“Just take the damn vaccine.” —Jordan Peterson
- Jordan Peterson Is An Anti-White Globalist (Resurrection Europa—Youtube)
- Is Jordan Peterson becoming a Noahide? (Stop Noahide Law)
- Jordon Peterson rejects Jewish conspiracy theories – says Jews in high positions due to high IQ & beneficial to society
- Chabad Lubavitch gets and endorsement from Jordan Peterson on marriage (Peterson’s Twitter) | Backup Link
- Rabbi Sacks Interviews Jordan Peterson On Behalf of Chabad (Chabad.org)
- Peterson quotes the Jewish Talmud (Screenshot of Peterson’s Facebook page)
- Peterson states at “Canadians for Balfour 100′ event, alongside Ezra Levant, that ‘Israel’s a shining beacon on the hill [in] a God-forsaken part of the world’ (Speakers Action Group—Youtube)
- Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson positively discuss the Noahide Laws (NETIV—Youtube)
- Why Jordan Peterson’s Home Is Decorated With Soviet Propaganda Art (FEE)
- Jordan Peterson Goes to Russia for Emergency Treatment After 4 Weeks in ICU, Daughter Says (Sputnik News)
- Is Jordan Peterson a gateway to the alt-right or a gatekeeper? (Medium)
- Jordan Peterson The Gate-Keeper (Council of European Canadians)
- Jordan Peterson Dismantled (Resurrection Europa—Youtube)
- Jordan Peterson Is An Antichrist False Prophet (Resurrection Europa—Youtube)
- Resurrection Europa — Jordan Peterson Is An Anti-White Globalist, Nov 2018 — TRANSCRIPT (Katana 17)
- Jordan Peterson a UN Globalist: Edited a Report for the High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development (RedIce.tv)
- Jordan Peterson Is A Globalist Shill (Council of European Canadians)
- Shilling for the Hoaxid-19 vaccine, Peterson brags of getting clot shot (MSN.com)
- Peterson speaking at the Trilateral Commission in 2018 (Censor Wars—Youtube)
- Do Not Be Deceived, Jordan Peterson Is Satanic And Is Pushing Darwinism And Genocide (Shoetbat)
- Mikhaila Peterson Begins Camwhore Career After Abandoning Her Baby and Failing as a Wife (DailyStormer)
- Jordan Peterson: I had the Goddamn Vaccine So Get Out Of My Face!? (Youtube)
- 14-Year-Old Jordan Peterson Almost Elected V.P. of the 1977 Alberta [socialist] NDP party (Camelot Daily)
- The Jews Surrounding Jordan Peterson (Real Jew News)
- Jordan Peterson is a Slick, Promoted, Globalist Judas Goat (Winter Watch)
- Jordan Peterson Is A Postmodernist Critic Of White Identitarians (Council of European Canadians)
- ‘Get the damn vaccine’, demands Jordan Peterson of his viewers (White Rose Ireland—Bitchute)
- Jordan Peterson’s Rejection Of Identity Politics Allows White Ethnocide (Council of European Canadians)
- Russian Orthodox Church priest poses with Jordan Peterson (Daniel Galadza—Twitter) | Backup
- Kremlin-state media Russia Today (formerly Soviet Russia Today) interviews Jordan Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila, who mothered a child with a Russian (WorldsApaRT—Youtube)
- Jordan repeats the lie that Christianity is reviving in Russia (We Will Code—Youtube)
- Questioned about the JQ and the Holodomor, Peterson folds like an accordion (Luegn Press—Youtube)
- Peterson at Russian Orthodox Cathedral Melbourne (GoldLeafCreative—Youtube)
- Russian Propaganda Site Falls for Satirical Article on Jordan Peterson Hosting Oscars (Daily Beast)
- “Most of my friends are Jews” —Jordan Peterson (Enlightainment—Youtube)
- MegaCuck Jordan Peterson Supports Jewish Supremacy (Reconquista Europa)
- Shill Peterson says only reason Jews in positions of influence and power because of their high IQs, no conspiracy
- Peterson pretends that Putin is anti-Bolshevik using Duginist “anti-liberalism” | (Backup)
- The Freemasonry/Kabbalism of Jordan Peterson (Youtube—Brother Augustine)
- Jordan Peterson’s Weird Dream About His Grandmother (Renegade Tribune)