Zionist hollywood runs smear job on Christian actor Kirk Cameron

The Jewish run Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
A recent attack led by the Jewish-run Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) on Christian actor Kirk Cameron is yet more evidence of the Satanic alliance between Hollywood and the radical left.
Had any Hollywood actor simply expressed their free speech on any other matter, nobody would have even blinked, but because Cameron, well known as child star on the hit ‘80’s sitcom Growing Pains, expressed his Christian views openly, he was scourged by the pharisaic media and a handful of washed up former child actors, who have dubbed themselves Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron (CCOKC). CNN’s Piers Morgan tried to bait Cameron during an interview in March, which Cameron handled well. Morgan was supposed to be talking about Cameron’s recent production Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasures but instead changed the subject to some controversial social issues. Zionist Hollywood and their co-conspirators in the radical left used the comments by Cameron as an opportunity to pounce on him.

“I should be able to express moral views on social issues,” he told ABC news following the Piers Morgan show, “especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years — without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.”

The ensuing smear campaign on Cameron can only have been engineered by the likes of GLAAD, which bears a striking similarity to the Jewish supremacist organization, the Anti-Defamation League, in name and in objective (see list of prominent Zionist Jews in the homosexual lobby below).

One of GLAAD's defamatory and deceitful depictions of Kirk Cameron.

Now some of you may be wondering why Hollywood is attacking one of their own. After all, Cameron was helping the Zionist cause by participating and acting in the Left Behind series, which advocates a heretical, politicized form of Christianity called dispensationalism. But it appears the Cameron may be denouncing these views and taking up a more historical, even orthodox view of his faith. His latest film, Monumental, takes a look at some of the Christian founding fathers of the United States of America. (Wouldn’t we love to see Kirk Cameron and Mel Gibson come together to create something really great! Gibson has also been on the receiving end of a barrage of attacks from Zionist-Kabbalist Hollywood for years, particularly after he produced The Passion). I shall do a review of Monumental when it becomes available.
It’s difficult to accept that Cameron is not aware of the Satanic Jewish cult that operates the entertainment industry, having grown up and worked in Hollywood since he was a teen, and especially considering his remarks regarding Growing Painsproducers Mike Sullivan, Dan Guntzelman, Dan Willcox, and Steve Marshall, whom he called “pornographers.” Of course, all of Hollywood is soft porn at best and hard-core porn at worst, mixed with Satanic-Illuminati mind control. See: Reisman omits Jewish role in porn industry and pedophilia movement
(My next blog entry will deal with a very interesting, prominent blogger who is single handedly unmasking the Judeo-Masonic Hollywood cult. (Watch for the red bracelets!)
Kirk Cameron comes out of Hollywood cesspool clean and free
It’s appears that Cameron has been protected by God over his career. Most child actors end up drug addicts, alcoholics, and monarch butterfly slaves as a result of fame and the Satanic ritual abuse that permeates Hollywood. Others end up dead or murdered. And because Cameron has come out of the Hollywood cesspool unscathed, the Illuminati have little on him. Their smear campaign over his tame remarks on homosexuality and abortion will lose steam and they will have to look for some other way to demonize him.
As Cameron and his movie become more prominent, watch Zionist shill Alex Jones try to land an interview with him.

Zionist Jews occupy top spots in homosexual, abortion, pedophilia, and sexual liberation lobbies

