'The socialist Eurasian doctrine of the development of Russia as the heart of the world is today the only real alternative to liberal postmodern globalism': CPRF
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on February 10, 2024, 15:12VSD "Russian Lad", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Eurasian integration
On December 9, 2012, at the founding Congress in Moscow, the All-Russian creative movement “Russian Lad” was created.
The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the movement. Zyuganov, and the head of the Coordination Council, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.S. Nikitin.
From the very beginning of its existence, the VSD "Russian Lad" has been the main ally of the Communist Party of Russia and, in our opinion, this alliance is of key importance, since it represents the prototype of a new stage of the national liberation movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a movement whose success is inextricably linked with the success struggle for socialism.
Traditional values and the “end of history”
According to its programmatic guidelines, the VSD “Russian Lad” is called upon to defend Russia’s traditional values (and, therefore, the value of the socialist world order) and to resist the system of liberal postmodern values being imposed on Russia. Let us recall that the basis of postmodernism and liberalism is the perception of a person (and in general of any entity) as a clot of “egoistic” energy devoid of any higher meaning, which accidentally (as a result of a chaotic “game”) appeared in the sphere of existence (also representing an illusory game of chaos). In the social sphere, this approach leads to the deification of the “free market” and “private property”, militant atheism, propaganda of various kinds of perversions (including sexual and psychosexual) as manifestations of a special “art of living”, the destruction of traditional social institutions (primarily the institution families), the spread of various types of drugs (including drug use) as stimulants of the desire to live and, as a result, to the painful degradation of entire societies and individuals. On a global scale, we are talking about the formation of a model of a “progressive” market-trading global order, which is defended by representatives of Western civilization, influenced by the capitalist-imperialist, liberal-postmodernist paradigm.
One of the ideologists of Atlantic liberal globalism, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in his famous book “The End of History”, pursues the idea of a unitary world, subordinated to the idea of liberal democracy. In this book, which appeared in the early 90s, Fukuyama unambiguously expressed the desire of the empire of the “golden billion” to completely enslave the world economically and spiritually. Fukuyama argued that the spiritual and geopolitical reality, which he called the “socialist camp,” had disappeared from the face of the earth. Moreover, he predicted the disappearance of nation-states and cultures as archaism in the context of a global liberal-democratic world order. According to Fukuyama, national governments should be replaced by a world government that controls a single planetary space and builds it according to its own patterns.
His colleague, US foreign policy analyst Thomas Barnett, developed the concept of the functioning of “world zonal cores”.
The essence of his concept is that modern technological development in general, and network technologies in particular, contribute to the so-called zonal division of all territories of the planet into three areas: the core zone, the zone of connectivity and the zone the zone of disconnectedness.
According to Barnett, network technologies freely overcome the boundaries of both states and civilizations, forming a new structural strategic space of the world.
Barnett considers the United States and the European Union to be the global core of these technologies, which serve as a distributor of liberal-postmodern democratic values, since it is there, in his opinion, that all the achievements of human civilization in a broad sense, as well as decision-making centers, are concentrated.
Barnett includes the majority of other countries in the connected zone, doomed to adapt to the new world order, that is, to the rules established by the core, and to consume ready-made technological means supplied by the core, thereby becoming even more dependent on it.
Barnett classifies as the zone of disconnection countries and political forces that are in direct opposition to the “core” and the process of globalization itself. Accordingly, according to the logic of representatives of the “golden billion”, the zone of disconnection should eventually become a zone of complete connectivity.
So, we see that the West, claiming the universality of its value system (individualism, liberalism, liberal democracy, market and private property, tolerance for perversions of traditional shrines and denial of the concept of the sacred as such), seeks to aggressively impose its civilizational values on other civilizations and cultures. , value paradigm. This is required by the mental reality of Western man who has lost all sacred feeling, who is forced to invent new perverted “games” for himself, and by the laws of consumer culture, which requires ever new expansion, and by the inexorable logic of the imperialist social order.
It is obvious that Russia, located in a special geopolitical position (in the “center of the world”, in the heartland) and being the heir to the great Russian Soviet civilization, is an object of particularly violent aggression on the part of the Atlanticists, whose task is to ensure that our people renounce their identity, broke away from his roots and lost support for his value system (morality, collectivism, acceptance of others, belief in absolute Good, etc.).
The best and worst features of Russian civilization
Refusal to rely on their civilizational foundations for bearers of Russian culture means the inevitable manifestation of the worst, most dangerous qualities of our people. The characteristic attitude of Russian (and, especially, Russian Soviet) civilization towards conciliarity and selflessness, acceptance of the Other, reverence for the Holy, on the other hand, has a tendency towards chaotic and destructive (including self-destructive) activity if it is impossible to follow this attitude: “The brighter The light, the darker the darkness.” The fact is that in Russian culture the “ego” as a mental apparatus develops relatively poorly. And the ego is a mental structure whose function is the self-government of the individual. The function of self-government can also be assumed by a transcendental connection with the Other, Others (a loved one, family, society, people), which in Russian is called conscience, and in the sphere of the flagship of Western psychology - psychoanalysis - superego. A person who is Russian in culture either lives according to his conscience (a psychoanalyst would say - obeys the demands of the superego), supported by invisible ties with the community (family, team, people), experiences a sense of the Holy, or loses his conscience, becomes alienated from the community, loses the feeling of the Holy ( a psychoanalyst would say - the adaptive superego disintegrates and is replaced by elements of archaic drives leading to chaotic impulses of pleasure, destructive external aggression, and then to malignant guilt and self-punishment). We saw an example of such a loss of conscience during the collapse of the USSR, when the number of domestic crimes and crimes based on destructive motives as such increased almost tenfold (here we are not talking about crimes of an economic nature). The nineties of the twentieth century were filled with manifestations of precisely the worst qualities of the bearers of Russian civilizational codes.
Operation Seduction
In the article “Russian Soviet civilization in the Eurasian direction” we outlined the concept of civilization in the narrow sense as a set of history, culture, traditions, religion, language, customs, territorial factors, socio-economic institutions and various forms of national-cultural and (or) ethnic self-identification . All these factors can become the basis for the formation of certain state structures that will exist in the future only if the connection with the base is maintained. In the case of Russian civilization and the Russian (Soviet) state, the loss of civilizational foundations leads to chaos and apathy, that is, to extinction, either in the mode of active aggression (the nineties) or in the form of “stable extinction” (the beginning of the twenty-first century). Moreover, the latter was achieved through Operation Seduction, according to which the representatives of Russian Soviet civilization, whose ancestors, following the precepts emanating from the depths of centuries, rejected acquisitiveness in 1917, were offered the cult of consumption and hedonism (the means for this, as is known, were and are being sought through the flow of petrodollars and the “eating away” of the Soviet legacy). This is what he writes in his article “Terror as the basis of communicative culture of the 21st century: from understanding to interpretation” (Psychology and psychopathology of terrorism. Humanitarian strategies of anti-terrorism. Collection of articles edited by Prof. M. M. Reshetnikov. - St. Petersburg: East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2004) Chairman of the All-Russian Association of Applied Psychoanalysis (VAPP) V.A. Medvedev: “The systemic crisis and the slow death of traditional civilization at the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries once again released into the world of reality the dragons of the archaic, chained in the dungeons of the collective unconscious. <…> the potential of a swarm (biological-population) type of psyche is relatively easily defeated by the consumer ideal infected into it. When something “mine” appears, the swarming will of the “primary urges” fades in the face of the emerging “I” as a set of personal desires. <…> Commodity seduction coupled with indirect control through a regulated level of consumption is all that is needed to destroy the swarm reproductive stereotype. The newest proletarians, that is, people who have nothing but children, must once again be destroyed as a class, forcibly loaded with property and social responsibility. Otherwise, these children of theirs will become the gravediggers of our entire civilization!”
