By Timothy Fitzpatrick
August 12, 2014 Anno Domini
Normally I wouldn’t critique an article from Henry Makow’s website, as he posts from a number of different authors and on a wide variety of topics, not with all of which I agree.
But because of the sensitive nature of the last month, the Gaza massacre, and because Mr. Makow is a popular anti-Zionist researcher, I felt it incumbent upon me to call out what I see as the Zionist subversion of his website.
On August 9, Makow published an article by Chris Glover entitled Is Israeli Aggression Based on End Times Prophesy? A quick search turned up nothing about the author, so there is little we can go on about the author’s motives other than what he has written. The article argues that despite the “satanic assault on Gaza”, it’s all going according to Bible prophecy and the media’s heavy focus on Gaza is hastening worldwide indignation against Israel, which the Bible supposedly said would happen in the “end times.”
Glover sets the tone early in the article for his propaganda with,
According to the Bible and the Book of Revelations, all the nations of the world will turn against Israel during the end times.
This is the typical premillennial-dispensationalist heresy of futurism—the myths of which I dispel in The Jewish command to deceive Christians about Bible prophecy (I asked Mr. Makow to republish this article at his website in response to Glover’s piece, but there has been no action on it at this time). Firstly, it makes the profound error of assuming that today’s Israel constitutes the Israel spoken of in the Bible and that God has any use for the physical nation of Israel as it was over 2,000 years ago. Furthermore, to support this heretical contrivance, the author makes a weak argument for what he perceives as the increased media attention on the Gaza massacre. Frankly, the media has under-reported the matter and, in the case of American media, portrayed Gaza as the villain. But that doesn’t matter to Glover. He must stretch the truth in order to support his remaining arguments. And any truths Glover tells, like that the Mossad-CIA alliance is behind the ISIS-ISIL threat, is overshadowed by his eschatological confusion.
After Glover has sucked the reader in with talk of false flags in the Middle East and Ukraine, which are mostly true, he finally lays down another heretical bombshell.
He will have a covenant with Israel and crush its enemies. But Israel must be hated by the nations in order for this to happen. Is this what the mainstream media is playing into at the current time?
Another typical futurist lie based on a misinterpretation of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9, verse 26-27, where it’s supposedly talking about an anti-Christ figure making a seven-year peace treaty with Israel and it’s Islamic neighbours. In reality, this portion of Daniel is talking about Jesus confirming the New Covenant with all who would believe. The time period in which Jesus was prophesied to confirm this was seven years—the final week of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.
Makow, or Glover, introduce the article with a couple of passages from the Old Testament:
Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup, one that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.
—Zechariah 12:2-3
The Orthodox Christian interpretation of these two passages is that they were fulfilled in 70 A.D., when Rome—an empire of many nations, the world as such—encompassed Jerusalem with a siege, slaughtered one million Jews (according to Josephus), looted and burnt the Temple, and left Jerusalem utterly desolate, as Jesus said would happen.
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate : and I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. —Luke 13:35
This effectively and permanently ended the Jewish age of history. Any chance for the Jews to receive salvation now lies with their acceptance of Christ. Israel as a nation is now no longer needed, as the bigger picture, as was intended from the beginning, is that all peoples, from all nations would come to the truth.
The only sense in the “world turning against Israel” is with respect to the Church, which is the true Israel of God. That certainly is and will continue to happen, which will hasten the real end times. And Israel, as we know it, will likely not even exist in the end times, although Jerusalem will likely by the capital of some New Age one-world government. But what Glover is advancing is fundamentally Zionist, despite his seeming distaste with “Zionist-Kabbalists”.
“Ye be as gods” means to be as the gods of the Golden calf by -“Occultism” to the “Strange Fire” unto the Sorcery by which satan deceives the whole world to the Prophecy. Now to be as the gods of the golden calf is to the temple prostitutions & human sacrifices & the core of which is come the “Sodom” for there was no sin that was so utterly destroyed than the sin of Sodom, today clearly come as the Marker predominant in separating the wheat from the Chaff, even the multitudes of Complacent ones, for complacency is the sign of the fall even against the warning of Jesus “Remember lot’s wife”.. This golden calf is clearly denoted to the many alters figured in the British FREEMASONIC Israeli supreme court, Unto the Prophecy “’cause they have not the love of the truth God sends a strong delusion so that they may believe THE LIE, unto the golden calf , the Lie come down from Eden to be like the gods of golden calf, the delusion unto the whole world through a people in the name of semites with strange looks, gathered under Corrupted Masonry, the very Entity come off the Enimity,, that ole’ iniquity established at the time of QE1, the delusion come on to the whole world through this people gathered, is but to know that which come from God is very difficult to avoid unless there be Genuine Love for the truth,- which truth is Christ by the Holy Spirit unto the Father. The whole denotes the kingdoms of this world that sit against the Kingdom of God by His Christ.
Now “Sodom” & its Agendas come totally against Man’s basic family structure for the Covenant itself is that between the First Holy Family of God denoted by the “Arch of the Covenant” & Man as a whole, by each of his cell denoting every single family on Earth, Woe unto them that try to disconnect in what ever name, for they will be utterly destroyed & this is the whole of the Prophecy.
As for Alex Jones keeping out the truth of Zionism, Zionism that can be defined as the vehicle to bring in the strong Delusion from God, can be the reason of his Jewish wife to his henpeckedness, which again goes back to Eden , as the bible says “It was the woman that was found in the transgression, not the man ” resulting in falling for the devil & in order to protect her, God put her desires unto her own origin- Man & further put the Enmity between the serpent & the woman & by their seeds, integral to the salvation , lest she become Satan’s Moll to be lost forever, elements of which has been leaked & seen allowed by God to denote the truth of His words. Caught in the transgression is to mean that satan has taken a certain hold on the woman which is to the Spiritual, for however well her intention may be, satan turns it into his advantage even the Complacency, clearly visible by the many Churches led by the Anglican & its Episcopals having women leaders fallen into the sodomic Agendas, not to say the fallen Anglican itself headed by the Queen , incidentally the head of Freemasonry It is but to understand that satan himself is a henpecked one denoted by Zech 5 the flying scroll (Freemasonry) governed by the wickedness in an Ephah, ” Feminism” to rebellion an integral part of that wickedness. “Know the Truth & the truth will make you free”.
The Golden Calf, the golden Image of Nebuchadnezzar. The golden Babylonian Mystery Religion. The religion that is consolidated into one abomination, one essence. The religion that inculcated pagan witchcraft and corrupted Judaism, mesmerized and destroyed Israel, so much so they could not recognize their messiah. Additionally the mother harlot made sure she supplanted the Christian assembly. Lawyers and Pharisees possessed by Satan built the ultimate Golden Calf…antichrist Israel, a seducer and traducer, corrupting doctrine so the body of Jesus Christ could be rendered impotent and Talmudic Judaism would become the arch fiend, Lucy/Lucifer.
For all the true and worthwhile information Makow puts out on his site, whether authored by him or another, Makow is basically anti-Christian and anti-Christ in his basic philosophy.
The Church has been deeply infiltrated by Freemasons for well over a hundred years and their is almost a total lack of true teaching and bible exegesis regarding the times we are now living in, that is, the times described in the Apocalypse.
I have studied this to the best of my ability, but I am still unclear. The book of Romans Chapter 11 prophesies “all Israel will be saved.” But it seems counterintuitive to say “The “new Israel” or “the Israel of God, or “the Church” will be saved.
Romans 11:26 is a bit of a pickle. It does seem counter-intuitive to say that all Israel will be saved because Israel is all of the saved. It’s clear that this passage is in the context of the generation to which Paul was speaking, not some future date.
Strong’s Lexicon gives the following defintion for “all” in Romans 11:26:
– individually
– each, every, any, all, the whole, everyone, all things, everything
– collectively
Interpreting it as every single Jew will be saved drives one down the heresy hole of dual covenant theology. So, it can’t be true. And if it doesn’t do that, then it appears as if God will violate every Jew’s freewill by forcing His hand upon them all. This can’t be the case either. The only possible way this could have a futurist application without running into aforementioned paradoxes is if God’s revelation in the future was so great that no Jew could deny it, but then even the fallen angels deny what has been clearly revealed to them. But the bottom line is the generational context of the passage. There is no reason to think that Paul is talking about the distant future.
