By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 1, 2020 Anno Domini
A Putinist Russia defector made the spectacular claim in March that Russia controlled U.S. President Barack Obama and penetrated classified high-level U.S. intelligence through James Clapper.
More astonishing yet, this alleged defector, “Boris”, says that Russia had originally planned to keep Obama in the White House until 2018 by way of scandalizing both 2016 presidential contenders—Hillary and Trump—by deliberately leaking its manipulation of the two presidential contenders and electoral process in general, which would result in a constitutional crisis. He also claims that Putin gained NSA codes through through James Clapper, who was a carry over intelligence director from the Kremlin-friendly Bush administration, and used access to the NSA for political and financial gain.
“Putin didn’t care who is gonna win, Trump or Clinton,” Boris said. “His plan was completely different.”
The revelations were made on the Youtube show Decode the News of Trump-tied political commentator Jerome Corsi’s starting on March 19, 2020, spread out over several shows.
The implications of these plausible revelations, contrary to what even loyal GOP talking head Corsi himself is willing to admit, is that the neo-Soviet power structure uses both Right and Left political factions to carry out its objectives—for the eventual overthrow of the West as we know it. So devastating might these revelations be, Corsi, not willing to let Trump be tarnished, seems reluctant to let Boris go too far or make a clearer picture during the shows. Corsi will go on at lengths trying to frame the revelations to a narrative more favourable to Trump, it appears. At times, Corsi even appears to filibuster his own guest! Boris seems to be aware of what Corsi’s game. Regardless, Boris maintains his story. In the last episode, aired on April 23, Boris seemed to mock Corsi’s overly lengthy attempts at framing Boris’s revelations.
Boris might not be allowed back on Corsi’s show, as it must be embarassing for Corsi that this unknown defector’s information is much more plausible than Corsi’s tired narratives.
Below are the shows in order as they were aired:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Some things never change. Putin is doing his job of busting pan-Arab nationalism and exploiting nationalism in the Americas, while making sure the world is demoralized for the Soviet World Commonwealth – aka the Soviet Union under the Jewish Bolshevik National Socialist Party or the British Empire – to come in and seize power. Meanwhile real dissidents all over the Commonwealth and the ‘ex-Soviet’ countries are hiding in fear, in gulags or dead. As O Connell pointed out, you have fake dissidents like Tommy Robinson who stoke chaos while the regressive left runs rampant.
Excellent work, you along with redefininggod, theRapeofJustice and Brendon O Connell really woke me up. Wish more people both in MSM or the ‘alt-media’ would see this.
By the way, have you read ‘And Men Wept’ by Charlotte Baldwin? It’s pretty old, but it exposed the synagogue’s Hegelian tactics and deceptions pretty well.
Corsi being an ass in this latest video
He was. I was thinking that perhaps he caught wind of my analysis of he and Boris and felt angered that his guest is more relevant than he is.
Fitzinfo, I believe this article also has implications for Hong Kong as well, the protests last year were clearly staged and orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party’s secret police and intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security which is modelled after the Soviet KGB. In September, Hong Kong is going to have the legislative council elections but there is a problem, the Pro-Beijing Movement is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party but on the other side, there is the Hong Kong Democracy Movement or known as the Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp, the leadership of the Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement which includes Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai the owner of Apple and Next Media in Hong Kong, Joshua Wong and Nathan Law of Demosisto and Joey Siu and Sunny Cheung of Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Division and Falun Gong which lobbied for House and Senate Bill S 1838 known as the Hong Kong Freedom and Democracy Act has been exposed as under the control and working for the Chinese Communist Party. Then you have Alexander Dugin who is also involved with the Hong Kong Democracy Movement. Also recently Michael Pompeo said that he is waiting until at least June to release the Hong Kong autonomy report, many news reporters who I have spoken to have a hard time contemplating the fact that the Hong Kong Protest last year which has not since ended has the goal of giving the Chinese Communist Party the reason to make Hong Kong part of the Mainland early. If the Hong Kong Democracy Movement wins the Legislative Council elections in September, it is another movement controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, Fitzinfo can I have your opinion on this
It sounds plausible to me, especially if Dugin is involved. We know that Putin’s United Russia Party controls most, if not all, of the opposition parties, who stage squabbles with each other for the “benefit” of the gullible masses (see this article as an example). Your thesis also makes sense in that the Hong Kong protests were widely publicized by the mainstream media, which tend to ignore legitimate, grassroots uprisings. I have not paid much attention to this apparent staged conflict, but I am glad that people like you are. Keep up the vigilance!
