By Yaroslav Lisovolik
April 15, 2022 Anno Domini
Translated from Russian
In the context of an unprecedented growth of geopolitical risks in the world, there is a growing awareness that the old architecture of the world order is being replaced by a new configuration of international relations and regional blocs. One of the most important driving forces of this kind of transformation of the world economy is the countries of the global South, which create their own institutions, regional integration associations and financial settlement systems. Among the leaders of these processes are the largest emerging markets, primarily the BRICS countries. So, in March 2022, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said:
“The BRICS countries, which make up almost half of the world’s population and a significant part of world GDP, will be one of the backbones of the new emerging world order.”
In order for BRICS to become the basis for a new world order, this bloc must offer other countries of the world economy new paradigms for the development of a global scale. Such areas in the new world economic architecture may include the restart of globalization based on a new platform of countries and regions, the creation of a new institutional system for the modernization of the countries of the world economy, the creation of a new pool of reserve currencies from emerging markets, the creation of an alternative track to the Western format for the development of the world economy, the creation new regional blocs and platforms for their coordination and development.
Almost all of these possible paradigms of a global scale can be implemented within the broad BRICS+ format, which opens up various options for the BRICS countries to interact with the rest of the world economy. The BRICS+ format, initiated by China in 2017, still has to get its tangible contours of development in many respects, although some possible models for cooperation within its framework have already been announced by representatives of the BRICS countries. China’s BRICS Presidency in 2022 creates a favorable basis for the development of the BRICS+ format, while Chinese representatives have already stated that they are considering the development of the BRICS+ concept in the context of interaction, including regional integration associations of the countries of the global South.

From the point of view of practical implementation, one of the most accessible formats for BRICS+ is the union of three all-continental regional associations, including the African Union, CELAC (an association of Latin American countries), and the SCO/SCO+ in Eurasia. This kind of alliance provides maximum coverage for the countries of the global South, which does not require deep and complex economic integration or harmonization of economic interaction formats on all three continents. The expanded format provides an opportunity to coordinate interaction for developing countries in the international arena in the field of promoting the priorities of the global South agenda in the field of sustainable development.
This year, relatively favorable conditions are emerging for the formation of such an expanded circle of interaction between developing countries: in Latin America, within the framework of the CELAC association, Argentina presides, which has recently stepped up steps to establish interaction with BRICS. The suspension of Brazil’s participation in CELAC in 2020 seems to be a deterrent in the Latin American direction, but this factor is likely to be temporary. The SCO in 2022 is chaired by Uzbekistan, a country that is actively involved in the integration processes in Eurasia after a period of closedness. Senegal takes over AU chairmanship in 2022 , which promotes issues of coordination and cooperation of regional integration associations, and also significantly increases interaction with the BRICS countries, primarily with China .

The second track within the framework of BRICS+ can be a platform for interaction between regional integration blocs, in which the BRICS countries participate. This kind of platform may include the priority regional integration projects of the BRICS countries – MERCOSUR, the South African Customs Union, BIMSTEK, the EAEU, as well as the RCEP or the Free Trade Area of China and ASEAN. All these regional blocs can cooperate in a coordinated manner towards the harmonization of standards and a more open economic space for trade and investment by the BRICS countries and their regional partners. It is important to note that at this stage, most of the countries of the association form their foreign trade policy precisely in the format of regional integration blocs (RF-EAEU, Brazil-MERCOSUR, South Africa – SACU).
When creating such platforms, the spirit of multilateralism and the construction of a new architecture in the interests of the entire expanded format of the global South is important. Attempts to form BRICS+ on the basis of exclusively narrow national interests may adversely affect the prospects for the development of the BRICS+ initiative itself and other multilateral initiatives of the BRICS countries. For BRICS+ as a new format of interaction between the BRICS countries, the key to success lies in the multimodality of various formats of interaction within the framework of BRICS+, which can take into account the entire range of national interests and priorities of the BRICS countries and their regional partners.
Thus, within the framework of the BRICS+ format, two tracks of interaction between the countries of the global South can be formed:
- The SCO + AU + SELAC format is the most inclusive and focused on the broad interaction of developing countries in international organizations. This kind of format may to a greater extent reflect the vision of China, announced back in 2017 by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who announced BRICS+ as the largest platform for interaction for developing countries.
