Illuminati Agents – Series VI

The Zionist Eddy Bernays, nephew of Zionist pseudo-scientist Sigmund Freud (father of the sexual revolution), was instrumental in the development of modern propaganda techniques, today called public relations and advertizing. Ivy Ledbetter Lee, a WASP stooge of the Rockefeller elite, was also instrumental in its development. Lee was likely a Freemason.

It has not been conclusively proven that King Henry VIII’s concubine Anne Boleyn was a practicing witch; however, much of the evidence suggests this to be the case. Even Henry himself is purported to have stated that he was seduced by Boleyn through sorcery. Wiccans themselves make no bones about it, saying for certain that Boleyn was indeed part of their craft. They seem to take pride in the notion that Boleyn was part of their coven (Wiccan books boast of Boleyn’s membership in the craft). It is conclusive that Boleyn’s daughter, Elizabeth, who became one of Britain’s mightiest queens, was into Kabbalah magic, astrology, and set the foundation for British Freemasonry. Elizabeth’s right-hand man was Kabbalist magician John Dee, who also helped found British Freemasonry and what later became Christian Zionism through Christian Kabbalism.

Dispensationalism, a Jewish heresy that has crept into the Church over the last few hundred years, was popularized in the mainstream in the 1970s and 1980s by Hal Lindsey, particularly with his best-seller The Late Great Planet Earth. Needless to say, Lindsey is a staunch Zionist fanatic who used to appear on TBN with a prophecy show. Tim LaHaye, a Christian Zionist author whose books gave way to the Hollywood production Left Behind and its sequels, has been spreading Illuminst doctrines for many years along with Lindsey. In 1981, LaHaye founded a Protestant version of the Council on Foreign Relations called the Council For National Policy (CNP), comprised of a roster of televangelists and neo-conservatives. LaHaye used Masonic symbols, like the Knights Templar cross and crown on the cover of Power of the Cross, in his books and literature.


    Like ‘Char Witch’ (can’t make that up) Ft Bragg Guard Lewis’ daughter who participated in lethal gas lighting upon me == she admitted laughingly to me she knew my windows would be hit with Projectiles and future Gas lighting asking me to point out which houses were military or ex-commissioned the weekend the Lewis’ sent me to a Satellite Hit Job by her NSA granddaddy Thomas Lewis SR. She was a practicing Witch and all those around me who joined in were WICCA ritural lovers who prayed to the full moon and had a half moon in one of their bedrooms. They used my late-husband’s tragic death as a literal ritual to send me to my slow death. Here’s another article on those that practice witch-wicca rituals. They’re known in the past as traitors.
    It has not been conclusively proven that King Henry VIII’s concubine Anne Boleyn was a practicing witch; however, much of the evidence suggests this to be the case. Even Henry himself is purported to have stated that he was seduced by Boleyn through sorcery. Wiccans themselves make no bones about it, saying for certain that Boleyn was indeed part of their craft. They seem to take pride in the notion that Boleyn was part of their coven (Wiccan books boast of Boleyn’s membership in the craft). It is conclusive that Boleyn’s daughter, Elizabeth, who became one of Britain’s mightiest queens, was into Kabbalah magic, astrology, and set the foundation for British Freemasonry. Elizabeth’s right-hand man was Kabbalist magician John Dee, who also helped found British Freemasonry and what later became Christian Zionism through Christian Kabbalism.

