E. Michael Jones is a KGB asset and guilty of immeasurable treason against the USA/West

“In the present phase, secret agents in the Catholic and other churches are being used to implement Communist strategy.” (1) —Soviet defector Mr. Anatoliy Golitsyn – The Perestroika Deception, 1995

By Andy Sloan
December 24, 2020 Anno Domini

Herewith, we verify that E. Michael Jones is a deep plant KGB asset, in first aim, to deceive Catholics to accept the demise of Western civilisation and commensurately, become amenable to submission to a Jewish planned (neo-Soviet) Eurasian ‘multipolar’ one world government.

Over several decades, Jones has captured a large following, attracted to his apparent defence of Catholic values and (braying and joyless) high intellectualism. But in close inspection of his output, behind his mesmerising barrage of erudition, we find his fundamental narrative is locked to the corners, with that of Russian Eurasian propagandist Alexander Dugin.

Who is Alexander Dugin?

Dugin is the son of an ex-colonel-general of the Soviet military intelligence (GRU) and the head of the International Eurasian Movement (2), which posits the ‘unipolar’ West as the ‘liberal’ enemy of the rest of the world and strategises the dissolution of the United States and the absorption of Western Europe into Eurasia, in creation of a multipolar world.

The line of confrontation – unipolar West v multipolar rest of the world, is visualised here in a map, from a Eurasian propaganda website (3):

And the provisional (4) design of a multipolar world

Russia, China and other nations are working with exactitude to Dugin’s plans. For example, on the 11th September this year, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted (in the parlance of Leninist historical-determinism) that “multi-polarization of the world is an inevitable trend in the DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SOCIETY.” (5)


Jones has obscured his contact with Dugin to his Western audience, but he has regularly attended anti-Western/pro-Eurasian ‘New Horizons’ conferences with Dugin. The 2019 conference was headlined “The New Horizon Conference with participation of International Eurasian Movement members, has started in Lebanon.” (7)

As we shall see, the reason for his secrecy is that Jones has been deploying a differential narrative to his Iranian audience and with the record of his activities being mostly chronicled in Persian, he no doubt presumed of minimal risk that his subterfuge would be uncovered in the West.

The synchronization between Dugin and Jones

In first context in unveiling the lock-step between Dugin and Jones, we must recognise that although Dugin parades himself as an Orthodox Christian and (as Jones) can talk learnedly about the Orthodox faith, he is a verified crypto-Jew and communist.

He has exposed his Jewish identity on several occasions, but most candidly during a conference in 2017, in stating “Kabbalah tradition is the greatest achievement of the human spirit.” (8)

As for his true communist identity, in a Russian article in 2012, he said “We are for Stalin & the Soviet Union”, adding “That Orthodoxy is the bulwark of our spiritual identity is clear to any bearer of the Soviet identity.” (9)

In 1998, Dugin stated: “Stalin was an Elder Brother, a manifestation of Eurasianism in its communist variant.” (10)

And this year, he posted a link on his Russian Facebook (VK) page, referencing an article ‘Towards a Traditionalist Reading of Leninism’, which was headlined with the following poem:

Resurrection – Third Rome.

“Russian Orthodoxy is communist, and Russian communism is Orthodox. As soon as they realize their deep unity, Russia will regain its former greatness.” (11)

And furthermore, in a 2006 interview regarding the development of his political ideology;

Questioner: “Then there was a transition from National Bolshevism to Eurasianism?”

Dugin. “No, no transition. There was a change in political conditions. Neo-Eurasianism continued the same line of National Bolshevism, just a change of name.” (12)

Dugin has also been condemned by the Russian Orthodox church, as a ‘disciple of satanist Aleister Crowley’ – an infamous video of Dugin praising satan, in recitation of Crowley’s works is below. (13)

And Dugin’s Eurasianist symbol of eight arrows, as well as being the occult symbol for chaos (14), duplicates the eight of wands symbol from Crowley’s tarot card deck (15), which he associates in the ‘mystical’ teachings of Jewish Kabbalah, with the 8th sephiroth of the ‘Divine qualities’ – HOD (16)

(The sephiroth of Hod in Kabbalah means ‘Divine glory’. According to the teaching of the messianic Jewish sect of CHABAD (the prevailing force of Judaism in the world today) the Jewish ‘messiah’ or moshiach (antichrist) is called Hod or Glory (17). In nexus with the above Eurasian chaos symbology & Crowley’s eight of wands tarot card, this translates that through the chaos of Dugin’s Eurasian mission, the moshiach will arrive. This corresponds with the ‘redemption through sin’ doctrine of Jewish Frankism, teaching that a time of chaos and pure evil is necessary to bring in the moshiach (18) as well as the freemasonic maxim of ‘order out of chaos ’(19). Here we see the doctrinal nexus between gentile satanism and Judaism, which is religious satanism, as understood from the teaching of Christ, John 8:44 – “Your father is satan.” Affirmingly, in 2001, (Jew) Dugin wrote an essay on Gnostic ‘spirituality’ stating “The Left Hand Path sees all in an inverted perspective. But only this path is the true one. Who follows it will find glory and immortality.” (20))

So, Dugin is a crypto-Jew – a Christian in public, but practicing Judaism in secret, but plainly a Jew in definition as stated in Sacred Scripture, Apocalypse 2:9: “that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” and he is also a communist. As we proceed to expose the fine alignment of Dugin and Jones, this understanding of who Dugin really is, is an aid in uncovering the true identity of E. Michael Jones.

We now examine the lock between Dugin and Jones in 14 key elements, providing sure proof they are working in unison to the same plan.

1) Perestroika Deception.

Dugin 2019: “Communism fell and the Soviet Union collapsed.” (21)

Jones 2018: “There is no Soviet Union anymore, communism has gone.” (22)

The key understanding of their mutual promotion of Russia and Eurasia, is the recognition that the Soviet Union did not fall and we must dwell on this for a while, so as to verify to readers unacquainted with this deception.

The deception was expertly verified by Mr Anatoliy Golitsyn, who defected from the Soviet Union in 1961, in his two books ‘New Lies for Old’ (1984) (23) and ‘The Perestroika Deception’ (1995) (24). The deception was also affirmed by other defectors, such as Jan Sejna, Stanislav Lunev and former Czech dissident & Soviet prisoner Petr Cibulka (25).

In measured verification of the deception, analysis of the predictions from Mr Golitsyn’s book ‘News Lies for Old’, found that out of a total of 148 falsifiable predictions, 139 came true by 1993 – an accuracy rating of 94%.

Indeed, Dugin has laxily testified of the deception. In an article in 2000, written one day after Putin was installed as President of Russia, Dugin explained how:

‘The KGB is to be the backbone of the Eurasian Renaissance.’ (26)

And on a Russian internet forum in 2001, he said;

Putin is KGB of the USSR.” (27)

In plan of the deception, the Soviets waited 9 years, then embarked on reconstructing the Soviet Union. As Mr Golitsyn said: “The STAGED ‘Break with the Past’ is designed to secure the non-violent creation of the NEW SOVIET FEDERATION OF REPUBLICS.” (28)

The New Soviet Federation of Republics, is the Eurasian Economic Union, hence Putin announced in 2013: “The Eurasian Economic Union is a project for the ENTIRE POST-SOVIET SPACE in a new world.” (29)

It could hardly be clearer;

In 2003, communist website Northstar Compass, posted the following on their website:

“The plans for the resurrection of the USSR are well known to Putin and outlined in the documents of the UCP-CPSU (Union of Communist Parties) and Communist Party of the Union (Russia/Belarus.)” (30)

And another confirmation from Dugin in 2002:

“With Putin’s arrival the development of EURASIA received the green light. The process OF UNIFICATION OF RUSSIA & BELARUS has intensified, as initiated DURING THE REIGN OF YELTSIN.” (31)

A simple track of the deception from the beginning to the present day, as follows:

Mikhael Gorbachev, 1991: “To me, it is self-evident that if Soviet perestroika succeeds, there will be a real chance of building a new world order…our vision of the European space from the Atlantic to the Urals. I dare say that the European process has already acquired elements of irreversibility.” (32)

Then Soviet foreign secretary Eduard Shevardnadze, 1991: “I think that the idea of a Common European Home, the building of a great, united Europe, from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, including all our territory; this project is inevitable.” (33)

Putin 2012: “Russia is an inalienable and organic part of Greater Europe and European civilization.That is why Russia proposes moving toward the creation of a common economic and human space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.” (34)

Dugin 2016: “We aren’t going to limit ourselves by annexing Crimea. It is the goal of full Eurasianism – Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Great Eurasian Continental Empire. And we will build it. Which will be carried out by the Man of Destiny.” (35)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov 2019: “The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has become an inalienable part of the geopolitical landscape. I believe that our European partners will benefit from joining this project – the creation of a common space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. The EU’s striving for independence, self-sufficiency and sovereignty in defence and security is a natural and positive desire in the context of strengthening a multipolar world.” (36)

Anatoliy Golitsyn:

“If the Soviets were truly moving towards genuine democracy & intent on a ‘Break with the Past’, they would implement a decommunization program. Without such a program, present changes, however impressive, will remain cosmetic.” (37)

This deception has been thoroughly verified to Jones. He refused to acknowledge it or offer any counter-proof:

From: Michael Jones

Sent: 14 April 2020 22:52

To: andy sloan

Sorry. I can’t endorse something I don’t believe in. (38)

2) Pro-Russia.

Dugin: “The Russian Empire & the Soviet Union were living realities; both ultimate forms of life.” (39)

Jones: “Russia is the only power interested in acting according to moral principles.” (40)

  • “The biggest problem in Poland is Russophobia.” (41)

  • “Russia is not a problem in the world, the US is the main problem in the world. Russia is officially Christian, in the way the United States is not.” (42)

Yet, as Russian Orthodox writer Vladimir Moss informed in 2015:

“Far from leading the world in the practice of Christian virtue, Russia is perhaps the most corrupt country of all.” (44)

And Russian Political Scientist Andrei Piontkovsky, 2019:

“Nationalism is the religion of Russians, who are mostly atheists.” (45)


  • Pew Research 2017: “Just 6% of Russian Orthodox Christians attend church weekly.” (46)

  • “In 2010, a psychologist with the Russian Academy of Sciences cited WHO data indicated there were more occult/faith healers (800,000) in Russia than professional doctors (640,000). Russia’s Academy of Sciences estimates 67% of all Russian women have sought help from a psychic or sorcerer; for Russian men – one in four. In 2013, the country’s leading cardiologist complained that his fellow citizens spend almost £20 billion every year on magical and paranormal services.” (47)

  • Russian Interior Ministry 2008: “Satanism greater threat to national security than Islamic radicalism.” (48)

And Russia’s abortion rate is nearly twice that of the US and Putin supports both abortion and gay rights:

Putin on abortion 2017: “The decision is up to the woman herself.”