Larry Kramer — co-founder of “Act Up,” a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis
Alan Klein — co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD]. Klein also co-founded the successful multimedia campaign STOPDRLAURA.COM
Arnie Kantrowitz — co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].
Jonathan D. Katz — founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world. A long time queer political activist, was a co-founder of Queer Nation, [the key San Francisco branch].
Harvey Fierstein — film actor [Mrs. Doubtfire]; well-known gay activist.
Moisés Kaufman — playwright and film director [The Laramie Project].
Israel Fishman — founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970 [now known as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association], the world’s first gay professional organization.
Bella Abzug and Edward Koch — both Jewish — the first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation [1974].
Winnie Stachelberg — political director, Human Rights Campaign [HRC]
Michael S. Aronowitz, The New York Log Cabin Republicans.
Tony Kushner — gay activist; Tony and 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright [for Angels in America, 1992].
Len Hirsch — president of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.
Meg Moritz, Ph.D. — a Director and member of the Executive Committee of GLAAD.
Barbara Raab — an NBC-TV producer; a “Jewish lesbian feminist journalist, writer.”
Charles Kaiser [?] — author & founding member of National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA].
David Goodstein — owner/publisher of the gay magazine The Advocate [1975-1985]; co-founder of the National Gay Rights Lobby.
Judy Wieder — Editor-in-chief, The Advocate gay magazine.
Alison Bechdel [?] — cartoonist creator and author of the bi-weekly comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For.”
Kevin Koffler — Editor-in-chief, Genre gay magazine.
Garrett Glaser — National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA] national board member.
Ronald Gold — reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association’s policy that homosexuality is an illness.
Magnus Hirschfeld [d. 1935], early gay rights activist in Germany; founded one of the first gay rights organizations, the Scientific Humanitarian Committee; coined the term “transvestism”; fled Nazi Germany.
Fred Hochberg — deputy administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign [HRC].
Michael Berman — member, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors. Mitchell Gold — HRC Board Marty Lieberman — HRC Board Andy Linsky — HRC Board Dana Perlman — HRC Board Abby Rubenfeld — HRC Board Andrew Tobias — HRC Board Lara Schwartz — Senior Counsel, HRC Heather Wellman — HRC Field Coordinator Dan Furmansky — HRC Senior Field Organizer, West Sally Green — HRC Associate Field Director
Rick Rosendall [?] — President, Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC.
Barney Frank — member of U.S. Congress; helped create non-discriminatory employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies
Kerry Lobel — executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Robin Margolis, American coordinator of the Bi Women’s Cultural Alliance and author [Bisexuality: A Practical Guide].
Evan Wolfson, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund — and — the executive director of Freedom to Marry.
Jennifer Einhorn — Communications Director, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD] Nancy Alpert [?] — Treasurer, GLAAD Judy Gluckstern — Board of Directors, GLAAD. Stephen M. Jacoby — Board of Directors, GLAAD. Matt Riklin — Board, GLAAD Carol Rosenfeld — Board, GLAAD. William Weinberger — Board, GLAAD Tanya Wexler — Board, GLAAD. David Huebner — GLAAD Counsel.
Richard Goldstein — Village Voice writer on gay culture and politics
Ron Schlittler — Director of Field & Policy, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays [PFLAG].
Craig Ziskin — Deputy Director of Development, PFLAG.
Debra Weill — Senior Field & Policy Coordinator, PFLAG.
Dody Goldstein — Board of Directors, PFLAG.
David Horowitz — Board of Directors, PFLAG.
Shawn Frank — Board of Directors, PFLAG.
Leon Weinstein — Chair, Nominating Committee, PFLAG.
Kate Kendell [?], National Center for Lesbian Rights.
Gayle Rubin — lesbian author/activist.
Hilary Rosen — a founding member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; former board co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign.
Roz Richter, American attorney and activist.
Bob Kunst — long-time activist in gay and Jewish causes.
“Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network” [GLSEN]. Board co-chairs: Marty Seldman, president
“National Gay & Lesbian Task Force” [NGLTF]. Board co-chairs: ….. Rachel Rosen in Santa Fe, N.M Dave Fleischer — Director of Training [political training], NGLTF. Craig Hoffman — Board of Directors, NGLTF. Beth Zemsky — Board, NGLTF. Marsha C. Botzer — Treasurer, NGLTF. Jeff Levi — first, Levi was NGTF’s lobbyist, early 1980s [NGTF became NGLTF in 1985]. Later, he was NGLTF executive director.
Bill Rubenstein, J.D. ’86, developed the ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project
Martin Duberman — author/historian; founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York.
Ben Schatz ’81, J.D. ’85, is executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Foundation.