Consider how racist it is to think that God’s sole purpose to allow Gentiles to be saved was merely to provoke Jews to jealousy. Yet, most Protestants believe this. It’s all about Jews and their race! Doesn’t it make more sense that God’s purpose from the beginning was for ALL people to be His children and that physical Israel was a mere type foretelling this plan?
“Doesn’t it make more sense that God’s purpose from the beginning was for ALL people to be His children and that physical Israel was a mere type foretelling this plan?”
That sounds like the best explanation. Thank you for your explanation.
It is something that needs to be elaborated upon and thought about more, I think. Paul was speaking to the people of Paul’s time and place. Paul was speaking at and in the physical nation of Israel of that time, and Paul was speaking to the people there, some of whom were saved Jews and who mainly made up the Church, and some of whom were saved Gentiles, but the larger surrounding population, “all Israel”, was probably unsaved Jews.
One way this Romans 11: verses seems to be frequently “used” is to tell us that sometime at the time of the end, all the Jews will accept Jesus as the true Messiah and they will all be saved in the end. Dr. Robert Sungenis also says that this group of endtime saved Jews is said to number 144,000 and be “the remnant” and that this remnant is who will reign on this earth with Christ is the literal one thousand year millennial Kingdom. He also says that these, I guess dispensationalists interpret this to mean that Christ and this remnant of saved Jews will rule over and be served by the unsaved Gentiles on this earth, those who do not get “raptured”, and will attempt to convert these pagan Gentiles to Christ.
I cannot see where the bible could possibly be interpreted this way but Dr. Sungenis says that is indeed how they interpret this.
The Freemasonic-Talmudic goal of restoring Jerusalem and the Temple. And how do you get Christians to support this? Twist the scripture to make them believe they must support today’s counterfeit Israel. Probably goes back to the Scofield Reference Bible.
(correction on Sungenis made)
“Yeah, Sungenis is advocating the Freemasonic-Talmudic goal of restoring Jerusalem and the Temple.”
I did not mean to convey that Dr. Sungenis is advocating this interpretation but he does tell us that others are making this interpretation.
As best I can tell, Dr. Sungenis has the proper biblical interpretation which he explains in an audio interview he did a few years ago with Judith Sharp of Isoc.ws. I saved a lot of his great articles from his site, CatholicIntl.com before he erased them all and turned it into a store to sell his books only. The CD sells at isoc.ws for about $6. and is titled “Chistian Zionism: A Modern Oxymoron. I have it and have listened to it several times. The official Church teaching venues of today say not a word about all of this.
(Just a notice to tell you that Dr. E. Michael Jones will be a one-hour audio interview guest of Judith Sharp of Isoc.ws and the interview is scheduled to be posted tomorrow, August 25. The audio is free and downloadable until the next guest comes on in a few weeks. After that, the audio will be for sale.)
Thanks, I would like to hear the interview with Jones.
The times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled… before all Israel will be saved:
The Approach of the End of the World
“Notwithstanding Christ’s express refusal to specify the time of the end (Mark 13:32; Acts 1:6 sq.), it was a common belief among early Christians that the end of the world was near. This seemed to have some support in certain sayings of Christ in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem, which are set down in the Gospels side by side with prophecies relating to the end (Matthew 24; Luke 21), and in certain passages of the Apostolic writings, which might, not unnaturally, have been so understood (but see 2 Thessalonians 2:2 sqq., where St. Paul corrects this impression). On the other hand, Christ had clearly stated that the Gospel was to be preached to all nations before the end (Matthew 24:14), and St. Paul looked forward to the ultimate conversion of the Jewish people as a remote event to be preceded by the conversion of the Gentiles (Romans 11:25 sqq.). Various others are spoken of as preceding or ushering in the end, as a great apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:3 sqq.), or falling away from faith or charity (Luke 18:8; 17:26; Matthew 24:12), the reign of Antichrist, and great social calamities and terrifying physical convulsions. Yet the end will come unexpectedly and take the living by surprise.”
Source: Catholic Encyclopedia: Eschatology – http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05528b.htm
See also: The Case for Antichrist http://wp.me/pPnn7-2ti via @wordpressdotcom
ATimothy, i have been reading the book by Philip Mauro, the 70 weeks of Daniel and the Great Tribulation. I have been reading the scirptures for over 40 years but have been deceived by the American Corporated Evangelic Churches. I am not in 100% agreement with you. Where do people like us fellowship in a day like today. Also I want to read “the Patmos visions” by Phil Mauro. I am not going to make him my idol since I am learning to follow the holy spirit the Lord gave me. But it is a journey. I am almost 62 now and praise God I am learning still! But I find myself asking what can I do? I find myself married to a lovely lady, and living outside of my country (USA) in Canada. I had a “feeling” I would be better to leave after 911, but what am I doing here with no one that believes like us. I am struggling with my flesh and slowly coming out of man sins, no thanks to any man.
Fred Shuster, I personally would be careful of Philip Mauro, the 70 weeks of Daniel. You are headed down the Preterist path and are in for some frustrating reading! No 1000 year reign of Christ and Revelation was finished in 70 AD. Pray for understanding. The 70 weeks ended 3 1/2 years after the Resurrection of Jesus when the Kingdom of God had ‘fully come in in POWER’. We are in the last days of the Gentiles while the Last Days of Jews is over! Finished. They must come into the body of Christ like everyone else. What was the Power…it is when the Holy Ghost fell and inhabited the true temple, you and I, the 70 weeks ended and everlasting righteousness was here.
You can do all the reading you want and drive yourself nuts with the lies about the last 7 years of the 70 weeks. My suggestion forget it! Its done and Christ finished it! The Preterists, the Dispensationalist and the Judeo-Christian Lawmen will kill your soul!
Don’t fret yourself that your all alone. All of us who have come out of the Whores are pretty much in the same condition. Be lead by the Holy Ghost and prayer, God will lead you into all righteousness. The great falling away is withing the Church not those who have come out.
As far as struggling with the flesh, we all do. But if you continue steadfast Jesus will burn away anything in your life he does not like. If he is not dealing with you then you are in trouble…he promises to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Your not alone you have the Holy Ghost and God gives us a helpmate. Learn to be sensitive to what God teaches you and ask for discernment always in all things.
How is Mauro wrong about the 70 weeks?
Fitz, I will start with a simple question: is Mauro considered a Preterist and also ask if you too have a Preterist inclination toward Revelation or Millinial reign of Christ? I truly would like to know.
It’s not clear whether Mauro was a Preterist. Regardless, I have not found error in his explanation of the 70 weeks. And while I don’t agree with Full Preterism, Preterists nonetheless have a correct understanding of the 70 weeks.
I will have to try to find Phillip Mauro speaking on a YouTube or somewhere online. I just would comment that the belief that the 70th week of Daniel is to play out during the last 7 years of the “end times” is born from Darby in England and then on to Scofield and is purely a dispensational idea. This is called the “gap” or “parentheses” interpretation and it was a novel idea that started at the end of the 19th century and curiously coincided time wise perfectly with Zionism and the Balfour Agreement. The traditional interpretation was that the last seven years of the 490 years of Daniel’s 70 weeks of years is that the final years played out during the time of the Incarnation.
One thing I know for sure is that the “thousand years” in Revelation refers to “a very long time” and not a literal thousand years. Christ will reign indeed for a very long time in his everlasting Kingdom but it will not be a reign on this physical present earth as we know it, but it will be a reign in the New Jerusalem after this physical earth is passed away (See I Peter or II Peter for what happens to the earth.) In our prayer, the Glory Be, we say “world with end. Amen” but that simply refers to this transition from the earth and earthly Jerusalem to the New Jerusalem and God’s eternal Kingdom. Jesus many times repudiated the idea of His Kingdom being of this earth or this present material world. The Church has spoken out against the heresy of chiliasm many times, though one or two of the early Church Fathers did appear to believe in a literal thousand year earthly reign.
