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Young Muscovites Turning Away from Russian Orthodoxy to Follow Eastern Religions, New Study Finds


The Moscow Patriarchate should take into account the results of the research, says political scientist Stanislav Stremidlovsky

November 27, 2022

Trust in the ROC and the level of religiosity among the Orthodox in Moscow has been declining over the past two decades. This is most pronounced among young people. At the same time, a significant part of it does not go into atheism, but turns to Eastern practices and various “non-traditional” trends, a study by the Institute for Demographic Research of the Institute of Information Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences has shown. Political scientist Stanislav Stremidlovskycommented on its results for the PolitSatirKa Telegram channel .

A survey conducted by the Institute for Demographic Research of the Institute of Information Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences suggests the following. Firstly, it objectively shows the attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church and not in the best direction for it. The Moscow Patriarchate needs to reckon with its results.

The fact is that the current mission of the Russian Orthodox Church, as understood by the Moscow Patriarchate, is no longer working. Young Russians who should replace "grandmothers in headscarves" do not accept the message "to go to church".

It is obvious. The Christian life can no longer be limited to attending an all-night vigil on Saturday, going to confession on Sunday morning, and taking communion at the liturgy a few hours later. By and large, such a religious life is not much different from magic.

The Russian Orthodox Church must find a way to organize the life of Orthodox believers, which will cover all their activities throughout the 24 hours a day. In other words, staying in the temple should become only an insignificant part, while all other hours should be organized in the spirit of that Christianity, about which the Lord God Jesus Christ Himself spoke.

Judging by the survey data, Russian youth are looking for some kind of extraterrestrial landmark that will help them find the meaning of life. The ideologies offered by parties and social movements do not suit her. In fact, Russian youth would like to find some kind of benchmark, distinguished by high ideals, outside of politics and business considerations.

This is both a challenge and a competitive offer for the Russian Orthodox Church. Now in Africa, as can be judged, the Moscow Patriarchate has found a way to combine the liturgical life in order to simultaneously organize the everyday life of their communities. If the Russian Orthodox Church can apply this technique in Russia, then it will achieve a lot.
