Mythicist Adam Green’s anti-Zionism is Marxist derived

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
June 16, 2023 Anno Domini

The legitimacy of Christ mythicist Adam Green’s entire online persona rests on the idea that he is against Jewish supremacism, whatever that is.

If we can uncover what “Jewish supremacism” means to Adam Green, perhaps, then, we can get a clearer understanding of what his objectives truly are. He seems to use his position of fighting “Jewish supremacism” as a cover for everything he says. If anyone critizes what he says, he can just point them back to his “heroic” fight against the “Jewish supremacists”. This is more the tactic of a cult leader than of a truth seeker.

For Catholics, we oppose world Jewry because of their rebellious behaviour directed against Christ our Lord, His Church, and his moral order in the world (to which every man is subject). We know that their world ambition is based entirely in opposition to Jesus Christ. The Church Fathers have warned us of the nefarious nature of Jews and why they must be resisted, their influence in society restricted, and treated with suspicion but ultimately left unharmed (see the Vatican’s Papal Bull Sicut Judaeis Non).

Anti-Zionism, on the other hand, is a modern-day invention of the Soviet system. It is a dialectical anti-thesis to the supposed thesis of British “colonialism”. This Marxist struggle plays the leading role in the KGB operation known as SIG (Zionist government). This struggle pits the world against a so called British-led Zionist conspiracy. Since Zionism is so new and Israel only a Soviet vassal state, it’s difficult to compare its achievements and/or failures with those of the phenomenon of British Colonialism. But we know for a fact that British colonialism has greatly benefited the world, in a way greater than even the Roman Empire benefited its member nations, and it did so without the use of slavery. Therefore, British colonialism and Zionism share little in common, although Marxists would have us believe they are the same thing. Adam Green’s cheap anti-Zionist cover only furthers this Jewish Marxist conflation, which is ironic considering he claims to oppose Jews, or at least “Jewish supremacism”.

But what is Zionism? It’s merely Jewish nationalism. Every race has the right to its own nationalism. The Old Testament supports this nationalism, although to the rightful heirs of the promise to Abraham—those who would become the Body of Christ through His Church. Is it a coincidence that the nations most dedicated to Christ through His church have been blessed with the many benefits that British colonialism has afforded them? (I would argue that American colonialism is an extension of British colonialism).

Where things can get complicated is when Marxist narratives get mixed up with, for example, Catholic anti-Judaism (as mentioned above). While Catholic anti-Judaism is not anti-Zionist per se (Pope Pius X did condemn the Zionist movement in 1904), it might be reluctant to grant a true homeland (not a Soviet-Rothschild-created one) to world Jewry out of fear of Jewish behaviour and how it might exploit such a scenario in order to harm Christ’s Church and the moral order. Well, this is exactly what has happened, except the Jews didn’t need the state of Israel to accomplish this. Their subversion of the Christian-led world order began centuries before 1948. Therefore, I submit that Zionism itself has not been a major factor in the world’s subversion by Christ’s enemies. It has merely played a dialectical role in the current geo-political mess we have today. It could be argued, then, that Green’s position on “Jewish supremacism” is an anti-racist positon, with Marxist undertones. The reader will realize that anti-racism is entirely Marxist.

Back to Green’s so-called opposition to “Jewish supremacism” as his basis for attacking the Church and Holy Scripture. He loosely bases his notion of Jewish supremacism on the Torah merely because it calls for nationalism and the based idea that God commanded groups of deviants like the Amalek to be wiped out. Again, Israel was protecting its national interests, like any nation should do. Would Green call it supremacist if God commanded the Church today to wipe out the increasingly isane  LGBT movement? I think most conservatives, Christian or not, would call this very based and would support it. If you don’t like what God was forced to do in the Torah due to man’s sins, you can’t also oppose things like the death penalty. You see where I am going with this?

As a side but important note, Green misleads his audience about Torah, insinuating that there is only one Torah with which both Jews and Christians revere equally. In reality there are three, which the Jews interchangeably call “Torah” when it suits them. The Torah SheBeal Peh is actually the Babylonian Talmud, while the Torah SheBichtav is the Tankh (Old Testament). Green further deceives his audience, out of ignorance or malice, by not revealing that the Torah SheBeal Peh is Judaism’s most authoritative out of the three Torahs (Torat Ha-adam is the third and is a rabbinical legal treatise), while Christianity reveres only the Tanakh and condemns the Talmud and rabbinical writings.

If Green is against nationalism, he has to be for globalism. If Green is for globalism, his opposition to Jewry is as fake as three-dollar bill and our suspicious must be correct that he is using a cheap form of anti-Zionism to carry out an anti-Christian agenda (all anti-Zionism is cheap, for that matter. It’s just a Marxist means to an end). If Green is against British Colonialism, as any good anti-Zionist should be, then he has bought into Marxism and he is even less trustworthy.


  1. It is a fact that the Western nations directly supports Israel, while Russia and their allies will support and fund the Arabs, but will never arm the Arabs to the point where they can destroy Israel. Because both the Western nations and Russia has a significant jewish supremacist lobby that will maintain the survival of Israel.

  2. British Imperialism was NOT good because British Imperialism was a project of the Rothschild bankers. I do not deny the Soviet role in the creation of Israel, but the Balfour Declaration basicially granted jews the land of Palestine. Due to suversive jewish influence in both East and West, ZOG East will be controlled opposition, while the ZOG West will be the explicit proxy.

    The Bank of England was rescued by the Rothschilds in the 1820’s and the Duke of Wellington’s armies were also funded by the Rothschilds. The Opium wars in China was literally fought to protect Sassoon jewish drug lords after the opium trade was banned in China.

    To call anyone who recognizes the historical fact that Zionists collaborated with British imperialists as “marxist” is simply absurd. Zionists also collaborated with Nazis and Soviet Communists.

    You tehn claim that British imperialism is “God’s blessing” even though you are a Catholic and the British and American imperialists are largely Protestants, Freemasons, and Secularists.

    Judeo-masonry allied with British Imperialists, Anglo-Saxon culture:

    If you judge “God’s blessing” by material wealth, you will have to conclude that the blessing of you god is simply a illogical concept because the least religious nations such as Nordic nations, Canada and Japan are the best nations on every metric, while the most religous nations which are in either Subsaharan Africa or Latin America are the worst in pretty much every metric.

    Britain was the first nation in the world to be taken over by supremacist jews in the 1650’s, while the US only got offcially taken over by (((them))) after the establishment of the federal reserve and Russia gettign taken over by (((them))) in 1917. I appriciate your criticism of the Soviet Union, but to downplay the influence of the British or any other Western nation in aiding the jew agenda is something I am strongly criticial of.

    It is very strange why a person of Irish ethnicity and of the Catholic sect would support the largely Protestant, Freemasonic, and Secularist Anglo chauvinists. It is like a Pole supporting Russian chauvinism.

    1. British Imperialism was NOT good because British Imperialism was a project of the Rothschild bankers. I do not deny the Soviet role in the creation of Israel, but the Balfour Declaration basicially granted jews the land of Palestine. Due to suversive jewish influence in both East and West, ZOG East will be controlled opposition, while the ZOG West will be the explicit proxy.

      Your argument is reductionist. The Rothschilds may have co-opted British “imperialism” later on and only to a degree, but even so, colonialism has had a net positive effect in the world, even through today. The Balfour declaration was just a piece of paper and amounted to nothing since the British abstained from voting in the U.N. Partition Plan.

      To call anyone who recognizes the historical fact that Zionists collaborated with British imperialists as “marxist” is simply absurd. Zionists also collaborated with Nazis and Soviet Communists.

      You’re misrepresenting my position. I mentioned above that the Rothschilds may have co-opted aspects of colonialism, but that doesn’t make it a Jewish movement. Whu else is Jewry is still working to eradicate colonialism today.

      You tehn claim that British imperialism is “God’s blessing” even though you are a Catholic and the British and American imperialists are largely Protestants, Freemasons, and Secularists.

      Catholicism has thrived in colonialist nations. That’s what matters. Ironically, Ireland has maintained its independence, yet Catholicism has fallen there.

      Judeo-masonry allied with British Imperialists, Anglo-Saxon culture:

      This was written by Jude Duffy, whose writings I don’t agree with 100 percent. And that’s OK. Also, I published that when I didn’t have as much knownledge on the subject as I do today.

      If you judge “God’s blessing” by material wealth, you will have to conclude that the blessing of you god is simply a illogical concept because the least religious nations such as Nordic nations, Canada and Japan are the best nations on every metric, while the most religous nations which are in either Subsaharan Africa or Latin America are the worst in pretty much every metric.

      I don’t judge God’s blessing by material wealth, but Holy Scripture itself says that the House of Israel, the true House of Israel, would be a blessing to all nations. It’s pretty obvious who that is.

      Britain was the first nation in the world to be taken over by supremacist jews in the 1650’s, while the US only got offcially taken over by (((them))) after the establishment of the federal reserve and Russia gettign taken over by (((them))) in 1917. I appriciate your criticism of the Soviet Union, but to downplay the influence of the British or any other Western nation in aiding the jew agenda is something I am strongly criticial of.

      I respect your opinion, which is shared by many, like Lyndon LaRouche and the entire Marxist establishment. America may have been founded by Freemasons, the U.S. Constitution may have been modelled after the Freemason’s Constitution, but God has one upped all of them and used America as a blessing to the world. God can and does turn evil into good. We love America and Great Britain despite their shortcomings. As Holy Scripture says, “the righteous exalt a nation”.

      It is very strange why a person of Irish ethnicity and of the Catholic sect would support the largely Protestant, Freemasonic, and Secularist Anglo chauvinists. It is like a Pole supporting Russian chauvinism.

      I have benefited from Colonialism. What kind of hypocrite would I be to condemn something that has improved my life? Should I be a hypocrite so that I can maintain some useless Irish bitterness?

      1. Hi Timothy

        I keep track of this site, and although I have never commented, I appreciate the information I gather here – because I believe that we have been deceived for centuries…and it’s ongoing.

        I am Scottish and I have relatives in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – on both sides of my parents.

        Those of us, in our family, who have remained in Scotland have not moved more than five miles from our original homes, to which we arrived, from Flanders and/or France, in the 17th and 18th Centuries…and the case of the Drummonds, possibly 1000 years ago.

        I am a Drummond (Drumon – Kievan Rus), Fraser (Frizell, which is a Jewish name) and Frame (of whom there are very few – but we have very dark hair and green eyes). A St Andrews University project says that we were Flemish weavers. But, I can find no history, before 1736. It would seem that they were always sea-farers, right up until my grandfather and his brothers. They all went to sea. It’s not something that you would expect weavers to do.

        The Drummonds and Frasers all ended up stuck, by Royal Decree, in the coal-pits from 1706 until 1795. The coal-pit owner owned them and their children and their children’s children throughout those years.