Fitzinfo, I have sent you an lengthy email on Martin Lee and Szeto Wah who are considered the founders of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement and the Hong Kong Democratic Party. Both of them to my knowledge have been outed by Hong Kong people who live in Hong Kong and overseas and those who formerly supported the Hong Kong Democracy Movement have also said that Martin Lee and Szeto Wah are Chinese Communist Party Spies/Agents
Fitzinfo, I am not sure if you can comment, since the Hong Kong Democracy Movement/Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp is started by Martin Lee and Szeto Wah who have been outed as Chinese Communist Party Agents/Spies. In the email I sent you which Martin Lee is being interviewed which he mentions Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Agnes Chow are the new leaders of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement. Joshua Wong and Nathan Law of Demosisto have been suspected by the Hong Kong people who live in Hong Kong and overseas to be Chinese Communist Party Agents/Spies. One of the reason is that in September last year, Joshua Wong was caught on German television saying ‘Hong Kong is part of China’ and then in October he said that he wants self determination independence for Hong Kong, then you have Nathan Law who appeared in the US House of Representatives during September last year in a televised session which US Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Chris Smith which was about the House and Senate Bill S 1838 known as the Hong Kong Freedom and Democracy Act which was later on signed by Donald Trump, Nathan Law has been caught saying ‘China can become a democracy’. Another associate of Demosisto Jeffery Ngo was also in that meeting lobbying for S 1838. Agnes Chow and leader of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement has connections with the Japanese Communist Party and she is known to be very fluent in speaking Japanese. To also add in regards to Martin Lee, which has been ignored by the media in general, in the 1990’s Martin Lee played an integral role in getting Communist China admitted into the World Trade Organization and also Martin Lee is responsible for the normalisation of US-China relations in the 1990s, this has truly been ignored by the media
In ALbert Pike’s letter to Giuseppe Mazini in a plan for 3 world wars, for a third world war is plan as follows:
– zionism and muhammedism mutually destroys each other, while other completely exhaust
– christianity vs communism, christianity destroys communism, while christians turn to luciferianism
That will probably be age of Pax Khazarica 2 with transhumanism first, and then posthumanism, then probably assault on Heaven if things continue like this…, [anti-Catholic rhetoric deleted by editor]
Peace be with you.
Tim, not sure if you want to comment, Chinese State Television which is called CCTV has released a 2 day documentary on the Hong Kong Protests last year, they are saying the Hong Kong Protest Movement is ‘Western backed subversion’ when it is the Chinese Communist Party’s Secret Police and Intelligence Agency which is the Ministry of State Security who were involved with the Hong Kong Protest Movement last year:
Hello, A21. It’s difficult to say. I haven’t researched this enough to say with any certainty, but it’s awfully convenient for them to blame the West for this. I think it’s very plausible China is running this as controlled opposition. One of the objectives in this operation is likely to bring in martial law or stricter surveillance measures.
Here’s how Hong Kong protests could give China a chance to tighten its grip
I guess we can’t count on the controlled opposition Epoch Times to give any clarity to this, can we?
Tim, not sure if you can comment, the Epoch Times which is heavily involved with Falun Gong won’t tell it’s readers that the Hong Kong Protest last year was orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party’s Intelligence Agency and Secret Police known as the Ministry of State Security. The Epoch Times will also never tell it’s readers that the leadership of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement or alternatively called the Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp is also controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, individuals like Martin Lee who is called the father of Democracy in Hong Kong, Joshua Wong, Nathan Law of Demosisto have long been known to be working with the Chinese Communist Party and have regular contact with Beijing, we cannot trust the Epoch Times or Falun Gong. By the way, the Hong Kong Legislative Council voted in favour last year to introduce the China Social Credit System to Hong Kong, even legislators within the Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement voted in favour of it.
I have a feeling that the Hong Kong Protest last year was to give the Chinese Communist Party a reason to have Hong Kong go through an early reunification and become part of the Mainland early rather than wait till 2047
Tim, not sure if you want to comment, the Chinese Communist Party is holding their National People’s Congress meeting on May 22, Hong Kong is apparently a major discussion in the National People’s Congress, they have something planned for Hong Kong and I believe it is something not very good:
Tim not sure if you can comment, just informing you on the National People’s Congress. I am very sure that last year’s protest in Hong Kong was orchestrated as the goal was to have Hong Kong become part of the Mainland early. First of all the Chinese Communist Party is implementing legislation called the National Security Legislation, they have decided to by pass the Hong Kong Legislative Council in implementing the National Security Legislation, Also Xi Jinping has signaled there will be a crackdown in Hong Kong. Also I would like to let you know, there are people in Hong Kong who are suspicious of the leadership of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement/Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp which include Joshua Wong, Martin Lee, Jimmy Lai and etc because they are known to be in contact with the Chinese Communist Party Leadership in Beijing. This is why people suspect that the Hong Kong Protest last year was in fact orchestrated by Beijing since they are known to be in contact with the Chinese Communist Party Leadership in Beijing. Even the Mainstream Media has not covered or exposed the fact that the leaders of the Hong Kong Democracy Movement are in contact with the Chinese Communist Party. Also what is known is that during the National People’s Congress, the Chinese Communist Party has already given the signal saying that the One Country Two Systems arrangement with Hong Kong is over.