Putin 2014: “I know some people who are gay and we are on friendly terms. Homosexual people can’t feel inferior here, because there is no professional, career or social discrimination against them.” (49)

To crown it all, Putin banned evangelisation in 2016.

Hannu Haukka, president of Great Commission Media Ministries:

“This new situation resembles the Soviet Union in 1929. At that time confession of faith was permitted only in church.” (50)

None of this is even remotely reported by Jones. And Jones also supported the Russian annexation of Crimea. (51)

3) Rejection of Western Civilisation.

Dugin: “An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial of Western civilization.” (52)

  • “The West is the hereditary house of Satan and Iran is the main base of war against modernity.” (53)

Jones: “The USA is abandoning everything Western civilisation has stood for in 2000 years. Eurasia is one of the great movements of civilisation in human history.” (54)

  • “During the reign of the Shah of Iran (before the 1979 Islamic revolution), everything Western was unreasonably praised in Iran.” (55)

  • “Iran is the leader of the free world, not the USA.” (56)

  • “Western Civilisation will not survive.” (57)

In February of this year, Jones participated in an event called ‘AMERICA’S DEMISE’, held by Iran’s Intelligence Ministry. Dugin also took part.

This was reported by London based Iranian dissident Hanif Jazayeri, who called out the treason:

“A group of US-based ‘analysts’ spoke by video-call Monday at an event called ‘America’s Demise’ held by Iran’s Intel Ministry. The FBI should do a background check on these people, for possible US law violations.” (58)

4) Promotion of the Eurasian ‘multipolar’ world order versus Western ‘unipolar’ world order.

Dugin website: “The United States that must be slain like the fire-breathing dragon it most certainly is. Thus shall the dissolution of the USA be heralded as the birth of a true MULTIPOLAR world order.” (59)

Jones: “The West has brought about the alliance of nations of the Eurasian landmass. Now we are seeing a reversal of the unipolar world.” (60)

– “We must see the current (Covid) crisis as God willing; inshallah (ALLAH willing) the end of the US empire.(61)

The dialectic of the Eurasian multipolar world v Western unipolar world, is very much a proprietary narrative of Eurasian propagandists.

Its communist origin was identified by Putin in 2019, who informed that Yevgeny Primakov, who was ‘ex’ KGB, Prime Minister under Yeltsin and Jewish (Finklestein), was the creator of the concept of multipolarity. (62)

As cited above Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, cited ‘multi-polarization’ as something almost echatological. And more:

Putin 2007: “I consider that the unipolar model of the world is unacceptable.” (63)

Putin 2017: “Now we are seeing the formation of a multipolar world.” (64)

President Xi 2020: “Multilateralism will win over unilateralism.” (65)

Yet, this fundamental narrative of current geopolitics, is mentioned by Jones only to an Iranian audience. The reason for this cloaking can only be that, if Western audiences are alerted to it, it will arouse the understanding of the Eurasian plan for destruction of Western civilisation – and indeed that Jones’ narrative supports it.

Very telling, is that Jones regularly cheerleads the ‘end of the US empire’, but contrary to speculative reason, he remains completely silent on what he thinks will replace it. There are two recent interviews in which he prevaricates when he is asked this question (66). One answer he gives is “The American empire will now pass from the scene and I assume something better will take its place.” He is, of course, fully aware of what is planned to take its place.


5) Anti-NATO.

Dugin: “NATO has to be destroyed, Putin forever!” (68)

Jones: “NATO should have been dissolved in 1994. NATO is an offensive weapon versus Russia. All the NATO powers are run by criminals, engaging in criminal behaviour.” (69)

Hence Anatoly Golitsyn:

“The Soviet ‘liberalisation’ is a major part of the strategy of the whole Communist Bloc and particularly of Poland and East Germany, against the West. The main objective is to launch a political offensive against the United States and NATO and to develop a military detente in Europe by changing the political and military situation. This strategy is designed to break up NATO and force a United States withdrawal from Europe.” (70)


Dugin “Germany & Russia need to join (in the design of Eurasia). We have no interest in an independent Poland and Ukraine, so we need to remove these obstacles in our way.” (71)

Jones: “NATO is obsolete; Germany needs Russia.” (72)

As the above mentioned Soviet dissident Petr Cibulka said in 2004/05:

“The collapse of communism is pure fiction. Communists and their communist pyramid of power remain untouched. Russia is trying to provoke a split between America and Europe.” (73)

Accordingly, Dugin in China, 2018:

“We could describe some features of this multipolarity. First of all, the West should be split. The US is one pole of civilization & Europe that is not the same. Now it is time to give a form to these differences.”(74)

6) The primary enemies of Eurasianism are the U.S.A. and U.K.

Dugin website: “Eurasianism is vehemently opposed to the perverted concept of a unipolar world, promoted by Atlanticist (Anglo-American) power elites.” (75)

Jones: “The Anglo-USA Empire trying to subdue the Eurasian landmass for over 100 yrs.” (76)

“Trump is accelerating the forces that will bring an end to the American Empire. Trump is uniting the Eurasian landmass. This violates a fundamental premise of Anglo-American foreign policy which has been in force for over a century.” (77)

The reason for this targeting of England and the USA, was recognised as far back as 1977 by Hungarian Catholic journalist Istvan Bakony:

“International Judaism is today seeking to destroy the power of England and the United States, to open the door to Communist Imperialism led by the Jewish hidden power, to achieve the final goal of the great Hebrew revolution of modern times. So far they have not been able to convert the English and Americans to Judaic communism, because both peoples are accustomed to good life and free institutions.” (78)

We see also Gorbachev pushing this narrative in March this year:

“The air smells of war. It’s a shame the US & UK rejected Putin’s invitation to Moscow’s ‘Victory Day’. They rejected the chance to affirm at this perilous time the inadmissibility of nuclear war.” (79)

7) Ideological enemy of Western ‘liberalism’.

Dugin: “The West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.” (80)

Jones: “By now it’s time to admit the (US) Liberal Regime has failed.” (81)

  • “America is one big gay disco.” (82)


Putin: “Liberalism is obsolete and conflicts with the interests of the majority of the population.” (83)

The constant hammering by Jones about declining morals and especially homosexuality in the West, has appealed to many for, as with Dugin above, it is seen as righteous indignation. However, this is actually propaganda according to an anti-Western narrative revealed by Dugin in 2014

As verified above, the moral corruption of liberalism in Russia, is far worse than in the West. And ironically, a quote from Dugin’s ex-wife, who became a lesbian:

“LGBT does not contradict Eurasianism.” (84)

The deception of Jones and Dugin, was well summed up by Professor Roger Dommergue some years ago:

“The occult power (Jews) want to collapse the liberal class (order) and replace it with socialism/communism.” (85)

That is to say, communist satan masked as an angel of light in the East, wishes to ‘liberate’ the West, from the lesser liberal demon.

Russian philosopher Alexey Losev writing in 1929, recognised the Jewish origin of this dialectic:

“The command of Kabbalah is such that capitalism was replaced by socialism, and liberalism by a new authoritarianism (Socialism). Socialism, undoubtedly, expresses the essence of Kabbalah more closely than capitalism, although, in general, these are necessary dialectical stages of the historical development of Kabbalah in general. Socialism deprives God of the existence that liberalism still left for him – ideological. In socialism, for the first time, complete godlessness is established. The triad of liberalism, socialism and anarchism appear before us as the mysterious destinies of the Kabbalistic idea and as the gradually increasing triumph of Judaism. Jewry with all its dialectical and historical consequences is the bulwark of world Satanism.” (86)

8) Anti-Israel

Dugin: “Israel is part of Western unipolar coalition.” (87)

Jones: “The Israeli war v Iran is through the US.”(88)

  • “US & Israel lobby have united the Eurasian landmass.” (89)

The anti-Israel element of Dugin/Jones narrative, is part of a Soviet strategy called operation SIG, as explained by another Soviet defector Ion Pacepa:

“In 1972, the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the USA. As KGB chairman Yuri Andropov told me, a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few million. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States. The codename of this operation was ‘SIG’ (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva, or ‘Zionist Governments’). The task was to portray the United States as an arrogant and haughty Jewish fiefdom financed by Jewish money and run by Jewish politicians, whose aim was to subordinate the entire Islamic world.” (90)

A major element of this strategy is the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel/West. Accordingly, in 2016, Jones attended a ‘Jerusalem Eternal Capital of Palestine’ conference in Iran. (91)

9) Opposition to Zionist Jews only.

Dugin: “Zionism is Jewish satanism. Anti-Zionist Neturei Karta represent true Jewish tradition. There will always be a place for Jewish Orientalism (Eastern Jews) in the ranks of the builders of the Great Eurasian Empire.” (92)

Jones interview 2018:

Vendée Radio: “Do, you know, Orthodox Jews, Hasidic Jews, the more religious Jews, do they not oppose it (the Jewish revolutionary spirit)?”

Jones: “Well yeah. I mean they do. I mean there’s Neturei Karta – it’s a completely Anti-Zionist operation that opposes the State of Israel.” (93)

  • “I said to Rabbi Weiss (of anti-zionist Jewish sect Neturei Karta), I wish all Jews were like you. His organisation is anti-zionist.” (94)

  • “If (Israel) Shamir is a prophet, his main prophecy is left v right is obsolete given the new dichotomy, which is the Jewish US empire v the rest of the world.” (95)

Jones’ book ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit’ has also hood-winked many to his orbit, given Christianity has persistently identified the Jews, as the primary enemies of the Church and the world. However, as verified above, his actual opposition is to Zionist Jews only.

The understanding of this narrative is that Zionism is merely a phase to gain a foothold in Israel, in preparation for the building of Greater Israel and Jewish one world government. As Major Robert Williams wrote in his 1957 book ‘The Ultimate (Jewish) World Order’:

“The master (Jewish) strategists will precipitate a Third World War between the Zionist State of Israel—backed by America and the West—and the Arab-Moslem World, backed by the Soviets, the real objective to destroy the industrial and military capacity of the West. Since Israel must expand, the Israeli group must destroy the Arab states.” (96)

Once the Jewish multipolar one world government is established and the Jewish moshiach (antichrist) is installed as planned, Zionism will be discredited according to the belief of Neturei Karta, as wrongly pre-emptive in the creation of Israel before his coming.

