By Jude Duffy
July 25, 2017 Anno Domini
Some white nationalists, especially those of the Anglo variety, portray the British Empire as a noble victim of unjust calumny by Zionists. In fact, much more often than not, modern Zionists wax enthusiastic about the Empire. Why not? Unlike the white nats, they know that the Rothschilds and other Jewish moneybags sponsored it, and that it served Jewish supremacist interests rather than those of the British people, much less the foreign subjects of the Empire.
Hardcore British Neocons—Michael Gove, Niall Ferguson, Melanie Philips, Andrew Roberts, and so on—use precisely the same arguments in favour of the British Empire that the likes of David Duke use, but then go a step further and posit the Empire as an early exponent of Neocon moral interventionism—the thrust of their message being, if you liked the British Empire, you’ll love Neocon creative destruction.
In an essay, The Very British Roots Of Neoconservatism and Its Lessons For British Conservatives, Gove even argued that, far from being minted in post-war America, Neoconservatism’s origins lay in the imperialist philosophy of 19th century British statesmen like George Canning and Lord Palmerston.
Even on the left of British politics, the more Zionist the pundit or politician, the more likely he or she is to champion British imperial rule in Ireland and elsewhere. Non-Zionist British leftists—Ken Livingstone, Jeremy Corbyn, the late Tony Benn, et al.—tend to condemn British imperialism, albeit from a debased cultural Marxist perspective, but Zionist progressives—e.g., David Aaronovitch, Peter Mandelson, and the lesbian feminist Julie Burchill—eulogise the Empire as an agent of progress and modernity.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Burchill was the highest paid columnist in Britain—her journalism invariably combining vitriolic attacks on the Irish, the Palestinians, the Germans, and continental Europeans generally, with slavish devotion to the Soviet Union and the state of Israel. Clearly, her blend of selective xenophobia and ultra-Zionist leftism found favour with the Rothschilds, since the Murdoch press empire (a Rothschild front) employed her as a star columnist, first in the Sunday Times, and later with the Sun newspaper. She’s also written for the Masonic soft-porn sheet, the Daily Mail, and for the left liberal Guardian.
Britain is one of the most PC nations on earth when it comes to racism. Making even mildly disparaging remarks about non-whites, Jews, or Muslims can land you in jail, but conversely, mocking the Germans as humourless sadists, the French as cowards, or the Irish as stupid feckless drunks, is positively encouraged by the Zio-cultural commissars.
Virulently anti-Catholic TV shows like “Father Ted” (still running on primetime on mainstream TV channels in Britain and Ireland 20 years after ceasing production) reflect the intense ethnic and religious hatred at the heart of the British cultural establishment (and its MI5 controlled “Irish” counterpart).
“Zio-Hollywood” makes a Catholic bashing blockbuster film on average once every two or three years—”Philomena”, “Spotlight”, “The Magdalen Sisters” etc.,—and garlands these productions with Oscars and Oscar nominations galore.
Even films with no ostensible religious theme are often thinly disguised vehicles for anti-Catholic propaganda, e.g., “The Legend Of Tarzan”, “Elizabeth”, “Pirates Of The Caribbean”, etc.
The ostensible paradox of the Anglo-Saxonist jingoist as “anti-racist” PC zealot is not really a paradox at all, but reflects the anti-western, anti-Christian hatred at the heart of Anglo-masonry.
In the centuries since the Reformation, Anglo-Protestant imperialism and Jewish supremacism, far from opposing each other, formed an enduring alliance, which found organised expression in occult societies like the Skull and Bones, the Round Table, Bohemian Grove, and the daddy of them all, the Freemasons (not to mention Masonry’s numerous offshoots, the Know Nothings, the Orange Order, Purple Arch, etc.).
It is no coincidence that the rabidly anti-Catholic Know Nothing movement, which terrorised Irish and German Catholics in 19th century America, was led by Jewish supremacists, Charles Lewis Levin and Samuel Kramer, or that Lord George Gordon, the instigator of the anti-Catholic Gordon Riots in 18th century London, later converted to Orthodox Judaism.
George Benjamin, the first Canadian Jewish Member of Parliament, belonged to the anti-Catholic Anglo-Israelist Orange Order.
Underscoring the unspoken alliance between Zionist sponsored multiculturalism and Anglo-Masonry, British Orange terrorist groups such as the Ulster Defence Association and the Ulster Volunteer Force, have a 25-year history of trafficking illegal immigrants to the Irish Republic.