- A platform for the “integration of integrations” of regional economic groupings, in which the leaders are the BRICS countries. This format largely reflects the Russian BRICS+ development concept announced by Sergey Ryabkov at the beginning of 2018: “We invite our partners to consider the BRICS+ format as a development platform for what could be called ‘integration of integrations’.”
If the Chinese BRICS+ format is a kind of maximum coverage of the global South in breadth, then for the Russian BRICS+ format, the depth and harmonization of the integration of priority regional projects of the BRICS countries becomes more important.
In general, the number of tracks and formats of interaction between developing countries can be much larger and reflect the globalization vision of each member of the BRICS bloc. In other words, the BRICS+ platform can be the basis for the divergence of models and platforms for development and economic integration, in contrast to the unipolar/“mono-model” approach of the integration processes of developed countries. In this regard, for the development of the BRICS+ format within this kind of divergence of development patterns, it is important that India, Brazil and South Africa also present their vision of the BRICS+ concept, as well as globalization within the global South and beyond. It is possible that for India,
Activation of the role of BRICS in the international arena can also occur through the improvement of the mechanism of functioning of the Pool of Conditional Foreign Exchange Reserves (CUVR) of the BRICS. In the last few years, the BRICS RWR has stepped up coordination with other regional financial institutions (RFIs) through regular IMF consultations with regional financial facilities. At the same time, the activity of the BRICS PWR has been significantly lower in response to the crisis in the BRICS countries in recent years compared to the BRICS NDBs. Within the framework of the BRICS+ mechanism, it would be possible to consider the possibility of strengthening the mandate of the BRICS IWR to monitor the macroeconomic situation in the BRICS countries, to develop coordinated anti-crisis measures, as well as to interact with the BRICS IWR with other RFIs of developing countries and regional partners of the BRICS countries. In particular, it would be possible to form a regular mechanism for coordinating the BRICS IWRP with the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD), the Chiang Mai Initiative of the ASEAN countries and their regional partners (CMIM), as well as the Latin American RFO FLAR. Another direction could be the expansion of membership in the BRICS IWR by including regional partners of the BRICS countries, including a number of countries that have received membership in the BRICS NDB.
The prospects for the transformation of the world economy are largely related to the coordination of actions between the largest countries of the global South, primarily between the BRICS countries. However, for a truly global restart of the development of the world economy, a more expanded format of BRICS + interaction is needed, which will allow other countries of the developing world to be involved in this process. In this case, the reformatting of the global economy will become truly inclusive and sustainable. An important tool for scaling up the transformation of the world economy can be the format of “integration of integrations” within the framework of cooperation between regional integration blocs of the countries of the global South. China’s BRICS Presidency in 2022 can give an additional impetus to the processes of building platforms for interaction between regional groupings of developing countries.
This kind of BRICS progress towards creating platforms for cooperation between regional integration associations of developing countries can become the basis for the formation of a common platform for cooperation among all countries of the global South. This expanded platform could contribute to the growth of the inclusive development and openness of the countries of the global South, their greater dynamism, the structuring of integration associations, filling the vacuum and “white spots” on the map of the integration processes of the developing world. So far, we have to state that developed countries are much more provided with dynamic and structured integration associations compared to the countries of the global South.
Yaroslav Lisovolik , Doctor of Economics, Program Director of the Valdai International Discussion Club, RIAC Member
Global wave of expropriation
by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer, Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V.
Whoever gives away his assets and entrusts them to strangers (including banks) can be expropriated.
The USA have the highest indebtedness in their history (over 30 trillion dollars = 135% GDP), so they have been over-indebted for a long time and are therefore actually no longer creditworthy.
But they also have the highest balance of payments deficits in their history ($976 billion in 2020), which they can only cover in a makeshift way by forcing their satellites to pay NATO contributions (for the U.S. defense industry) and continuing to “print money” without real value cover. These “fiat dollars” are accepted in the world only as long as there is confidence in the dollar. However, this confidence is no longer based on economic strength, but on the military strength of the USA. And this has been tarnished; not only since Vietnam and Syria, but also from the defeat and flight of the world’s largest army from Afghanistan. So not even more than $800 billion in military spending can make the U.S. army victorious in regional wars. It can no longer defend the dollar empire. As soon as this realization takes hold, that is, as soon as the world loses confidence in the dollar, the Americans will also lose their financial inflows, their liquidity, their solvency – the second reason for bankruptcy.