        I suppose this all depends upon the definition of the word, ‘Slavery’.

        My other grandmother was an Anderson. She came from a family in Sutherland – the epi-centre of the, ‘Highland Clearances’, where up to 4,500 families were burnt out of their homes, every day, until they’d cleared the lot – for sheep.

        We are taught that this was, ‘Agricultural Improvement’.

        Those families made their ways to the textile factories in the cities…or to the colonies, as slaves (basically) until they’d paid off their debt of passage.

        Others in my family tree emigrated, voluntarily, in the 20thC.

        The Colonies were, always, managed by the TPTB and populated by people who’d been displaced.

        1. Kerenibus, the Brits did bad things, of course. My article was not meant to make them out to be angels. Likewise, the Catholic Church has done bad things, but she is still God’s Church and He uses her to carry out his will.

    2. I don’t think Britain’s takeover is so cut and dry. Up to WW1 and maybe even beyond that the British ruling class were very much into White Mans burden and Anglocizing (for lack of a better word) the world. They really believed the Anglo man was going to lead the world to become a better place.

  3. If you believe god can turn use evil for good purposes in the case of Britain and America despite their flaws, do you believe god also does the same for Germany, Russia, Turkey, or Japan despite their own historical flaws?

    “I don’t judge God’s blessing by material wealth, but Holy Scripture itself says that the House of Israel, the true House of Israel, would be a blessing to all nations. It’s pretty obvious who that is.”

    You imply that you believe in British Israelism/CI. Herbert W. Armstrong popularized British Israelism in the US, while people like Wesley Swift was largely responsible for creating CI.

    However British Israelism/CI is largely a Protestant belief, Catholics and Orthodox largely believe in replacement theology in which the church or some other ethnic group replaced the nation of Israel:

    “Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a people who will produce fruit.” – Matthew 21:43

    About the Irish and British imperialism, Yes British policies did make the irish famine worse and as a reuslt Ireland’s population still has not recovered to pre-famine population. Many of Ireland’s institutions are British derived. Most Irish people moved to Anglo nations especially the US.

    Anglo-Saxon Imperialism is analogous to Russian imperialism. Sure the Central Asians, East Europeans, and natives of the Caucasus suffered from many specific Rusisan policies and Russia used Communism as their own tool of imperialism, but then again the former subjects of Russian Empire and Soviet Union have also in many ways benefited from Russian imperialism like how many roads, railroads, schools, hospitals, factories, military installations were built in areas of Russian control under both the Tsarist and Bolshevist governments.

    The main ting that is debated is wether Anglo or Russian imperialism cause more harm than good?

    1. Dan Frost: “You imply that you believe in British Israelism/CI. Herbert W. Armstrong popularized British Israelism in the US, while people like Wesley Swift was largely responsible for creating CI.”

      Protestant groups have woven erroneous theology around the idea of northern peoples being descended from the Ten Tribes, called by the collective name of Ephraim, but I do think it is possible that they have that ancestry, because the Germani came westwards from Scythia, and according to the non-canonical 4 Esdras the Ten Tribes left the land of their captivity going beyond the Euphrates seeking land where no men dwelt, and Josephus was in accord with that account; that could only have been through the Caucasus into Scythia, which is the route by which the tall, light-haired horse-lords ventured into those lands from what is now Iran. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were pastoral nomads; the way of life was part of the ethnic heritage of Israel. It is thus not difficult to imagine the folk of Ephraim living as pastoral nomads but with horses instead of sheep in accommodation to the northern climate and their warlike existence.

      A stone has been found in the grave of a Sarmatian noble-woman bearing the name “Elyasib” in Paleo-Hebrew, and there are resemblances between Germanic runic script and Paleo-Hebrew, though I am no expert in those fields.

      Moreover, the church father Saint Hippolytus in his Chronicon classified the Germani, Scythians and Aryans as children of Sem.

      To be clear, I do not praise the British empire, but the subject of the Ten Tribes interests me.

  4. I do not deny that there are good things that resulted in British imperialism.

    1. British Colonialism definitely uplifted the places where it went. The British brought Education, Sanitation, law and order. Even the exploration of resources was a good thing as in most places the people weren’t doing anything with them and the British created industry where they went. This is only a generalist view and sure there were bad things that happened, but overall definitely a net positive. Oh also the British were very lax in their colonies and those colonies had a lot of religious freedom, if you weren’t a thugee that is.
      My 2 cents

  5. It is important to be aware of the fact that Amalek was a group of nephilîm; they were hybrid beings, partially angelic, partially human, and already at birth they had higher intelligence than grown men and they had powers of angelic nature, though more diminished than in pure angels. The Most Holy Trinity never commanded genocide against human peoples in Holy Scripture; in the second chapter of Deuteronomium the Israelites were forbidden from initiating war against human peoples (Edom, Moab, Ammon) and they were commanded to wield their arms only against the mentioned embodied demons; the text says that God had defeated groups of nephilîm for other human peoples to inhabit the lands held by them as He was now doing for the House of Jacob.

    The Jews pretend that talmudistic genocide against gentile nations is justified by Moses, and it is not.

    A fundamental error propagated by anti-christian figures like Green is their claim that talmudistic false interpretations of Moses and the prophets are correct and that Christians are thus locked into a talmudistic framework, and so doing they make a following out of the ignorant who are deceived by them, serving the clandestine Jewish power that they pretend to oppose. It is paganism that judeo-masonry wants, not Catholicism; since Christ overthrew the pagan cults in the West, Belial and his vassals have plotted to regain the territory that they lost and to re-establish paganism, and for that have the Jews and their gnostic servants (rosicrucians, freemasons) laboured throughout the centuries.

    1. The idea that Amelekites were nephilim is simply false according to the Bible. According to Genesis 36:12 the Amelekites were descendent of Esau. If you read the book of Enoch, you will find out that the man-angle hybrids were all killed by the flood.

      The difference between the New Testament and the Talmud/Kabbalah is that the New Tesatament will just leave you confused on what the O.T actually says, whil the Talmud/Kabbalah reveals the true esoteric meaning of the Old Testament.

      1. The Amalekites commanded to be slain were not the house of the Edomite that you mention because in chapter 2 of Deutoronomium the Israelites are forbidden by God to initiate war upon Edom, meaning that Edom was not targetted to be wiped out (because it was a human people), and it never was despite the enmity of Edom towards Israel and the military conflicts between them, but in Exodus 17 God declares to Moses that He will remove the memory of Amalek under the heaven. Also, in the Latin text the names are written differently; the name of the enemy fought by Israel is written as “Amalec”, whereas the name of the Edomite is written as “Amalech”. It would not have been impossible for nephilîm to arise descended from that son of Edom, for nephilîm were born from human women (the antediluvian ones were born from women of the House of Cain), but the fact of the matter is that the Amalekite nephilîm mentioned in Holy Scripture were not descended from that man.

        The antediluvian nephilîm were all slain in the ancient days, but after the Flood new nephilîm arose (through new fornication between angels and human women), first among the people of Cham whose hearts were set upon the old evil, and that is why there were giants in the land held by Canaan who was accursed by our father Noë; the book of Genesis makes it clear that such beings were of a mixed nature, angelic and human.

        Even the natives in America had stories of war against giants by their longfathers.

        And no, talmudism and kabbalism do not unlock hidden meanings of the OT; talmudism is not the religion of Moses but was a new and fake religion formed by those who had rejected and crucified Christ. Kabbalism is gnostic pantheism rooted in ancient Babylon and Egypt and contradicts the manifest monotheism of Moses and the prophets; it is not an esoteric explanation of an exoteric OT, it blatantly contradicts the OT. The fallen angels ever teach esoterism and gnostic pantheism to their human servants because their chief still pretends that he can dethrone God and thus lies to his sorcerers, dualistically claiming to be equipotent with God and pretending that divinity is an impersonal power that can be grasped by angels and men. It is the ancient lie of the serpent in Gan-Eden.

        Belial chose the Judeans as his chief human servants because they had committed the Deicide, and that is why their Kahal is controlled by kabbalistic pantheists.

  6. According to the Jude 1:6-7 the angels which had sexual relations with human women were chained. Second of all not all giants are nephilim. The word nephilim does not necessarily mean giant, it was a sepcific category for angel-human hybrids.

    “Also, in the Latin text the names are written differently; the name of the enemy fought by Israel is written as “Amalec”, whereas the name of the Edomite is written as “Amalech”.”

    This statement is categorically false:

    “erat autem Thamna concubina Eliphaz filii Esau quae peperit ei AMALECH hii sunt filii Adae uxoris Esau.” – Genesis 36:12 in the Latin Vulgate Bible

    “venit autem AMALECH et pugnabat contra Israhel in Raphidim.” – Exodus 17:8 in the Latin Vulgate Bible

    Talmudism cearly unlocks hidden knowledge for the jews, ever wonder why the OT laws were suppousedly make a person moral, but jews are the most immoral people on the planet. It is because these laws are proscribed to how jews treat each other.

    Ever wonder why David was never punshed by yaweh for sleeping with Bathsheba and sending her husband Uriah to his death. The answer is revealed by jewish author Israel Shahak:

    “»According to the Talmudic Encyclopedia: ‘He who has carnal knowledge of the wife of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written: “thy fellow’s wife” rather than the alien’s wife; and even the precept that a man “shal cleave unto his wife” which is addressed to the Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony for a heathen; and although a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the Gentiles, in any case a Jew is exempted.
    This does not imply that sexual intercourse between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman is permitted – quite the contrary. But the main punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew: ‘If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day – because he had wilful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble. The Jew, however, must be flogged, and if he is Kohen (member of the priestly tribe) he must receive double the number of lashes, because he has committed a double offence: a Kohen must not have intercourse with a prostitute, and all Gentile women are presumed to be prostitutes.«”

    This passage above is considered mild by any jew-wise person, there are a lot more extreme passages in the Talmud, but the point is is that because Uriah was not an Israelite/Jew, David was not punished with death for adultery, but his son who was completely innocent did. All Abrahamic religious texts are jewish supremacist and the New Testmanet is nothing more than a recycling old pagan myth combined with hebraic elements because European gentiles could never be spirutally judaized without certain elements of their native religions. The Kabbalah is also derived from Greek hermeticism and it is very sophsiticated spiritual system. The most sophisticated religous disciplines in existence happen to be Greek Hermeticism, Jewish Kabbalah, and Gateway Process/Theosophy and Akashic records.

  7. Those who followed Semjâzâ into fornication were chained, but that does not mean that there were no angels bringing forth nephilîm after the Flood.

    Gentile peoples like Edom, Ammon and Moab were paganistic and immoral, but they were not targetted for extermination as I have shown; the giants were targetted because they were nephilîm, embodied demons who were gradually replacing the people of Adam.