John Dee, the occult magician at the court of Elizabeth I, was apparently the first person to coin the term “British Empire”, so from the very get go the Empire was an occult cabalist project—all its main propagandists, and indeed actors, being occultists of one sort or another.
According to Stuart Piggot’s book The Druids, Dee “grew up surrounded by the controversy and currents” of what became known as the British Empire—and “sought to merge the Arthurian Imperial tradition with cabalistic interpretations of Hebrew scripture”.
“Dee created the concept of British Israel, which gave the British and the Jews a common racial identity, and invoked biblical prophecy to show the inevitable triumph of British imperialism, the British as Abraham’s seed were to inherit the earth.”
Far from being simply an ethnocentric take on Biblical Christianity, Dee’s pseudo-genealogical supremacist theory was steeped in pagan druidism, being “Christian” only in the sense that New Age pantheism is “Christian”, i.e., it co-opted elements of Christian doctrine and ritual, the better to insinuate itself almost effortlessly into the mainstream of British Christian life.
Dee’s contemporary, the celebrated Elizabethan poet Edmund Spenser, laid out a manifesto for British occult imperialism in his epic poem The Faerie Queene, which called for the ruthless crushing of Irish Catholics, the forcible imposition of the English language in Ireland, and the practice of incest among the English.
Two centuries later, another mouthpiece for Anglo-Judaeo Masonry, Marx’s sidekick, Friedrich Engels, gleefully predicted the wiping out of “whole races of reactionaries”—e.g., the Gaels, the Basques, the Slavs etc.,—in the cause of “progress”.
Zionists talk endlessly of the Holocaust, and Anglo white nats counter by invoking the genocidal Ukrainian Holodomor, but neither side dare mention the deliberate forcible starvation of Irish Catholics in the mid 19th century by the Masonic British government—an act of genocide that a Times of London editorial of 1848 gloated would make “the Celt as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the Redman on the banks of the Manhattan”.
Despite its occult Masonic origins and genocidal policies, Anglo-Israelism gained many adherents among British and American Protestants, who promoted the theory of the British Royal Family as the House of David, and Britain and the United States as the modern tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh respectively.
One might have expected that the Jews, the original self-designated “chosen”, would have resented the Johnny come lately Anglo pretenders to chosenness, but far from it: Jewish supremacists welcomed the claims of Anglo-Freemasonry to tribal co-ethnicity precisely because they understood that wherever it took root, Freemasonry laid waste the surrounding Christian civilization.
However, when, in the 20th century, some mostly American Anglo-Israelists rejected the Anglo-Israelist alliance with organised Jewry and embraced Christian Identitarianism, Jewish supremacists, in the shape of the Anti-Defamation League, denounced Christian Identity as an “ugly turn” away from the original noble tenets of Anglo-Israelism.
So, the avowed anti-racists of the ADL had no quarrel with Anglo-Israelists’ ultra-racist claim to be the rightful rulers of the whole world but objected when some of the Anglos sought to shut Jews out of the exclusive supremacist party. Straining at gnats indeed.
Like Zionism, Anglo-Israelism based its claims on an incoherent mixture of cod genealogy and self-fulfilling prophecy. Initially, the Anglo-Israelists touted the ancient Britons as the source of Britain’s supposed Jewish connection, but once Protestantism became associated with the nordic nations, they changed tack and refashioned the English lost tribe as Anglo-Saxon to the core.
Most reliable evidence indicates that the English share considerably more genetic heritage with the French than with the Germans, but when did facts ever get in the way of racial supremacist theories?
Benjamin Disraeli, the Jewish supremacist British Prime Minister of the mid-Victorian era, eagerly promoted Anglo-Israelism as the semi-official ideology of the British Empire—which, thanks to Jewish sponsorship, was then reaching the zenith of its power and prestige.
Borrowing heavily from Protestant theories of wealth and success as a sign of divine favour, Anglo-Israelists argued that Britain’s great power in the world proved the English were part of God’s chosen race. The logic was circular—the belief in chosenness impelled the supremacist drive to be “top nation”: the ensuing top nation status then being cited as evidence of chosen-ness.
Anglo-Israelism in the 19th century made huge inroads in the Church of England; the de facto takeover of Anglicanism by Masonic Israelists prompted Cardinal Newman to desert the English state church and convert to Catholicism.