Kevin Schaub, American; Executive Director and Dean of the Harvey Milk Institute in San Francisco, the world’s largest center for queer studies.
Sarah Schulman [1958- ], American playwright, novelist, and activist [one of the founders of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct-action lesbian rights organization].
Susan Spielman — principal/head of Common Ground, an education/consulting firm specializing in workplace sexual orientation education; her company has worked with hundreds of U.S. organizations, helping them to implement domestic partner benefits plans; co-author of the book Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace.
Gertrude Stein — wrote the first openly lesbian novel, “Q.E.D.,” in 1903, but it was only published posthumously in 1950.
Rikki Streicher (1925-1994), American activist and businesswoman.
Michael Goff — founded Out magazine in 1992.
Paulette Goodman — founder of local chapter [Washington D.C.] of PFLAG and served as President of the National PFLAG organization from 1988-1992.
Jeffrey Newman, American, president and COO of the Gay Financial Network; president and CEO of out.com.
Jim Levin — New York gay historian.
Barrett Brick — GLAA [Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance] Treasurer.
Robin Tyler — American comedian [born Arlene Chernick] who was the first openly gay comic in North America; Tyler is also an activist who was the stage producer for the first three gay marches on Washington and the national protest coordinator for the “Stop Dr. Laura” campaign; she produces women’s comedy and music festivals, and operates a lesbian travel-tour company.
Dr. Bruce Voeller [1935?-1994] [?] American gay rights activist, molecular biologist, physiologist, and AIDS researcher (pioneer in the use of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide); cofounder and first executive director of the National Gay Task Force; creator of the Mariposa Foundation [an AIDS prevention research organization].
Mark Elderkin [?] — co-founded Gay.com.
Leroy Aarons — American professor, journalist, and founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association (1990).
Dr. Donald I. Abrams — American physician, HIV expert, medical marijuana researcher, and past president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.
Johnny Abush (1952-2000) — [Canadian]; archivist of the International Jewish GBLT Archives.
Roberta Achtenberg [1950- ]; civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993.
Miriam Ben-Shalom [1948- ], American Army Reserves drill sergeant and gay activist; in 1986 she won a ten-year legal battle with the Reserves when a court ordered her reinstatement; founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans Association [GLBVA] in 1990, serving as its first president.
Larry Brinkin, American gay activist who brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit [against Southern Pacific Railroad, 1982].
Rob Eichberg, American psychologist, co-creator of National Coming Out Day [October 11th].
Scott Evertz, American; in April 2001, President Bush appointed him to serve as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy [ONAP].
Gene Falk [?, Jewish name], American business executive; Senior Vice President of the Showtime Digital Media Group; part of the team that launched and marketed the U.S. TV series Queer as Folk; Chair of the Board of Directors of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].
Surina Kahn — American lesbian activist.
Larry Kessler — founding director in 1983 of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, the largest AIDS support organization in New England.
Kathy Levinson — American investor and philanthropist; serves on the board of PlanetOut; also on NGLTF Board of Directors.
Judith Light — actress, activist for gay causes.
David Mixner — gay activist, political consultant; co-founder of the Municipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles [MECLA], a group of wealthy gays and lesbians who became influential in local politics; president Bill Clinton’s Special Liaison to the Gay-Lesbian Community.
Dan Savage — American author of gay-themed books [The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant; Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America] and gay-themed- sex-advice columnist [Savage Love].
Susan Schuman, American executive vice-president and general manager of the Planet Out gay and lesbian online service.
Scott Seomin, American entertainment media coordinator for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].
Jason Serinus [Jay Guy Nassberg] — founder and coordinator of the Lavender Healing Network; a former gay activist with the New York chapter of the Gay Liberation Front.
David Sine [?] — American CEO of C1TV, the first U.S. gay and lesbian cable TV network.
Rex Wockner — longtime gay, American journalist who has reported news for the gay press since 1985.
Jack Fritscher — became Editor in Chief of Drummer gay magazine [1977].
Leslie Feinberg [1949- ], American trade unionist, transgender activist and author [Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul].
Allan Ginsburg – late Jewish poet and leading member of North American Man Boy Love Association
The trailer to Cameron’s film Monumental 
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuN86qIqfw0&w=560&h=315]
Kirk Cameron calls Zionist Hollywood ‘pornogaphers,’ yet he still dances to Israel’s tune