Indeed, Dugin feigning anti-zionism has stated “I have an extremely negative attitude to Zionism. This movement contradicts Jewish traditionalism itself, not to gather in large masses in the ‘Promised Land’ until the coming of the Messiah.” (97)

But the antichrist’s hold on the world will be so full and proclaiming his false Judaic doctrine, he will command the building of Eretz Israel, which will be cleared for construction, thanks mainly to the previous work of Zionism and a purposely created WW3. Thus will the Zionist stain of Jewry, be cleaned up and Zionism will have served its transitory purpose.

In the aforementioned exchanges with Jones verifying the Perestroika Deception, it was also proved to him that Putin is a crypto-Jew, bound in with Jewish messianic sect CHABAD and Russia is still controlled by Jews. (98)

Again, he refused acknowledgement and to present any counter-proof. With very visible discomfort, he also evaded this issue in a recent interview. (99)

10) Pro-Islam

Dugin: “Without (alliance with) the anti-American Islamic world, there can be no talk of future Eurasia.” (100)

Jones: “I think one outcome of NATO’s attack on Syria is the conviction of Islamic Nations that surrender is impossible.” (101)

Jones: “Iran has a leadership role in the New World Order.” (102)

They are both pro-Islam in element of operation SIG as described above.

Again, Anatoliy Golitsyn:

“Under concealed Russian guidance, the Muslims of the former Soviet Union, will seek to cooperate and ally themselves with Muslims in Iran and the Arab states, while Russia maintains its open policy of cooperation and partnership with the West. In this way China openly and Russia secretly will jointly attempt to swing the balance of power in their favor in the highly strategic, oil-producing Arab/Iranian areas of the Middle East.” (103)

As mentioned earlier, Jones has spent much undisclosed time in Iran and in their media, pushing anti-Westernism and flattering Iran and Islam. Perhaps the most outrageous example and in action, absolutely contrary to his professed ‘Catholicism’, is in 2014 when Jones attended the ‘Conference of the Great Prophet’ (Muhammed) in Iran and said:

“We are witnessing the end of the US Empire & this is creating a cultural vacuum. Now is time for Iran to step in and fill this gap.” (104)

11) Political-Economy.

Dugin: “Chinese capitalism – capitalism with social responsibility, this is the conservative revolution; this is Fourth Political Theory. The local oligarchs are communist and partially fulfill the state’s duty. They are the managers of Great China.” (105)

Jones: “Dr. E.M. Jones replied to me regarding his economic model of choice – Social market economy.”

(courtesy @Burnera94522485)

Dugin: “The danger to humanity is Liberalism. It is the enemy of left and right.” (106)

Jones: “Left and Right are obsolete categories of the Cold War.” (107)

Hence from Dugin’s VK page:

Dugin wrote fourth political theory (4PT) to be the all-encompassing political-economic ideology for the Jewish-Eurasian NWO. It is simply masked communism, as he affirms above and Jones’ economics is socialist in kindred.

Dugin’s ideology is designed to forge Western ideological unity against the ‘liberal order’ – the ‘center’ as stated in the above image – and in substitute, gain Western acceptance of 4PT, as identified with Eurasianism, Russia and Putin.

Hence Dugin 2003:

“The task of Eurasianism is to synthesize the non-synthesized; left & right, democracy & authoritarianism, premodern & postmodern.” (108)

The aforementioned Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky wrote of 4PT and Eurasianism:

“To be united from ‘Lisbon to Vladivostok’, this Eurasian Union needed a definition of its ideology, so Dugin developed 4th Political Theory. Dugin & Putin’s Eurasianism is a satanic cult.” (109)

12) Race denialism/multiculturalism.

Dugin: “4th political theory is a model of the political organization of a multipolar world. It is not an individual, a class, a race or a state. It is the equality of all societies and civilizations, all peoples and cultures of the Earth.” (110)

Jones: “Race is an illusion. The world is coming to a common culture.” (111)

  • “Black & white is an empty category, that has no meaning or content.” (112)

For Jones to state ‘race is an illusion’ is contrary to Sacred Scripture, which clearly delineates races, for example:

2 Samuel 21:20: “A fourth battle was in Geth, where there was a man of great stature and he was of the race of Arapha.” (Douay Rheims bible).

His denial of race represents that the Jewish plan is to ultimately destroy racial strength and identity, via inter-mixing of races. Hence, in 1915, Nahum Goldmann, long-time President of the World Jewish Congress, outlining the plan said:

“All social strata & social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated & the human masses forcibly collectivized, as uniformed soldiers under imposed mass-conformity of new order culturing. The new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated, only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order.” (113)

The below ‘Monument of Military Glory’ pyramid in Voronezh, Russia, was built in the year 2000 – nine years AFTER so-called Perestroika. (114)

In narrative of race, we should also add that Dugin strategises for racial conflict in the West, in promotion of civil war and revolution:

“Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, to provoke Afro-American racists.” (115)

In 2015, in Iran, Jones attended a conference, whose stated goal was ‘to discuss alleged police brutality and ethnocentrism against blacks in the United States.’ (116)

13) Position on freemasonry.

Dugin: “The best in Polish history is Jewish tradition. I am interested in everything anti-Catholic. Freemasonry and occultists; Mienżyński & Dzerzhinsky (head of the murderous Cheka). They chose the Eurasian way.” (117)

Jones: “Freemasonry is an obsolete revolutionary movement.” (118)

Jones as a ‘Catholic’ cannot endorse masonry, but he can dilute its influence. In contrast to Jones’ assertion that masonry is obsolete:

Ex French Freemason Serge Abad-Gallardo, 2017.

“Masonry is the origin of all laws on divorce, abortion, euthanasia, marriage for all. The laws have been written and brought to Parliament by masonry whose objective is to establish an order contrary to the Divine order. A grand master of the Grand Lodge of France, Pierre Simon, admitted that all these laws were thought out and matured in the lodges even before being debated by the deputies.” (119)

And it is well verified that freemasonry is a Jewish front:

La Civilta Cattolica 1890.

“It can be said with complete confidence that everything in masonry is ordained by a Jewish sanhedrin & no power can obtain except that which comes through this nefarious sect. In order to gain access to the structure of the Christian religion, and especially, of Catholicism, it occurred to the Hebrews that the best method would be to work under water, by lyingly sending out their representatives to run ahead of them and hiding themselves behind them; in order to hide the Jewish claw from all blame. In sum, they needed to make their assault through soldiers not their own, so as to make the fort fall in the name of liberty.” (120).

Also, an ex-mason Copin Albecelli revealed Jewish control of masonry, as stated in the Protocols of Zion 4.

“Masonry is only a half-lit antechamber of the real secret society. There’s a world existing behind the masonic world. This power is an occult Jewish power.” (121)

Protocol 4: “Who is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us & our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.” (122)

The Protocols of Zion, we should add, were confirmed as being a true Jewish plan, to ex-CHABAD member Eduard Hodos. (123)

Given Jones’ narrative on Putin and Russia, these pictures would make for an interesting cover on the next edition of his ‘Culture Wars’ magazine:


Andrei Piontkovsky again:

“Putin is a Grand Master of the Royal Arch masons.” (125)

14) LOGOS as Perennialist philosophy, detached from Christ.

Logos emerged as a philosophical term with the Greek philosopher Heraclitus (c.540-480 BC), for whom it provided the link between rational discourse and the world’s rational structure. It was used by Plato and Aristotle and especially by the Stoic philosophers.

Perennialist philosophy advances this to the realm of religion, in assigning an ultimate source of rationality and can be defined as ‘a perspective in philosophy and spirituality that views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, universal, metaphysical truth or origin.’

As taught in the Gospel of John, in His coming into the world, Christ is defined as the Logos, representing the individuation of the universal Divine reason. The Greek term Logos is translated to the Latin Verbum, meaning Word:

John 1:1&14: ‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.’

Both Dugin (Noomahia, 2016) and Jones (Logos Rising, 2020) published books on Logos, which they describe as the apotheosis of their life studies;

Dugin: “Noomahia is the Opus Magnum that synthesizes my philosophy conducted during my life. It is the essential basis of the Theory of the Multipolar World and Fourth Political theory.” (126)


Jones: “Logos Rising is the Culmination of 40 years of my life’s writing.” (127)

And both give the same philosophical definition of Logos, detached from Christ:

Dugin: “We need to return to the Being, to Logos, to the fundamental-ontology.” (128)

Jones: “Logos is ontological, the attribute of being – rationality.” (129)

Jones was confronted regarding his disassociation of Logos from Christ and gave an evading reply:

“Dr. E.M. Jones pleads ignorance regarding the deceptive potential of the term ‘Logos’ when not applied directly to Jesus Christ with EACH reference.”

(courtesy @Burnera94522485)

We also see on the cover of Jones’ book Logos Rising, there is no association with Christ.

Recognising Jones’ lock with communist Dugin and the Neo-Soviet Eurasian plan, his separation of Logos from Christ and his book cover, gives rise to speculation that his Logos is, not what it apparently seems to be.

Of first note, is the correspondence of his book cover with the State emblem of the USSR 1923-1991


We know that communism is an instrument for world Jewish domination, as Rabbi Harry Waton professed in 1939 “Judaism is communism, internationalism. It is with these spiritual weapons the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (130)

And as Dugin tells us;

“The end of Jewish dispersion is associated with the messianic symbolism of the DAWN.” (131)

Isaiah 14:12 it is written: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning?”

The beginning of the end of the Jewish dispersion, can be identified as the first grip of Jewish communism in Russia in 1917, as corresponding with the Balfour declaration, in the first formation of Israel. This explains the Soviet symbol above.

And as we have shown, communism is not finished, but merely hidden by the Perestroika Deception. The final end of the dispersion, marks the time of the coming of the Jewish moshiach (antichrist), in crown of world Jewish domination achieved via universal communism. So said the 7th CHABAD Rabbi and ‘herald’ of moshiach Mendel Schneerson:

“The eternal Beis HaMikdash (Jewish Temple) will be the third, which will be constructed in the era of the Redemption (through moshiach). May we soon proceed together with the entire Jewish people to Eretz Yisroel, Jerusalem & the Beis HaMikdash.” (132)

And we know from Jewish teachings that once the moshiach is established, the intention is to universalise the 7 Noahide laws.