    Dan Frost: “This statement is categorically false”

    The difference of names is in the version of the Clementine Vulgate on the website of the Clementine Vulgate Project, and it is also retained in the Challoner bible, but it was not my main argumentation so I will not dwell on it further in this post.

    Dan Frost: “Talmudism cearly unlocks hidden knowledge for the jews, ever wonder why the OT laws were suppousedly make a person moral, but jews are the most immoral people on the planet.”

    Talmudism contradicts the OT, which does not claim that gentile nations are lesser than Adamic and to be treated differently regarding natural law than Judeans; according to Ezechiel 47, 22 gentile servants of God have equal status with born Israelites in the Messianic Era. The OT condemned the paganistic idolatry of gentile nations as right-believing Christians condemn it today; it did not involve claiming that gentiles were ontological beast-men.

    That the Jews at present are horrendous people is because they have walked in spiritual darkness for many centuries, not because of Moses; their pseudo-religion is not the religion of Moses.

    Dan Frost: “Ever wonder why David was never punshed”

    You say that he was not punished; I disagree and many men would deem their own death a lesser punishment than the loss of their children.

    Posting a talmudistic quote does not prove your claim that talmudism is a true exegesis of the OT; talmudists claim that it is, but we Christians reject the claim as false.

    Dan Frost: “but the point is is that because Uriah was not an Israelite/Jew, David was not punished with death for adultery, but his son who was completely innocent did”

    The child of David was Judean and not gentile, and the child’s life was taken away by God so your exegesis is obviously false.

    Dan Frost: “the New Testmanet is nothing more than a recycling old pagan myth combined with hebraic elements because European gentiles could never be spirutally judaized without certain elements of their native religions.”

    That is an absurd and baseless claim by Americans on the internet for which they have no proof because there is none; the Christian martyrs in Rome were murdered because they rejected paganism and refused to burn incense to the false gods of Rome; they would not have died for a recycled version of the very thing they refused to bow to. And already in the days of the holy apostles the Jews spent all their strength on trying to hinder the spreading of Christianity, and it grew in defiance of them. Throughout all the centuries since have they plotted against the Catholic Church, and that history has been traced back but Americans tend not to be able to read French, and thus they lack vast amounts of knowledge of that lore. Protestantism was launched as a judeo-rosicrucian revolution to destabilise the Latin Church in the West, but Catholicism, the true Christianity, is from the true God, the God whom the Jews crucified in antiquity.

    Already before World War II was it known that judeo-masonry wanted to repaganise Europe; it was not Christianity that it was spreading, but paganism. In France it murdered Catholic clerics and wrought a genocide in the Catholic Vendée, and in my own fatherland, here in the southern Low Countries, the Catholic peasant-warriors were slaughtered and they died valiantly for Christ; rats like Adam Green are not worthy to bind the shoes of such men. That time we call in our tongue the “Beloken tijd”, “Covert time”, because if any were found to be secretly attending the Catholic Mass or hiding Catholic priests, death came to them.

    Dan Frost: “The Kabbalah is also derived from Greek hermeticism and it is very sophsiticated spiritual system.”

    Hermeticism is the corpus of false teachings of the demon Thoth, who was served by cultists in Egypt; Jewish kabbalism is thus, like I said, rooted in occultistic Egypt. At the core of hermeticism is pantheism which is contrary to belief in the supernatural, personal God of Holy Scripture; thus kabbalism and hermeticism contradict the manifest monotheism of Moses and vainly do you try to project those foreign teachings onto the Sacred Writings.

    I will conclude this post by mentioning that hermeticist gnostic rosicrucians built up the very British empire that you have here deplored, and one of the intellects behind its rise was the hermeticist John Dee, court sorcerer of the protestant queen in England.

  8. Do you think Yao Ming is a nephilim?

    Because after all Yao Ming is over 7ft tall, which tall even by Western standards due to the fact that the average Chinese man is around 5ft 7in.

    There is no evidence that nephilim existed after the flood, all claims that they did rest on speculation.

    One of the most unreasonable things that god did in the old testament was to kill David’s son, even though his son did not choose to born from a illict affair.

    “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.” -Ezekiel 18:20

    So god contradicts himself in the Old Testament because if god was actually consistent, then he would have killed David and Bathesheba and not his son.

    “Even if the Pope is the incarnate of the Devil, we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom… He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death, for that which we do to him we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the Pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the Pope.”

    -Atributted to “Saint” Catherine of Siena

    Would she have killed her family if the Pope asked that of her? Because if following the Pope gets you into heaven why not?

    Would she have had sexual relations with the Pope if the Pope wanted to sleep with her?, because after all a woman in Medieval Europe who managed to have sex with the Pope gained a great social status and since she did this at the command of the Pope it would not be considered sinful because the Pope must be obeyed even if he was the devil according to Catholic teaching.

    Esoteric knowledge is something that the elite wants to hide from the general population. They promote Athiesm/Materialism 24/7/12/365.

    I am currently a secular person with an interest in Theosophy and other forms of Occultism, although my father came from a English Catholic background with ancestry traced back to Liverpool, which is the only area in England with a Catholic majority. My mother came from a Dutch Calvinist family. My family has been in the United States for 5 or 6 generations by now.

    I do not dislike all aspects of the British Empire, in fact I do admit myself that the British Empire has actually benefited the world in many ways despite it’s flaws, I am against the author’s overpraising of Britain and America and his extreme anti-Russian positions which I disagree with. John Dee was an occultist who had esoteric knowledge unknown to most of the world.

    1. Dan Frost: “There is no evidence that nephilim existed after the flood, all claims that they did rest on speculation.”

      That there were nephilîm after the Flood is proven by the fact that there were groups that were targetted for total extermination by the sword, something that was forbidden to do against human peoples; I have shown you the clear distinction in Holy Scripture but you dismiss it because you insist on looking at the Scripture through the false interpretations of talmudistic Jews who support genocide.

      In the original Hebrew text of chapter 13 of the book Numeri the Canaanite giants were described as nephilîm with the same word by which the beings mentioned in the book Genesis were called.

      Dan Frost: “One of the most unreasonable things that god did in the old testament was to kill David’s son, even though his son did not choose to born from a illict affair.”

      “So god contradicts himself in the Old Testament because if god was actually consistent, then he would have killed David and Bathesheba and not his son.”

      God is Lord over life and death, and children have died throughout the millennia; it is nothing new and the prophet Ezechiel knew this too; the child of David obviously did not die because God deemed it to have some personal fault in the sin of the father. The death of the child was a particular punishment for David, not for the child. Chapter 18 of Ezechiel speaks of the death of the soul, its punishment for sin and the souls of sons not receiving particular punishments for the iniquities of their fathers, not about physical death, for some sinners have long lives on earth and saints are not guaranteed longevity in this life.

      Dan Frost: “Would she have killed her family if the Pope asked that of her?”

      No, she would not have; that sort of positivism is foreign to the orthodox Catholic mind. I do not like the hyperbole Saint Catherine uses in that quote but she did not mean that a pope must be obeyed when he commands against divine and natural law to which he, too, is bound. The hierarchy of obedience and legitimate resistance to wicked popes have been described by Catholic theologians throughout the centuries, but you would not know that since it is clear that you are vastly ignorant of Catholicism.

      Saint Catherine meant that a wicked pope still has the power of the Keys of Peter as the vicar of Christ on earth and this sacred authority must be honoured, but that authority is bound by immutable principles.

      She, herself, is famous for having rebuked a pope.

      Legalistic positivism was bred in protestant England (protestant countries were the bastions of Jewish power against what remained of Christendom in western Europe) and unleashed by the French revolution, militating against the Catholic doctrine of the theocratic nature of authority which protected the social order against tyrants. Now the western peoples have been deeply conditioned into positivism and there is little resistance against the degenerates who seek their utter ruin.

      Dan Frost: “Esoteric knowledge is something that the elite wants to hide from the general population.”

      The present western anti-culture is drenched in esotericism; the judeo-masonic powers constantly push it in people’s faces.

      Dan Frost: “I am currently a secular person with an interest in Theosophy and other forms of Occultism, although my father came from a English Catholic background with ancestry traced back to Liverpool, which is the only area in England with a Catholic majority. My mother came from a Dutch Calvinist family. My family has been in the United States for 5 or 6 generations by now.”

      Theosophism arose from the judeo-masonic circles of revolutionary anti-clericalism and has been closely tied into the spiritualist movement of Gérard Encausse; in “Grand Orient” freemasonry involvement with sorcery had lessened and most members were spending time mostly with politics. To counter the lessening of involvement with ritual sorcery he and others built a movement within masonic circles that concentrated on the black rites and from it arose sects like the “Ordo Templi Orientis”/”Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica” of Crowley, whose disciple the Mongol Dugin is. Encausse’s movement was one of the forces behind the open rise of occultism in the 20th century and the present widespread involvement of politicians in ritual murder in satanic sects (in “Belgium” there is the Marc Dutroux connection), and it had to do with the future manifestation of Antichrist.

      Helena Blavatsky, foundress of the Theosophic Society, was very much tied into that spirit of Encausse and was a sorceress deep into the darkness of Belial. She fought at the side of freemasonry and carbonarism in the war against Pius IX, a war financed by the Rothschild family in London, and she was an early proponent of feminism, rooted in the pantheistic concept of a “divine feminine”, to subvert natural hierarchy in society. The UN-connected organisation “Lucifer Trust” is rooted in Blavatsky’s theosophism.

      From what you write about your ancestry your roots are in historically protestant countries and people there were kept ignorant of the Jewish machinations in Europe because protestantism was allied with judeo-masonry against the Catholic Church. With Americans there is the additional fact of having been sundered from Europe by the far waters of the sea, and it is here in the middle-continents that most of the history of Jewish machinations took place. That sundering and the resulting ignorance is how figures like Adam Green, after claiming that Christianity is a psyop by clandestine Jewish power, retain a following.

      And here you are, pretending to oppose the Jews, and behold, you expose yourself as dabbling in a sect of sorcery that was forged within their circles, in Jewish sorcery.

  9. This article is not correct I’m afraid.

    “We know that their world ambition is based entirely in opposition to Jesus Christ.” — Adam Green’s thesis is that the Jesus myth is a Jewish tool to “theologically capture the Goyim”. He points out that R. Moses ben Maimonides (RMBM, often referred to as “Rambam”) said Christianity was very useful to Judaism because it spread the monotheistic idea and spread worship of the Jew’s god YHWH. According to Rambam, “the Christians did more to spread the Torah than Jews have done”. They are not “entirely in opposition to Jesus Christ” at all, if you follow this logic.

    It’s funny too about the British Empire, because wasn’t it Britain that trained and supported Lenin? Wasn’t it Britain that used Communism as a weapon against Russia in the first place? Or at least (((people))) in Britain.