There is a guy from Louisiana who does a multi part YouTube series on the Apocalypse, the book of Revelation. He makes a strong case for partial preterism. The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD was a very important event and it seems to explain many passages of the New Testament gospels and epistles.
However, the Church still believes very many things in Revelation that are to take place in the future at the “end times” so it could never be said to be “preterist” or fully preterist. Also, the Church does not “rubber stamp” any interpretation of the Apocalypse nor does the Church endorse any form of government, though it has always spoken out against communism and fascism as well as “Americanism.”
“and the light shines on in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it.” John 1:5
Fitz, he absolutely was a preterist! Just do a search and his name comes up under Preterism all over the place. He laughed at the millennial reign of Jesus (preterism), he had no concept of the 70th week; which I searched out for my own edification…Mauro on Daniel 9:27 says: “we read of a treaty between the Jews and a great world power guaranteeing to the former certain privileges for a period of 7 years, which treaty the guarantor breaks in the middle of that period, thus precipitating great tribulation, or ‘time of Jacobs Trouble’.”
Page 266
Fritz is this the correct understanding? A little leaven ….
Mauro’s concept of the 70th week is almost word for word exactly as dispensationalist believe. That is why he give no clear understanding of it in his 70 week dissertation. But I dug and found his interpretation. He is not even close! Mauro talks of treaty with antichrist but the scripture says Jesus confirms the covenant and upon his death the vale was rent and sacrifices became unacceptable. The only acceptable sacrifice was Jesus.
On the millennium Mauro states:
To the writer’s mind the foregoing is a far more glorious and worthy fulfilment of the promises of blessing to Israel, and a far more satisfactory interpretation of the prophecies, than what are obtained by the imagining of a millennium of earthly bliss with a reconstituted Jewish nation at the head of God-fearing Gentiles, all satiated with material prosperity and going up year by year to keep the feast of tabernacles at Jerusalem.
look in Chapter IX “The Travail of Zion” and you will find the quote.
Totally preterist!…and again no understanding
Also being a lawyer who worked in the Supreme Court, should have been aware of people like Benjamin Freedman who exposed the Zionists…he was also a contemporary of Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, as he aged, yet Mauro had no concept of antichrist Zionism nor what they pulled off in WWI and WWII.
Fritz I guess what I want to say is because the Pope would send out a good doctrinal teaching that actually was correct…I would never point people to Catholicism and its teachings, especially if they were new Christians without a warning! I would however try to find the same teaching but not Catholic to share. To me Mauro exemplifies Preterism and all it stands for…which really I do not want to get into. I have had Presbyterian friends who held these views and once engrained, dynamite would have no effect…it produces the glazed eye look when you tell them the truth. Because a man has one good teaching should we accept his other errors? But the one good teaching comes up short!
I’m reading “Flight from Terror” by Otto Strasser…he said any honorable man who compromised with Hitler would get ground up and spit out. Can we compromise the truth in any respect? But those who were dirty bastards like Hitler climbed to the top of the poo pile. Phillip is listed as one of the great teachers in Preterism, or is there another Mauro?
Preterist Archive catalogues people of all eschatological views. And so what if Mauro were a Preterist? It doesn’t detract from the truth found in his explanation of the weeks. You are going to find inconsistency in his beliefs, as they evolved over time. But if you read his book The Seventy Weeks, you won’t find any dispensational nonsense in it.
Fitz, my issue with Mauro has nothing to do with whether he is 100% right about the 70 weeks all that does is bolster the amillenialists. Assuming he is a Preterist, then all his writing on the 70 weeks does is support the Preterist doctrines that prophecy ended in 70AD; and this should be pointed out. I do believe that many of the posters to ‘Fitzpatrick Informer’ have Preterist predilections. Preterism and its lies and false doctrines are far worse then any misrepresentation of dispensationalist. Preterist state there is no more prophecy, it all ended in 70AD. Also it binds the Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans and many Evangelicals together. It is my opinion that Preterists are the ones Peter spoke of: 2Pe 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
They peddle the false doctrine that the Resurrection was in 70AD and is passed and have overthrown the faith of many. Now this is only one of the many Heresies they teach. So what if Mauro was a Preterist…
You don’t know that Mauro was a full preterist; therefore, what is the point in all this alarmism? From my understanding he was an historicist, perhaps a partial preterist. Amillennialism and post-millennialism are so similar, it’s really a non-issue to debate the two outside of a highly theological environment.
Dear formitable,
I offer the following to perhaps lead to more clarity for some of your understandings and defintions of terms.
“Naturally, non-Catholics cannot accept that the Catholic Church represents Christ in this world, so they are forced to look for a personal earthly reign somewhere out in the future. The notion that Jesus will come, reign, and then depart, so that the devil can trick the world again, is incompatible with the incomprehensible dignity of the Lord and His love for His people. Jesus’ Coming will be definitive, triumphant and ever-lasting, NOT temporal and limited.”
(above quote taken from
Endtimes, Millennium, Rapture )
It seems to boil down to when you think “the Kingdom of God”, “the Kingdom of Heaven”, or “the Kingdom of Christ” begins and how you think it plays out in biblical chronology or history until the end.
Here are two other other articles that sort some of this out, though you may not want anything to do with them because they are from Catholic sources. (I am not a good person to offer the best strong defense of the Catholic Church because I see so much evil words and actions coming from the top hierarchy of the Church appearing very much to be promoting Satan’s one world death and slavery system. But I do think the very best bible scholarship tends to come from Catholic exegesis and commentaries.)
This article tells us all about what the bible says about “the Kingdom of God.”
Are We Living in the Last Days?
God bless us each and every one in the Name of the One Who is Truth.
Good observation. Protestants limit themselves by their rejection of Christ’s millennial authority on Earth now (or at least prior to the Renaissance, which I consider the end of the millennial reign of Christ).
I can agree that Christ’s millennial authority on Earth existed prior to the Renaissance, which I, too, could consider the end of the millennial reign of Christ.
“The kingdom of God is among you ” Is to know that it was spoken to the Pharisees who were always taunting Him, & since they too sought the Kingdom of God , Jesus was infact telling them of Himself as the Kingdom of God on earth. Even the words “The kingdom suffers ever since John & the violent take it by force “. Since John, born in the spirit & power of Elijah, come as the forerunner declaring the Messiah, the scribes & the Pharisees plotted to kill Him to the beginning of His sufferings, to the words “The violent take it by force”.
However Protestantism , no doubt, under the influence of Zionism have interpreted the words in a most convincing way, twisting the language, favoring Zionism through violence even accounting for the various false Prophecies, freemasonry at its core, unto Pretrib rapture theory dispensationlism to 2 covenant philosophy etc. personally influencing even the present Pope, by the likes of the Christain Zionist Haggai(Lo the Prophets of Babylon) interpreting the words “The sun will not shine —-” even though many blood moons have come to pass & nothing happened , when the Prophecy actually pertains to the Prosecution of the Woman of Rev 12 – The Church. even Spiritually. Freemasonry through Zionism at its core, in the secretive beliefs of Ancient Egypt, off the devil & the Marker that is used is the ‘Sodomic Agendas” unto its Complacency , by the ‘”Presidential” Egyptian Pharaoh from the land Biblically called as “Sodom” to the Prophecy of Spiritually- “Sodom & Egypt”
Foe me another mile post, was reading Arthur Koestler’s the 13th Tribe. A historic documentary of the origin of todays Ashkenazi Jews who are not even Jews. The book was well documented and changed my thinking. Amen it is not about race. There is only one name where by all mankind will be saved.. Jesus Christ. and not just by a “name” it is the gospel of the finished redemption at the cross, ressurection from the dead and the giving of the holy spirit to guide us. The Jews will be save like all of us gentiles, when they believe. The Jews in present day Israel are mostly Gentiles, they are deceived.
Instead of supporting a false religion and building a false temple to bring about the end of the world. We should stop worrying about the end of the world. That is the fear mongering of the Futurists. We may think we see the signs and we may or may not see them, But are we not supposed to be ready to meet our maker, by living Love like Chirst every day? No one knows when “their” end of the world may come, and that is the one that counts!