According to The Union Jack, a 1970 book on Anglo-Israelism by ‘Helen Peters’, Anglo-Israelist Freemasonry controls all the major ‘right-wing’ Protestant churches in the United States. This helps explain why such churches have become slavish mouthpieces for Zionism and the endless war agenda of the Anglo-American Neocons on left and right.
The Union Jack argues that Anglo-Israelism and Freemasonry are synonymous, and embody the Kingdom-of-Heaven-on-Earth heresy, i.e., the idea of materialistic worldly “progress” as the ultimate goal of existence.
Though steeped in Protestant Freemasonry, Anglo-Israelism has a constituency even within the Catholic fold. The late Catholic modernist left liberal-turned Atlanticist Neocon Michael Novak touted liberal capitalism as the flower of “the English genius”, and condemned traditional Catholic teaching on usury, contraception, subsidiarity, and just war. A few years before his death, he wrote a book celebrating the New Atheism entitled No One Sees God.
Arguing, as many Ku Klux Klan types do, that the Jews have waged war against so called White Anglo Saxon Protestant culture, renders modern history utterly incomprehensible. Far from seeking to destroy Anglo-Masonic culture, the Anglo Israelist Jewish alliance strives to impose it as a one-size-fits-all model on the whole world.
Otherwise, how can one explain the triumph of English language throughout the globe? Or the rapid spread, via Masonic lodges, of the Anglo-Masonic sports of soccer (the founding meeting of the English Football Association took place in the Freemasons Arms hotel), cricket, rugby, and their derivatives, baseball and gridiron football?
By the same token, the global Zio-media’s exhaustive and largely fawning coverage of the not especially charismatic or interesting Masonic British royal family doesn’t suggest any notable Zionist antipathy towards Anglo-Masonry or its institutions.
Almost all the major currents of modernity at least partly originated in Masonic Britain: political liberalism, usurious capitalism, Fabianism, Darwinism, even Marxism.
Throughout the 20th century, the Anglo-American alliance instigated devastating wars that wiped out the last vestiges of Christendom and paved the way for the current cultural Marxist wage-slave ultra-surveilled police states of the West.
In the 21st century, the same alliance has joined forces with Islamic Wahabists and the state of Israel to overthrow Christian-friendly governments in Yugoslavia, Syria, and Iraq.
Anti-globalists like Paul Craig Roberts tend to interpret all of this as proof that Britain is America’s poodle, but the evidence suggests something closer to the opposite: that the U.S. is in fact the City of London’s muscle-bound global enforcer.
One must be careful to distinguish between the City of London (the Crown) and the United Kingdom. The Crown is not the British Windsor monarchy but rather the cabalist Masonic force which controls both the British monarchy and the British government.
Just in case British Members of British Parliament run away with the foolish idea that their deliberations matter a jot, the City of London’s representative (or “remembrancer”) sits behind the Speaker in the Westminster House of Commons to remind them who really calls the shots in the U.K.
Nevertheless, the Crown has used Anglo- Israelism—a species of gentile Zionist supremacism—to impose its homogenized globalist Anglo-centric cultural and political model on the world.
Again, it is necessary to distinguish between Anglo-Israelism and common or garden British nationalism. Not every British or English nationalist is an Anglo-Israelist, just as not every Chinese nationalist supports the Chinese Communist Party. What distinguishes Anglo-Israelism from nationalism is its relentless drive to eradicate all other national cultures. Like Zionism, it is the enemy of nationalism—even English and British nationalism, properly understood.
If every nation in Europe still spoke its own language and maintained its own traditions and economic independence, it is impossible to imagine the current immigration tsunami now overwhelming Europe ever having taken place. The British people, it should be noted, have not been spared this tsunami or the other ravages of globalism, in spite of their country being the HQ of global masonry.
Far from regarding other European races as brethren, Anglo-Israelist Masons always viewed them as enemies of the Masonic liberal Anglo-international. The Masonic British Empire sided with the Turks against Christendom, with Pagan Japan against Orthodox Christian Russia, and with radical atheist revolutionaries against Catholic European governments and their possessions in the Americas and elsewhere.
Similarly, as the late British researcher Anthony Sutton has shown, Anglo-America not only aided the Bolshevik regime in Russia but ensured its survival through huge economic, military, and technological aid.
In modern times, Anglo-Israelist Neocons in Britain extoll the idea of the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Commonwealth over the ancient Christian nations of Europe.