Jones has stated “The reason why I wrote this book (Logos Rising), is because it is about what mankind has in common, as we are reaching the point where the world is going to have some type of common culture.” (133)

But never does he assert a common culture arriving through evangelisation of Christ’s Gospel, which alone can bring mankind to unity (John 17:21 “That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us.”). Rather, a common culture that is based on his idea of Logos.

So, all things considered, what can we deduce is his doctrine of Logos?

Contemporary Jewish philosopher David Novak has written regarding the ‘rational conditions’ that are necessary for the acceptance of God’s (Torah) law, including those commandments that are clearly not rational and are perceived as ‘Divine positive law’. (134)

Likewise, in an article called ‘Noahide Commandments and Natural Law’, Jew Joshua Golding cites the preeminent Jewish philosopher Maimonides:

“For Maimonides, a non-Jew lives a moral life if he behaves virtuously just on the basis of reason alone. But he lives a pious life only if he fulfills God’s will out of a sense of obedience. On this view, Noahides have obligations that go beyond ordinary morality and that stem from divine commandments that establish a covenantal relationship between God and mankind.” (135)

This is to say, that a basis of rationality is necessary in foundation for the Noahide Laws. Thus, it seems Jones and Dugin’s logos, is a basis for a world system of rational law, as preparatory for the universal introduction of the Noahide laws and not Christ’s Gospel.

This corresponds with Jones’ very revealing statement in 2000, quoting his ‘friend’ Rabbi Samuel Dresner (more on this later) – who was a Talmudist and Zionist (136):

“America is a country which worked once when it was a republic whose unwritten constitution was the moral law. The only way it is going to work again is the way it worked then, which is to say, in Rabbi Dresner’s words, as ‘a new coalition, A UNION OF JEWS AND GENTILES with a common commitment to civilization.”(137)

And as we see already:

“UN signs Declaration of 7 Noahide Laws at ‘ONE PEOPLE, ONE WORLD Conference.’ CHABAD Rabbi Cohen – essential for breaking down barriers between cultures.” (138)

Rabbi Schneerson: “The Jewish people are commanded by Moses, our teacher, from the Alm-ghty, to COMPEL all the inhabitants of the world to accept the 7 mitzvos, which were commanded to Noah’s descendants.” (139)

14) Connections to the Alt-Right.

Dugin 1998: “The New Right is only a project, and we are designers and implementers, architects and builders. The future is ours.”

Hence, the connection to Richard Spencer, who is seen as the head of the Alt-Right gang

Also, Spencer’s ex-wife Nina Kouprianova is Russian and has written for a Eurasian journal, tied to Dugin. (140)

Jones is thoroughly welded into the Alt-Right nexus, which fundamentally drums the Dugin Eurasianist anti-West/liberalism, anti-zionist and pro-Russian narratives.

For a man of Jones’ age and apparent calibre, one would think gaining an interview with him would not be an easy task, but for Alt-Righters, his interviews are ten a penny. Even the barely bearded young Irishman Keith Woods has easy access and receives endorsement from Jones

And Woods also gets to rub shoulders with Dugin

And what does Keith Woods endorse?

Keith Woods: “The Coming Decline of Globalism – How I Learned to Love MULTIPOLARITY.” (141)

And Jones has also been long associated in his Fidelity Press/Culture Wars publishing operations with the Orthodox ‘priest’ (see quote of Anatoliy Golitsyn top of the article) Fr Matthew Raphael Johnson, who is a rabid Eurasianist and who in a YouTube broadcast announced Dugin’s geopolitics as ‘true’ (142). Suffice it to say, Keith Woods is also in the mix with Matthew Raphael Johnson and recently interviewed Johnson, with the video being entitled ‘Nationalism and America’s decline’. (143).

As Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote:

“The growth of disinformation is logical given that it is a PARAMOUNT FACTOR in securing the success of the Communist political offensive. Educating the public about Soviet disinfo, its new channels and techniques is urgent.” (144)

Hence, as produced by Fitzpatrick Informer


And as recorded in a 2019 ‘Christians for Truth’ article, many key Alt-Right personalities have been discovered to be Jews. (145)

As Maurice Pinay wrote in the book ‘The Plot against the Church’:

“The Jewish danger is also for the Right & Patriots. It is a 1000 year policy of the Jews, to infiltrate these areas, to eliminate the true defenders of a country.” (146)

This completes the identification of the 14 key locks between Dugin and Jones. Before, our conclusion, we must ask:

Is E Michael Jones a crypto-Jew?

Of first note, is a statement of an associate of the respected Fatima message priest Fr Nicholas Gruner, as recorded in a book called ‘The Smoke of Satan’ by Michael Cueno, a teacher at Fordham University, NY. We cannot inquire further of Fr Gruner (RIP), as he sadly died in 2015.


Next, we note the anomaly that one apparently deeply opposed to Jews, Jones was associated with Rabbi Samuel Dresner, whom as recorded earlier, he called his friend and who was a Talmudic Jew and Zionist.

In the context of things, Jones made a suspicious statement in an article of 2003;

“To be honest with you, I still don’t know how I met Rabbi Dresner.” (148)

Interestingly, Dresner was a Rabbi in Philadelphia between 1954-57, where Jones (born 1948) was raised (149).

But the most interesting connection is Dresner’s link with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel whom Dresner counted as his mentor and about whom he co-wrote a book, saying of Heschel he was “a Jew inspired by God”. (150)

Heschel was the leading Jew in the civil rights movement of the 60’s. (151)

Dresner also subscribed to this movement, as chairman of the Massachusetts Human Relations Commission. (152)

Of the civil rights movement, in his famous revelations in 1976, Jew Harold Rosenthal said “We authored the racial equality hoax” (153) and this in purpose of subversion of original American ethnic identity. As noted above, Jones is a denier of race and for a ‘common culture’.

And it is no secret that the civil rights movement was clustered with Jews and communists. Most notable are (Jewish) communist Stanley Levinson who co-wrote King’s famous 1963 ‘I have a Dream’ speech’ and Bayard Rustin. (154)

Ex-Communist Julia Brown testified to the US Senate Judiciary committee in 1979, that the communist cells she was in were “continually being asked to raise money for Martin Luther King’s activities and to support his civil rights movement by writing letters to the press and influencing local clergymen, and especially Negro clergymen that he was a good person, unselfishly working for the American Negro, and in no way connected with the Communist Party. I knew Martin Luther King to be closely connected to the Communist party.” (155)

And Martin Luther King’s father and a grandfather were freemasons. (156)

The closeness of Dresner with Heschel was revealed by Dresner’s daughter, who is now a rabbi. She gave an interview to the US Jewish Independent journal in 2018, saying of her upbringing “I grew up in a household of many amazingly powerful spirits. My parents’ circle of friends loomed larger than life.” The article goes on to say:

“Dresner has memories of playing ping-pong with Jesse Jackson, making paper dolls with (Rabbi) Abraham Joshua Heschel and being read bedtime stories by Elie Wiesel.” (157)

Of first note here, Jesse Jackson is a publicly a freemason. (158)

As to Elie Wiesel, he was a notorious holocaust liar. As the eminent holocaust revisionist Dr Robert Faurisson wrote:

“Elie Wiesel passes for one of the most celebrated eyewitnesses to the alleged Holocaust. Yet in his supposedly autobiographical book ‘Night’, he makes no mention of gas chambers. He claims instead to have witnessed Jews being burned alive, a story now dismissed by all historians. Wiesel gives credence to the most absurd stories of other ‘eyewitnesses.’ He spreads fantastic tales of 10,000 persons sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald.” (159)

And Jones, though glaringly taciturn on the matter, has in fact affirmed the holocaust:

“Similar questions could be raised about the Holocaust itself. Was the cause ‘hateful speech’? Or was it Jewish behavior.” (160)

In all, we have a major artery from Jones, to a core of Jewish subversive activity.

But a lesser known and the most intriguing fact about this connection to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Hechel, is that aside from his leading role in the civil rights movement, Heschel was nothing less than the lead Jew in formulating the Vatican II council (non-infallible) (161) document Nostra Aetate, which withdrew the former Catholic teaching of the collective blame of the Jews for the deicide of Christ and removed the call for their conversion. This being absolutely contrary to sacred Scripture. (162).

An American Jewish Committee (AJC) report relates:

“Heschel drafted the third official memorandum that AJC submitted to the Vatican on the relationship between Christianity and the Jews. Titled ‘On Improving Catholic-Jewish Relations’, this paper, instead of dwelling any longer on the past, presented the basis for a way forward. As the work of Vatican II wore on, Rabbi Heschel and American Jewish Committee remained deeply involved in the development of what would eventually become the groundbreaking statement Nostra Aetate.” (163)

Yet Heschel, despite being indulged by the Church, showed his antichrist stripes and said “Given the choice of conversion or Auschwitz, I will ask you to show me where the next train is.” (164)

Jones was questioned in 2008 on Nostra Aetate:

Q. Is Nostra Aetate a document that preaches error with regard to the Jews?

A. No (165)

An astounding statement given his virulent railing against the ‘Jewish revolutionary spirit.’

In all, we have no absolute proof Jones is a crypto-Jew, but that said, God has given us common-sense.


We asserted at the beginning that Jones is a KGB agent. In the first place, it is manifest that Dugin is, given his position as Head of the neo-Soviet Eurasian mission, his frequent, easy contact with high level government officials in the East, West and Middle East and the tremendous support and organisation that backs him.

Recognising the Perestroika Deception, two short excerpts from Dugin’s biography:

“In 1992, ‘New-Right’ philosopher Alain de Benoist visited Moscow at Dugin’s invitation. The discussion was also attended by the leader of the Russian communists Gennady Zyuganov.” (166)

“In 1997, Dugin wrote his major book Foundations of Geopolitics. General Nikolai Klokotov of the Military Academy of the General Staff served as an official consultant, and Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defence, also may have served as an advisor. The book is currently used as a textbook in Russian state military schools.” (167)

Suffice it to say, the latter would not happen without KGB agency.

Once well acquainted with the facts, it is easily discernible that the marry between Jones and Dugin is of impossible alignment, except that they are working together. It is recognised that Dugin is the primary Eurasian geopolitical propagandist for the Orthodox East and Jones the same for the Catholic West.