The war in Ukraine is not only supported by the U.S. through military aid deliveries, but has long since become an economic and financial war between the U.S. and Russia. Economic sanctions – especially against oil and gas – are intended to damage Russia’s solvency, and financial sanctions (exclusion from the SWIFT agreement) are intended to shut down its solvency despite high balances.
And all over the world, Russian assets are being seized, not only assets of the Russian state, but also of Russian individuals, not only the oligarchs, and even foreign assets in Russia. The same measures that the U.S. and its allies took against German assets in and after the last world war: The expropriation of Germans all over the world. Now it is the Russians who are expropriated everywhere in the world – even harmless Russian citizens who cannot do anything for the war and have nothing to do with it at all. It is enough that they are Russians (as Germans used to be) to expropriate their property.
During and after the last world war, England, France and the USA, by expropriation of German state and private property, have
– confiscated and sold all foreign branches of our companies worth many billions of dollars,
– expropriated the accounts of German companies and German private individuals all over the world – hundreds of billions of dollars worth,
– all German patents expropriated and sold in the USA – value more than 100 billion dollars,
– also the real estate owned by Germans anywhere in the world was expropriated and disposed of in favor of the state assets of the victorious powers – value difficult to estimate, but also in the billions of dollars.
The expropriation of the Germans 70 years ago is now threatening the Russians with the same justification: enemy of war.
Because the world accepts the expropriation wave against the Russians by the propagandistic hate against Russia, further expropriation waves will come soon. This time not for war reasons, but for debt and liquidity constraints.
The mountains of debt piled up internationally not only in the USA, but also in the EU by many states of the world through “cheap money at zero interest” can no longer be paid off through savings (point of no return), but only through expropriation of the creditors, i.e. through first progressive inflation and then currency reform. This has always been the case in the course of history with over-indebtedness and is now also before us. The reason will then not be the unrestrained indebtedness for spending orgies of governments, but possibly the Ukraine war or the Corona consequences or both. In any case, people will have to accept the expropriations and suddenly realize that the previously high financial liquidity was just foam. If the foam evaporates, a much smaller quantity of goods, perhaps only 20 or 40 % real values, is revealed, thus the people are thrown back from the illusion of great wealth into the reality of scarcity and poverty.
Inflation and currency reform is nationwide financial expropriation. It has already begun with the zero interest rate, which expropriated savers (360 billion euros in Germany alone) and destroyed old-age pensions. Instead of protesting against it, the population even re-elected the political expropriators, i.e. accepted the expropriation through zero interest.
The population will also not rebel against the price increases through inflation, especially since the politicians will not admit that they themselves are actually to blame for this through money supply – through an orgy of debt – but will bring another culprit. The Ukraine war, Putin.
This is evident in the gas and oil business. The federal government pretends that the oil price is made by the oil multinationals or the Russians. In fact, more than 60% of the price of oil is taxes. So if the oil price rises – and with it the taxes – the federal government would have it in its hands to keep the oil price stable by lowering the taxes in the oil price. The state does not want to do however without these permanent incomes, plans therefore only “temporary” measures, wants thus the cost increase and inflation expropriation of the citizens further to operate.
Highest danger exists thus for all savings capital and all accounts. The last currency reforms in Germany in 1947 with expropriations of 90% and the conversion to the euro in 2001 = – 50% have taught that every currency reform is at the expense of all private money owners and ultimately always benefits the state. After all, the deliberate purpose of every currency reform is precisely to reduce excess liquidity in the economy and the private sector through devaluation. The fact that this simultaneously reduces the government’s over-indebtedness goes unmentioned.
Anyone who lends money or transfers money to a bank or insurance company or other private businessman has, in effect, surrendered property and has only an obligatory claim that he will get it back. But this legal claim is worth less and less in the age of expropriation, is respected less and less, and therefore endangers any account money.
The proof has been brought again and again by the Swiss and US banks. The assets of the Tsars have never been restored by Switzerland, nor those of the Shah of Persia. And who believes to have money with Swiss banks or on accounts, will experience like now the Russians, how difficult it is to get money and property (from safes) from there again. Many will fail!
The Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen is aware of many cases in which Swiss and US banks have successfully prevented gold and valuables deposits in Switzerland and the USA from being retrieved by the depositors themselves or their heirs. The financial science speaks even of the “century business of the embezzlement” by gangster banks. So whoever has legal claims for the return of his deposit contents or his account is always in the weak situation, has to prove, has to sue, may have to wait for years and often remains unsuccessful. Trust in banks, funds and other capital collection agencies should therefore be reduced just as drastically as expropriation practices are progressing.
The expropriation of the Russians has thus destroyed the global basis of law and trust again after more than 70 years. But if I am no longer allowed to trust my debtors to pay back my loans, the highest danger is for all deposits in banks and shares in funds – for all financial assets that have transformed property into manipulable claims for restitution.
The long overdue recession, now triggered by the Ukraine war, will be intentionally increased to a “Great Reset” by the “Schwab-Connection” (Davos) and will have many losers who could not resist the encroaching public and private hands.
Middle class research even calculates that this great recession and wave of expropriation will drive about one third of the middle class into the lower class and into poverty, that our middle class society will be permanently changed by it.
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer (born August 15, 1932 in Mettmann) is a German economist. His main focus is on the economics of medium-sized businesses. In the 1970s, he founded the privately run Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen in Hanover and published more than 20 books on the subject of medium-sized businesses. Hamer received the Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1986.
Bolshewikipedia https://de.zxc.wiki/w
Your comment was too long. Did you mean that the whole system was designed to implode – at the expense of us, ‘the little people’?
If so, I agree.
To add to that, the French, ‘State’, (or corporations therein) can now own my land. I can own the walls, roof etc of my house…but not the land that the walls are built upon. For that I have to take a lease…from whatever corporation is authorised by the state.
Yeah that’s been the plan all along, regional districts all under the control of jew/crypto jews at the highest levels and their proxies like freemasons, communists and just scumbags of all types. Then those are beholden to these completely satanic international bodies of despots who have the backing of the financial mafia, one large satanic mafia. These are all havens for perverts and sickos of all kinds who are fully compromised, they even throw a few of them under the bus now and then as reminders, presidents like kennedy, pm’s, high officials, industrialists, entertainers, moguls etc etc if they step out of line are subject to this mafia. Then they have their own satanic mirrors of saints like MLK, Martin Luther, Lincoln, JFK, Nelson Mandela, jews and crypto jews of all kinds, Voltaire, Freud, Darwin, Marx, RBG, Lenin, jackie robinson(on Easter) etc etc all kinds of types in all fields. Their marxist “intl day of” XX is a replacement of the daily feast of a particular Saint like in the Missal, which the Vatican 2 church has left out of their missalettes. I have not read the book but it has an appropriate title “New Underworld Order”. They have their boogie men of various kinds like North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, Islamic terrorism, gun violence, global warming, “nuclear” weapons and various super weapons etc Gotta keep the peoples head down, afraid and subdued.
I’d bet that everyone in that bric picture is of either jew or crypto jew heritage no exceptions to any ethnicity whatsoever. I read that jews are the top people who change their names worldwide openly and legally and of course in pre-industrial society you just decided to call yourself another name with no formalities needed. Waves of mafia members, mischpucka, spread everywhere and especially anywhere there is money to be made either legally or illegally. One of the largest tits is marxist governments which are pretty much all of them at all levels, graft and fraud encrusted. In the USA in even very small towns all levels of government pay well above the average workers pay, creating a wealthy government class which is of course fully on board with whatever comes down from the top. In a town of 10,000 people which is dependent on cottage industries and seasonal tourism where the average pay is 12$/hr you have these gov mafia making 30-50/hr at the lower middle and mid levels. The lowest levels are usually at the min wage but it’s an entry into the mafia and of course the full pension and benefits tit. Paid off boobs who enforce tyranny. They love inviting in destroyers like the rockefeller jew walmart, mcdonalds and other megacorp monopolists which kill off small-medium independently owned businesses and making these places just more in the grip of the marxist mafia. These places made a killing during covid whereas small business suffered inordinately.