Tim, not sure if you can comment, there was a major protest that took place today against the National Security Legislation, the Protesters have been double crossed again by the Hong Kong Democracy Movement/Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp Leadership who are working for the Chinese Communist Party. There is a reason as to why the Hong Kong Democracy Movement/Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Camp Leadership are called Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Spies
Tim, you know how I earlier told you US might let in Chinese from Hong Kong, well Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska is proposing a legislation that will allow Hong Kong people as he claims they are victims of Communism to settle in the US:
Yes, I remember you saying this. Now coming true. Victims of communism or are they communists themselves? That’s the real question, I guess.
Tim, not sure if you can comment, I have been talking with some of the Mainland Chinese people and have been told that the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests was also instigated and orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party leadership and the student leaders who were involved was also controlled by the Chinese Communist Party leadership
I am not well read with the Tiananmen protest, but at a casual glance, it looks staged to me.
Tim, not sure if you can comment, it is obvious that Hong Kong is going to become part of the Mainland early. The National Security Law which is now under planning but the Media is not calling what is happening in Hong Kong for what it really is, an early reunification to bring it into the Eurasia Order/Union. This was in fact advocated by Aleksandr Dugin. I am now starting to believe that the Hong Kong Protest last year was in fact orchestrated to have Hong Kong go through an early reunification in order to become part of Eurasia early. The Hong Kong Democracy Movement is no better as the Hong Kong Democratic Party has stated in their manifesto which by deception talks about Hong Kong becoming part of the Eurasia Order/Union as envisaged by Aleksandr Dugin:
‘Hong Kong is a indivisible part of China. We support the return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China’
In a book called Introduction to the Eurasian Economic Union by Evgeny Vinokurov on pg 143. It states that Hong Kong is to become part of the Eurasian Order/Union and apparently Aleksandr Dugin is a advocate of this.
Tim, not sure if you can comment, you recall how I told you the 2019 Hong Kong Protest was staged, well on Twitter a Chinese person who lives in California is making tweets about the Falun Gong reporters and New Tang Dynasty Television which is heavily connected to Falun Gong who were in fact allowed by the CCP Leadership to photo and video tape the carnage and violence were in fact left alone:
‘So unless I am convinced that CCP is real pleased that Hong Kong police beat up everyone else, but let the “No 1 anti-CCP” media go free by negligence, in 6 straight years, I can only conclude, someone told Hong Kong police, Epoch Times in “our comrades”, a controlled opposition.’
‘If you know how CCP operates, a controlled opposition in the media business has to be run by CC intelligence.
If so, that explains how Epoch Times could pop out in 37 countries overnight. Only a major state intelligence operation could handle such a logistical challenge’
‘Interestingly, in 2014-2019, when almost every foreign media in HK was attacked or harassed by CCP controlled HK police, not a single Epoch Times journalist was harassed or attacked in Hong Kong.
And HK police chief and his lieutenants received nice promotion for cracking down.’
‘Keep this in mind, when CCP Intelligence picks its “useful idiots” it could not care less if the person is on the left or right.
Epoch Times does not place its bet lightly. For someone to be supported by Epoch Times, you have to go through quite a bit of screening.’
Yeah, the Falun op just stinks. When I got to the store for food or supplies, I often see an Epoch Times on the newstand next to the mainstream rags.
Tim, not sure if you can comment, not sure if you are familiar with Xinyue ‘Daniel’ Lou, who is heavily connected with Donald Trump, well he is a known Chinese Communist Party Ministry of State Security Agent in the US
About the Proud Boys, they are also funded and connected to the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of State Security as well:
Also, the Chinese Trump supporter community in the US is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of State Security as well:
By the way when people say the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front still exists, well a research paper released by Alex Joske of the Australian Security Policy Institute states that the United Front was merged with 4 other departments and became what is known as the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of State Security in 1983:
The Ministry of State Security (MSS), which is China’s civilian intelligence agency, is involved in and benefits from united front work. Official accounts state that the MSS was created in 1983 by combining parts of four agencies, including the UFWD.
By the way here is a video made by the Falun Gong owned New Tang Dynasty Television on the Chinese Trump supporters, please note nearly everyone shown in that video is a Ministry of State Security Agent:
Not sure if you can comment, you might want to watch this, fake dissidents, Falun Gong and etc: