Sept. 17, 2019
Translated from the Russian
The richest Jews in the world gathered in Moscow for the International Leadership Reunion (ILR) conference, the purpose of which is to raise funds for the benefit of the State of Israel.
The three-day program of the event will end with a donation ceremony called the Caucus—with a set minimum of $250,000 USD. On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived to welcome the elite gathering at the fashionable Four Seasons Hotel, located literally under the windows of the Kremlin.
LR is a key event of the Keren Hayesod International Charitable Foundation, established at the World Zionist Congress in 1920. Today, various projects in education, culture, spiritual, and charitable spheres are financed from its funds. Among the members of the elite club are the richest families on the planet: the Rothschilds, the Brazilian Safra family, South African Kaplanov, Canadian – Bronfmanov (Bronfman).
There are also businessmen of European origin from Russia. Their names were not disclosed in the explanatory note, but, for example, Mr. Vekselberg was noticed at the Russian Congress. As the aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Yuri Ushakov explained, this powerful organization has branches in 45 countries. “In fact, this is the main source of funding for programs in various countries that are associated with supporting world Jewry,” Ushakov noted.
The organization’s congresses are held in world capitals. Usually, these events are attended not only by the world business elite, but also by politicians of the highest rank (they were attended by Obama, Berlusconi, and Juan Carlos). This, of course, is not the only reason why Vladimir Putin visited the former Moscow hotel yesterday. It is known that the Russian leader prefers to live with Jews in peace. And there are also many Jews among his friends.
The conference started back on Sunday. During these days, representatives of the foundation visited key sights of Moscow with excursions, read a prayer for the dead Jewish soldiers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden, listened to the performance of the Red Army choir, saw the dances of Russian ballerinas and Don Cossacks, had lunch and dinner at the best gastronomic venues in the capital.

The program was very busy. For a meeting with the Russian president, immediately after which the ceremony of awarding the prize of the Prophet Isaiah was planned, a window was allocated from 13 to 14 hours on September 17. And although the main office of the Russian president was literally a couple of minutes walk away, Vladimir Putin was decently late for a meeting with the richest Jews in the world.
In anticipation of the Russian president, the guests excitedly chatted in the hall, sparkling with diamonds and glasses in platinum frames, emitting the smell of selection perfumes and whiling away the time watching videos on screens. From time to time, a girl would run out onto the stage and say: “Don’t worry, Vladimir Putin is on the road, he will definitely come!”
At a quarter past three, when, according to the program, the conference participants were to follow to the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812, the guests were invited to take their places. This was a signal that the Russian president was about to arrive. And he arrived. The Jewish elite rose from their seats as if on command to capture the first Russian face on smartphones.

Putin’s speech lasted ten minutes and contained a lot of curtsies towards the Jewish side. The President expressed gratitude to the foundation, which supports so many useful projects.
Putin called relations with Israel “partnership and constructive.” And after the words that there was never such a level of relations as now, the audience burst into applause. The Russian president also spoke about the importance of strengthening the trade turnover between Russia and Israel, which is still rather modest. The situation should be corrected by the free trade agreement between the EurAsEC countries and Israel, as well as the green corridor, which will be provided for Israeli vegetables that will go to the Russian market.
“Our citizens are linked by family, friendly ties. This is a network family, I say without exaggeration,” said Putin. And then he unexpectedly added: “We consider Israel to be a Russian-speaking state.” After that, some of the guests in the hall tensed, but the rest still laughed.
Then, under the clicks of smartphones, the Russian president left the hall to meet with some VIPs behind closed doors. The rest of the conference participants were informed that the visit to the museum was canceled, but a gourmet lunch was waiting for them. No one remembered the award of the Prophet Isaiah.
Jews control East and West
At the same conference:
“Putin shook hands with Sheldon Adelson, as with an OLD ACQUAINTANCE.”
Chief (Putin’s) Rabbi of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Berel Lazar & Sheldon Adelson with his wife Miriam (center) during the Israeli Keren Hayesod charity fund congress. September 17 2019.
