The Kremlin Roots of ISIS
Quote from Timothy Fitzpatrick on March 26, 2024, 19:58
Is Russia a friend or foe of ISIS? Mainstream media reporting would have many believe that Vladimir Putin and Russia are modern-day Christian crusaders against the “Islamic radicalism” of ISIS, however deeper research points to an active Russian role in the development of ISIS.
Kremlin’s influence among muslim terrosist groups also includes terror group Islamic State, also known as Daesh. After the split of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization, former officers of the Iraqi army and members of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party started creating the organisation. All of them graduated from Moscow-based educational institutions.
Turkish President Erdogan has stated: “Who is buying oil (from ISIS)? Let me say it. George Haswani, holder of a Russian passport and a Syrian national, is one of the biggest merchants in this business.” He noted that the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Haswani, who was also placed on an EU sanctions list, “for serving as middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from the ISIS group.”
Russian President and former KGB officer Vladimir Putin revealed between 5,000 to 7,000 people from Russia have taken up arms to fight alongside ISIS: “There are an estimated 5,000 to 7,000 fighters from Russia."
Despite reports of Russia and Islamists terror groups being at odds with one another, further research points to Russian security services (FSB, successor to the Soviet KGB) and military intelligence (GRU) behind the very threat while ostensibly opposing it.
"The banner of Islam may lead into [the] struggle for liberation," declared Leonid Brezhnev, general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) on February 23, 1981.
When Brezhnev said these words in his "Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXVI Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" at the Kremlin, he had just finished exalting the recent Islamic Revolution in Iran as being "essentially an anti-imperialist revolution," and as a successful example of the many national liberation movements supported by the Soviet Union in its two-fold global objectives of building world communism and defeating Western "colonialism and imperialism." Brezhnev's Soviet policy of building communism under the guise of Islam eventually culminated in the Soviet creation of the USSR Islamic Revival Parties in the late 1980s.
In 1990, the inaugural congress of the Islamic Revival Party was hosted in Astrakhan, an oblast, or administrative division, in the lower Volga region of Russia bordering Kazakhstan. Around the same time, the USSR also authorized the establishment of Islamic Revival Parties in the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (Tajik SSR, now Tajikistan) and Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic (Uzbek SSR, now Uzbekistan). Rather than Marxism-Leninism, like the CPSU, which authorized the establishment of the Islamic Revival Parties, the Islamic Revival Parties proclaim a fundamental Islamist ideology.
In the book Islam V Astrakhanskom Regione (2008), which contains many copies of official documents issued by the Islamic Revival Party Congress, one particular Islamic Revival Party activist is quoted as saying, "We are labeled extremists. But this is not true; we simply support the purity of Islam and its precepts. We will have to revive our own religion throughout the whole world."
With the Soviet authorization of the Islamic Revival Parties in the Muslim-populated areas of the USSR, the CPSU had provided the more radicalized Muslims of the USSR with a political home from which to further voice their message at home and abroad throughout the Muslim world.
One of the early founders of the USSR Islamic Revival Party was the late Chechen terrorist and Wahhabist ideologue Supyan Abdullayev, originally born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. According to the daily Moscow-based newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets, formerly the periodical organ of the Moscow City Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, "Abdullayev stood on the positions of radicalism well before the collapse of the USSR and the organization of the 'Islamic Revival Party'." The Moskovskij Komsomolets further reported: "According to some reports, back in the 1980s Abdullayev was recruited by the KGB. Since 1991, he actively participated the rebellions in Chechnya starting with the first Chechen campaign fought against federal troops. By 1996, he was appointed deputy commander of the famous "Islamic battalion." In August of the same year he participated in the attack on Grozny.
Then Aslan Maskhadov appointed Supyan Abdullayev to the position of deputy head of the Ministry of State Security Sharia (the equivalent of our FSB). [Translated from Russian.]
Aslan Maskhadov was the third president of the self-declared Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, until his death on March 8, 2005. And like Abdullayev, Maskhadov was also born in the Kazakh SSR. It was during Maskhadov's reign that Abdullayev rose to the rank of brigadier general. Abdullayev remained loyal to Maskhadov until his death.