Many jingoistic Masonically inclined Brexiteers absurdly tout a German/Jesuit/Vatican conspiracy as the true power behind the E.U. but never get around to explaining why, if this is so, Europe has, since the start of E.U. integration in the 1950s, been rapidly Anglicized linguistically, politically, economically, and culturally, and why Anglo-Zio-Masonic militarism—and the disastrous migration that flows from it—define modern E.U. history.
David Duke has done sterling work exposing the ludicrous hypocrisy of Zionist “anti-racists”, but framing the debate about immigration and globalism as a struggle between old-fashioned noble imperialists and evil lefty multiculturalists completely misses the point. The Masonic imperialists and the leftists were on the same side in the 19th century and they still are today.
Protestantism that came out of a rebellion alingned with the Zionists in the depth of Sodom is but the revelation of 1 John 2:19.
Bible :All Israel will be saved but all Israel is not Israel for the Israel mentioned is Spiritual Israel what the Bible calls as the Israel of God & them which are not, rev: states “They call themselves Jews, are not, but are the Synagogues of satan”, for all that came out of Egypt apart from the children of the Patriarchs were a mixed multitude, the inheritors of the holy cow, off the Lie from Eden & “cause they have not the love of the truth in them, God sends a strong delusion so that they may believe the Lie”(their own) come through the Zionists(a mixed multitude) gathering themselves in Violence, to the prophecy of “Sodom & Egypt” America in the beliefs of Egypt, Lo vishnu, the same beliefs that killed Christ off the pharisee(Zionist)in the depths of Sodom, the marker in the order of 666.
Even if one is an atheist but believes in the concept of good and evil or belongs to any number of religions he would come to realize that Protestants are evil.
Protestantism is a religion founded on lies and hatred of Christianity. It is ridiculous to call them Christians. Protestants will believe any lie that confirms their hated of Catholicism and they will knowingly lie about Catholics, especially if their lies protect their Jewish masters. I hate them and if there is a God may they burn in hell for eternity with their Jewish overlords.
I’m against all forms of theocracy, meaning any “universal” moral law that violates the free choice of the individual, because only through that free choice and its clash, not with the initiated false dictatorship of humans but the dictatorship of nature’s laws themselves will they come to learn about the value of taking personal responsibility for their actions. An extorted or forced “choice” can never be more-all (give more-from-all and more-for-all simultaneously without sacrificing or exploiting anyone in the process; the win-win dialectic of economic synergy and all civilization) because the responsibility for it can always be passed on to the powers that extorted that “choice.”
As far as BI or CI goes, it’s probably the most deluded form of theocracy there is and I still can’t believe people as smart as John Friend and Andrew Carrington Hitchcock were bamboozled by it. Friend, thankfully, keeps most of that stuff on the back-burner but not Hitchcock, who wrote a whole big book about it. Whenever he starts talking from a CI angle, he inevitably starts sounding very much like the lunatics he’s always calling out, losing his cool, ranting and raving, etc.
For the listener, this also creates the problem of having to take the baby and leave the bathwater, which most people, especially newbies to the infiltrated and gatekept (direct agent or useful idiot/ego, the result is the same: disinformation or the creation of enough confusion so that everything becomes believable and nothing clearly knowable) half-truth bowel-movement are not willing to do. Most people I’ve known who come from a so-called Christian culture (and Pagan for who knows how many thousands of years before that), myself included, are secular and never attend church if they can help it. All it takes is one nutty CI rant from Hitchcock or even a regular Christian rant from someone like Michael Hoffman and the entire baby of that “truther” source of information is likely to be abandoned into the outer regions, along with all its allegorical and “misinterpreted” bathwater. It takes many long years of listening to thousands of podcasts, as I have, to even learn to locate the developing infants in the swampwaters of trooferism and pull them out and salvage them in parts and later integrate them into a whole. Extremely rare are the people who have all their views integrated without contradiction outside a realm where a different “interpretation” of a certain given narrative magically renders the contradiction non-contradictory
“It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size; for the greater the aggregation of individuals, the more the individual factors are blotted out, and with them morality, which rests entirely on the moral sense of the individual and the freedom necessary for this. Hence, every man is, in a certain sense, unconsciously a worse man when he is in society than when acting alone; for he is carried by society and to that extent relieved of his individual responsibility. . . . Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. The bigger the organization, the more unavoidable is its immorality and blind stupidity. Society, by automatically stressing all the collective qualities in its individual representatives, puts a premium on mediocrity, on everything that settles down to vegetate in an easy, irresponsible way. Individuality will inevitably be driven to the wall. This process begins in school, continues at the university, and rules all departments in which the State has a hand. In a small social body, the individuality of its members is better safeguarded; and the greater is their relative freedom and the possibility of conscious responsibility. Without freedom there can be no morality.” ~ Carl Jung (from The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious, p.169)
“A slave is one who can speak neither well of Hitler nor ill of Jewry” — Frederick Toben
‘The papers conducted by Lord Rothermere and Lord Beaverbrook are not newspapers in the ordinary acceptance of the term. They are engines of propaganda, for the constantly changing policies, desires, personal wishes, personal likes and dislikes of two men… it is power without responsibility’ – Stanley Baldwin, British Prime Minister 1924-1929 and 1935-1937.
