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Socialism as a religion of hatred

April 23, 2023

Satan was the first revolutionary.

St. Seraphim of Sarov

Hatred in socialism plays the same role as the main engine of the human soul, which love plays in Christianity.

S.F. Sharapov

 In our time, in a certain circle of marginal thinkers, all signs of the resuscitation and mythologization of socialism are observed. On the whole, this trend is not dangerous, since it has no way out into real historical life yet, but it introduces an element of systematized poor quality into the modern intellectual space. The main lie is that socialism is portrayed as an alleged system of "social justice", the opposite of inhuman capitalism. Both of these theses are false, because, firstly, there is less social justice under socialism than under normal capitalism (general poverty and slavery by the state are in no way justice), and secondly, socialism is not an alternative to capitalism, but its extreme form that arises under total state ownership.

A.A. Zinoviev revealed the main secret of “real socialism”: “A real communist system is, first of all, and primarily a way to survive in extremely difficult conditions ... and not a way to achieve a certain society of general prosperity and happiness” (Zinoviev A.A. The End of Communism? // Quintessence. Philosophical Almanac-1991. M.: Politizdat, 1992. P. 93). The Soviet system was actually created not according to some plan and theory, but simply due to the fact that the natural evolution of social life was interrupted by an artificial revolution organized by the enemies of Russia. In Marxism, there is no project of building socialism at all - it was immediately about communism, the basis of which is the elimination of commodity-money relations and the transition to direct distribution, as in a concentration camp. In general, world history shows that all uprisings and revolutions were always, in fact, precisely anti-people, because: 1) they were committed by a minority against the “silent majority”, always satisfied with the order of things; 2) led to devastation and casualties among the civilian population, which had nothing to do with it at all; 3) destroyed the folk way of life and religious tradition.

When the Bolsheviks, after seizing power, out of intellectual innocence and ignorance, tried to start this cannibalistic project, it immediately led to the destruction of the economy, artificial unemployment and massive artificial famine. This became the main factor in their victory in the civil war, since they went to the Red Army primarily "out of hunger." And after the civil war, for an elementary restoration of the economy, a new capitalism was allowed in the form of the NEP, and then state capitalism was created with almost total state property. This type of economy was good for warfare, allowing a monstrous share of GDP (up to 40%) to be spent on the army, but was completely inefficient in everything else, which was the reason for its collapse in 1991.

At the same time, the Soviet system became possible only because it parasitized on the best qualities of the people, inherited by the Bolsheviks from Tsarist Russia. The "achievements of the USSR" were made by the old, tsarist Russian people in those extreme conditions in which they fell under the rule of the Bolsheviks. But socialism itself only destroyed these qualities, and they quickly disappeared from the new generations born in the USSR, who buried the socialism that created them, becoming idolaters of the West. However, it is very important to understand that this idolatry of the West was formed precisely by socialism among the new Soviet generations starting from the 1960s - after the highly moral (true to tradition) Russian people, born before the revolution, died out. Why did it happen?

Because it is socialism that forms the qualities that make a person a primitive idolater - the cult of material life, envy of the material well-being of others, and as a result - hatred of everyone who has achieved more in this area. Therefore, contrary to the official ideology, socialism did not form collectivists, but extreme individualists - to an even greater extent than Western capitalism. This is not surprising, since under the normal form of capitalism, envy of the material success of others is balanced by respect for the success of others, and socialism only strengthens this envy with its ideology of hatred of the “rich”. As a result, socialism acts primarily as an ideology of envy and hatred, giving rise to extreme forms of individualism and "rednecking" combined with social parasitism under the guise of justice.

In our time, unfortunately, the myth of some kind of social justice that supposedly took place in the USSR is still widespread. This myth is the fruit of ignorance, stupidity and shamelessness. General slavery to the state, leveling, and most importantly: spiritual savagery in the form of godlessness - are not at all signs of justice, but quite the opposite.

Thus, the most unjust society was built in the USSR, but most people did not even notice this due to their moral and spiritual degradation.

Very important for understanding the true nature of socialism is the bright article of the outstanding Russian thinker and economist S.F. Sharapova Socialism as a Religion of Hate, first published in 1907. The bottom line is that the ideology of socialism actually replaced religion, that is, it became a new quasi-religion that meets the religious needs of a person, satisfied here by an artificial surrogate.

What is the essence of this quasi-religion? On the surface of this phenomenon, her outward pathos of service to her neighbor is immediately noticeable - and in this her general connection with Christianity is manifested. However, the content of this ministry has changed radically here: instead of spiritual and moral goodness, which has the goal of saving an immortal soul, only material well-being is supposed to be “good” for the neighbor, moreover, at the expense of general equalization, that is, in fact, at the expense of robbing others. That is, such “good”, firstly, is extremely mundane and primitive, and secondly, it is achieved only at the expense of evil inflicted by one for the sake of the alleged good of others.

The crafty and hypocritical substitution of the Christian principle by the anti-Christian principle, but which falsely pretends to be justice and even "love of one's neighbor", was well described by S.L. Frank in the article “The Problem of Christian Socialism”, where he wrote: “From the point of view of the Christian faith and the Christian understanding of life, preference is given to that social system or order that is most favorable to the development and strengthening of free brotherly love communication between people. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, such a system turns out to be not "socialism", but precisely a system based on the economic freedom of the individual, on the freedom of individual disposal of property. For the socialist system, depriving the individual of the free disposal of property and forcibly exercising social justice, thereby depriving the Christian of the opportunity to exercise freely the covenant of Christian love.” Unfortunately, in our time, some authors continue to repeat the naive prejudice that socialism allegedly solves social problems, although world and especially Russian history has more than clearly shown that it does not solve them, but only exacerbates and creates new ones, not to mention monstrous crimes and genocide of the people committed by the socialists.

It is characteristic that history set up "socialist experiments" long before 1917, and they all ended in a complete fiasco, and often in the most favorable, literally greenhouse conditions. For example, in the community of E. Kabe in the USA, called "Icarian" and existing in 1849-1864. The community was based on the common ownership of property, consisted of staunch socialists, many of whom specially came from Europe for this purpose after the failure of the 1848 revolution, but at the same time they also constantly received large monetary donations. Despite this, the community very quickly found itself in debt and collapsed due to internal conflicts that arose as a result of the parasitism of its members and constant disputes about "justice". This experience was then reproduced with accuracy in all socialist societies, including Soviet, and they all collapsed for the same reason. The experience of the E. Cabet community has shown that the cause of failure is precisely the very principle of common property, which with iron inevitability leads to laziness, parasitism and endless conflicts; at the same time, neither the national factor (this is to the myth of allegedly “Russian communism”), nor external material assistance, which is simply eaten up, has any serious significance.

Thus, societies without private property are always in principle not viable and therefore cannot arise naturally, but always arise under unnatural conditions, primarily as a result of violence against society through cruel dictatorship.

S.F. Sharapov specifically emphasized the complete opposition of socialism and Christianity as spiritual phenomena: “Change,” he wrote, “any of the attributes of Christianity has a plus for a minus, and the socialists will get the corresponding concept. Take, for example, equality. Among Christians, equality before the Heavenly Father makes people who are completely different, but equally animated by love, look at each other as brothers. With socialists, equality is a demand for earthly community; hence the burning hatred of all political and economic inequality, which makes the lower in position see in the higher the sworn enemy. The feeling is completely homogeneous, but with the opposite sign. In fact, this means that socialism is a satanic sect that only pretends to be a social ideology.

The lessons of Russian thinkers remain extremely relevant for our time.               