Formally, Medvedev wrote about terrorism, one of the most terrible scourges of humanity. However, in fact, in our opinion, he tried to label the terrorist threat, which, as every normal person understands, must be fought mercilessly, on the very cultural codes of the domestic civilization, which, from the point of view of the philosophy of “qualified consumption”, is a fertile ground for various madness For a Western man who lives by the needs of the “ego,” the actions of the same Alexander Matrosov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya are examples of madness. It’s not for nothing that the Germans called Zoya and people like her “bandits,” and it’s not for nothing that modern liberals mock the memory of those who threw themselves at the embrasure. It’s not for nothing that the song “Russian Partisan” evokes such a furious reaction from the Gozman-Chubais. A competent man in the street from the “nuclear zone” will prefer the quiet comfort and pleasures provided by the modern service industry to feat and spiritual burning (not noticing that the potential for destruction is accumulating around him in the form of various kinds of Breiviks), and therefore he hates the civilization of selflessness and unity.
It is obvious that the “swarm type of psyche” is precisely the traditional way of perceiving reality for our people, which determines the way of life and way of life. Moreover, by “our civilization” Medvedev means precisely Western, capitalist civilization. What threatens the interests of this civilization, according to Medvedev? Refusal to live under the cult of selfishness and consumerism. As we noted above, a person who is Russian in spirit either lives in harmony with the world, community, conscience, or falls into a state of darkness, indulges in “everything bad” or slowly dies. In the case of “all serious things”, the possibility arises of a) a breakthrough of such a person to creative values and b) a threat to the calm existence of parasitic elements in Russia itself and the “golden billion” outside our country. We are not deceived by the fact that in the fragment quoted above, the psychoanalyst wrote about the remark of a terrorist from, most likely, a Muslim region of Russia. In fact, Medvedev writes about all the Soviet, Russian people whom the adherents of Western civilization are seducing, so that they either quietly die out, without giving birth to children and contradicting their inner essence, or, ultimately (when the petrodollars run out) collapse into final chaos, and Russia would have collapsed. Is this just a class struggle, since Medvedev writes about the need to destroy the “newest proletarians,” or is it just a civilizational struggle (after all, let us remember, he is talking about “our” (and in fact alien to us) civilization), and about children, like about something insignificant, almost worthy of contempt (and this is already an unconditional sign of the insane civilization of the West, in which the state policy of destroying the normal family and family values is being pursued)? Of course, we are talking about a single struggle, where it is no longer possible to isolate “only” class, or “only” civilization.
The program of seduction, about which Medvedev wrote very openly, was and is being implemented in Russia by those whom we associate with the images of the recently resigned First Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov (rumor attributes to him very peculiar postmodern “games” in various spheres of life) and Anatoly Chubais.
Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Russian Lad and the connection of times
In the context of the ongoing implementation of the “Seduction” program, which actively and relatively successfully encourages selfishness and hedonism in Russian (and) Soviet people, we can and must counteract this deadly program for us not only with the help of reason, but also through the actualization of genuine spiritual values in our fellow citizens. archetypes of Russian and Russian Soviet life, because an idea that takes hold of the masses is capable of breaking through any barriers. This is fully consistent with the principles of dialectical materialism: in the dialectical process, the ideal can (in turn) influence the material, transform it.
That is why we believe that today only the union of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the VSD “Russian Lad” is capable of becoming the mobilization force that will allow the international community of peoples of Russia to survive in the conditions of a terrible threat of extinction and return us to the socialist way of social life, return Soviet power.
It is no coincidence that Patriarch Kirill, in his pastoral message to believers on the eve of the Great Victory Day, called on Orthodox Christians to follow the example and honor Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Georgy Zhukov, and other Heroes of the Soviet era. Moreover, the famous theologian Abbot Luke (Stepanov) substantiated the words of the Patriarch, emphasizing that he who gives his life for his friends is already a Christian.
Russian Soviet, Eurasian civilization is a civilization of warriors - defenders of the Fatherland, relying on the mobilization resource of the state and the communal-collectivist, conciliar system of relations.
This resource, as well as the system of collectivist relations itself, is largely based on the ability of each individual citizen and the people as a whole in their mental reality to build a connection of times, an invisible thread connecting Vladimir Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Prince Bagration, Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Joseph Stalin, Evgeny Rodionov...
The Great Patriotic War was called such because in the minds of the Russian and the entire Soviet people there was the Patriotic War of 1812, and the soldiers of the Soviet Army inherited the glorious exploits of their great-grandfathers who defended their homeland during the invasion of Napoleon.
And they, in turn, sacredly preserved the memory of the national militia of Minin and Pozharsky, who saved Rus' from destruction in troubled times, when the Moscow Kremlin was occupied by interventionists...
In turn, the leaders of the people's militia of 1612 relied on the experience of their ancestors, who, on the Kulikovo Field, blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, fought for their homeland against a fierce enemy.
And the very appearance of Sergius, from our point of view, became possible thanks to the original foundations of our Fatherland.
The foundations of Russian, and then Russian Soviet civilization, which became both an “incubator” of the modern Russian nation and a “home” for it and other peoples of Russia, come from the communal culture of Ancient Rus' (from where, ultimately, both the peasantry and workers came, and the various intelligentsia, and nobles), which were inherited by the great Soviet civilization. Within the framework of this (at one time “only” Russian) civilization, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, a modern Russian nation was formed, psychologically and socio-economically predisposed to socialism and having its origins in a pre-national civilizational and pre-class community united by the ancient Russian state.
The existence of the pre-class basis of the great Russian civilization and, accordingly, the Russian nation (as an exception to the rule!) with its values significant for all humanity, adopted on the basis of the initially united community of Ancient Rus', was convincingly proven by the leading figure of Marxist historical science I.Ya. Froyanov with his students. AND I. Froyanov, creatively applying Marxism-Leninism, proved that the pre-class Russian civilization of Ancient Rus' was the basis of the great Russian civilization at other (class) stages of its development and, of course, at its highest (non-class) stage - Soviet civilization.
The communal way of life, folk Orthodoxy, epics and fairy tales became the basis for the special quality of socialization and education of bearers of Russian culture from various classes, who, many centuries later, raised the Russian working class and peasantry to fight for socialism and true spirituality.
Thus, we can assert that the centralized Moscow state was created not only under the influence of economic factors, but also thanks to the spread throughout the future space of the Russian Empire and the USSR of those spiritual codes of non-covetousness that the disciples of St. Sergius preached through the monastery system, preaching in the social sphere originally characteristic national culture values.