‘This is, in theory still a free country, but our politically correct, censorious times are such that many of us tremble to give vent to perfectly acceptable views for fear of condemnation. Freedom of speech is thereby imperiled, big questions go undebated, and great lies become accepted, unequivocally as great truths.’ – Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, June 7 2000
“Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.” — Marshall McLuhan
Every free choice has its basis, either True or False, usually Mixed, for none drop off the sky but are born off Women through seeded by Men, born out of Free Sex not Free choice, all but based on Faith, essential unto its truth by its Prophecies.
Now at the time of Pope Innocent, greatly concerned for the future of the Catholic Church, from her enemies,even more so today, off the Enmity put by God, between the serpent & the woman by their (spiritual) seed, Jesus sent St. Malachy with the good news of 111 more Popes to come, the 111th. Pope Benedict, the glory of the olives, ZECH: The two Olive trees that stand on the right & on the left beside the God of all the Earth” followed by “Peter the Roman” Thank God, St. Peter himself in the spirit leading the Roman church, to the truth of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail” to Joel;s Prophecy/Rom 8:19/St. Malachys prophecy/words of Jesus unto Maria Divine Mercy, The First as the Last for Ever, Feeding the sheep over severe persecutions & tribulations,until its time appointed when the city that sits on seven hills(Vatican does not)is destroyed & The people(of the city) Judged
Now it is SIN that persecutes,in terms of a city-NEW YORK, one of the 3 parts that Babylon is spiritually divided/The Capitol of Sodom/The Whore of Babylon, makes New York the persecuting sin city that is to be destroyed,( to see its Catholic Cardinal(s) a whoring with the sodomites & their leftists agendas even as advisors of the Pope, through threats. black mail, sexual scandals whatever) & its People who make it so, are Judged by the terrible Judge, Rightfully.
Thus arises the question can the Queen save herself, for the one Ex-Communicated down the line.
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People.
1066: In return for financial support William The Conqueror brought the jews to England with him. The jews soon acquired a reputation as extortionate moneylenders which made them extremely unpopular with both the Church and the general public.
1290: King Edward I finally expelled the jews from England. The jews swore their revenge.
1649: The jews financed Oliver Cromwell’s otherthrowing and beheading of Stuart King Charles I after he refused them control of England’s finances.
1655: The jews were readmitted to England by their puppet Oliver Cromwell.
1660: With the British People becoming sick of austerity under the jewish puppet Oliver Cromwell, Charles Stuart landed in Dover in May 1660 and was restored as King Charles II of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland to wide popular acclaim. The jews planned their revenge.
1688: The jews ordered William III Prince of Orange (formerly a Dutch soldier called William Stadholder)to land in England at Torbay. Because of an ongoing Campaign of L’Infamie against King James II contrived by the jews, he abdicated and fled to France.
1694: William III of Orange (AKA William Stadholder) who the jews had installed as the King of England, asked the jews for financial help to keep the Stuarts at bay. Jews issued first bank notes on interest to William of Orange and first central bank had its beginnings. The Bank Of England was established.
1697: London Stock Exchange became the world’s largest “purse.” Twelve ruling seats were reserved for jews only.
1701: The Bank of England establish the Bevis Marks Synagogue in the City of London.
1714: The jews install King George I (AKA Georg Ludwig 1660-1727) from the House of Hanover as the British King. There were, and still are, allegations that the House of Hanover are secretly jewish.
1715: James Stuart (AKA The Old Pretender), son of King James II, invaded Scotland and attempted unsuccessfully to take back the British Crown from the jews.
