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Why Trump is a Communist and not a Fascist

Why Trump is a Communist and not a Fascist

Like a woman in her 30’s binging on red wine and Prozac kremlin agents will cloak the communism of their fellow agents through projection. The communist aligned left in the world has projected the false illusion that Trump and Putin are fascists to hide their identity as leaders in the worldwide international socialism movement. Neither Trump nor Putin fit the definition of Fascism but are in fact Trotskyites of the lowest order.

Fascism is an odd marriage of socialism and nationalism. It embodies socialism which is in itself a logical conclusion of liberalism. As the Book Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda teaches us Liberalism is a sin of Pride, the pride of man asserting his authority over God. Socialism takes this pride to its conclusion whereby the man tries to perfect himself through natural means. This is why socialism believes that spiritual problems such as jealousy, or laziness can be solved through economics and the equitable distribution of money and property. Socialism looks forwards to utopia yet will aways end up creating a nightmare, because it is impossible to raise something up to be higher than itself by lower things.

Fascism is an odd combination of socialism and nationalism. Because it is socialist the nationalism of fascism is always state and ethnic worship. The Christian idea of nationalism is the love on one’s people, but because fascism is socialist and eschews God’s authority for the authority of man, thus as man has become the supreme object: nationalism in fascism takes on a religiosity of state and ethnic worship. If nations are the political body of the people and the people (ethnos) are supreme, then in fascism what is deemed good for the people is seen as objectively good. Therefore, Fascism can be thought of as a system where good is relative to the national collective.

Fascism is a very confused ideology because it simultaneously looks forward towards a socialist utopia as it looks backwards at a mythic past constantly trying to use imperfect means to improve upon what it already calls perfect. Thus, Fascism is internally conflicted, and it is no surprise that it flamed out after a few attempts in the last century. Unfortunately the circumstances of those burnouts were quite spectacular, and the name of fascism has been used to misdirect people ever since. Donald Trump is no Fascist. Donald Trump Uses MAGA as misdirection. Donald Trump is a Communist.

Communism is the logical conclusion of socialism. Because socialism is the conclusion of liberalism whereby man attempts to perfect himself through natural means, because natural means are corrupted by original sin therefore attempting to perfect that which God has made through ways that corrupt it is rebellion against God and evil. Thus, Communism is the final stage of socialism whereby socialism creates a political philosophy of open rebellion against God.

Thus, it should come as no surprise that those who hate God and also those who hate God so much, they crucified our Lord would also be the ones who advocate for Communism. It should come as no surprise that Trump and Putin count themselves members of this Tribe of people.


If pays any attention to Trump you will see a man who is in rebellion against God, and a man who seeks to lead the people he governs into the same rebellion with him. These are the signs:


Trump is a man of Sin. He is a twice divorced, three times married casino owner. He is an actor who was a headline in the satanic entertainment industry which corrupts and destroys souls. He was a friend of Jeffery Epstein, Roy Cohn, and attended their parties with so many other degenerate perverts he called his friends. His ego is enormous, and he has referred to himself as King, and made references to being god on occasion. His MAGA movement is fueled by decades of pent-up jealousy, envy, and vengeance against liberals, republican weakness, and not having a voice which blinds its members. It is all well and good to seek justice to redress past wrongs, but if your idea of a plan is to indulge in emotional gratification by “owning” the libs or being “based” then you are not putting America First. You are putting your sin first and you become irrational to seeing facts and putting the good of America before your cultish following of Trump.


Trump’s foreign policy is to unite regions of the world into communist regional super governments along Dugin’s multipolarity plan. Trump has pushed to incorporate Canada, Greenland, and Mexico into the American nation. A fascist would may seek to expand his countries borders through conquest or subjugation so that his own people, his ethnos, may have more resources or land. Trump wishes to bring other nationalities into America to dilute his and balkanize his own people, so they are powerless in the country they built. Trump’s actions towards Ukraine are catalyzing the European Union to organize into a cohesive, socialist government with a standing army. Russia and China are becoming closer and are emboldened to unite along with the central Asian countries and become a third geopolitical communist big space. Thus, under Trump we are seeing three of the socialist multipolarity powers rise with the others soon to emerge. These Transnational socialist governments will and are completely divorced from their ethnos and only serve as a stepping stone towards unified world communist government.