And the first geopolitical Russian concept, “Moscow is the third Rome,” formulated by the monk Philotheus during the time of Ivan the Terrible, arose, first of all, on the basis of spiritual teachings emanating from the highest ideals cultivated in Russian Orthodox culture. Actors of re-integration in the post-Soviet space need to remember this, and we will definitely dwell on this below.
The foundations of the geopolitical concept of the Russian state, consciously or unconsciously, prompted to action both Peter I, who made a breakthrough to the shores of the Baltic Sea, and Catherine II, during whose reign the Russian army won access to the Black Sea from the Ottoman Empire.
The sense of value, civilizational unity coming from the depths of centuries became, in our opinion, the basis for the unity of the nation during the invasion of Napoleon, which became the most severe test for our Fatherland since the end of the Time of Troubles. The fact that the peasant class, which to the greatest extent retained the essence of the pre-class community of Ancient Rus', stood up in 1812 to fight the invaders in the ranks of the army, overshadowed by the glory of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, suggests that the people are faced with a terrible challenge to their national existence chose the national liberation struggle, leaving internal strife. (Looking ahead, we note that when capitalism began to threaten national existence, the Russian people for the most part refused to support the imperial and bourgeois authorities associated with it and followed the Bolsheviks, who were, in fact, waging a national liberation war).
By inertia, Russia continued its spiritual, economic and geopolitical expansion even at the initial stage of its immersion in capitalist orders. In Russia, vast territories of Central Asia were annexed, the fraternal Slavic peoples were liberated from the Turkish yoke, and even control over the Black Sea coast, lost after the defeat in the Crimean War, was returned.
However, with all the external successes, a terrible boil was brewing inside Russian society. Along with the advent of capitalist socio-economic relations in Russian society, the very state system of the Empire began to contradict the foundations that gave birth to it.
Russian civilization as the basis of resistance to capitalism and the construction of the world's first Soviet civilization
The abolition of serfdom without transferring the land to its true owners (peasants), the emergence in Russia of a bourgeois class, which began to impose capitalist orders in Rus' that were alien to the very essence of the domestic social organism, led to massive resistance to the power of capital on the part of the bearers of the codes of Russian civilization. Under the leadership of the advanced part of the nobility (V.I. Lenin, A.N. Lunacharsky) and the intelligentsia (I.V. Stalin, A.A. Zhdanov, N.I. Bukharin), the working class, emerging from the Russian village, became the driving force the formation of a hitherto unprecedented Soviet socialist civilization, which became the pinnacle of Russian civilization and overcame its main shortcomings (the tendency of the bearers of Russian culture to chaos or apathy in the event of the loss of psychological and material structures that support collective unity).
In the article “The civilizational-geopolitical approach as a necessary condition for the survival of Russia and the construction of socialism of the 21st century” (http://kprf.ru/rus_soc/111755.html) we wrote: “the priority of moral and spiritual values and the mobilization-state principle over economic relations in the Russian civilizational project, as well as the masses’ rejection of the psychology of selfishness and acquisitiveness characteristic of the exploitative minority “played ahead”, shortened the historical-time lag of processes and led to the Great October Socialist Revolution. The well-known saying truly worked: “Russians harness for a long time, but go quickly.” The Great October Revolution stirred up seething, tectonic processes in Russia and in the world to change or significantly modernize “economic formations” and set off the genius of Vladimir Lenin and his associates.”
Let us emphasize once again: the revolution itself in the agrarian Russian Empire, given the comparative weakness of the working class, became possible thanks to the intolerance of a Russian-spirited person, the capitalist system of exploitation of man by man, and the violation of the communal principle of justice. Heroes like V.I. Chapaev, S.M. Kirov, S.K. The Ordzhonikidzes fought according to the precepts of Russian non-acquisitive people for genuine people's Truth, fighting both counter-revolutionary forces and the interventionists of the highly industrialized countries of the Entente.
And even the actions of the Trotskyists could not break the connections of times.
I.V. Stalin and his comrades returned to the Russian people their name and history, raising even higher the banner of the international community of the Soviet people, the core of which was the Russians, and restoring and incredibly increasing the geopolitical influence of our Power, created by the works of people such as Ataman Ermak and General Milyutin...
It is not without reason that in his Address to the people on May 9, 1945, Stalin stated: “The great sacrifices we made in the name of freedom and independence of our Motherland, the innumerable hardships and suffering experienced by our people during the war, the hard work in the rear and at the front, given up on the altar of the fatherland - were not in vain and were crowned with complete victory over the enemy. The centuries-old struggle of the Slavic peoples for their existence and their independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny.”
“The centuries-old struggle of the Slavic peoples for their existence and their independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny” - these are words about the centuries-old, external and internal struggle for the value foundations of our civilization, for Soviet power, and the greatest geopolitical battle.
Stalin mobilized the ideology, resources of the nation and state for the sake of implementing the Soviet civilizational project, which embodied the Russian dream, the fulfillment of which liberated all other peoples of the Soviet Union. That is why, in the shortest historical period, the Soviet people have made a dizzying breakthrough in the fields of heavy industry, science, education, culture and art.
In the unity of the Soviet people, the Russian nation and other nations of the USSR won the great war, united half the world around them and went into space, overcoming post-war devastation, enduring the most difficult trials, abandoning the militant atheism of the times of Trotsky. Soviet people carried spiritual strength within themselves and lived by the traditional spiritual values of our Fatherland, according to which “man is man’s friend, comrade and brother.” That is why the Soviet people were protected from “infection by the consumer ideal” during Stalin’s time. Each Soviet person essentially fulfilled a bright national mission.
And again we return to the thesis that in modern conditions only the Union of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the VSD “Russian Lad” can resist the strategy of seducing the people of Russia and return the connection of times to the nation. We cannot allow the final destruction of Russian Soviet civilization and the enslavement of all of us by the dying imperialist West.
The path to Victory: spiritual and economic factors
This means that we need to build a new Eurasian socialist doctrine for the development of Russia, to return to the people the feeling of a great beneficial mission and space of life. Only in this case is a moral transformation of the subjects of Russian culture possible.
Moreover, the socialist Eurasian doctrine of the development of Russia as the “heart of the world” is today the only real alternative to liberal postmodern globalism and the basis for the formation of a multipolar world, consisting of several regional poles (cultures), forming various “large spaces.”
As typical examples of civilizational “large spaces,” we can identify such superstate political entities as the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, internally connected by a common destiny according to the civilizational principle.
Here it should be noted that we do not consider the domestic civilization to be “exclusively” good, but, for example, the Western one, “exclusively” bad. Above we have already described a number of shortcomings of our civilization. Of course, we have to learn a lot, including from the West. After all, Marxism came to us from there. However, the principle of unity and struggle of opposites does not mean that opposites are necessarily absolutely equivalent. Thus, in the antithesis “altruism-acquisitiveness”, it is non-acquisitiveness that is the dominant opposite, subordinating the interests of the “ego” and using its positive capabilities. Therefore, the domestic civilization, which is much closer in its foundations to the socialist choice than, say, the civilization of the Anglo-Saxon countries, is a priority for us as a paradigm for the development of Russia. The individualistic civilization of the West is prone to infection by capitalist ideology, the cult of consumption (maybe that’s why Marx appeared in the West as a consequence of the Anglo-Saxon society’s attempt to heal) and is mortally dangerous for us. In turn, bearers of the psychology of profit and the relativity of all things experience mental pain when confronted with the psychology of a person who lives according to the laws of love, selflessness and recognizes anything as sacred except the right to private property.
