The three Khazarias of Eduard Hodos
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on October 16, 2022, 19:32New Khazaria. Conspiracy project?
The third Khazaria or the CIS originates from the collapse of the Soviet Union
April 11, 2015
Vladimir Dergachev
In 2012, the world's largest (120,000 sq. m.) Jewish community (cultural and business) center "Menorah" was opened in Dnepropetrovsk.
Menorah (Hebrew, literally “lamp”) is a golden seven-barreled lamp (seven-candlestick), which was kept in the Jerusalem Temple, the center of the Jewish life of the Jewish people from the 11th century BC. before the destruction of the temple in the 1st century AD. It is one of the most revered religious symbols of Judaism. Menorah is depicted on the state emblem of Israel. In the first half of the 18th century, in the Commonwealth, including the territory of Ukraine, Hasidism (from Hebrew, “righteousness”, “teaching of piety”) was born - a religious trend in Judaism. Currently, the largest current of Hasidism is Chabad ( wisdom, understanding, knowledge ). This Jewish movement is also called Lubavitcher Hasidism , which arose at the turn of the three branches of the Eastern Slavs - in the town of Lyubavichi (now the Smolensk region of Russia). Among the reasons for the occurrence are the persecution of Jews by the Orthodox hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In the 1930s, the community was expelled from the USSR, where traditional Judaism continued to exist.In the book of the former head of the Israeli intelligence service, Nativ Yakov Kedmi, the following definition is given: Chabad - “Jewish religious movement that arose among the Hasidic movement in Russia at the end of the 18th century. One of the few Jewish religious movements that uses the methods of preaching among the Jews, trying to attract as many supporters as possible. Active in many countries around the world. Despite the rather small number of supporters compared to other Jewish religious groups, it tries to create the impression (mainly among non-Jews) that it is it that is the main and determining one in the Jewish environment” [1] .
Currently, the largest Chabad communities exist in the United States and Israel. Messengers of Chabad in many countries of the world create Jewish centers, schools and synagogues.
According to various estimates, the number of Chabad supporters reaches up to 200 thousand, including the most active from 20 to 40 thousand. The headquarters (the main synagogue of the Lubavitcher Hasidim) has been located in New York in Brooklyn since the 40s.
From 1950 to 1994, the community was led by the seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe (the spiritual head of the movement). During this period, in contrast to the orthodox Hasidic Jews, Chabad became a powerful political, financial and economic expansionist community, capable of influencing the authorities in host countries.
Chabad took a leading position among the Jewish communities in democratic Russia and other post-Soviet states, and contributed to the "revolutionary" transformations of the 90s. When not only the Soviet Union collapsed, but the foundation of scientific and technological progress was undermined, and strategic resources and assets were seized by oligarchs, many of whom have Jewish roots. The role of the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky in the election of an American citizen and Hasid Berl Lazar to the post of Chief Rabbi of Russia is especially noted [2] .
In November 2005, the regular annual convention of Habat emissaries took place in New York. The congress was attended by a record number of participants (about 3,000) and 400 guests from secular Jewish organizations. If earlier the main number of envoys came from the USA, Israel and Great Britain, then the new generation represented the Hasidim from 70 countries. The right to make the main speech at the congress on behalf of all the envoys was given to the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berl Lazar, who stated: “Russia has known many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective is the revolution that was created by the envoys of Chabad. Despite the difficult conditions, the often hostile attitude of those around them, the “shlukhim” (messengers), with their boundless selflessness and devotion to the teachings of the Rebbe, lit the spark of Jewish life in tens of thousands of hearts. [3] .
In Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk became the center of the Habat movement, the childhood and youth of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe (spiritual head of the movement) is associated with it. The Chabad people of Dnepropetrovsk proudly call their city the “Jewish capital of Ukraine.” Members of the board of trustees of the Jewish Chabad community of Dnepropetrovsk are the largest Ukrainian oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky, Gennady Bogolyubov, Viktor Pinchuk and others.
Since 1994, the chief rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk and the region has been Shmuel Kaminetsky, who is called the "spiritual leader of the Jewish oligarchs." The rabbi began his activity in Ukraine in 1990 and is considered one of the most influential religious figures in the post-Soviet space. His parents immigrated from the USSR in 1946 to Israel, where the future Hasidic rabbi was born in 1965. He received his religious education and the title of rabbi in the United States. In one of his speeches to the community on Purim on March 16, 2014, the Dnepropetrovsk rabbi said: “We have been living together with Ukrainians for 1000 years. And Ukraine is our Land. Today we will read the scroll of Esther, as it has been read for thousands of years on Purim. And today this reading has a special meaning. Today, the new Aman, our COMMON ENEMY with the Ukrainians, stands very close...” [4] .