I was up until this point inclined to believe the Jews are the enemy of all enemies as you eloquently write here. However, you’re trenchant article has forced me once again to review the words of Paul who wrote:
“What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.”
The bottom line is that there are too many loose ends and contradictions if you do not grant the physical placement of physical Jews in a “futurist” world view.
But the more egregious effect of your argument is that you rob the unique dispensation that God has given to Christ and his body in the present period of time. We have been given spiritual riches beyond comprehension and all you want to do is fight with Jews?
Maybe you’d better have a closer look at how Paul carried himself in his days here on Earth. He did not spend days and nights writing hit pieces on God’s wayward elect. It’s all about grace. That’s all we have. Outside of that, you, me, we, the Jews, everybody have NO HOPE whatsoever.
And I’d also say in reply to Fred above, that the end of the world that counts in NOT the one involving our death. No. The only one that counts is the one where Jesus appears in the sky and kicks the serpent’s butt back into oblivion.
You said, “The bottom line is that there are too many loose ends and contradictions if you do not grant the physical placement of physical Jews in a “futurist” world view.”
Contradictions like?
You said, “We have been given spiritual riches beyond comprehension and all you want to do is fight with Jews?”
Don’t invert things. It’s the Jews that have been fighting with us, leading almost every major revolutionary anti-Christian movement for the last 2,000 years.
Brad, do you see the deception in your words. You are using the Jewish ‘bait trick’ or ‘rabbinical dialectic’ to pervert truth. Firstly you say, “I was up until this point inclined to believe the Jews are the enemy of all enemies as you eloquently write here. However, you’re trenchant article has forced me once again to review the words of Paul who wrote:” At best you a disingenuous, you are baiting Fritz here! Good article but…then you use the dialectic, you pull in a scripture that has NO RELEVANCE TODAY! You are not thinking critically! The Apostle Paul was Jew who was the oracle of God to the Gentiles. He knew the Old Testament or Torah having studied under Gamaliel. That is a true oracle, but you have not done your homework concerning today’s Jews. Today Zionists, who have subverted the entire Torah through Talmudic witchcraft and have placed themselves on the throne of God, they have become oracles for Satan. They blaspheme God, the Holy Ghost, those in heaven and Christians on earth. Paul brought forth things both old and new and explained the mysteries to us. That is an oracle. The closest you might come to this is if a Karaite were converted he may be able to bring forth old and new since they do not believe in the Talmud but only the Torah. However, I think most Christians who are well read today understand the Old Testament because of the Holy Ghost who teaches and leads us into all Truth. The Jews today are ALL Talmudist, except some Karaite’s, who are execrated by the Zionists Jews. But now the entire lump of Judaism has become leavened by the Scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites by the Oral Law. Your argument is mute…Judaism no longer exists nor can they be oracles of truth should they be converted. They would have to be retaught because none know the law.
But your disingenuous spirit takes a swipe at Fitz with, “But the more egregious effect of your argument is that you rob the unique dispensation that God has given to Christ and his body in the present period of time.” Shame on you! You out yourself as a dispensational shill for the liars in Christianity. By using slight of hand you wish to convert Fritz to your wayward thinking. This is the Pharisaical method of the communist dialectic. Thesis, Fitz’s truth; antithesis, your lie; synthesis, lets talk about this bro and become ecumenicists. No, never…there are no loose ends Brad, only your lack of true understanding. You are doing the enemies work and not building up the body of Christ to stand! This is what priests, preachers pastors have done for 2000 years…stop it! The leaven of the Pharisees has leavened Judaism and Christianity and that is the basis of the False Prophet of Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ. The two-horns of the false prophet…the Vatican and her daughters (ecumenicism) and Israel…two nation states; two wholly contemptible entities that have betrayed truth and lead to the worship of the beast and his image.
Brad you are on a dangerous path when you confront a brother with this dialectic bullshit! Then you want to corrupt Fritz who told you the truth with “all you want to do is fight with Jews?” Then you call Fitz to repent and call his article of truth a hit piece. Take a look at today’s Antichrist Zionist Talmudic Jews and compare them to Paul’s admonition 2000 years ago? “Its all about grace”, well get some knowledge Brad and with it get some understanding and a proper perspective of what is truly happening today, not 2000 years ago. You are a dyed in the wool dispensationalist and by God’s grace you may break away. Your gospel Brad is another gospel, another Christ. Unless you break you are a partaker of her sins which reach up into the heavens and you will be a partaker of her plagues in the near future.
Brad I would like to season my speech with grace but your subtlety is dangerous and this is what is leavening Christianity. Years ago I listen to this Christian bullshit from pastors and preachers about Israel and it took a great deal of study and prayer to break free from their demonic stronghold…I suggest you do the same. Truly you wear on the saints and are perpetrating a fraud among the saints. You have been corrupted by men who twist and massage the scripture to deceive.
If this angers you, please go find a quiet place and ask the Lord Jesus Christ if you have been deceived and are teaching false doctrines to his ‘little ones’. Take care to your doctrine.
In retrospect, maybe I should have used another word like unresolved prophecy instead of contradiction – or loose ends. Loose ends like:
The Lord Jesus having yet to restore the tribes of Jacob, which is specifically set apart from Him also saving the Gentiles, in Isaiah 49:6
The complete reconciliation between Israel as wife, and YHWH as husband. This seems to be more than just allegory, but actual physical restoration, that is spoken of so touchingly in Isaiah 54.
Other language in Isaiah that speaks of an actual physical rebuilt temple on an actual physical mountain in Israel. See Isaiah 56: 7 for example.
Israel being called “the ancient people”, which literally means the everlasting Nation, in Isaiah 44:7. I’m sure others have pointed this out ad nauseam. But so far no other nation in history has lasted as long as Israel.
God addressing various nations such as Babylon euphemistically as the daughter of the Chaldeans in the same breath that He calls his own nation Israel or Jacob. God seems to be fond of using the figure of speech, ‘personification’ when referring to different nations. Yet, He also seems to be talking about real, historical nations when doing so. See Isaiah 47.
Verse 14 of Isaiah 49, of all verses might be the strongest verse in defense of Zionism. Can the same be said of any other group or nation? That God has forsaken them like He’s forsaken Israel aka Jacob? Yet He has not forsaken Israel or Jacob completely.
God talking about the fury and wrath He’s poured out on His people – in the past, and probably also proleptically in reference to the future – and then making a startling promise in Isaiah 51 verse 22 of no more making them drink it again. That is in stark contrast to verses in the New Testament that say we – Christians – are not appointed to wrath.
Chapter 53 of Isaiah reading like the lament Israel will recite in the future when they realize what they did to their very own designated King Jesus.
In Jeremiah, Chapter 25, verse 29, God confirms His displeasure with His People, but also His even greater displeasure with the nations who mistreated Israel during their punishment and outlines what He’s got in store for those – including the whirlwind and a sword – from about verse 30 on.
I guess I could go on. The tenor of my argument is that it looks to be impossible to dissociate the actual physical nation of Israel from God’s purposes and intentions as a “spiritualized” Israel or Jacob. I suppose you might say one can find the church as a figure in these books. But then again can we? Elsewhere – in Paul’s epistles especially – God has no such program of wrath and punishment in view for His Son’s church.
And I wouldn’t even argue with you that the Israel of the present is evil beyond belief. I visit and read sites such as Jimstonefreelance regularly and find myself wondering what Israel is NOT capable of.
I guess my point is so what? We know Israel is a basket case as far as failing to recognize their own King when He showed up on cue and also in failing to do every other thing God asked of them. However, what should our response be? Are we supposed to start painting yellow stars on Jewish businesses and … you know the rest. Well, what did Paul do? He more than any one still wanted them to come to Christ.
God will be the judge whatever the case. I have been struggling with this for quite some time. And I can even say that my mind is not completely settled. But at least I know what my mind IS settled on.