This means that our interests, the interests of Russian citizens, significantly diverge from the interests of the “golden billion”. It follows that the main principle of the new Eurasian development doctrine should be the axiom according to which the policy of the Eurasian continent should be determined by the interests of the states of this continent and, above all, Russia as its backbone, “pole”.
Certain, albeit uncertain, steps in this direction are already being taken. On November 18, 2011, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a declaration on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union. A little later, in November of the same year, the parties signed an agreement on the formation of the Eurasian Economic Commission. In our article “Russian Soviet civilization in the Eurasian direction” ( http://www.rulad.ru/novosti/russkaya-sovetskaya-tsivilizatsiya-na-evrazijskom-napravlenii.html ) we outlined its powers: “In total, the commissions are going to transfer about 175 functions: from the areas of regulation of tariff and customs policy, government procurement, transport issues, energy issues to issues of crediting and distributing import duties across the budgets of the three states, as well as labor migration, foreign exchange policy and financial markets.”
In our opinion, the main governing bodies of the Eurasian Union and the above-mentioned powers of the commission should be concentrated in Moscow.
Accordingly, the Eurasian Economic Union will have to closely interact with the CSTO, the Customs Union, the Eurasian Development Bank and other structures of this kind.
The results of integration will not be long in coming. This is evidenced by the data of a scientific study conducted by specialists from the Eurasian Development Bank and the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The research is described in the article by A. Gerashchenko “From the Union State to the Eurasian Union” (collection “And the time to collect stones. Eurasian integration today” Moscow, “Book World”, 2012). The study covers the period until 2030. According to expert calculations, provided that the agreements on the Eurasian Union and the Common Economic Space are fully operational, the annual GDP growth of Belarus will be $12 billion (reaching 35% of its own GDP), Kazakhstan $13 billion, Russia — $75 billion!
Joining the Eurasian Union should mean for its member country simplification of customs procedures and easing of tax legislation in relations with other members of the Union, its inclusion in a convenient system of government orders and preferential lending (again, within the Union). Let us repeat that such a process not only sharply strengthens Russia’s position as a Eurasian power (the ruble in this case becomes the basic regional currency with the help of which all payments between members of the Union are carried out), but is also extremely beneficial to all its participants, allowing for a qualitative change in the structure of exports within industrial cooperation. For example, with the success of Eurasian Union projects in Belarus, the share of export products from the metallurgical industry will increase from 2.3% of GDP in 2010 to 4.2% in 2030, mechanical engineering from 12.8% to 16.2%, and agriculture from 7% to 7.8%. This, in turn, stimulates the export opportunities of the industrial sectors of the economic systems of the union states, reducing the dependence of Russia and Kazakhstan on the sale of hydrocarbon resources (according to experts, cooperation within the Eurasian Union will allow the Russian Federation to increase the share of mechanical engineering in GDP from 7.1% to 9.6% by 2030 and sharply reduce the share of the mining industry; a similar effect awaits Kazakhstan)... In the meantime, the exports of even (!) fraternal Belarus are focused primarily on the EU market, where Slavic guests are greeted, to put it mildly, unkindly.
At the same time, it is obvious that purely economic benefits cannot be the only determining factor of Eurasian integration. A new spiritual integration of the peoples of the post-Soviet space is necessary. A striking example of the correctness of this thesis is Ukraine. For Independence, which is on the verge of collapse, joining the Customs Union is the only way to avoid economic catastrophe and disintegration, however, it is the spiritual infection coming from the West and covering the “Westerners”, as well as many residents of the center of Ukraine, that is preventing the active reunification of Great and Little Rus' at least in economic terms (by the way, experts believe that if Ukraine joins the SES, the total benefit for all participants in the integration process will be 1.1 trillion dollars). Therefore, Eurasian integration can only take place on the basis of active and intelligent propaganda of the values of Russian Soviet civilization, and these values should be affirmed both in Russia itself and in the CIS countries. This is where “soft power” network technologies, including, among other things, the formation of a system of various NGOs on the territory of fraternal states, should be used creatively and boldly by us!
If spiritual unity is restored, we will be able to implement the idea of recreating a network of industrial cooperation among the former Soviet republics, which will be an important step towards eliminating the adjective “former”.
A particularly important ally for Russia is Belarus - a region inhabited by moral and hardworking people, the “assembly shop” of the USSR.
Belarus now retains the capacity of the Novopolotsk and Mozyr oil refineries, MAZ, BelAZ, MTZ. In Belarus, the production of combines, trolleybuses, trams, motorcycles, bicycles, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and much more operates using modernized Soviet facilities of a full technological cycle. The Republic maintains a developed agriculture and produces weapons.
Let us note that together with a holistic, essentially Soviet economic system, about which a creative group of communists made a wonderful film “On the Roads of Belarus” ( http://kprf.ru/international/105457.html ), and which allows our neighbors to survive with almost complete the absence of mineral resources on its own territory, White Russia is also distinguished by a special state policy in the field of spiritual protection and spiritual development of its sons and daughters. At a meeting with Patriarch Kirill on October 14, 2012, President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, in particular, stated: “In our country, relations between secular and spiritual authorities are built on the principle of a symphony, that is, a harmonious union and joint work for the benefit of the Fatherland. Belarus is successfully developing cooperation with our Orthodox Church <...> And not because I, as the head of state, and our clergy, the Synod, the venerable Metropolitan are supporters of this, but because Belarusians are like that. We have never been traitors, we have always been a reliable support for those with whom we were friends, and Orthodoxy for us is the fundamental stone laid in the foundation of our spirituality and our people.” Addressing Patriarch Kirill, the President of fraternal Belarus emphasized: “Your desire to preserve the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and our Slavic brotherhood deserves high praise. This idea fully meets the aspirations of the peoples of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine" ( http://belarus.regnum.ru/news/1581605.html ) .
It is clear that without turning to the original values of Russian civilization, to the original unity of Kievan Rus, as well as without returning to Soviet foundations, it will be extremely difficult to build a Union State of Russia and Belarus. And without such a state, the Eurasian Union is unthinkable.
The same thing, in essence, applies to Ukraine.
The union of the three Slavic states will certainly attract all other CIS countries (and not only the CIS).
We again see that it is the CPRF-VSD “Russian Lad” connection that represents the only force capable of becoming a conductor of the full integration of Great, White and Little Rus' (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine), and then the entire space of the former USSR on the basis of Russian Soviet civilization, establishing a common spiritual field and general, socialist rules of interaction in the socio-economic sphere.
Well, our cause is just, Victory will be ours!
MM. Lagutin,
expert at the center for internal political problems,
head of information and analytical
sector of the St. Petersburg branch
VSD "Russian Lad"
A.M. Bogachev,
Secretary for Information and Analytical
work of the Central Republic of Kazakhstan,
executive secretary
St. Petersburg branch
VSD "Russian Lad"
Source: https://kprfrzn.ru/news/vsd_russkij_lad_kprf_i_evrazijskaja_integracija
VSD "Russian Lad", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Eurasian integration
On December 9, 2012, at the founding Congress in Moscow, the All-Russian creative movement “Russian Lad” was created.