Abdullayev then joined the Caucasian Emirate, where he again quickly rose through the ranks serving as one of their leading field commanders and chief ideologist for its leader Dokka Umarov. Originally organized as the Caucus Front or Caucasian Mujahadeen, the Caucasian Emirate is a separatist militant Salafist Jihadist terrorist organization allied with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the al-Nusra Front in Syria, and ISIS. In fact, Abu Omar al-Shishani, one of ISIS' top field commanders, admitted in an interview with the jihadist Russian-language website that he arrived to fight in Syria "on the orders of Amir Abu Uthman (Dokka Umarov) and for a certain amount of time he has supported us financially."
According to an interview with the jihadist Russian-language website, Abu Omar al-Shishani, one of the top field commanders of ISIS, admitted that he arrived in Syria to fight “on the orders of Amir Abu Uthman (Dokka Umarov) and for a certain amount of time he has supported us financially.”
In an interview with DELFI, a daily news website servicing Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine, former Chechen Prime Minister Akhmed Zakayev admitted that Umarov was in fact an asset of Russian security services, the FSB and GRU: "We announced it many times. In 2007, Umarov declared war to America, Great Britain and Israel. Before this statement, Dokka was in the radar of Russian secret services, but was released by some miracle, and announced this statement. Umarov is under full command of Russian special services. To this day he was (and will be, I’m sure) performing the tasks assigned to him by these structures".
As Umarov supported ISIS financially and has ordered his militant fighters from the Caucasian Emirates to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS, he was and remains under the “full command of Russian special services,” according to former Prime Minister Zakayev.
If this admission holds accurate, it would further corroborate that Russia is behind the very Islamic terrorism while ostensibly opposing it.
Soviet Power and Islam.
In 1984, the Communist Party-controlled Novosti press, in Moscow, published a small booklet entitled Soviet Power and Islam. This booklet detailed the history of Soviet-Muslim collaboration, starting with the infamous October Revolution of 1917. Muslims living in Central and Eastern Russia initially supported Lenin and his Bolshevik Revolution against what they perceived as the anti-Islamic government of the Tsar. The booklet cited the following statement from the Muslim Board of Russia, dated September 15, 1923:
By the holy mercy of Allah the revolution that took place in Russia has eliminated the ruthless, despotic autocracy which used to persecute the religion of Islam. On October 25, 1926, the Soviet-sponsored All-Russia Congress of the Muslim Clergy opened with the following telegram addressed to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: "On behalf of all Muslims the Congress expresses gratitude and devotion to Soviet power, the defender of the oppressed peoples of the East, and promises to support the Soviet Government’s measures to consolidate the gains of the revolution".
The Soviet Union set up special Muslim Boards, which were responsible for the “Supervision of the mosques and guidance of the spiritual life of Muslims in the USSR,” according to the booklet. These Muslim Boards included:
- the Muslim Board of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with headquarters in Tashkent.
- the Muslim Board of Siberia and the European Part of the USSR with headquarters in the town of Ufa.
- the Muslim Board of North Caucasus and Daghestan with headquarters in Makhachkala.
- the Muslim Board of Transcaucasia with headquarters in Baku.Soviet-Muslim Terror Connection.
Another publication that also provides relevant information about the Soviet penetration and exploitation of Islam for the purpose of revolution is New Lies for Old, written in 1984 by KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn.
Before his defection to the West in 1961, Golitsyn served as a member of the KGB’s ultra secretive Department D, which dealt with long-range disinformation. Department D was subordinate only to the Central Committee of the Communist Party and was “given access to the executive branches of government and to departments of the Central Committee to enable it to prepare and carry out operations that required the approval or support of the party leadership,” according to Golitsyn.
Golitsyn also confirmed Soviet collaboration in the Muslim world to be used as an instrument of war against the West:
In March 1965 the First Conference of Muslims of Asia and Africa was held in Bandoeng. Thirty-five countries were represented. The Mufti of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Babakhanov, led the Soviet delegation. The conference discussed the use of Muslim proselytizing societies as weapons against imperialism. The need to harness Islam to the service of the revolution has been openly discussed by communist strategists. Based on Soviet experience in Central Asia, the problem of achieving this is considered difficult but soluble. (Emphasis added).