The major fallacy of your argument is that, in your view, God essentially does not act upon His own sovereign perfection but acts, as His primary function, merely to provoke and cater to the Jews. God then is not an independent, sovereign being but exists solely to support the Jews. This line of reasoning is at variance everything the Church Fathers spent hundreds of years solidifying as core doctrine. Furthermore, your failure to recognize the Church as Israel will create more stumbling blocks for your eschatology than will remove away. It doesn’t work. The spirit world is physical, in some sense, and is superior to the fallen, decaying world in which we live. Spiritual Israel is not merely an alternative nor a second-rate replacement of former Israel. On the contrary, it is far superior and the original intention from the beginning, as the scriptures attest to. It’s the bigger picture that all Christian Zionists fail to see—the universal goal of the creator from beginning. You paint a portrait of a weak, subservient God who bases His actions upon the Jews rejection and acceptance of Him. The Jews must be incapable of eternal hellfire since even when they are wayward, you argue, it’s all somehow part of God’s ultimate plan. This is the deification of Jews, who can only dethrone and rob God of what is eternally His. This is not Christianity, but a freakish imitation of it.
As the late Vicomte Leon de Poncins opined, the Jews have been preserved to today to bear witness Christianity, not because they are somehow God’s chosen people.
Fitz…not familiar with Vicomte Leon de Poncins, but will be soon. Just downloaded “Freemasonry and Judaism”. Not only is do the Jews bear witness to Christianity…meaning to me they present the validation of everything Jesus Christ said about them and that the judgement against them by God in Old Testament confirmed by the prophets was and is justifiable. By their fruits we will know them.
i think I will paste in some of my notes over the years in trying to understand this very important matter.
“Term “Zionism” originated in late 1800s – book by Nathan BirnBaum “National Rebirth of the Jewish People in its Homeland as a means of Solving the Jewish Problem”
Theodore Herzl, another Jewish man, organized the first World Jewish Congress used that word, Zionism, that Birnbaum had originated, and then it became pretty popular. Political movement.
Prior to that there was a “religious movement” mainly from evangelical Protestants in the mid= 1800s who had already been re-interpreting the prophecies of the Old Testament in opposition to what the Catholic Church had interpreted them to be historically for the prior 1800 years. There was a “dramatic shift” in the interpretation of these prophecies. They no longer looked at these prophecies about “Israel” as figuritizing the Church. For “the church” in the New Testament, what “the Protestants” did, that is these “evangelical Protestants” interpreted these prophecies of “Israel” to refer to the “Jewish people.” And the “Jewish nation.” This whole “theological or religious movement pre-dated the political movement of Herzl’s “Zionism” movement that “the Jews” had started in the late 1800s.”
“In opposition to Martin Luther and John Calvin, Beza and Bucer had interpreted the references in the OT to Israel’s restoration as referring to the NATION of the Jewish people.”
“Theodore Beza, the successor of Calvin in Geneva
Martin Bucer (Bucer was a contemporary of Calvin and Zwingli and one of the major “reformers” but he had very different take on OT prophecies about “Israel” )
“Luther and Calvin held the same, went along with, interpretation of OT prophecies about “Israel” same as Catholic Church, that is, Israel was a figuritization of the “the Church”, the body of Christ in the New Testament, not a geographic nation and not the Jewish people of that nation.
So you have two entirely different interpretations of OT prophecy, starting with Bucer and Beza as this Protestant position developed, this whole dramatic shift in how to understand these scriptures came about.
Zionism basically started about 500 years ago in the mid 1500s.
The above are statements by Dr, Robert Sungenis in his interview “Christian Zionism: A Modern Oxymoron. (available as CD audio from isoc.ws
Fitz you are 1000% on the mark about Makow. He does this type of Cabalistic gymnastics all the time. It is the Rabbinical way of use the dialectic to deceive Christians and move them into the Talmudic Industrial and Techno mouse trap. Once they can destroy Christian doctrine they can destroy the gospel. It is totally dialectic to synthesize the morons who listen to dispensational lies. They are among us and they lie like a rug continually. The only reason you do not have more responses is because you are on the straight and narrow way.
Brad nothing Fitz says seems to impact your thick skull! You are a dyed in the wool dispensationalist who has not broken from the mainline claptrap about ‘all Israel shall be saved’. I hope you get to read this. Until you come to an understanding that if they reject the Truth of God which is Jesus Christ they are eternally lost, they will not enter into the kingdom of God. There will be no mass conversion of Israel, Israel is already saved and the deliverer has already come out of Zion. Are we of Abrahams seed or not? Get a grip. That seed being Christ. Is Abraham’s seed different from Jacobs seed? Yes it is! So the spiritual seed Christ (the deliverer) came to the physical seed Jacob and turned away ungodliness at the cross. “If you believe not that I am he, you will die in your sins! Oh right that has changed now because men misunderstand and misinterpret Romans 11. Gee whiz I guess we can just throw out all the other statement that confirm they better convert or they will die and oh well….antichrist Zionist Israel will be saved when Jesus comes back…what? Are nuts? Have you lost your ability to reason and understand scripture…what about when Paul in acts, “Act 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” Oh that does not count because it is at the end time, bull shit! You are a comikaze pilot trying to destroy true understanding and have no idea how wicked and corrupt Zionist Israel has become after 2000 years of rejecting the gospel. You have yoked yourself to deception and you better shake it off or you will be guilty of worshiping the ‘Image of the Beast’ Israel…now I have your attention huh? When the fullness of the nations comes in its all over dude! The five foolish ain’t going to get in! If you keep looking at the letter instead of understanding by the Holy Ghost you will continue to chase your tail concerning this matter of ‘all Israel shall be saved’ and you will become guilty of all their abominations by association with the lie!
The Image of the Beast is Zionist Israel. The false prophet is Zionism with two horns, Judeo-Christianity in league against the truth. Zionist Israel is an Abomination, a lie, a deception! Get this, it will really stick in your craw. Ezekiel 38 has already happened and the Abomination that maketh desolate is in place on her own base in the land of Zionist Israel. The antichrist has planted the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious and holy mountain. That palace is antichrist Talmudic Cabalistic Zionist Judaism. Now parse that!
Eze 38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
Eze 38:9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
Eze 38:10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
Eze 38:11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
Eze 38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
“Notwithstanding Christ’s express refusal to specify the time of the end (Mark 13:32; Acts 1:6 sq.), it was a common belief among early Christians that the end of the world was near. This seemed to have some support in certain sayings of Christ in reference to the destruction of Jerusalem, which are set down in the Gospels side by side with prophecies relating to the end (Matthew 24; Luke 21), and in certain passages of the Apostolic writings, which might, not unnaturally, have been so understood (but see 2 Thessalonians 2:2 sqq., where St. Paul corrects this impression). On the other hand, Christ had clearly stated that the Gospel was to be preached to all nations before the end (Matthew 24:14), and St. Paul looked forward to the ultimate conversion of the Jewish people as a remote event to be preceded by the conversion of the Gentiles (Romans 11:25 sqq.). Various others are spoken of as preceding or ushering in the end, as a great apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:3 sqq.), or falling away from faith or charity (Luke 18:8; 17:26; Matthew 24:12), the reign of Antichrist, and great social calamities and terrifying physical convulsions. Yet the end will come unexpectedly and take the living by surprise.”
Source: Catholic Encyclopedia: Eschatology – http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05528b.htm
“According to the interpretation of the Fathers, the conversion of the Jews towards the end of the world is foretold by St. Paul in the Epistle to the Romans (11:25-26): “For I would not have you ignorant, brethren, of this mystery, . . . that blindness in part has happened in Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles should come in. And so all Israel should be saved as it is written: There shall come out of Sion, he that shall deliver, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob“.