  1. Nothing like a list of names to prove a fact. Good job on that list!
    I’m also all for exposing the Judeo-Masonic NWO & was enjoying several of your articles until I saw you lump dispensationalism in with “heresies” supposedly promulgated by Zionists, yet you give the OK to “orthodox” (Catholic?) & “historic” (Preterist?) Christianity.
    The word “dispensation” is in the KJV 4 times (& if you are Catholic, the Douay-Rheims uses the word 5 times), all in Paul’s letters for each of those translations (& probably ditto in other translations).
    Usage: (1) To dispense (verb) God-given information to mankind for a specific time period & or to describe that time period (noun):
    Verses from the Douay-Rheims for the Catholics (if I used the KJV, I’m sure next you would say Francis Bacon & the Masons corrupted the KJV):
    –1 Cor 9:17: “For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation is committed to me.”
    –Ephesians 1:10: “In the dispensation of the fulness of times, to re-establish all things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.”
    –Ephesians 3:2: “If yet you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me towards you…”
    –Ephesians 3:9: “And to enlighten all men, that they may see what is the dispensation of the mystery which hath been hidden from eternity in God who created all things…”
    –Coloss 1:25: “Whereof I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given me towards you, that I may fulfil the word of God…”
    The Apostle Paul was around long before Darby, Scofield, & Margaret McDonald. Or will you next try to discredit Paul? (which is VERY in vogue these days, the “cool” thing to do is dissing Paul’s writings. Why that dastardly dude Paul! Such a horror! He was #13 (occult # apostle) & worse, a Pharisee! >> meaning surely he MUST have been one of THEM! Right? Etc. Etc. ad nauseum, ad infinitum).
    Paul is also THE RAPTURE apostle since he describes it in detail & makes reference to it more than any other Bible writer. Another reason to throw Paul in the trash heap (per those who deny the harpazo (Greek) “catching away” of the saints/believers; & that God works progressively throughout differing TIME PERIODS (dispensations, or “administrations”) in the pursuit of bringing his plan to fruition, by revealing progressive (or differing) info to mankind during those different times.
    But, go ahead, throw the baby (Biblical truth) out with the dirty bathwater (Jewish-Masonic conspirators) & ass-u-me they are one & the same. Not so.
    Every student of the Word knows that (1) Satan (& his puppet conspirators) is a master counterfeiter (2 Cor. 11:13-15) & (2) for there to be a counterfeit there first has to be an original.
    In other words, EXPECT counterfeits of the TRUE, such as:
    –a possible “fake rapture” FIRST (whether holographic in the sky, or jackboots in the night dragging Christians to secret FEMA camps, etc.) before the TRUE rapture occurs;
    –a “fake Kingdom” (Antichrist NWO) before Christ himself returns to set up his TRUE kingdom.
    I’ve even heard there could be a double-fakery false Kingdom FIRST (a fake False Prophet, a fake Antichrist, etc. purposely set up by the masters behind the scenes to fool Christians & the world) BEFORE the TRUE Biblical Tribulation events even really begin. More about that here:
    Does it ever occur to dispensation & rapture deniers that the Jews/Masons know these things are Scripturally true, so in order to deceive you in the opposite direction, they have you all believing these Bible promises are NOT true? It’s a typical case of, “If we can’t destroy the message, we’ll destroy the reputations of the MESSENGERS so that nobody believes them.” (from Paul to Darby to Scofield, or whoever).
    The Lord is coming for those “LOOKING” for him via the “Blessed Hope” (harpazo/catching away aka rapture) & those who “LOVE HIS APPEARING” (2 Tim. 4:8).
    If you deny those verses, I guess he won’t be coming for you. :-/
    Until then, we wait, during this present “DISPENSATION of the GRACE of God” (Eph. 3:2) & continue to warn others of the fakeries of the past, present, & the worse fakeries to come. Thank you & take care.
    “14 For this we say unto you in the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them who have slept.   15 For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment and with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ shall rise first.   16 Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together (harpazo: Greek) with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air: and so shall we be always with the Lord.   17 Wherefore, comfort ye one another with these words.” — 1st Thess. 4:14-17, Douay-Rheims