Trump is rabidly pro-immigration. Deportations are down; the last statics show that deportations have been halved since he took office. Trump’s shadow-consiglieri, Musk, is on record as saying he will die for H1B1 visas. Many in Trump’s presidential clique are Indian including: the director of the FBI, Czar of AI, Vivek Ramaswamy, and his Vice President James Downsyndrome Vance. Trump is on record saying he will sell off American citizenship. These are not the actions of a Fascist, these are the actions of a communist who is rebelling against the races and peoples diversly created by God. It is a rebellion which seeks to delegitimize the natural authority a people should have over themselves through their government and replace it with very smelly mercenaries. It is the communist who seeks to miscegenation his own people to evolve them into something lower than what God has created them to be.


Trump seeks to build 10 communist “freedom” cities. He seeks to use the treasure to prop up bitcoin. Trump seeks to invest half a trillion dollars into AI. Trump is building the infrastructure for the communist technocratic society to repress American’s. Whereby communism failed in the past because it could not calculate the true cost of goods produced and because of corruption, lack of motivation, and the independent free willed nature of human beings, Trump is breaking the bank to invest in technologies which communism believes can overcome these problems. So much for DOGE saving the American people money.


Trump is a communist because he confirms everything in our culture which has been leading us towards communism for the last 80 years. If conservatives and Trump were fascists when you went to school: did they tell you to love your country, that America was the best, a proud nation, a good people. Our culture is was superior to all others? Is there a single TV show which shows normal whites winning and minorities losing? Can you go into work, presumably you work for an American company, and tell your coworkers that American culture is superior to any foreign culture. That we are simply better because of who we are? They’re an American Company paying taxes to the American government, if corporations were fascist shouldn’t this be required? Of course not, everything you have been brought up with is leading you towards communism. Has Trump done anything to counter this? Presumably he is the president in charge of the department of education is he not? Trump goes along and supports this as evidenced by his pardon of rapper Kodak black. If Trump was a Conservative, he would try to heal the Culture by orientating towards higher things, by resetting our priorities towards God. But Trump is a communist and he spares no insult towards higher things and takes advantage of every opportunity to tear our social fabric down.

Trump is a communist because he is a donkey in lions’ garb, he a traitor who is playing his part pretending to be a man of the right and his presidency will be a disaster. We cannot know the circumstances of his fall, but his entire mission has been to take that fall and to take true conservatism down with him. And when this disaster, whether it be war or an economic crisis, happens all the people will say of MAGA: “let us never do that again.” Trump is not a fascist he is a communist because his plan is to make being conservative have the same stigma as being fascist does today. Mark these words you will hear two things from all the MAGA grifters when Trump’s fall happens: Silence, and “I was the first to warn you about Trump.” You will be the one holding the bag. Trump is a communist because his mission is to destroy the political philosophy of love which a people have for themselves that we call true conservatism.


Disavow Trump before it is too late.



Oh I also wrote this poem because I was bored and bitter at being blocked for calling out Thule's Trumptard mania.  Seems like a good place to put it.


There once was a philonip named thuletide

Upon the altar of genetics he lamented and he cried:

Moderate centrism is not a sight

I behold within the Alt-right

And nary evermore shall Britain taste

The pure genome of the Anglo race

Through the online slings of sparrows I must confide

I am a creature of my pride

And here I wallow in despair of miscegenation most brown, foul and unfair

Hark what do I espy over there: A donkey wears a lion’s coat of gilded hair.

And what fangs upon his golden face? And the lushest rush of his crimson mane

What gaping maw of the immigrants race, and the roses of Donald’s bane

Gloriously trumped the proud donkey magnificent and Yuge

No illegals, but 5 million shekels and my land is your refuge.

Twas its kosher braying that set my heart alight

For this brave creature carries on my fight

Yet when the donkey ceased to speak

There came from the left an odious squeak

I sat shocked and despised

His enemies grifts and libtard lies

Yet to my joyous repose, came the donkey’s answer to our foes:

I am not a lion of many rapes, for in phases I shall release Epstein’s lists, but not his tapes!

As lighting begets thunder so to me this was Dues Vult.

That I should join the MAGA cult!