See: Catholic Encyclopedia: General Judgement – http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08552a.htm
AJ, while I appreciate your patriotism, I do not appreciate platitudes that blind the eyes of the innocent. Further, you add nothing to my understanding just the same old dyed in dispensational claptrap I heard for years from deceived pastors. You are unable to take the total of the Word of God and come to a pure doctrinal understanding of scripture. When scripture have an apparent disunity with the totality of the gospel something is not right. To me it brings to mind what God said about “here a little there a little so they might be ensnared and fall back” “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” If you keep espousing this doctrine of yours you are doing the adversary much service. Here is a reasonable man…this I can understand! It conforms to doctrine and scripture! We are in a war with antichrist Israel and you are siding with the enemies of Jesus Christ! You are saying God, Jesus Christ is going to save the abomination that makes desolate. You have no concept of Revelation. FYI the deliverer has already come out of Zion. He made it crystal clear what is demanded by God…to be born from above…the heavenly Jerusalem. And by the way, the great falling away is caused by the lies of Zionism from Talmudic Judaism, which you say Jesus will save. What gospel do you promote? You stand with the enemies of all righteousness. You are guilty of giving aid and comfort to the enemy! How? False gospel concerning Zionist Israel. So clarify your “all Israel shall be saved.” Expound the mystery as you know it. All the flag waving ‘I support Israels abominations’ is a one way ticket to hell on the back of a ballistic missile.
Zionist Israel has nothing to do with “all Israel being saved”. Are you unaware of what “until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in” means? Are you also unaware of what the binding and loosing of Satan in Revelation means. I’ll give you a hint: Satan was bound so that he could no longer deceived the nations (=Gentiles) and he will be loosed so that he can again deceive the nations (=Gentiles). That’s when “all Israel will be saved”… and these Jews will be Christians who are not Zionists. The Catholic understanding of eschatology is not Dispensationalism… it’s Catholic! 😀
Our intrepid host has graciously explained Romans 11:25 recently for me.
Romans 11:26 is a bit of a pickle. It does seem counter-intuitive to say that all Israel will be saved because Israel is all of the saved. It’s clear that this passage is in the context of the generation to which Paul was speaking, not some future date. Strong’s Lexicon gives the following defintion for “all” in Romans 11:26: – individually – each, every, any, all, the whole, everyone, all things, everything – collectively Interpreting it as every single Jew will be saved drives one down the heresy hole of dual covenant theology. So, it can’t be true. And if it doesn’t do that, then it appears as if God will violate every Jew’s freewill by forcing His hand upon them all. This can’t be the case either. The only possible way this could have a futurist application without running into aforementioned paradoxes is if God’s revelation in the future was so great that no Jew could deny it, but then even the fallen angels deny what has been clearly revealed to them. But the bottom line is the generational context of the passage. There is no reason to think that Paul is talking about the distant future. Consider how racist it is to think that God’s sole purpose to allow Gentiles to be saved was merely to provoke Jews to jealousy. Yet, most Protestants believe this. It’s all about Jews and their race! Doesn’t it make more sense that God’s purpose from the beginning was for ALL people to be His children and that physical Israel was a mere type foretelling this plan? The words “And so all Israel shall be saved” (v. 26) have been strangely misunderstood. They have been taken to mean that all natural Jews are to be saved in a coming dispensation. But they cannot possibly be made to yield that meaning. The adverb “so” declares how (not when) “all Israel” shall be saved. IT refers to the process of grafting into the good olive tree branches from “a wild olive tree” and branches broken off from the good olive tree itself; and it declares that “so,” that is to say, in that manner, and hence necessarily in this present dispensation of the Holy Spirit, “all” the Israel of God shall be saved. Instead therefore, of indicating a special (earthly) salvation for the Jews in a future dispensation, the words, “And so all Israel shall be saved,” preclude all possibility of such a thing. (Phillip Mauro, The Hope of Israel, ch. 13) ”
“and the light shines on in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it.” John 1:5
I wonder, AJ, if this supposed Catholic teaching of a future conversion of the Jews preceding “the end”, whatever “the end” is, is a Vatican II inspiration. If so, this is where I side with the Orthodox Christian teaching.
Speaking of the Fathers,
“Therefore, the Jewish system is destroyed, for it was only a shadow; but that of the Church is firmly established, for it is built on the Rock, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”
—St. Athanasius
If the Catholic Church is truly universal, it cannot in any way endorse the dispensational teaching that there will be an exclusive future event where Jews are converted. It’s tantamount to saying that God has a concubine, the Church and the Jews.
AJ…You say: “Zionist Israel has nothing to do with “all Israel being saved,” Pray tell, are you saying after the 1000 years then all Israel will be saved (which Catholics do not believe in and apparently most believe we are in the reign of Christ NOW, which obliterates scripture)? It appears that you are confusing the ‘beast’ from the bottomless pit with ‘Satan’ being loosed from the bottomless pit after 1000 years deliberately or some other aberrant idea?
But here is the fallaciousness of your reasoning. They are two different occurrences, at different times and they are NOT and I repeat NOT the same entity. One has the Dragon’s Mouth the other IS the Dragon. The first is the beast the second is Satan. The first is cast into the fire then the second is cast in 1000 years later, totally different occurrences. Satan though is part of the beast that ascends since this beast has the mouth that speaks like a dragon. The false prophet who reigns was kept in abeyance till slowly it gained ascendancy, thus healing the wound given at the cross, he is the 8th and is of the seven. He is the little horn that came up in Greece among one of the 4 generals…Talmudic Pharisaical Babylonian Jewish Israel who rejected Jesus Christ, was wounded along with the Roman Babylonian Pagan religion, it was suppressed by the power of God and the preaching of the gospel in power in these last days (put in the pit, no power till it was release through Christians falling away to men whose mouths were an open sepulcher) (it came out of the midst of many nations and a harlot Church who helped set up the fraud antichrist). You could easily say it is the Talmudic, Cabalistic, Babylonian mouth of falsehoods with a Vatican Catholic horn and Israel Jewish 2nd horn OR Judeo-Christianity mixed with a satanic mouth. A 2-horned beast causing the great falling away by lying doctrines and commandments of men, another gospel and another Christ; both hell bent on conquest of nations and the souls of men. Do not forget that the Whore and Beast will not MIX. Iron and clay; meaning many Christians were part of the Beast system and visa-verse; they co-mingled but they still stood apart. Judeo-Christianity has no love for one another, they just use each other but the common thread is their lying doctrines and commandments of men…they keep trying to pacify each other. Both have political ambition that centers in the BEAST with the Dragon Mouth.
Why do all the nation’s leaders end up stroking either Israel or the Vatican for acceptance. Without the Whore-Beast’s acceptance they are powerless. In essence the falling away produced the Whore-Beast, what is in common is Zionism…a Babylonian mixture. These two entities fell away to doctrines of demons corrupting the Law and the Testimony. Behind the movement was Cabalism, industry and science became the birdcage…progress and money making more money, enslaving the nations and the souls of men. How come the captains of bureaucracies, industry and finance are principally Catholics and Jews centered on the Zionist agenda? It is a no brainer!
So according to you, AJ, Satan is bound, then loosed with no time period, when he is bound the Jews will become Christians and will no longer be Zionist? What? You are saying the Zionists are converted when Satan is bound with no time frame or understanding what takes place or how, where is Jesus? Satan bound; Satan loosed; Jews saved who are not Zionists. Are you completely daffy as a duck? Are you intentionally trying to piss good people off and deceive those looking for answers? Are you a Jesuit deliberately undermining doctrine and truth (and yes there are lay Jesuits who move among us)…what gives? Don’t tell me Catholics in positions of authority do not have a Jesuit confessor near by to subtly guide them in Church policy and promoting Church doctrine…It is not as evident as years ago…but its true. Scripture is very plain about 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and what takes place and I see no Jews becoming Christian.
Those who survive of the nation’s when Jesus returns, who did not worship the beast or his image, will immediately know who is in charge and will come to know true Israel. They will not be a part of Israel’s redeemed. Finally we will have the Israel God wanted from the beginning; the Israel that God loves and shed his blood for.
We can either quit kicking against the pricks and convert by coming out of HER or we can continue to frustrate the grace of God until God no longer is willing to strive with us to save us. I tell you clearly that liars and deceivers who promote the beast and false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire when Jesus comes. The beast and false prophet will be no more! Satan will have a seal on him so he cannot deceive the nations. But tell me AJ about the beast from the bottomless pit that makes his appearance once and then perishes. Further illuminate for me that all Israel is not saved when Jesus Christ returns at the 1st resurrection and he redeems what he purchased. Please tell me, if like some dark lights claim, we are now in the reign of Christ…when was the 7th Trump; when where the dead raised; when were those alive change in a moment in the twinkling of an eye? I really would like to know! Are the nations going up for the Feast of Tabernacles… tell me when it was fulfilled!