Not only the Hasidim emphasize the special historical connection of the territory of Ukraine with the Jewish people. Co-Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine Andriy Adamovsky, speaking on March 23, 2015 at the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress, noted the generally favorable situation with security in the Jewish community of Ukraine. Despite the competition in the presidential elections, a candidate with a Jewish surname won, and there are about 50 deputies with Jewish roots in the new Verkhovna Rada: Crimean Tatars are their main allies in this noble struggle.”In 2011-2014 The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Ukraine was Reuven Dinel (born in Lithuania, his mother is a native Odessa, his wife is also from Odessa). In 1969, his family immigrated to Israel. He graduated from the University of Haifa (Department of Political Science and International Relations) and the Higher Military Academy of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).
In 1976-1991 served in an elite military intelligence unit (lieutenant colonel).
Since 1991, he was enlisted in the Foreign Relations Department of the Mossad special service and in 1992 became the first ever official representative of the Mossad in the CIS as an adviser to the Israeli embassy, whose competence included the exchange of information and experience in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism.
Information can be found on the Internet that a former Mossad resident in the CIS in 1995 was detained while receiving secret documents (space photographs of Arab countries) from GRU officers and in 1996 was declared persona non grata in Russia. Later he headed the information and analytical department of the Israeli intelligence service Nativ. Since 2001, he created and headed the ISS International Center for Socio-Political Research (Haifa, Israel), whose experts prepared analytical materials on the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. In the future, Turkmenistan, due to a spy past, refused to accept him as an ambassador.
In an interview with Jewish Observer (an information and analytical publication of the Confederation of Jews of Ukraine), Reuven Dinel said: “Here (in Ukraine) is a colossal field for my work. If only because for centuries Ukraine has been one of the world's largest centers of Jewish civilization. This is where Hasidism arose and on a practical level, and not in an abstract theory, the Zionist movement. Ukraine is the birthplace of great Yiddish and Hebrew writers and poets, as well as a number of Israeli statesmen, including presidents and prime ministers. I consider it very important to focus on this, to remind the Israelis about the "Ukrainian" origins of our statehood and national culture. This is important for preserving the memory of that lost civilization of Eastern European Jewry, but even more important for the formation of the self-consciousness of future generations of Israelis. Therefore, I intend to promote the “pilgrimage” of our compatriots to Ukraine, not only to the historical centers of Judaism, but also to the places that once became the cradle of Zionism. This will make it possible to better convey to the Israelis what Ukraine really is for us, and in practical terms it will serve as another factor in boosting tourism.” [5] .
Supporters of anti-Semitism accuse Chabad of trying to subjugate the governments of the countries of residence and of having links with local radical nationalists. Opponents classify the Habat rabbis as foreign agents of influence and note the disproportionately large share of Jews in Russian and Ukrainian business, and especially in the Ukrainian government.Back in 2013, Hero of Ukraine, dissident and well-known Ukrainian politician Levko Lukyanenko claimed that only 15% of Ukrainians were in the government of Ukraine. They also write about the occupation of Ukraine (especially the authorities) by foreign Vikings.
In the books of the former Kharkov rabbi, who converted to Orthodoxy, Eduard Hodos, "The Jewish Syndrome", "Jewish Fascism" and others, the theory of the "three Khazaria" is expounded.
- The first Khazaria - the Great Khazar Kaganate (7th - 10th centuries);
- The second Khazaria or Sovdepiya (1917 - the end of the 20s of the 20th century). Joseph Stalin came to power, expelling Leon Trotsky from the USSR in 1927, and later, according to the figurative expression of Karl Radek, “Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin from the Politburo”;
- The third Khazaria or the CIS originates from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The first Khazaria was built on the ideology of Judaism, the second - on the ideology of atheism, and the third - on the "desert ideology". According to Eduard Hodos, today Chabad is the leading force in Jewish life, controls local authorities in some countries of the world. Habat operates according to the clan principle, headed by the "godfather". Jews and Chabad are incompatible. Hodos describes himself as a Jewish anti-fascist who wages war on the fascist ideology in Jewry, embodied in Chabad.
In September 2014, the page about Eduard Khodos was removed from Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) without the right to recreate it. But if you type “Jewish fascism” into Google, the search engine will return several tens of thousands of links.
According to German-American philosopher of Jewish origin Hannah Arendt the main feature of fascism is the creation of a cult of hatred for an internal or external enemy through information propaganda and the use of lies to create the desired effect.
