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The Great Replacement: Canada Version

The Great Replacement:
Canada Version

Article is also available here, with working links.

The Giant Exotica of Multiculturalism [Photo By: KPA]

From a blog post of the same name:
A giant poster in Square One's Mall,
in Mississauga, Ontario - a suburb of Toronto
The irony is not noticed by the poster-hanger-uppers,
that she is standing right by the dollar store, despite her
exotic and glamorous outfit


“Canada: The Great Replacement” by Jayant Bhandari, published recently on The Council of Canadian Europeans on October 25, 2023, makes for an interesting analysis.

His article is so anti, well, his own people, I wondered why he does this, and what is his endgame. I came up with some fascinating information. And here are my insights as I delve further into the arguments that he makes.

My reaction to his online presence and his various commentaries, speeches, and articles is that he doesn't like his own people! And not only that, but he maligns them too! I found this this very strange.

Bhandari lives in Vancouver now, and the website provides the most recent of his biographies from the Introduction on Capitalism and Morality 2023 speakers list, where on September 23, 2023, he made a presentation “Canada: The Great Replacement,” in person.

The bio reads thus:

Jayant is an investment advisor, particularly in the natural resource sector. He has written on political, economic and cultural issues for the Liberty magazine, the Mises Institute (USA), Mises Institute (Canada), Mises Institute (India), Casey Research, Acting Man, International Man, Mining Journal, Zero Hedge, Lew Rockwell, Fraser Institute, Le Québécois Libre, Mauldin Economics, Northern Miner, Mining Markets etc. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine.

In an interview with Indian (in India) podcast Rudecast with host Raphael, he is asked to introduce himself, and Bhandari introduces himself thus:

[0:35 minutes to 1:50 minutes]

One good thing about me is that I don't live in India. If you live in India, you need all kinds of connections and you have to please everyone. You have to grovel and kowtow in front of the bureaucrats and brain dead politicians. If you don't do any of those things your electricity goes off, your water connection stops working. You face all kinds of problems.

So the good thing about me is that I left this country and I don't keep anything in this country. So when you say I have the guts, yes I have the guts but also more importantly I'm protected in a way that I don't live in this country, I don't do much business in this country. I do advise some companies on investing in India but I'm always in the background. The only people I deal with [in India] are the people who are my clients in North America.

And later, when Rudecast asks his opinion on the Mahabarata (one of the epic poems and spiritual guides of Hindu Indians), Bhandari responds thus (starting around 50 minutes below the explanatory paragraph about the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. As defined by the online Encyclopedia Britannica):

[start Encyclopedia Britannica quote] Mahabharata, (Sanskrit: “Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty”) one of the two Sanskrit epic poems of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). The Mahabharata is an important source of information on the development of Hinduism between 400 BCE and 200 CE and is regarded by Hindus as both a text about dharma (Hindu moral law) and a history (itihasa, literally “that’s what happened”). [end quote]

[Around 50:30 to 52.33 minutes]:

Bhandari: The fight was not about between the two sides. The fight was not about moral values. The people who sided with these two Pandev and Korev were not siding with them based on who was correct. They sided with them based on who came to them first…The top of the eldest Pandav, he gave away his wife in gambling. Now what kind of moral values are those?

And the fact that we still continue those things tells us that we are an immoral society, and you know, I’m more of a Hindu than any other religion because you can be a Christian or a Muslim, because you are surrounded by Hindu scriptures, you’re culturally a Hindu as a result of it, at least I am, or I was [Bhandari later says that he’s an atheist]..

You can go through Indian scriptures, and unfortunately I have to say, what I see in Hindu scriptures is no moral anchoring.”


Bhandari: And [the scriptures] are supposed to provide moral underpinnings to a growing child. So  I would I teach Mahabharat or Ramayana to my child? Absolutely not…because that will confuse him morally. He will get morally contradictory and confusing messages subliminally so you keep them away from Mahabharata and Ramayana. I mean in Ramayana, Rama left his wife and then if you really pay closer attention to Ramayana you realize that hey, Raven was probably just a much nicer guy among the whole crowd.

In a second podcast, also by an Indian (in India) podcaster Padav, from his The Labyrinth podcast, the interviewer introduces Bhandari “of Indian origin but he is a Canadian citizen, and he will be joining us from Tokyo, Japan,” which fits in with Bhandari’s global lifestyle: “Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities…”

I have typed the relevant transcript from The Labyrinth podcast interview, starting around 1:03:45 minutes to the end of the interaction for easier reading:

Padav:I turned 30 this year, and I have 7 years of experience, and I’m fed up of this country, frankly. I want to leave [for Canada] for 2 reasons: the first one is the detain in infrastructure - you can’t go anywhere because of broken roads, there are no footpaths here. And the second reason is because of the people - the narrow minded, the tribalistic nature of people. And for those reasons…there are plenty of people like me who just want to leave the country.