I was thinking that the worst most far reaching thing they probably have planned is to turn off the electricity in major sections of the western world. The scapegoat would be chinese/russian/whoever is to be the boogie man in a cyber attack they’ve been seeding in the news for a while. Perhaps putting even worse things in public water supplies than they already do openly with the pretext of the pseudo-theological satanism of scientism. But that would have to be subtle like the sodium fluoride atrocity or in the case of abrupt/immediate in isolated cases where they wanted lots of dead people immediately. Either way it would be a pretext to the arranged war with the chosen boogie man for a new synthesis in the dialectic once the new order was established post war. To these monsters humans are just numbers on spreadsheets to be manipulated for their goals. Satans statistical geometry. The report from Iron Mountain explains the deliberate squandering of things and creation of disasters and suffering as a necessary thing to keep people busy and pointed away from the real problem. I’ve not read it completely admittedly and read what I have years ago but got the gist of it. I’d bet it doesn’t mention the strategy of a “savior” organization coming in afterwards to be the trusted governor, all the while being wholly the thrall of those who started all the trouble in the first place and thus just being an exercise in satanic dialectical materialism.
At this point it’s pretty clear that the images by the beast satanic mafia are enough to get things like 911, “war” in Ukraine, and any number of things that get heavy press and government attention out of nothing at all or completely stage managed events. The wizard behind the veil. Their brainwashing and programming at this point can create unseen undetectable “real” things like Covid etc In the case of 911 it had some real things like buildings collapsing from detonations but everything else was just images, cgi, pre-taped sequences, scripting, gov strong arming and the like. That’s just one of the largest examples there are many many other ones at all levels. Another large one is the so called Zapruder film which was held by time/cia/fbi for 10 years before release. This was clearly edited to hide what really happened, if you can have video you can edit it and mask it and reorder the time sequence ad infinitum. And how was it that one man only was taping the event? Just that seems fishy to me. No photographs by onlookers of such an event? From a link I gave a long time ago which goes through it, it clearly shows indications of masking, time manipulation and who knows what else editing. And I can mention september clues for more on the 911 show. As to Ukraine I trust almost nothing that comes out of the “news” as being representative of anything that’s real about on the ground happenings. It’s another show. All these police tapes and surveillance tapes are also subject to manipulation, the george floyd tape comes to mind but it applies to pretty much any and all levels. It’s scary in both a grimm fairytale way and also in a real way if you grasp the fact that your average person is totally in the bag. No one could escape the setup if so branded by this mafia.
Someone much wiser than me said the best thing to do is threaten to nuke the Holy Land. According to him, this place is so important to NWO/Jewish supremacist types, this threat will back them off.
As to taking ownership of Russia, you forget these guys have took over Russia, twice in the last hundred odd years, and both times the Russians clawed it back from them.
Also I don’t think whites will on mass accept to be cannon fodder for Jews. Then you’ve got Jewish hubris and the way they always, always overplay their hand. Our current Jewish overlords are not on the level of the Jews who wrestled control of the West from a Godless, demoralised white elite.
They were decadent obviously as well, although nowhere near as decadent as we all are now.
I also not sure the Russians will go for mass suicide, however painlessly it is. It is going slowly, but they are going back to their ancient Christian faith. The Russians have went through hard times before, without God they might all kill themselves, but not with Him.
No, they didn’t. The Jews have been firmly in control of Russia since at least 1917. Nothing has changed up to 2022.
And China.
Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.
Why the Chinese tolerate it I do not know..
The Jewish Rotting of China.
Yes, Josh has covered this: https://fitzinfo.net/2021/07/19/how-jews-took-over-china-an-created-chinese-communism/
I have no control over that. What is APP?
JEWISH manipulation of World Leaders.
POPULAR CONSERVATIVE YouTuber and writer Dr. Steve Turley bemoans commenters who post “Jew-hater stuff” to his livestreams. He calls what they post “nonsense.” I wrote:
But it isn’t nonsense, Steve. The “Jew-hater stuff” is a recognition of the rise of predatory Jewish financial systems throughout the West whereby a (mostly) Jewish elite drains off the benefits of (mostly) White productivity by way of usury. Jews more or less run the Federal Reserve System and their equivalents in the UK and in Europe, either directly or by proxy.The same (mostly) Jewish elite controls the mainstream media, and has since about 1910, and from that year until about 1990, when the Internet began to rise, they created a continuous false narrative that held Americans in thrall. The Jews have run Hollywood since its beginning, have owned network television since it appeared in the 1940s, and they’ve engaged in cultural and political propaganda, with an eye toward establishing multiculturalism, for all the years up to the present.