[1] Yakov Kedmi Hopeless wars. - M., Eksmo, 2012, 2013 (for the first time memoirs were published in Israel in Hebrew in 2008).
New Khazaria. Conspiracy project?
The third Khazaria or the CIS originates from the collapse of the Soviet Union
April 11, 2015
In 2012, the world's largest (120,000 sq. m.) Jewish community (cultural and business) center "Menorah" was opened in Dnepropetrovsk.
Menorah (Hebrew, literally “lamp”) is a golden seven-barreled lamp (seven-candlestick), which was kept in the Jerusalem Temple, the center of the Jewish life of the Jewish people from the 11th century BC. before the destruction of the temple in the 1st century AD. It is one of the most revered religious symbols of Judaism. Menorah is depicted on the state emblem of Israel. In the first half of the 18th century, in the Commonwealth, including the territory of Ukraine, Hasidism (from Hebrew, “righteousness”, “teaching of piety”) was born - a religious trend in Judaism. Currently, the largest current of Hasidism is Chabad ( wisdom, understanding, knowledge ). This Jewish movement is also called Lubavitcher Hasidism , which arose at the turn of the three branches of the Eastern Slavs - in the town of Lyubavichi (now the Smolensk region of Russia). Among the reasons for the occurrence are the persecution of Jews by the Orthodox hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky. In the 1930s, the community was expelled from the USSR, where traditional Judaism continued to exist.
In the book of the former head of the Israeli intelligence service, Nativ Yakov Kedmi, the following definition is given: Chabad - “Jewish religious movement that arose among the Hasidic movement in Russia at the end of the 18th century. One of the few Jewish religious movements that uses the methods of preaching among the Jews, trying to attract as many supporters as possible. Active in many countries around the world. Despite the rather small number of supporters compared to other Jewish religious groups, it tries to create the impression (mainly among non-Jews) that it is it that is the main and determining one in the Jewish environment” [1] .
Currently, the largest Chabad communities exist in the United States and Israel. Messengers of Chabad in many countries of the world create Jewish centers, schools and synagogues.
According to various estimates, the number of Chabad supporters reaches up to 200 thousand, including the most active from 20 to 40 thousand. The headquarters (the main synagogue of the Lubavitcher Hasidim) has been located in New York in Brooklyn since the 40s.
From 1950 to 1994, the community was led by the seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe (the spiritual head of the movement). During this period, in contrast to the orthodox Hasidic Jews, Chabad became a powerful political, financial and economic expansionist community, capable of influencing the authorities in host countries.
Chabad took a leading position among the Jewish communities in democratic Russia and other post-Soviet states, and contributed to the "revolutionary" transformations of the 90s. When not only the Soviet Union collapsed, but the foundation of scientific and technological progress was undermined, and strategic resources and assets were seized by oligarchs, many of whom have Jewish roots. The role of the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky in the election of an American citizen and Hasid Berl Lazar to the post of Chief Rabbi of Russia is especially noted [2] .
In November 2005, the regular annual convention of Habat emissaries took place in New York. The congress was attended by a record number of participants (about 3,000) and 400 guests from secular Jewish organizations. If earlier the main number of envoys came from the USA, Israel and Great Britain, then the new generation represented the Hasidim from 70 countries. The right to make the main speech at the congress on behalf of all the envoys was given to the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berl Lazar, who stated: “Russia has known many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective is the revolution that was created by the envoys of Chabad. Despite the difficult conditions, the often hostile attitude of those around them, the “shlukhim” (messengers), with their boundless selflessness and devotion to the teachings of the Rebbe, lit the spark of Jewish life in tens of thousands of hearts. [3] .
In Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk became the center of the Habat movement, the childhood and youth of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe (spiritual head of the movement) is associated with it. The Chabad people of Dnepropetrovsk proudly call their city the “Jewish capital of Ukraine.” Members of the board of trustees of the Jewish Chabad community of Dnepropetrovsk are the largest Ukrainian oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky, Gennady Bogolyubov, Viktor Pinchuk and others.
Since 1994, the chief rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk and the region has been Shmuel Kaminetsky, who is called the "spiritual leader of the Jewish oligarchs." The rabbi began his activity in Ukraine in 1990 and is considered one of the most influential religious figures in the post-Soviet space. His parents immigrated from the USSR in 1946 to Israel, where the future Hasidic rabbi was born in 1965. He received his religious education and the title of rabbi in the United States. In one of his speeches to the community on Purim on March 16, 2014, the Dnepropetrovsk rabbi said: “We have been living together with Ukrainians for 1000 years. And Ukraine is our Land. Today we will read the scroll of Esther, as it has been read for thousands of years on Purim. And today this reading has a special meaning. Today, the new Aman, our COMMON ENEMY with the Ukrainians, stands very close...” [4] .