I have a couple of friends who in the past couple of years have gone to Canada. Of all the countries today, the easiest country to move to is Canada because they’re offering a lot of [not clear - prs as in public relations?] to a lot of young skilled migrants to come to Canada. So what’s your advice for young people who want to leave the country?

Bhandari: So, I think it is a very valid intention to leave the country. As I explained to you earlierI am the person who wants to stick around to fight and improve the society.

But India is unrepairable, and in fact India will continue to decay. So if you recognize that, and if you want to move away, and not everyone wants to leave the country, and I can fully understand that.

Good people still want to stay on because their friends and family are in that region. I can fully understand that.

So, but, for those people who want to leave the country, I think time is short. You know, India is decaying very rapidly. And I’m only talking to those people. India is decaying very rapidly.

Moving your money outside the country is becoming increasingly difficult…They [the Indian government] are becoming increasingly expropriatory of your wealth. I think the Third World situation is becoming very problematic…and the crisis is coming into India very soon.

When these tens of millions of people start wanting to leave their shores, the Western countries will start closing their gates very quickly.

So, this is actually a very good time because Canada is seriously encouraging educated, young to move to Canada. So…You can…Canada is easy, Australia, New Zealand are easy…So everyone who wants to move should work on his forms today not tomorrow.

Bhandari, in his interview with the Rudecast podcaster, where he discusses his views on the Indian spiritual guides (the Mahabharata and the Ramayana), shows a deep scorn, dislike and even hatred for the spiritual and moral system that his country, his civilization, has constructed and which its inhabitants still follow.

And, thus, through his interview with The Labyrinth, he can openly say “...India is unrepairable, and in fact India will continue to decay. So if you recognize that, and if you want to move away, and not everyone wants to leave the country, and I can fully understand that…So, but, for those people who want to leave the country, I think time is short.”

And he can openly say this because with Rudecast, he has established for his listeners that in the  “Hindu scriptures [there] is no moral anchoring…”

His brief interjection of “if you want to move away” in The Labyrinth podcast, with his bleak and nihilistic picture of his country, appears to give his fellow Indians some choice in the matter. But he is simply saying, “run if you can” or in his own words “time is short.”

He doesn’t explicitly tell podcasters at The Labyrinth and Rudecast, and their audiences, to leave India for Canada (or the US, or New Zealand, or Australia - he gives them a smorgasbord of where to run to!), but he doesn’t make any doubts about his position that moving away and out of India is a good thing: “So everyone who wants to move should work on his forms today not tomorrow,” he says to The Labyrinth, and to the West - more specifically, to the Canada where he himself is a “citizen.”

There is another choice, though. The atheist Bhandari does acknowledge the usefulness of a religious society, and with bated breath, he admires Christianity.

He praises the greatness of Christianity, to the professed Christian Raphael’s host Rudecast (it is not clear if Raphael is Catholic), and The Labyrinth host, Hindu Pravad, who like Bhandari appears to have some visceral dislike of his native spiritual order. And Bhandari, even though he is an atheist, encourages the observance of Christian ethics and morals.

Here with Rudecast:

[Around 16 minutes - 17.30 minutes]

Bhandari: 300, 400 years back, suddenly a lot improved for India. And those were European colonizers, and Christian missionaries. Christian missionaries right now - again I am an atheist. All I’m doing is comparing relatively what India was, and what India became…[When] I was studying in school absolutely everyone wanted to go to missionary school. Missionary set up the backbone of the Indian schooling system. Even today, the Roman Catholics provide the basic backbone of the Indian schooling system. It was a sign of status to go to a missionary school.

And the podcaster interjects:

Rudecast: The way they teach, you see. They way they…not just [the] English…And even just the attitude, the elite attitude that they give, is of a different class. It’s not even about English. It’s just a thought process, which is completely different, on which Indians refuse to adapt.

So with these fundamental differences of worldview, morality, ethics, spiritual guides, historical backgrounds, and finally, an inability even to follow the examples of Westerners who came into their own country, to India, establishing institutions, schools, and religious directions for hundreds of years, why does Bhandari encourage, even lure, Indians to go off to Western countries like Canada, if, to quote Bhandar with his interview with Rudecast: “What I see in Hindu scriptures is no moral anchoring…And the fact that we still continue those things tells us that we are an immoral society…”?

Why is he encouraging groups of people to leave their country, India? It is simply a place where his hundreds of thousands of fellow-Indians can take advantage of, opportunistically use, the material goods of Canada, from the large, clean land all the way to the ethically administered employment centres.

And what of the moral issues? And those “Hindu scriptures [with] no moral anchoring…?”

