before I repented or fell and hit my head and died immediately after I jerked off or stole a chocolate bar I would go to hell. Also, what would you think if someone stole a chocolate bar and I kidnapped them and tortured them for the rest of their life? I know your answer would be that I am not God but why wouldn’t God give me the instinct to be very angry at this person who stole the chocolate bar? I am not a soft hearted person there are people I would like to suffer. I would like to torture before I killed them but not for stealing chocolate bars or jerking off. If committing one sin sends someone to hell I would think God would give us the instinct to want to torture and kill chocolate bar thieves as much as someone who raped our mother. It also seems rather irrational that a person who sinned far less than an average person but did not believe in Jesus goes to hell.
My second point. I have been researching Christianinity for years now and as soon as I found out about the Protestant “faith alone” stuff I realized it was a vile ideology even if one looks at all religion as nothing more than a method to control human behaviour. “Faith alone” is void of morality. Not only is Protestantism worse in that sense than Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy it is worse than religions that do not call themselves Christian. Protestants claim to believe in scripture alone but it can be disproven by the book they worship easier than Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Most Protestants say Catholics are not Christian’s but it is Protestants who are not Christians and the stuff they believe about the Catholic church or the Jesuits in particular running the world is stupid bullshit that any atheist or member of any religion with half a brain sees through. I do hate Protestants.
Having faith in Jesus or repenting of our sins is not so easy. You talk like it is. Faith and repentance from sin, besides being desired, are gifts from God, which He gives as He wills. It is not something cheap and despicable for everybody, but very valuable and loved.
I’m sorry to give you the bad news that the majority of humanity is doomed. That’s the reality, I’m afraid. But only God is a just and good Judge. Those who care a lot about the world would do better to worry about themselves. Very, very few have managed to have faith in Christ and repent of their sins. No one said it was easy. I wish you found out.
You recently mentioned Jesus having a brother named James as evidence against Christ mythicism. I believe Christ existed. However, the notion that James was Christ was James biological brother is not believed and never was believed by the Catholic Church. James being Jesus’ biological brother is a Protestant invention. If you do some research you can easily find this to be true. Unless the Catholics are lying and the Protestants are telling the truth. When it comes to historical accuracy this is usually not the case. It is interesting that you mention Carrier. If I was Carrier I would not be associated with Green. Why would he? Anyone who associates publicly with a so called anti semite is open to criticism from the Jewish community, guilty by association but the Jews remain strange silent about Carrier associating with Green. These Jews and their agents work together on a massive scale. Some of it is literally conspiring behind closed doors but just as the masses know their cues through buzzwords like “conspiracy theory” and recently shortened to conspiracy, suggesting that conspiracies do not even exist, the anti and denier prefixes. Jews, their agents know their cues to, without formally conspiring. I also believe that a percentage of the general public is aware of what the Jews are doing but will lie to protect them without benefiting from it.
If mythicism was a legit criticism I think it would have come up before the 20th century.