Not only the Hasidim emphasize the special historical connection of the territory of Ukraine with the Jewish people. Co-Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine Andriy Adamovsky, speaking on March 23, 2015 at the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress, noted the generally favorable situation with security in the Jewish community of Ukraine. Despite the competition in the presidential elections, a candidate with a Jewish surname won, and there are about 50 deputies with Jewish roots in the new Verkhovna Rada: Crimean Tatars are their main allies in this noble struggle.”
In 2011-2014 The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Ukraine was Reuven Dinel (born in Lithuania, his mother is a native Odessa, his wife is also from Odessa). In 1969, his family immigrated to Israel. He graduated from the University of Haifa (Department of Political Science and International Relations) and the Higher Military Academy of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).
In 1976-1991 served in an elite military intelligence unit (lieutenant colonel).
Since 1991, he was enlisted in the Foreign Relations Department of the Mossad special service and in 1992 became the first ever official representative of the Mossad in the CIS as an adviser to the Israeli embassy, whose competence included the exchange of information and experience in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism.
Information can be found on the Internet that a former Mossad resident in the CIS in 1995 was detained while receiving secret documents (space photographs of Arab countries) from GRU officers and in 1996 was declared persona non grata in Russia. Later he headed the information and analytical department of the Israeli intelligence service Nativ. Since 2001, he created and headed the ISS International Center for Socio-Political Research (Haifa, Israel), whose experts prepared analytical materials on the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. In the future, Turkmenistan, due to a spy past, refused to accept him as an ambassador.
In an interview with Jewish Observer (an information and analytical publication of the Confederation of Jews of Ukraine), Reuven Dinel said: “Here (in Ukraine) is a colossal field for my work. If only because for centuries Ukraine has been one of the world's largest centers of Jewish civilization. This is where Hasidism arose and on a practical level, and not in an abstract theory, the Zionist movement. Ukraine is the birthplace of great Yiddish and Hebrew writers and poets, as well as a number of Israeli statesmen, including presidents and prime ministers. I consider it very important to focus on this, to remind the Israelis about the "Ukrainian" origins of our statehood and national culture. This is important for preserving the memory of that lost civilization of Eastern European Jewry, but even more important for the formation of the self-consciousness of future generations of Israelis. Therefore, I intend to promote the “pilgrimage” of our compatriots to Ukraine, not only to the historical centers of Judaism, but also to the places that once became the cradle of Zionism. This will make it possible to better convey to the Israelis what Ukraine really is for us, and in practical terms it will serve as another factor in boosting tourism.” [5] .
Supporters of anti-Semitism accuse Chabad of trying to subjugate the governments of the countries of residence and of having links with local radical nationalists. Opponents classify the Habat rabbis as foreign agents of influence and note the disproportionately large share of Jews in Russian and Ukrainian business, and especially in the Ukrainian government.
Back in 2013, Hero of Ukraine, dissident and well-known Ukrainian politician Levko Lukyanenko claimed that only 15% of Ukrainians were in the government of Ukraine. They also write about the occupation of Ukraine (especially the authorities) by foreign Vikings.
In the books of the former Kharkov rabbi, who converted to Orthodoxy, Eduard Hodos, "The Jewish Syndrome", "Jewish Fascism" and others, the theory of the "three Khazaria" is expounded.
- The first Khazaria - the Great Khazar Kaganate (7th - 10th centuries);
- The second Khazaria or Sovdepiya (1917 - the end of the 20s of the 20th century). Joseph Stalin came to power, expelling Leon Trotsky from the USSR in 1927, and later, according to the figurative expression of Karl Radek, “Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, and Stalin from the Politburo”;
- The third Khazaria or the CIS originates from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The first Khazaria was built on the ideology of Judaism, the second - on the ideology of atheism, and the third - on the "desert ideology". According to Eduard Hodos, today Chabad is the leading force in Jewish life, controls local authorities in some countries of the world. Habat operates according to the clan principle, headed by the "godfather". Jews and Chabad are incompatible. Hodos describes himself as a Jewish anti-fascist who wages war on the fascist ideology in Jewry, embodied in Chabad.
In September 2014, the page about Eduard Khodos was removed from Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) without the right to recreate it. But if you type “Jewish fascism” into Google, the search engine will return several tens of thousands of links.
According to German-American philosopher of Jewish origin Hannah Arendt the main feature of fascism is the creation of a cult of hatred for an internal or external enemy through information propaganda and the use of lies to create the desired effect.