Berel Lazar’s son: “We’ll live in Crimea until all Jews leave for Israel, when Messiah comes”
CHABAD: “The Redemption promises all Jews Will live in the Holy Land.”
Sheldon Adelson gives $410 million to Birthright, which offers free trips to Israel to Jews
Major Trump backer/éminence grise Sheldon Adelson:
“My 2 kids were born with a bracha (blessing) from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.”
“Rabbi Harlig commended the Adelsons for their unparalleled support of Chabad.”
From my perspective, USA’s role of superpower is already ended. All presidents of USA, as well as all world leaders, till today worked in the interests of freemasonry, talmudists and whore of babylon, but Drumpf with his treason to Russia’s and China’s interests has done irreparable damage to the USA, while brainwashed trumptards still support him despite his treason thinking that he made USA great. Only thing that he did is that his actions proved to be instrumental for the constuction of Greater Israel. He only made Israel great again.
Article excerpt: “the Rothschilds, the Brazilian Safra family, South African Kaplanov, Canadian – Bronfmanov (Bronfman).”
“Hayes will be honored at a farewell dinner tonight to be addressed by Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, an old friend of Hayes from his college days.” [https://www.jta.org/1974/06/17/archive/cc-plenary-tackles-problems-of-survival-aid-to-israel]
“Ably led by Saul HAYES and Sam BRONFMAN, (Canadian Jewish) Congress played the key role in the life of every Canadian Jew.” [https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/canadian-jewish-congress]
DUGIN: “Jewish Eurasianists prepared the creation of the State of Israel, having started under the direction (and the approval) of Moscow.”
Sec 6
Dugin’s pal, Zionist Jew Avidor Eskin.
Russian-Jewish symbiosis permeates the entire history of the Zionist movement & State of Israel. The vast majority of immigrants to then Palestine were Russian Jews, who seized leading positions in the the Zionist organization.
Netanyahu shows Putin whose boss, stays seated as Putin enters.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that a massive war is coming that will cause the “end of our civilization.”
Speaking at the World Economic Forum this week, Putin said that the elite’s crackdown on people’s civil liberties has exacerbated global tensions and warned that there is “every reason to believe that the tensions might be aggravated even further.”
Citing experts who have compared the current global crisis to the situation in the 1920’s and 30’s, Putin warned fellow world leaders that the world was heading down a dangerous path.
“These measures were necessary because FDR’s backers were planning to
involve the U.S. in the Second World War. Any popular political opposition to
Roosevelt might have swept him out of office in 1940, just when he was needed to
bring off the Pearl Harbor attack. On the morning of Pearl Harbor, Gen. Marshall,
his Chief of Staff, met secretly with Maxim Litvinoff (married to Ivy Low of England),
to assure the Russians that everything was going according to plan. Marshall later
testified before Congress that he “couldn’t remember” where he was on Pearl
Harbor Day.
The “managed conflict” was well on its way. Jacques Rueff points out that
Schacht did not invent Hitler’s monetary policy; it was imposed on Germany “by
American and British creditors to finance war preparations and finally unleash war
itself (The Monetary Sins of the West). Rueff also points out that the Standstill
Agreement of 1931 allowing Germany a moratorium on war debts through the
1930s was an amicable pact between the London, New York and German branches
of the Warburg and Schroder houses. Max Warburg remained Schacht’s deputy at
the Reichsbank until 1938; Kurt von Schroder then became his deputy. (Schacht’s
father had been Berlin agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of New York.) The
industrialist levies for Hitler (the Circle of Friends) were paid into the Schroder
Bank. Throughout the 1930s, Hitler was duped into persevering in his desire for
friendship with England, ” P66
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” Rabbi Reichorn, Chief Rabbi of France, 1859.
Phoney Wars for Phoney Peace and the Ministry of Fear.
The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax.
1992: Gorbachev Compares Self to Moses As He Receives a Torah from Jews.
4th para
“Gorbachev spoke warmly of his recent visit to Israel, and said he saw there “the great desire of the people to have peace.” He joked that in Israel, unlike Brazil, he did not need an interpreter, because everyone speaks Russian.”