By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 3, 2018 Anno Domini
The latest revelations by former Infowars employees confirm that Alex Jones is not a legitimate truther but a sexually compromising partisan shill for the GOP and their organized crime backers.
According to an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint lodged by Ashley Beckford, a former production assistant of Alex Jones’ Infowars media operation, she was sexually harassed and intimidated by Jones. As well, she says she was reprimanded if she ever questioned the actions of U.S. president Donald Trump.[I]
“…Josh Owens…consistently pressured me to engage with the Hillary Clinton supporters as a black Trump supporter,” she went on in her complaint.

The allegations by Beckford, who also cited racial harassment, cast doubt on Jones’ sincerity as an alleged non-partisan patriot movement personality and show him, instead, as a politically motivated conman. If Beckford’s allegations are true, it substantiates both that Jones is running interference for his crime syndicate handlers and Trump and lying about his sincerity as it pertains to “truth seeking” in his role as an alternative media personality. It also tends to corroborate rumours surrounding Jones’ sexuality and his pathological behaviour.[II]
Court documents[III] from his custody trial revealed that Jones and then wife Kelly sought the help of multiple therapists who specialize in sex addictions. It’s unclear why sex addictions counsellors were involved and why so many, but one source says infidelity caused the divorce between Jones and Kelly.

Beckford’s complaint, which we will further explore, corroborates the claims of Stew Webb, who, when the Alex Jones divorce leaked onto the Internet[IV], claimed he broke the story with the help of a source inside Infowars.
Webb alleges the source told him a female staffer (we assume with whom Jones had an affair) was the cause of Jones’ divorce.[V] The divorce could also have something to do with something more perverse. Consider the people with whom Jones surrounds himself: his sleaze bag Hollywood pal Charlie Sheen, an HIV-infected bisexual who Jones once set up with an L.A. escort, and his multiple gay or bisexual friends like Matt Drudge and Roger Stone (suspicions abound that Paul Joseph Watson is gay). There have been ongoing rumours that a high-level alternative media truther is a closeted homosexual. There was an interview that surfaced on Youtube a few years back of a whistleblower talking about a trip to a gay nightclub in Texas with a prominent alternative media personality. It may well have been Alex Jones. I heard the interview myself and was skeptical at the time. However, it sounds more plausible today.

Jones’s support for the Trump campaign prior to the U.S. federal election is well known, as is his support for Trump operatives, like accused bugger and swingin’ dirty trickster Roger Stone, who is a regular guest on the Alex Jones show. Trump, himself, even appeared on Alex’s show in the lead up to his eventual election as president (convenient for Jones, the other U.S. presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, did Jones the favour of giving him free publicity to millions of Americans by publicly mentioning his name, albeit in a negative light, during a television broadcast).
Jones’ base audience prior to the election hysteria was made up of a unanimous mind of individuals who were generally opposed to partisan politics. Jones may have even publicly coined the term “false right-left paradigm” as a euphemism for the phoniness of partisan politics. But that all changed when Trump put his name up for the presidency, and somehow, his base suddenly and dramatically lost their scruples when the psyop was foisted upon them. They failed to discern Jones’ sudden change. Jones’ former non-partisanship stance is now a distant memory, except for those few who realized Jones’ about face and subsequently dumped their leader for an alternative.
Rob Jacobson, a former 13-year employee of Jones’ who says he was fired after disagreeing with Mike Cernovich[VI] (a pro-Trump Zionist Jew tied to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein[VII]), alleged in his complaint to the EEOC that Jones and other staff bullied, ridiculed, and, what’s most fantastic, attempted to groom Jacobson for homosexual sex.[VIII]
“‘From the years 2008-2012, the CEO of the company [Alex Jones] called me Beefcake, referring to male porn stars,” said Jacobson. “I felt like this was intimidating and harassing and a form of sexual harassment in that he was grooming me for homosexual sex.”
Jacobson notes an incident that lead to him being called Beefcake, where “Alex Jones allowed his friend Shane Steiner into my office to display on my computer with images of gay pornography.”