The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the movement. Zyuganov, and the head of the Coordination Council, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.S. Nikitin.
From the very beginning of its existence, the VSD "Russian Lad" has been the main ally of the Communist Party of Russia and, in our opinion, this alliance is of key importance, since it represents the prototype of a new stage of the national liberation movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a movement whose success is inextricably linked with the success struggle for socialism.
Traditional values and the “end of history”
According to its programmatic guidelines, the VSD “Russian Lad” is called upon to defend Russia’s traditional values (and, therefore, the value of the socialist world order) and to resist the system of liberal postmodern values being imposed on Russia. Let us recall that the basis of postmodernism and liberalism is the perception of a person (and in general of any entity) as a clot of “egoistic” energy devoid of any higher meaning, which accidentally (as a result of a chaotic “game”) appeared in the sphere of existence (also representing an illusory game of chaos). In the social sphere, this approach leads to the deification of the “free market” and “private property”, militant atheism, propaganda of various kinds of perversions (including sexual and psychosexual) as manifestations of a special “art of living”, the destruction of traditional social institutions (primarily the institution families), the spread of various types of drugs (including drug use) as stimulants of the desire to live and, as a result, to the painful degradation of entire societies and individuals. On a global scale, we are talking about the formation of a model of a “progressive” market-trading global order, which is defended by representatives of Western civilization, influenced by the capitalist-imperialist, liberal-postmodernist paradigm.
One of the ideologists of Atlantic liberal globalism, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in his famous book “The End of History”, pursues the idea of a unitary world, subordinated to the idea of liberal democracy. In this book, which appeared in the early 90s, Fukuyama unambiguously expressed the desire of the empire of the “golden billion” to completely enslave the world economically and spiritually. Fukuyama argued that the spiritual and geopolitical reality, which he called the “socialist camp,” had disappeared from the face of the earth. Moreover, he predicted the disappearance of nation-states and cultures as archaism in the context of a global liberal-democratic world order. According to Fukuyama, national governments should be replaced by a world government that controls a single planetary space and builds it according to its own patterns.
His colleague, US foreign policy analyst Thomas Barnett, developed the concept of the functioning of “world zonal cores”.
The essence of his concept is that modern technological development in general, and network technologies in particular, contribute to the so-called zonal division of all territories of the planet into three areas: the core zone, the zone of connectivity and the zone the zone of disconnectedness.
According to Barnett, network technologies freely overcome the boundaries of both states and civilizations, forming a new structural strategic space of the world.
Barnett considers the United States and the European Union to be the global core of these technologies, which serve as a distributor of liberal-postmodern democratic values, since it is there, in his opinion, that all the achievements of human civilization in a broad sense, as well as decision-making centers, are concentrated.
Barnett includes the majority of other countries in the connected zone, doomed to adapt to the new world order, that is, to the rules established by the core, and to consume ready-made technological means supplied by the core, thereby becoming even more dependent on it.
Barnett classifies as the zone of disconnection countries and political forces that are in direct opposition to the “core” and the process of globalization itself. Accordingly, according to the logic of representatives of the “golden billion”, the zone of disconnection should eventually become a zone of complete connectivity.
So, we see that the West, claiming the universality of its value system (individualism, liberalism, liberal democracy, market and private property, tolerance for perversions of traditional shrines and denial of the concept of the sacred as such), seeks to aggressively impose its civilizational values on other civilizations and cultures. , value paradigm. This is required by the mental reality of Western man who has lost all sacred feeling, who is forced to invent new perverted “games” for himself, and by the laws of consumer culture, which requires ever new expansion, and by the inexorable logic of the imperialist social order.
It is obvious that Russia, located in a special geopolitical position (in the “center of the world”, in the heartland) and being the heir to the great Russian Soviet civilization, is an object of particularly violent aggression on the part of the Atlanticists, whose task is to ensure that our people renounce their identity, broke away from his roots and lost support for his value system (morality, collectivism, acceptance of others, belief in absolute Good, etc.).
The best and worst features of Russian civilization
Refusal to rely on their civilizational foundations for bearers of Russian culture means the inevitable manifestation of the worst, most dangerous qualities of our people. The characteristic attitude of Russian (and, especially, Russian Soviet) civilization towards conciliarity and selflessness, acceptance of the Other, reverence for the Holy, on the other hand, has a tendency towards chaotic and destructive (including self-destructive) activity if it is impossible to follow this attitude: “The brighter The light, the darker the darkness.” The fact is that in Russian culture the “ego” as a mental apparatus develops relatively poorly. And the ego is a mental structure whose function is the self-government of the individual. The function of self-government can also be assumed by a transcendental connection with the Other, Others (a loved one, family, society, people), which in Russian is called conscience, and in the sphere of the flagship of Western psychology - psychoanalysis - superego. A person who is Russian in culture either lives according to his conscience (a psychoanalyst would say - obeys the demands of the superego), supported by invisible ties with the community (family, team, people), experiences a sense of the Holy, or loses his conscience, becomes alienated from the community, loses the feeling of the Holy ( a psychoanalyst would say - the adaptive superego disintegrates and is replaced by elements of archaic drives leading to chaotic impulses of pleasure, destructive external aggression, and then to malignant guilt and self-punishment). We saw an example of such a loss of conscience during the collapse of the USSR, when the number of domestic crimes and crimes based on destructive motives as such increased almost tenfold (here we are not talking about crimes of an economic nature). The nineties of the twentieth century were filled with manifestations of precisely the worst qualities of the bearers of Russian civilizational codes.
Operation Seduction
In the article “Russian Soviet civilization in the Eurasian direction” we outlined the concept of civilization in the narrow sense as a set of history, culture, traditions, religion, language, customs, territorial factors, socio-economic institutions and various forms of national-cultural and (or) ethnic self-identification . All these factors can become the basis for the formation of certain state structures that will exist in the future only if the connection with the base is maintained. In the case of Russian civilization and the Russian (Soviet) state, the loss of civilizational foundations leads to chaos and apathy, that is, to extinction, either in the mode of active aggression (the nineties) or in the form of “stable extinction” (the beginning of the twenty-first century). Moreover, the latter was achieved through Operation Seduction, according to which the representatives of Russian Soviet civilization, whose ancestors, following the precepts emanating from the depths of centuries, rejected acquisitiveness in 1917, were offered the cult of consumption and hedonism (the means for this, as is known, were and are being sought through the flow of petrodollars and the “eating away” of the Soviet legacy). This is what he writes in his article “Terror as the basis of communicative culture of the 21st century: from understanding to interpretation” (Psychology and psychopathology of terrorism. Humanitarian strategies of anti-terrorism. Collection of articles edited by Prof. M. M. Reshetnikov. - St. Petersburg: East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2004) Chairman of the All-Russian Association of Applied Psychoanalysis (VAPP) V.A. Medvedev: “The systemic crisis and the slow death of traditional civilization at the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries once again released into the world of reality the dragons of the archaic, chained in the dungeons of the collective unconscious. <…> the potential of a swarm (biological-population) type of psyche is relatively easily defeated by the consumer ideal infected into it. When something “mine” appears, the swarming will of the “primary urges” fades in the face of the emerging “I” as a set of personal desires. <…> Commodity seduction coupled with indirect control through a regulated level of consumption is all that is needed to destroy the swarm reproductive stereotype. The newest proletarians, that is, people who have nothing but children, must once again be destroyed as a class, forcibly loaded with property and social responsibility. Otherwise, these children of theirs will become the gravediggers of our entire civilization!”