He also explained the reasons behind the Soviet Union’s sponsorship of terrorism:
The objective of violence is to create chaos and anarchy, to impose additional strains on ruling democratic parties, to eliminate their ablest leaders, to force them to resort to undemocratic measures, and to demonstrate to the public their inability to maintain law and order, leaving the field open to the legal communist party to present itself as the only effective alternative force.
In addition to Golitsyn, General Alexander Sakharovsky, the head of the KGB 1st Chief Directorate (responsible for foreign intelligence) from 1956-1971, said, “In today’s world, when nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon.”
Considering Golitsyn's and Sakharovsky’s evidence, we have every reason to believe that Moscow’s endgame for Islamic terrorism was the establishment of communism. In the “Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU” to the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev told the assembly of Communist Party delegates, “The banner of Islam may lead into struggle for liberation.”
Is this still Russian policy? Shorty before he was assassinated via polonium poisoning in 2006, KGB/FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko said, “The center of global terrorism is not in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the Chechen Republic. The terrorism infection creeps away worldwide from the cabinets of the Lubyanka Square and the Kremlin.”
Lubyanka Square refers to the headquarters of the KGB and now FSB. In 2008, Russian KGB/FSB defector Lt. Colonel Konstantin Preobrazhensky published the book KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse: Americans of Russian Descent. In it, Preobrazhensky states that unlike the apolitical CIA or British MI-6, the FSB “is a department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.”
He describes the FSB as the “armed unit” of the Communist Party that remained intact following 1991 restructuring of the USSR into the modern day Russian Federation. “The FSB and the Communist Party share the same ideas,” Preobrazhensky writes, “the chekist [name given to KGB/FSB officers] even now remain Communists in their hearts.”
One well known chekist or former agent of the “armed unit” of the CPSU is current Russian President Vladimir Putin, an admirer of Yuri Andropov.
Andropov was the head of the KGB from 1967 to 1982 who personally told Lt. General Pacepa of the need to use the Islamic world, most notably, the Middle East, to stir up anti-American sentiment for the sake of Marxist-Leninist revolution.
Who benefits from destabilizing Syria now.
Putin's Syria strikes are a long-term play for destabilisation of the region and higher oil prices. I have to remind that oil prices dropped from 140$ to 40$ per barrel. Oil prices were the key reason for Putinist Russia to enter into Syrian conflict. Oil and gas sales bring in nearly 50 percent of Russia’s government revenues, they also account for 70% percent of Russia’s export proceeds. Russian nominal GDP due to the fall of oil and gas prices has shrunk more than twice since 2014. Moscow is so dependent on oil sales to keep its economy chugging along that Russia is estimated to lose $2 billion in potential sales for every dollar the price of oil drops. Putin may sound like the good guy now, but does anyone really want to triple the current price for the gasoline?
Putin is also using his forces in Syria for blocking construction of oil and natural gas pipeline corridor through the ME to Europe. The more Putin can entrench himself in the Middle East, the more he can exert control over energy markets. With Syria, Iran and Iraq in his sphere of influence, Putin can block any alternative supply of oil and gas to Europe and begin to force E.U. to rely on him again for supplies and rise up the prices for oil and natural gas considerably.
Still, ISIS activities and civil war in Syria and Iraq is also a part of the process of Israeli territorial expansion. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.
That is why Israeli intelligence working with Russia and Iran against US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO crusade directed against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), which ultimately seeks to destroy both Syria and Iraq as nation states.
Still, the the monster that the USSR/Russia created may have grown too big, and that it may eventually attack its creator. Moscow was less than 5% Muslim in 1960, today Moscow is about 20% Muslim. The rise of Muslims in the capital is even more significant than in France or U.K. There is a migration into European Russia from the former Islamic Republics of the USSR. Kremlin has his own Islamic problems and they will only get worse because of his "little war" in Syria.