Jacobson doesn’t get into too many details to explain why he felt he was being groomed for gay sex. We can only assume that Jacobson is aware of homosexual tendencies in Alex Jones but won’t explicitly state it, and/or Jacobson is homosexual himself. Although Jacobson makes the alleged racial discrimination of his Jewishness the most important issue in his complaint, the gay grooming is, in fact, the most important. Jones and his staff most certainly did make Jewish jokes, but they were all very childish and generally benign. There is nothing insidious about calling Jacobson the “resident Jew” or even photoshopping him with Chassidic garb. And calling him the “Jewish individual” was more likely about making of fun of guest David Duke than it was about Jacobson (Duke’s reference to Jacobson during an interview apparently became an inter-office joke thereafter).
Jacobson, like many Jews, displays the quintessential hypersensitive, strongly self-identifying Jew traits. It doesn’t help Jacobson’s case when in the same complaint he cries about “WASP” employees who were promoted over him. Is “WASP” not as bad as, if not worse than, “resident Jew”? Jacobson admits that Jones himself never used these words for him directly but says other employees did. Regardless, Jacobson is now suing Jones.
Jones is sponsored and handled mostly by Jews.[IX] This is an established fact and has been for many years.[X] Jones’ biggest critics stress this point continually. For his entire career, Jones and his staff have been defending the actions of the criminal state of Israel and the satanic religion of Judaism (Jacobson is also a religious Jew).
Does Jacobson not realize this or is he letting his hypersensitivity overrule his senses? Regardless, Jacobson has provided a gem (homosexual grooming) in his complaint to the EEOC, perhaps unknowingly. Perhaps he thought he could gain more sympathy by adding in a seemingly “homophobic” angle to his complaint. But this gem has only fuelled our suspicions of Jones, his COINTELPRO operation, and how he commands obedience among his employees and co-conspirators. And it appears to work this same way in the Trump’s circles and among his Chabad organized crime syndicate controllers.
Jacobson drops another, albeit small, gem in his complaint. As you read this, keep in mind the dirty trickstering well known of Trump shills like Roger Stone and Putin’s Russian troll farm Internet Research Agency.
“Work on Alex’s films included finding embarrassing pictures of politicians on the internet, and I was searching through pictures of the Clintons caught making funny or embarrassing faces on camera and I noticed a unique one of Hillary Clinton that I’ve never seen before.”
I am sure this is just a drop in the bucket. But it’s yet more evidence that Jones is not a legitimate truther. As it happens, in Beckfords complaint, she spoke of a “Russian operative” named Daria at the Infowars office.[XI]

Regardless of these gems, I am sure Alex Jones supporters will take this is an opportunity to claim that these frivolous accusations by Jacobson somehow prove that Jones is not controlled by Jews, when it doesn’t prove anything but what a scumbag Jones is. He is still the same obedient goy groveling for shekels as he was in 1996 when he (they) started his operation. If he weren’t, the Jewish establishment would have brought him down long ago. Jones is a bullying, narcissistic, debauched creature, like Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before him. All three Likudniks happen to be working for the same agenda. All three are facing public backlash against corruption.
There is little doubt that an egomaniacal narcissist like Jones would use intimidation and harassment to control his staff. He even uses ironclad non-disclosure agreements to keep a lid on things down there in Austin, Texas.
Going by the growing evidence of his sexual compromise, there is little doubt that he would throw sexual perversion into the mix as well. Sex is not only a very powerful form of blackmail, it can be a very powerful form of intimidation. Control and domination are the end result in both instances.
Beckford describes an incident in her complaint of Jones’ sexual intimidation:
“After the broadcast, I was with Alex Jones, Rob Dew, and several other staff members in Rob Dew’s office (which also seats several other desks for staffers). I was talking about how I didn’t agree with the white woman who had said that she knows about the black community better than I do because she has a black wife. Alex Jones was still pretending to feel sympathy for my plight as a black female Trump supporter, and he put his arm around my shoulder to initiate a “side hug.” After he pulled me into his side, instead of removing his arm from my shoulder, he allowed his arm to slide down my back and he grabbed my butt with his right hand. Simultaneously, he was commending to those in the room, ‘Who wouldn’t want to have a black wife?’ in response to my comment.”
This behaviour completely corroborates the testimony of Alex Jones’ ex-wife Kelly during their custody trial. She portrayed him as an out-of-control egomaniac who was a threat to her and their children. The trial also forced Jones lawyers to admit that Jones’ on-air persona is all an act.[XII]

“I felt embarrassed and nervous,” Beckford went on, “but I knew that he had specifically touched my behind at that moment as a sly come-on that other people may notice. It was extremely ironic because it was the lesbian white woman with the black wife who had mentioned earlier that night, on camera, how Alex Jones is a womanizer who loves Grey Goose. I didn’t know then that later on that same night, he would be drunk enough to feel confident about fondling his female staffers. (Most of the staff was drinking alcohol that night in the office, as was the usual on late nights. Alex Jones was in possession of his trademark mugs and paper cups, which his staffers often alleged contained alcohol-infused beverages.)[XIII]