AJ do you have any concept of Revelation? Who is the beast from the bottomless pit that goes into perdition? How is he the 8th and of the seven? Is he somewhere in a deep black hole, who is he and how does he ascend? Spiritual things are spiritually discerned and you are sure pushing the envelope of credulity!
AJ, if you want to more clearly define your understanding I am more than willing to listen…but what you said is unscriptural and makes no sense to critical thinkers. You either are deceived or you have done it on purpose.
Catholicism even endorses the Noahide Laws promulgated by the despicable Chabad-Lubavitch (again the Judeo-Christian heresy of chains). When is Satan bound and when is he loosed…I want to know from scripture! You then say “and these Jews will be Christians who are not Zionists.” Where are all these Jews who are not Zionist, when and how do they get converted; are Zionist Jews in the millennium? Most Jews are Talmudic Cabalistic Jews, this includes Nutria Karta which claim they are not Zionist but this is questionable. Talmudism allows them to dupe and lie to the goy, to ropa dope them, and God knows they have plenty of ways to deceive! Gee whiz not all Talmudic Jews are bad just those nasty Zionists that the Pope is negotiating with. Hell the Jews don’t even believe the Torah anymore and have sabotaged the Word of God.
AJ you hold to the traditions and teachings of Holy Mother the Church. They do not believe in the 1000 year reign of Christ. You say: “I’ll give you a hint: Satan was bound so that he could no longer deceived the nations (=Gentiles) and he will be loosed so that he can again deceive the nations (=Gentiles). That’s when “all Israel will be saved”… and these Jews will be Christians who are not Zionists”; when will these Jews become Christian and what of the Zionist Jews? Now when is Satan bound, you do not say. Scripture says: “Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years” then after he is loosed, which again you do not specify because you do not believe in the 1000 year reign of Christ; then you say “he will be loosed so that he can again deceive the nations (=Gentiles). That’s when “all Israel will be saved during the deception of the nations?…So if I understand, you believe the Jews, who are NOT ZIONIST will be saved when Satan is loosed from the pit, and I assume you mean when God rains down fire. But scriptures says that Jesus returns and takes the kingdom at the beginning BEFORE SATAN IS BOUND, pray tell how can there be any more Jews after Jesus returns?… Jesus casts the Beast and False Prophet into the lake of fire but Satan is not cast into the lake, but is bound till after the 1000 years. AJ what you say IS NOT scriptural nor does conform to any teaching I know of except Catholic.
I submit, the Catholic deception is responsible for the Dispensational teaching within Evangelical Christianity: If this is true then what does that make the Catholic Church? What does scripture say about those who maketh a lie and deceive others? “The origin of this theory can be traced to three Jesuit priests; (1) Francisco Ribera (1537-1591), (2) Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) one of the best known Jesuit apologists, who promoted similar theories to Ribera in his published work between 1581 and 1593 entitled Polemic Lectures Concerning the Disputed Points of the Christian Belief Against the Heretics of This Time, and (3) Manuel Lacunza (1731–1801). The writings of Ribera and Bellarmine, which contain the precedence upon which the theory of Dispensationalism is founded, were originally written to counteract the Protestant reformers’ interpretation of the Book of the Revelation which, according to the reformers, exposed the Pope as Antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon.”
I submit to you, that Catholics are working in CONCERT with the Zionist to deceive Christians who have NOT come out! Thus giving credence to the fraud by false doctrines and strengthening the antichrist by enthroning a false Christ.
This type of deception is a hallmark of Talmudic Pharisees and of Jesuit Priests who study the Cabala in Seminary School. After all most of the major Jesuits were Talmudic Jewish converts and scholars. Catholicism is full of child molesters and soon will be filled with openly homosexual and lesbian adherents…come out!
I have an illuminating commentary on Roman 11 by Dr. Robert Sungenis of CatholicIntl.com. I saved much of the content on his site, which unfortunately has been turned into a story only.
“Question 65- Romans 11 and Replacement theology
Hello Robert,
first, many thanks for the great work you are doing for the Lord and His Church in this time of difficulty.
I have a question on “replacement theology”. As I understand it, the Church supplants Isreal as the People of God in the New Testmaent, Hence St. Paul refers many times to the Church as”Israel” and so on.
However, dispensationalists will drag up Romans 11 to show that God is not finished with Israel. If this is the case, can we say that the OT covenant with the Jews is still, in a certain sense, in place? And if this is the case, how can the Church really be “replacing” Israel?
It seems to me this question is the heart of the scandalous remarks by the likes of Cardinal Kaspar and Bishop Gurion of Jerusalem who say the Jews don’t need to convert as they have their own covenant.
I have tried to clarify the Romans 11 aspect by looking at is as follows:
God promised blessings to Israel in the OT. In the NT, the Church inherits those blessings because we believe in Jesus. The Jews lost out because they rejected Him. HOWEVER, the blessings are still available to the Jews, if only they would convert to the Gospel of Jesus. in this way, and in this way alone, are the OT covenant blessings still open to the Jews. in other words, the covenant blessings are only now available in the much wider context of the new People of God, in whom all promises have been fulfilled. In regard to the promises of “land”, these promised have also been fulfilled, specifically, in the expansion of the people of God (the Church) over the whole earth, the land of OT Israel being seen as a”down-payment” of God’s promises to His people.
Is this a fair representation of the Catholic teaching? I ask you this because I find it difficult to respond to “replacement theology” charges from dispensationalists and it seems many Catholics are confused about it nowadays too.
Thanks and God bless,
R. Sungenis: Sean, the dispensationalists are quite wrong. Their first error was failing to see that the OT states quite clearly that the promises of land to Israel have already been fulfilled and there is nothing further in the physical realm God owes the Jews (cf., Josh 21:44-45; Neh 9:7-8; 1 Kings 8:56). Once this is established, then dispensationalism is superfluous, since there is nothing left for God to do with Israel, expect, as St. Paul says in Romans 11:5 — save the remnant chosen by grace, and that saving will be by the New Covenant, which is the fulfillment of the spiritual promises God made to Abraham (Gal 3:16, 29).
Be that as it may, St. Paul himself has no delusions of grandeur regarding the conversion of the Jews, since he says in Romans 11:14 that he expects only “some” of them to be converted, and speaks only conditionally about their future salvation in Romans 11:23 (“And they also, IF they do not continue in their unbelief will be grafted in again”).
That it is only the New Covenant saving the remnant of faithful Jews is reiterated in Romans 11:26 which says “and thus all Israel will be saved.” The word “thus” is the Greek adverb “houtos” which is modifying the verb “saved,” and means “in this way all Israel will be saved.” The meaning of “in this way” is then explained in Romans 11:26b and 27 as the first coming of Christ, when he established his “covenant” (i.e., the New Covenant, cf., Hebrews 8:1-16; 10:16-18) with the Jews and “took away their sins.”
That the “first” coming is in view is verified by the two Old Testament passages from which St. Paul quotes (Isaiah 59:20-21; Isaiah 27:9). It is also confirmed by the explicit language of Luke 1:68-79, which, referring to the birth of Christ, says that God came to save the Jews, as He swore to David and Abraham.
The only reason that St. Paul goes into an in depth description of these events in Romans 11 is, as he says himself in Romans 11:1-2, “has God forsaken his people whom he foreknew?” In other words, the natural question that would arise once God, through the death of Christ, rejected national Israel as his chosen people, is: has God completely cut off the Jews? The answer to that question, St. Paul assures us, is NO, for although it may look like they are completely forsaken, there is still a remnant being saved, and St. Paul points to himself as being a great example of that very remnant. Thus, God has been faithful to the faithful Jews, and will continue to do so up until the end of time (i.e., “the fulness of the Gentiles”) but even as it is true with the majority of the Gentiles who have disbelieved, God will condemn the rest of Jewry for their refusal to accept Christ.