Is Russia a friend or foe of ISIS? Mainstream media reporting would have many believe that Vladimir Putin and Russia are modern-day Christian crusaders against the “Islamic radicalism” of ISIS, however deeper research points to an active Russian role in the development of ISIS.
Kremlin’s influence among muslim terrosist groups also includes terror group Islamic State, also known as Daesh. After the split of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization, former officers of the Iraqi army and members of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party started creating the organisation. All of them graduated from Moscow-based educational institutions.
Turkish President Erdogan has stated: “Who is buying oil (from ISIS)? Let me say it. George Haswani, holder of a Russian passport and a Syrian national, is one of the biggest merchants in this business.” He noted that the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Haswani, who was also placed on an EU sanctions list, “for serving as middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from the ISIS group.”
Russian President and former KGB officer Vladimir Putin revealed between 5,000 to 7,000 people from Russia have taken up arms to fight alongside ISIS: “There are an estimated 5,000 to 7,000 fighters from Russia."
Despite reports of Russia and Islamists terror groups being at odds with one another, further research points to Russian security services (FSB, successor to the Soviet KGB) and military intelligence (GRU) behind the very threat while ostensibly opposing it.
"The banner of Islam may lead into [the] struggle for liberation," declared Leonid Brezhnev, general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) on February 23, 1981.
When Brezhnev said these words in his "Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the XXVI Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" at the Kremlin, he had just finished exalting the recent Islamic Revolution in Iran as being "essentially an anti-imperialist revolution," and as a successful example of the many national liberation movements supported by the Soviet Union in its two-fold global objectives of building world communism and defeating Western "colonialism and imperialism." Brezhnev's Soviet policy of building communism under the guise of Islam eventually culminated in the Soviet creation of the USSR Islamic Revival Parties in the late 1980s.
In 1990, the inaugural congress of the Islamic Revival Party was hosted in Astrakhan, an oblast, or administrative division, in the lower Volga region of Russia bordering Kazakhstan. Around the same time, the USSR also authorized the establishment of Islamic Revival Parties in the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (Tajik SSR, now Tajikistan) and Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic (Uzbek SSR, now Uzbekistan). Rather than Marxism-Leninism, like the CPSU, which authorized the establishment of the Islamic Revival Parties, the Islamic Revival Parties proclaim a fundamental Islamist ideology.
In the book Islam V Astrakhanskom Regione (2008), which contains many copies of official documents issued by the Islamic Revival Party Congress, one particular Islamic Revival Party activist is quoted as saying, "We are labeled extremists. But this is not true; we simply support the purity of Islam and its precepts. We will have to revive our own religion throughout the whole world."
With the Soviet authorization of the Islamic Revival Parties in the Muslim-populated areas of the USSR, the CPSU had provided the more radicalized Muslims of the USSR with a political home from which to further voice their message at home and abroad throughout the Muslim world.
One of the early founders of the USSR Islamic Revival Party was the late Chechen terrorist and Wahhabist ideologue Supyan Abdullayev, originally born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. According to the daily Moscow-based newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets, formerly the periodical organ of the Moscow City Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, "Abdullayev stood on the positions of radicalism well before the collapse of the USSR and the organization of the 'Islamic Revival Party'." The Moskovskij Komsomolets further reported: "According to some reports, back in the 1980s Abdullayev was recruited by the KGB. Since 1991, he actively participated the rebellions in Chechnya starting with the first Chechen campaign fought against federal troops. By 1996, he was appointed deputy commander of the famous "Islamic battalion." In August of the same year he participated in the attack on Grozny.
Then Aslan Maskhadov appointed Supyan Abdullayev to the position of deputy head of the Ministry of State Security Sharia (the equivalent of our FSB). [Translated from Russian.]
Aslan Maskhadov was the third president of the self-declared Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, until his death on March 8, 2005. And like Abdullayev, Maskhadov was also born in the Kazakh SSR. It was during Maskhadov's reign that Abdullayev rose to the rank of brigadier general. Abdullayev remained loyal to Maskhadov until his death.