    “But what is Zionism? It’s merely Jewish nationalism. ” No it’s much more than that. They want the whole world. They want the Goyim gone. CJ Bjerknes has delved deeply into this question, and the discoveries he has made are sobering to say the least. Big black pills for sure.

    Green and Bjerknes used to do shows together and they were very thought-provoking. They recently had an argument and started hating each other, which was sad because they did good work together. Anyway, their thesis was that Jesus was a double agent. They presented a lot of evidence of this, and many Rabbis believe it.

    Back to Green’s so-called opposition to “Jewish supremacism”…. I think his choice of wording here is more a reaction to us being called “White Supremacists” all the time. If there’s a better word for the JWO let everyone know.

    Green knows the Torahs and their distinction. There are more than three anyway. It just means teaching. But it’s specific meaning in gentile discourse is the Pentateuch. Often Rabbis will say “Torah” expecting the goyim to think of the OT, but they really mean something else, or at least a secret or oral interpretation of the OT, so it’s an eel of a word really. It can mean many things as you say, but generally it means the OT. There’s nothing sinister about that convention. What he says (from Bjerknes, I strongly suspect) is that the Old Testament is actually worse than the Talmud. If you read the OT from his point of view, it can be seen as a plan for world domination by usury, with the eventual enslavement and destruction of the goyim. In their view it is actually worse than the Talmud, because it is older, more sacred, more focused, and contains the mitzvot from god. Also it constantly demands the subjugation and/or destruction of “the nations”. The Talmud is regarded as just a commentary on the OT, sort of like a teacher’s manual for the main textbook. But what makes the OT the worst of the worst is that Christians revere it, even though it is a manual for their destruction. Therefore it is a most deceptive and dangerous book, in their opinion.

    As for your last paragraph, there is no real “Jewish Nationalism” – for them it’s the world or nothing. (After this world they expect to conquer the entire universe – why not? It might be crazy enough to work, right?).

    Everyday Jews might think it’s all about nationalism and having a safe haven from Nazis or whatever, but according to Bjerknes they are fooling themselves because the top Jews want to wipe them out too. The “mixed multitude” (part Jews) are very useful for infiltrating the goyim, but will be regarded as goyim when the Mashiach comes. Green had one video where he said prior to the destruction of the USA, Jews would leave for Israel. He then said many Jews wouldn’t, because they had assimilated. He then asked “What would happen to them? Well, they’ll get destroyed too, but so what? They are basically goyim anyway.”

    Ask me more if you like, I have watched many of his videos and I think I understand the gist of his thesis more than you do.

    I didn’t get that he was against British Colonialism from his videos. It wasn’t really a theme of his. His main theme lately is that Christians are dupes worshipping the god of their enemy, and thus falling into the Kabbalistic plan which was to kill off the goys’ gods (using Jesus) which will lead to the annihilation of the goys (as above, so below). He constantly says Christianity is a deception to make goyim worship the god of the jews, and thus become “theologically conquered” and unable to fight back.

    The Rabbis are currently “rehabilitating Jesus”, making him kosher again. They write books about it. They say Jesus is boiling in hell because Christians and their idolatry caused this, and he needs to be rescued so he can take his rightful place as the Messiah again. Christians need to stop worshipping him as if he’s god and all will be well, according to them. They don’t hate him, they want to save him! It’s complicated, but they are making inroads – the Noachide movement is big on this sort of thing. It is growing in the background, but in 10 or 20 years will emerge as a worldwide force, and by that point will be very hard to stop.

    Green seems genuine to me, and yes he is anti-Christian. That’s because he thinks Christianity will be the end of us. I don’t think he’s being dishonest. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not as wrong as you. You sound like you’ve only watched one or two of his videos, and didn’t even pay attention.

    1. I should clarify that the part where I posted “Green had one video where he said prior to the destruction of the USA… etc”, I meant the Rabbi in the video said those things, not Green.

      I suspect their Mashiach will not be a man, but rather an AI entity like SkyNet. It will destroy the goyim. That’s why they are working to control AI now – only for their benefit.

      Listen to this video for 2 minutes from :00:42:00 to get the drift of what he’s saying about the Torah plot.

      Bjerknes decoded the Kabalah story: as the poison fruit of the tree of knowledge ripens it becomes less toxic. Prior to full ripening though, technology is a poison that will kill the goyim (even as they invent most of it). The Gaon of Vilna described this process centuries ago but it’s older than that. It’s fascinating what they believe and how they work, and the goyim are like sheep in a paddock, with no idea whatsoever. The Masons know about this, but Morals and Dogma calls goyim sons of Cain and says we are inventors and artisans, but must eventually die off to leave the world for our superiors, once we have made it comfortable for them. So just as we train our replacements from India now, in later years we will build robots to replace ourselves and “the meek” shall inherit the Earth – with robots (whether mechanical or biological) to do all the work.

      1. Bjerknes the Jew? Oh yeah, great source. I have his book on Kabbalah. It’s extremely boring and hardly eye opening. You need to remember that many of us have been in the conpsiracy community a long time, and this information is not, although it might seem new to newbies on the scene.

        1. OK it’s old an boring and not worth reading.

          Only newbies care about that stuff.

          He’s just a Jew.

          Got it.

  10. “The death of the child was a particular punishment for David, not for the child. Chapter 18 of Ezechiel speaks of the death of the soul, its punishment for sin and the souls of sons not receiving particular punishments for the iniquities of their fathers, not about physical death, for some sinners have long lives on earth and saints are not guaranteed longevity in this life.”

    This is an ad hoc statement and typical Christian taqiyyah because death in the Old Testament was specifically refered to earthly death.

    David never suffered at all, his son suffered the full wrath of a vengful god because of the circumstances of his birth. yahweh contradicted himself again if you read Deuteronomy 24:16:

    “Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers; everyone shall be put to death for his own sin.”

    About the Numbers 13:33 verse, the verse before that states that the spies sent by Joshua brought a “bad” or “slanderous” report. The Hebrew word used is דִּבָּה (dibbah) which means slanderous.

    After all why should we be shocked that yahweh contradicts himself, he even sends out “decieving spirits” (1 Kings 22:23). The first lie that yahweh ever told was to Adam and Eve “If you eat of the fruit you shall surely die”. Out of these fictional characters the serpent was actually more honest than god when he said “You shall not surely die and you shall be like god”. Adam and Eve found out for themselves and it turns out the sperent proved yahweh to be a liar. Yahweh’s dishonesty was revealed in Genesis 3.

    As for Theosophy, I have never practiced Theosophy, but I read as much books about it as I can. I try to medidate and decalcify my pineal gland.

    Most Westerners have no idea what the devil horns is. Many people make such symbols out of ignorance, but the elites know what it REALLY means.

    There is no such thing as a state level anti-Christian agenda in the western nations. Most western politicans calim to be Christian so they can get elected. Christians in America and other western nations only complain about imaginary persecution because they get well deserved ciriticism. They complain about paganism even though both the Gregorian and Julian calendars of Greco-Roman calendars created by pagans. The names of different plants, star systems, and othe rthings in outer space are named after pagan mythological characters. Yes paganism is still apart of Western culture, but esotericism is not because the definition of esotericism is secret or hidden knowledge. If mainstream culture is drenching in esotericism, then it would not be esotericism anymore, but common knowledge.

    It is very funny that you call Dugin a “Mongol” when Dugin is a Russian. People need to remember that callings Russians “Mongols” is pure retardation despite the fact that Russia is not a European nation, but an Asiatic nation.

    I am very weel aware that Protestantism and Freemasonry is very linked as wells the fact that kabbalist jews were the main forces behind Protestantism, however catholicism is not free from jewish influence either as Christianity is jewish in essence. Jewish supremacists do not hate Christianity and Islam in fact they love both of these religions as they are subsidaries of Judaism that they introduce to the goyim:

    “In his authoritative work of law the “Mishneh Torah” (Hilkhot Melakhim 11:10–12), Maimonides indicated that nevertheless Muhammad was part of God’s plan of preparing the world for the coming of the Jewish Messiah: “All those words of Jesus of Nazareth and of this Ishmaelite [i.e., Muhammad] who arose after him are only to make straight the path for the messianic king and to prepare the whole world to serve the Lord together. As it is said: ‘For then I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech so that all of them shall call on the name of the Lord and serve him with one accord’ (Zephaniah 3:9).”

    According to Toledot Yeshu, jews fast for a man named Simon Cephas , which we can obviously guess is the Apostle Peter, the Bishop of Rome whom the Catholics believe to be superior to all other bishops.

    1. Dan Frost: “This is an ad hoc statement and typical”

      It is the Christian exegesis of Holy Scripture. The Jews pretend that such things refer to physical death because they have no spiritual life and are carnal. You prove nothing by simply throwing talmudistic pseudo-exegesis at me. Holy Scripture was always entrusted to a priesthood with teaching authority to explain what was written, in the Old Covenant to the sons of Aäron and in the New Covenant to the successors of the apostles. We Christians keep the sentence of the holy fathers as regula fidei, and we reject the lies of the Jews.

      Dan Frost: “David never suffered at all”

      He did; he lost a child.

      Dan Frost: “contradicted himself again if you read”

      No, God did not contradict Himself; it was forbidden for human judges to give death penalty to sons for the sins of their fathers; that does not mean that God cannot give and take life as He chooses. He was not vengeful towards David’s child. You want there to be contradiction because you do not want Sacred Scripture to be consistent and true, for you have shown yourself to be a satanist, a servant of the dark powers.

      Dan Frost: “states that the spies sent by Joshua”

      The scouts spoke falsely of the land, but saying that there were giants there was obviously not part of the falsehood, for Israel fought against them, and they were called by the name of nephilîm.

      Dan Frost: “After all why should we be shocked”

      In the ancient Hebrew language there was no distinction between commanding or doing something and not hindering something from being done or from taking place. In the book of Apocalypse it is written that Belial will gather Gog’s host against Jerusalem; in the book of Ezechiel it is written that God will drag him there, but what is meant is simply that God will not hinder the serpent from gathering Gog’s host against the Holy City. God did not positively command a spirit to lie but He did not hinder him from doing so, as a punishment for Achab.

      Dan Frost: “Out of these fictional characters the serpent was actually more honest”

      You twist things like your dark lord Belial; he was ever the father of lies. God did not lie, for our father Adam died, as he was warned, on the day, id est in the millennium, on which he ate from the forbidden fruit, for he died at the age of 930 and did not reach a thousand years. On the seventh day (the seventh millennium), the Day of Rest, men will reach the longevity of thousand years.

      Dan Frost: “There is no such thing as a state level anti-Christian agenda in the western nations.”

      You are being absurd.

      Dan Frost: “Most western politicans calim to be Christian so they can get elected.”