Formally, Medvedev wrote about terrorism, one of the most terrible scourges of humanity. However, in fact, in our opinion, he tried to label the terrorist threat, which, as every normal person understands, must be fought mercilessly, on the very cultural codes of the domestic civilization, which, from the point of view of the philosophy of “qualified consumption”, is a fertile ground for various madness For a Western man who lives by the needs of the “ego,” the actions of the same Alexander Matrosov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya are examples of madness. It’s not for nothing that the Germans called Zoya and people like her “bandits,” and it’s not for nothing that modern liberals mock the memory of those who threw themselves at the embrasure. It’s not for nothing that the song “Russian Partisan” evokes such a furious reaction from the Gozman-Chubais. A competent man in the street from the “nuclear zone” will prefer the quiet comfort and pleasures provided by the modern service industry to feat and spiritual burning (not noticing that the potential for destruction is accumulating around him in the form of various kinds of Breiviks), and therefore he hates the civilization of selflessness and unity.
It is obvious that the “swarm type of psyche” is precisely the traditional way of perceiving reality for our people, which determines the way of life and way of life. Moreover, by “our civilization” Medvedev means precisely Western, capitalist civilization. What threatens the interests of this civilization, according to Medvedev? Refusal to live under the cult of selfishness and consumerism. As we noted above, a person who is Russian in spirit either lives in harmony with the world, community, conscience, or falls into a state of darkness, indulges in “everything bad” or slowly dies. In the case of “all serious things”, the possibility arises of a) a breakthrough of such a person to creative values and b) a threat to the calm existence of parasitic elements in Russia itself and the “golden billion” outside our country. We are not deceived by the fact that in the fragment quoted above, the psychoanalyst wrote about the remark of a terrorist from, most likely, a Muslim region of Russia. In fact, Medvedev writes about all the Soviet, Russian people whom the adherents of Western civilization are seducing, so that they either quietly die out, without giving birth to children and contradicting their inner essence, or, ultimately (when the petrodollars run out) collapse into final chaos, and Russia would have collapsed. Is this just a class struggle, since Medvedev writes about the need to destroy the “newest proletarians,” or is it just a civilizational struggle (after all, let us remember, he is talking about “our” (and in fact alien to us) civilization), and about children, like about something insignificant, almost worthy of contempt (and this is already an unconditional sign of the insane civilization of the West, in which the state policy of destroying the normal family and family values is being pursued)? Of course, we are talking about a single struggle, where it is no longer possible to isolate “only” class, or “only” civilization.
The program of seduction, about which Medvedev wrote very openly, was and is being implemented in Russia by those whom we associate with the images of the recently resigned First Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov (rumor attributes to him very peculiar postmodern “games” in various spheres of life) and Anatoly Chubais.
Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Russian Lad and the connection of times
In the context of the ongoing implementation of the “Seduction” program, which actively and relatively successfully encourages selfishness and hedonism in Russian (and) Soviet people, we can and must counteract this deadly program for us not only with the help of reason, but also through the actualization of genuine spiritual values in our fellow citizens. archetypes of Russian and Russian Soviet life, because an idea that takes hold of the masses is capable of breaking through any barriers. This is fully consistent with the principles of dialectical materialism: in the dialectical process, the ideal can (in turn) influence the material, transform it.
That is why we believe that today only the union of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the VSD “Russian Lad” is capable of becoming the mobilization force that will allow the international community of peoples of Russia to survive in the conditions of a terrible threat of extinction and return us to the socialist way of social life, return Soviet power.
It is no coincidence that Patriarch Kirill, in his pastoral message to believers on the eve of the Great Victory Day, called on Orthodox Christians to follow the example and honor Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Georgy Zhukov, and other Heroes of the Soviet era. Moreover, the famous theologian Abbot Luke (Stepanov) substantiated the words of the Patriarch, emphasizing that he who gives his life for his friends is already a Christian.
Russian Soviet, Eurasian civilization is a civilization of warriors - defenders of the Fatherland, relying on the mobilization resource of the state and the communal-collectivist, conciliar system of relations.
This resource, as well as the system of collectivist relations itself, is largely based on the ability of each individual citizen and the people as a whole in their mental reality to build a connection of times, an invisible thread connecting Vladimir Monomakh, Alexander Nevsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Prince Bagration, Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Joseph Stalin, Evgeny Rodionov...
The Great Patriotic War was called such because in the minds of the Russian and the entire Soviet people there was the Patriotic War of 1812, and the soldiers of the Soviet Army inherited the glorious exploits of their great-grandfathers who defended their homeland during the invasion of Napoleon.
And they, in turn, sacredly preserved the memory of the national militia of Minin and Pozharsky, who saved Rus' from destruction in troubled times, when the Moscow Kremlin was occupied by interventionists...
In turn, the leaders of the people's militia of 1612 relied on the experience of their ancestors, who, on the Kulikovo Field, blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, fought for their homeland against a fierce enemy.
And the very appearance of Sergius, from our point of view, became possible thanks to the original foundations of our Fatherland.
The foundations of Russian, and then Russian Soviet civilization, which became both an “incubator” of the modern Russian nation and a “home” for it and other peoples of Russia, come from the communal culture of Ancient Rus' (from where, ultimately, both the peasantry and workers came, and the various intelligentsia, and nobles), which were inherited by the great Soviet civilization. Within the framework of this (at one time “only” Russian) civilization, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, a modern Russian nation was formed, psychologically and socio-economically predisposed to socialism and having its origins in a pre-national civilizational and pre-class community united by the ancient Russian state.
The existence of the pre-class basis of the great Russian civilization and, accordingly, the Russian nation (as an exception to the rule!) with its values significant for all humanity, adopted on the basis of the initially united community of Ancient Rus', was convincingly proven by the leading figure of Marxist historical science I.Ya. Froyanov with his students. AND I. Froyanov, creatively applying Marxism-Leninism, proved that the pre-class Russian civilization of Ancient Rus' was the basis of the great Russian civilization at other (class) stages of its development and, of course, at its highest (non-class) stage - Soviet civilization.
The communal way of life, folk Orthodoxy, epics and fairy tales became the basis for the special quality of socialization and education of bearers of Russian culture from various classes, who, many centuries later, raised the Russian working class and peasantry to fight for socialism and true spirituality.
Thus, we can assert that the centralized Moscow state was created not only under the influence of economic factors, but also thanks to the spread throughout the future space of the Russian Empire and the USSR of those spiritual codes of non-covetousness that the disciples of St. Sergius preached through the monastery system, preaching in the social sphere originally characteristic national culture values.
