By Elizabeth Dilling
1983 Anno Domini
Excerpt from The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today (formerly titled, The Plot Against Christianity) pgs. 132-133
Where there is changing and realigning, the Marxist political composition of Israel does not change. “Left Poale Zion” and Ahdut Avoda form in part the Mapai party: “Its socialistic outlook is similar to that of the Third International [i.e. of Moscow] but was not permitted to affiliate with it.” These Marxist parties comprise 92% of the Histadruth vote. (Palestine Year Book, 1946, page 355). As an illustration of “Poale-Zion”).
Poale Zion, like the rest of the Palestine Socialist parties, is part of the World Zionist Organization, in turn maneuvering through the world for Zionist aims.
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943) reported under “Poale Zion,” its formation in 1897; its founding of the Israel political orientation, the 1955 vote for Knesset (parliament) members in Israel was reported as follows (Jewish Voice, August 12, 1955):
“Mapai 40; Mapai-affiliated Arab parties, 4; Herut 16; General Zionists, 14; Religious Front (Mizrachi, Hapoel Hamizrachi) 12; Agudah, 6; Achduth Avodah, 10; Mapam, 8; Progressives, 5; and Communists, 5.”
And what are these parties, in brief? Says the Palestine Yearbook, 1946, page 354:
“Mapai is a Zionist Socialist party. From its inception, Mapai has been affiliated with the Second (Brussels) International.” Lenin and other Reds belonged to the Second International, until Moscow formed its own, called the Third International, a combine of Marxist parties formed in 1919.

Herut, which is now reputedly the second most powerful Palestine party, was formed by the Sternist terrorists who dynamited British police in sadistic fashion. After Israel was declared a state by the U.N., these Sternists were admitted to the Palestine parliament, the Knesset, calling their party Herut.
Mapai tried to join the Moscow International, but was not permitted to because of minor stipulations. It “generally has a line of policy similar to Irgun and the Fighters for Freedom. It stands for close co-operation with the Soviets … A little publicized fact is that Soviet arms have now been issued to all Israel troops … Recent Hebrew victories have been won with Soviet guns.” (From Jerusalem Calling, organ of the Sternist, now Herut, Fighters for Freedom, September 3, 1948, 149 Second Avenue, New York)
Ahdut, or Acduth, or Leachduth, Avodah, as before stated, is a Socialist Party—a party dedicated, in other words, to subjugating all classes to one collective rule.
The Religious Front — Mizrachi and Hapoel Hamizrachi, and the even more fanatical Agudah parties are Talmudic parties, fanatically dedicated to the achievement of the anti-Christian, immoral, anti-human world power aims of their Pharisee religion. The difference between Communist tactics and Talmudic tactics is that one is political and deceptive, the other inspires and is the dynamic of these tactics. One practices what the other teaches. Communism is Talmudism in action.
The Communist Party is merely an arm attached to the Moscow branch of Jewish imperialism.
The General Zionists are different only in their stress upon certain policies best calculated to achieve Talmudic world aims. As for any imagined “conservatism,” the leaders of the General Zionists, (according to the Palestine Year Book, 1946, issued by the Zionist Organization of America) the ruling heads of the World Zionist Organization were: red Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Louis Lipsky, Nahum Goldmann. (page 357)
Wise, Silver, Goldmann, Lipsky, were all included in the 120 top Jews of the world chosen by the world Kehillas in 1937, along with Commissar Litvinov (Finklestein) of Russia, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein (see his “Pharisees” herein), and others.
The four have been leaders in the World Zionist Congress, and its American branch, the American Jewish Congress.