“Alex Jones came to my desk on one occasion to find out ‘what I like to do for fun’ outside of work, and its my opinion that it was his intention to see if he could groom me for sexual exploitation because he also mentioned that I had a ‘good body that looked like I worked out.’ I was concerned that these unwanted sexual advances would eventually result in a request for sexual favors in exchange for promotions. In the office, it was rumoured that he may have had inappropriate relationships with other female production staff employees…. Alex often spent his time shirtless, and endlessly leering, with or without a shirt, at female guests and emplyoees….”[XIV]
What this all shows is the arrogance of Alex Jones and the criminal power structure he represents. When they think they can get away with anything, they tend to go too far. Too big to fail and too big to be exposed, runs their delusion. Thus, we see the public downfall of Alex Jones…and of Trump—a crime syndicate operative with his own closet of bullying, harassment, and sexual compromise.[XV] Like Trump, Jones denies everything.
[I] Parry, Ryan, EXCLUSIVE: Fired Infowars staffers at war with Alex Jones – one claiming he was teased as the site’s ‘resident Jew’ while African American worker says she was ‘mocked’ for her skin tone and Jones ‘grabbed her behind’ – The Daily Mail, Feb. 28, 2018 – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5419371/Former-Infowars-employees-claim-Alex-Jones-harassed-them.html
[II] Borchers, Callu, Alex Jones is a narcissist, a witness testifies, The Washington Post, April 20, 2017 – https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/04/20/alex-jones-is-a-narcissist-a-witness-says-and-possibly-the-worst-client-ever
[III] Hays County Court record on Alex Jones divorce settlement https://fitzinfo.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/jones-divorce-hays-county-courty-record.pdf
[IV] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, Alex Jones ignores adultery claim, leaked divorce with Jewish wife, Fitzpatrick Informer, September 8, 2015 – https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2015/09/08/alex-jones-keeps-audience-in-dark-about-alleged-adultery-leading-to-divorce-with-jewish-wife/
[V] Webb, Stew, Alex Jones Secret Divorce Revealed!, September 6, 2015 – http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/09/alex-jones-secret-divorce-revealed-3210362.html
[VI] The Daily Mail http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/28/17/49AAF9A800000578-5419371-image-m-6_1519838463966.jpg
[VII] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, Alt Right Mike Cernovich helping Epstein-Mossad child-sex ring, Fitzpatrick Informer, May 6, 2017 – https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2017/05/06/pizzagate-activist-cernovich-a-double-agent/
[VIII] The Daily Mail http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/28/17/49AAF9AC00000578-5419371-image-m-5_1519838390481.jpg
[IX] Alex Jones and Jewish Sponsors – http://alexjonesexposed.info/alex-jones-and-jewish-sponsors/
[X] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, The growing complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections, Fitzpatrick Informer, May 31, 2013 – https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/the-growing-complexity-of-alex-jones-israeli-connections/
[XI] ibid http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/26/15/499B7F6300000578-5419371-image-a-9_1519658174113.jpg
[XII] Worley, Will, InfoWars’ Alex Jones is a ‘performance artist playing a character’, says his lawyer, The Independent, April 17, 2017 – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/infowars-alex-jones-performance-artist-playing-character-lawyer-conspiracy-theory-donald-trump-a7687571.html
[XIII] ibid http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/28/14/499B7F6D00000578-5419371-Beckford_claimed_that_Jones_groped_her_behind_with_his_hand_and_-a-3_1519827437271.jpg
[XIV] ibid http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/02/28/14/499B7F7D00000578-5419371-According_to_the_EEOC_complaint_Beckford_also_alleges_Jones_trie-a-2_1519827437263.jpg
[XV] Fitzpatrick, Timothy, Trump controlled by Mossad, Fitzpatrick Informer, October 29, 2016 – https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/
Have you ever heard about the Aaron and Melissa Dykes harassment incident? Anyone within a mile of Infowars or the pop alt media sphere generally is to be taken with a large grain of salt obviously, but they seem credible enough in this interview.
They seem sincere enough, but I have detected some disinfo in their presentations. As with anything, take the good, leave the bad. I’m going to give this a listen again. Thanks for the link.
Reblogged this on B'Man's Revolt and commented:
I always thought the blowhard was a fag