      In western Europe politicians gloat in their hatred against Christianity. And when a politician uses the Christian name to get elected, it does not mean that they do not hate Christianity. The Vatican itself is infiltrated by satanists who hate Catholicism and subvert the Church from within through the spreading of protestant theology and liturgy. Blasphemy is heaped upon blasphemy against Christ in the West out of satanic hatred against Him.

      Dan Frost: “Christians in America and other western nations only complain about imaginary persecution because they get well deserved ciriticism.”

      Absurd. Getting arrested for silently praying for unborn children near a place where they are being murdered is not receiving “well deserved criticism”. The regime is constantly burning churches in Europe, not mosques and shops selling new-age filth.

      Dan Frost: “They complain about paganism even though both the Gregorian and Julian calendars of Greco-Roman calendars created by pagans. The names of different plants, star systems, and othe rthings in outer space are named after pagan mythological characters.”

      Saying “thursday” does not mean that one is a pagan who worships Thor.

      Dan Frost: “Yes paganism is still apart of Western culture, but esotericism is not because the definition of esotericism is secret or hidden knowledge. If mainstream culture is drenching in esotericism, then it would not be esotericism anymore, but common knowledge.”

      Esotericism is not hidden knowledge; it pretends to be so but it is false doctrine and it pervades western society through scientism, fiction and new-agery. And it is pagan.

      Dan Frost: “It is very funny that you call Dugin a “Mongol” when Dugin is a Russian. People need to remember that callings Russians “Mongols” is pure retardation despite the fact that Russia is not a European nation, but an Asiatic nation.”

      Dugin himself has said that Russians are partially white, partially mongolid, and he capitalises on the mongolid ancestry of Russians to set it against the white race in the West. I call them Mongols because they build their eurasianism and anti-western hatred on the mongolid part of their ancestry. You do not know what you are talking about.

      Dan Frost: “Christianity is jewish in essence”

      Christianity is universal; God chose Judah for the Incarnation of Christ, but He is God of all nations and of all creation. God centuries ago chose the Salian Franks, my kindred-people, to be the sword and shield of Christendom, but that does not mean that He was only God of the Franks.

      Dan Frost: “Jewish supremacists do not hate Christianity and Islam in fact they love both of these religions as they are subsidaries of Judaism that they introduce to the goyim”

      The Jews hate Christianity with satanic hatred and you are citing deceitfully selectively. The Talmud blasphemes Christ and the Jews call Europe “Edom” because the See of Peter is in Rome, and they claim that their false king will not be openly crowned unless it is first destroyed. What they do love is esotericism, the evil teachings by which you are deceived.

      Dan Frost: “jews fast for a man named Simon Cephas”

      You are referring to a blasphemous anti-christian text that was intended to mock Christianity.

    2. Dugan hates the White race and is a full-on Kalergist.

      That’s what I think of Dugin.

  11. Well the Christian interpretation just sounds like a desperate attempt to expalin away the problems and internal contradctions with the Bible.

    David suffering emotional pain was not punishment for the same reason the families and friends of a murder victim has not been punished by the murderer.

    The bible anything but “sacred” and “true”, it is not that I want there to be a contradiction, but there is a contradiction and your answers have been unsatisfactory and if it was proved beyond a resonable doubt that Christianity is true, then I would be a Christian, but at the moment I am not convinced. You also call me a “satanist” when it is the tpyical Christian insult out of ignorance. Abrahamic religons in particular Christianity is fundamentally illogical. You have made numerous ad hoc statements because you want the idea of the infallibility of the Bible to be true. The textual context of Deuteronomy 24:16 suggests that it is supposed to be standard of yahweh to not a person being punished for someone’s elses sins.

    The “bad” or “slanderous” report is in quotes in Numbers 13:32:

    “So they brought to the people of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height.”

    What the spies reported was considered “bad” and “slanderous”.

    You then accuse me of worshipping a fictional character named Belial because you cannot refute my arguments.

    The concept of “spiritual death” was never a Old Testament concept, it was a concept created by Paul of Tarsus to appeal to potential White European converts to his new religion called Christianity. The White race has the highest intelligence in the world and only East Asians can accurately compare, so due to the fact that the White race was and still is intellectually superior to Paul’s own brown/tan race, he had to create this concept.

    The concept of spiritual death or Adam being meant to be immortal is not found anywhere in the Old Testament, it is only found in the New Testament in Romans 5:12. Yes yahweh lied to Adam and Eve and it was the serpent that told them the truth. They did not die and they did become like god, knowing the knowledge of good and evil.

    If eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the only way to have the objective knowledge of good and evil, how did Adam and Eve know that it was evil to eat of the fruit before actually eating it?

    This story has self-defeating logicand utterly self contradicting and must have been the handiwork of igorant desert goat herders. I am not the one who takes hebrew mythology seriously, you are the one who takes it seriously.

    intended for or likely to be understood by ONLY A SMALL NUMBER OF PEOPLE with a specialized knowledge or interest.

    So if something is being promoted and popularized to the general public, then it can in no way be considered esoteric.

    Most people do not hate Christianity, they simply do not agree with your interpretation.

    In the United States, several US states ban Atheists from holding public office. There are numerous churches, many Catholic churches too. it is very easy to get a Bible in the United States for free. Almost every TV station has at least one televangelist preacher that you can listen to. In the United States Roe vs Wade has been repealed and some states do not have legal abortions. The US which is the stronghold of jewish supremacists, capitalists, liberals, freemasons and neocons also ahppens to be the best country for Christians to live in.

    As a eugenicist, I believe that abortion is necesary in certain situations. In the US negro women are more likely to get abortions than White women, which is actually a good thing since negros are generally violent, criminal, stupid, and hardly even human. Negros are man-ape hybrids and should not be considered people.

    Dugin is a Eurasianist, I am very well aware of the Eurasianist ideology. Eurasianism was started by Russian Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetzkoy until it was Bolshevized by Aleister Corwley follower Alexander Dugin. White Army movement General Pyotr Krasnov who later collaborated with Nazi Germany also believed that Russia is an Asiatic nation and not a European nation. In Russian DNA non-slavic elements like Germanic, Turkic, Mongolic, Baltic, Caucasian, and Finnic do exist, but in very small elements.

    I do not folow esotericism, but simply have an interest in it. it obviously has more truth than anything the Bible or Quran has to say.

    The subsidaries of Judaism which are Christianity and Islam are used by the jews to bring their messiah into power. Jews hate the form of Christianity and islam, but love the essance.

    1. You were obviously being pro occultism and you were praising the devil in your previous post; do not then complain when you get called a satanist.

      You keep stringing baseless ipse-dixits together, but multiplying them does not prove them to be true and I have already sufficiently refuted them. Holy Scripture requires interpretation and the Christian interpretation is coherent and consistent and has been vindicated by God through miracles and the visible workings of Divine Providence throughout history, whereas the Jews have been without a temple for almost 2000 years and have been like vagabonds upon the earth, their necks bent under the anger of God; so, no, there is no desperation in confidently setting forth the Christian interpretation of Holy Scripture, and you are the one being irrational for going with talmudistic commentary.

      It is not for lack of proof that you refuse the Christian confession, and do not tell me that you are being impartial, because anti-christian malice is shown in what you wrote earlier regarding Saint Catherine; you had no reason to attribute such false meaning to her words, but you were driven by an evil motivation to shock Catholics by thus insulting a saint whom we venerate. Your crooked psychology is easily perceived and it is not concealed.

      Regarding Numeri, the scouts were detracting the land in their report but the point is that mentioning that there were giants was not a lie since it is written that Israel fought against them.

      The second book of Maccabeans, chapter 12, shows the immortality of souls, because it speaks of expiation of sin after death; the principle of punishment of souls post mortem was not created by Saint Paul. Also, Sola Scriptura is not a Catholic notion; Catholics recognise Sacred Scripture and Apostolic Tradition as the two channels of Divine Revelation, and the two are in perfect harmony. That Adam had immortality before the Fall is contained in Apostolic Tradition, and mortal man experiences a special and deep sorrow at the thought of death, which shows that death was not part of the original state of creation.

      Saint Paul was more intelligent than you, and I disagree that the ancient Judeans looked semi-negroid; they were pure Aryans, the House of Sem being the white race; modern day Ashkenazic Jews look different because their Judean lineages are mixed with lineages of the House of Japhet, but they are still Aryans at the core, degenerate and of diminished racial purity, and that is why they are able to conceal themselves among white Americans and Europeans.

      Adam and Eve did die for eating of the forbidden fruit, in the First Day, the first millennium of the world which has to do with the Millennial Week as taught by Saint Ireneus. The serpent lied to them that they would be like gods; instead they fell from their original glorious state and became miserable, their intelligence was darkened and evil impulses began to work in them. He who looks around at men in the world and thinks them to be gods is blind.

      Dan Frost: “If eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the only way to have the objective knowledge of good and evil, how did Adam and Eve know that it was evil to eat of the fruit before actually eating it?”

      Obviously the text of Genesis does not mean that our proto-ancestors were unaware that it was forbidden for them to eat of the fruit, for God commanded them not to. Again you want to see contradiction where there is none and you individualistically pretend that it is self-evident. You do not even ask yourself what it means that the tree was called the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, but you hurl your preconceived commentary on the text. Your approach is erroneous. You have not shown any contradiction in Holy Scripture; what you have shown is that you lack an accurate hermeneutical reading of the consistent whole.

      Regarding esotericism, it is a fact that it pervades modern society; “Star Wars” proclaims a pantheistic “force” dualistically divided into masonic “light” and “darkness”; modern fiction is filled with such false notions. Scientists are atomists and proclaim a quantum level of physics where particles behave completely unpredictably; that is the old gnostic concept of a pantheistic plerome latently present within all physical matter; the gnostics pretended that occultistic magic was the harnessing of that plerome and that learning to do so was a process of self-deification. It is the old lie of the serpent in Gan-Eden.

      I do not need to further respond to your denial of the fact that the established system in the West is anti-christian; anyone who does not live under a rock can see that it is absurd.

      Furthermore, the injustice done to western Aryans does not justify supporting the murder of black children and denying their full human nature. Negroes have stronger immoral impulses but that does not mean that they are not fully human. The struggle for Aryan survival does not need psychopathic behaviour.

      And no, Christianity (and when I say Christianity I mean Catholicism) is not an arm of the Jews; no one who knows the long history of conflict between the Catholic Church and the Jews would say such a thing with a straight face; historically the Catholic Church was the only real force of resistance against the Jewish machinations.

  12. A book that really was inspired by a perfect god would not require interpretation because everyone would agree on what it really means. Instead the Bible is the main source of confusion among Christians and that is why are are thousands of sects and demoinations and multiple different radically different interpretations and yet Paul says “God is not the author of confusion.” -1st Corinthians 14:33

    The Israelites did fight against the Canaantes, but passage explains the false report and puts it in quote marks.

    “Divine Providence” where was that when Jesus has not come back in 2000 years and meanwhile the jews took over pretty much all nations on earth?

