“National Socialism was a stooge to further the aims of the Communist Empire and the Zionist ambition. They needed an apparent antithesis.” —Douglas Reed
- Putin’s Crimea film borrows from Nazi propaganda film about Sudetenland (Euromaidan Press)
- Party leader Bormann was a Soviet agent (Maier Files)
- Communism, the master of nazism: this is how red terror inspired the nazi dictatorship (Counting Stars)
- The final solution to Adolf Hitler (Documentary)
- Adolf Hitler—Founder of Israel (Book)
- Another country where ‘local’ Nazis are a front for Russia – Georgia (Euromaidan Press)
- Putin “played no less role” in creation of ISIS than Stalin did in rise of Nazis, Shmulyevich says (Euromaidan Press)
- Russian neo-Nazis in the ranks of terrorists in Eastern Ukraine (Euromaidan Press)
- Dugin attests root of Nazism is Jewish
- Russia’s “ping pong” policy on Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Euromaidan Press)
- The real reason the Kremlin will never completely disown Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Euromaidan Press)
- Nazism, Fascism, and Socialism Are All Rooted in Communism (Epoch Times)
- The Jewish Roots Of Nazi Occultism (Shoebat)
- Hitler’s Finances and the Myth of Nazi Anti-Usury Activism (Anthony Migchels)
- Hitler and the socialist dream (The Independent)
- Polish PM: Soviets facilitated Nazi Germany, Russia is rewriting history (Times of Israel)
- Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenberg invented the “six million” (WW2 Truth)
- In 1921, Nazi Party Member Ernst Ehrensperger Denounced Adolf Hitler as a Traitor and Jewish Puppet
- How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson (Atlanta Jewish Times)
- Head of Nazi Gestapo buried in Jewish cemetery (New York Post)
- 1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place (BBC News)
- Nazis or Zionists (Just another inside job)
- The Pink Swastika: Homosexuaity in the Nazi Party (E-book—Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams)
- ‘Hitler was a soldier in Munich, but these were under the orders of the Red Govt from Moscow’ (The Story of Otto Strasser—Douglas Reed)
- Hitler’s strategic mistakes between 1941 and 1942 in Russia were made on purpose (Hitler the Jew and the faked WW2)
- Report: Official at heart of Nazis’ racial laws worked to help Israel go nuclear (Times of Israel)
- Israeli K98: How the Jewish State Acquired German Rifles After WWII (Tactical Life)
- Hitler’s Jewish physicians (NCBI)
- Signs of Neo-Nazi Ideology Amongst Russian Mercenaries (Inform Napalm)
- Putin Looks to Make Equating Stalin, USSR to Hitler, Nazi Germany Illegal (Newsweek)
- The Rothschild Bank for International Settlements actually financed Hitler’s war machine (The Telegraph)
- Putin makes it illegal to compare the Soviets to the Nazis (DailyMail)
- Stalin’s German-Nationalist Party (CODOH)
- The secret contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany (Klaus Polkehn—PDF)
- Soviet secret order to convert German concentration camps to GULAG camps revealed (EuroMaidan Press)
- How The Mossad Collaborated With Heinrich Himmler To Free Jews From Concentration Camps And Ship Them To Palestine
- Russian Jews who became Wehrmacht generals (Russia Beyond)
- Hitler & the Kabbalistic, Talmudic creation of WW2 (Josh)
- Soviet vs Nazi posters – amazing similarities! (Video, Youtube—robbbie80)
- Speech by Garry Kasparov for the 80th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Putin’s List)
- The Nazi Who Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Tablet Magazine)
- How and why did a Talmud Tractate wind up in Hitler’s bunker? (Israel National News)
- Russian Neo-Nazis Participate in ‘Denazifying’ Ukraine – Der Spiegel (Moscow Times)
- Vinnitsa, Ukraine: Where Jewish-Led NKVD Terrorists Murdered 10,000 Christians And Blamed It On The ‘Nazis’ (Christians For Truth)
- Putin Using Kaliningrad Exactly the Way Hitler Used that Region when It was Called East Prussia, Skobov Says (Window on Eurasia)
- Pro-Moscow Historian Says Russia Must ‘De-Nazify’ Ukraine the Way It De-Nazified East Germany (Window on Eurasia)
- Nazi Gestaop chief Heinrich Müller was buried in Jewish cemetery (Lenta.ru)
- Why did Hitler attend the funeral of socialist revolutionary (Silview.media)
- Putin’s Hitler Youth exposed in social networks (Kompromat1)
- Hitler allowed banker Ludwig Rothschild to leave prison and flee to the U.S. on $21 million bail (Profile.ru)
- The Nazi myth of job creation Part 1 | Part II (Telegra)
- Like Hitler, Stalin Deployed Terror along Ethnic Lines, Eidman Says (Window on Eurasia)
- How Adolf Hitler Began to Admire Josef Stalin (National Interest)
- Russian governor awards Order of Courage to soldier with Swastika tattoo (Kompromat1)
- Russia’s history of using the Neo-Nazi movement as a tool for Psychological warfare and political chess games (Donbas Samizdat)
- The role of Russian Neo Nazis in the violent events in Odesa, Spring 2014 (Donbas Samizdat)