  2. [Greets, FI. Found the following tidbit on the never boring WWW. Enjoy.]
    The Pretrib Rapture Jackpot!
    by Bruce Rockwell
    Attention, writers. You can make millions by promoting the pretrib rapture!
    As you know, pretrib began in Scotland in 1830. Early developers including Edward Irving and John Darby admitted it was then a totally new view that had never been part of any theology or organized church.
    They also admitted that it had suddenly sprung from only OT and NT “types” and “symbols” and not from any clear Bible statement! (Part of their “cut and paste” included stretching forward “gather” (Matt. 24:31) on their “charts” and turning it into a pretrib coming!)
    As late as 1957, pretrib expert John Walvoord admitted in “The Rapture Question” (p. 148) that “pretribulationism” is NOT “an explicit teaching of Scripture”!
    Since the early 1900s pretrib has been sold by novelists like Sydney Watson (in 1913) and by Salem Kirban whose “Left Behind”-type novel “666” came out in 1970 – the same year Hal Lindsey’s “The Late Great Planet Earth” started breaking sales records.
    The very first pretrib rapture novel titled “Left Behind” came from the joint pens of Peter and Patti Lalonde in mid-1995 before Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins somehow came up with the very same title: “Left Behind”!
    The pretrib rapture view, which admittedly is only an “inference” and not “explicit,” rests basically on verses in John 14, I Thess. 4, and I Cor. 15, none of which have either a “taken/left” separation or exciting, nail-biting scenarios that can “sell” pretrib.
    You have to go to Revelation’s action-packed chapters instead. When you do, you discover they can be tied to end time details found basically in the Olivet Discourse.
    As you know, pretribs believe in two stages; Stage 1 is the pretrib rapture which supposedly occurs several years before Stage 2 which is the posttrib second coming to earth.
    Since the three “rapture” chapters listed above don’t have any clear rapture-type separation between the “righteous” and the “wicked,” your best launching pad if you want to be a bestselling author is “the one shall be taken, and the other left” phrase in Matt. 24:40, 41 and Luke 17:34-36.
    Trouble is, Dr. Walvoord and many other pretrib leaders declare that the “one taken” refers to the “wicked” taken in judgment while the “righteous” are left! But since average pew-sitters don’t seem to know this, you can easily convince them that the “one taken” is a sort of code for an any-moment pretrib rapture!
    And the pew-sitters don’t know that Walvoord etc. also teach that the same phrase is part of “non-imminent” Stage 2 which is posttrib (and not pretrib) and is on “Jewish” (and not “Church”) ground!
    In order to preserve Stage 1 (the long-stretched-forward pretrib rapture), pretrib merchandisers in recent decades have been stretching forward various aspects found in Stage 2 and quietly applying them to Stage 1. Aspects include “the day of the Lord,” “God’s wrath,” “the taken/left phrase,” “the unknown day and hour,” and Christ’s coming “as a thief” (which in the Bible is always tied to Armageddon and other posttrib events).
    (For more on the above, Google “The Correct Answer to Who’s Taken” etc. on Joe Ortiz’s blog of Apr. 12, 2010. Sure, there’s disagreement on who’s “taken” first, but pretrib pew-sitters forget or don’t know that THE TAKEN/LEFT PHRASE IS FOUND IN ONLY A POSTTRIB SETTING IN THE BIBLE!!)
    Yes, I’ve told you how you can turn yourself into a bestselling, wealthy author.
    But unfortunately you have some competition because LaHaye and Jenkins have long been aware of the above facts. And for years they’ve been milking their 19th century cash cow (which hasn’t dried up yet) to shatter all-time sales records and make millions of pretrib dollars that are destined to be left behind!
    For more on LaHaye etc. Google “The ‘Left Behind’ Rupture,” “LaHaye’s Temperament,” “Jerry Jenkins Apologizes for Being Seen Gambling in Casinos,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” “Pretrib Rapture Pride,” “Walvoord Melts Ice,” “Famous Rapture Watchers,” “Margaret Macdonald’s Rapture Chart,” “Pretrib Rapture’s Missing Lines,” “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism,” “Evangelicals Use Occult Deception,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” “Letter from Mrs. Billy Graham,” “Pretrib Rapture: A Staged Event,” “Pretrib Rapture Stealth,” “Pretrib Hypocrisy,” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.” (Most of these are by the author of “The Rapture Plot,” the most accurate and documented book on pretrib rapture history, obtainable by calling 800.643.4645.) BTW, for a unique Obama-inspired article, Google “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”
    In closing let me say that Jeremiah 17:11 warns that “he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.”
    And you can bet on this!