    We should avoid believing in miracles because to believe in miracles is a sign or either laziness, cowardice, or just stupidity. The likeleyhood of events should only be calculated though mathematical probabilities. Muhammad the founder of Islam made much more impressive predictions than most of the predictions found in the bible despite Islam being a false religion.

    I never said that the Hebrew looked semi-negroid. I was trying to say that Hebrew largely resembled modern Arabs living in the Middle East and North Africa. They were of caucasoid facial feautures, with darker skin color like brown or tan. There were ones who were lighter skinned due to intermarriage and interbreeding with White gentiles from Europe or Persia that took place since the second temple era.

    Again although Adam and Eve demonstrated their knowledge that it was wrong to eat of the fruit

    You still do not understand the meaning of esotericism and occultism. Esotericism can never become influencial in the general society due to it being only for the few, but occultism can be exposed to the general population, but only a minority of people would be practicing occultism.

    When it comes to the negro question I do believe that the negros should go back to Africa.

    I would say in terms of demonination Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy are harder to subvert than Protestantism since Protestantism was influenced by the jews to destablize Europe. I grew up in a Protestant household although some of my paternal aunts and uncles were Catholics just like 1/5 of the US population.

    I do not believe Catholicism is better or worse than Protestantism they are both uniquely good and bad in their own way. Catholics are more tehologically original, however Protestants really do read the Bible more often than Catholics which is the reason why they have so much more interpretations amongst themselves.

    The Orthodox Church is very similar to the Catholic Church only that it has far less pedophiles among the clergy.

      1. Rabbis are more likely to abuse children than Catholic priests. THat is true.

    1. The need for exegesis does not speak against the divine inspiration of the canonical books; it speaks of the weakness and limitations of the minds of mortal men. The texts are also very ancient, increasing the need for exegesis for those who walk in this modern age. Furthermore, God willed in the past and wills today to work through men, through priesthood explaining what is written, for the illumination and growth of sanctity of people. None of this makes God an author of confusion. That there are many protestant sects is because they have rejected the divinely founded Church and the teaching authority of Peter; Holy Scripture is not at fault for that. They do not have in their sects a priestly voice that all protestants deem to be able to irrevocably settle theological conflicts with infallibility, and thus they keep splitting up and multiplying groups. Human nature is created to function hierarchically, and thus disrupting hierarchical order has consequences.

      Deuteronomium 2 shows that there were in fact giants in the region that Israel entered into after the exodus out of Egypt; whether you believe the account or not, that is in the Holy Scripture.

      The hand of Divine Providence was seen in the rise of the Church Catholic and Apostolic and the christening of the Roman empire, the political force that restrained the Jews. It was also seen in the baptism of Lodvik Hildrik’s son (Clovis) at Reims, ancient king of my people, leading to the rise of Catholic Germanic aristocracy in western Europe. I remember seeing an eastern schismatic on the internet complaining because the western empire had become Frankish in history; even in France, unto the end of the 18th century, though the peasantry (Third Estate) was Gallo-Roman, the aristocracy (Second Estate) was predominantly of Germanic lineage. Even in mixed Spain a strong Visigothic strain can be seen in the historical military prowess of its Catholic people. There was the christening of the Anglo-Saxons, and England became an isle of saints; I particularly love the Catholic pre-Normandic Anglo-Saxon England as an example of christened Germanic culture.

      It is no coincidence that the dark powers slew the Frankish aristocracy along with the Catholic clergy through the French revolution and later the Nordic aristocracy in Russia through bolshevism.

      The Catholic West was a beacon that shone Christ’s light throughout the world bringing souls to repentance and conversion, and the machinations of darkened Judah were held back by it.

      Now that it has been overthrown, the darkness operates largely unhindered and it has built world dominion, and great evils you will yet see.

      That Christ has not yet returned is because He returns at the beginning of the seventh millennium of the world. According to the reckoning of Saint Bede the Venerable Christ was born in the year of the world 3952, id est at the end of the fourth millennium of the world, and so in the past the time was too early for the Parousia, for Christ returned will initiate the time of rest in the world, the seventh millennium being the millennium of rest, for on the seventh day God rested from His works. Beatus of Liebana speculated that the Second Coming would take place around 800 AD, but he based that on the incorrect time-reckoning of the Greek bible, according to which the seventh millennium would begin then.

      Now that the end of the sixth millennium is drawing near, Judah has world dominion and is working towards crowning their antichrist in Sion, whose tyranny will last three years and a half and will be overthrown by the returning Christ, and so the things foretold in Sacred Scripture are gradually unfolding.

      Miracles are present in the public history of the Catholic Church; Christians beheld them and glorified God, heathens saw them and some blasphemed them calling them witchcraft while others converted, but they are historical facts that cannot be denied, and the wise recognise them.

      Dan Frost: “The likeleyhood of events should only be calculated though mathematical probabilities.”

      The course of the world is not ruled by mathematical determinism; men themselves are embodied spirits with ratio and willpower, not mindlessly computing robots, and there are powers in the world stronger than men, and the Ever-Blessed Trinity thrones above them all.

      With “semi-negroid” I meant the typical Arab and North-African; I disagree that the original Semites were like that and I believe that Aryans are the House of Sem and that the Semite type has thus remained purest among the Nordic-Germanic peoples, the last Aryan racial bastion. In the Middle-East there has been more racial mixing and that is why folk there are now semi-negroid. Sem is the lord among his brethren, and his house is the High Race in the world.

      Esotericists are controlling western society; that most people are ignorant regarding the subject does not mean that the dominant influence is not there. Most people are not aware of the fact that scientism is esotericism (“scientism” and “gnosticism” are even etymologically the same), but that is nevertheless what it is and judeo-masonry is controlling people’s minds through it.

      The violation of children is not a Catholic thing but a mark of infiltration by sects of esotericism; they control modern society and commit such horrors in politics, school-systems etc. etc., and they have infiltrated the Vatican to subvert it from within. The horrors of violation of children and sodomy are committed ritually by such sects and they think it gives them magical powers; they record video images to blackmail politicians. In “Belgium” there was police investigation regarding such horrors in the context of Marc Dutroux, but judeo-masonry hindered it by killing witnesses etc. Dark angels having been setting up such sects throughout history to subvert; the papal bull “Vox in Rama” of pope Gregory IX was published against such a sect.

  13. First of all you avoid the conclusion that your holy book is not from god, it is the Bible that is source of confusion. If the Bible really were from a perfect god, all Christians would agree with each other on what the bible passages mean, but we know that a perfect god could not have inspired the Bible because a perfect god would not fail in getting even the most stupid of humans to understand what he was trying to communicate, but yet it is the smartest of humans through the centuries that have engaged in theological debate.

    Of course every nation’s national history and folklore has stories of giants. Not all Biblical giants were nephilim.

    For centuries the Catholic church only allowed the clergy, monastics, and nuns to interpret the Bible. The Protestants put the Bible in the hands of the common people. Portestant nations on average had greater wealth and higher literacy rates than the Catholic church.

    “It is characteristic of fanatics who read the holy scriptures to tell themselves: God killed, so I must kill; Abraham lied, Jacob deceived, Rachel stole: so I must steal, deceive, lie. But, wretch, you are neither Rachel, nor Jacob, nor Abraham, nor God; you are just a mad fool, and the popes who forbade the reading of the Bible were extremely wise.” – Voltaire, “The Bible Finally Explained”

    Jesus said that he would return in the lifetime of the apostles:

    Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened’ (Matthew 24:34)

    and of course Paul believed that jesus was going to come back in the lifetime of the first century Christians. Paul advises all the Christians who are still unmarried not to get married because there would be no point in getting married since the world would end in your own lifetime:

    “But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy cas though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. FOR THE PRESENT FORM OF THE WORLD IS PASSING AWAY.”

    -1st Corinthians 7:28-31

    I am not a materialist, but still the likelyhood of events should be mathematically calculated. In a presidential election ran between two people. Mathematically speaking each person has a 50% chance of being elected. Many of these so-called miracles are optical illusions and slight of hand trickery that anyone can learn.

    The problem is that Arabs and North Africans are not in anyway negroids. Arabs did not aquire the darker complexion through racial mixture, but through specific mutations in their genome. It is to assume that every White person with black hair including myself has blood from another race.

    About the sodomy and the violation of chilren such a thing as existed since the 11th century as recored in the writings of Peter Damian.

    1. The divine inspiration of Holy Scripture does not imply that all must be able to understand the writings without teachers; such a notion is absurd and false. You proceed from the erroneous doctrine of individualistic private interpretation with which protestants each pretend to go directly to God for understanding in a manner unbound by the repository of doctrine that is in the Church. That is foreign and contrary to the Catholic mind which understands Sacred Scripture in accordance with the unanimous sentence of the holy fathers and the infallible definitions of popes and general councils.

      And of course biblical exegesis is not the task of all; it is intellectual labour and requires knowledge of the patristic writings and the more advanced theology of the Church; simple working men do not have a duty to hold that level of learning. It is, nota bene, not a requirement for salvation to read the canonical books; one may go through life without ever having read the Scripture from Genesis to the Apocalypse and become a saint. It is the confession of the true and orthodox faith and virtuous life that are necessary, and it is not required to be a scholar to enter into the glory of heaven.

      Biblical exegesis is the task of the bishop, successor of the apostles, and his priests help him with that task.

      Dan Frost: “The Protestants put the Bible in the hands of the common people.”

      No, they put false translations into the hands of the common people to deceive and subvert.

      Voltaire, with his sect of encyclopedists, subverted France with anticlericalism and naturalism and was initiated into freemasonry; his evil works led to the revolution of 1789 and the genocidal Terror which persecuted the Church and brought forth the “emancipation” of the Jews.

      The popes did not forbid the laity to read the canonical books; it was forbidden to publish vernacular translations, which means that people needed to know Latin to read Sacred Scripture; a benefit of that is that one reached a certain level of intellectual maturity before one could read the canonical books. Also, before the printing press it was a time consuming labour to make book copies, so naturally most people did not have their own copies of the Holy Bible; priests would have copies and people could read in them in churches if they could read Latin.

      Dan Frost: “Jesus said that he would return in the lifetime of the apostles”

      No, He did not.

      “Amen dico vobis, quia non præteribit generatio hæc, donec omnia hæc fiant.” [Mt. 24, 34]

      Billot was of the opinion that “omnia hæc” referred to the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the things surrounding it when St. John was still alive, and I personally agree since the nuances of language allow for it to be understood in the sense of all those things pertaining to the time of the Fall of Jerusalem excepting the things in the later time when the Parousia takes place.

      In the chapter there is the following: “Et prædicabitur hoc Evangelium regni in universo orbe, in testimonium omnibus gentibus : et tunc veniet consummatio.” [Mt. 24, 14]
      This refers not only to the preaching of the holy apostles themselves but also to that of their successors throughout the centuries.