Jones’ biography states:

“In the 1970s, Jones spent time in a rural area of Germany teaching English. Jones reconnected with Catholicism while living in Germany and also became concerned with the loss of ethnic and religious traditions in the West. Upon his return to the United States, he earned a Ph.D. in American history and literature from Temple University and then assumed a position as assistant professor of American Literature at St. Mary’s College, a Catholic women’s school in South Bend, Indiana, from which he was quickly fired. Jones claims that he was dismissed from this job because of his outspoken opposition to abortion.” (168)

The time in Germany could be the time of his training as an agent, in cooperation with the global Jewish-Soviet nexus. Thereafter, he was infiltrated through US academia, to establish his credentials prior to building his propaganda operation. Or he could actually be a foreign citizen infiltrated into the US. This is unknown.

But what is certain is that Jones is a KGB operative, fully cognizant of the plan to destroy Western civilisation and replace it with a Jewish neo-Soviet Eurasian-centred multipolar world order and he is guilty of immeasurable treason. This needs to be widely exposed, as well as the complete conspiracy.

As regards the West, which the Eurasian propaganda is working full spectrum to delegitimize, we must still defend our lands and civilisation, however decayed they are. The West, as with the world, can and must be healed eventually by the Gospel and we must recognise and communicate the trap that has been set for Westerners to assent to the hidden communism of the Eurasian multipolar world. We must not be deceived by statements such as Jones has made “God is using Donald Trump to bring about the end of the American Empire.” to brainwash that the West is finished – even according to God’s will. (169).

On the contrary, the will behind all this:

Dugin: “(satanist) Aleister Crowley is much closer to TRADITION than all the limited careerists and moralists of the most orthodox Scottish rites or National Lodges.” (170)

Jones: “Western civilisation will not survive and we need to return to TRADITION.” (171)

Hence also:

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

“For Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice.”

With acknowledgement in compilation of this article – Mr Timothy Fitzpatrick, @Burnera94522485 and @reason_power.

Above all, to Our Blessed Lady:

St Louis Marie de Montfort – True Devotion to Mary

“But the humble Mary will always triumph over Satan, the proud one, and so great will be her victory that she will crush his head, the very seat of his pride. She will unmask his serpent’s cunning and expose his wicked plots. She will scatter to the winds his devilish plans and to the end of time will keep her faithful servants safe from his cruel claws.” (172)

2 Corinthians 2:11:

“That we be not overreached by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his devices.”


1) Mr Anatoliy Golitsyn – book ‘The Perestroika Deception’, 1995.

Page 116


2) Dugin is Head of the International Eurasian Movement, founded in 2003.


“From Facebook page of Moldovan President, Igor Dodon in 2017: “I met with the organizers of the international conference ‘From the Atlantic to the Pacific: for the common destiny of the Eurasian peoples’, which is taking place these days in Chisinau and with great pleasure personally met with the leader of the International Eurasian Movement Alexander Dugin.”


3) Confrontation of unipolar West v the multipolar rest of the World, from Eurasian propaganda website Evrasia.


4) The design of the Multipolar world is provisional, as it hides that Western Europe is to be absorbed into the East and also the creation of Greater Israel.


5) Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – “multi-polarization of the world is an inevitable trend in the DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SOCIETY.”

1st paragraph


6) Putin 24/10/2019 “African states are confidently gaining political and economic weight as one of the important pillars of the multipolar world system,” Putin said at the first Russia-Africa Summit held in the Black Sea resort city.”


7) September 2019 – “The New Horizon Conference, with participation of International Eurasian Movement members, has started in Lebanon.”


8) Dugin is a crypto-Jew.

“Kabbalah tradition is the greatest achievement of the human spirit.”

2 m 30 s – 2 m 45 s


DUGIN affirms in 2003, he is a Jew & Zionist.

“(Zionist Avigdor) Eskin is my friend. Zionism or Neturei Karta, you decide for yourself, I LIKE BOTH. If only against the Erev Rav (great mix of goyim).”

Mentions creation of ‘Eurasian version of Zionism.”


Dugin on an internet forum, approves of Jewish Lurian Kabbalah, Sabbatianism, Hasidism, masonic and occult movements.

9) Dugin 2012 – “We are for Stalin & the Soviet Union. That Orthodoxy is the bulwark of our spiritual identity is clear to any bearer of the Soviet identity.”

Last paragraph


10) Dugin – “Stalin was an Elder Brother, a manifestation of Eurasianism in its communist variant.”

Page 140 http://pismofronda.pl/wp-content/uploads/Fronda11-12.pdf

11) Dugin’s Russian Facebook (VK) page, referencing an article ‘Towards a Traditionalist Reading of Leninism’ – “Russian Orthodoxy is communist,

& Russian communism is Orthodox.”


12) Dugin: “Neo-Eurasianism continued the same line of National Bolshevism, just a change of name.”


13) Dugin condemned by the Russian Orthodox church, as a ‘disciple of satanist Aleister Crowley’

1 hr 7 m 27 – 1 hr 12 m 4 s


Video of Dugin reading words of praise to satan, in recitation of texts of Aleister Crowley


14) Dugin’s Eurasianist symbol of eight arrows, is the occult symbol for chaos


15) The chaos symbol of eight arrows, duplicates the eight of wands symbol from satanist Aleister Crowley’s tarot card deck


16) Eurasian eight arrows of Chaos and eight wands of Aleister Crowley’s tarot card deck, identify with the 8th sephiroth of the ‘Divine qualities’ of Jewish Kabbalah- HOD;


An excellent, simple summary of Jewish Kabbalah (requires translation from Russian)


17) The Jewish sect of CHABAD teaches the Jewish ‘messiah’ or moshiach (antichrist ) is called Hod or Glory.



18) Jewish Frankism doctrine of ‘redemption through sin’ and a time of chaos and pure evil is necessary to bring in the moshiach

section ‘Jacob Frank’


(19) Freemasonic motto of ‘order out of chaos’.


20) Dugin essay on Gnostic ‘spirituality’ – “The Left Hand Path sees all in an inverted perspective. But only this path is the true one. Who follows it will find glory and immortality.”


21) Dugin 2019 – “Communism fell and the Soviet Union collapsed.”

(2/3rds way down)


22) Jones 2018 – “There is no Soviet Union anymore, communism has gone.”



23) Soviet Defector Mr Anatoliy Golitysn – book ‘New Lies for Old’ (1984)


24) Soviet Defector Mr Anatoliy Golitysn – book ‘The Perestroika Deception’ (1995)


Also video – Soviet analyst Mr Chris Story (RIP) in conversation with Mr Bill McIlhany


25) The Perestroika Deception also affirmed by other defectors:

Jan Sejna – book ‘We Will Bury You’ (1982): The Soviet Plan for the subversion of the West.


Stanislav Lunev – Book ‘Through the eyes of the Enemy’ (1998): Reveals Why Russia Is More Dangerous Than Ever.


Czech dissident & Soviet prisoner Petr Cibulka – a series of 6 interviews which are a must read regarding the fake collapse of the Soviet Union. Though the interviews were in 2004 & 2005, their content remains valid and vital understanding. A first-hand account of a man imprisoned multiple times by the communists before so-called ‘Perestroika’.


1) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2004_0816.htm

2) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2004_0829.htm

3) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2005_0410.htm

4) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2005_0417.htm

5) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2005_0424.htm

6) http://www.jrnyquist.com/cibulka_2005_0501.htm

26) Dugin 2000 – ‘The KGB is to be the backbone of the Eurasian Renaissance.’


27) Dugin 2001 – “Putin is KGB of the USSR.”

7th entry on page


28) Fake fall of the Soviet Union – Anatoliy Golitysn:

The STAGED ‘Break with the Past’ is designed “to secure the non-violent creation of the NEW SOVIET FEDERATION OF REPUBLICS.”

Pgs 135-138


29) Putin 2013 – “The Eurasian Economic Union is a project for the ENTIRE POST-SOVIET SPACE in a new world.”

Paragraph 37


30) Communist website Northstar Compass, 2003:

“The plans for the resurrection of the USSR are well known to Putin.”

3rd article https://northstarcompass.org/nsc0304/newssu.htm

31) Dugin in 2002:

“With Putin’s arrival the development of EURASIA received the green light. The process OF UNIFICATION OF RUSSIA & BELARUS has intensified, as initiated DURING THE REIGN OF YELTSIN.”

¼ way down


32) Gorbachev 1991 – Eurasian Plan


33) Shevardnadze 1991 – Eurasian Plan


34) Putin 2013 – Eurasian Plan


35) Dugin 2016 – Eurasian Plan


36) Sergey Lavrov 2019 – Eurasian Plan


37) Mr Anatoliy Golitysn – “Without such a decommunization program, present changes, however impressive, will remain cosmetic.”

Page 142


38) Despite thorough verification, Jones denies the fake fall of the Soviet Union and the Eurasian plan.

My email exchanges with Jones with his five evasive answers, are available on request via direct message to me on Twitter @AndySlo30293431

39) Dugin -“The Russian Empire & the Soviet Union were living realities; both ultimate forms of life.”


40) Jones – “Russia is the only power interested in acting according to moral principles.”


41) The biggest problem in Poland is Russophobia.”


43) “Russia is not a problem in the world, the US is the main problem in the world. Russia is officially Christian, in the way the United States is not.” (43)

2 m 33 s – 3 m 19s


44) Russian Orthodox writer Vladimir Moss:

“Far from leading the world in the practice of Christian virtue, Russia is perhaps the most corrupt country of all.”


45) Russian Political Scientist Andrei Piontkovsky:

“Nationalism is the religion of Russians, who are mostly atheists.”


46) Pew Research 2017: “Just 6% of Russian Orthodox Christians attend church weekly.”


47) “WHO data indicated there were more occult/faith healers (800,000) in Russia than professional doctors (640,000).


(48) Russian Interior Ministry 2008: “Satanism greater threat to national security than Islamic radicalism.”


49) And Russia’s abortion rate is nearly twice that of the US


Putin supports both abortion and gay rights.



50) Putin banned evangelisation in 2016.


51) Jones approves of the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

3 m 53 s – 4 m 02 s


15 m 15 s-15 m 32 s


52) Dugin – “An important aspect of the Eurasian worldview is an absolute denial of Western civilization.”

reference 21 http://archive.vn/PD0mc

53) Dugin -“The West is the hereditary house of Satan and Iran is the main base of war against modernity.”