    Because of their OWN CLEAR rejection of Jesus Christ even today as their savior, and as their Lord Messiah all of the Jews had since the time of Jesus Christ stopped being God’s chosen people, their Jerusalem temple was destroyed permanently, and next no new God Ordained temple will be even be rebuilt with God’s approval anymore even because Jesus Christ himself is the new temple of God.
    The Jews already tried to rebuild the Temple. In 363 A.D., egged on by the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate, the Jews tore down every remaining stone from the old temple to begin rebuilding it. But God miraculously halted this work.
    Jesus predicted that not one stone of the Jewish Temple would remain atop another. The Romans utterly destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D. What many people don’t know is that in 363 A.D. the Jews tried to rebuild it, but God would have none of this. The Jews they began to dig the new temple foundation, many thousands were employed. But what they had thrown up in the day was, by repeated earthquakes, the night following cast back again into the trench. “And when Alypius the next day earnestly pressed on the work, with the assistance of the governor of the province, there issued,” says Ammianus, “‘such horrible balls of fire out of the earth near the foundations,’ which rendered the place, from time to time, inaccessible to the scorched and blasted workmen. And the victorious element continuing in this manner obstinately and resolutely bent as it were to drive them to a distance, Alypius thought proper to give over the enterprise.” This judgment of the Almighty was ushered in by storms and whirlwinds, by which prodigious heaps of lime and sand and other loose materials were carried away. After these followed lightning, the usual consequence of collision of clouds in tempests. Its effects were, first the destroying the more solid materials, and melting down the iron instruments; and secondly, the impressing shining crosses on the bodies and garments of the assistants without distinction, in which there was something that in art and elegance exceeded all painting or embroidery; which when the infidels perceived, they endeavored, but in vain, to wash them out. In the third place came the earthquake which cast out the stones of the old foundations, and shook the earth into the trench or cavity dug for the new; besides overthrowing the adjoining buildings and porticoes wherein were lodged great numbers of Jews designed for the work, who were all either crushed to death, or at least maimed or wounded. The number of the killed or hurt was increased by the fiery eruption in the fourth place, attended both with storms and tempests above, and with an earthquake below. From this eruption, many fled to a neighboring church for shelter, but could not obtain entrance; whether on account of its being closed by a secret invisible hand, as the fathers state the case, or at least by a special providence, through the entrance into the oratory being choked up by a freighted crowd, all pressing to be foremost.
    Lastly, on the same evening, there appeared over Jerusalem a lucid cross, shining very bright, as large as that in the reign of Constantine, encompassed with a circle of light. “And what could be so proper to close this tremendous scene, or to celebrate this decisive victory, as the triumphant, encircled with the symbol of conquest?”
    This miraculous event, with all its circumstances, is related by the writers of that age; by St. Gregory Nazianzen in the year immediately following it; by St. Chrysostom, in several parts of his works, who says that it happened not twenty years before, appeals to eye-witnesses still living and young, and to the present condition of those foundations, “of which,” says he, “we are all witnesses;” by St. Ambrose in his fortieth epistle written in 388; Rufinus, who had long lived upon the spot; Theodoret, who lived in the neighborhood in Syria; Philostorgius, the Arian; Sozomen, who says many were alive when he wrote who had it from eye-witnesses, and mentions the visible marks still subsisting; Socrates, &c. The testimony of the heathens corroborates this evidence; as that of Ammianus Marcellinus above quoted, a nobleman of the first rank, who then lived in the court of Julian at Antioch and in an office of distinction, and who probably wrote his account from the letter of Alypius to his master at the time when the miracle happened. Libanius, another pagan friend and admirer of Julian, both in the history of his own life, and in his funeral oration on Julian’s death, mentions these earthquakes in Palestine,
    The early church historian Socrates testifies, that at the sight of the miracles, the Jews at first cried out that Christ is God; yet returned home as hardened as ever. St. Gregory Nazianzen says, that many Gentiles were converted upon it, and went over to the Church. Theodoret and Sozomen say many were converted; but as to the Jews, they evidently mean a sudden flash of conviction, not a real and lasting conversion. The incredulous blinded themselves by various presences: but the evidence of the miracle leaves no room for the least cavil or suspicion. The Christian writers of that age are unanimous in relating it with its complicated circumstances, yet with a diversity which shows their agreement, though perfect, could not have been concerted.
    Even Jewish Rabbis, who do not copy from Christian writers, relate this event in the same manner with the fathers from their own traditions and records. This great event happened in the beginning of the year 363.
    The Jews gave up on the project. Jews themselves took the remaining stones from the Temple Mount. In hindsight, the extraordinary act of Moshe Dayan handing over the Temple Mount to the Muslims can actually be seen as an Act of God. This is because, according to Scripture – the Lord sees no need for the Jewish Temple be rebuilt. . God was pleased to put these now useless ceremonial observances out of business. The restoration of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem according to the Jews would defeat the Christian argument of replacement theology – that the Church was the true Israel, and that the Temple’s destruction and the subsequent exile was the just punishment suffered by the Jewish people for the Crucifixion.
    The Jews set about to rebuild their temple, they might have pretended God permit them thrice to attempt it; once under Adrian, when they brought a greater desolation upon themselves; a second time under Constantine the Great, who dispersed them, cut off their ears, and branded their bodies with the marks of rebellion.

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