      Dan Frost: “and of course Paul believed that jesus was going to come back in the lifetime of the first century Christians”

      No, he did not.

      “Hoc itaque dico, fratres : tempus breve est : reliquum est, ut et qui habent uxores, tamquam non habentes sint : et qui flent, tamquam non flentes : et qui gaudent, tamquam non gaudentes : et qui emunt, tamquam non possidentes : et qui utuntur hoc mundo, tamquam non utantur : præterit enim figura hujus mundi.” [1 Cor. 7, 29-31]

      The passing nature of earthly things is a fundamental theme in Christian asceticism; in the Era of Grace there is more emphasis on it because it is the latter part of the ages of the world and the righteous spirits no longer have to wait in Sheol for the advent of the Messiah but they enter into the celestial glory after physical death when they are completely purified of sin.

      Throughout the centuries monks have detached themselves of earthly things to serve God more perfectly; that does not mean they believed that Christ would return the next day.

      Regarding miracles; the miraculous facts that took place among Christians during the Roman persecutions were things that could not be imitated by human trickery, and they were not only seen by the notarii whose ecclesiastical office it was to write down the records of the Christian martyrdoms they witnessed but they were seen by heathen audiences who came to look at the deaths of Christians. Many things in history not contested by atheists have less proofs than the miraculous history of the Catholic Church, and to deny it is to deny the possibility of historiography itself.

      Dan Frost: “It is to assume that every White person with black hair including myself has blood from another race.”

      I do not think that there are peoples left that are completely racially pure.

      Dan Frost: “About the sodomy and the violation of chilren such a thing as existed since the 11th century as recored in the writings of Peter Damian.”

      Gnostics were trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church during the lives of the apostles; Peter strove against Simon Magus, Paul against the Jewish sorcerer Elymas, John wrote his gospel against Cerinthus, and Polycarp, a disciple of John, strove against Marcion. In the book of Apocalypse the gnostic sect of the Nicolaites is mentioned. The papal bull “Vox in Rama” against the sect of luciferians was sent in the 13th century. There is constant battle, and today the infiltration is widespread, running through the Vatican and dioceses throughout the world.

      In these times there is ritual sodomy in sects like the neo-catharist “Ordo Templi Orientis”/”Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica” and Dugin has praised it.

      1. The difference between Catholics/Orthodox and Protestants is that among Catholics and Orthodox they want to hide the weaknesses of the Bible, while the Protestant reformation actually indirectly revealed the flaws of the Bible when the average persons tarted realing the Bible. I used to read the Bible every single day, prayed at least 4 times a day, I did everything I could to increase my faith in Jesus, however almost everyone who have read the Bible from a neutral standpoint would eventually realize that it cannot possibly be true.

        If salvation does not rquire one to have ever read the Bible and that the person might even become a saint, that just sounds like awarding ignorance.

        Although many Protestants are literal idiots, Protestantism in essence is more intellectual than Catholicism and Orthodoxy because they encorage the average believer to read the biblical scriptures. I was given a Bible by my maternal grandfather who was a Reformed/Calvinist Minister and I still have that Bible today.

        You are implying that martyrdom makes the Christian faith true, however jihadist muslims are willing to blow themselves up for their moon god Allah.

        About 1st Corinthians 7:28-31, if Paul really believed that the second coming of Jesus Christ was going to take place thousands of years after his lifetime, then therefore he would not advise those who were unmarried and without children to remain in their current state. If Paul really did believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ was going to take place thousands of year later after his lifetime he would have encoraged believers to be get married and have as many children as possible, cleary marriage and children would not be a good idea if your generation would be the last generation of humans.

        About monstatisicm, organized monasticism did not even appear until 100-200 years after the time of Christ. Even then many of the supposed monks praciticed either the perversion of sodomy or were womanizers. Take Pope Julius II for example and Pope Alexander VI. Not to mention that King John V of Portugal had a bastard son with a nun named Paula de Odivelas.

        My own father went to a Catholic school in Chicago where a nun took his virginity at the age of 15.

        The Church itself is corrupt, there is no need to speak of imaginary infiltrators.

        1. Dan, Christian martyrdom involves only the Christian dying; whereas, Islamic martyrdom can and often does involve murdering others along with the Islamist. If you can’t see the difference, you are blind.

          It’s as if you know nothing about Catholicism, much less scholasticism or Thomism. Why don’t you read the catechism if you are curious about learning why Catholics believe what they believe.

          Is the Church corrupt? Sure it is, but so is every other institution in the history of man. That is why we need Christ.

          1. I had Catholic friends while I was a Protestant, we often had theological discussion that went around for hours. When it comes to the doctrine of Papal infallibility, it was a widely held belief in Western Europe, but however it was never an official doctrine until 1871.

            I do not deny that the Catholic church has benefited Western civilization in some ways, but also believe that Prtoestantism has also benefited the West and I can also see the certain benefits that Orthodoxy offered to nations like Russia and other East European nations.

            When I want to find out what Catholics believe I go to the site of Most Holy Family Monastery:

            Theodore Shoebat is also a Catholic.

            Among the Orthodox there is a division between the Sergians (those who recognize the Bolshevik installed church as legimtimate) and Lazarites (those who do not recognize the Bolshevik installed church as legitimate).

            A good Lazarite Orthodox Christian website is “Glory and Power” ran by Anton Kuznetsov:


            Needless to say Catholics and Orthodox are more alike than different in terms of theology.

            If I was to return to the Christian faith I would create my own Church.

        2. Holy Scripture does not have flaws; you are claiming that as if it is self-evident and it is not.

          Dan Frost: “If salvation does not rquire one to have ever read the Bible and that the person might even become a saint, that just sounds like awarding ignorance.”

          Christ preached repentance to the people, not reading the canonical books; it is not required to be able to read to go to heaven.

          Dan Frost: “Although many Protestants are literal idiots, Protestantism in essence is more intellectual than Catholicism and Orthodoxy because they encorage the average believer to read the biblical scriptures.”

          Protestant translations are false, based on the Masoretic text which was composed by anti-christian Jews centuries after the Deicide. Already Saint Justin Martyr accused the Jews of altering texts.

          Furthermore, being able to read books does not constitute being learned; historically the peasant had common sense and the aristocrat had learning, but the bourgeois type semi-learned merchant was too proud to learn the common sense of the first and too unskilled to reach the level of the latter; he could read, yes, but he was the bane of his kinsfolk.

          Dan Frost: “You are implying that martyrdom makes the Christian faith true”

          The Christian martyrdoms were visibly supernatural.

          Dan Frost: “if Paul really believed that the second coming of Jesus Christ was going to take place thousands of years after his lifetime, then therefore he would not advise those who were unmarried and without children to remain in their current state”

          Two thousand years have not yet passed since the death of the apostle Paul.

          That he encouraged Christians to remain unwedded was not because he thought that Christ would return during his life; in the Era of Grace there is more emphasis on asceticism and higher ways of life than before and more divine grace is given in that context. Virginity consecrated to God is superiour to the state of matrimony and receives greater glory in heaven.

          The third chapter of 2 Peter shows that the holy apostles did not think that Christ would return during their lives.

          Dan Frost: “About monstatisicm, organized monasticism did not even appear until 100-200 years after the time of Christ.”

          There were ascetics who lived unwedded and in solitude before the saints Paul of Thebes and Anthony went into the desert to live as anchorites, but they lived closer to towns and not in the wilderness. There were also consecrated virgins who received the veil as a sign of their state.

          Elias the prophet with the sons of the prophets, mentioned in the Old Testament, were essentially a monastic order and they lived unwedded; they came to be called Essenians in later times, and according to Carmelite tradition the hermits of mount Carmel who came to the West and established the Carmelite order here were of that ancient order, and the Church has permitted them to pray to Saint Elias as the father of their order during the confiteor in their liturgical rites.

          During the Old Covenant there were less people who lived monastically, and the phenomenon was more hidden, but during the New Covenant there is more emphasis on asceticism and so monasticism grew very widespread.

          Dan Frost: “there is no need to speak of imaginary infiltrators.”

          The infiltration of the Holy Church is a fact. Former parliamentarian in Brussels, Albert Mahieu, spoke of a videotape held in the masonic lodge in Ghent containing images of the ritual murder of Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo where politicians were present. The freemasons in Ghent wanted to use the tape against cardinal Godfried Danneels, who has bragged of being a member of a clerical “mafia” that subverted the Church from within, to prevent him from succeeding John Paul II as pope. Mahieu went to Danneels and the latter asked regarding the videotape whether he was on it, implicating that he was present at the satanic ritual murder.

          Mahieu’s writing on the subject is on the “Belgian” internet.

          Leo Suenens was on the Pecorelli List; both Suenens and Danneels were very anti-catholic.

          Also, Bella Dodd confessed that she had infiltrated communists into seminaries.

          They infiltrate positions of authority and then they select depraved and perverted people to enter into monasteries and seminaries to subvert the Church.

          1. The Pre-Nicene Christians had to reintrepret Paul’s words after his predictions failed.

            I never said that Christian aesthetics did not exist in the first century, what I did say was that ORGANIZED aestheticism did not exist until the 2nd or 3rd century.

            Paul wanted discoraged people from marriage and children because he wanted to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ in the hopes that it would happen in his own lifetime and in the lifetime of his contemporaries.

            The Bible says “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6

            Not all Protestant Bibles are based upon the Masoretic text, some Protestants use the Apstolic Bible Polyglot, which I myself used for some time when I was a believer:


            2 Peter Chapter 3 is literally an ad hoc chapter as to explain why the prophecies are not coming true.

            “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom (Matt. 16:27–28).”

            “knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.” – 2 Peter 3:3-4

            That verse proves that some Christians were having doubts about the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:27-28. Did the early Christians believe that they were living in the last days?


            “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but IN THESE LAST DAYS he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” -Hebrew 1:1-2

            2 Peter 3 is in the context of the 1st century believers having doubts. Jesus Christ was nothing more than a failed apocalyptic prophet once you fully understand the context of the New Testament. Jehovah’s Witnesses try to rationalize the failed predictions of their founder Charle Taze Russell that Jesus would return in 1914.

            Most of the maytrdom accounts were written hundred of years after the proported event or were copied from real life stories of marytrs. The fictional story of Catherine of Alexandria was copied from the true story of Hypatia of Alexandria. There are no such thing as miracles, only mathematically low probability events.

            1. Dan Frost: “I never said that Christian aesthetics did not exist in the first century, what I did say was that ORGANIZED aestheticism did not exist until the 2nd or 3rd century.”