54) Jones – “The USA is abandoning everything Western civilisation has stood for in 2000 years. Eurasia is one of the great movements of civilisation in human history.”

31 m 21 s – 32 m 20 s


55) Jones “During the reign of the Shah of Iran (before the 1979 Islamic revolution), everything Western was unreasonably praised in Iran.”


56) Jones: Iran is the leader of the free world, not the US.


57) Jones – “Western Civilisation will not survive.”

1 hr 02 m 08 s


58) Iranian dissident Hanif Jazayeri calls out Jones’ treason.


59) Dugin website – “The United States that must be slain like the fire-breathing dragon it most certainly is. Thus shall the dissolution of the USA be heralded as the birth of a true MULTIPOLAR world order.”


60) Jones -“The West has brought about the alliance of nations of the EURASIAN landmass. Now we are seeing a reversal of the UNIPOLAR world.” (60)

3 m 29 s – 4 m 09 s


61) Jones – We must see the current (Covid) crisis as God willing – inshallah (ALLAH willing) the end of the US empire.

51 s https://cdn.mashreghnews.ir/d/2020/04/07/0/2760897.mp4

62) Putin credited ex-Russian PM Yevgeny Primakov (a Jew – Finklestein) with the invention of multipolarity.


Primakov transitioned the KGB to the SVR, WITHOUT any communist purges.


63) Putin 2007 – “I consider that the unipolar model of the world is unacceptable.”


Putin 2017 – “Now we are seeing the formation of a multipolar world.”

0-33 s https://youtube.com/watch?v=3kij8HyYSMg

President Xi 2020 – “Multilateralism will win over unilateralism.” (65)


66) Jones twice diverts from stating what he thinks will replace the US empire.

“It’s too complicated to give a short answer.”

1 hr 6 m 25 s – 1 hr 6 m 55 s


“The American empire will now pass from the scene and I assume something better will take its place.”

16 m 20 s – 19 m 15 s


67) Dugin on the Eurasian Empire – “The existence of Russian people as an organic historical community is inconceivable without empire-building, continental creativity. Russians will remain the people only in the framework of the New Empire. This Empire must, in accordance with the logic of geopolitics, strategically and spatially surpass its antecedent (Soviet Union). Therefore, the New Empire has to be Eurasian, continental and – in perspective – a World Empire. The battle for global rule by the Russian people is not finished.”


68) Dugin – “NATO has to be destroyed, Putin forever!”


69) Jones -“NATO should have been dissolved in 1994. NATO is an offensive weapon versus Russia.”

34 m 13 s – 34 m 39 s


“All the NATO powers are run by criminals, engaging in criminal behaviour.”


70) Anatoly Golitsyn – Soviets want to split US and Europe and dissolve NATO.

Page 9


71) Dugin “Germany & Russia need to join (in design of Eurasia).”

1 hr 08 m 13 s – 1 hr 09 m


72) Jones – “NATO is obsolete; Germany needs Russia.”


73) Petr Cibulka – Soviet collapse is fake. “Russia is trying to provoke a split between America and Europe.”



74) Dugin 2018 – “We could describe some features of this multipolarity. First of all, the West should be split.”


75) Dugin website – “Eurasianism is vehemently opposed to the perverted concept of a unipolar world promoted by Atlanticist (Anglo-American) power elites.”


76) Jones – “The Anglo-USA Empire trying to subdue the EURASIAN LANDMASS for over 100 yrs.”

2 m 30 – 2 m 47 s


77) Jones – “Trump is uniting the Eurasian landmass. This violates a fundamental premise of Anglo-American foreign policy which has been in force for over a century.”


78) Istvan Bakony – The reason for Jewish-communist targeting of England and the USA.

“International Judaism is today seeking to destroy the power of England and the United States to open the door to Communist Imperialism led by the Jewish hidden power, to achieve the final goal of the great Hebrew revolution of modern times.”

Page 37


79) Gorbachev pushes anti USA/UK narrative:


80) Dugin -“The West with its ideology of liberalism is an absolute evil.”


81) Jones – “By now it’s time to admit the (US) Liberal Regime has failed.” (81)

Click on first entry by Krzysztof Rapcewicz


82) Jones – “America is one big gay disco.”


83) Putin – “Liberalism is obsolete and conflicts with the interests of the majority of the population.”


84) Dugin’s ex-wife (a lesbian) – “LGBT does not contradict Eurasianism.”


85) Real aim of Dugin’s anti-Western/Eurasian ideology revealed in the 1980’s by Professor Roger Dommergue.

“The occult power (Jews) want to collapse the liberal class (order) & replace it with socialism/communism. Le Pen (French far right) was used for that.”

22m 24 s- 24 m


86) Russian philosopher Alexey Losev – “Capitalism and socialism are necessary dialectical stages of the historical development of Kabbalah.”

section ‘socialism and communism’.


87) Dugin – “Israel is part of Western unipolar coalition.”

11 m 13 s – 12 m 54 s


88) Jones – “The Israeli war v Iran is through the US.”


89) Jones – “US & Israel lobby, have united the Eurasian landmass in direct contradiction to the long-term strategy of the Anglo-American Empire.”


90) Soviet defector Ion Pacepa – Operation SIG.


91) In 2016, Jones attended a ‘Jerusalem Eternal Capital of Palestine’ conference in Iran.

(Quds = Jerusalem in Arabic)


92) Dugin – Zionism is Jewish satanism/Neturei Karta ok.

(click ‘show more’ for English text translation)


93) Jones opposes only zionist Jews.

last paragraph


94) Jones endorses anti-zionist Neturei Karta.

9 m -9 m 44 s


95) Jones against only anti-zionist Western Jews.

Just after half-way down


96) Major Robert Williams – book ‘The Ultimate (Jewish) World Order’, 1957:

“The master (Jewish) strategists will precipitate a Third World War between the Zionist State of Israel—backed by America and the West—and the Arab-Moslem World, backed by the Soviets, the real objective to destroy the industrial and military capacity of the West. Since Israel must expand, the Israeli group must destroy the Arab states.”

Page 55


97) Dugin feigns anti-zionism.

section 2


98) Putin is a crypto-Jew.

Sanhedrin addresses Putin as Jewish king.


Russian National Iskander Hashim – Putin and Medevedev are Jews pretending to be Christians.

10 m 48 s – 16 m 05 s


“Putin spoke about Chabad, as if he were an emissary.”


Russian Political Scientist Andrei Piontkovsky, warns Putin is a Jewish Talmudist and is intertwined with Jewish doomsday sect Chabad Lubavitch, whose goal is to advance the coming of the Jewish Messiah.


Ex Deputy Russina Prime Minister Poltoranin – Russia governed by B’nai B’rith.

“The ruling Medvedev-Putin tandem is under B’nai-Brith & fulfils its will. In 1998, Putin and Yeltsin ordered assassination of Gen. Rokhlin, who was organising a revolt against corrupt Yeltsin.”


99) Jones avoids responding to a questioner, stating Putin is a crypto-Jew.

1 hr 8 m 09 s – 1 hr 08 m 55 s


100) Dugin -“Without (alliance with) the anti-American Islamic world, there can be no talk of future Eurasia.”

Section 2


101) Jones -“I think one outcome of NATO’s attack on Syria is the conviction of Islamic Nations that surrender is impossible.” https://www.countercurrents.org/ziabari101212.htm

102) Jones – “Iran has a leadership role in the New World Order.” https://bit.ly/2Zk4c2C

103) “Under concealed Russian guidance, the Muslims of the former Soviet Union, will seek to cooperate and ally themselves with Muslims in Iran and the Arab states, while Russia maintains its open policy of cooperation and partnership with the West.”


104) Jones attends a Conference ‘of the Great Prophet’ (Muhammed) in Iran, 2014.

1/2 way


21 pictures of conference


Another 40


105) Dugin’s fourth Political theory is masked communism.


106) Dugin – “The danger to humanity is Liberalism. It is the enemy of left and right.”

Paragraph 6


107) Jones – “Left and Right are obsolete categories of the Cold War.”

Page 8 http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/newsletters/Newsletter%20831.pdf

108) Dugin – “The task of Eurasianism is to synthesize left and right, democracy & authoritarianism, premodern & postmodern.”

5th line


109) Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky – “4PT/Dugin & Putin’s Eurasianism is a satanic cult.”


110) Dugin – “4th political theory is a model of the political organization of a multipolar world. It is not an individual, a class, a race or a state. It is the equality of all societies and civilizations, all peoples and cultures of the Earth.”

Sections 5 & 6


Dugin – “There is not and cannot be any common, universal measure by which to measure and compare the various forms of ethnic societies.”


111) Jones -“Race is an illusion. The world is coming to a common culture.”

1 hr 2 m 36 s


112) Jones – “Black & white is an empty category, that has no meaning or content.”

50 m 10 s – 50 m 19 s


113) Nahum Goldmann and multiculturalism


114) Soviet pyramid, Voronezh, Russia.


115) Dugin – Russia should foment race war in the US.


116) In 2015, Jones attended a conference, whose stated goal was ‘to discuss alleged police brutality and ethnocentrism against blacks in the United States.’

Pictures 8 & 16


117) Dugin – “I am interested in everything anti-Catholic. Freemasonry and occultists.”

page 132


118) Jones – “Freemasonry is an obsolete revolutionary movement.”

5 m 09 s – 5 m 25 s


119) Ex French Freemason Serge Abad-Gallardo, 2017.

“Masonry is the origin of all laws on divorce, abortion, euthanasia, marriage for all. The laws have been written and brought to Parliament by masonry whose objective is to establish an order contrary to the Divine order.”


120) La Civilta Cattolica 1890 – on Freemasonry.

“It can be said with complete confidence that everything in masonry is ordained by a Jewish sanhedrin & no power can obtain except that which comes through this nefarious sect.”



121) Ex-mason Copin Albecelli revealed Jewish control of masonry, as stated in the Protocols of Zion 4.

“Masonry is only a half-lit antechamber of the real secret society. There’s a world existing behind the masonic world. This power is an occult Jewish power.”


122) Protocols of Zion 4 – “Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us & our objects.”


123) Protocols of Zion revealed as a genuine Jewish document to ex-CHABAD member Eduard Hodos.

“Learning I was not familiar with their content, Itzik pulled out a brochure from a bookcase. These were ‘Protocols’. I asked who is the author? Itzik answered ‘There was such a person.”


124) Putin inaugurated as President, under a masonic all-seeing eye.