The same Jewish elite contrived the theft and transfer of American nuclear technology to the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Indeed, Communism (or Marxist socialism [a totally different animal from National Socialism]), which is the ideology upon which modern leftism is based, was a Jewish invention. To let the Jews into your country is to set yourself up for betrayal, for the inevitable stab in the back, for a Lavon Affair, for a Hart-Celler Act, for a USS Liberty attack, for a Rachel Corrie murder.
I could go on, but that should be enough.The Jew Taboo is the one that is the most fearful to break because Jewish organizations hold such power that they can ruin the careers of just about anybody.
Sooner or later, every White pundit is put to the question of whether he will stick with the truth and risk furious Jewish retaliation, or whether he will pretend that the question does not exist in order to keep his income and a modicum of peace in his life. It is unfortunately true that a threat to the paycheck is sufficient to make most people pretend to believe every lie they ever heard.
I wish that you’d been stronger.
POPULAR CONSERVATIVE YouTuber and writer Dr. Steve Turley bemoans commenters who post “Jew-hater stuff” to his livestreams. He calls what they post “nonsense.” I wrote:
But it isn’t nonsense, Steve. The “Jew-hater stuff” is a recognition of the rise of predatory Jewish financial systems throughout the West whereby a (mostly) Jewish elite drains off the benefits of (mostly) White productivity by way of usury. Jews more or less run the Federal Reserve System and their equivalents in the UK and in Europe, either directly or by proxy.The same (mostly) Jewish elite controls the mainstream media, and has since about 1910, and from that year until about 1990, when the Internet began to rise, they created a continuous false narrative that held Americans in thrall. The Jews have run Hollywood since its beginning, have owned network television since it appeared in the 1940s, and they’ve engaged in cultural and political propaganda, with an eye toward establishing multiculturalism, for all the years up to the present.
The same Jewish elite contrived the theft and transfer of American nuclear technology to the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Indeed, Communism (or Marxist socialism [a totally different animal from National Socialism]), which is the ideology upon which modern leftism is based, was a Jewish invention. To let the Jews into your country is to set yourself up for betrayal, for the inevitable stab in the back, for a Lavon Affair, for a Hart-Celler Act, for a USS Liberty attack, for a Rachel Corrie murder.
I could go on, but that should be enough.The Jew Taboo is the one that is the most fearful to break because Jewish organizations hold such power that they can ruin the careers of just about anybody.
Sooner or later, every White pundit is put to the question of whether he will stick with the truth and risk furious Jewish retaliation, or whether he will pretend that the question does not exist in order to keep his income and a modicum of peace in his life. It is unfortunately true that a threat to the paycheck is sufficient to make most people pretend to believe every lie they ever heard.
I wish that you’d been stronger.
1.5 million Immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year.The result would be a population with an average IQ of 90 that is too dumb to grasp anything,but intelligent enough to work…..
A multiple milleninia old culture would be destroyed .Irrational people who will fight against this mingling of races and put up any resistance against the global world order should be killed.
Thomas P.M.Barnett ,Jew director of the Israeli military consultancy ‘Wikistart’ in his book ‘The Pentagons New Map ‘ 200
Sourced from the comments section here, worth perusing them, still think Harry Vox is a half truther though been interviewed by Richie Allen , bad sign.
Half Truther phrase mentioned on this blog , worth a visit.
It’s the dialectic you fool.Dialectics is a formula for generating predetermined outcomes. Reduced to its simplest form dialectics could be summed up as problem, reaction, solution. Applying the dialectic is accomplished through a process of tension and resolution. Here an ‘agent of change’ is employed as the strategy to create the problem or crisis thus fomenting the reaction (tension). An attempt is then made to control the problem or outcome by providing a solution (resolution).
A prime example of the dialectical strategy in play is the so called immigration problem. Here it matters not what the party label is but always one will engender the notion of immigration while the other will take a ‘hard line’ applying the necessary tension. The public are encouraged to take sides as if these are the only options yet the resolution will still be mass immigration into Europe destroying the native demographic of our ancestral land. Stealthily managing both sides of this closed system ensures the establishment and their outcome while concealing the real issue. It is as if the immigrant spontaneously began creeping across European borders and now we must deal with it. Indeed discounted is the fact that it was the globalist establishment who deliberately removed those borders without our consent.
BRICS believe in the Holohoax the least.