              The word is “asceticism”, and consecrated virgins were literally an order. The monks of Saint Elias were an order. But even without organisation the essence of religious life would still have been there, namely a higher way of life, detached from earthly things, for the sake of the Kingdom of God. This was encouraged by the holy apostles and by their successors after their death, so it was not because they thought the Parousia would come imminently. The three evangelical counsels were obedience, evangelical poverty and perfect chastity, and the apostles lived according to them; the three counsels are thus the apostolic way of life and they are the core of consecrated religious life. The apostles were monks.

              The false claim that Saint Paul would have preached asceticism because he anticipated the Parousia to take place in his lifetime comes from modernistic exegesis which was intended to subvert the Church. The priestly writer Emmanuel Barbier wrote on the subject in his work “Les infiltrations maçonniques dans l’Église” (1910), “The masonic infiltrations in the Church”. You are deceived by the lies of judeo-masonry; you interpret the texts falsely because you have been conditioned to do so.

              Dan Frost: “2 Peter Chapter 3 is literally an ad hoc chapter as to explain why the prophecies are not coming true.”

              You are in error; St. Peter was not talking about scoffers in his own days but scoffers then still in the future; in the text the future tense is used and it says that the scoffers were going to say that the fathers had passed away without the Parousia taking place, so he clearly was not referring to his own days. Peter was still alive when writing the epistle, and so were Paul and John, and Christ Himself had prophesied Peter’s martyrdom, so a Parousia during the lifetime of those who had seen and heard Christ would not have been too late at that time.

              Regarding Mt. 16, 28 there have been different opinions; I, personally, believe it referred to seeing the Parousia in holy visions, for the apostle John beheld the returning of Christ in holy vision and wrote what he had seen in the book of Apocalypse.

              Regarding Hebrews 1, 2; the Clementine Vulgate version says “novissime, diebus istis”, “lastly, in these days”. I am a Catholic and thus hold that only the traditional canonical Latin text must be used for exegesis, but even so the last times in a broad sense began with the Incarnation because it is the latter part of the ages of the world, whereas the last days in a strict sense are the time shortly before the seventh millennium of the world.

              There were Christians in the early centuries who thought that Christ would return in the first millennium of the Incarnation, but that was because of the erroneous Greek time-reckoning which set the beginning of the seventh millennium around 800 AD and which was retained in the Martyrologium Romanum into modern times.

              The Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD proves the prophecies of Christ to be true, for He foretold it, and the book of Daniel prophesied that Christ would be born during the Roman dominion in the world and it presented the Kingdom which He would found (the Catholic Church) as a stone that would become a mountain, which was fulfilled in the growth and invincibility of the Catholic Church.

              Dan Frost: “try to rationalize the failed predictions of their founder Charle Taze Russell”

              His sect repeatedly proclaimed dates on which according to them things would happen and they did not. You cannot cite one biblical text which says that the Parousia would take place in 55 AD, so do not falsely compare the holy apostles to that sect.

              Dan Frost: “Most of the maytrdom accounts were written hundred of years after”

              Ecclesiastical notarii literally witnessed martyrdoms and wrote down what they saw; you clearly do not know much about ecclesiastical history and quick internet searches will not conceal such ignorance.

              1. It is the truth that Paul expected the second coming to take place in his own lifetime or the lifetime of his contemporaries. Every other interpretation is not valid.

                Second of all I do not care what you Catholic priest says, I know more about the Bible than most theologians do regardless of their denomination. They are either just as decieved as their congregation or they themselves are obviously only in it for the money like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and his son, T.D Jakes, John Hagee, and not to mention Jimmy “I have sinned against you lord” Swaggart.

                “Regarding Mt. 16, 28 there have been different opinions; I, personally, believe it referred to seeing the Parousia in holy visions, for the apostle John beheld the returning of Christ in holy vision and wrote what he had seen in the book of Apocalypse.”

                Again this is cope and an Ad Hoc fallacy because in no way does the passage specifically state that they will specifically see these events through visions. The language used here is does not ever imply such a conclusion and such a conclusion is nothing more than desparation to protect the reputation of a failed apocalyptic prophet.

                The Daniel prophcies are so vague that it can be interpreted in any sort of fashion. One of the criterias for a prophecy is that it must leave no room for interpretation.

                About 2 Peter 3, yes the verse is in the future tense, but however since Hebrew 1 proves that the early Christians believe that they were living in the last lays it was something to be expect for the near-future.

                The Gospels were written over 100 years after the time of Christ, The Acts and Pauls epistles were the first Christian documents to be written.

                In Galatians 1:11-12 Paul says:

                “For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.”

                He does not attribute his preaching to any written gospel, not once did he ever mention or quote the written gospel.

                Other concepts that are also missing from paul’s preaching include the virgin birth because a man so knowledgable in the Hebrew language would not have made the false claim that Isaiah 7:14 somehow predicted a virgin birth because עַלְמָה (almah) can NEVER mean a virgin in anyway. Παρθένος (parthenos) does actually mean virgin.

                Paul has never even met Jesus in person, but only claimed to have heared voices of him saying “Saul why are you persecuting me?”.

                An example of an martyrdom account that takes place after it purportedly happened was the account of Margaret of Antioch. She apparently lived in the late 3rd and early 4th century A.D, but however earliest accounts of her story did not even exist until the 9th century.

                St Sebastian who apparently lived in the late 3rd century under Emperor Diocletian was not even mentioned until the mid 4th century.

                Of course jehovah’s witnesses are one of the results of the Catholic church losing the monopoly on Biblical interpretation in the western nations. The Bible and the Quran are literally the book versions of Pandora’s box.

                1. Dan Frost: “It is the truth that Paul expected the second coming to take place in his own lifetime or the lifetime of his contemporaries. Every other interpretation is not valid.”

                  Saying that you are right does not make you right.

                  Dan Frost: “in no way does the passage specifically state that they will specifically see these events through visions.”

                  The verse does not explicitly say that some of the hearers would see the Parousia in visions but neither does it explicitly say that it is referring to the Parousia; some have been of the opinion that it referred to the miraculous extension and rise of the Catholic Church which took place after the Ascension. That something is not explicitly said does not mean that the meaning is excluded.

                  The way in which you approach texts is erroneous. Do you go to some book author and have a conversation like this? :

                  “I have read your book and here you contradicted what you said there.”

                  “Oh no, I did not mean this here that way; what I meant was such and so.”

                  “No! You clearly meant what I said it means, because you did not explicitly write what you are now saying.”

                  “I did not explicitly write it that way but it is what I meant.”

                  “You are just reinterpreting because you do not want to admit the contradiction!”

                  Dan Frost: “are so vague that it can be interpreted in any sort of fashion.”

                  No, Daniel’s prophecies are clear; the book spoke of four world dominions, the Assyrian, the Medo-Persian, the Grecian and the Roman, and during the fourth (the Roman) the Kingdom of God was going to be founded on earth. The angelic lord Gabriel even gave the time in which Christ was going to be born in year-weeks. The Judeans at the time of Christ’s birth knew that Daniel referred to their days and even in Rome that was known but it was erroneously thought there that it referred to imminent military conquest by Judeans.

                  Dan Frost: “About 2 Peter 3, yes the verse is in the future tense, but however since Hebrew 1 proves that the early Christians believe that they were living in the last lays it was something to be expect for the near-future.”

                  Hebrews 1 does not prove that the apostles believed they were living in the last days. And Saint Peter said that the scoffers were going to say that after the fathers passed away things had remained the same; he was clearly not speaking of a near future when those fathers were still alive.

                  Dan Frost: “The Gospels were written over 100 years after the time of Christ, The Acts and Pauls epistles were the first Christian documents to be written.”

                  Modernists claim such things but are never able to give proof because their claims are false. The Jews sowed rationalism to draw peoples in Europe away from the supernatural faith, weakening them. Now that they are utterly degenerate and ruined they seek to racially destroy them and to crown their antichrist.

                  Western secularism and atheism are children of clandestine Judah; atheists who pretend to oppose the Jews are therefore not serious because their false world view was shaped by those whom they call their enemies.

                  Dan Frost: “He does not attribute his preaching to any written gospel, not once did he ever mention or quote the written gospel.”

                  The apostles were not Sola Scriptura protestants; protestantism arose in the 16th century. Saint Mark wrote his gospel and had it approved by Saint Peter to take it to Alexandria using it to spread Christianity there, but the Evangelium was already being preached before the first of the four gospels was written. That Saint Paul does not mention a written gospel by name does not mean that there were none.

                  And the word “almah” does not exclude the Virgin Birth; according to Saint Jerome the word referred etymologically to a concealed virgin, concealed from the sight of men, and he knew ancient Hebrew.

                  But even a description of a young woman who has reached the age of matrimony and childbearing would not exclude the Virgin Birth, for a young woman who lives in consecrated virginity does not cease to be a young woman because she refuses to be wedded, and classically unwedded young women were called virgins, for fornication was forbidden and they remained in virginity until they were wedded. The word “almah” can be used for a consecrated virgin, so it does not exclude the Virgin Birth of Christ. In the Latin the word “virgo” is used.

                  Regarding martyrs of whom only later accounts survive; in ancient times oral traditions often preceded written accounts, but that does not mean that such history is false. Also, in tumultuous times existing written texts can be lost. Ancient heathens did not contest the miracles in the way that modern atheists do but they blasphemed them.

                  When Julian the apostate wanted the Jews to build a temple to insult Christ God hindered the work with fire; Ammianus Marcellinus wrote about balls of fire bursting forth making the place inaccessible to the workmen. Such things were very public, not quietly hidden in corners.

                2. I have looked at the Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide regarding Mt. 16, 28 and he was of the opinion that it referred to the Holy Transfiguration; I agree, since after the verse the Evangelist wrote about the Transfiguration in which Peter, John and James beheld the glory of Christ’s Kingdom. It seems obvious to me now that the Transfiguration was mentioned after the verse because it fulfilled the words of Christ in that verse.

  14. Why do you support British Imperialism when the British stopped being Christian before their empire began to take off?
    You also illustrated the point that all Christians, even the ones that are critical of world Jewry ultimately have to defend Jewish ideas, the idea that Jews are the chosen people, Christians worship a Jewish God. You said the church taught that Jews should not be harmed. The Bible tells Christians it is a sin to lend money and charge interest but there is no stipulation against Christians accepting loans from Jews. That sounds like a set up to me. You also exhibit signs of Americanism. Your government does not love you and never did. America really isn’t special, except for being the biggest useful idiots, as a nation of people, for the Jews in recorded history. The Jews love to laugh at those proud Americans brainwashed into worshipping their Jew controlled nation and killing for them. I usually like what you post but aside from an article I read where claim viruses do not exist this is the worst.

  15. Huh. I found this post by complete fluke (I was searching up info on Soviet-era Jesus mythicism), and it reminded me that I had also made a post on Adam Green’s Marxism (from the same month, even). Here it is:
    I’m not sure how much I agree with what you say in your post (you seem to have a very broad definition of “Marxist”), but it’s interesting that someone else saw parallels between Green and Marx.

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