Abdullayev then joined the Caucasian Emirate, where he again quickly rose through the ranks serving as one of their leading field commanders and chief ideologist for its leader Dokka Umarov. Originally organized as the Caucus Front or Caucasian Mujahadeen, the Caucasian Emirate is a separatist militant Salafist Jihadist terrorist organization allied with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the al-Nusra Front in Syria, and ISIS. In fact, Abu Omar al-Shishani, one of ISIS' top field commanders, admitted in an interview with the jihadist Russian-language website that he arrived to fight in Syria "on the orders of Amir Abu Uthman (Dokka Umarov) and for a certain amount of time he has supported us financially."
According to an interview with the jihadist Russian-language website, Abu Omar al-Shishani, one of the top field commanders of ISIS, admitted that he arrived in Syria to fight “on the orders of Amir Abu Uthman (Dokka Umarov) and for a certain amount of time he has supported us financially.”
In an interview with DELFI, a daily news website servicing Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine, former Chechen Prime Minister Akhmed Zakayev admitted that Umarov was in fact an asset of Russian security services, the FSB and GRU: "We announced it many times. In 2007, Umarov declared war to America, Great Britain and Israel. Before this statement, Dokka was in the radar of Russian secret services, but was released by some miracle, and announced this statement. Umarov is under full command of Russian special services. To this day he was (and will be, I’m sure) performing the tasks assigned to him by these structures".
As Umarov supported ISIS financially and has ordered his militant fighters from the Caucasian Emirates to Syria and Iraq to fight with ISIS, he was and remains under the “full command of Russian special services,” according to former Prime Minister Zakayev.
If this admission holds accurate, it would further corroborate that Russia is behind the very Islamic terrorism while ostensibly opposing it.
Soviet Power and Islam.
In 1984, the Communist Party-controlled Novosti press, in Moscow, published a small booklet entitled Soviet Power and Islam. This booklet detailed the history of Soviet-Muslim collaboration, starting with the infamous October Revolution of 1917. Muslims living in Central and Eastern Russia initially supported Lenin and his Bolshevik Revolution against what they perceived as the anti-Islamic government of the Tsar. The booklet cited the following statement from the Muslim Board of Russia, dated September 15, 1923:
By the holy mercy of Allah the revolution that took place in Russia has eliminated the ruthless, despotic autocracy which used to persecute the religion of Islam. On October 25, 1926, the Soviet-sponsored All-Russia Congress of the Muslim Clergy opened with the following telegram addressed to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: "On behalf of all Muslims the Congress expresses gratitude and devotion to Soviet power, the defender of the oppressed peoples of the East, and promises to support the Soviet Government’s measures to consolidate the gains of the revolution".
The Soviet Union set up special Muslim Boards, which were responsible for the “Supervision of the mosques and guidance of the spiritual life of Muslims in the USSR,” according to the booklet. These Muslim Boards included:
- the Muslim Board of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with headquarters in Tashkent.
- the Muslim Board of Siberia and the European Part of the USSR with headquarters in the town of Ufa.
- the Muslim Board of North Caucasus and Daghestan with headquarters in Makhachkala.
- the Muslim Board of Transcaucasia with headquarters in Baku.
Soviet-Muslim Terror Connection.
Another publication that also provides relevant information about the Soviet penetration and exploitation of Islam for the purpose of revolution is New Lies for Old, written in 1984 by KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn.
Before his defection to the West in 1961, Golitsyn served as a member of the KGB’s ultra secretive Department D, which dealt with long-range disinformation. Department D was subordinate only to the Central Committee of the Communist Party and was “given access to the executive branches of government and to departments of the Central Committee to enable it to prepare and carry out operations that required the approval or support of the party leadership,” according to Golitsyn.
Golitsyn also confirmed Soviet collaboration in the Muslim world to be used as an instrument of war against the West:
In March 1965 the First Conference of Muslims of Asia and Africa was held in Bandoeng. Thirty-five countries were represented. The Mufti of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Babakhanov, led the Soviet delegation. The conference discussed the use of Muslim proselytizing societies as weapons against imperialism. The need to harness Islam to the service of the revolution has been openly discussed by communist strategists. Based on Soviet experience in Central Asia, the problem of achieving this is considered difficult but soluble. (Emphasis added).
