“To add a supplementary remark concerning the place: as you may expect from a place where the arts of the Muses, of Minerva, of Apollo, and even of Mars meet in common, with contest and sound of trumpet, they endeavor to equal the circus in the stadium, which is no doubt a temple, too–I mean of the very idol whose festival is celebrated there.”
—St. Tertullianus, On the Spectacles
- St. Tertullianus’ On the Spectacles (2nd Century AD)
- The Crowd – A Study of the Popular Mind [1896] (Gustave Le Bon—E-book) | Audiobook
- The Colosseum: a Symbol of Martyrs (Zenit)
- Jewish wealth transfer via the Colosseum (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Oilers fan turns in season tickets after 38 years because of new COVID-19 policy (City News)
- Amid the World Cup frenzy a slew of new laws, many of which will hit the wallets of ordinary Russians, went into effect (Moscow Times)
- KGB used hockey to soften Canada to communism, with oversight by Pierre Trudeau (Vladimir Popov)
- ‘I masterminded the greatest cheating scandal in sporting history’: Moscow lab boss turned whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov reveals how he falsified Russian Olympic athletes’ drug tests aided by Putin’s FSB (DailyMail)
- Lessons in controlled opposition from Ted Turner’s WCW wrestling (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Dark spirits surround Wrestlemania 30 (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Why Are So Many Pro Basketball Owners Jewish (Like Donald Sterling)? (Forward)
- The Stadium Gambit and Local Economic Development (Dennis Coates & Brad R. Humphreys)
- The Fix is In—author Brian Tuohy writes several books exploring rigging in sports
- The Puck Stops Here: Chanukah at Sports Stadiums All Over America (Chabad.org)
- At the Games: Chanukah in the Public Arena (Lubavitch.com)
- Breaking: NFL Team Paid $130,000 to Popularize Obamacare (Ben Swann)
- Spectator Sports and the Decline of the West (Occidental Observer)
- The ‘Love Hormone’ as Sports Enhancer (New York Times)
- The Complete Infestation of the NBA by Jews (Blak Rant)
- The Economics Of Sports Stadiums (Fox News—Youtube)
- Why the Olympics Are a Lot Like ‘The Hunger Games’ (The Nation)
- Politics of the Sporting Body A study of sport as a political tool under Communism (Lin Yang)
- Alouettes’ Mitchell fined for tweeting about Holocaust (Toronto Sun—archive)
- Canadian Olympic Committee teams up with gay activists to push homosexuality in schools (LifeSiteNews)
- Olympics now banned from any country restricting spread of homosexuality (LifeSiteNews)
- Athletes, activists push homosexual agenda at UN on Human Rights Day (LifeSiteNews)
- Brazilian soccer referee beheaded by angry fans who put his head on a stake after he stabbed player (DailyMail)
- America has a stadium problem (Pacific Standard)
- Public swindled on stadium (Winnipeg Sun)
- Giants’ reliever Sam Coonrod says he refused to take a knee for Black Lives Matter because the movement has ‘leaned towards Marxism’ and as a Christian will ‘only kneel before God’ (DailyMail)

- Physician says league has ‘financial interest in tolerating violence’ (CBC)
- NFL conducted two-decade campaign to deny scientific research showing link between football and brain damage (ESPN)
- Ottawa police reached out to Philadelphia Flyers to discuss how they would handle media questions about arrest of player
- Forged On Ice: Freemasons Within the Hershey Bears and the Hockey Hall of Fame (Robert A. Goodman—Book)
- How Sport stadiums turn public money into private profit-2/2 (Democracy Now)
- The Jews Behind Michael Sam (Real Jew News)
- How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers (The Atlantic)
- Vanderbilt dismisses football star Chris Boyd in coverup of alleged gang rape (CNN)
- Brazil spies on protesters, hoping to protect World Cup (Reuters)
- Father, 32, shook his newborn baby to death after losing £2.50 bet on Arsenal in Champions League match (DailyMail)
- When the NBA calls Chabad (COL Live)
- Witchcraft and African Football (Transhumanity—Archived)
- Seahawks: Undercover Cops Hired To Wear Opposing Team’s Uniform (CBS—Archived)
- The facts about Super Bowl sex trafficking (LifeSiteNews)
- The Jewish Conspiracy Behind the Harlem Globetrotters (Mike King—Archived)
- The NFL Has Become A Circus Of Political Correctness (Sleuth Journal)
- Ancient wrestling was fake too: Document shows match was fixed (Fox News)
- Players urged to wear rainbow laces for anti-homophobia launch (BBC)
- Lebron James graffiti incident a staged hate crime hoax?
- Los Angeles Police Have No Info Six Months After Alleged Lebron Racist Graffiti (Outkick)
- Soviets use doped athletes to trick world into believing socialism trumps capitalism (Vladimir Popov)
- NBA player visits Chabad rebbe’s ohel (COL Live)
- Nearly 300 fans get 1st COVID vaccine shot to attend Raiders game (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
- Champions League debutants Tiraspol were founded by ex-KGB officers (DailyMail)
- Mason Mount reveals missing Euro 2020 game played part in decision to get jab (DailyMail)
- Vince McMahon and WWF allegedly protected pederasts accused of buggering “Cream Team” of young boys helping ring crews, as well as staff (GlobalTubeTruth—Youtube)
- Jewish-run NHL constantly pushing Indian version of BLM (CTV)
- Toronto Maple Leafs fans turn on each other after playoff loss (Breitbart)
- MLB’s Gabe Kapler follows a Jewish sports tradition with National Anthem protest (Times of Israel)
“In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about WE FURTHER DISTRACT THEM WITH AMUSEMENTS, GAMES, PASTIMES, PASSIONS, PEOPLE’S PALACES . . . SOON WE SHALL BEGIN THROUGH THE PRESS TO PROPOSE COMPETITIONS IN ART, IN SPORT IN ALL KINDS: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them.” —Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 13:3.”
- The National Hockey League to focus on ‘diversity’ after report finds it is ‘overwhelmingly white’ (LifeSiteNews)
- Popular NHL goalie disagrees with Trudeau’s gun grab, says he supports hunters’ gun rights (LifeSiteNews)
- WWE for sale as Vince McMahon returns after ‘hush money’ probe (News.com.au)
- NHL Backtracks After DeSantis Alleges Discrimination in Minority-Only Hockey Event (Epoch Times)
- Skate Canada goes trans crazy, axes ‘man’ and ‘woman’ from official vocabulary for pairs teams (LifeSiteNews)
- NHL Publicly Supports Transgender Hockey Tournament; Controversy Ensues (New American)
- McMahon had jobber Horowitz use Jewishness as wrestling angle (Jewish.ru)
- Kosovo To Probe Football Match Fixing Claims After French Arrests (Eurasia Review)
- The Gamblification of Canada (CBC)
- VIDEO: NHL Official Caught Manipulating Game to Benefit Connor McDavid (Hockey Latest)