And the first geopolitical Russian concept, “Moscow is the third Rome,” formulated by the monk Philotheus during the time of Ivan the Terrible, arose, first of all, on the basis of spiritual teachings emanating from the highest ideals cultivated in Russian Orthodox culture. Actors of re-integration in the post-Soviet space need to remember this, and we will definitely dwell on this below.
The foundations of the geopolitical concept of the Russian state, consciously or unconsciously, prompted to action both Peter I, who made a breakthrough to the shores of the Baltic Sea, and Catherine II, during whose reign the Russian army won access to the Black Sea from the Ottoman Empire.
The sense of value, civilizational unity coming from the depths of centuries became, in our opinion, the basis for the unity of the nation during the invasion of Napoleon, which became the most severe test for our Fatherland since the end of the Time of Troubles. The fact that the peasant class, which to the greatest extent retained the essence of the pre-class community of Ancient Rus', stood up in 1812 to fight the invaders in the ranks of the army, overshadowed by the glory of Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, suggests that the people are faced with a terrible challenge to their national existence chose the national liberation struggle, leaving internal strife. (Looking ahead, we note that when capitalism began to threaten national existence, the Russian people for the most part refused to support the imperial and bourgeois authorities associated with it and followed the Bolsheviks, who were, in fact, waging a national liberation war).
By inertia, Russia continued its spiritual, economic and geopolitical expansion even at the initial stage of its immersion in capitalist orders. In Russia, vast territories of Central Asia were annexed, the fraternal Slavic peoples were liberated from the Turkish yoke, and even control over the Black Sea coast, lost after the defeat in the Crimean War, was returned.
However, with all the external successes, a terrible boil was brewing inside Russian society. Along with the advent of capitalist socio-economic relations in Russian society, the very state system of the Empire began to contradict the foundations that gave birth to it.
Russian civilization as the basis of resistance to capitalism and the construction of the world's first Soviet civilization
The abolition of serfdom without transferring the land to its true owners (peasants), the emergence in Russia of a bourgeois class, which began to impose capitalist orders in Rus' that were alien to the very essence of the domestic social organism, led to massive resistance to the power of capital on the part of the bearers of the codes of Russian civilization. Under the leadership of the advanced part of the nobility (V.I. Lenin, A.N. Lunacharsky) and the intelligentsia (I.V. Stalin, A.A. Zhdanov, N.I. Bukharin), the working class, emerging from the Russian village, became the driving force the formation of a hitherto unprecedented Soviet socialist civilization, which became the pinnacle of Russian civilization and overcame its main shortcomings (the tendency of the bearers of Russian culture to chaos or apathy in the event of the loss of psychological and material structures that support collective unity).
In the article “The civilizational-geopolitical approach as a necessary condition for the survival of Russia and the construction of socialism of the 21st century” (http://kprf.ru/rus_soc/111755.html) we wrote: “the priority of moral and spiritual values and the mobilization-state principle over economic relations in the Russian civilizational project, as well as the masses’ rejection of the psychology of selfishness and acquisitiveness characteristic of the exploitative minority “played ahead”, shortened the historical-time lag of processes and led to the Great October Socialist Revolution. The well-known saying truly worked: “Russians harness for a long time, but go quickly.” The Great October Revolution stirred up seething, tectonic processes in Russia and in the world to change or significantly modernize “economic formations” and set off the genius of Vladimir Lenin and his associates.”
Let us emphasize once again: the revolution itself in the agrarian Russian Empire, given the comparative weakness of the working class, became possible thanks to the intolerance of a Russian-spirited person, the capitalist system of exploitation of man by man, and the violation of the communal principle of justice. Heroes like V.I. Chapaev, S.M. Kirov, S.K. The Ordzhonikidzes fought according to the precepts of Russian non-acquisitive people for genuine people's Truth, fighting both counter-revolutionary forces and the interventionists of the highly industrialized countries of the Entente.
And even the actions of the Trotskyists could not break the connections of times.
I.V. Stalin and his comrades returned to the Russian people their name and history, raising even higher the banner of the international community of the Soviet people, the core of which was the Russians, and restoring and incredibly increasing the geopolitical influence of our Power, created by the works of people such as Ataman Ermak and General Milyutin...
It is not without reason that in his Address to the people on May 9, 1945, Stalin stated: “The great sacrifices we made in the name of freedom and independence of our Motherland, the innumerable hardships and suffering experienced by our people during the war, the hard work in the rear and at the front, given up on the altar of the fatherland - were not in vain and were crowned with complete victory over the enemy. The centuries-old struggle of the Slavic peoples for their existence and their independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny.”
“The centuries-old struggle of the Slavic peoples for their existence and their independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny” - these are words about the centuries-old, external and internal struggle for the value foundations of our civilization, for Soviet power, and the greatest geopolitical battle.
Stalin mobilized the ideology, resources of the nation and state for the sake of implementing the Soviet civilizational project, which embodied the Russian dream, the fulfillment of which liberated all other peoples of the Soviet Union. That is why, in the shortest historical period, the Soviet people have made a dizzying breakthrough in the fields of heavy industry, science, education, culture and art.
In the unity of the Soviet people, the Russian nation and other nations of the USSR won the great war, united half the world around them and went into space, overcoming post-war devastation, enduring the most difficult trials, abandoning the militant atheism of the times of Trotsky. Soviet people carried spiritual strength within themselves and lived by the traditional spiritual values of our Fatherland, according to which “man is man’s friend, comrade and brother.” That is why the Soviet people were protected from “infection by the consumer ideal” during Stalin’s time. Each Soviet person essentially fulfilled a bright national mission.
And again we return to the thesis that in modern conditions only the Union of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the VSD “Russian Lad” can resist the strategy of seducing the people of Russia and return the connection of times to the nation. We cannot allow the final destruction of Russian Soviet civilization and the enslavement of all of us by the dying imperialist West.
The path to Victory: spiritual and economic factors
This means that we need to build a new Eurasian socialist doctrine for the development of Russia, to return to the people the feeling of a great beneficial mission and space of life. Only in this case is a moral transformation of the subjects of Russian culture possible.
Moreover, the socialist Eurasian doctrine of the development of Russia as the “heart of the world” is today the only real alternative to liberal postmodern globalism and the basis for the formation of a multipolar world, consisting of several regional poles (cultures), forming various “large spaces.”
As typical examples of civilizational “large spaces,” we can identify such superstate political entities as the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, internally connected by a common destiny according to the civilizational principle.
Here it should be noted that we do not consider the domestic civilization to be “exclusively” good, but, for example, the Western one, “exclusively” bad. Above we have already described a number of shortcomings of our civilization. Of course, we have to learn a lot, including from the West. After all, Marxism came to us from there. However, the principle of unity and struggle of opposites does not mean that opposites are necessarily absolutely equivalent. Thus, in the antithesis “altruism-acquisitiveness”, it is non-acquisitiveness that is the dominant opposite, subordinating the interests of the “ego” and using its positive capabilities. Therefore, the domestic civilization, which is much closer in its foundations to the socialist choice than, say, the civilization of the Anglo-Saxon countries, is a priority for us as a paradigm for the development of Russia. The individualistic civilization of the West is prone to infection by capitalist ideology, the cult of consumption (maybe that’s why Marx appeared in the West as a consequence of the Anglo-Saxon society’s attempt to heal) and is mortally dangerous for us. In turn, bearers of the psychology of profit and the relativity of all things experience mental pain when confronted with the psychology of a person who lives according to the laws of love, selflessness and recognizes anything as sacred except the right to private property.