    1. I forgot to include that Titus 2:13 is the verse that says… The Lord is coming for those “LOOKING” for him via the “Blessed Hope”…
      Forgot also to say I’ve seen lists of names of Jews who predominate the PORN industry as well.

  2. Late to the party here- Cameron deserves come criticism- too bad it’s aimed at Christianity in general. He’s part of that whole “Lordship Doctrine”mentality. On another note, damaging sick rumor in hollywood is that he cruises Griffith Park looking for gay lovers. http://blindgossip.com/?p=39111 poor kirk. Hope he really IS saved, however. I apologize for the link to the rumor site that claims he goes out looking for gay trysts. It could be true, but they give no proof other than an insinuation. It’s no doubt MANY televangelists and TV Christians are perverts. After all, the likes of Robt. Schuller, Pat Robertson, 700 Club etc are all illuminati vehicles. You cannot have a show or a network without their stamp. Just won’t happen. This is just so sad- for the most lost part of civilisation, the only way for scripture to enter their minds is through broadcast media- and it’s the most corrupt medium of all. Satan, the prince of the power of the air Eph 2:2 is a fabulous deceiver.

  3. I have been passing a lazy afternoon by reading your blog and watching some of the videos.
    I am asking genuine questions, but I am aware that in text, things can sound sarcastic because of the context and I want to make it clear, this is not my intention. It is not my intention to be confrontational here, but to get some clarity to your points of view, state of mind, and persuasions. I am also not saying that I disagree with your assertions. What I am saying is that your videos and commentary have stimulated my questions, which I think is probably what you are hoping for, to stimulate, raise questions, etc in your readership.
    I am trying to figure out just what exactly your beliefs are? On the surface, I would guess a hostility and distrust of anything to do with the Jewish faith, culture, etc. But I also detect distrust for major Christian faiths, organizations, etc.
    So do you, yourself, have a spiritual belief system?
    And, with some of your Illuminati theories, it seems to me that they are often in opposition to one another. Some of the conspiracies would seem to be working at odds with one another. So this puzzles me.
    I would be curious as to your thoughts on homosexuality, politics, the War on Iraq, etc. Sometimes it seems as if your thoughts on conspiracy seem to cast aspersions to the things that you don’t like. I get the feeling that you are anti-gay, pro-God, anti-government. I would have guessed you to be ultra conservative, but you are clearly no fan of the Bushes, so not sure where you would land politically.
    Like I said, knowing more about your own beliefs, values, agenda, etc, would shed some light onto your conspiracy theories for MK, Illuminati, Monarch, etc.

  4. // Hello, FI. Interesting stuff. What’s below is what I happened upon while on the net. //
    Harvey Milk Stamped “Out” Forever !
    The Obama Cabal is behind universal GAYety with a “forever” postage stamp glorifying Harvey Milk, a Jewish homosexual predator “attracted to boys aged 15-19,” according to WikiAnswers! (Also see Wikipedia.)
    Global gaydom was even predicted by Jesus (see “days of Lot” in Luke 17 and compare with Genesis 19).
    And the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) says that during the same end-time gay “days” ALL nations will come against Israel and fulfill the “days of Noah” at the same time (see Luke 17 again) – a short time of anti-Jewish genocide found in Zechariah 13:8 when two-thirds of all Jews will die.
    In other words, when “gay days” have become universal, all hell will break loose!
    The same “days” will cause worldwide human government to collapse in just a few short years! For the first time ever there won’t be enough time for anyone to attend college, have a family, enjoy retirement, etc. It will also be the last time anyone like ObabaBlackSheep will be able to keep pulling the wool over our eyes!
    One final thought. The more we see gays “coming out,” the sooner Jesus will be “coming down”!
    For more, Google or Yahoo “God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up,” “Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality. When gays have birthdays…,” “FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus Predicted…,” “USA – from Puritans to Impure-itans!” and “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”
    (PS: HOMOgenized Milk has been honored by Gov. Schwarzenaggravator as well as Pres. ObabaBlackSheep.)

    1. To Commenter Above:
      Please try not to use the beautiful English word “Gay” when referencing Homosexuality.
      That is what the Jews wish for us to do.
      They wish for us non-Jews to taint one of our most beautiful languages.
      From this point on, try your best to say, and correct others to say: HOMOSEXUAL

  5. “In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer in the field in Angola, West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States governments. I was thoroughly familiar with all of the well known secret societies such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, Bolshevism-Rosicrucianism and all of the spinoffs of these secret societies. As an intelligence officer, and even before that as a young student in the course of my studies at the British Museum in London, I had cut my eye teeth on all of them, plus a good number of others with whom I imagined Americans were familiar.
    But when I came to the United States in 1969, I found that names like the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Club of Rome, the German Marshall Fund, the Cini Foundation, the Round Table, the Fabianists, the Venetian Black Nobility, the Mont Pelerin Society, Hellfire Clubs, and many others were at best totally unknown here, or else their true functions were at best but poorly understood, if at all.
    In 1969-1970 I set about remedying the situation in a series of monographs and cassette tapes. Much to my surprise I soon found plenty of people willing to quote these names as if they had known of them all of their writing careers, but who were not in the least bit knowledgeable about the subjects, yet quite unwilling to state the source of their lately acquired information. I consoled myself with the thought that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I pursued my investigations, pressing on in the face of severe risks, attacks on myself and my wife, financial losses, continual harassment, threats and calumny, all part of a carefully-crafted and orchestrated program to discredit me, run by government agents and informers, embedded in the so-called Christian rightwing, the “Identity Movement” and rightwing “patriotic” groups. These agents operated, and still operate, under cover of strong and fearless outspoken opposition to Judaism- their main enemy, they would have us believe.
    These agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of homosexuals who are well-liked and well-respected by political and religious conservatives all across the United States. Their program of calumny, lies and hatred, disinformation about my work, even lately attributing it to other writers, continues unabated but it has not had the desired effect. I shall carry on with my task until I have finally ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S. This book is a part of that ongoing effort.”
    Click Here to Continue Reading…
       —Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300 ©1991

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