By Timothy Fitzpatrick
Februar 23, 2014 Anno Domini
University of Rochester engineer Ted Twietmeyer suggests that a covert government group is behind the History Channel‘s anti-Christian alien agenda most prominently carried out through the television series Ancient Aliens.
The article, posted Feb. 22, 2014 on Jeff Rense’s website, warns us of signs that an alien ET presence is about to be announced by authorities and gives a list of reasons of why this is likely to happen. It’s apparent that Twietmeyer believes in at least the possibility of the existence “aliens”, as far as being space beings, which is in line with Jeff Rense’s track record of posting ancient astronaut-friendly and New Age articles on his popular alternative news website. While it is disappointing to see the alternative media continuing to perpetuate the Judeo-Masonic lie of ET existence (they are really fallen angels), at least Twietmeyer sees a conspiracy behind the Illuminati-run History Channel‘s incessant airing of Ancient Aliens episodes, re-runs and new alike.
History Channel 2 has been airing, day and night over and over for several years a show called Ancient Aliens. Many episodes have been re-run countless times. Some episodes date back about 10 years, so this is not a new show. What advertiser would fund endless re-runs of the same show? Perhaps it is a covert group, funded by the government.
Twietmeyer makes a good observation here but then loses focus. He goes on to say that the recent mass ammunition purchase by U.S. Homeland Sekurity is evidence that the government is preparing for a mass hostile alien invasion.
Some congressman have gone public voicing their concerns, but soon they went silent. It appears a invasion is expected. Purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition goes way beyond putting down any civil rebellion. If the power grid is taken down for years, then no more ammunition will be manufactured.

But Lucifer will likely come in on a platter of peace (no, not the Evangelical’s imagined seven-year peace treaty based on a misinterpretation of Daniel’s 70 weeks). That’s what one worldism is purported to be: an era of peace, tolerance, and brotherly love—the same cries of freemason Enlightenment revolutionaries. Twietmeyer is correct that science fiction movies often portray a doomsday scenario, but not Ancient Aliens. The Satanic lie advanced in every episode of Ancient Aliens is that the alleged space beings are merely our benevolent creators cryptically trying to tell us of our true origins and our unlimited human potential through all the world’s myths, legends and religions. Ancient Aliens presents the New Age lie that all religions lead to the same path, which is to our alleged alien origins. The only need for goverment mass ammunition purchases would be to prepare to pierce the bodies of those who do not accept the new alien-led world government, the Novus Ordo Seclorum, or Olam Ha Ba to the Jews.
Twietmeyer concludes,
Clearly the government expects something very, very big to happen. Everything the US government does is usually planned ahead about 5 years. Some of these measures being taken appear to indicate we are nearing the end of the preparation period. And with it will come the end of the brainwashing cycle. When alien shows disappear from television, the indoctrination period will be over and a announcement about aliens will be made.
What is he saying here? Are aliens a government conspiracy of some kind or are government’s covering up alien existence while preparing for what they perceive as a legitimate alien invasion? Twietmeyer is not clear about where the conspiracy begins and end or who is orchestrating it. In reality, the government is complicit with Lucifer and his fallen angels, who pose as ETs. Even the Ancient Aliens‘ episode “Aliens and the Founding Fathers” admits that the United States was founded on Luciferian beliefs with the help of fallen angels (ETs). It even reveals the Judeo-Masonic tradition of the U.S. founding fathers and the Masonic geometry of Washington DC’s streets and government buildings.
Twietmeyer finishes his article posing some questions:
1. How will people react when the announcement is made that we already have resident aliens? Or that one or more alien races have already taken control of Earth?
People will react to it as a revelation, not as an invasion. Remember, the deception lies in the fallen angels portraying themselves as space-derived beings who dabbled with genetic manipulation to create us Golem-like human beings, thus usurping the God of the Bible.
2. Will the on-going History Channel awareness program, and other programs like it such as Alien Files and Uncovering Aliens finish the job of increasing the population’s belief in aliens? If so, then people will quietly accept a permanent loss of freedom and sovereignty. Uncovering Aliens is the hardest-hitting show to date, with a very serious tone and agenda.
Yes, the ongoing alien agenda of the History Channel and Jewish Hollywood will increase the population’s belief in the ancient astronaut theory. It already is. As he says, the show is extremely popular. It’s one of the longest running series on the History Channel. But, again, the revelation of “aliens” to the world will be perceived as a religious experience, not a hostile takeover. The revelation will occur at the apex of the United Nations’ campaign for Agenda 21 global government. Sovereignty will not be needed under this global government. (See Ancient Aliens fulfilling Albert Pike’s prediction of Luciferian one-worldism)
3. What measures will governments take in North America and Europe take just before the announcement is made? Video projection technology to create a fake Messiah in the sky has existed for over 20 years. For those who are unaware of this happening, they may think Jesus Christ has returned. Technology also exists for people to hear inside their heads what they will perceive as God.
The way the public is currently buying up the lies told about Christianity through the 300-year Judeo-Masonic plot against Christ and His Saints, a Project Bluebeam scenario is likely not even necessary. The great apostasy will finish off Christianity, the Vatican and Protestants will continue their descent into modernity and obscurity, Zionism will appear to die off and morph into its technocratic, alchemical destiny, and the world will finally embrace one-world Luciferianism. This is the purpose of the alien agenda.
4. In Christianity, it is believed that when everyone is resurrected “not a hair on the head will be lost.” It is well known that some races are already taking human DNA from countless abducted humans and created new beings. Is this what resurrection really is about?
Twietmeyer seems to be falling for the alien agenda lie that Christianity is really just another way through which our alleged alien creators have been trying to communicate to us. Is a fake apocalyptic Christian-themed scenario even needed in order to deceive the masses, who will have had the idea of Christianity ripped from their minds by this time? It seems unlikely. Those who advocate the existence of space aliens are dupes perpetuating the Satanic ancient astronaut fraud.
Indeed: Christ stands for TRUTH, above all things, only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). And now we’ve seen the present “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists attempt to conflating the two opposed theses, pretending Jews are merely variations/versions of same thing along w. Christians.
The amazing way this synthesis of Jew w. Christian seems to be contrived is to pt. out the common “faith” which is purported to be shared by the two opposite theses, but Christian “faith” actually means LOYALTY, while the Jew version is “believing”–as if “believing” something thereupon makes it come true–unlike Christianity which does not rely upon such contrivance of pretending and insisting something is true aside fm the perceptible reality.
Thus the Jews insist, for example, the only proper meaning of Torah (first five books of Old Test.) is in the Talmud, composed of the Mishnah interpretation, which interpretation is then “interpreted” AGAIN through the Gemarah–an interpretation of an interpretation. See Hoffman’s exposition at RevisionistReview.blogspot.com.
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