This means that our interests, the interests of Russian citizens, significantly diverge from the interests of the “golden billion”. It follows that the main principle of the new Eurasian development doctrine should be the axiom according to which the policy of the Eurasian continent should be determined by the interests of the states of this continent and, above all, Russia as its backbone, “pole”.
Certain, albeit uncertain, steps in this direction are already being taken. On November 18, 2011, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed a declaration on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union. A little later, in November of the same year, the parties signed an agreement on the formation of the Eurasian Economic Commission. In our article “Russian Soviet civilization in the Eurasian direction” ( http://www.rulad.ru/novosti/russkaya-sovetskaya-tsivilizatsiya-na-evrazijskom-napravlenii.html ) we outlined its powers: “In total, the commissions are going to transfer about 175 functions: from the areas of regulation of tariff and customs policy, government procurement, transport issues, energy issues to issues of crediting and distributing import duties across the budgets of the three states, as well as labor migration, foreign exchange policy and financial markets.”
In our opinion, the main governing bodies of the Eurasian Union and the above-mentioned powers of the commission should be concentrated in Moscow.
Accordingly, the Eurasian Economic Union will have to closely interact with the CSTO, the Customs Union, the Eurasian Development Bank and other structures of this kind.
The results of integration will not be long in coming. This is evidenced by the data of a scientific study conducted by specialists from the Eurasian Development Bank and the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The research is described in the article by A. Gerashchenko “From the Union State to the Eurasian Union” (collection “And the time to collect stones. Eurasian integration today” Moscow, “Book World”, 2012). The study covers the period until 2030. According to expert calculations, provided that the agreements on the Eurasian Union and the Common Economic Space are fully operational, the annual GDP growth of Belarus will be $12 billion (reaching 35% of its own GDP), Kazakhstan $13 billion, Russia — $75 billion!
Joining the Eurasian Union should mean for its member country simplification of customs procedures and easing of tax legislation in relations with other members of the Union, its inclusion in a convenient system of government orders and preferential lending (again, within the Union). Let us repeat that such a process not only sharply strengthens Russia’s position as a Eurasian power (the ruble in this case becomes the basic regional currency with the help of which all payments between members of the Union are carried out), but is also extremely beneficial to all its participants, allowing for a qualitative change in the structure of exports within industrial cooperation. For example, with the success of Eurasian Union projects in Belarus, the share of export products from the metallurgical industry will increase from 2.3% of GDP in 2010 to 4.2% in 2030, mechanical engineering from 12.8% to 16.2%, and agriculture from 7% to 7.8%. This, in turn, stimulates the export opportunities of the industrial sectors of the economic systems of the union states, reducing the dependence of Russia and Kazakhstan on the sale of hydrocarbon resources (according to experts, cooperation within the Eurasian Union will allow the Russian Federation to increase the share of mechanical engineering in GDP from 7.1% to 9.6% by 2030 and sharply reduce the share of the mining industry; a similar effect awaits Kazakhstan)... In the meantime, the exports of even (!) fraternal Belarus are focused primarily on the EU market, where Slavic guests are greeted, to put it mildly, unkindly.
At the same time, it is obvious that purely economic benefits cannot be the only determining factor of Eurasian integration. A new spiritual integration of the peoples of the post-Soviet space is necessary. A striking example of the correctness of this thesis is Ukraine. For Independence, which is on the verge of collapse, joining the Customs Union is the only way to avoid economic catastrophe and disintegration, however, it is the spiritual infection coming from the West and covering the “Westerners”, as well as many residents of the center of Ukraine, that is preventing the active reunification of Great and Little Rus' at least in economic terms (by the way, experts believe that if Ukraine joins the SES, the total benefit for all participants in the integration process will be 1.1 trillion dollars). Therefore, Eurasian integration can only take place on the basis of active and intelligent propaganda of the values of Russian Soviet civilization, and these values should be affirmed both in Russia itself and in the CIS countries. This is where “soft power” network technologies, including, among other things, the formation of a system of various NGOs on the territory of fraternal states, should be used creatively and boldly by us!
If spiritual unity is restored, we will be able to implement the idea of recreating a network of industrial cooperation among the former Soviet republics, which will be an important step towards eliminating the adjective “former”.
A particularly important ally for Russia is Belarus - a region inhabited by moral and hardworking people, the “assembly shop” of the USSR.
Belarus now retains the capacity of the Novopolotsk and Mozyr oil refineries, MAZ, BelAZ, MTZ. In Belarus, the production of combines, trolleybuses, trams, motorcycles, bicycles, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and much more operates using modernized Soviet facilities of a full technological cycle. The Republic maintains a developed agriculture and produces weapons.
Let us note that together with a holistic, essentially Soviet economic system, about which a creative group of communists made a wonderful film “On the Roads of Belarus” ( http://kprf.ru/international/105457.html ), and which allows our neighbors to survive with almost complete the absence of mineral resources on its own territory, White Russia is also distinguished by a special state policy in the field of spiritual protection and spiritual development of its sons and daughters. At a meeting with Patriarch Kirill on October 14, 2012, President of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, in particular, stated: “In our country, relations between secular and spiritual authorities are built on the principle of a symphony, that is, a harmonious union and joint work for the benefit of the Fatherland. Belarus is successfully developing cooperation with our Orthodox Church <...> And not because I, as the head of state, and our clergy, the Synod, the venerable Metropolitan are supporters of this, but because Belarusians are like that. We have never been traitors, we have always been a reliable support for those with whom we were friends, and Orthodoxy for us is the fundamental stone laid in the foundation of our spirituality and our people.” Addressing Patriarch Kirill, the President of fraternal Belarus emphasized: “Your desire to preserve the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and our Slavic brotherhood deserves high praise. This idea fully meets the aspirations of the peoples of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine" ( http://belarus.regnum.ru/news/1581605.html ) .
It is clear that without turning to the original values of Russian civilization, to the original unity of Kievan Rus, as well as without returning to Soviet foundations, it will be extremely difficult to build a Union State of Russia and Belarus. And without such a state, the Eurasian Union is unthinkable.
The same thing, in essence, applies to Ukraine.
The union of the three Slavic states will certainly attract all other CIS countries (and not only the CIS).
We again see that it is the CPRF-VSD “Russian Lad” connection that represents the only force capable of becoming a conductor of the full integration of Great, White and Little Rus' (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine), and then the entire space of the former USSR on the basis of Russian Soviet civilization, establishing a common spiritual field and general, socialist rules of interaction in the socio-economic sphere.
Well, our cause is just, Victory will be ours!
MM. Lagutin,
expert at the center for internal political problems,
head of information and analytical
sector of the St. Petersburg branch
VSD "Russian Lad"
A.M. Bogachev,
Secretary for Information and Analytical
work of the Central Republic of Kazakhstan,
executive secretary
St. Petersburg branch
VSD "Russian Lad"
Source: https://kprfrzn.ru/news/vsd_russkij_lad_kprf_i_evrazijskaja_integracija