He also explained the reasons behind the Soviet Union’s sponsorship of terrorism:
The objective of violence is to create chaos and anarchy, to impose additional strains on ruling democratic parties, to eliminate their ablest leaders, to force them to resort to undemocratic measures, and to demonstrate to the public their inability to maintain law and order, leaving the field open to the legal communist party to present itself as the only effective alternative force.
In addition to Golitsyn, General Alexander Sakharovsky, the head of the KGB 1st Chief Directorate (responsible for foreign intelligence) from 1956-1971, said, “In today’s world, when nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon.”
Considering Golitsyn's and Sakharovsky’s evidence, we have every reason to believe that Moscow’s endgame for Islamic terrorism was the establishment of communism. In the “Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU” to the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev told the assembly of Communist Party delegates, “The banner of Islam may lead into struggle for liberation.”
Is this still Russian policy? Shorty before he was assassinated via polonium poisoning in 2006, KGB/FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko said, “The center of global terrorism is not in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the Chechen Republic. The terrorism infection creeps away worldwide from the cabinets of the Lubyanka Square and the Kremlin.”
Lubyanka Square refers to the headquarters of the KGB and now FSB. In 2008, Russian KGB/FSB defector Lt. Colonel Konstantin Preobrazhensky published the book KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse: Americans of Russian Descent. In it, Preobrazhensky states that unlike the apolitical CIA or British MI-6, the FSB “is a department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.”
He describes the FSB as the “armed unit” of the Communist Party that remained intact following 1991 restructuring of the USSR into the modern day Russian Federation. “The FSB and the Communist Party share the same ideas,” Preobrazhensky writes, “the chekist [name given to KGB/FSB officers] even now remain Communists in their hearts.”
One well known chekist or former agent of the “armed unit” of the CPSU is current Russian President Vladimir Putin, an admirer of Yuri Andropov.
Andropov was the head of the KGB from 1967 to 1982 who personally told Lt. General Pacepa of the need to use the Islamic world, most notably, the Middle East, to stir up anti-American sentiment for the sake of Marxist-Leninist revolution.
Who benefits from destabilizing Syria now.
Putin's Syria strikes are a long-term play for destabilisation of the region and higher oil prices. I have to remind that oil prices dropped from 140$ to 40$ per barrel. Oil prices were the key reason for Putinist Russia to enter into Syrian conflict. Oil and gas sales bring in nearly 50 percent of Russia’s government revenues, they also account for 70% percent of Russia’s export proceeds. Russian nominal GDP due to the fall of oil and gas prices has shrunk more than twice since 2014. Moscow is so dependent on oil sales to keep its economy chugging along that Russia is estimated to lose $2 billion in potential sales for every dollar the price of oil drops. Putin may sound like the good guy now, but does anyone really want to triple the current price for the gasoline?
Putin is also using his forces in Syria for blocking construction of oil and natural gas pipeline corridor through the ME to Europe. The more Putin can entrench himself in the Middle East, the more he can exert control over energy markets. With Syria, Iran and Iraq in his sphere of influence, Putin can block any alternative supply of oil and gas to Europe and begin to force E.U. to rely on him again for supplies and rise up the prices for oil and natural gas considerably.
Still, ISIS activities and civil war in Syria and Iraq is also a part of the process of Israeli territorial expansion. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.
That is why Israeli intelligence working with Russia and Iran against US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO crusade directed against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), which ultimately seeks to destroy both Syria and Iraq as nation states.
Still, the the monster that the USSR/Russia created may have grown too big, and that it may eventually attack its creator. Moscow was less than 5% Muslim in 1960, today Moscow is about 20% Muslim. The rise of Muslims in the capital is even more significant than in France or U.K. There is a migration into European Russia from the former Islamic Republics of the USSR. Kremlin has his own Islamic problems and they will only get worse because of his "little war" in Syria.