1745: The Stuarts made their final attempt to take back Britain from the jews by invading England with an army made up of Scottish Highland Clans under Bonnie Prince Charlie (1720-1788) grandson of King James II. Finally defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Bonnie Prince Charlie went in to exile and the British Royal House of Stuart came to an end.
1750: The House of the Red Shield (Rothschild) was established and became prime money-lenders to the British Crown.
1753: King George II, a pawn of the Rothschilds and Amsterdam jewish bankers, passed a Naturalization Bill allowing jews to become British subjects.
1757: Following Clive of India’s victory at Plassey The East India Company seized control of Bengal, India’s richest province, and got seriously involved in the opium trade.They also tripled local taxes leading to the starvation of 10 million Indians.
1773: Warren Hastings brought all opium production under the monoply control of The Bank of England. Eventually 17 million Chinese died of drug addiction as 2000 chests of opium were exported every year.
1773: Mayer Rothschild created the World Revolutionary Movement and Red-Flag Socialism as the banksters’ means of overthrowing National ruling elites (e.g. French and Russian Revolutions). Red-Flag socialism and the political groups that adhere to it have always been created and controlled by the Rothschilds. The red flag is the flag of the Rothschilds family – Rothschild means red shield.
1789: Mayer Rothschild organised the French Revolution, and mass murder of the French aristocracy, to seize control of the French economy by privatising the Bank Of France.
1803: The Bank Of France was privatised and a National Debt, to be paid off by income tax, was fraudulently established.
1808: Napoleon became master of Europe after seizing control of France back from the jews. He issued a decree which the jews termed the Decret Infame (Infamous Decree). The Decret Infame placed many justifiable restrictions on the jews. The jews planned their revenge.
1814 to 1815: James & Nathan Rothschild ordered all European rulers to assemble at the Congress of Vienna. The Rothschilds drafted a plan that would make it impossible for another Napoleon to rise to power by creating a European “balance of power.” – this basically meant that if any European Nation revolted against jewish control all the jew controlled Nations would attack it.
1815: The Battle of Waterloo signified the end of Napoleon’s heroic anti-jewish rule and the Christian domination of Europe. Both James Rothschild of France and Nathan Rothschild of England financed Wellington’s victory over Napoleon at Waterloo.Nathan Rothschild used false information, about Napoleon winning Waterloo, to defraud the London Stock Exchange and seize control of Britain’s economy.
1882:The East India Company funded the “Opium Trust”.
1884:The Fabian Society was formed with jewish industrialist financing. A faux elite group, of pseudo-intellectuals and sexual deviants, who formed a semi-secret society for the purpose of bringing Red-Flag socialism (AKA jewish racial supremacy and Globalisation) to the World through the infiltration of Workers’ Groups and Political Parties i.e. The Labour Party.
1890: The largest munitions factory in the world, Vickers of England, was established by the Rothschilds. The stage was set for the Rothschild’s engineering of World War I and all future wars.
1906: Guglielmo Marconi’s invention of the radio is marketed and taken over by the Jew, David Sarnoff. Sarnoff established the Marconi Company in England and RCA in America. Thus began the Jewish control of the World’s media.
1910: Jews took over the office of Minister of Finance throughout Europe. Louis Klotz became Minister of Finance of France; Michael Luzzati of Italy; Bernhard Dernburg of Germany; Rufus Isaacs of England; and Djavid Bey of Turkey. All jews.
1914: The Vickers Munitions Company, owned by the Rothschilds, engineered World War I.
1916: Germany was winning World War One. The jews promised to obtain American support in exchange for Britain supporting Zionism. Prime Minister Lloyd George accepted the offer. Samuel Untermeyer blackmailed American President Wilson in to the USA joining World War One.
1917: Lord Balfour made formal Lloyd George’s capitulation to Weizmann in a letter to Lord Rothschild known as The Balfour Declaration. The Zionist theft of Arab lands was made “official.”
1917: The Rothschilds funded Lenin and Trotsky with $20 million (real names Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov and Lev Bronshtein – both jews) via the Schiff banking family to otherthrow the Russian Tsar and murder him and his family by a Red-Flag revolution. The Rothschilds then privatised the Russian Central Bank and enslaved the Russian people to a jewish Red-Flag socialist elite. Russsia was the first Red-Flag jewish dictatorship and between 20 to 100 million White Christians were murdered in an orgy of executions, rape, torture and enslavement.