As such, Romans 11 is not speaking about some grand conversion of the Jews. That idea is nowhere taught in either the Old or New Testaments. It is only speaking about God’s continued faithfulness to faithful Jews who embrace Christ as their one and only savior. Anyone who teaches that the Jews can or will be saved by recourse to the Old Covenant is teaching heresy, and they will be condemned along with the Jews to whom they have preached that false gospel. ”
For a very recent, October 4, 2014, radio show that shows how alive and well dispensationalism and chiliasm is, you may want to pay $1.99 to dowload the discussion of John Loefler with Dr. Daniel Juster, a dispensationalist minister based in Jerusalem.
Mr. Loefler was in his younger years, I believe, a Catholic priest seminarian. He left the Church and became a dispensationalist and lives in Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Dispensationalist “patriot” land, right there with Chuck Missler.
I have written to Dr. Sungenis to see if he has any comments on this dispensationalist scholar, Dr. Daniel Juster’s comments, but doubt if my email will reach him.
I came to my “awakening” about the evil evolving plan for a New World Order through listening to Dr. Stanley Monteith, recently deceased, and Mr. John Loefler. It is of note that many of the “Christian patriots’ with Internet radio shows are of the “evangelical” dispensational variety.
Posted by Steel on Steel | 0 Comments
Replacement Theology and Modern Antisemitism
“Then we’ll pick up a thread of church history by examining the historic roots of replacement theology in the ancient church, how it has flowed to modern times, and left havoc in its wake. Dr. Daniel Juster (www.tikkunministries.org) premiers on the program from Jerusalem.”
By the way, the term “replacement theology” is considered to be mildly derogatory by Catholic theologians.
Dear Dach, superb post, my only problem is now that we see the truth about Romans 11, what do you do with all the dispensationalist, the neocons, Israel first-ers who back Zionist Israel and all its abominations. The takeover of Palestine by Zionist and the Zionist agenda portents mountains of prophecy fulfillment but not dispensational fulfillment. I propose that 99% of Christians have no idea how it plugs into Revelation because they have been so stone cold deceived by Satan. We knock down one pillar of their deception and 20 more pop up ie Darby and Scoffield. What are we to do? When truth is posted people get glassy eyed and go into a catatonic state or they revile and answer with gobble gobble boo goo. The great falling away from true doctrine to doctrine of demons.
Dach, I am concerned with Catholic references, but not so much if they are doctrinal and scripturally sound. For instance, I detest those who make doctrines and commandments of men; do not eat this, cannot marry, gotta go to mass on Sunday, pompous ceremony, make broad their phylacteries, made a distinction between priest and laity, tell a man he is very god very man, that Mary, a human, was conceived without sin, arose bodily into heaven, is a co-redemptrix, queen of heaven, mother of God, turning bread and wine into the actual body of Christ…really!.. and I could go on for an hour. Now, without prejudice, since I was born a Catholic and raised such, attended Catholic schools, was near becoming a priest yadayadayada…I will resist those deceptions as much as I will resist the Zionist deception which is backed by the Church. Now much of what the Church has imbibed in false doctrines over centuries comes from converted Jews, or Cryto-Jews who brought it into the Catholic and Protestant Church…much of the garments and mass are centered around old testament Law and the Levite show. Many of the conversions were genuine and many were forced…but also, many joined to subvert Christianity and the Truth and were NEVER weeded out. Also you cannot force convert or test peoples conversions, as was done in the inquisition by coercion and torture; you cannot murder, torture, start wars to protect your Church or your supremacy over the souls of men, which is antichrist to the core! Catholics and converted Jews, like the Zionist, persecuted the true Torah and Christian believers; they were like minded in spirit. Meaning, the Zionist reveled in Hitlers destruction of Torah Jews who would not join with them in their Talmudic (oral law) and Cabalistic conquest, but the good Talmudic Jews they protected or sent to Israel. They were in concert, Hitler and the Zionist; birds of a feather! The more one reads of the Holocaust this become crystal clear. My point is this…Jesus is coming for a church without spot and without wrinkle…his warning is to come out of harlot Churches and be separate and he will receive us…pure doctrine is what we strive for, not a mixture. The mixture is polluted and unacceptable in the eyes of God…ask him! The Whore who rides the beast, Christianity and Zionism, although seemingly diverse, are from the same snake skin…they want to bring in their kingdom by hook or by crook; but unknown to them they are bringing in the wrath of God upon themselves. The wicked and hypocrites know nothing!
dachsielady, really quite surprised you have no comeback to my post. Yet you would like a reply from Dr. Robert Sungenis of CatholicIntl.com. How could he have any reply concerning Dr. Daniel Juster. This is the heart of the Judeo-Christian heresy. They bait and switch and you need to drop them like a hot potato and come out. I was fishing to see how strong your Catholicism is. If I discern right you are an active Catholic. Messianic Judaism is at the heart of antichirst. It is a poisonous virus which infects the soul and incorporates the Law and Grace. It will destroy your freedom in Christ. The glorious liberty that they spy out.
Traditional Catholicism does not teach dispensationalism. AJ made a comment that seemed to indicate that it does, but I am guessing it is the rotten fruits of the modernist takeover of the Church, that being the Second Vatican Council.
Formitable, I do intend to reply to you and I have been working on it. I have health and vision problems so I very slow.
All I can say as a preliminary to a more estensive reply, is that each of us before God must seek first the Kingdom of God. We do that in every thought, word and deed, in what we do and what we fail to do.
I think Jesus said ‘do not be deceived” many times and that the New Testament gospels and epistles tell us many times that there will be great deception in the last days. We get a good idea of the sophistication and nature of that deception by observing the subversion of Christian culture by the Talmudists.
Our only real protection from the deception is loving Jesus more and more each day, denying the world, the flesh and the devil, and praying for the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and righteousness. If we do not seek God’s protection, we will be sucked in to one twisted deception after another.
God bless us each and every one in the Name of the One Who is Truth.
dachsielady, thank you for your gracious reply…Asking the Lord Jesus and believing it, that he will strengthen your body, quicken your mind and give you the desires of your heart…to touch you and heal your eyes. Jesus said whatever we ask the Father in his name, he would do it…this tell me they are one and the same. Joh 18:5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. Joh 18:6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. I AM he, HE is italicized in KJV and was never in the original transcript but was added by translators…again this is why they fell backward to the ground…no wonder eh! I AM the Lord thy God who healeth all thy sicknesses and diseases. Besides me there is no other savior. Healing works like faith and asking like children who will never give up…eventually the parent relents…Praise him for such a great salvation and for opening our eyes to the wonders and glories of his holiness…We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Whenever 2 or 3 of you are gathered in my name there AM I in the midst…wow.
The only way God interacts with man is by THE Son through the Holy Spirit ,so where it is said “When 2 or 3 gathered IN MY NAME, there AM I ” invariably means to be gathered in the same spirit, in this case the Holy Spirit. For the Zionists & the Oligarchs also gathered in Freemasonry headed by British, denoted by the many alters figured in the Israeli supreme court, except it be in a different Spirit, that of the Anti Christ, even as the pseudo which but shows that this gathering through violence is unbiblical & contrary to the words of the Most High “It is not by Might neither by Power but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord of Hosts”.
Jesus on the cross said “It is finished” & the Bible says that his words are Spirit. For that which is brought in the Spirit invariably manifest’s itself, which but goes on to say that His words on the cross arose out of a Prophecy of Daniel in the OT ‘When he would have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people then all these things things would be finished” is to know that a dispersion is not a gathering, however there is the prophecy of the final gathering in a future time which is but not to any land but unto Himself to the inheritance, for Israel means “Inheritance” which is the whole promise by the Covenant commenced Physically come Spiritually, & this but reveals that this Zionist gathering through freemasonry is but a Lie.
This link doesn’t work.
Yeah, that’s to my old blog, which deplatformed me. Working link here: https://fitzinfo.net/2014/05/29/the-jewish-command-to-mislead-christians-on-bible-prophecy/
I’ve also fixed the link in this article. Thanks for letting me know.