1 m 15 s


“Vladimir Putin will ascend a massive, 66-step stairway and pass through many historic rooms in the Kremlin before his inauguration ceremony. Following the 33-word presidential oath, Putin’s new term will start officially.”


125) Russian political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky – “Putin is a Grand Master of the Royal Arch masons.”


126) Dugin, 2016 publishes ‘Noomakhia’ on Logos – “Opus Magnum, that synthesizes my philosophy conducted during my life.”


“It is the essential basis of the Theory of the Multipolar World and Fourth Political theory.”

127) Jones says his book Logos Rising, ‘culmination of his life’s writing, a history of Logos’



128) Dugin“We need to return to the Being, to Logos, to the fundamental-ontology.” (128)

Penultimate paragraph


129) Jones “Logos is ontological, the attribute of being – rationality.”

20 m 37 – 21 m 08 s


130) Rabbi Harry Waton – “Judaism is communism, internationalism. It is with these spiritual weapons the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”

section 93 http://mailstar.net/waton-program.html

131) Dugin – “The end of Jewish dispersion is associated with the messianic symbolism of the DAWN.”

Section ‘battle with Esau’, paragraph 8


132) Rabbi Schneerson – the end of the Jewish dispersion, marks coming of moshiach (antichrist).

16th & last paragraph


133) Jones – “The reason why I wrote this book (Logos Rising), is because it is about what mankind has in common, as we are reaching the point where the world is going to have some type of common culture.”

1 hr 00 m 47 s – 1 hr 01 m 20 s


134) Jewish philosopher David Novak – reason foundation to God’s (Torah) law.

page 57


135) Joshua Golding – natural law, basis for torah law/Noahide Laws.

last paragraph


136) Jones and Rabbi Samuel Dresner ‘my friend. My late friend’.

Last paragraph


Dresner a Talmudic Jew and Zionist,

“Dresner emphasized the importance of the State of Israel. He spoke about the privilege of being able to approach the Western Wall, which, historically, “has called the people back to its origins. They felt a sense of oneness with every Jew in Israel and throughout the ages. All divisions were joined. The Oriental, the German, the American Jew, the educated [and] the ignorant, those in the exile and those in Israel, those who lived in the days of the Bible and of the Talmud and those who will live in the future—all were present, all became one, stood together before that Wall.”


137) Jones – “(The US needs) as Rabbi Dresner’s words ‘a new coalition, A UNION OF JEWS & GENTILES with a common commitment to civilization.”

last paragraph


138) UN signs Declaration of 7 Noahide Laws.


139) Rabbi Schneerson“The Jewish people are commanded by Moses, to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the 7 mitzvos, which were commanded to Noah’s descendants.” (137)

24th paragraph


140) Richard Spencer’s Russian ex-wife Nina Kouprianova, has written for Eurasian journal tied to Dugin.


141) Keith Woods – “The Coming Decline of Globalism – How I Learned to Love MULTIPOLARITY.”


142) Long-time Jones associate ‘Fr’ Matthew Raphael Johnson, who is a rabid Eurasianist and Duginist and in a YouTube broadcast announced Dugin’s geopolitics as ‘true’.

58 m – 1 hr 00 m 40 s


143) ‘Fr’ Matthew Raphael Johnson bound in with Keith Woods.


144) Mr Antoliy Golitysn – Soviet disinfo paramount factor in success of commnist strategy.

Pages 131-132


145) Christian’s for Truth’ article – many key Alt-Right personalities are Jews.

146) Maurice Pinay – book ‘The Plot against the Church’

“The Jewish danger is also for the Right & Patriots. It is a 1000 year policy of the Jews, to infiltrate these areas, to eliminate the true defenders of a country.”

147) Record of statement that Jones is a crypto-Jew.


148) Jones – “To be honest with you, I still don’t know how I met Rabbi Dresner.”

12th paragraph


149) Biography of Jones.


150) Rabbi Samuel Dresner states Rabbi Joshua Heschel ‘a Jew inspired by God’.


151) Rabbi Abraham Heschel was the leading Jew in the US civil rights movement.


152) Samuel Dresner was a Rabbi in Jones’ hometown of Philadelphia 1954-57.

(scroll down page slightly)


153) Jew Harold Rosenthal 1976 – “We authored the (racial) equality hoax.”


154) Civil rights movement was clustered with Jews and communists


155) Testimony of ex-communist Julia Brown against Martin Luther King, 1979


156) Martin Luther King’s father and a grandfather were freemasons.


157) The closeness of Dresner with Hechel was revealed by Dresner’s daughter.


158) Jesse Jackon a freemason.


159) Elie Wiesel – holocaust lies.


160) Jones affirms holocaust.

paragraph 3 https://culturewars.com/news/nazi-hunters-part-ii?rq=holocaust

161) Vatican II Council non-infallible.


162) The collective blame of the Jews for Christ’s death.

Matthew 27:25 “His blood be on us and our children.”

See also


163) Rabbi Heschel and Jewish involvement in Vatican II.

Pages 7 & 8


164) Rabbi Heschel would rather go to Auschwitz, than convert to Christianity.


165) Jones affirms Nostra Aetate.

question 24


166) Dugin’s ties to the Russian communist party in 1992.

paragraph 6


167) Dugin wrote his major book Foundations of Geopolitics, in cooperation with Russian military.

12th paragraph


168) Jones biography.


169) Jones’ propaganda seeks to make the end of the West fait accompli.

“God is using Donald Trump to bring about the end of the American Empire.”


170) Dugin – satanist Aleister Crowley is a traditionalist.

2nd paragraph.


171) Jones propaganda- “Western civilisation will not survive and we need to return to tradition.”

1 hr 02 m 07 s – 1 hr 02 m 29 s


172) Great St Louis Marie de Montfort – the triumph of Our Lady over satan.

paragraph 54



  1. On a website of stellar essays, this is in the top five. Packed with key references and telling points. Clearly nails the thesis that ‘multi-polar’ world order is vertically integrated – its’ covert structure is essentially the ownership of all nations by the Jewish central banking cartel. It is the pyramid of the world soviet for the goy plantation.

  2. So glad I followed the link from the “Thinking Housewife!” Just one reference to Fr. Gruner is enough, but did EMJ really say that about Nostre Aetate? Heaven forbid that’s blasphemy! Scales are falling from my eyes this very instance! I book marked this sight for further investigation. So much good information in this article it will take me weeks to process all of it! Thank you and God bless!

  3. EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER Depopulation agenda is real.

    “The day after the acquittal Kvachkov spoke on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. He directly called Chubais a national traitor. And he declared that Russia was occupied by Jews, and this is the basis of criminal groups. As a result, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation sent a request to verify Kvachkov’s statements, since in his words there were clearly manifestations of extremism, and at the same time to review the case of the attempt.”


    Operation Churchill
    https://ia800907.us.archive.org/8/items/Ch1BreedingConcubinesEdwardVIISiresChurchill/Ch 1 Breeding Concubines Edward VII Sires Churchill.pdf
    The Hippy operation


  4. From website “Thinking Housewife’

    EARLIER THIS YEAR, Kidist Paulos Asrat at Reclaiming Beauty in a post titled “The Three Wise Men in the Modern World” wrote about the anti-American flavor of E. Michael Jones’s references to the Magi who visited Bethlehem after the birth of Jesus. Miss Asrat’s points are consistent with the recent essay of Andy Sloan at Fitzpatrick Informer which raises deep and legitimate concerns about the popular author’s agenda. Miss Asrat wrote on January 12, 2020:

    “E. Michael Jones is referring to the Three Wise Men as “The Three Wise Persians.”

    This is both biblically and historically incorrect.

    It appears that Jones’ insistence on the Persian origin of ALL the magi may be to give credence to the current, Islamic, anti-American, regime in Iran and to connect the birth of Christ with a Persian legacy, and to legitimize the “Death to America” chants of Iranians in Tehran. The Persians after all acknowledged the birth of the Messiah, and even brought him gifts.

    The world is becoming anti-American, anti-West, and anti-Christian. Jones should know this. No ancient gift would expiate the ruthless aggression of this “Death to America” or its subtext, “Death to Christian America,” proclamation. And why doesn’t Jones understand, or acknowledge this?”


    1. I have to add that I think they miss the mark , but at least the subject has been raised and discussed.

      1. There is a youtube channel named ‘james angleton’ that has Christopher Story’s interviews and other related interviews/documentaries

      2. I have to say, that I’ve become very wary of UK column over the last couple years. They’ve often spewed out Kremlin and Beijing talking points/propoganda. Especially Patrick Henningsen and his wife, Vanessa Beasley. At best, UKC have been hoodwinked like numerous, well-meaning patriots, nationalists, and traditionalists. However, given that many of them are ex-intelligence, and have strong links to current intel services, I fear it may be more nefarious than that :/

  5. The problem with this article is that it accuses Jones of being “anti-American”, then fails to justify why that’s wrong. On the one hand, the author acknowledges the evil of the Khazar world power and religion, on the other hand, he appears to have a great difficulty with understanding that fag pride, black supremacist, jew supremacist America is a problem.

    A small number of American people are good, the American system is rotten to the core. Every institution we have is dedicated to pushing sexual perversion, black ethnic pride, and jewish ethnic dominance. Anything outside those three things is denounced as some variation of “not our values”. Satan may run Russia and China, but he is the undisputed king of America and no amount of yelling “traitor!” at Jones is going to change that fact.

    1. Think about what you are saying. “America is rotten to the core, so we should join America’s enemies in destroying it, even though America’s enemies are rotten, too.”

  6. Viktor Ostretsov: Freemasonry, Culture & Russian history.

    Who prepared the ideological ground for the First World War?

    In the summer of 1914, the First World War broke out. Few people know that it was prepared primarily by the media, namely the newspapers of that time. This fact is hushed up by historians. Meanwhile, such events never happen by themselves, but are the result of long-term ideological indoctrination of the masses. They require ideological support.

    The anti-German propaganda of the leftist Russian newspapers took on an overtly aggressive character beginning in 1910 and this tone became more and more defiant. It was the liberal newspapers, which sympathized with the revolution, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and world progress, that raised the war. It was here, on the pages of these newspapers, that notes began to appear about the atrocities of the Germans, who broke something there, beat someone there and that they spoke out against the Slavs and called them so and so. These notes and articles grew in number and their tone became vicious. Anti-German sentiments, which were not at all characteristic of Russia, suddenly became general among the intelligentsia, which consisted in its active part of least of all Russians, but more of Jews, Poles and partly of representatives of other nationalities.

