By Belt and Road News
July 9, 2021 Anno Domini
As China becomes an indispensable part of the global economy, relations with the Asian Country will bolster Serbia’s Development, Serbian Ruling Party Leaders said here on Tuesday.
President Aleksandar Vucic, also President of the Ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), made the remarks at the Communist Party of China (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit via video link.
The video summit, which gathered the CPC and parties from more than 160 countries and organisations around the world, was attended in Belgrade by SNS party leaders, Chinese Ambassador of Serbia Chen Bo, and some 300 SNS party members.
The theme of the summit is “For the People’s Wellbeing: the Responsibility of Political Parties.”
Vucic congratulated China on the 100th anniversary of the CPC’s founding, and praised its achievements for the Chinese people and the international community.

He said that today’s gathering, initiated by the CPC, “testifies to the consciousness and responsibility of that party for jointly facing challenges in the world.”
Calling the CPC “a great guarantee of multilateralism in political and economic relations between sovereign states,” Vucic pointed out that China’s transformation has become an inspiration and brought hope far beyond Chinese borders.
Vucic said the Belt & Road Initiative ensures key preconditions for balanced development and global stability, which is why “Serbia is proud as one of the main carriers and partners of China in Southeast Europe in realising that idea.”
Deputy President of the SNS party Aleksandar Sapic said that Serbia is proud to be among China’s closest and most reliable partners in this region.
Sapic said that the development of the Serbian economy would be unthinkable without Chinese investment, not to mention the difficulties Serbia faced during the COVID-19 crisis. China was the first to help, he added.
“This is a confirmation of long-term strategic cooperation with the People’s Republic of China. The fact that we are its closest and most reliable partner in this part of Europe puts us on the right track, and we believe that this cooperation will become even deeper and better,” Sapic said.
China-Serbia have reached Unprecedented High-Level
Vučić at AIPAC conference: Serbs and Jews have been side by side throughout history
CHABAD in Serbia –
In Serbia, one of the most glorious Chabad houses in the world was inaugurated
Ex-Pres of Serbia celebrated Hanukkah with CHABAD
Dugin: Serbia, Nov 2019.
“In 1999, Serbs woke up a multipolar world.”
“The West today is pure evil. What we find in the west today is absolutely evil.”
According to Professor Dugin, ‘the Serbs have awakened the multipolar world, they have awakened Russia, they have awakened China.’
Markus Wolfe, Jew, Founder of E. German Stasi and Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
I was interested in your tw post about the so called “riots”, in portland it looks like the riots were an orchestrated for TV show. It only took place over about 2 blocks at a state building and there was suddenly a lot of free food and other amenities a pre-planned street fair would have. AND cameras everywhere. That doesn’t just show up spontaneously over days and would require lots of planning, logistics, permits, money etc Even these so called phone movies look totally setup and are probably from conspirators themselves in gov/blm marxists. An example would be the major network reporting about people being snatched up by storm troopers and accompanying video “proof” presented as fact by said major network. This is unprofessional and reeks of collusion for the purpose of tension control via remote. Like 9-11 it was mostly a tv edited and planned show possibly involving real time video editing/masking with lots of mostly jew /cjews presented as trustworthy authorities on what happened at all levels. Here is an article by someone who was there, and even they present all this phone movies as fact with no verification whatsoever, just because a major network ran with it. I tried to do a shorter version of this comment on this blog and it was not posted or allowed.
If you notice the (masked anonymous) stormtroopers were very aggressive with tear gas, beatings etc and the naive, not in on it, in the crowd were drawn in with free food/street fair to fill it out for the show/plausible witnesses to spread the word. The BLM/marxists in on it in the crowd were probably the ones being most belligerant so as to seemingly justify their counterparts response on the other side. Even the so called “navy” vet who was hit several times was probably in on it for marxist/masonic agenda purposes, subtle like say ONI bill cooper. Appeal to the worshiped vets authority in everything helped to sell it as an honest true happening as well. The jew-mason-marxists know what works with vast experience over time and kabbalistic and talmudic knowledge of how to manipulate people. If you lookup the alternative independent investigations of the so called newtown massacre you can see the same type of omission, appeal to corrupt/conspirator authorities, media collusion, gov collusion, complete censorship/blackout of all publicly available info(all released photos were just blacked out completely) etc It’s all pretty obvious to those who take the time to research it. It all has a purpose of hexagram/cjew totalitarian nwo of slavery and death. Even the alternative independent viewpoints are used by them for sowing more confusion and tension, not the honest researchers fault or intention but it’s used by the jew-m-m’s. Even if one of their agents is doing the research/publicity. Frankly it’s unstoppable overall, all knowledgable honest people can do is fight the good fight even if it’s known that defeat is the only outcome in the modern j/cj matrix. God only cares about what you did, not what the overall outcome is. The vessels of destruction shall be dealt with justly one way or another. Defeatism should never be embraced and allowed to demoralize even if it’s on almost every front that defeat is really the only outcome.