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Muslim sheikhs sign declaration on the observance of the Noahide Laws

Muslim sheikhs signed the "Declaration on the Observance of the 7 Commandments"

For the first time, Muslim sheikhs signed a declaration of compliance with the 7 commandments of Noah's descendants. It is hoped that this will lead to the dissemination of information about these commandments among the Arab population in Israel and other countries.

At the end of last week, two Muslim sheikhs came to the office of the chief rabbi of Nazeret, Rabbi Yeshayu Herzl - Sheikh Abd Manasra from Nazaret, who has great influence on thousands of Muslims of the city, and Sheikh Halmi from the village of Ilut, located near Nazaret.

The sheikhs came to the rabbi to sign a declaration calling for the observance of the 7 commandments of the descendants of Noah (Noah). Rabbi Herzl explained to them about the seven commandments and specified that they were received by Moshe-rabbin on Mount Sinai along with the command "to influe all mankind to observe the 7 commandments of the descendants of Noah". After that, the sheikhs signed the declaration with a strong desire to continue to disseminate information about the need to observe the 7 commandments of Noah's descendants in the villages of Galilee and schools.

Rabbi Herzl said that 20 years ago he was already honored to teach people these commandments in one of the Galilean villages.

It is worth noting that this is the first time Muslim sheikhs have signed a declaration of observance of the 7 commandments of Noah's descendants. Now there is hope that this will lead to the dissemination of information about these commandments among the Arab population in Israel and other countries.

This event was organized with the participation of Rabbi Boaz Kali, head of the Department for the dissemination of the 7 commandments of the descendants of Noah and Rabbi Shmarya Arel from Nazrat Ilit.