    In turn, anti-Russian notes and other publications began to appear in Germany and here, in this newspaper campaign, ONE HAND AND ONE WILL WAS FELT. Since the end of the last XIX century, the overwhelming number of periodicals in Russia belonged least of all to Russians and in France and Germany and other countries THEY WERE ALSO IN JEWISH HANDS.

    6th paragraph


  7. EMJ subverts eurasianism completely into being a good thing against the ‘evil’ west, says Putin contributed to breaking jewish stronghold of Russia, Russia a christian country etc.

    3h 8m 30s – 3h 13m 8s

    It’s also on his channel starting at 1h 14m 56s

    E. Michael Jones a Kremlin tool, wittingly or unwittingly:

    “Jones completely fails to discern (deliberately?) Dugin’s meaning of multi-polarity, which is really just jargonous deception to distract from the fact that Dugin wants his Eurasian union to rule the world as a unipolar, neo-Bolshevik empire (world government). To achieve this, the Eurasianists have to break the West’s seemingly unipolar rule using an appeal to the West’s enemies to engage in multi-polarism (divesting from the West) and embracing the East (Eurasianism, Belt and Road initiative).”

  8. Once again, Jones’ narrative EXACTLY as DUGIN’s:


    “Elements of the (COVID) epidemic seem to suggest it being man-made, allowing the West to use the virus against its geopolitical opponents (which explains China & Iran).”

    13th para



    Apparent KGB asset E. Michael Jones suggests Western oligarchs unleashed COVID-19 against China and Iran—a narrative straight out of the Kremlin @AndySlo30293431

    5:40 secs



    E. Michael Jones dossier:


    1. Great article. Agree, there’s something not right about Michael E Jones. Something tells me he is NOT a Catholic.

  9. KGB ASSET E MICHAEL JONES publishes book in Persian, stating he is not against Jews, only Zionism:

    “Judaism is also under the control of Zionist leaders and decision-makers. As a result, the three main religions of Christianity and Judaism and the Sunni part of Islam, which should be the most important pillars for nourishing spirituality, innocence, purity and morality and religious values ​​for human beings, collapsed.”


    His Operation SIG narrative and his ‘logos’, are in fact a preparation for the Noahide laws, once Zionism has served its purpose. Hence Jones 2000:

    “(The US needs) as Rabbi Dresner’s words ‘a new coalition, A UNION OF JEWS & GENTILES.”

    last para


  10. “There has come into being a kind of a Shia belt from Tehran through Baghdad to Beirut. And this gives Iran the opportunity to reconstruct the ancient Persian Empire – this time under the Shia label.”

    Henry Kissinger
    (No context—found on Brainy Quotes)

    1. Kissinger:

      “China’s Belt & Road Initiative, in seeking to connect China with Central Asia and eventually to Europe, will have the practical significance of SHIFTING THE WORLD CENTER OF GRAVITY from the Atlantic, to the Pacific. It will involve the cultures of EURASIA, each of whom will have to decide what relationship to this region they will seek, and so with the US.


  11. Michael Jones promotes the claim that Frank killed Mary Phagan. That seems to be doubtful based on my research. But even if Frank was guilty, the case against him is very similar to feminist propaganda themes, and feminism is inherently based on Jewish mysticism. The cult around Mary is very bizarre too. That makes me suspicious of Jones. If it were to turn that I was wrong to believe that Frank was innocent and Frank did kill Mary I would still find Jones’ promotion of that case suspicious. There are a lot of weird things about it even if Frank was guilty. But I won’t go into them because it would make my comment way too long and off topic. Frank’s case is definitely not needed to prove Jewish sexual abuse of minors, there’s a literal mountain of other cases, where there is no reasonable doubt about the guilt of the defendant and no link of the case to feminist propaganda, to pick from. So I don’t understand why Jones picks a case that is based on feminist themes and where there is reasonable doubt, unless the explanation is that he is controlled opposition.

  12. Pope Leo XIII’s warning from his 1896 encyclical Satis Cognitum:

    “There can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine, and yet by one word, as with a drop of poison, infect the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition.”

    1. I know this is an old comment but your article about Fatima would imply that you think Leo the 13th was Jew controlled, every pope after Pius the 9th.

        1. Okay sorry, I will try to stay in topic from now on, but if I post in the book review about something you said here won’t I be going off topic there, as I would be referencing something you said in this article?

  13. In the reference section, you’ve linked Golitsyn’s ‘perestroika deception’ instead of ‘new lies for old’

  14. Do you find Jones has an unusual head shape for someone who claims to be of European ancestry?

  15. There is so much information here that it almost makes everything one has learned and believe in understandable.
    Just like Donald Trump, who a lot of people love, but is a Zionist and is Alex Jones with a lot of supporters.
    Also Henry Mako or Brother Nathaniel. Who to believe when different sources all can find something wrong with any so called patriot.

    1. I meant.to say is un- understandable or difficult to know who or what to believe.
      Maybe we should just believe our ancestors who were closer in time and presence to the evil and knowledge of it and who was behind it.

  16. If what this article says is true, Jones should be flooded with patriots comments letting him know that they are wise to him.
    Things are getting worse, not better because the One Worlders have no opposition or criticism to their plans. It seems that all Someone has to do is to present an idea and then, like climate change , it becomes a necessity to accomplish to save the world.
    I’ve sent hundreds and hundred of letters and dvd’s to our politicians and news media and comments and it makes a difference. But I am 87 years old and it seems like too much to try to accomplish.
    The Jews must be impatient for their kingdom on Earth to come about and maybe why the war with Russia.
    Too much to think about , say and fathom.

  17. Timothy, just for your information. I left a link for this article and the whole dossier in the comments under the latest of Gemma O’Doherty’s video on bitchute. Within about 15 mins she blocked me from ever commenting on her channel. I tried to help her learn the truth about EMJ because she has him quite often on her interviews and really believes he is genuine. I asked her to approach the topic with an open mind just as she was willing to learn the truth about the falsified WW2 narrative. In response what I got was her blocking me. Now, I must say I didn’t expect her to do that. I thought she’s is intelligent enough to not lock herself in to personality “heroism”. The way she handled this tells me something is not right and sadly I must say it put me off her. Oh my goodness. What a mess we are in.

    1. Hello, Christine. There is definitely something wrong with getting blocked merely for sharing a link. I don’t know a lot about Gemma, but I am sure if we look into it, we will find something. Genuine truth seekers are open minded and wouldn’t block people over such things. Suspicious.

  18. Thank you for coming back Timothy. You know, it has really shaken me somewhat. I couldn’t let it go off my head. It was such a drastic and extreme move and I really didn’t expect it of her and it happened so quickly and without a shred of hesitation. She treated me like a scum of the earth troll or as if I was an intelligence agent. She should know from my previous comments under her videos that I was neither. I consider this move of hers to be very unprofessional given that she is an independent journalist, I also consider it to be childish and not very intelligent at all. I explained to her that it is not a smear tactic against EMJ but rather an in-depth investigation into his activities. First I left a link for the whole dossier. When I came back to it, I managed to earn 1 downvote for my comment. I opened the comment again to add this particular link since it’s a good summary about EMJ case. I expressed my awareness of the downvote and added this link. When I came back to it about 5 mins later the whole comment was gone and when I tried to ask Gemma if she deleted it, bitchute told me that I’m blocked from commenting on her channel. Oh, how awesome. It was so disturbing. It’s really quite bad of her to behave like that because what she has done effectively, is not only has she deleted all my interactions with other people who left very good links under her previous videos which I didn’t copy because I never thought she would treat me this way but she has also deprived her audience to learn the truth about EMJ. I know I would get a lot of bashing for my comment. A lot of her listeners would flock to it and just give me a mouthful but out of so many there would be at least one who wouldn’t be carried away by his/her emotions and would look into EMJ with an open mind. It tells me that either she has a strong affinity for EMJ because of his Irish ancestry or there is something more to the whole matter. Either way it’s unprofessional, unintelligent and quite frankly also lacking good will. She has disappointed me beyond what mere words can express. Timothy, may I ask you: is your email the one with tutanota as an email provider? I’d like to ask you quite a few things with regards to research topics of various kinds and it simply isn’t appropriate to do so in the comments here. Please let me know. Thank you.

  19. As I said before I agree with the article but how can you trust Jesus the Jew, especially when the Old Testament tells Jews to lend money and charge internet to non Jews and the New Testament forbids Christians to lend money and charge internet but there is no stipulation against accepting loans from Jews and paying usury fees. Wouldn’t this set Christians up to be financially dominated by Jews.
    I have many objections to Christianity but I have never read or heard anyone try to explain this. Can you do so?
    On another note, do you think people who look into things who say people like us who say the Jews run things are stupid really believe it? If a person just scratches the surface and knows about the Jewish media monopoly how can they just write us off as a bunch of crackpots?
    I have been disgusted with people for decades but since the Covid Fiasco I think the average person is insane.

    1. Yah told The Israelites to lend at interest, not The Jews, but you have to learn who The Israelites are, first, before you come to numerous erroneous conclusions:

      British or Anglo-Israel – The True Israelites Are White British, Americans and North Western Europeans – White Caucasians:

      “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew’. The first Hebrews may not have been Jews at all…”

      — 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.

      I will firm this Truth up by stating that The Hebrews were never Jewish.

      If Jews Are Serpents, and They Are, How Was Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) a Jew?:

  20. I recently read an explanation on the “Jewishness” of Jesus. He was not. What we understand as Jews, are the descendants of Cain, of Esau. They are the Edomites, although they have inverted that and they call the true Israel of God, Christians, Edomites. This explanation stated that in the OT, “fornication” meant sexual relations/ marriage outside the tribe, and Esau did that. When you think about it, allegorically it makes sense, Esau giving up the birthright for pottage, just as the Jews of Jesus’ time traded Jesus and salvation for earthly, material things, also pottage. Accounts in the Gospels reference people being silent for “fear of the Jews”, which doesn’t make sense, as they were all supposedly Jews. But what they considered Jews were pretty much infiltrators who had taken control of the priesthood, etc., and ruled over the Israelites. The later Khazars then became Jews after they were infiltrated and taken over by nomadic, Talmudic, rabbinical Jews. Idk. But it does make sense out of some things. Sadly, I didn’t bookmark the site I read this on to give credit.

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