1919: The jews insured Germany’s humiliation with their Treaty of Versailles. The jew Bernard Baruch advised Wilson at the conference. The jew Phillip Sassoon, the Parliamentary Private Secretary, advised Lloyd George. The jew, Georges Mandel, (aka Louis Rothschild), French Minister of the Interior, advised Georges Clemenceau.
1922: Jew Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the Pan-European Movement in Vienna with the purpose of creating a New World Order based on a federation of Nations led by the USA. Banker Max Warburg donated 60,000 Marks to set it up.
1925: Jew Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote the book Practical Idealism which laid down the blueprint for a new Europe. In his book Kalergi indicated that the residents of a future Europe will not be White, but due to miscegenation, will be a mongrel race of Asian/White/Negroes to serve a jewish aristocracy. He also suggested the destruction of Individual Nation States to create a United States of Europe. There is still a Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize given out every two years to the European Politician who has done most to support this genocide.
1933: International jewry declared all out war on the German People and swear to destroy them after they threw off the shackles of jewish oppression.
1939: The jewish puppet, and British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain declared war on Nationalist Socialist Germany on September 3rd 1939, after Germany struggled to free itself from jewish oppression. The pretext was the war between Poland and Germany that Poland had instigated.
1945: The jewish controlled allies, led by jewish puppet Winston Churchill, defeat Nationalist Socialist Germany. After their surrender over 1 million German soldiers are murdered by the jewish allies including boys as young as 14. About 1 million more Germans are taken by the jew Bolshevik Russians as slaves and worked to death. The mass rape of German Women in East Prussia is effectively a genocide.
1946 to 1949: The jewish controlled Allies put on a show trial called the “The Nuremberg Trials” where the Germans are found guilty and the Holocaust myth is created. The Germans are forced to pay for the creation of Israel.
1948: The jews started their genocide of White Britain with the arrival of Windrush on 22nd June 1948, a boatload of negroes from West India. The Zionist press claimed this was to deal with an alleged labour shortage in Britain.
1958: The Notting Hill riots happened when the negroes sought to assert themselves through violence following members of the British White Working Class fighting back against anti-White violence.
1965: The jews introduced the notorious Race Relations Act 1965 making it a civil offence (rather than a criminal offence) to refuse to deal with people due to their National or racial origins.
1966: The jews introduced the Race Relations Board to deal with complaints under the Race Relations Act. The intention was to smash any resistance to integration AKA White genocide.
1973: The jewish puppet, moral degenerate, paedophile and British Prime Minister Edward Heath (1916-2005) took the UK in to the European Economic Community. Later Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
1976: The jews introduced the Race Relations Act 1976 to further promote White genocide and smash any resistance.
1981: The Brixton riots happened when the negroes refused to be subjected to British Laws and customs.
1994: The Leader of the Labour Party, John Smith QC MP, dies of a heart attack and is replaced by jewish puppet Tony Blair. The Labour Party is renamed New Labour AKA Jew Labour. Labour MP Tam Dalyell complains publically about the jewish cabal running the Labour movement. Tony Blair vows to clear New Labour of any racists i.e. anyone opposed to White genocide.
1995: The Barcelona Agreement is signed between all European Countries and Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel. The Barcelona Agreement is a legal contract to carry out the Kalergi Plan. The Barcelona Agreement is concealed by Governments and the jewish-controlled main stream media from the general population. .
1997: Jew Labour, using jewish Lord Levy’s personal puppet Tony Blair to front it, win a landslide election with Zionist media backing.
1997: Jew Labour leader Tony Blair and his jewish cronies including Jack Straw, Barbara Roche and Johnathan Portes opened the floodgates to Third World immigration to hasten the genocide of White Britain. Between 1997 and 2010 Jew Labour allowed up to 8 million Third Worlders in to Britain.
1998: The leader of Jew Labour Tony Blair publicly states “It is time to implement Practical Idealism“. Most British People failed to notice this seemingly political oxymoron and its hidden reference to White genocide.
JEWS Control Britain File.
Was Hitler a puppet? The idea of national socialism has many similarities to Judaism,.
Just switch Jew with aryan. Germany initially has a booming economy under Hitler.
Where did the money come from? I think it came from Jews.
Assuming I am wrong about Hitler being a puppet of the Jews, “white nationalism” is totally contolled by Jews and the Hitler worshipping white nationalists have not figured this out and anyone who criticizes Jews is immediately smeared as a Nazi.
The white nationalist movement is a joke run by Jews and populated by Hitler worshipping idiots. America and freedom (joking).