It is telling that he doesn’t even see his own dearth of moral anchoring in telling his people to abandon their land, and infiltrate another with their immoral world view, their immoral spirituality, their immoral ethics., immorally.  He is made from the same ilk as they are. He is as Indian as they are.

So is this someone we can trust, in the long haul? When matters of intricate morality come up, and we have to address them based on our Western civilizational and spiritual values, can we trust an Indian-Hindu-Atheist with no moral anchoring, with his “culturally” Hindu ethics to be our guide? And one who callously, and freely, is willing to disrupt both his countrymen’s lives, as well as the land and lives of those who live and maintain the land he is sending these Indians to?

Has he no compassion at all for Canada, the country that took him in, and gave him his perch in beautiful British Columbia? Apparently not.

This is precisely what Bhandari is doing, with his Mortality and Capitalism seminars, out in his British Columbia outpost, where he publicly presented his “Canada: The Great Replacement” idea in his last session in September 2023, and all the while sending off his immoral, unethical, West-hungry co-Indians - those Great Replacers - towards our Canadian shores. Freely taking our land, our resources, our money, our homes, our country, and our goodwill.

Despite his ample rhetoric, Bhandari has no respect for the West, and the Westerners who built the West. All he wants is to acquire the ready-made materialistic comforts that he can then infuse with his Indian ethos. He is as Indian as they come, and is, like his fellow Indians, attached to those chaotic, anchorless morals.

But, he is worse than his own people. He has sat down and analyzed everything, figured it out. But rather than stay in his homeland and help these forsaken pagans, with all his infused Catholic missionary morality, he chose to leave running, and advised openly his podcast interviewers Rudecast and  Pavad to do the same. And, while in Canada, he sets up morality seminars at I would presume a nice materialistic price, and materialist being something else he accuses his fellow Indians their iniquity (rather than spirituality), but which he gladly lets them practice to reach their Canadian goals.

Bhandari is an all round hypocrite. But hypocrites are a dime a dozen. Where his harm, and his nefariousness really shines, is how he is setting up his innocent Indian interviewers, Padav and Rudecast, to look beyond their homelands rather than to correct their homelands and make their homes more livable. And Bhandari could have encouraged these young men to keep up their battle and continue with their brave, frank, interviews and podcasts. But he makes it a possibility that they can go running to Canada. He looks like he’s all for the West, but, deeper in his psyche is his desire to replace that West with his East. That is the only conclusion to his own words: The East is the Great Replacer of the West. He’s as Indian as those he accuses of having anchorless morals.

But Canadians, Westererns, are not fools for long. Many have understood this Great Replacement strategy of the Ages. It has gone on for long enough, and I believe we’ve reached a breaking point. COVID, which was part of The Great Replacement strategy, opened up the eyes of many, who slowly (although some very soon) began to understand that this manufactured pandemic was indeed part of the scheme.

The question is: how can we collect the man-power, the energy, and the astuteness, to move ahead of the scheme, and destroy it. I believe it is possible. And, it is never too late to fight. The trick is to keep going. Things that seemed impossible can, will, suddenly come to life, and turn things around. Something gets in the way: time, age, nature, God to give us another chance. Let’s find it.


Mississauga Celebration Square

Remembrance Day, November 11, 2015

All photos by Kidist Paulos Asrat

Remembrance Day, Mississauga City Hall Bagpiper Firefighter Joel Glaude, next to the Mississauga City Hall (above), and in procession (below)


Veteran soldier is Major (Retr'd) Bob Holliday presenting at the event

These photos, with a full article, were re-posted on my blog Reclaiming Beauty: Saving Our Western Civilization on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2018. The original posting was in November 2015, a couple of days after Remembrance Day.

Here is the full, 2015 and 2018 posting at my Reclaiming Beauty: Saving Our Western Civilization blog/website.


Here below is the email I sent to Bhandari, cc’d to the Lew Rockwell editors (where the CEC article was originally published). I got no reply from him, after almost a month.

Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023

Subject: Canada: The Great Replacement

Dear Mr. Bhandari:

I read your very interesting article on Lew Rockwell: Canada and the Great Replacement.

What you have written is nothing new, and in fact has been a topic of discussion for many years now amongst cultural commentators and authors, all white and western.

How have you convinced your people, the people from India, who have done, and who feel, what you have written?

Your conclusion that they will never be at home in Canada should be directed at their ears, not at the majority white and western audience that would read your Lew Rockwell article.

And also, and yet, you continue your charmed and comfortable life here in the west, using its economic benefits to the maximum.

Why don't you practice what you preach and relocate to Indian and help your own people, and leave Canada to the Canadians who didn't immigrate here? And no, the white population are the offspring of the original Canadians, so they are by default the inheritors of this country who built it from scratch and who continue to build it. They are not immigrants.

Your article, given your current location and livelihood, is hypocritical.

Kidist Paulos Asrat

Art and Commentary by Kidist Paulos Asrat